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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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so i think it shared this will be a priority to the top of our foreign policy said mall, but we always regretted why the level of relations with saudi arabia was so low or even cut off at some point in time, which was what happened to the saudi consul, it at that time was unacceptable. and mister possess can confirm this and television debates in room we saw during that period and after mister rani came to the government in 2013. the 1st thing we started with in bilateral relations is in error. countries was, was saudi arabia and we're proud of that move. we tried to maintain good relations . and even during the period of how she made rough son johnny, we had good relations with saudi arabia as a neighboring in most of the country. we should not compete with saudi arabia in the region. rather, our relations should be friendly, based on the principles of friendship and brotherhood. it is one of these lama countries that we respect and appreciate that we must say that any step attempting to destabilize relations is unacceptable even with each other. we believe that
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bilateral relations should be at the highest levels and we should benefit from these relations in all details and dialogues, and the other countries overlooking the persian gulf. we want to maintain our relations with them fully and benefit from them. all the efforts made to prevent these relationships from reaching their full potential are within the framework of our national interest. and of course, we commend the main martyr step in establishing and restoring relations with, with saudi arabia approval, as well as starting negotiations with agent aneesha. what is it? joyful in lots of stuff. ok, and we will continue on this path. god will i, did you force us. we now enjoy good relations with russia such as our neighboring country as well as with china. i mean, which are among the major countries of the world level of it. and it is certainly that we must develop the relations and elevate because we have strategic relationships with these 2 countries. and we share many significant and important interest. but this does not mean that we want to change our direction and cut our
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ties with the west to song. we must engage in constructive associations with western countries so that we can lift the unfair sanctions on our people. therefore, if we say this, we will continue to strengthen our relations with russia and china because they are influential in major countries in the world and the regional u y. similarly for you to run the positive presence in the shanghai organizations or in the bricks, i mean, it is significant. we must also develop relations with all contributing, especially neighboring countries to kind of we need to advance and elevate the level of our relationships and agreements with them as well. but as i said, this does not mean that we should sever our ties with the west. the middle, the, we must strike a bell or seems between these different parties and seek our national and popular interest email with all international party. so our policy is friendly towards all countries that do not oppose us and treat us with friendliness and respect. in this expectation is based on the policy we will adopt,
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which is constructive engagement with the world for national and political interest, which also has the support of the supreme leader of these law mach revolution in aurora, me as well as it running into a head to the holding stations all day long will be there as well to getting the updates every hour you are not into the schedule, an update. now for our breaking news for you this our here on out to you the hon. gary unemployment is subject to order, but it has landed here and most of you posted on x. the statement which reads piece mission continues. second, stop most go have under that roof shows the capital that part of the political he'll be heading to the heart of most go with the meeting with the russian president vladimir putin. now, you will remember that just a few days ago or been flew to key. if he met with said lensky. he offered a piece plan to zalinski, essentially shot down on arrival. now we'll be continuing with this breaking news
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or on, on the international victor, oregon. the hungarian laid out right now is about to have a meeting with the russian president now under the guise of fighting terrorism. us forces in syria actually have a different agenda. that's according to the chinese foreign ministry. they say that the, the agenda is to plunder syria's resources. as a result of a half of the population of syria is now living in dire straits. a me, sherry used to be a weed exporting country, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food insecurity. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. fox have shown that the united states seems to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human values all the time, and yet it was just on the right to some systems and the right to life of the people over their countries. it claims to defend democracy and freedom and prosperity. well in fact, it constantly creates humanitarian crisis in the us should earnestly respect
