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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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this is lula 7 says the and the headlights are one off the international. the poles open in iran for the 2nd round, a voting of the presidential election as 2 candidates faceoff to meet the nation for. also, a head board does have shown that the united states seems to belong to resources under the guise of promising terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time, yet, princes on the right of subsistence and the right to life of the people of their country. and by taking take aim of washington. slimy with us for pillaging cereals, natural resources under the guy fighting service. russia already the red carpet at india is prime minister moody is set for a state visit to moscow on monday to join us. but what will be special coverage here or not? see a separate product donors of profitable with them on finding
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a walk. the plank for us president says he's not jumping ship the phone out, continues from his recent debates. the talk of the looking at a busy i live on all the international with all guess that no correspondence standing behind. but for right now, i'm heading to around for our top story where the poles have opened across the country as reform is kind of my suited possess key on faces off with hod linus, sight lily in the countries presidential run of today's vote coming off at night or took him a majority in the 1st round of elections held last friday. standing by entire on is our correspondent, the polling stations i've been fussing with people coming here to cast their votes, such as a successor to the late president raising who died in a crash and back in may to wants to be leaders fights off. how many was them on the 1st cast his vote? shortly after the post open at 8 am, his residents called faith,
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and yvonne i'm reporting from is called will say you solved one of the hotspots, boating in the capital one, as it hosts. senior officials from these one for public to come to this folder and station and cast their votes for so it's been a mostly contested race between each i d. d. i hard line, conservative politician. and of course, the best because it should be on a reform is in a closely one of both. after neither candidates are secured, they're required. 50 percent majority of need a ford in the 1st round to win the election back on june 28th. so this for a 2nd round and now it's under way across the country based on the of audience election law, the winner mosque, secure of the 50 percent of the total votes cast, was one vote. initially there were 6 candidates running to drop out the 11th hour to support the 2 leading principles out of the remaining 4
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months. with this, just beyond the reformers or the former health ministers administered that weighs with roughly 10000000 votes with bad steals. all the 42 percent of the total force counts and fell short of the 60 percent crash hold be. so the election, the, the 2nd round of electrons is underway, boarding hours started at 8 am to all the way to 6 pm, local fine based on the election laws. it's a 10 hour process that is also expected to witness the extensions with the deadline says at midnight's, initially, different categories, promise to continue the path of the lead. by the way, president, re see i have been has a bit to try to move towards the eastern hemisphere and to try to force closer ties with the emerging economies within off breaks organization. but as the
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process went on, different candidates slide to also share an outline their own unique and distinctive swans. now we have jenny, who is expected to leave the country to work this led by the way, president what you see closer ties with the eastern hemisphere. so generally says the world is not limited to the western hemisphere, a handful of western countries, including the united states and european countries as the other $200.00 countries with which everyone can afford an establish closer relations and find new trade destinations. on the flip side is this beyond belief that one needs to and the sanctions one for all by 14, by easy tensions where there was, he's not a pro western thomas issue, particularly it's about the one needs to end the hostilities into frictions and the rouse with a why do you want me to engage, sit and talk with the western countries to try to end essentially not just neutralize or circumvent the sanctions imposed by the western countries on the one
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which led to on positive inflation rates on a declining currency unemployment. so much economic was in the country triggered by those sanctions. so it's a matter of economic improvement in the country which candidate has more pragmatic approach shot approaches to try to solve. and of course, navigate the economic challenges are triggered by the western sanctions. so it's a nik. i'm that race in a closer one off that was most likely defines the future trajectory for these one come up with an either towards eastern oriented approaches by the conservative politicians like jedi or a western oriented approach or openness of the west buys as well as iran elect the new president will be bringing you all the very latest updates throughout the day. you want to see of the
