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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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so i guess you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the whole story comes yourself hung gary prime is the all button lives in moscow and i states blue cross i meant to speak with the vitamin for that piece. and the crank conflict, obviously, ties on the lot is on the table that polls bold open ever in iran for the 2nd round of voting in the presidential election as soon as kind of a face off to leave the nation for full. so that's have shown that the united states schemes to plunder resources under the guise of common thing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time. yes, it's infringes on the right of subsistence and the right to life of the people over there. countries raising takes
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a lot to washington slot in the us, the pillaging. there is not so resources under the guise of supporting tyra's and russia readies the red compet as is part of the load. it is set for a state visit to moscow on monday to join us for our special coverage on all to the let's go, this is on the international. my name's the mom in 30 minutes of news i used to start now, but i just updated on a big to all by the visit. so most go right. it's off the minding, the head is straight to the heart of the council policy on at 0 p submission continues. second stop. most good. he's already met in funds over the press that the equipment with president puts in. the said he's
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a ready to look into any nuances of russia's piece proposal and pretty much the best people. and i understand that you have arrived not only as our long standing partner, but also as the chairman of the european council. i hope we will have the opportunity to exchange views on buildings, bilateral relations within this difficult situation. and of course, to talk about the prospect for the largest european crisis, the crisis in the ukranian direction. we know that quite recently on july, 2nd, you are in kiev. you have now come here to discuss all the nuances of the situation that has developed into ukrainian direction. and now it's time to talk about what is happening in t, as you probably know about my speech, to the leadership of the russian for ministry recently in moscow. i set out our positions on a possible peaceful resolution. and of course,
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i am ready to discuss these with you to tell you about the nuances. i hope that you will equate to me with your position, the position of european partners. ask for bilateral relations. unfortunately, we have had a big decline in trade turn over about 35 percent. but in general, there was something to work on. we have solid projects underway. anyway, we're glad to see you. we have a lot to talk about. all right, johnny live now in all student is are the and all t cause for the remember if so my math is already trudy. interesting times what have you right now? they to open is in town. what more do we know? tell us all about it. yeah, we heard from both leaders, some opening remarks and president which is sad that he, this is an opportunity to exchange ideas between both leaders in terms of bilateral trade for instance. and he did touch upon talking about prospect of an end to the
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cleaning and crisis in a peaceful way. he mentioned organs visit to key of a force, and he emphasized that he does know organs position when it comes to the situation they've discuss possible. he says that he's ready to talk about possible settlements on the situation and even ready to discuss any new offices that can come from that. he also urged or been to similar ice him when it comes to the position of the european leaders and partners. talked about bilateral trade, of course, and in general, that there are things to work and i'll work on between both countries and that there are big projects ahead. now, when it comes to 5 minutes before been though, he did say that, well, this is not the 1st visit to moscow. this is a very important one because he said that he's very grateful that president puts in a good way to host him in russia at the moment considering the situation. and he did emphasize, the hungary seems to be the only european country that can talk with both sides is
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very rare to find a country that can negotiate with both ukraine and ross. so he says that this is an opportunity to talk about in for and matters. and he's interested to know which his position when he comes to the european partners listed to listen to. this is not our 1st meeting in the last decade. it is the 11th 6, but this one is more special than the previous one. as you mentioned, hungry has become the chairman of the european council on the rotation basis on july. first, along with less than it was before the war was in february, 2022. these 2 circumstances make up current meetings, special. i thank you for accepting me in such a difficult circumstances. i am very grateful that even in such difficult conditions you agree to welcome. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other of them is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe
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that can talk to everyone. i would like to use this opportunity to discuss some number of important questions. and i would like to know your position on a number of important issues for euro. so that's what i'm hearing, right? as close now to operate to correspondence i. e. g, a book, you know, if he's in the hall, oh, of course the buzz, i'm in the crime and let's get some more details. eagle or hungry is part of the what has been the reaction from the west on the ongoing prime is piece mission of sophie speaking gets her organ is under a lot of fire from the union. yeah. union several top you officials have said that he did not receive the mandates for this trip to moscow. is that uh, basically uh, the whole fact that he is here right now in holding these negotiations with the restaurant undermines. the european union's unified approach towards the green,
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wild diesel organ says he's basically, uh, going to do it himself. he's on his personal piece to peacekeeping mission, which of course will be watching closely what this visit will lead to and what the meeting with the president wouldn't will lead to. but i believe we can listen to some of the things which have been said about this in the european union. it is clear that whatever the messaging around the trip from the home gary and, and from find me to so old on the substance of this truth is not the right one. this is about about appeasement. it's not about peace. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end hunger and prime minister victor, oregon is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the past due a comprehensive just and the last thing be some ukraine,
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a prime minister victor organs visit to moscow, takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow. the position on russia's war of aggression against you cream is reflected in many european council conclusions. that position excludes official contacts between the you and president, putting the hunger in prime minister is thus not representing the you in any form. and despite all the criticism from other european union officials, so the meeting between victor or been n unplugged more important has been going on for about half an hour. now, we are expecting some sort of a statement to come out of it in the may be in around an hour or so, and of course we will be keeping you posted on all the latest details here at the kremlin. yeah, so our exciting size and duty while we appreciate the update. thanks again. bye.