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serious sovereignty and territorial integrity immediately. and it's a legal realtor presence in syria, stop blundering, serious national resources, and then take concrete actions and to make up for the harm. it has cost to this during people cooking, but according to the united nations, we to production and syria has dropped by 75 percent since the chaos erupt in the country and 2011. nearly $13000000.00 struggling with an adequate food supplies or millions more on the brink of the mass codes that are presently. if you is washington of profiting and smuggling grain, highlighting the obvious that it's a clear violation of international law. that's not all. as us troops occupied the energy which lives of the nation they are known to have been talking out, can avoid off the convoy of oil, rubbing the government of finances to support the people. love video here, allegedly showing american military vehicle as a company, a convoy of oil tanker trucks headed across into a ra. a country has about 2 and
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a half 1000000000 barrels of all reserves with syria con, to realize that this industry has been destroyed and taken over essentially during what has become an american occupation. syrian officials have estimated that is loss of revenue has top $27000000000.00. local say us troops making their lives unbearable. stephanie, only the us troops patrol the main roads in the uh, you ever be area daily. one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers promos, various vehicles loaded with serial resources constantly and so the space, it's the kind of occupation. how do we hope to get rid of it? the actions on making all stuff they have taken out food and everything from us making life very difficult is the villages and people here when they won't do us troops to leave our account, see. so we can return, see how things were before 2011. that's. i'm on our crossing live to, i'll take and give it a call, john, hey,
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call get to see you. thanks for coming on the program today. what, what a story this is. i know, you know, it's so well. i mean, at the end of the day, the united states it's, it's been a huge conference times of smuggling resources out of syria, but you never hear a word about it among the western media or the west and politicians. i just say mom, why do you think that is carl? because it's indefensible or us, so lame, too long to see where you have to apply it. isis will not just 2020 for almost a decade later us occupational forces is stuart. you legally swap? i think on one 3rd of the syrians sovereign territory and this one 3rd of syria is a we could do since reaching the. ready it is not only its food basket, but it's also the, the oil producing region of syria. so all these resources have been shut off on the majority of the syrian people. and on top of that, us and it's western allies are loving sanctions against the syrian people. so,
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so now the syrian people are, are, are facing which, which shortages while they're there, fluid that there's a sale of sort of sovereign state of syrian land are be shipped out. this is, i've seen, this is why there's so little coverage in the west for media because they know is indefensible. yeah. you'll see what else you got. so the question, you know, how many american taxpayers are actually even aware that the us manager contingent still even in syria? you know, i had a guest on audio call who, who was saying a estimate and katia yo. and he was saying, one thing that people in talk about is the sanctions which, which you mentioned, the sanctions against syria. it's one thing that 10 years ago america tried to do regime change in syria and tried to get rid of the sod regime for the sake of essentially gas pipelines in the caspian sea. but they've been sanctioning the populace of syria. you know, you go to and ask yourself, why would you sanction every day, ordinary people who are already suffering off the what was
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a for and started to war in that country? me a call. let me ask you america's go. doyle. it's got gas. it's got a printing press, does it need to go and pillage another country in the middle east to get his natural resources. and this has these never about devolve and for america is this is always about us joining up that us page in many in the us forward on the world. alan greenspan was very explicit. ink is memoir. he said, oh, you know we, we may not have gone into drop to wrap the oil, but we went to you rock to dictate where the oil will slow. because we notice that lot of the middle east oil now flow to the used to china, imparted color. united states wants to have a say, where those oil flow in the world market. and us is, is this is, is, this is the thing that us empire can, can help, you know, once deciding and see the business of destructing
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a global empire. it has to be everywhere at once. the good, so us already wage of proxy war against the syrian states since 2011 since the so called a error of spring. i'm, i'm ever since us has never left us. it has has foxy forces. it's totally changed that the resource of syria and on top of that is, maintains a very strange inspection. and why do they, why do they do this? why does a sanction of common people of syria. but this has always been the best policy. madeline albright responded when know about why white us maintain sanction or dizzy rock as cost in half $1000000.00 children to die every year with lack of food, a medicine and all madeline albright said it's a price we think it's worth it. yeah, that has been