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western think tanks and that media partners are printing lies. that's the message from the cuban foreign minister who slammed the narrative being spread the china as military bases and the caribbean nation. the center for strategic and international studies in w. s. j. r, lined by insisting on the existence of chinese military bases in cuba. at the same time, they are ignoring the information about the presence of more than $800.00 american bases around the world, including the us base and the occupied territory. eck one tunnel which have been turned into centers of espionage, torture interference and global instability. well, the cubic president miguel diaz canal took to social media to amongst a wall street journal's claims, posting a baseball field image with the inscription, chinese spaces in cuba. and other top diplomatic,
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choose the financial newton newspaper of trying to quote scad the public with stories about chinese military bases that don't exist. and no one has even seen in china or a similar reaction from his foreign ministry, which added that the washington needs to stop interfering in cuba as a fast assess. but us as well. and it will monitor the situation and if necessary, we'll take steps to count to the situation. if we remain confident the united states is going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region, we know that the policy is going to keep trying to enhance its presence in cuba. and the united states is going to keep working to disrupt, and this is a space that we are closely monitoring and will take appropriate steps to my to counter it when necessary sound. when the report did not side to verifiable source, it provides any evidence. it was the results with lames about chinese, new into his basis that did not exist, and that no one has seen us needs to reflect on his behavior. so i was talking to sir in cuba, the says, remove cuba from the list of the types of points of terrorism and listen to
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occasion sanction suggests cuba journals late. his accusations are certainly not the 1st they published. but this report also has provided satellite images claiming to pinpoint the chinese based locations. last year, the new york financial newspaper lead claims at china and cuba when negotiating close at defense and intelligence ties establishing a joint military training facility on the island. when we heard from international relations expert and editor, bruno lee motor walk up a cleaning, you know, he questioned the w extra information, but believes that cuba has the right to invite china to place military bases on his territory. if indeed badging chose to do so. that is all the interest off of china has the military base inside of cuba, but each cuba invite to china to have them in the business of their own territory. they have the right to do this. you're not to say those are the right to that was the prism inside of a few of us every,
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every single moment. all world wide getting vice. another concept to have a military base and sides of the 3rd party if they're invited to do this. i always believe that the big states off united states, they do have southern seeing federal agencies they, they have to, to boil the water every single time every month to have a new situation to develop and to at least have allergies must cease to spread the arrow and to price in other countries. so they can, uh they, they can price in cuba saying that to buzz does have to have, we have their personal from china. and by the way, they can high their own 800 mew the rebates and hold. while i remember you, i remember the old and they do have 30000, i mean, is there a personal full time in the lowest 30000? so they are blanks under the guise of fighting
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terrorism. us forces in syria actually have a very different agenda that according to the chinese foreign ministry, is to plunder the countries resources which is now put out of a hospice population in dire straits. a me, sherry used to be a weed exporting country, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food insecurity. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. fox have shown that the united states schemes to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time, yet it infringes on the right to subsistence and the right to life of the people over their countries. it claims to defend democracy and freedom and prosperity. well, in fact, it constantly creates humanitarian crises in the us should fairness play respect, serious sovereignty and territorial integrity immediately. and it's illegal to military presence in syria stopped blundering, serious national resources, and then take concrete actions to make up for the harm. it has cause to this,
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you're in people. cooking, this is what, so, according to the united nations weight to production and syria has dropped by 75 percent since the chaos erupt in that country, back in 2011. maybe $13000000.00 now struggling with inadequate food supplies, while millions more simply on the brink, damascus is a paisley, a few, is washington of profiting and smuggling grain highlighting the obvious that it's a clear violation of international law regard. i believe that's what all of us troops occupied the energy which lands of the nation then going to it being trucking out corner for you off the convoy of oil and rubbing the government of finances to support its own people, chosen video here allegedly with the american the military vehicles accompanying a convoy of oil tanker trucks headed across iraq's northern border. we'll get those pictures for you. we'll repeat them for you shortly. the country has 2500000000 barrels of all of results, but it con, realized that because the industry has been destroyed and taken out of a by what is an american occupation?
