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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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rose by 12 percent in california. the similar missile complex, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to act in a reciprocal manner as a lot of mobility. and one is that if the us deploy is that the intermediate range of muscle system, russia also has the right to do so. the india is from minnesota, movies to visit moscow on monday, is surprised by logical assignments avoid sins being re elected adults with a lot of a pushing not to focus on the development of the 2 countries already strong relations provident job. i as in, it's a winning and all of a sudden we fledged our support to him. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada to present the new vision for our country. democrats are split and
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pass jo biden's debate performance. take us the left to circle the wagons, the other party members call the name to exit to face. now the about what, continuing our coverage of the latest right and shaping the world right now. this is our, the international. i a michael question. now i'm not going to put you in the has one, but if the united states deploys on intermediate range muscle systems, the ross that has the right to do the same thing. he said the german, a press briefing and conference at the conclusion of the seo summit, inc has expand to be a speaker. them in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty and the announcement that they were starting production of those missiles. we also believe that we have the right to start development work and in the future production as for deployment,
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if similar missile complexes, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to act in a reciprocal manner, which it was a lot of her opponent an essentially said that the us is withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty has completely destroyed the old system of international strategic stability. you said that the u. s. has broken more than one element of disagreement and it's had a completely inconsistent stance on the agreement and others, one uh, you know, one day it's supporting these agreements other days. it's not. and then it pulls out of them all together. and the russian president has said that it basically has left moscow with no choice but to respond in kind. now vladimir putting also spoke about the us presidential candidates. he said that it's promising to see that trump seems to want to sort of peaceful resolution to the ukraine conflicts, but there's one big problem. and that's the lack of trust between the west and
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russia, especially after russian troops withdrew from around key of when it looked like ukrainians were going to sign off on the stumble piece proposals, but then ended up deceiving moscow on orders from the west. this is something that vladimir putin said will not happen again, because your wife goes barely, but even lucida, went our troops with stations near keith. we received an offer and even a persistent request from our western partners to cease fire to stop hostilities. and we did that, but the ukranian side did not stop the hostilities. we simply cannot now go ahead and declare a ceasefire in the hope that the other side will take some positive steps. we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of such a ceasefire to improve its position, re, um, itself replenish its army through force mobilization and be prepared to continue the conflict that we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that are reversible and acceptable to russia, a lot of airport and spoke also about regional security and the threat of terrorism
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coming from within afghanistan. and i was even able to ask him a question regarding the taliban. whether or not it would be a useful or harmful organization in anti terrorist operations. according to the russian president, the taliban is counted among russia's allies in that regard. the labor, the telephone movement has taken on certain obligations and there are definitely issues that require constant attention both within the country and by the international community. but overall, we must proceed from the fact that the telephone movement is in control enough kind of stuff in this sense that the band is undoubtedly our allies in the fight against terrorism. because any ruling authority is interested in the stability of its government and the stability of the country, it leads and governs. i am confident that the taliban is also interested in ensuring that everything enough dentist on the stables. com and follows certain rules. we have repeatedly receive signals from the telephone movement indicating
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their readiness to work with us on the anti terrorism track. of course, the russian president also talked a lot about how great things are going in the shanghai cooperation organization. and at it's 24th summit here in austin up. he reiterated that the cooperation between all of the members states and observers, is moving forward on a multi polar basis based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. the earlier we spoke with audio triggered the yard for my indian ambassador to jordan and libya, who says that the west is so focused on defeating russia. they the nose and a peace plan. the moscow proposes have made it an issue that they wanted to bring about destructive defeat of russia. uh, that is the reason that that's why we know that this tumble agreement was not there should be under appliance, and that's what president built and say that the summit problem that'd be a seeing that whatever decisions have taken off proposals are made by wrestles involved, or they have to listen to otherwise,