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there's also uh, i think our coffee correspondent i'm at the show in the seed. yeah, thanks for joining me. very interesting times that see what happens in the next hour or so. but there's change again, slightly headings around. now the polls have opened across the country as reform is candidate my suited past passage can faces off with hard lines. the aid did not in the country is presidential. one of them today is what comes off the need. that's a comb and majority in the 1st round of elections held last friday. all st correspondent use of jelly has all the details into hong the polling stations have been bothering with people coming here to cast their votes on choose a successor to the vice president where you see who died in a crash and back in may to wants to be leaders by to law. how many was among the 1st cast his vote shortly after the postal open at 8 am. his residents
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called faith yvonne, i'm reporting from is called will say you solved one of the hot spots voting in the capital one, as opposed to senior officials from these one for public to come to this folding station and cast their votes for. so it's been a mostly contested race between us. each i d d, i a hard line, conservative politician. and of course the best because it should be on a reform is in a closely one of both. after neither candidates are secured, they're required. 50 percent majority needed for in the 1st round to win the election back on june 28th. so this procured a 2nd round, and now it's under way across the country based on the election law, the winner mazda, secure of the 50 percent of the total votes cast, was one vote. initially, there were 6 candidates running to drop out the 11th hour to support the 2 leading
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principals. kennedy's, they were already bought out of the remaining 4 months with a discount on the reformers. former health ministers administered their ways with roughly $10000000.00 volts with bad steals all the 42 percent of the total force. cal, somebody fell short of the 60 percent was hold the so the election, the, the 2nd round of you make sure it is under way boarding hours started at 8 am to all the way to 6 pm local time based on the election laws. it's a 10 hour process that is also expected to witness the extensions with a deadline set at midnight to initially different candidates promise to continue the path of the lead. by the way, president, re see i have in his bid to try to move towards the eastern hemisphere and to try to force closer ties with the emerging economies within coalitions like off breaks and the shanghai cooperation organization. as the process went on,
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different candidates try to also share an outline their own unique and distinctive swans. now we have jenny, who is expected to leave the country lead by the way, president what you see closer ties with the eastern hemisphere. so jenny says the world is not limited to the western hemisphere, a handful of western countries, including the united states and european countries, as there are $200.00 countries with which everyone can force and establish closer relations and find new trade destinations. um, the website is this beyond believes that they want needs to and the sanctions one send for all by 14, by easy tensions whether it's, he's not a pro western politician, but he believes that there one needs to end the hostilities into frictions in the rounds with a why is the want need to engage, sit and talk with the western countries to try to and essentially not just neutralize or circumvent the sanctions imposed by the western countries. finally,
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one which led to inflation rates and declining currency unemployment. so much economic was and the country triggered by those sanctions. so it's a matter of economic improvement in the country which candidates has more pragmatic approach shot approaches to try to solve. and of course, navigate the economic challenges triggered by the western sciences. so it's a mechanic race in a closer one off that will most likely define the future trajectory for these with either towards eastern oriented approaches by the conservative politicians like jenny, the, or a western oriented approach or openness of the was 5 as well as it radians hated to the pulling so it shows throughout the day will be there as well. bring you all the updates every hour
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the but not to i'll talk story home, gary, i'm 5 minutes of it. and so all but is now in moscow holding tools with russian president vladimir puts in. all right, let's get more or less a glass of live now to georgia assignment. and he's a senior research fellow, the global policy institute in both of us doing, always good to see this interesting times, slightly surprised that victor or bond is here. now he says that his country may soon be the only one in the you capable of speaking to both sides of the clean country. choice does this way. the hungry is likely to be the only country interested in a peaceful resolution as well. they may not be the only country. i mean there's obviously slovakia which is essentially following hungary is lead on
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foreign policy. but um, what i think is most important at the moment is that there's likely to be a change of power in the united states. come next january and if it does seem likely trump, we want to bring to it in this i think victor or barber the somebody who is now fairly good relations with both the landscape and with booting. can play a major role in any uh, trump, initiate the, the piece dogs. yes. essentially how old is that? the timing wise, but it's also interesting how the, the e u of sort of, uh, react says they've shunned orlando, tripped them off and say, he doesn't represent the book. i mean, also, isn't he the chair? but what, what does he is doing that? or what? because they states that the most extreme position possible,