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a policy that was right. that was right she. she was opposite in the interview. what about, you know, the depths of all of these a 100 of thousands of or all could children and babies. and madeline albright said a is what it, it's amazing. it was, it was a guy, a lindsey graham in america. he said that uh, paying you crate to fly roster is the best money he's ever spent. you know, i mean, this is the kind of people we're dealing with right now. you know, i just don't just on a, on a side note, you know, the, who these continue supporting the palestinians because the who these are against genocide. but then america bottom. so who with these, i mean you go to one to which true side of morality is the united states on these days and call. you mentioned iraq. all right, so, so we see these american convoys, they steal syrian oil, they go into a rock, go back to the invasion of a rock. why did america go into route? well, one of the reasons was that you mentioned one of the reasons was saddam hussein and wanted to kick out the us petro dollar. he wanted a gold dean, our commodity beat to be use instead of the us pressure dollars. so that had to go
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guess what? more like a daffy, olivia. he wanted a pon african goal, dina, to bump out the petro daughter, guess what? he had to go as well. so as you say, the heads him on has to be everywhere at one domains. hey, and it's hedge them all, but i, i had a guest in here, aaliyah by the way, we were talking about brakes and this kind of stuff. and she said the brakes might be the new head zoom on because we're seeing such tectonic movement around the world. today, america, i'm sorry to say it is losing its influence. a lot of the people, the world in the global south, the steining up big the, creating these new alliance is why are we seeing karl, you know, the brakes developing from an idea into a true living entity from the brakes to be s c o to the i c and to the global south . why are we seeing this up rising occurring well? bricks or originally was a acronym coined by goldman sachs. but now it's becoming
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a reality because built the world outside of the us dominated western allies, our desert getting sick and tired of the unit polar us hyper power. just stand, eating all over all over to blow cham pulling over sovereignty. the bricks, you know, i wouldn't call breaks or hedge them on because brick, what bricks is, is about, is about the respect of sovereignty, which is the empire state don't because they don't believe in sovereignty. united states does not believe in individual sovereignty of the states. whereas countries like russia in china, there truly is one of the last few sovereign nations in the world because they can say no to the united states. and the other is space can see that they want to be part of that. they also want to be part of a group that can say no to that us at gemini. all right, also you can give it a call a job with some very straight commentary. always
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a pleasure karl. thank you very much. i thank you. is breaking news or with off the international thanks so much for joining us by the way. the hon. gary an apartment is the pick. the order button has landed up for duke of appleton moscow. he posted on the x, the statement which reads piece mission continue is next. stop las go read all about now will be heading to the heart of the capital. he's going to, in fact, we are standing by any moment now he's supposed to be meeting with the russian president. now, why? or you remember just a few days ago or but it was a kia fee had delivered a piece proposal to is it, let's get zalinski basically shot down on a rifle. but let's talk more about the site visit here in moscow and the pregnant with all these a, remind me the shot you mind. my thanks very much for coming back on with this. i'll continue with breaking news. you would've been in moscow for a minute. happy to see on it though as well. we understand that going to be any moment now sitting down with the russian president for folks. what do you know so far? and so far we know that officially he has linda,
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didn't look at the airport in moscow, and this is a very visit by european leader to ross services. the start of the special military operation. now just a few days ago, as you've mentioned, he did pay a visit to give and although he didn't talk in detail about what they've discussed with the premium present, as well as he did mention that his hoping for a ceasefire. and in hopes to continue negotiations. now last time he did visit moscow was to attend, we hired by tons of funeral, but no talks where um on the agent that would president puts him back then. no, it's been reported officially. they is in moscow. were hoping to maybe hear a bit more on the talks with president puts in, but of course as you can imagine the you react to it then i would say that they react to in shop because the finish from and a so called a disturbing news then you have the president of the european council, which says that the, you has no plans to negotiate with russia. you representative a war name that he is not speaking for the you whatsoever. and that this visit was
