tv News RT July 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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the models of homeless rose by 12 percent in california. i set out all positions on a possible peaceful resolution. i hope that you will acquainted me with your position, the position of european partners face and of the thing complex side by side. full size is a hung gary and prime is a big the or bump is on a mission in last, holding close by the input. and also having visited steve just a few days ago, i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone . a you officials, us on a or by the 5th. and so also say he doesn't represent the block some the will suggest the hung getting 5 minutes a is. but frankly, you principle we believe that states undermines unity and determination that we
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need to show in order for this, for to end to this uh, saving presence may assume need for the 1st time. and thirdly, in use to restore that bilateral ties in a put pencils summit to be sued by russia. although it was in the 2nd round of his presidential election as a top 10 kinds of things based on the the a very well welcome to you from the entire r t in to national news see, will come into live for most of the thought. so he's this out to this updates all hung go in a pm to or by the visit to the boss. no, right off the landing, he headed straight to the hall,
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so the capsule posted on x. he wrote peace solution continues, so i couldn't stop las go. now he's already met in front of the price of the equipment with the president, but his head, he's ready to look into any new offices of his proposal to end the ukraine conflicts. pretty much the best, but we know that quite recently on july. second, you wouldn't key if you have come here to discuss all the nuances of the situation that has developed in the ukrainian direction. now it's time to talk about what is happening in kit. you probably know about my speech to the leadership of the russian foreign ministry recently in moscow. i set out the positions on a possible peaceful resolution. and of course, i am ready to discuss this with you. to tell you about the nuances. i hope that you will acquaint me with your position the position of european partners. well, victor, oregon is on his own personal peacekeeping mission. he just returned from ukraine
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where he tried to persuade key of to cease fire and head to negotiations. this proposal was rejected and now he unexpectedly landed in moscow and as now currently holding talks with the vladimir of putting out of course ukraine is among the key issues being discussed. and here's what to get there. or when a said at the beginning of that meeting and we last met you was before the war, you was in february 2022. these 2 circumstances make our current meeting special. i thank you for accepting me in such a difficult circumstances. i am very grateful that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to welcome me. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. i would like to use this opportunity to discuss a number of important questions. and i would like to know your position on a number of important issues for europe. now we've heard from vladimir important as press secretary to meet at the school for said that this meeting will last as long
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as necessary. of course we'll, we'll be here at the kremlin, waiting for its results because he didn't yet go to uh, hungry all through is part of the you. what was the, what's the reaction been from the west regarding this trip? victor or button has been under a lot of fire from his fellow senior european union officials who it seems to me for me. it was also a surprise that he actually came uh to russia. and some are saying that he does not have a mandates to hold any negotiations with russia on behalf of the european union. others say that his visits to russia and these talks with the potent undermine the review in unions, unified stands on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said, a nice it is clear that the whatever the messaging around the trip from the home gary and,
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and from time me to so on. the substance of this truth is not the right one. this is about about appeasement. it's not about peace. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end hunger and prime minister victor oregon is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop puts in only unity and determination, or will it pays the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece and ukraine. prime minister victor organs visit to moscow takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow. the position on russia's war of aggression against you cream is reflected in many european council conclusions. that position excludes official contacts between the you and president, putting the hunger in prime minister is thus not representing the you in any form
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or you know, this message that victor or button represents only hungry and not amy, a union or a lions has now been turned into a mantra which everybody's repeating in the european union. and now even at the head of nato, as they just decided to hop on the same train me so long as it's not that of presenting nathan at these meetings. his up, something is on country and promise that with them i was when i met him a couple of weeks ago we'll, we also discussed his upcoming research to kids. and so he and i know that he also piece of key recently. um, what is important, these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the restaurants to responsible for the war and up to the ukraine's territories integrity and 70 and must be respected. you know,
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i think the whole might be criticizing this visit, but it's definitely that most the senior european union and the needle officials are closely watching this meeting. mister stolt number also added actually that tomato doesn't need another minsk, uh, piece negotiations which is interesting, fast time, the use, the minutes peace negotiations to arm the country. right. less close to live out to full. my greek, i'm boss. so they're the and they just designed stop us. so thanks so much for joining us here on off season i should owe is a pleasure to talk with you the oversee. we are having some very interesting times of meeting with them. but right now, i mean the hon gary employment is an interesting says that that it has to be, it's just, it is today that his country may soon be the only one here that do you capable of speaking to both sides of the thing. calm for this, this, of course. so the other question is,