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if the rest of the country is or mine folded all the rest of security concerns and whatever happens the majority, we would not be in the situation today. but that does not know how the vailable pays off. we are seeing a large number of conflicts we have seen at spots. we have seen the trust, the for the, the seeing the rising tears of the global challenges which are taking the back seat . so i think that they're different. that's kind of a scenario. so that the, the easiest thing to the good reason there is no other way except dialogue. diplomacy if you want to play 1st, i'd have to be so unless we want to expedite our old distribution complete the india is broad minister and that under a maurice to visit rocks on monday for his 1st by law to us summit abroad since being re elected last month, his meeting with lot him to put in is expected to focus on the further development of the already strong relations between both countries. as well as an assessment of
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our international issues. our teen india correspondent, run doing shop has details here. was it a significant or many dollars 1st, this is going to be the forest wizard, old marines, and will be off till he was re elected as a prime and a cell full. the said consecutive time. this is going to be the 1st of fine, absolutely visit. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush out. the law sign he was, he was involved show was in fact down when he visited bill far as the city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's which is visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of water which india to go neutral. stones, the war with india in fact continued to build each size with the last 4. despite the threats the, the pressures by the west on india, of course 3,
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it is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweet between the 2 countries as guy walk you through the normal between essentially being military. i'm boy, this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the set to the to and it is very, very important in the current context. remember this is when the, the west, it's using, it's funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth. hasn't been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing force? is the problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to the full form of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks off off for the global south. india has remember, positioned itself is in the global south. so these are on these that of course some you guys need to watch off for 8th and 9th. all the dates big and finally allows
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official, the votes by the list and buy a new date. it is going to be an extremely significant visit and we're going to be covering it from all sides of costs need. that's the 6. this is all. so was it, which is going to give a huge top barn to the west. now we've heard from, from our indian ambassador rajiv dover. and he said that the upcoming summit is crucial for the further development of relations between russia and india. the minister movie of 33 election is important and significant in the couple of these significant because they're not only does present 15, and as to who whoever was new nations. why substantiate the induced word from the district circle permissions under time? when ends reading the words, when each door goes to the countries office,
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seems to me a decrease the shorter injection by the community. so the countries the come into the, into a spring from the district of nations who bought the next few years. so you guys are the countries also, you know, we just said there was no means you had a part of the news trends use german, the other use jane fox for the for sure. but we're sure that the important countries in the world order, which is enough much in a word order. the different alignment such as india, has much you do to that pressure and india as with the significant importer for russian one despite the pressure. so that shows some brand new video games towards relationship with the show that they just stood by the show room
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motion. we did the export markets for its energy sources. what it's for this is and to get that now where at least 7 people were killed on wednesday in the southern city or comm. you'd is bringing that to a policy and in depth told to over $838000.00 since october the 7th. the of these really bombardments demolished the residential building. sheltering display, spotless damien's nasir hospital reportedly reported strikes nearby while the european hospital was evacuated. following the id is ordered to flee, the so called safe zones, either un humanitarian defects. office said the 250000 could be effected in the
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area while people across the enclave are constantly searching to find refuge. at the moment we estimated the 9 of every 10 people who can gather suite, that being internally displaced at least once. if not up to 10 times unfortunately, she's up to about, um and, and, you know, i was speaking with colleagues that we had recently recruited is due to the scale of our operations. and they were telling me that itself that they're being with their family moving now $910.00 times. now a few times since and over 2 times in the income units. then go back to ruffin now up again, 200 units in there by law. so he's the cost of the moment while the state of palestine is you and envoy air, re on mine. so says that they are doing everything possible to defend its people. a reward cuz they united nations in documenting all these crimes and asking the
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international community led by the security council and the general assembly to show the responsibilities and condemning such crimes. and going after those who are responsible for these crimes, to face accountability and to face justice because a lot of people should be defended. and they are defended by international law, especially international humanitarian, lo visit fee, the occupying power. and we operate on these bases. and we legislate that has any issues all the time in the general assembly and the security council to that and see us politics now. joe biden is not withdrawing from the presidential race, and that's what, according to the white house books, best in the car. and john kerry, who says that the bite and his public points to win the upcoming election with his campaign currently in full swing president is moving forward. he's moving forward
