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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 5, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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l today when it sees it, it also speaks stuff all for the google south. india has to man, but positioned itself is of use of the global south. so these are on these that of course, and you guys need to watch off for 8th and 9th of the dates. they've been finally announced officially, both by the kremlin and buy a new dentist. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides of costs need. that's to say, this is all. so was it which is going to give a huge hoc bar to the west. wind as the back of sue, i thought the story present value of the was it is holding tools with how gary and prime is the remnant of his old but is said to be on a piece mission. having previously visited the these already man in front of the price of the equipment for the russian president by the inputs instead of gotten ready to look into any new offices of the russian peace proposal. your
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and pretty much the best for you. i understand that you have arrived not only as our long standing partner, but also as the chairman of the european council. i hope we will have the opportunity to exchange views on building bilateral relations within this difficult situation. we're kind of course to talk about the prospect and use for the largest european crisis, the crisis in the ukrainian direction. we know that quite recently on july 2nd, you are into yeah, because you have now come here to discuss all the nuances of the situation that has developed in the ukrainian direction. now it's time to talk about what is happening if you have, you probably know about my speech to the leadership of the russian foreign ministry . recently in moscow, i set out our positions on a possible peaceful resolution marshall. and of course, i am ready to discuss these with you to tell you about the nuances. i hope that you will equates me with your position,
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the position of european partners as for fi lateral relations. unfortunately, we have had a big decline in trade turn over about 35 percent. but in general there was something to work on. we have solid projects underway. anyway, we're glad to see you that we have a lot to talk about. 5 of laurel this us. let's live down to the kremlin and speak with our teams political course or the eagle or biskin of ink, or to bring us up to speed on the latest details, please. sure, well, i think the or button has been on his own personal piece, the commission. he just returned from the queen were to try to persuade key of to cease fire and had to negotiations with the rush of this proposal was rejected. and now he unexpected. we landed in moscow and is currently meeting with vladimir, put in here at the kremlin, and of course, the grain is among the key issues discussed. here's what if it's or,
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or been said at the start of the meeting to leave the stuff down. this is not our 1st meeting in the last decade. it is the 11th 6, but this one is more special than the previous one. as you mentioned, hungry has become the chairman of the european council on the rotation basis on july 1st uh, less than it was before the war was in february, 2022. these 2 circumstances make up current meeting special. i thank you for accepting me in such a difficult circumstance. i am very grateful that even in such difficult conditions, you agree to work and i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other as rapidly declining hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everybody about hungry. well, some of the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. i would like to have this opportunity to discuss a number of important questions. and i would like to know your position on a number of important issues for euro. so that's what i'm here. yeah, i like how laurie is a part of the law, so i was when the reaction from the west on the on getting problem is fit to most
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of the well, not only is hungry part of the e u, it's also the chairman of the european union commission for the next 6 months, but the reaction has been uh, quite to vivid and get to open. a softly speaking has been under a lot of fire from other senior european union officials. and it seems to me personally that for some of them, his a trip to moscow also came as a surprise. they say that he does not have the mandate to hold negotiations with russia on behalf of the european union and that his trip to moscow. and this meeting with vladimir putting undermines the you repeat your game unions stance on your brain. here's a few examples of what was being said. it is clear that whatever the messaging around the trips from the home gary ends and from time into so old on
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the substance of this truth. so this is not the right one. this is about about appeasement. it's not about peace and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end, hunger and prime minister victor oregon is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the past due a comprehensive just and the lasting piece and ukraine prime minister victor organs visit to moscow takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow. the new position on russia's war of aggression against you cream is reflected in many european council conclusions. that position excludes the official contacts between the you and president, put in the hunger in prime minister is thus not representing the e u in any form. now despite all the criticism from other european union
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officials, victor, oregon is in fact in moscow and is currently meeting with vladimir important. this meeting is over, it has already been going on for about an hour. we've heard from a previous press secretaries and you the disclosure, who said that to it will last as long as needed. but of course we'll be here at the kremlin waiting for the outcome. yeah, we're all very excited to hear from both the just again, all these bullets. we'll pause on eagle fiscal. i've always good tool to do thanks for the water turn on sizes out to the us where president biden remains a resolution about his presidential bid. now, during the july 4th celebrations, he is sure the cloud that he's not getting anywhere box right off the living. yes. another. well, well, google speech they could listen. you know,
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i was in that wall or one cemetery adds up into france and one that mark, one of our colleagues, the former president did want to go and be up there. there's probably she didn't say right. we got to just remember who the hell we are with united states of america. you dropped me mad. i'm not going anywhere. right. well meanwhile, the main thing made it is buzzing with headlight is cooling for biden's exit of the stage. but as he is repulsive the be confided to that nobody can go no that he needs to sleep more. and what class, and as off to avoid scheduling of those off the 8 pm. well, a bit more and i'll probably should be on the cause as a gas keep piling up. this time he told
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a radio hose that he is the 1st black female vice president. by the way, i'm proud to be, as i said, the 1st vice president. first black woman served with black prison was concerned about by the any cognitive states of mind. growth, major democratic doesn't speak. yeah. that's threatening to withhold funds unless by them is a place as the policies candidates of the he's the big book called saucer. now leading the charge is net is closed, found the read, hastings. abigail is a, an address the disney family phones. you also have plans that keep up post until biden is out. i intend to stop and you contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them at the top of the ticket. this is real, is not disrespect. biden is a good man and has served his country admirably,
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but the stakes are far too high. the impulse is abided and drops. as all the presidential race vice president come, iris is likely to replace him as the nominate, but in paulding. she still lives behind from his popularity has risen off to the debate. miss harris has her own way with was as well was all for is a size if she's any better to the then her covered boss. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do. i love then diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating
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from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet administration improves the vaccine before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that, that would you take it? i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. paris is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6 for that, which is what biden is down 4745. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple of hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. jo biden's was 41.