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why does this remains of the hungry is likely to be the only country interested in a peaceful resolution? and i think that victor or ben made a wonderful diplomatic cool. i see, went up as soon as she assumed the issue residency, she went to gibbs, this discussed with that said, let's keep at told, for the 1st time a to say lensky, that he should start looking for a way out of the war at start discussing about having a ceasefire, and now he is at the go, but he said they do take about a number of the other e. u countries said anything about his visit, give add by proposing peace to zealand. now he
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goes to moscow, where he represents, take you to pay it just because of course, he has the ego president's right id. but best of putting, told him that the, i want to hear the views of the think of a people countries on the, on the issues of the war. but we still take into consideration is that until though there was no diplomatic contact between the west and moscow between the issue at moscow and for the 1st time victor book is picked in oregon is is coming out with an initiative. he's not to have to negotiate anything with the russian president. he wants to go. what, how is it possible to get out of the impasse that all of your
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spacing today? so what he will do is after his stokes, he will go back to brussels at inform. geez, you also what press the footage position are. what is it then skis, a position are, had the basis of that? they could formulate a way out of this war at how to proceed for a peaceful solution to the ukraine. the nation this uh these, uh these was all up to this and i'm very zooming on the is that's for sure. but 1st of all, do think that brussels will in fact, listen to or bother those things. are they facing him with a call? i see. i mean, even when he comes to a place, it was a sunday or about 2 months ago. why? why do you think that is? well, there it is a panic now because or,
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but is doing something that they should have done. and they were too much afraid to do it. because basically all of the united states, so are been, had the courage to do it. he had and he has the chairmanship of, of the union that he doesn't need any kind of association though. when he comes back, they will be forced to listen to him because it's because if he comes with, with a way out of the problem with a peaceful solution to the issue, i think that they will hear. if they don't hear him, then they would be rejected by the people of europe as we saw. this is happening after so last results for the elections of european part of it, where many of the mainstream parties have that are pro war have lost their power.
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it's the same so busy up quite nicely to line next question. we know or bon either to or bon and maureen and i pad is of course, as gaining favor in france may consider as well as to if i can make, consider, bring out a new policy. the patriot party, perhaps inside the u commission. all the time is changing for the europe. other people get thing to say, what are the people guessing to to say what they want, instead of these vicious sort of will mongering policies of things changing. so yes, because 1st of all, i mean they could buy country grease. there is a, a very bad economic situation with increase a prices and many people cannot afford to live door buddy anymore. and this
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is due because of the negative effects of the sanctions that were imposed to russia instead of russia suffering from the sanctions. it's the good people that they're suffering from the sections with price increases and things like that. so the people have, are fed up with this story and plus you see what seeing all the body of the european union going towards military programs. instead of helping the agriculture production of europe, the european people are beginning to think that something has gone wrong. ad there is no more eddie priority from the european union to the european people for the for to i b do rate of their everyday life. which is one of the main
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reasons that's a you was, was created and formed. but it's also to have peace and the that let's do hope some form of peace and a resolution is formed as quickly as possible. we don't need anyone lives last live and it is cuz that's the projector, the full my greek boxes as a thank you for your time. thank you. thank you. now is hungry. so i see the result of the confidence through p, folks that head of main. so says the western lives he broke last healthy plane phase, rushed up on the bottle fields. you cannot, you cannot have ministry. so what do you need now is something that's actually is credible something. that's what actually the worst stops on the russell stops is it's aggression. and therefore, when to fight the ends and we need a security, we need to enable the craniums to deter,
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but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, those are one of the reasons why allies ok to has stated that ukraine will become a member by when i would joined by all to call us on the name a sean. she knows more about what was going on, especially then they just made a always good to see, you know, what kind of a split, talking about nato, here with some who are still with them. but uh, what kind of security guarantees can nato actually provide keys? now nato security guarantees to key of to not really makes sense because nato has been dragging you quite for awhile, promising them a when promising them as future together. but nato would not really want to rain to be part of the alliance. rather, it's more comfortable for them, for ukraine to be used as a proxy. and that is probably because ukraine has a lot of issues to deal with on a tense, one of which are the negative successes on the ground. as we know, there's
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a very high top ukrainian offensive failed miserably. they are losing on the ground. another point is the growing dissatisfaction with authorities, people ukrainian people are unhappy with the corruption. they're unhappy with the war, the unemployment rate, or even the energy supply issues. there is a crisis of legitimacy of power, as we know the ukraine present as a landscape essentially cancel the presidential elections this year, so he remains in power. then of course, we have the point of the 2024 american presidential elections, and in case donald trump wins, that would mean something different for ukraine. as he appeared to be in favor of the fact steps of a plan of stop in the us military a to wait until they talk. or they agreed to talk to moscow. and we know that american military supports you have this plan in for. and so the us stop and this