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is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to, and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the presence focus is how does he continue to do that? work and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. a lot of binding reaffirms as big media reports say by the 81 year old president is taking counsel from his family every day on whether i should withdraw from the campaign. as his mental or decline was on the full display in this debate performance last week, the democratic party appears divided with some demanding another nominee. and the reality contrast stop lou with 3 democratic governors who posed for the cameras and offered words of support for by didn't say that he is, quote it to win it. i'm here to tell you today,
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president joe biden is in it to win it. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest. that was candid. i think that, you know, we always believed that when you, when you loved someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him. because as we, as governor well said, the president has always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. now, a video has gone viral on line showing donald trump issued with a wanting to do a bite in saying that his days as president on down. but to bed he just quit,
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you know, he's quit interest. is that right? yeah, i got about it and that means you have come a lot. i think she's going to be better. she said i could assist you so. yeah, so according to opinion polls, they've biden drops out of the presidential race, vice president campbell, the highways is likely to replace had mass, but now many from the democratic party. why didn't that hypothetical election? she would still love behind trump, who's popularity. also the debate has risen and that's having to come with a higher is in fact most of the world solid gaps during public speeches, which often raised concerns about whether she is fit for. busy the office in the 1st place, do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do. i love van diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the
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intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on the traffic administration improves the vaccine before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? donald trump tells us, i said that we'd you take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when we think about it, there is great significance of the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community that we across now live to
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a talk show host, steve miles. but steve, as good, have you done me right now? i know you've been watching all of this job, but i can only imagine what you have seen and what you have heard. but however, 4 months before the us selections, what do you make up the campaign? so a flock did you give us a pack help of um, pack. busy of these right now. oh, i mean, yeah, you know, leading up to the debate. i mean, it's all been unprecedented. we had a, a former president who was the presumptive nominee. donald trump, of this election, you know, charged and multiple cases with multiple felonies across multiple jurisdictions. and the other possibility existed that he would, he would accept the nomination from a jail cell that's now been put on hold. that is not now a possibility that that's because of the recent supreme court ruling on, on presidential immunity, that that's gone by the boards. but that's another,
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another issue with that they, these court decisions, the supreme court decisions, the lower court decisions, a trial, a couple of trials, one simple, one criminal, guilty guilty. i mean, it's just been crazy and throw it all. it's been that didn't neck for the most part between trump and joe, but the debate last thursday a week ago to night is what did joe biden in? although, you know, the, the latest cnn pulled up was out today. he's down 49 percent to $43.00. not insurmountable by any means, but the, there's so many democrats that want to see him gone because they are congressmen, their senators, and they are afraid that not only will bide lose what he will affect the whole ticket. and wherever he's on and any state, he'll affect the democratic ticket and they'll all lose. so it's, it's unprecedented. we've never seen anything like this now left to
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a to scenario. yeah. if biden drops out of the presidential race where he's no longer the one, you know, the nominate, vice president, come on, the higher is, is likely to be of the party is now many on one side from what we hearings on surveys and so on. but what do you consider to be hard chances for the presidency, cabinet harris? and again, in that same poll just for, to give you some indication of where, you know, the pole is, harris is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6 for that, which is what binding is down $4745.00. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. joe biden's was 41. so he, she has that traditionally had a lower approval rating, then joe biden. and what you played just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks of comma hours. i mean, because that's what they say because that's who she is. she,
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she talks like she's in high school, it has a minimum word requirement to me. when giving a speech, you're writing a paper as she just goes on, you called the word salad, that's very appropriate. she has no garage, be tough and we there's absolutely no robbie task, but it has to become a lot harris. what are you going to do with our? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president, 1st female vice president period. and if 5 and steps aside, what the party is going to toss horace side also, that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it's, it has to be hera's, if it's not going to be by me, unless she says, i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she will. well right now in the part of it goes, came on things. how significant is the role of the president who has more child is the president or the political party, or maybe even based stablish me?