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so he, she has that traditionally had a low approval rating. then joe biden. and what you played just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks of combo hours. i mean, because that's what they say because that's who she is. she, she talks like she's in high school, it has a minimum word requirement to me. when giving a speech, you're writing a paper that she just goes on, you called the word seller that's very appropriate. she has no gras, be thomas. there's absolutely or no grubby touched or worked, but it has to become a harris and were what are you going to deal with now? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president, we demonstrate vs e mail vice president period and advise and steps aside what the party is going to toss her side. also, that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it has to be hera's . if it's not gonna be by me, unless she says, well,
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i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she will flight. this also was the pawn now layla policy comes into power in the u. k. as the country is now, just moments away from having a new prime is a very the conservative dime to sit into the foam apartments of risky so not have accepted the defeat. the labor policy has one of these general election. and i've coolants, okay. i saw on that to congratulate him on his victory to the many good, hardworking conservative candidates who lost tonight. despite that tireless efforts the local records of delivery and that dedication to that communities. i am sorry, we did it the board. you pay for it. you voted for, it's a now it has arrived change,
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but it is now the idea of my colleagues, steve sweeney. i'm a really, since you discussed the shifting u. k. political landscape and how things will look following a change in leadership. is a crushing defeat for the tories labels one a landslide victory, the projected to win $410.00 seats, the tories, which is $240.00 for this thing. some big names are gone, golf shops, the defense tech fee. he's gone. the big news. the hops is list trustee for will shortly. prime minister will, she's lost her seat. now, the labels vonsha in england has stayed long through the same as it was since it also mentioned in 2019 that totally also has to be accounted for mainly by its support as switching to reform. you tycer can't storm, we've seen the celebrations, but yet he received few evokes and jeremy corbin did in 2017 which indicates that
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this is in fact an empty totally by laws as an i pro storm about now when it comes to changes. well that was a positive storm is election campaign. the problem is investment in the n h s investment in energy. but on the economy fault is badly a cigarette paper between the tories and labor that economic policies all pulled insight on the phone policies on foreign affairs. well, storm a very, very pro is well, he famously said that as well had the rights to cast off because it was from food from electricity, from water and from medicine. i don't know russia well stallman sounds exactly the same as any other western leader. the re, a are on the cycle commitment for nights and are on 2nd full commitment to your trade on i'm to wouldn't mind holding, but russia is. i constant for it. um, not just now for the into the future will back in 2022 suitcase thomas threatening to sack a very small group of labor and peace that signed an open less. according for
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peaceful negotiations to bring the crate and conflict to an end. you pretty much bond any criticism of nato, of course it was labor that took the country into the military alliance. now, you know the news, the formerly believe that jeremy colvin will. he won his seat, standing as an independent. the big news waiting is the results. and the polling full reform you type, they won 4 m p 's including is lita knowledgeable for us. so the tour is going to be out and then, and then we have basically, you know, look, research to enact the rich just wealth feast prime minister ever in the history of that small collection of islands. he's worth about 700000000 pounds since our were she soon because even richer than king charles? and yet he was the one who called for snap collections and here is admitting defeat . well, yes, it's quite astonishing what it is now as you've just pointed out that with you, so knock among the richest men or the richest people in the country,
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richer than attaining charles. now, many questions would be lost. why did he cold a snap election? it was a surprise to many people, but a game we could look to the polling of the show being full reform. you tell you that was of course on his mind on coding a short period uh between uh, coding the election and the election itself means that before he type will they have a very little time to campaign. they have very little time to select the candidates and get boots on the ground is very difficult for policies outside of the establish policies to do well in elections. but now of course, that'll be a time for reflection. that will be a lot of soul searching among the tory policies and how they respond to this crushing defeat. and that's the case tama, well, he has a huge margin of victory. he's my big problem. this is about change whether he will deliver well that remains to be seen by some of the southern utah, a 6 year old girl has been killed in overnight to new cleaning,
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to an attack on russia's cousin, a daughter reading, but left behind all the wounded. according to local, as i said, all the towards the what does he have filed this report from the front, but he's invited with russian troops are creating a bump design to defensive buildings in the border region of the these, these wall johns, who watched little events remains the fighting is furious and face to face. here, the building on the rights is held by russian troops. the buildings on the left falsified by ukrainians. your orders had come in the ukrainians, needed to be clear that tonight's the a t a t tags was chosen for the job. so not so much the time is the crew. what units are you with now?
