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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the the headlines right now if you are not used to national us polled open in iran for the 2nd round or voting of the presidential election, a 2 candidates face solve for at least the nation. basically moving truck headed to 10 downing street, the u. k is set to welcome a new leadership, labor polls the tories and not the elections of the research to and i cried the can see the crushing defeat in the vote, but he actually declared himself most of cuba accusers the western political and media establishment at pushing a full narrative of china having up based on the caribbean island, also taking a moment to pull out america's $800.00 military faces worldwide. and moscow getting the red carpet ready at the, in the department is going to run for a body of set for
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a state visit to russia. on monday. it's 1st trip abroad and being re elected to join us over at archie for a special company. the, well, we've made it all the way to friday, but you'll and use isn't slowing down one bit straight into it. go right now who are now to you tonight and heading to iran for our top story. that's where the poles have now opened across the country. as a reformist, the candidate must suited possess key on faces. off with hod linus saw huge lily in the country's presidential run. of today's vote comes off the night. i met the 50 percent plus vote approach threshold that i should say in the 1st round of the elections that were held last friday time. now to learn more that's across live, to attend on the odds. ease of use of july. the study by for developments on this, my goodness, gracious me, people are heading to the polls. it's a big one today. use that and you bring us up to speed. what's going on now in the
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iranian cast, the one of course will read the polls opened around half an hour ago at 8 am local time, and the capitals have gone in across the country and people are starting to trickling to cast their votes and choose a successor to the president where you see who died in a helicopter crash back in may. the place i'm reporting from is called a shot. it's one of the hot spots, a voting and the capital one, as opposed senior officials will also come to this specific folding station to cast their votes for. so based upon the iranian constitution, avoiding ours will continue for 10 hours. so it's a 10 hour process, starting from 8 am all the way until 6 pm local time. but there's a possibility of extension with the deadline set at midnight. so it's been a closely contested ways between us that you, jenny, be hard line, conservative politician. and most of the business,
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the on air reform is this who are engaged in a for one off both after need or candidate secured the required for funds to majority the absolute majority in the 1st round on june 28th. so based on the iranians election, laws are the winner must achieve this. absolute majority, meaning 50 percent of the total votes cast slots. one votes to win, the election has to be declared everyone's president. so in the 1st round, the work initially 6 candidates to drop out of the race at the 11th hour to further wage behind the leading conservative for principal as candidates out of the remaining 4 muscle reformers lead that waste. finally, on june 2028th with a $10000000.00 volts, but that still significantly forced that $10000000.00 volts are still falling short of that 50 percent threshold as it's only 42 percent of the total
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votes cast. so agility 12 closely behind with roughly 9000000 bucks. so now we have in jeopardy and position beyond who are facing off in a neck and neck. raise that well, of course, determine it wants future trajectory. the 2 are representing 2 ends all veto vanya, and pull the called spectrum warm from the reform discount. the other from the conservative anti western principle as com. 5, the to have contracts based on faith, contrasting visions and views and policies ranging from domestic to foreign policy is a forest ged that would lead the nation towards the path that will lead the islamic republic towards closer ties with the eastern hemisphere. closer ties with russia, china, and blogs such as coalition, such as our break sunday, shanghai cooperation organizations. on the flip side, we have up as it should be on who favors using pensions on or open this to the west
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that's. he believes that this will be the ultimate solution to evans persisting economic well. so jenny made it clear off throughout his campaign trail that he has no intention whatsoever to turn to towards the west house. he believes that this is a big mistake. that will weaken it, raw's global position, and he for sites the nuclear deal with the west as a reason why he is hesitant to establish closer ties with the west as he believes that uh, the nuclear deals now left in limbo. uh, shows that the west is on trustworthy. that is why he says that such a diplomacy, such a policy to turn towards the west, is doomed to failure. and he calls that the diplomacy of appeasement for reconciliation. reconciliation with the west that he said that he by no means is going to forge closer ties with the west as well. he says that the west has proved to be on trustworthy. on the flip side,
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we have the opposite account says that we need to and the sanctions not to neutralize and such as we need to end the functions by sitting and talking and negotiating with the western world, including the united states. as he believes that of only neutralizing the sanctions is not enough while he says that what needs to be extensions and reconciled with the west. and that is, he believes, but is the ultimate way out of the economic lows that have driven the country. since the united states withdrew from the nuclear deal back in 2018 and reinstated sanctions on iran. and for some business count, if he's elected president, he's going to face challenges including the potential re entry of donald trump and to the white house of dallas. found the very same person who withdrew his country from this from going to see or deal with iran back in 2018. i've reinstated the sanctions of the country. so trump is going to lead the united states. that's going to be a tough task for position beyond. if bob trump is going to sit on the other side of