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serena officials have estimated its loss of revenue is helping $27000000000.00. and a local se us troops making that lives unbearable. stephanie only that would be awesome. yes. troops patrol the main roads in the uh you ever be area daily. one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers promos, various vehicles loaded with syria and resources constantly until the space. it's the kind of occupation when we hope to get rid of it. the actions on making us stop . they have taken out food and everything from us making life very difficult. the villages and people here on the won't do us troops to leave our account, see. so we can return, see how things were before the 2011. that's a more and cost live right now to step on got to, you know, the head of news at the cradle news outlet, big fine. by the way, all of the work being done to the cradle, esteban. great to get you on the program. but what a story as well. i mean, look, you know, it, i know the us is countless times being accused of smuggling resources out of syria
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. but we never hear any coverage in the western media, whether it's about the oil just being pillage just about every day, whether it's about the weight, whether it was about that oh it's quick that happened over a year ago. and america sanction humanitarian relief. going to the earthquake zone and syria, i mean, why are we at this point we are today with syria on certain western partners as well. i think of these assigned the, just the situation that serial finds itself and you know, over over 10 years after the start of these were actually doing 15 years since the start of these you was by far as kind of on the been forgot the noise being up regarding the topic in the, in the west outdoor, as you said, the seas are bailey occurrence. they, they have to boil the deck, them with a, i think, i, you know, it's interesting that to, to highlight that, to me at one point was i read exploring a country and now the people, you know, a measly ends of syrians are for the security,
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not just because of including the oil, but you have to consider that you as economic sanctions. so the us currently controls about a 3rd of syria, mainly they are they resource reach regents now? syria does not have, you know, a huge oil supplies. we're not talking about it. ok, we're not talking about the saudi arabia. so this loading is not meant to do like field the call for the of the us government is just me to create both the government into mass close to, to force a raging change and also to find the, the activities occurred is processing ne, syria, mainly the autonomy that maybe sprays on of north a new syria on the syrian democratic forces. cool, our main to who are the ones involved for the most part in these newton operations because us troops in syria, according to washington, they don't exceed 900. but then all of these shipments they have reached the rocket . curtis, the region where the us has bases where israel has most outposts and where all of these resources are result, then the money. finally,
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back into the curtis proxies so that they can continue to occupy syria and strangle the government as a strong, strong comment for me as defined. i'm not going to disagree with any of it, but i'm going, i'm going to ask you might, because at the end of the day, syria has repeatedly asked the united states to remove it's a legal basis off its territory. what, why is washington so reluctant to leave? what, what, what is the in game? do you think to? well, the end came from the beginning of these, of these uh, you know, war that was uh, that was for trade as, as uh, you know, part of the arm spring. in reality, it was to allow its stream is groups to fight this here in government to remove assets from power. this much like join effort from the us from israel, from pos are from 13 right. serious stands at a very strategic point here in the reason hearing was a shot, right? a buyout by all to find syria whether united states is doing these, essentially impeding iraq assuming and relations. and as well as on the right hand
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land roads outcomes reach all the way for whereas they occupied palestinian territory. the piece you know it really it. right. how is 13 cats are involved? well, there was a gas pipeline, a, at the time in 2011, but sincere and government refused to build under the terms that were being offered to them. and this is what led to, you know, all of these extreme is arm growth. you had, i thought that was all just 0 inflaming patients among the, the sunni population of the region the by spreading misinformation. you have 30 opening up the borders and allowing you and all these extreme is minute this a lot as you had a groups to bar into syria and then you had the united states that for 18 months and until the moment the 2015, when the russian airforce, enter syria, they just sat on their hands and they watched. i seize spread to the country, not just to syria, but through your art as well. you know, this has been for a while just on the fence and imposing government on the serial depot and get the governmental bus or i lost that has survived all of these things to the help of