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even under mine. and the interest of the european union. but let's take the listen more on the reactions prime minister victor organs visit to moscow takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow. the position on russia's war of aggression against you cream is reflected in many european council conclusions. that position excludes official contacts between the you and president, put in the home during prime minister is thus not representing the e u in any form the hungary, an a prime minister, victor, or been repeatedly advocated for cooperation with ross. so between the you in russia and he criticized the location of military a to ukraine. now he did say that he is not negotiate and on behalf of the you, but that at the end of the day, a piece, thoughts are not going to be made as sitting in
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a comfortable armchair in russell. so listed the list and not more on his statements in front of me, my girlfriend, will this the major piece negotiations will be led by major country. like when you look today, the situation is such that there is no dialogue, little thing without dialogue. and it is very difficult to understand how them, but here's what some of them i think that as well. my goal is to accomplish the industry many times the main thinking. and they main phone's always, the young europe can probably do more to actually auto place and nothing. i don't need a mandate because i don't represent anything additional than that. i do only one thing. i can read as a sign of one, which has negative consequences for euro and hungry. i found that the facts and ask questions. for example, i ask presidents lensky, 3 or 4 important questions about what he thought each one, so that we could understand his intentions team and where he's read lines where the can't, if we don't the measuring. if we don't know exactly where the board is, are. if we only see them brussels before them,
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he won't be able to get the worst of gps that because piece won't call money solve tool. and therefore, as of this, we think that events happen and piece follows. we misunderstand the nature of war and peace will come when someone takes it upon themselves. if somebody want to find a new boost, so the visit to evict oregon to moscow, of course is a controversial step for european president. and it seems like things might be changing in europe. so hopefully as the day goes by, i will wait and see what comes out of the talks between him and president wilson. i'm, i'm trying to understand whom i'm a, you know, why these, you officials are freaking out right now. i mean, you know, okay, i saw the comments just now that they really upset the hung area lead. i think the order been as come to moscow, but i don't understand why they're upset. i mean, or even just went to key a with a cease fire proposal with a piece plan to end the war. why would any you officials be opposed
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to ending this competing ukraine? i don't understand. it's quite a good question because it's the interest. and if you keep on talking about wanting peas and you know, no war, and then you get upset when an actual you president is here with a piece proposal. i don't know, maybe it is about the amount of money that they're probably getting out of it. it is about being against russia at this point, it doesn't seem like they're ready for any of these proposals. they, if anything, as far as the amount keeps saying, i mean, i mean, every few months, what am i putting comes out and says, we're open for peace folks. but every time he does that, america and brussels, somebody send another trunk of cash and a weapons to have. so every time i put in it says, let's do piece the west coast. let's do war. and this is the conflict here so, so you officials, they want us to get this will continue. they don't want to think the ottoman proposing a piece finds events that don't want to take the ottoman coming to moscow. and poking the fusion, they want the war to continue. as you say,
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you talk about the corruption, a lot of people say right now it just turn into a mess of money laundering operation because the billions go and then they disappear. and you see the lavish lifestyle is being held by some there as well. so at the end of the day, what we need and as well is true leadership. and we need that in the west. meantime, victor autumn, and is creating this new nationalistic european party to try and get your opinion latest onto the side of peace. now america doesn't want them to be on the side of peace, but the marine le pen, the islands on the food chick to evict the order. but now these are elections that are happening and this new european political party that is being born is pro peace . an end table, so we are seeing shoes developments right now. i know you've got your finger on the pulse of this meeting that's happening today between the hungarian leader. i'm the russian president. who am i don't go too far, please stay close. we'll meet you soon. thank you. of the most hopefully of to the
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news broke of opens a plane line to go for look of ad for his cortege was seen in the central moscow. we set to be heading straight to the credit and to hold these told for the food and the criminal spokes person to meet your pass code. as confirmed as we don't expect to be included on your screen. we put a new or button to arrive and most goodman, to work and visit other journalist waiting for victor started a moment for you know, i start big things happening right here is breaking news on how to international behind gary leda. now he's arrived at moscow. we have this done as far as minutes up. he just so you out. if it was also i'd be here and they're getting ready for pretty important talk. so one might say being an on the statement that because you know or been with just in key as he pitched this piece proposal to the landscape.