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the negotiating table to restore the 2015 nuclear deal with ever on because it's gone, it's not going to have an easy path ahead. yet if this is possible, because this account is also going to face pressure at home for dominant lead, conservative parliament by parliament, syrians and lawmakers who resist closer ties with the west. parliamentary as we share the believes adopted by a judge who is also a rival at this race. so this is going to be decided today and this very crucial votes of faced out by g d is this beyond. uh so this is going to be very cool. so run our boat, as i mentioned that nobody was able to achieve the 50 percent majority or 50 percent threshold and the 1st round. and now the 2nd round is underway. the 2nd round is very close. so today i this voted the faith and the outcome of this vote
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will decide which project 3 and the future. one will be headed into either the eastern oriented approach adopted by categories or the western oriented jobs. policies all stop is a skill on today. this answer to this question is going to be decided by audio vanya and right at 830. i am locally and live in several analyses, the use of july, the appreciate the update on this election. now as iran does, that, like the new president will be bringing you all the latest updates throughout the day, right here on air and online the so the labor party coming into power in the u. k. is the country is now just moments away from having a brand new prime minister, the leader of the conservatives, and soon to be former prime minister, really so not has accepted his defeat. the labor policy has one of these general
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elections. and i have quotes. okay, so on that to congratulate him on his victory to the many goods, hardworking conservative candidates who last denied. despite that tireless efforts the local reco it's of delivery. and that dedication to that communities. i am sorry we did at the company board. you pay for it, you voted for it's a now it has arrived change, but it is now the more than 326 feet secured. the labor pa, he's uh, a victory hit monster, basically historic milestone. although the votes are still being counted as the 1st time in over a decade, the conservatives are not in power. and now the whigs are set to a point that prime minister labor lead keeps donald who is set to become the 1st
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labor prime minister in 14 years. because it's government will always put country 1st policy. the 2nd labor is on quote, for a $170.00 seats. majority in the house of commons are the biggest. and so tony blast famous when back in 199279 to for raj. it's been elected as an m p. for the 1st time, i say it's reform a u. k policy 14 seats, and who the reform liter, i should say, took his seat by winning more than 8000. but the, or i so, i mean, provocative claims that china has military bases in cuba academy and nations. foreign minister has accused of wall street journal and american center for strategic and international studies of printing lights. a v i. c. i asked as wall street journal a lying by insisting on the existence of chinese military bases in cuba. at the
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same time, there during information involved the presence of more than $800.00 american bases around the world, including the us base in the occupied territory at guantanamo, which had been turned into centers of asp. be on our stores, your interference and global instability. we are keeping the president magwell a d as canal the social media to mock the wall street journal's claims posting, well, a baseball field image with the inscription chinese spaces installed in cuba. one of the top diplomatic choose the financial newspaper tried to scare the public with stories about chinese military bases. the do not exist and no one has actually seen well in china or a similar reaction from the for a ministry spokes person. basically adding that washington should stop interfering in cuba as internal affairs. the us as warranty, will continue to monitor and if necessary, take steps to count to the situation. if we remain confident in the united states
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is going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region. we know that the policy is gonna keep trying to enhance its presence in cuba. and the united states is going to keep working to disrupt, and this is a space that we are closely monitoring and will take appropriate steps to my to counter it when necessary. so when the report did not side to verifiable source, it provides any evidence. it was the results with claims about chinese military's basis that did not exist and that no one has seen us needs to reflect on its behavior, stop interfering in cuba, in terms of the fast remove cuba from the list of the types of points of terrorism . and listen is located and sanctions against cuba. withdrawing the latest accusations and not the 1st day published by this report is also provided satellite images kindly to pinpoint the chinese based locations. last year, the new york financial news paper laid claims at china or in cuba negotiating close to defense and intelligence ties, including establishing a joint of military training facility on the island. we heard from an international
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relations expert and added to bruno lima rook up. the lien, now he claimed that the w extra information when he believes that cuba has the right to invite china to place military bases on his territory. if indeed it chooses. and if indeed they actually exist, or it's all the interest off of china has the military base inside of cuba. but each cuba invite to china to have the business of their own territory. they have the right to do it. it's not to say the right to that was done on the prism inside of a few of us every, every single moment. all world wide getting vice. another concept to have a military base and sides of the 3rd party if they're invited to do this. i always believe that the big states, off united states, they do have southern teams, federal agencies, they, they have to, to boil the water every single time every month to have a new situations to develop and to at least have allergy to must cease
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to spread the pharaoh and to price in other countries. so they can uh they, they can price in tuba saying that to buzz does have to have we have their personal from china. and by the way, they can high their own 800 mew the rebates and hold. while i remember you, i remember the all didn't seem to have 30000. i mean, is there a personal food dining? the though is 30000 so they are blanks. lot the multiplan and well continues to blossom, particularly not with the seo summit happening. and so now i guess what india is prime minister in the original mode is set to come right here. he's going to visit russia on monday. the whole idea of discussing bilateral relations between the 2 countries as well as a host of international security issues as well, among others. so the significance now over to warranties gunshot, or is it a significant or many dogs?
