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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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the, the in the headlines right now here are not the poles open in iran for the 2nd round of voting and the presidential election. as the 2 candidates pay solve to leave the nation for cuba. q is this the western political, the media, or establishment of pushing a false narrative about china having a face on the caribbean island, also taking a moment to call out america's $800.00 military faces worldwide. russia are getting the red carpet ready of india is 5 minutes on the range of moti . a set pro state visitor must go on monday. his 1st trip abroad since being re elected, you can do stick around for special coverage. you're not seeing the national also in the program moving trucks at heading to 10 downing street to the u. k. is set to welcome in new leadership, labor couples, the tories and stuff,
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the elections of the research to and i tried to concedes of crushing defeat in the boat, but he declared himself the we're talking non am locally here at moscow with elections summit. and lead is coming to most go for told with coach, and we have a ton to talk about this at the string this morning. program here live on, on teams and national. but for right now, we had to iran for our top story to kick off this program for the poles a boat, but across the country is reform is kind of it my suited possess key on the faces off with hod lajna, a site lily. this isn't the countries presidential run of today's vote comes off that neither to come. a majority in the 1st round of elections held last friday. well, let's go live to turn around right now and join our correspondent, use a lot. even the details on this, you to have good, good to get you back on doing such an important process in iran so they can, can you tell us, how's the process going in the iranian capital right now?
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the roll rate, as you mentioned, the pool is open around one and a half hours ago at 8 am to a wrong time in the capital spa and across the country. and people have been holding stations have been fussing with people coming here to cast their votes. on choose a successor to the vice president raising, who died in a crash and back in may or she wants to be leader by to law firm. and he was on the 1st cast, his vote shortly after the polls open at 8 am. i saw his residence called base the end of on he usually that's the procedure he of different media outlets go to the bait or his right as president intent on to of course record the moments during which he cast his vote. so while i'm reporting from is called will send you a shot, one of the hot spots voting in the capital one as it hosts senior officials from
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the public to come to this folder and sanctioning cast their votes for so it's been a closely contested race between us each i d d i that hard line, conservative politician. and of course the best because it should be on a reform is in a closely one are both after neither candidates are secured, so they're required. 50 percent majority of need of florida in the 1st round to win the election back on june 28th. so this prepared a 2nd round and now it's on their way across the country. of course, based on the election law, the winner mazda secure, the 50 percent of the total votes cast, was one for that's the special needed for each one of the candidates to be declared as long as the next presidential force. neither one of the candidates are secure this threshold and that led to a run off for so initially there were 6 candidates wanting to drop out the 11th
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hour to support the 2 leading principles kind of using the needy. i'm ready boss. out of the remaining 4 months what this is beyond the reformers. former health ministers administered their ways with roughly 10000000 both with bad steals. all the 42 percent of the total ford scouts failed for the 60 percent crash hold needed for positions to win. the electricity, the 1st round. so the election, the, the 2nd round of electrons is underway, boarding hours started at 8 am to all the way to 6 pm local time based on the election laws. it's a 10 hour process that is also expected to witness. the extensions with the deadline says at midnight's yusef, you, you mentioned the tragic helicopter crash back in may. the took the lives of president of re see that the form of foreign minister as well among other officials, a pool of that kind of tragic comp, the crashing of course,
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the country was in morning for a long time off to that stretch via code. now people are looking to have a new horizon, the new future. what is the move on the ground? there may be select the course initially different categories promised to continue the path led by the way president re c f in his bid to try to move towards the eastern hemisphere and to try to port closer ties with the emerging economies within the brakes organization. but as the process went on, different candidates slide to also share an outline their own unique and distinctive swans. now we have jenny, who is expected to leave the country lead by the way president will you see closer ties with the eastern hemisphere? he said he made it clear of the initial round that he is going to turn
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towards the eastern hemisphere as he believes that this is a big mistake because everyone has learned its lessons from the experience of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers following video. jago a 2018, and donald trump's withdrawal from the nuclear deal under wayne state of sanctions against the country. so generally says the world is not limited to the western hemisphere. a handful of western countries, including the united states and european countries, as there are $200.00 countries with which everyone can force and establish closer relations and find new trade destinations. as he said, he's sides opposite of what he sees achievements like how fortunate ties with the african continent and the countries as far as latin america has been as well, a cube and those countries. how do we get historic visit by the way president, where you see when they're on the science major contracts with those countries? so that is the power that is expected to be taken by jelly if he's elected