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would be a huge change for not only ukraine, but also it's your pin allies. the point is, are essentially tired of this situation and you know, having unhappy citizens behind your back is not, it's never a good sign. so the image here is clear, nato does not want to rain to be part of the alliance sufficiently, but it is comfortable for them to use it as a proxy to get to russia for, for sure. and they seem to be very good at that. uh these days especially is still very well, but so the, the ship is changing as we know. but, you know, what keeps the babysitting piece. talks about, you know, it has to be piece on teams. i know, conditions, goods. are there any developing uh, already developed, but as i say, you know, for russia between russia, ukraine, for them to negotiate directly. so of course, if you look at the reason switzerland, uh, he's summit that happened to happened about
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a month ago. nothing was really brought out to the table from that, i think came out of it and truly it remains to be known. how can you bring peace between ukraine and ross? so when it comes to this conflict without even inviting russia to the negotiating table. but again, recently president puts in reiterated the fact that most people has always been open to these thoughts. but it is instead of rain and its allies that refused to even get to the same table as rush, wireless sick. listen. the russia has never refused peace negotiations and is now ready to continue them. it was ukraine that refused the talks and did so publicly on direct orders from london and washington, ukrainian of specials, spoke about that directly and openly. the stumble agreements have not gone away. they were initials by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means apparently they were quite suitable for you. crane these agreements remain on the table and can be used as the basis for continuing peace negotiations
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. you know, before a private home, very and private as service to organs visit to moscow. he was in cuba and he tried to convince presidents the landscape too for a ceasefire. and to continue with negotiations, of course, the landscape once again, flat out, refuse that now or been did admit that the hungary a low and can not do much. but what he can do is probably put pressure into on, on big power such as the united states to open up to the potential piece thoughts. so the situation for ukraine as of now and is the quite tense at the moment. yeah, well at least someone is trying that. okay, good. mamma is always a pleasure until the few things to coming into the studio. right, let's change gears now. the presidents all sort of clear on the neighboring syria main needs for the 1st time. this is a devastating, i'm confident, a rep to 13 years ago that was
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a potential tubes article the to be held in russia in september of st correspondent . yes. and i can have the details. the serial does see it has been a hot talking point over the course of the past few weeks. and during this, donna summits as the president of 22 and of russia, let a move which and, and red chip type are the one met to discuss the serial ca, it's been quite vital. and over the course of the past year, so unclear has been more vocal and adamant in ensuring that the prospects of reproach mentioned, discussions actually starts and putting an end to a conflict that has spine for more than a decade. the sentiment was shared by the syrian president bush on the left side as well. of course, initially, the serial president said that negotiations are off the table. however, over time the syrian president essentially highlighted the important steps that must be taken if discussions are to be held. and that is of course, the sovereignty of the territorial integrity of the state of syria. the church
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president during his trip back to turkey after the status of its address, the number of questions from the turkish press. and among the questions was of course the syria 5 in response to the question as to whether not reproach meant as possible. the charge is present and once more reiterated that the negotiation process could be made possible. he said in the statement that quote, we may have an invitation to put in and by cheryl aside, disputing can make a visit to, to, to this could be the beginning of a new process. all these years in the syrian fields have clearly shown that everyone should establish a permanent solution mechanism over the course of the years. of course, it has become more and more important to ensure that the state of syria ensures that is solving to interprets or integrity is kept intact. and this is something that, and kind of shows as well. and it also takes into consideration the importance that has been presented by the syrian president and the director side essentially says that we will ensure that the territorial integrity of syria is respected. but
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discussions need to be held on based on what we understand. we and we understand that phone service currently in a position to ensure that the russian president is hosted into the care before the prospect or the discussions between 22 and sylvia could begin. but let's just playing a key role here as well, because we understand over the course of the last few years, for the most part, there have been a great deal of initiatives that have been led by to to that have been led by russia. iran has been a part of this process as well to ensure that the warring sides are the conflicting sides within the country within syria could essentially come to terms. and that is, of course, one of the many concerns of the syrian presidents, the militants in the northern part of the country, which is currently under the control the fact all control of the turkish forces. and to the fact that the syrian president has defacto control over that part of the country, they need to ensure that the concerns of damascus are essentially heard on the roadmap will be made available. but it's, it's a lot easier said than done at this point. it seems like the leaders are interested
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in discussing and starting the negotiation process, because then we need, we would need to essentially take into account the militants in the north. what would happen to them? and there's a great deal of field among them as well because damascus and most so consider them terrace entities within the country. where sonco, his position is a lot different. dar, currently millions of people living in those territories. this is something that could have is going to need to take into consideration as well. and the, the list does go on. it is a lot more complicated than it sounds. but the one thing that is sure all of the sides are calling for some form of approach meant that negotiations do take part in the general theory out. there is, of course, that the conflict between is real and gaza as essentially acted as a catalyst to ensure that the sites come together for the better, at least the betterment of the greater middle east. and if this meeting is to take place, the unofficial word on the street is that the meeting would take place in russia, which amplifies the position that moscow is currently in. to ensure that the peace