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well i think i, i think we're buying and i mean it's up to by nobody could force biting to drop out . that's up to him. but of course would go in and god bless him. i say this every time, and i hope i live to be his age. you know, i'm, and we've all had of the parents, grandparents, so we've seen get progressively worse. he's getting progressively worse. so, you know, when i say no one could force him out of the decision, is his. i think if his wife and his son came to him as a dad, really will find the graceful way out will make you went to a hero by bowing out. and you got to go, you could campaign for combo, but, but you get, you know, for whatever reason he would go. but there's a lot of talk about joe biden. lot of people think she's very selfish and she's in this for herself. some people have called it elder abuse, but again, the parties powerful. those who run the parties are powerful,
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of course. but when it comes to being present in the united states, unless the 25th amendment is involved where his own cabinet is on vice president, could, could make him step down if congress approves. and that's not going to happen. then he's the, it's up to him. while all right, we'll wait and see how these things play out. i still lost bug had talk, show host. thank you so much for your insight on this. thank you. my now i made public katie of planes that china has military bases in cuba, b, caribbean nations, ford manage that has accused the wall street journal and the american center for strategic and international studies of printing lines, to the se. i asked as wall street journal a lying by insisting on the existence of chinese military bases in cuba. at the same time, there during information involved the presence of more than $800.00 american bases
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around the world, including the us base in the occupied territory. at guantanamo, we have been turned into centers of espionage, torture interference and global instability. now cuban president miguel diaz canal . i took the social media to monk, the wall street journal. the claims posting a baseball field, the i'm the image, what the inscription fine is basis installed in cuba. now another top diplomatic keys, the financial newspaper of trying discard the public with stories about chinese military bases that do not exist. and no one has seen or didn't china, i similar reaction from foreign ministry spokesperson mall need to ask about the washington should stop in the ferrying in cuba as internal affairs of the us as one day will continue to monitor if necessary to take steps to account of the situation,
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we remain confident that the united states is going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region. we know that the policy is going to keep trying to enhance its presence in cuba and the united states is going to keep working to disrupt. and this is a space that we are closely monitoring and will take appropriate steps to my, to counter it when necessary. sound when the report did not side to verifiable source, it provides any evidence. it was the result with claims about chinese military basis, but did not exist and that no one has seen us needs to reflect on his behavior. stop him to fear in them too. but in terms of the says, remove cuba from the list of states, points of terrorism and lift the cage and sanctions against cuba. the other journals, latest occupations are in the 1st they've published. and this report has also provided satellite images claiming to pin points. the chinese base locations last year, the new york base financial newspaper planes, the china and cuba with negotiating sosa, defense and intelligence ties,
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including establishing a joints mandatory training facility on the island that we've heard from international relations experts have added to bruno lead my role to he questioned the wall street journal's information, but believe that cuba has the right to invite china to place military bases on its territory. if it's to choose this itself, the interest off of china has the military base inside of cuba. but each cuba invited china to have them in the business of their own territory. they have the right to do this. you're not to say those are the right to that was the prism inside of a few of us every, every single moment, all world wide getting advice. another concept to have a military base and sides of the 3rd party. if they're invited to do this. i always believe that the big states, off united states, they do have southern seeing federal agencies they, they have to, to boil the water every single time every month to have a new situation to develop and to at least have legitimacy
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to spread the theory into pricing on the compass, so they can, uh they, they can frighten cuba saying that to but does have to have their personal from china. and by the way, they can high their own 800 military base and hold. while i remember you, i remember the old and they do have 30000 me to deal with personal food. that mean me though is $30000.00, so they are blanks and over to africa. now where on closer inspection, nigerian custom services have been to separate the cache of weapons and i moved from to key, valued at almost $180000.00 us dollars. are they all pressure now? i'd be a part in league last night to the rest of one suspect. but that was just the, the latest as the incident comes just days after the country seized over 800 brand
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new shot guns and over 100000 rounds of ammunition in the nation's port town of war . net. now this inclusive footage on the exclusive one shows what was on complet from inside a 40 foot container. also shipped from its a key that were heard from the customs, folks passing in the system a very significant to fight and success. because some in the last time we had this some seizures, a mountie induced quantum induced no my was and i think around 20. so when can we have seen this of seen yourself? i'm for not in this quantity. so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use into duty and we don't know how books it to cost and we'll be able to know the origin of those books because damn was to be this was why the 1st that there is a ship that but this items and there's the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on, on,
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on intelligence. and we truck and this intelligence is source, but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created, will intelligence you full of the container and them at the point you truck an intercept, that is what really happened that quintinella was one for. and one to time you and we go to the output without intelligence, i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content is coming, but the ability to attract it from the social for me, it up to illogical conclusion in tactics particular time. it's a product of intelligence shed, and that is why i think my n, as i said, what do cause an interaction in person? he is nigeria and customs have regularly reported the deception of illegal weapons flowing into the country from various parts of the world. and one of such places may very well be crane europe, hold on, interpol,
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have one on multiple occasions that weapon supplied to key ever could end up in the block market. and the spanish media has reported that local gangs are using ukranian weapons to find the police. earlier russia said the tracking a trafficking of weapons out of ukraine had amounted to the equivalent of a $1000000000.00 a months. now we've heard from the other bull ebony that we had ducky, the executive secretary, how the corruption network in my jury. he also expressed concerns that the western on supplies the ukraine, the float, nigeria, through the black markets airport. the new arrows into special needs made it goes to as the various our concepts, our already as a beautiful in the sense that we seen trouble as a nation do is i just knew that have been digging that julia.


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