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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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us, why is she talking like that? that's the vice president. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it. the is a fascinating story. i mean, it says so much about human nature, i guess, right. come on, harris, the vice president of states is here is that she's being snapped. she barely mentioned as a replacement for mr. biden. and apparently the she, she feels that the people should be talking about her instead of me like, why are they talking about michelle obama? why they're talking about gavin newsom. are they talking about gretchen whitmore right. but, but she has a couple of real problems. does the vice president for one and actually ality her poll numbers and miserable? i mean, there is bad in some cases, worse than the president's poll numbers, but apparently, as harris has not been taking that rejection in the polls very well. she certainly
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isn't looking at this and saying, oh, i can figure it out. instead, she seems to be sending out her listen to this, she's sending out her surrogates to defend her. but you may find the way that they're defending her to be particularly troubling. let's take a listen to what one of her surrogates told the political here it is. i'm going to read it for you. you're ready. this is the quote. this isn't political. she says, this surrogate, this is so offensive to so many of us. they still don't get that. the message that they're sending to people to the democratic party is we prefer a white person. wow. suddenly it's all about racism. and i guess to prove to prove that she feels that she is very black and that she is a woman and she can prove that the vice president's office has put out this video out. right. and i, frankly, i think it's a little embarrassing. it's an ad where she literally speaks is in an urban accent
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and urban dialect complete with black with really bad grammar. here it is. here's the vice press, united states and a new at the girl. i'm out here in the streets and let me tell you your rights rashi. there is so much at stake in this moment. the majority of us believe in freedom and equality, but these extremist, as they say, and i like us, they not, they not like us, they not. does that sound that's then take to you and, and by the way, what streets issue out on this, this whole idea that to relate to african americans, you have to somehow speak like that as a, as a lot. say no american, i gotta tell you, i don't like it when people come up to me and start calling me jose and start acting like, you know, hey, rico, suave, what's going? i do. i mean, i don't like that. i don't think most people, whether you're asian african american or a hillbilly from the south. you don't mean to do that to try and get people to like
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to. um, and by the way, i think she's being rejected manila because she's not authentic. i mean, that's the bottom line. i mean, the polls are saying that people don't like or what do you think to yeah, i am still trying to process all of that, rick. i mean, i have 0 idea what the v is saying, or what she's trying to convey. i mean, i took a ton of philosophy courses and college rick. but i mean all, all of this, every time she gets on stage, it's either word salad or, or no jungle or that i got that i got that. i think i think i have a do we have a victor? do we have is put the salad. yeah. put the video hope are doing the word sell it thing here it is. here it is. it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time. and certainly this one to see the moment in time in which we exist in our
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present, to see the moment in time in which we exist in our present. i'm sorry if this sounds wrong to say this, but what in the hell is she talking about? what is that, what is she saying? i don't know. i it, it really is just word salad. it's mumbo jumbo. i mean it's stuff like that that gives constituents pause, right when, when they realize that that woman is one heartbeat away from being hurt us. now we've talked about this on this show before. we've established that on the surface, she has all the trappings of what should be a great poll rear. but her tenure as v p is without any notable achievements completely on remarkable. i mean, she's like the female dan quayle. and as we know with all down, right, he never had much of a, a political career following his time as beep. and that was the apex of,
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of his life in politics it. this will be for comma harris and you know what, rick? she can't say that any one is holding her back because of her sex or her race or whatever because she no go in the way of dan quayle, into political obsolescence. quail was a, this white christian mail just it was cookie cutter to the establishment designs of what an american politician looks like. and where did he go know where nobody shop? because because he was because he was and because he was never comfortable in his stem and neither is she and in life. if there's one thing i've learned in this business and i think you have to, is you just have to be yourself, stop trying to act like somebody else are trying to sound like somebody else. just be who you are and communicate with people and they'll be okay with you have might hate you. yeah. might like you, but at least they're going to say ok that sanchez for that manila they're ok if you