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and stability in the middle east is to accept, upheld or established in the 1st place. meanwhile in syria, us so been plundering that to weasels is on the little guys of fighting terrorism by condemning statement was issued by ty, me, died of foreign ministry. a me, sherry used to be a weed exporting country, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food insecurity. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. fox have shown that the united states schemes to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time, yet it infringes on the right to subsistence and the right to life of the people of other countries. it claims to defend democracy, freedom and prosperity, while in fact, it constantly creates humanitarian crises. the us should earnestly respect serious sovereignty and territorial integrity immediately and it's illegal to military
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presence in syria stopped blundering, serious national resources intake concrete actions to make up for the harm. it has a cause to this year and people according to the us, we put duction in syria has drops. why? 75 percent? since k of the relative in the country way back in the 2011. about 13000000 people to say we are struggling with adequate food supplies. the law says hasn't repeated the keys, washington all profiting from smuggling grain. a clear violation of international mil and are you as soon as have also been talking out? comb void off the comb boy will rubbing the syrian government of finances to support is people smell video is allegedly this with the allegedly shows american menissi bank of accompanying a comb, one time code trucks headed to close it robins, northern border, syria has 2 and
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a half 1000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves, but crucial facilities of either being destroyed or taken over by a coupon american troops series government has estimated that is loss of potential revenue has amounted to a staggering $27000000000.00. that will say the us trends making their lives on bearable. shifting the only the us troops patrol the main roads in the uh yeah, it'll be area daily. one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers promos, various vehicles loaded with syrian resources constantly. and so the space, it's the kind of occupation when we hope to get rid of it, the actions on making us stop. they have taken out food and everything from us making life very difficult. the villages and people here on the won't do us troops to leave hall county, so we can return see how things were before the 2011. i didn't really heard from
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the bond costeo. he's the head of news, the play, the media outlet, he said, the solar resources of funded separative services groups in syria. as washington seems to quibble, the countries officially elected governments. this is a bailey occurrence the depth of oil, the depth of wheat. a, i think i, you know, it's interesting that to, to highlight the see, we have one point was i read exploring a country and now the people, you know, a measly ends up serious equity secured. not just because i've been reading up the oil, but you have to consider that you as economic sanctions. so the us currently controls about a 3rd of syria, mainly the resource breach regions. now, syria does not have, you know, a, a huge oil supplies. we're not talking about a good act. we're not talking about saudi arabia. so these loading is not meant to, to light the field. the call for the of the us government is just me to create both
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the government into moscow store to force a raging change and also to fund the the activities of courteous proxies ignored the serial. mainly the phone numbers that maybe sprays from up north and the syria on the syrian democratic forces. who are main before that was involved for the most part in these booting operations because us troops and syria, according to washington, they don't exceed 900. but then all of these shipments they've reached the rock, the curtis, the region where the us has bases where israel has most outlaws, and where all of these resources are result, then the money funneled back into the curtis process. so they, they can continue to occupy syria and strangle the government. but i saw a lot of tensions. ron now, where reform was candidate my sued. but this key i'm, is facing off against called lajna said is usually in the presidential election. now this is the 2nd round of voting off, the name of the top 2 candidates,
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governor mcdonald, see last week. all taken care of the use of jelly has all the details on the capital to her on the polling stations have been bothering with people coming here to cast their votes on choose a successor to the vice president where you see who died in a helicopter crash and back in may be leaders by to law. how many was among the 1st cast? his vote shortly after the pose open at 8 am his residence called faith in yvonne, i'm reporting from is called was a side one of the hot spots. voting in the capital one, as opposed to senior officials from these one for public to come to this folding station and cast their votes for so it's been a mostly contested race between us. i each i d d, i that hard line, conservative politician. and of course, the best because it should be on a reform is in a crucial one of both. after neither candidates are secured, they're required. 50 percent majority needed for in the 1st round to win the
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election back on june 28th. so this procured a 2nd round, and now it's under way across the country, based on the of audience election law, the winner mazda, secure of the 50 percent of the total votes cast, was one vote. initially there were 6 candidates running to drop out the 11th hour to support the 2 leading principles candidates out of the remaining for the reform is a former health ministers administered their ways with roughly $10000000.00 volts with bad steals. all the 42 percent of the total ford scouts all failed for company, 50 percent was hold the so the election the, the 2nd round of your insurance is under way boarding hours. started at 8 am to all the way to 6 pm local time based on the election laws um its a 10 hour.
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