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first, this is going to be the forest wizard. openings and will be off till he was ve elected as of the prime in a cell full the said consecutive time and this is going to be the 1st sign up to visit. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5. yes. to rush out, the law sign he was, he was in russia was in fact um, when he visited bill far as the city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of watering, which india to go neutral stones, the war with india in fact, continued to build at each size with the law school. despite the threats, the, the pressures by the west on india of course suite is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy
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walk you through the back corner between essentially being military boys. this invitation was sent to india. do you want to go in the step to the, to and it is very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the west it's using it's funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth. how does the scene, is it a mediator as a balancing of forces? the problem was so we can see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to all fun of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks all for the google solid india has remember positioned itself with global south. so these are these, that, of course, and you guys need to watch off for 8th and 9th of the dates. they couldn't find any . announce official the votes by the list and buy
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a new date. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides of costs. need us to say this is all. so was it, which is going to give a huge hop bar to the west. we heard from former india an ambassador over at the dog, right. and he said the upcoming summit is crucial for the further developments of relations between russia and india, particularly when one considers the state of global affairs across the world wide stage. today. this is the minister movie offers the nation is important and significant in the customer is significant because there are new doors present for day 15 and mr. 41 elections. why? there's a substantial induced word from the district circle permissions under time frame instead of the word switched off. leaders of the countries that are facing near decrease the shorter injection by the community. so the credit countries,
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the come into the, into a spring from the district of nations who bought the next few years. so he does all the countries going to be this. this is what he said. there was a long you had a part of the news trends. use german the other using fox for, for sure, but sure. and then the imported countries in the work order, which is enough much in a word order to put in a different environment such as india has much use to back pressure and india as with the significant importer for russian, for displayed the pressure. so that shows some brand new india games towards the issues with the show that it does to buy the ship. when russian we do export
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markets products and r duty sources for its fine. this is alrighty. stateside we go as president buys and remains resolute about his presidential bid during the july 4th celebrations, the issue with the crowd. he's quote, not going anywhere that's right off to deliver it and get another well, a remarkable speech. you know, i was in that wall or one cemetery at inter brands and one that mark, one of our colleagues, the former president did want to go and the up there there's probably should even say, right, we got this river who the hell we are with united states of america, you got me, man, i'm not going anywhere. and meanwhile, the major media is buzzing with headlines, calling for biden,
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to exit. the stage outside of the big guy himself is reportedly confided to democratic governors, but he needs to sleep more and what less he's even asked to avoid shudukana events off to 8 pm. well perhaps a bit more and what uh well should be in the cause of his gas. just keep on pining up this time he told her radio hosted, but he is the 1st black female vice president. by the way, i'm proud to be, as i said, 1st vice president, 1st black woman is served with the black presence of well as concerns about biden's cognitive state of mind. to continue you made a democratic dodo to speaking out of trusting to withhold funding unless biden is replaced with the parties. kind of the office debate performance last week, leading the charges. netflix co founder read hastings. so abigail disney, an error as to the disney family faltering, proud to also withhold donations. the democrats entail joe by bonds is about,
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sir. i intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them at the top of the ticket. this is real as not disrespect. biden is a goodman and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high to look forward to opinion polls if spied and drops out of the presidential race, vice president come a lot higher, which is likely to replace them as the know many but in paulding, she still lives behind trump is popular already has risen off to the debate is higher as has their own way with words as well, with jumping to raise the specter. if she's any better to lead the current boss, you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do, i love then diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis
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about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet administration approves of action before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame, the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. powers is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6