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president. on the flip side, his this beyond believes that they want needs to and the sanctions once and for all, by 14, by easy tensions with it was, he's not a pro western competition. what people, these, that they want needs to, and the hostilities into frictions and the rouse with the why do you want me to engage, sit and talk with the western countries to try to, and essentially not just neutralize or circumvent the sanctions imposed by the western countries. on the one which led to inflation rates and declining currency unemployment. so much economic was in the country triggered by those sanctions. so it's a matter of economic improvement in the country which candidate has more pragmatic approach approaches to try to solve. and of course, navigate the economic challenges are triggered by the western sciences. so is this account is most likely going to for the 2015 to peer deal on top of his agenda was
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a believes that this is a diplomacy of a peace of mind. no, no compromise, no concessions to the west. that is the slogan for. so i put forth by each entity was a hard line. conservative politicians so far it's too soon to predict the outcome of this crucial on our vote. but based on the polls, find it wrong parliament for, for now, the polls suggest that this account is going to lead the res with $53.00 roughly 53 percent of the total votes cast. while jenny d is going to come 2nd with 44 percent of the votes. so of course that's the only polls. all the polls have not always proven to be practical. we have to wait and see how the process goes on. it's a neck and neck res. between jedi, because this get on and the 1st round is this down was the head was 10000000000
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votes, paternity trailed closely behind with 9.9.4000000 votes. so it's a nick and nick race in a closer one off that will most likely define the future trajectory for these one with an either towards eastern oriented approaches by the conservative politicians like jedi or a western oriented approach or openness otherwise bi position. yeah, very interesting. as the polls suggest right now, it is a close range, so live in to analyses use of july so as iran does go through the stages of it, i think a brand new president will be bringing you all the latest updates throughout the day, right here on audience of the right now, getting tip off the out in the russian capital western think times and then media partners are apparently printing allies. that's the message from the cuban foreign
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minister who slammed the narrative being spread. but china has military bases in the car be an extra v i. c. i asked as wall street journal a lying by insisting on the existence of chinese military bases in cuba. at the same time, there during information involved the presence of more than $800.00 american bases around the world, including the us base in the occupied territory at guantanamo, which have been turned into centers of espionage, torture interference and global instability. he would president miguel v as canal a lot of the social media to mock the wall street journal's claims, posting a baseball field image with the inscription chinese bases in cuba. or another top diplomatic cube, the financial newspaper of quote, to try and scare the public with stories about chinese military bases that don't exist. and no one has even seen in china or
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a similar reaction from his foreign ministry, which added washington needs to stop interfering in cuba as a fast. that's as the us has won't, it will continue to monitor. and if necessary, take steps to counter the situation. if we remain confident the united states is going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region, we know that the policy is gonna keep trying to enhance its presence in cuba. and the united states is going to keep working to disrupt, and this is a space that we are closely monitoring and will take appropriate steps to my to counter it when necessary sound. when the report did not side to verifiable source, it provides any evidence. it was the result with claims about chinese military basis that did not exist and that no one has seen us needs to reflect on his behavior. so i was talking to sir in cuba in terms of the fast remove cuba from the list of the types of points of terrorism. and list is located in sanctions, the guess cuba, the journals, the latest organizations that all the 1st they've published. this report is also
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provided. satellite imagery is kindly to pinpoint the chinese based locations last year, the new york financial newspaper livid claims at china, or in cuba negotiating closer defense and intelligence ties, including establishing a joint military training facility on the island. we heard from international relations expert and editor bruno lima rook up to clean, you know, he questioned the w. s. j information, but believes that cuba has the right to invite china to place military bases on his territory. if indeed, beijing chooses to do so itself, the interest of a child has the military base inside of cuba. but each cube i invite to try not to have the business of their own territory. they have the right to do this. you're not to say those are the rights of that was done on the prism inside of a few of us every, every single moment. all world wide getting vice. another concept to have a military base and sides of the 3rd party if they're invited to do this. i always
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believe that the big states off united states, they do have southern seeing federal agencies they, they have to, to boil the water every single time every month to have a new situation to develop and to at least have allergies must cease to spread. the pharaoh and to pricing the compass so they can uh they, they can price in tuba saying that cooper does have to have we have their personal from china. and by the way, they can high their own 800 mew the rebates. and what i remember you, i remember the old and they do have 30000. i mean, is there a personal food dining either is 30000. so they are blanks. india is a prime minister and the rangel moody is set to visit russia on monday. this will be his 1st bilateral summit abroad since being re elected over eligible correspondent illusion sharma explaining the significance or was it
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a significant or many dogs? first, this is going to be the forest wizard or marines and will be off till he was re elected as a prime in a cell full. the said consecutive time and this is going to be the 1st so fine up to visit. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush out. the law sign he was, he was involved show was in fact down when he'd visited the far you city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's with visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of watering, which india to go neutral stones, the war with india in fact continued to music each size with the last 4. despite the threats, the, the pressures by the west on india of course, treat is going to be very, very important to considering in,