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try and do this whole mumbo jumbo thing that you describe the jewelry, major poetry because you're talking about all right. it lists. there's another story regarding mr. buying that we've got to get to it's being delivered by none other than one of the most famous and respected journalist and us history. carl bernstein of watergate, fame. obviously, as you know, he is journalism or his reporting took down. president nixon says he has exclusive information that people close to by and recognize this condition between a year and a 6 months ago. and they tried to talk about it and they called the white house folks and said, you got a problem, but they ignore them. they shut them down and they also recognized they said at the time, according to birds, these reporting that it was, it was getting worse here. there had been numerous instances where the president has lost his train, of thought, can pick it up again. and there was a fundraiser, which he started at the podium and he became very stiff according the people there as if it were almost a kind of rigor mortis. this was the, literally,
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in june or 20. this was june of a just was a year ago, almost exactly at the old for seasons restaurant on park avenue. and he became very stiff and the chair had to be brought for him to do the the latter part of the event. obviously look, we all knew about this right middle, and you knew about this. i reported that you reported that we've talked about this . a lot of people who are paying attention were reporting this. it just, it's fascinating that they have to bring up a guy who took down nixon to suddenly sit with as a cooper and explain to him what we all saw a year ago. so that anderson could say, oh, so this was happening a year ago. huh. just seems like a really moving to well look, right. i mean when we're pulling out carl bernstein and, and, and bob woodward as it were, that iconic. do. oh, as you said, that brought down the nixon presidency. but let's not forget that his colleague on that story, bob woodward, had direct connections to the c i a and the majority of the man who broke into the
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watergate building were c, i a operative. so why am i bringing this up? because of those ties? rick, i mean, i would say this lends credibility to carl bernstein's remarks about biting very seriously considering stepping aside ahead of the, the august 19 democratic convention. it tells me that the intelligence community has lost faith in biden's ability to carry forth unofficial washington goals. and that they want a new body in that position to abide in will no longer cut it, but they have seriously been monitoring biden's mental capacity for some time now. and the jig is up and i can guarantee you those back room talks with potential replacements. are taking place right now as we speak. and the only people still pushing old joe to continue is probably jill and hunter. yeah. it'd be tougher on herself. uh, all right, uh, by the way, we got a former c i agent coming up on the back of larry johnson. com and ask him about
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that. so good thing phillips, democratic congressman from minnesota recently voted to punish the international criminal court for calling out israel for war crimes. and for genocide, he's also the same guy who praise the eyes, the same same organization. when they criticize russia, he said the icpc was within their jurisdiction to criticize mr. brewton, but they're out of their jurisdiction when they criticize mister vin. yeah. what all right here is getting called out on it. but i think the way the icpc went about it was absolutely incorrectly do, i believe because they didn't follow their own standards and they weren't beyond their per you of course is rolling us not party to the i know is russian. i think that's no problem. bye. do you see, i see, see, is your notes on the rush or is it and we all supported the icy service once it gets put in by and was happy with that. so it was good, like i just said this beyond their purview and said, why is it wise to not be on that? have you been that yahoo is for, for i think the whole math, i think the whole methodology, frankly, of the icpc right now. the question is no, no, i mean i cc, when they went off the fruits and i, li, often the i,
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i understand i understand caught red handed but them like it. by the way, us politicians love the sanction. we know that. but in this case, this guy and the others, they not only section the head of the i, c, c middle, you know, a woman who has a respect, a diplomat and international expert law. they're also going after children, us congress been writing law to go after the children of the head of the i c. c. cause they went after israel watch. it didn't just go off the i c c. officials but also quote the immediate family members, the vice cc officials, that is mobilized. our behavior is not to go off the founder and that's and by the way, 90 put 95 percent of what we built on. and congress has elements that we find distasteful . sort of course that's our job and the we have a choice. we have it. i've seen by that boat of the and by putting sanctions on i c . c, cheese, prosecuted cream comes to adult suns. what do they do? room ready? what, what i stand by is a, but 1st of all, we have votes and congress is that we know that we know will not end up going