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nations like russia, like china and like you don't. well, they've survived aside from this family, have survive, but syria was and just beat them to pieces. right. i mean you're, you're looking at a level, you look at some of the ocoee, all archaeological regions as well. i mean, the poor can i feel so sorry for what happened to syria, and i'm so glad you mentioned the pipelines because essentially it was a pipeline war. what washington wanted was to get gas pipelines through syrian territory via the caspian sea, but so they couldn't get a sub said no. so what do they do? they get an army of terrorists to try and get the to get rid of a saw the whole time the west was saying, with fighting terrorists they will never fighting. then they will all the training of them, given the medical treatment and using them for regime change. why is it, esteban? i mean, do you think a lot of people in the western world still believe the whole narrative? when america says this guy is a dictator, we're going to bring freedom and democracy. i'm not gonna fight these terrorist, do you think people still believe that
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b. s. i suddenly think that people still don't believe it. not as many as they did it by then you know, they had the piece was, i mean of missing information. yeah. it's crumbling every day. every martin, i think this is something that has like send their rates and things to the general side that happening in godsa, right? you can no longer hide that. i remember that when they started and they wanted you to believe that how much the fault i see is right. why has, i says never outside israel, then you come out because i says a, there are right on the border. they are, you know, they all kind of base in the inside syria, the few issues base where they us operate is not far from the serial border. and this is where the russian airforce has repeatedly said that extremist groups, including i says, received training by us forces and guess you know the website to go back to a point. these redeem a change of operation has basically made it siri. i country that i one point was one of the biggest industrialized nation was tv. our world is now it's not been completed, completely destroyed anything,
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watson for the entire basement of rush and 2015. we are certainly we will be talking about a nicely scholar faith in syria and again that united states the nothing to stop these in 2015. i've been secretary of state john perry admitted that they were sitting and watching. i see that balance on the mass coast, and they said nothing because they thought the side was broken and the split of managed to to bring him to the negotiating table. and more recently, us officials, us minutes are a piece of cups up the smoking about a about 10000 ice is really sounds were being held in ne, syria. and these make 2 reasons. as i sees army in waiting and the next generation of ice is to not the strength is not over yet. yeah, i mean, i'm so glad as to bond that you mentioned what you said a moment ago. the isis never attacks is railey, and it never attacks american assets in the region. why use that will? because there's rarely say americans that than others of that pop it. mazda is, esteban cut a,
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you head of use of the cradle and use magazine. your out that by the way is doing an amazing job these days. your job is 11 being more important. thank you very much . thank you. the india is a prime minister now render body is up to set to come right here. he's coming to russia on monday, his 1st by left roll summit abroad since being re elected all the india correspond room during the short amount explaining the significance a. was it a significant or many dollars 1st, this is going to be the force fine up to visit or no reason will be off till he was v elected as of the prime in a cell full, the said consecutive time. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush out. the law sign he was, he was in, gosh, i was in fact down when he'd visited bill far the city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's which is visiting last year off to the war in ukraine. started remember of watering,
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which seemed yet to go neutral stones. the war with india, in fact, continued to build a each size with the law school. despite the threats the, the pressures live, the west on india of course, suite is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy walk into the back corner between essentially being military boys. this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the set to the to and it is very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the western ceiling gets funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth have been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing force? is the problem broke or in the was so can see, which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to the full form
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of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks all for the global south india has remember, positioned itself, is it uses the global south. so these are on these that of course some areas the need to watch out for 8 nines all the dates, big and finally allows officially both by the kremlin and by a new date. it is going to be an extremely significant visit. and we're going to be covering it from all sides of the cost me, that's the $6.00. this is also visit, which is going to give a huge hop bar to the west. the president biden. uh, i should say uh with the politics aside buttons go to a message, he's got a message for america. he says that he won't be forced to walk the plank during the july full of separation. see a show of the crowd, he's quote, not going anywhere that's right off of delivering yet another remarkable speech.