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i want to talk much pets, not real. and what units will you in? i was in pmc wagner, which i took part in the battle of buck moved and fighting the outlines settlements . lease is a dangerous and delicate nation. well now we can try to get the going on within the radius of the varies new era for the troops are just a few dozen meters away from the target. the routine.
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keep to tree cover, looking for a suitable firing position. votes on skis, some kilometers away. yes. to close the town per tunes of well today, then that's what you a, the pilots on the other side, the moment they said for they going to said everything else, they're looking for these tags. if we little bits of capital flaws helps soon enough. they begin the 1st shows heats to a mark of skill and the next. in a few minutes, 5 tank shells impacts you create in positions. the shock waves
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a new will leave the troops inside with the city a contusions and ruptured. ear drums, the much the same is happening with jobs has been turned into cranes. new rock looks much the same as being done and it says he is living it with new units. fresh reinforcements with mobilized troops. who are who have in sufficient training the is it n c, it is a parent who's ordered his troops to hold onto football. chance a total cost regardless of losses. he would look bad if he lost another
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lodge settlement. just like in baltimore, holding onto which made little military sense and which he's a general's just him to a band that ends with tens of thousands of ukrainian troops perished. it seems zalinski has learned nothing. back mode is repeating the monks and is now being absorbed by as much fatalities under the general f t. i. lo, dina and ty, units for my private military contracts is the re united companion of development. we came back, cable together was a group companion. did you expects everyone to return?
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just i'm going to be honest with you. i didn't. but as you can see, is what happened. the bag now sizes have proven invaluable loss. just the skills that the mindset. com calculated because they do, you hate them, you know, my feelings towards them are normal, the more so you can kill them. but you don't need to hate to the other is to be, you know, i don't know hatred not even when shelves fly it. you not even that work is work, work is work for moscow. ball. chomsky must be pacified to stop blind ukrainian shedding across the board. the tax on russian cities in pounds full of civilians, less than 2 months into the battle streets or leases with ukrainian dead in many
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moods, buried on the rubber too much so that the bible has a familiar nickname of all chance needs grind more. i'd guys do you have kind of region, ukraine. why? well, i think it's so big. why mouth done go? i will be right back out of the top of the out the
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a. hi. acceptance. and i'm here to played with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside.
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we may never know to what degree jo binding's obvious mental deficiencies have played in recent american foreign policy decisions, particularly when it comes to policy. but it is fair to ask you findings. dimension is leading a small into a global conflict, the the see the silver so the somebody how can it be that arms a ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of our munition and military equipments destroyed, opening the believe but of boston, low grade, and then the new system and below grade level nominal facility or some of those out of slash we, i'm about the easiest little so one of the easiest on bottom of the sort of
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wellness that will kind of get used to have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as binary poles or any kind of children's toys. we sell women. yes, we're also known in the world is almost dealers that we must not be ashamed of that the to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented?
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it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground again? the same rom just don't you have to shape out and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the
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most successful model to show you, some of them are very similar and you know, it's a new go up with some new move from to the some of this to model god's using it for us. do something like this on most of the items to some of the things you must pick with the stuff i did, the meals that the goal of man is are you know, the agenda, blue column. so kind of shown right here. so let me show you. so you don't have to 100, you're dealing with her to level the
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i set out our positions on a possible peaceful resolution. i hope that you will equate to me with your position, the position of european partners faith and the credit in conflict on the wireless old ties on getting pregnant. so things are one is on a mission in las go. now holding to, since i've been put in, although having visited keith just a few days ago, i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to the cabinet is rapidly declined hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone to official us setting or browse to to last it was a 1000 represent the block. some even suggest the hung game appointment.


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