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for that which is what bite and is down $4745.00. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. jo biden's was 41. so he, she has a traditionally had a low approval rating, then joe biden. and what you play just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks up. com allow hours, i mean, because that's what they say because that's who she is. she, she talks like she's in high school. it has a minimum word requirement to me. when giving a speech, you're writing a paper as she just goes on, you called the word salad, that's very appropriate. she has no gras, be thomas. there's absolutely are no grubby touched or worked, but it has to become a harris. and we're, what are you going to do with our family? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president. we demonstrate vs e mail vice president period and advise and steps aside what the party is gonna
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toss her side. also. that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women . it has to be hera's if it's not going to be buying unless she says, well, i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she will. in vitamins hometown voters if express feelings of concern on both of the candidates from the bite, and harris heard her say, i would not passed any bugle that only affected black people, but we have some issues that only affected black people and only black people in the position who because of what happens to only black people. so i could say that mean, of course i'm not impressed by it and i feel like i haven't really seen much disappointing. i feel like everyone is kind of like a place holder candidate to get over it and then get someone else 3. it looks like
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you have the mention all timers the way he speaks is just not good at all right now for us. when trump was president, everything was like settled a little bit and no one messed with us. now we just everything of all over the place. we spoke to a panel of guess just a bit earlier about what is the balance of power among the candidates at this stage of the us elections. have to listen to this. your should have that altered by now, because looking at an odd where d u. d is to the former president who is now a dog with goose talking to imagine effects if you look at them outwardly. so we can actually see the duration of his out. you know, the garage taken, google wouldn't be too little to leave the reason headed over to somebody else. but i think the more essential question wouldn't be that. why do we have these 2
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categories i need there? are the best of candidates, are they, do these candidates actually portrayed the will of the people inside of the us, of the outside of that is no. it why do i say that? it's because they are a byproduct of the all the in the protocol in the system. this is the system that is pretty good all the way to take all the policy, which is essentially does not for 3, the political beating and public will of the american people. the system does not represent the people, but the biggest problem is when they're big. and i think that there needs to be close to the the system as far as the presidential election is the one that i using for that. and uh, probably its been, well, some of those came to the can probably be this question were, might have gone wrong. know, tradition the,
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the issue of many of the democratic bar be absolutely essential for them to the election. and that is more likely to the candidate to let them use. actually the people are not very my work for him, just to stall and the political scheme of things. how significant is the role or all the presidents, not just the united states, but anywhere, but we're focusing on the united states. now, what is most the most significant, the president, all his posse, all the stuff, there's been in the united states. we have this phase, the deepest states because of the nature of the government, because it's because it's a 2 part of the dictatorship studies. it's mainly parts using the united states press on the public hands. and democrats can play major rules because they haven't written the rules of the elections university that it's in 5 trailers. them. and
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because of the influx of money in the us political system, the democratic don't is have been talking to by then telling him they don't want to lose the money. they invest in american politics because it seems like that is not capable of winning and they don't want to put the money on it. and of course that supplementing this, so we have a chaos in washington. so we have to kind of to this president that it is obvious be in serious decline. and we have his competitor that he's a convicted criminal devereux of democracy in the john, is that the higher level? because we don't have that the corrupting influence of ebony and is going to buy an extra is and we have candidates that that may have flaws, but obviously in a much, much better shape than by then answer. well, there is
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a lot of talk about i've come a lot higher. so even michelle obama being pushed by the democrats and onto the election ticket. but the end of the day it does look like the democrats are hanging, drove by them out to drive. you shouldn't be surprised, and the well, the opponent taking itself on your closest friend, so we'll throw you right onto the bus the the same wrong. just don't have to safe house the courtesy and engagement because the trail
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when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the altima 2023. a surprise. attack the lowest against israel by how much militaries show the world the no one had expected the palestinian run. the goal is to have so many cutting edge weapons the in the aftermath of the tag militants, openly unlocking anything for you.


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