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anywhere. we have both that we know will probably be signed in the lot. they have very different consequence. you voted for this one because you don't think you'll be signed into law. well, 1st of all, i but i voted for this as a message because i do think it's important i met and all i message to i. c. c chief prosecutor cream, comes to sons. what did they do wrong? now? you know, that's not what my intent was. that wasn't my intent, but i did it anyway. this is crazy. when i say felina movie, i mean felina felina movie manila. i mean, we're down to a minute because i want to get the larry, but when you watch that what, what, what do you, if i can, the 1st i got to say right, i am really liking this new medi hassan every time you know. but look, congressman dean phillips of minnesota as district 3. i believe he had launched this long shot presidential primary bid against biden, but he didn't get his name on any other state primary ballot other than his so he's like the gelata king of minnesota. by the way, i think he's really trying to make a name for himself within establishment politics, mostly making nice with a pack. but i, i think he's just really falling in line with every other democrat that we're
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seeing these days in the hypocrisy of that i see. see, you can't touch is really good. i see the to go after evil put and he's just par for the course and, and just like you said on the issue of issuing sanctions, i mean we've seen this exercised in sanctions that the us, those out all around the world against political foes, tape for example, saddam hussein, while the us had initiated sanctions against him directly, we later added his adult children to the sanctions list as well. so i would say, rick, this is just business as usual right here in washington. by the way, i don't know how you can get rich selling gelata with minnesota when you basically i'm the little july is when we do a lot of photos. sorry. i have no reason, no idea why it went through. but i thought that was funny when you said that good stuff. hey, listen, i have a great 4th of july. see you later. thank you. you do when we come back, is a lot of myriads the landscape finally succumbing to reality?
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does he realize now that soon he will have no military view will have those soldiers and men? what's he going to do? what's the was going to do? my guest is a former c i. a analyst has written about this particular topic. he is the man and the bride, our insured larry, see jobs, and joins be next. after the break. please don't go away. the. the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the, in the 6595 must be the one else calls question about this even though
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we will then in the european union, the kremlin move. yep. mission. the state on the russians coding and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request, which is the the see the silver? so the, somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments. destroyed low paying the boy a bit of boss and low cream. and
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then the old one uses them blow game and the nominal facility, or some of those other slash we, i'm about to the easiest little so what are the easiest number, mobile bubble sort of, well, nice to show kind of the piece that have gone on. now, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes, we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of them . the of the. all right, welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. let's continue this incredibly fun and smart
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conversation. to do that, i'm joined by a smart guy, larry johnson. i recently argued that nato is finally starting to understand. the severity of the situation in russia is russian in the ukraine. i should say, as russia inflicts heavy casualties on the ukrainian forces, larry also has mentioned by the way that the, by the ministration promises of support, including providing patriot missile launchers from israel are simply insufficient. as he says that the us is reaching a limited production capacity and we're going to get to that, i promise. but larry, 1st let me ask you since, but now i brought this up. and she, she got me to thinking of this thing that bernstein was describing. with the president united states 6 months ago having like rigor mortis in the middle of a, of, of one of his speeches and stuff. what is the c i as role? well the see, i wrote role and this is on the sidelines. i mean they're,
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they're just watching. i think like the rest of us with hor, what's the unfolding of what they ought to be doing? uh, cuz i did it yesterday. is asking for leaders. exactly. where do we stay at? what do you, what do you think about seeing joe biden? this situation. i had a conversation with a senior, a chinese academic one who's a well now. and, you know, and the conversation is very formal. he's very self facing, he's not flamboyant. does, you know, speaks in a very measured tone, until i asked him, i said, what did you think about the debate and the 1st words out of his mouth and i'm quoting, he goes, i laugh my ass off. now he was a and then he went on to talk about how alarmed the chinese are it in and, and he's in contact with senior chinese leadership by what they're saying in the united states does, is like how the, the question is, how can you let this happen,