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which is that we support zalinski through so they can send, come, come, rain or shine, and whatever zelinski ones is our position. so the most extreme view, which is all russian withdrawal russian withdrawal to pre 1991 borders act is the position of the you. but it's just a loony. and that's why when victor or band goes in the business, it gives negotiation. let's remember before bon, when it's a key is on tuesday, so he's be quite consistent in saying i'm interested in these. that's the most important priority for uh, your eval. so that's what i went to to talk to. so let's get on tuesday now. i'm going to most of the details to boot and that is being consistent. and it's the e u, which is absurdly staking out a position that is simply on sustainable. i mean, it isn't going to happen that somehow this zalinski circle 10 point beast plan with
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by russia capitulates, even though it's not losing the war. that is the position, but it's a ridiculous position is complete. 80 all think position. and that's why i think oregon is, i think staking a claim for any future peace negotiations is interesting. you know about of course i just uh took the time a ship on monday. so tuesday, he's in keys today. he's in moscow. but this, the also how is it really is supposed to be about so a quality met, old countries have so equal chapman ship have equal goals, wants to move together in unity. what does it get means when the officials accuse obama or undermining the bronx and unity. so that's a, that's, that's right. and you would think about it said i am not speaking on behalf of the e u. i am not negotiating on behalf of the
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e. u. i am simply here to promote peace and he's made that play get in. so they have all these accusations that are being thrown out by showing michelle, the president of the you council. that's something i wonder, you know, he has no right to speak on behalf of the well my husband said that he's been, you'll be, i'll be here. he's just in the same that i, you know, i'm us doing the policies that i pursued since february 2022, which is to bring about peace. and that, which is the most important thing for the you are bank on to them. but you're absolutely right that the, the, the, you don't seem to have no respect, that's all for the solver in the quality any, it's constantly factoring and bullying hunger. it's more ironic is that it's only a few years ago that the you want the nobel peace prize mobo piece with quite an all that and here is the you absolute pricing bitterly to keep
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a well going. indeed, i don't remember that day myself why i did chuckle when i hood, but uh, well, you know, we talked a little bit about uh, the to obama for the 2nd. he to the, to the xt or whatever the verb is these days. that this is the 2nd stone on his piece of mission. how successful was his 1st in queue? i mean, this thing that he, he made any ground um, all the war insides getting closer to a resolution. in your opinion, george. i don't think that they getting any close. i think he was just taking out a position for the future that they may be a serious changes coming off to the november election in the united states of nap. busy they will come a point at which it will be impossible to go on avoiding serious peace towards all these ridiculous peace conferences which exclude russia. we just simply have to go because, but just a waste of everyone's time. so they would have to be some serious and negotiations
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or anything. that's why i worry about taking up a position for them. so thank god i'm trusted on both sides. and you know, one of the things that he signs while he was in key, it was a kind of a bilateral agreements with the landscape about funding ukrainian schools in hungary, whereby they did, the grain in refugees will be able to study in ukraine. and of course, he expects lensky to do likewise to the $150000.00 them on get around. so uh, we will live in ukraine. so that level of kind of biological cooperation kind of present, lays the foundation. so hungry may be emerging as a trusted mediate. the on both sides to is i want to take this a different and look at this. now i want to step back a little bit because we know we can so old on is considered low thinking about um,
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foaming, of the patriots policy. uh, pause. it seems to be changing in europe, especially in products where moving the pie that seems to be gaming, save of the we've got so back here, as you said before, the new members of parliament where they could go to vote on changes. do you think the climate is changing within the you could we st. change what happens uh, sooner rather than later i think the climate is changing, i think, but it's at the level of the public feeling. moving in with seeing how voters are responding. we see that the voters are not interested in this war. they have voting against this war. no, no, none of the candidates who are promoting the wolf is doing well. so there, there is a movement for change, but it's going to take a long time. so if you just let the natural forces work out because the leads
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a very good at retaining power and the very good at keeping out of the votes as the desires fee and keeping our political part is that they don't like. and we, we, you know, we've seen that so you can start europe. i mean, we could see that in front of the national rally. and one song they fails to get an absolute majority and the national assembly which how lead the problems as a leads. now move it to keep the national riley out of palo. so the lead to a very good at retaining file and ignoring the wishes of voters. but clearly, you know, the people a say key, the other side of what the european governments are doing. and the 2nd side of the war that has nothing to do with the europeans interests for the shock of high and very heavy use. and the doors that he just do wants to keep the hour and the fullest about spot screen was the local seats. so many of those and it would have
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to leave it that the story condo on. george, simon, i always a pleasure. so senior research going to the global policy institute in budapest. thanks again. like thank you very much. but this is now to the middle east because under the guise of fighting terrorism, us forces in syria actually have a different agenda. a lot of that is according to the try it for method. uh they think they want to the country uh, once upon the country is result is we just put over a hall of its population in dire straits. a me, sherry used to be a weed exporting countries, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food insecurity. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. folks have shown that the united states seems to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human volume all the time, yet it's a fringes on the right of subsistence and the right to life of the people of other