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in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy walk into the back corner between essentially being military boys. this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the set to these. and it is very, very important in the common context. remember, this is when the west is fueling, it's funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth hasn't been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing of forces? the problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to all fun of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks of for the global south india has remember, positioned itself is the global south. so these are on these that of course some areas the need to watch off for 8th and 9th. all the dates,
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big and finally announce officially the votes by the son lives and buy a new date. it is going to be an extremely significant visit and we're going to be covering it from all sides, of course need. that's the 6. this is all so with it, which is going to give a huge top barn to the west. we have a problem for my india, and i've asked that a undergraduate dog and i who says that this visit shows the value of the in the place is on his relationship with russia. listen, this is the minister movie also is the election is important and significant in the customer is significant because the doors for is inputs in sentiment as to who whoever wants elections. why is substantial the induced word from the district circle from issues under time? when, instead of the words when she talks leaders of the countries that are facing near decrease the shorter injection by the community. so the credit countries,
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the endorsement from the district of nations who bought the next 2 years. so he does all the countries going to be this. this is what he said. there was no longer be a part of the news trends, use german books and the same box for the for sure, but just for sure. and then the important fundraise in a word order, which is enough much in a word order. the different alignment such as india, has much use to that for sure. and india as with the significant importer for russian one, despite the pressure. so that shows the revenue video games towards the issues with the show that they just stood by the show when russian we did the export markets
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products and those due to sources for exporting. this is the labor party comes into power in the u. k. as the country is now just moments away from having a new prime minister at the lido, because of it, it was done soon to be full. the prime minister receives sooner because accepted his defeat. the labor policy has one of these general elections. and i have quotes, okay, so i'm a to congratulate him on his x ray to the many goods, hardworking conservative candidates who last denied. despite that tireless efforts the local restaurants of delivery and that dedication to that communities. i am sorry we did at the company board. you pay for it. you voted for. it's a now it has arrived change, but it is now the
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change begins now. he says, well, let's learn if that's accurate. we don't want to use the steve sweetie. now joining us there are the few do it off the international, see if you are especially back from the u. k. i guess, you know, given the state of affairs to today, are you surprised by this election resolve? well, that was how itself isn't really a surprise to oppose have been predicting a label on the slide for some time. now, what really was it state was the margin of victory. now we're seeing that labor in costs when $410.00 seats with the tories reduced to $144.00. this is a crushing defeat for the tories that's not make. make any mistake about, but we've seen some big names going. penny molden, who was a former candidate for the totally policy leadership. i mean, obviously prime minister, she's lost her think defense, sexy golf shops love to say. but the big new sofa coming up is the form of time is very, very short lived lives. trust has lost her seat. now you would think that this is some a pro labor, well,
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very positive vote for labor always back in the u. k. very recently. they will not say mood as you were cold in 97, when uh, 18 years of toys room came to an end and lab one. i glanced slides back then there's not the kind of the same move. the result was the bed was well, light was vogue chairman england who stay pretty much the same as it did in 2019. of course, this is when forest johnson one on the get it done to get and it was seen as a fateful lady, but so most of the total you will see is, are in fact explained by a totally voted to is actually shipping that vote to reform at u. k. now, so the kids thomas, who is going to become the next prime minister, actually one few of them, they believe that jeremy colbin did back in 2017. it's worth noting, of course, as well that jeremy colbin has been kicked out of the policy and he won his seats as an independent wave around a $1000.00. this is just fine labor story. everything on the kitchen sink in
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a bit to stop him from winning. so this is very much a, i'm a cheap tory, but rather than a private label. but in terms of what we can expect, what differences we can expect. well, storm is made a lot of promises, but really his economic policies remain pretty much the same on foreign policy. of course, still on the very much pro ukraine pro as well. in fact, we could see more gung ho approach in not respect. of course, that's not forget that it was like the country and made labor that took the country into a right. so these lead, the big news obviously, is not just the scale of a totally different, but it's also the success of reform, u. k. the policy of nigel for all she was really elected to parliament at the time to try and yeah, you've been saying this ground swelling around nodule for roger off the all of his years of really i guess poking, poking buttons and all this kind of stuff. he it's,
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it's amazing to see him coming to for coming to the for like the way he is. meantime, the middle class in the u. k is being a high mode. it's hardly even an existence anymore and told me about where she's to come and see what it was suited to actually cold for the snap election. yes. this is. yeah. the 1st summer let you know the 1st year july election since 1945. so it's a, it was a big surprise that many people saw. so knock a cost code as a, as a snap election. and people have questioned the reasons why the pole pole was what looking good. one reason being given is the interest rates have phone and inflation has come down. so there's, you know, that was one reason thinking. so not may of so that they could have whether the little bit of the, of the stone, but also the real. oh, the reason that many people are pointing to is the potential rise of reform u. k. this is nigel for orange is policy, which was like predicted to do incredibly well. the exit polls said that they were going to uh when the 13 m. p 's,