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that's how do you all know that, but that's what i figured you're a c i a guy, right? you, your job is to defend the united states from a position of intel and all other things. and you, you, you happen to be at a fundraiser for the president because you were asked to go there, assign to go there, whatever. and you watch this man 6 months ago, according to bern, seems reporting literally having, as bernstein said, the word rigor mortis, where he like, yes, rose up and couldn't move. you've gotta be thinking, i got to write this up. i got to set it to somebody and we got to maybe do something about it now. is that what they do? well, look to this. yeah. is official, jobs ought to be convincing other people in other countries to commit treason to give us information that we're not supposed to have or to do independent analysis. so the president has an objective loc or the 3rd function that has been really the dominant part of the c i a over the last 60 years is running is over throwing governments. perhaps we need to turn the loose loose, the c i a on joe biden,
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and his team because biting of his team are put in the united states at great risk . and it's just, it's not just by the, it's not just the political operative surrounded him. it's the media, is the democratic stablished much it's social media giants. everybody has enabled this guy over the last 3 and a half years. you know, this was ever then more than 4 years ago that he was mentally. yeah, on the downhill slide. and then everybody just went along with it. it was, it was the modern day version of hans christian andersen. the emperor with no clothes. so everything he's done, for example, will use ukraine is example, and it's not the only example where it almost seems like people around him are running rough shots. uh, yeah i, by the way, to be fair. i saw the boat and then pump pail did the same thing with trump in many ways. yeah. we're in policy very uh and, but these guys in you it while what they did in venezuela, for example, and
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a few other places what truck was bad with these guys are doing with this 200000000000 dollars spending and a war. and ukraine seems to me even worse because of the money, the lives, the blood, the actuality of the, of the war. there are people in that white house who are telling this guy what to do and the sticker and the more ill and the older he gets, the more they can do that. right. a? well, yeah, one of the jobs of a functioning president is not to be the expert on every subject, but to know how to ask the right question. i need to challenge both department of defense c, i a state department under working assumptions as an example. what a wise president would have asked when they came up with a recommendation, have a fresh, invades. we're going to take it out of swift and we're going to impose these door coney and economic sanctions. and the question the president should've asked is, okay, can you give me one example where economic sanctions have worked me to change the
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political policies of government and history? can you give me one example and they would have gone well now? so then the next question is, the, why the hell are you recommending that we do something this never worked against a country that's number one of the world in terms of economic resources. and up to this point, our policy has been to keep rush in china apart, where you're talking about is going to drive russian china to go, which it actually did. how does that benefit us as the united states? and at that point, you get the tap, dancing display is, you know, c, i a and, and do you look like they're performing for a broadway show? is that what you're right? is that what you guys do in the ca, i mean part of your job is just to go along with military contractors in some cases, to convince certain politicians to do things that might not necessarily actually be good for the country. a well, the, some of the elliptical side, what you're supposed to do is to present as honest an objective
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presentation of, of activities as possible. but you invariably, you run up against the, pull the politics, you know, if it's, uh, you know, i had the advantage when i was at the c i a, i was working on the war and central america, which is one of the top 3 foreign policy items. for then george was ronald reagan and then later george w bush. so i had the, you know, ready access if you will, writing for the presidential daily brief. but it was a 2 edged sword. i also face pushed back pressure to try to present a story line that didn't necessarily actually reflect the flax. why? it's not the only experience with that. we saw that in the vietnam war with george allen. and we've seen that was a rock and what happened was saddam hussein and both of 1991 and then 2003. and we're seeing that again with ukraine except what's going on now. the c, i a is not telling the president the truth. there is great pressure to shape and