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you know, i was in the war one cemetery and france and one that mark, one of our colleagues or former president did want to go and be up there. there's probably should even say, right, we got this. remember who the hell we are with united states of america? you got me bad. i'm not going anywhere. and meanwhile, the mainstream media is buzzing with headlines, quoting for biden, to accept the stage. that's as the big guy has reportedly confided to democratic governors that he needs to sleep more on what less he's even asked to avoid shudukana events off at 8 o'clock in the evening. while a bit more on our property should be on the causes, his gas, just keep on pining up. check this out. this time he told a radio host, but he is the 1st black female vice president. by the way, i am proud to be,
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as i said, 1st vice president, ours black woman is served with a black prison, but has concerns about vitamins talking to the state of the mine, grow major democratic donuts, a speaking out. no, that's threatening to withhold funding us 5 and is replaced just the policy is kind of an offer as the bait the buckle last week and leading the charge of netflix co founder read hastings. but also, i think ill visit the air rest of the disney family for to and also our plan is to keep our past zipped until joe biden is the fonts to that, sir. i intend to stop a new contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them at the top of the ticket. this is real as not disrespect. biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high. and according to opinion, polls are fighting drops out of the presidential race by special and come
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a lot higher, which is like me to replace them as. but no, many been imposing. she lives behind trump is popularity is certainly so since the recent debate was higher. so as we all know by now has our own a very special way with words. although it does sometimes raise the specter, if she's any better to lead than her current boss. you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues. to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on, on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about
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a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. powers is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6 for that, which is what biden is down 4745. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. joe biden was 41. so he, she has that traditionally had a low approval rating, then joe biden. and what you play just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks up. com allow hours, i mean, because that's what they say because that's who she is. she, she talks like she's in high school. it has a minimum word requirement to meet with giving a speech. you're writing a paper that she just goes on. you called the word salad, that's very appropriate. she has no garage the task. there's absolutely no grubby
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task, but it has to become a lot harris, and we're, what are you going to deal with are? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president with demons 1st female vice president period and advise and steps aside what the party is going to toss her side. also, that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it has to be hera's . if it's not going to be buying unless she says i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she will the, the labor party coming into a pallet in the u. k. is the country is now just moments away from having and you probably minister or the leader of the conservative is doesn't seem to be full. the prime minister receives to not accepted his defeat. and the labor policy has one of these general elections. and i have quotes, okay, i saw on that to congratulate him on his x ray to the many goods. hardworking conservative candidates who last tonight, despite that tireless efforts the local reco it's of delivery. and that dedication
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to that communities. i am sorry, we did it. the term for it, you pay for it. you voted for, it's a now it has arrived change, but it is now the community now it's going to be live here. the only national studio, the mothers ship here at most go details on this. i mean, you know, look okay, i'm not surprised. all right, but at the end of the day, the state of affairs and u. k. politics, how would, how would you assess it? well, this is a crushing defeat for the tories labels one, a landslide victory. they have projected to win $410.00 seats, the tories, which is $244.00. this been some big things up. gone, gone shop. the defend sick too. he's gone. the big news perhaps is loose trustee for will shortly. 5 minutes to will. she's lost her seat now. the labels vote chair in england has said last is the same as it was for the altima 2019. the toys also
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has to be accounted for mainly by it's supposed to switch to use to reform the tycer. kennesaw, i'm going to see the celebrations, but we received few evokes and jeremy colvin did in 2017, which indicates that this is, in fact an empty totally by laws as an a pro storm about. now, when it comes to changes, well that was a positive storm is election campaign. the form is invested in the n h s investment in energy, but on the economy, 12 is badly a cigarette paper between the tories and labor that economic policies all pulled. insight on the phone and policies on foreign affairs will storm a very, very pro is while he favors the said the is about how the right to cast off dozens from food, from electricity, from water and from medicine. i don't know russia well stallman sounds exactly. the same as any other western leader. 3 of them are on the sake of
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a commitment for nights and are on 2nd full commitment to your trade on i'm to wouldn't mind holding, but russia is a constant for us. not just now for the into the future. will back in 2022 suitcase thomas threatening to suck a very small group of labor and peace that signed an open unless according for peaceful negotiations to bring the crate and conflict to an end, pretty much found any criticism of knights. of course, it was labor that took the country into the military alliance. now in other news, the formerly believed a jeremy colbin where he won his seat standing as an independent. but the big news ready is that results the polling full reform. you type they won 4 m p 's including is lita knowledgeable for so the tory is going to be out and then and then we have basically you know, look, research to enact the rich just well fist prime minister ever in the his.


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