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silence. he said no, get out of here essentially. so what does all of them do? it comes to moscow. yeah, it tells you something definitely because there are some people in europe, some people who are working towards peace. the problem is they are a minority, but the outspoken majority still wants to conflict to continue against russia will keep you posted here on, on the international for now, here on the program, india is permanent. somebody guess what? he's coming to russia. you'll be here on monday right off to pick the order, but it will be modi's 1st, bilateral summit abroad since he was re elected. let's get some details here from we're enjoying the shuttle out who will be in the presidential pulled and will be here at moscow in about $24.00 to visit a significant or many dollars. first, this is going to be the forest. fine option visit was no reason will be off till he was v elected as of the prime in a cell full. the said consecutive time. in fact,
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it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush out of the law sign. he was, he was in, gosh, i was in fact down when he'd visited bill far as the city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of watering, which india to go neutral stones. the war with india in fact continued to build each size with the last 4. despite the threats the, the pressures live, the west on india, of course, treat is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy walk into the back corner between essentially being military. i'm boy, this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the set to these. and it is
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very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the western julie gets funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth. how does the scene is it a mediator? has a balancing force? is the problem was so we can see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to all fun of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks all for the global south india has remember, positioned itself, is it uses the global south. so these are on these that of course some areas the need to watch off for 8th and 9th all the dates, big and finally announced officially both by the kremlin and by in new delhi. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides, of course need. that's the 6. this is also visit, which is going to give a huge top barn to the west. we heard from
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a former india an ad pass it over, i jeep dog. i know, she says the best visit shows the value of the in the a place is on his relationship with rush. this is the minister movie authors. the election is important and significant in the customer is significant because the doors present foot in the midst of all the whoever wants elections. why substantiate the induced word from the district therefore from issues under time went and shredding the worst when each door leaders of the countries that are facing near the fees, the shorter injection by the community. so the credit countries, the come into the endorsement from the district to the commission who bought the next few years. so he does all the countries, the re, this, this is really the part of the news trends. use german most
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others use jane fox for the for sure, but sure. and then the imported fundraise in a work order, which is enough nice in a word order the different alignment such as you can do as much you do to that pretty sure. and india, as with the significant importer for russian one, despite the pressure. so that shows some brand new video games towards the issues with the show that it does to buy the ship when russian lead the export markets, products, energy sources. what it's for this is present to bind remains resolute about his presidential bid during the july, 4th, set, abrasions, here show the crowd. he's not going anywhere that's right off the deliberate and get another remarkable speech. you know,
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i was in that wall or one cemetery at inter brands and one to mark, one of our colleagues, a former president didn't want to go and be up there. there's probably should even say, right, we got this, remember who the hell we are with united states of america? you got me mad. i'm not going anywhere. i mean, while the major media is buzzing with headlines, quoting the biden, to exit the stage. that's, that's the big guy is reportedly confided to democratic governors that he needs to sleep mall and work class. he's even off to avoid scheduling any events off the 8 in the evening. well, a bit more and i probably should be on the causes of guess. keep putting up this time he told the radio host that he is the 1st black female vice president. i
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do, i am proud to be as i said, the 1st vice president 1st black woman is served with a black presence. last concerns about biden's cognitive start continue to grow. major democratic donors are speaking out that's threatening to withhold funding, and as biden is replaced as a potties candidate offers debate the buckle last week, leaving the charges on netflix co founder read hastings and also abigail disney and aircraft of, of, off the disney fortune. she's also planning to keep us, is that closed until joe biden? on please, sir, i intend to stop a new contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them at the top of the ticket. this is real as not disrespect. biden is a goodman and has serve his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high. well, according to opinion polls, if by the end drops out of the presidential race, vice president coming to hire or is,
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is likely to replace them as the know many been imposing. she still lives behind trump, who's popularity, is sort of since the recent debates. now we all know ms. harris has our own special way with words, but it does make you, you often wonder if she any better to lead than her current boss. you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do, i love then diagrams it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet, ministration approves of action before or after the election,
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should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame, the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. powers is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6 for that, which is what biden is down 4745. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. joe biden was 41. so he, she has that traditionally had a low approval rating, then joe biden. and what you played just now is, is so typical.


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