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countries. it claims to defend democracy and freedom and prosperity. well, in fact, it constantly creates communitarian crises. the us should fairness, they respect serious sovereignty and service oral integrity immediately then it's illegal to military presence and syria stopped blundering, serious national resources, men take concrete actions to make up for the harm. it has cause to this in your, in people cooking. but according to the u. n. a waiting for docs in a city, it has drugs. why 75 percent says k, also rheumatism, the country back in 2011. meaning it's 13000000 all southern with the adequate food supplies, while mit is more on the brink in damascus has repeatedly issues washington, a profit thing and smuggling green highlighting the all this, but it's a clear violation of international law. but that's not all of us to so he part of the energy which lines of the nation then known to have been trucking out coal. why
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off the call? what will rubbing the governments of finances to support is people. now the, they're here allegedly shows american minute a few vehicles, a company a coma will time, cuz i'm trucks headed to cost, xerox and northern border. the country has a 2 and a half 1000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves. however, a comment is that as its industry has been destroyed and taken over during the american occupation, sir, and officials have estimated the is loss of revenue has pops $27000000000.00 local say us troops making their lives unbearable. sheka the only the yes, troops patrol the main roads in the area daily. one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers for almost various vehicles loaded with syrian resources constantly. and
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so this space, it's a kind of occupation. how do we hope to get rid of it? the actions on making us stop, they have taken out fluids and everything from us making life very difficult. the villages and people here on the won't do us troops to leave our country, so we can return see how things were before 2011. that area we heard from the mancha is the head of use at the play. those use outlook. it says the store resources have funded separatist groups in syria. as late as washington was to cripple the officially elected government of the seas of bailey occurrence the boil, the depth of wheat a i think i, you know, it's interesting about the to highlight the see we have one point was i read exploring a country and now the people, you know, a measly ends of serious equity secured, not just because of including the oil, but you have to consider that you as economic sanctions. so the us currently
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controls about a 3rd of syria, mainly they, are they resource reach regions? now, syria does not have, you know, a, a huge oil supplies. we're not talking about a good act. we're not talking about saudi arabia. so this mooney is not meant to, to light the field. the call for the of the us government is just me to create both the government into moscow store to force a raging change and also to fund the the activities of curtis processing. ne, syria, mainly the economy that maybe straighten up north and the syria on the syrian democratic forces. who are main before that was involved for the most part in these moving operations because us troops and syria, according to washington, they don't exceed 900. but then all of these shipments, they have reached the rock, the curtis, the region where the us has bases where israel has most outlaws, and where all of these resources are result, then the money funneled back into the curtis process. so they, they can continue to occupy syria and strangle the government. the,
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in the assignment as a new random mode is set to visit russia on monday is 1st. why that is will summit overall since being re elected on says india and costs are moved to charlotte has the details a, was it a significant or many dollars 1st, this is going to be the force fine up to visit or no reason will be off till he was re elected as a prime in a cell full, the said consecutive time. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush out of the law sign he was, he was in russia was in fact, down when he'd visited the far the city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of water which india to go neutral. stones, the war with india in fact continued to build each size with the last for the
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spice of the threats the, the pressures live, the west on india of course, suite is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 0. so we've seen that the tween between the 2 countries as guy walk into the back corner between essentially being military on this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the step 2 days. and it is very, very important. and the current context, remember this is when the, the west, it's julie gets funding to was the design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth. how does the scene, is it a mediator as a balancing force is a problem broke or in the was so to see, which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to full fund of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks,
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it also speaks all for the google south. india has remember, positioned itself, is used to build the south. so these are on these that of course some areas the need to watch out for 8 nines all the dates begin. finally announced officially, boats by the kremlin. and by a new deluge it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides, of course need. that's the 6. this is all so with that, which is going to give a huge hoc barnes to the west wind as the back of su, i'll talk to so it present value inputs. it is holding tools with how gary and prime is the remnant of it is all but is said to be on a piece mission having previously visited key these or the math in front of the process of equipment for the russian president of inputs instead of gotten ready to look into any new offices of the.


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