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tell a story, a narrative. that's a, that's a lie. why? why would you lie to the present, united states? what would would be? i keep that people keep thinking me the telling me and even people i talk to, you know, over drivers. yeah. this whole ukraine think it's all about money. obviously people seem to get it. is it so yeah, they're going to make more money by selling this, or are they in bed with the contractors? what's going on there, larry? well, the, the, the, as well as the managers they'll make more money to get promoted. i yeah, i learned early on, i went into a meeting where we were new and less than our division chief asked to say, what's the problem? i understand we have some real issues. and i was look, i was 31 at the time. yeah. i was old enough, i should have known better. okay. cuz cuz i said, well, i know, and i basically told him, the problem was that the bosses were not really expecting the analyst over treating the analyst like a bunch a use clean axis. and instead of him going to larry, thanks for telling me that he got mad. he turned the color of my shirt. he threw
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all the other round lasalle of the room and proceeded to break me. and attack me for how dare you know, the guy had asked for feedback. i'm telling you right now that if any analyst dare to write a piece telling the white house that the war in ukraine is lost, there's nothing you can do to salvage this. and you better figure out an x is search strategy, that analyst would be demoted. why would not get promoted? would be probably put the exile to, you know, as our version of the siberia, really so contrast absolutely. contrast down points of view conflict. the points of view are simply not tolerated, that's what you're saying. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. but particular, this has been, this has been a gradual erosion of the sea ice capability. you know, back back in the 1970 the, but i gotta ask cuz i'm curious, is that true with venezuela with a wrong with china,
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with the most most of the so called bad countries out there. we just, if you, did you say anything true or good, like you say anything about him that doesn't fit the narrative you're out of your it's true, it's true. for example, like with home us. i can, rick, i could take you to the as riley, foreign ministry side. it's all the government side. yeah, this is not larry johnson information. this is not from some suspect. 3rd world country, this is from the is riley government itself. they've detailed every actor palestinian terrorism since the year 2000 through the i took the data off on april 26th on the $24.00. when you look at that data you've realized at home us doesn't even qualify as one of the major terrorist groups in the world. those they talk about a total of $1500.00 attacks. i'm excuse me, $681.00 attacks over that timeframe at a total of $1500.00 casualties. you know,
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that, i mean, doesn't even begin to approach. and yet, if it from the c i, if you write the objectives a lot, the reality as a mazda is not a terrorist organization. the moss is a religiously driven political independence movement that is using violence. but uh these guys have very specific political objectives. no difference, in fact, from what thomas jefferson and john adams and all the and thomas paine and all those other revolutionaries had been trying to kick the british out. could we just doing it with a law? make religious dimension to it. yeah. but we have to make up, it has to be the worst terrace in the world and the most sophisticated organization in the history of man, because of you don't say bad. yeah. that's, that's, that's amazing. and that's how i open data. yeah, data just doesn't support and i'm say objective fact, right? when you can, when you cannot present the objective facts and have an objective discussion about what's going on, that's where you get to entirely erupted. we're the, the, the,
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the operations side of the c i a takes control and makes everything conformed to, to that your experience is so important to be able to share this with us. and we are so appreciative larry of your time. thanks so much, sir, for taking time to take us through this. it's important stuff. thank you, rick. always a pleasure to be with you again. man, thanks. pleasure is online? mazda is online text, text to you, and text you at home for watching. that's our show. remember, always look outside your own box, just don't live in boxes as we'd like to say. i'm rick sanchez and we'll be looking for you. next time of the deluxe. we left the city of what happened on
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october. the 2nd was a deal breaker for. it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here and that will take care, right. and there is, there is, there, there, and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship terrible tragedy and terrible revenge. i know who they mean come off the the on off know especially the place you have in the
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could this of being prevented withdrawal form. but it seems to be the twenty's that needs to be what he wants to do, peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the
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outside of a 2023. a surprise attacked little wished against israel by showing the world the no one had expected the palestinian radicals to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the attack militants, openly unlocking a thing for us. the frame for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these rates. this is the i don't know how this.


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