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i didn't something that is looking like for and piece, but of course nigel for all just one and captain. their success laws became in those things that voted to leave the european union. this coastal visa on the east and coast of prison and many of said the storm because the election ready to kind of home that success. so before we kind of course, a short campaign gives a very, very little time to organize, to organize candidates to get out in the streets and don't know cause a fading new political policy already formed in 19, uh, sorry, 2021 of to the, the support from the brakes it policy, which of course did in the european and the last general election. so they'll be in law soul searching for the toys. now there's been a very, very long nights at the results of still coming in. so we expect to see which e, so not resigned, but it now is really going to be how the tool res, relates to that victory. but storm has a huge margin of victory. he has
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a monday to run through whatever policies the one, whether he will deliver or not remains to be saying that certainly does indeed also you, steve sweeney. thank you. or the well president binding remains resolute about his presidential bid during the july full of celebrations. here show the crowd, he's quote, not going anywhere that's right off to delivering yet another well remarkable speech. you know, i was in that wall or one cemetery at inter brands and one that mark, one of our colleagues or former president did want to go and be up there. there's probably should even say, hey, right, we got this. remember who the hell we are with united states of america? you got me man. i'm not going anywhere. and meanwhile,
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the major major is buzzing with headlines, calling the button to exit the stage. that's not the big guy has reportedly confided to democratic governors that he needs to sleep more and work less is even off to avoid scheduling events up to 8 pm. well, a bit more in our properties should be on the cause of his gas. just keep on putting up this time he told the radio host that he joe biden is the 1st black female vice president. i do, i am proud to be. as i said, the 1st vice president, 1st black woman, is served with a black prison and has concerns about by his cognitive state of the mine, gro major democratic governors are speaking out of threatening to withhold funding . unless biden is replaced. as a potties candid adolfo, his debate, the buckle last week and leading the charge of netflix co founder read hastings. but uh also abigail visiting be an address to the disney family. fortune will
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supply us to keep up post zipped until jo biden's to the doctor. i intend to stop a new contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them at the top of the ticket. this is real, is not disrespect. biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high. according to opinion polls, if by and dropped out of the presidential race, vice president campbell a higher or is, is likely to replace them as the know many been imposing. she still lives behind trump is popularity is certainly resistance the debate. miss harris though, of course we all know she has our own special way with words which i often raise the specter. if she's any better to lead than her current boss. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do, i love van diagrams, it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the
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intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work as operating from the new norms, rules and agreements. that we will convene to work together on the trumpet, ministration improves of actually before after the election. should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on, it's talking about the significance of the passage of time frame, the significance of the passage of time. so when we think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community parish to is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6
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for that, which is what biden is down 4745. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. jo biden's was 41. so he, she has a traditionally had a low approval rating, then joe biden. and what you play just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks outcome allow hours. i mean, because that's what they say because that's who she is. she, she talks like she's in high school, it has a minimum word requirement to meet when giving a speech, you're writing a paper as she just goes on, you call the word salad. that's very appropriate. she has no garage the task. there's absolutely no grubby touched or worked, but it has to become a lot harris. and we're, what are you going to do with our family? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president with demons 1st female vice
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president period and advise and steps aside. what the party is going to toss horace side. also, that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it has to be hera's, if it's not going to be buying unless she says i want to go back, comes to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she will. well, you got to do is go about a 2020 come on. the higher is have less than one percent of the democratic vote when she was amazing of the presidential contenders. i mean back then, the democrats wanted nothing to do with her. now look at the current state of affairs biden's flag and he's on his way out. is it going to be coming to her is going to help us? this is us international. see you soon. the
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the whole from the fi, you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian souls might have gone unnoticed. but the pirates contacted journalist to ensure this boils would go public. and so the name of the ship that home, the biggest shipment of arms, became known all over the world. and we'll address this issue on the other 3, said the duncan church to send the groceries in your host, unload them. there is to put this out there to progress you 1st that it was a bill of phone. yes. somebody, me on the safe because i'm going to do my no phone when i've you know, follow the majority of us, that we don't always have permission. you have no problem with those. i put in motion like that it was a know what the feeling unscrupulous to people based on what the wiser.


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