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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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important job, what he's doing the manual, but he's not doing this when you're a pretty minimum. we have sort of very grateful thomas for this 5 minutes or 4 visits. i can almost still step down the yes michael, i forgot the most class was pretty my ticket. but before we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue, gosh the sheila, thank you. and 2nd to the pretty that you with the police and to give initially to us like a lack of attached to the dialogue. thank you for the issue. they may have to step down the code for them because i may speaking to the ladies and gentleman, mr. moore, president for the sealants to order for 2nd. and i see where they have the most at the, at us state assessment today. see, was my 11th meeting with the president of the russia. i'll talk to the know she had in to say good hoards hobbles. you do have been through a free because of the lock, little so been this to at this stage here. what basically is missing special or
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with somebody in the, in the is the fact that it is one of the quote failed times of war. he didn't want to be a kid, a book, my man because of the you've looked at watching those and then time when you're ready, you call that desperately needs to be at the summit of us for you are the most important because it's hailey that. so i'll go to the exam, do me got big, let me see what else i can do as long as i'm not showing up for this, the ship will go to our main task for the next 6 months of our chairman says i need and i'm going to is that we will see them with the if the that the tv the a little while you fellow the scan paintings are piece also. yes, cuz i'll just put down for the dentist. i told mr. president and see what to associate with him in the mirror. and they just said you're of his biggest will develop p c to buy. so i'm decades them piece of them. it's just most of the people that they plus believe in that. well, there's an opportunity of a name, and now we in europe have been living in the show you the whole or for 2 and a half years. i think you're a good on this last night. and this causes you showing could be some difficulties
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in your emotion. choose thoughts, visit me calling to feel safe, to speak to you to send the the escape. he didn't go to the for a new piece godaddy. we see images of destruction and sufferings model was trying to tailor these next 2 days said benny saw vast and keep a seeking pcc. but he shut on because of the, i'm not sure what was the cause of the 3. and this for a scale started to have an effect, so i'm going to be demo recall to me. and then finally, the competitiveness of trigger was just because all of this wasn't present. the hebrew, as i have you told us the president to europe needs the 16 a but most of the meg a good deal, which is the pro, i say it's up to a mac. the accused mental euklel. no, because the best, the best phone. and then what was the last 2 and a half years, his diploma. we have realized that without his diploma see, without channel communication level and the able to achieve these, we go, we have a new must have been someplace to be a world will never come by itself and we need to work towards the kuta class
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possible. this is a name united ways of achieving the piece that is exactly what we have been discussing today with the president to likely be doubled. i don't was much of a couple of points. i saw me cut also to see which could possibly be the shortest. for that towards the end of the war. if i looked on each of them with some of your thoughts for uh, your frontier solution to do a solution i wanted to here. and i did here. and the purpose of presidents opinion on the last and only 3 that of i couldn't pull them out. so i was actually for them . i asked them to spend too much on the issues and i've done them. let me know what these things about the color and the piece initiatives will disabled when you auto land. she gets her home up to see. that's mean we can fabulous still on the a particular issue. and what he thinks about the next me to go to possible ceasefire and at least negotiations in what sequence they could be the mean, you know, have a little tiny, little play the function i get instead of one. that's a good one. uh, it's a 3 just a minute to just have a 3rd. if, if you didn't,
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spencer i wanted to hear is how about this vision of you or i'm you have to or to say to the dental, i'm grateful to mr. president for a frank opening. negotiate negotiation short on football case model, all these model stuff going on. ok. ok. can mean thank you. valid. mean the inhabitants will feel that the best here and let me just pull those up a sydney way. it isn't just the one with over the last 2 and a half years, a couple of them. i agree, but it made contact is to is the group. i think there are very little countries left separately and dialogue with both vehicle conflict. same policies and the case time and the rate is exactly one of those very few countries on the planet. i'm going to do it. yeah. both key and this is why the adjustment of this we had visited the key is and now i am an emotional muscle vehicles. but the point noticed uh from my experience is switching the leaky little come through. i realize that the 2 positions are very far from each other. i think she gets sleepy sex thomas. oh, my gosh. let's deal with all chance. so solution all the shuttle for the left and
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we need to make this exhibit a lot of steps to get you closer to the head out at the end of the war and was asked you want to sleep as well. she kind of what's next on the dish for talking for my stomach was an issue. so the most important some of the concepts that it has been made, we have established contacts and will continue working in this direction. thank you . that's the less people who don't have got the yellow slot the you know, big you know, something you know, i'm sort of fill that out too and okay. yeah. so the president of the subscription to the whole like told that to the president of the russian federation.
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all right, you're back with a to do hey with me was, how is it? of course all the international. now of course, it said we saw the president puts it on the home gave in a to it's a obama, a came out with a press conference of our breakdown, some of the things they said if it just to any us out of course hung gary's lead to came really quite unexpectedly who arrived today directly from budapest. uh, now 1st of all, put in spoke a lot of inputs in a while until 5 very important russian and hungary continues is trade especially energy of the keys said because at the end of the day, countries like hungry in the you already lined on energy from russia and they're looking to expand with 5 or 6 new power policies and double the energy for hungry. this is also good. they told to out by the actual agreements with pharmaceuticals. this will continue. but of course, the main subject, butler oh,
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really thinking about is ukraine. what did they talk about regarding ukraine? well, put in the said he wanted to hear from things or by his ideas with the or but also said that he wants to have a valid inputs. his ideas. they said that they was on different scenarios that could pub, possibly bring this conference to and, and didn't really get into the details. but if any of those details are sort of brought out into the publics, i be, will of course, be sharing those with you. now it's interesting that puts in also focused on how that new plane isn't really interested in resolve and he does actually blame you claim for it, but mean cranes, allies, his equations boxes is blocking you claim, who is forcing you claim to, to push this to the end now it's really quite interesting
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a lot of things that it's all, it's about russian present by the inputs and also talks about um the, the, the p r. they have cause a speech to the form is a speech. you may remember a couple of weeks ago, or he said that russia one has a clip off. i think it was a link to all bottom said he listened to the russian president. you said the key things here are to move forward to establish communications. and that's, that's how things will move forward in the future. step by step hungry is a key country that perhaps facilitates the future and perhaps bring an end to the call. the bullets literally bring you all the details of that speech within the date to date, we're also going to be joined by one of our correspondents of political
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correspondence. again, he's there in the claimant very soon. so this a bunch now as on the flies to resolve the confidence food piece sold to the head of name, so says the west admin fee broke doesn't want a new minutes. agreement 5, instead of helping clean the theme to russia on the bottle fields. you cannot, you cannot have ministry. so what do you need now is something that's actually is credible something. that's what actually the worst stops on the partial stops it's, it's aggression. and therefore, when to fight the ends and we need a security, we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's what was the one, the reasons why i was ok to has stated that ukraine will become a member on i don't have a whole coming to my feel big to or by made a step into the ink cover. a lot of them is the last piece of gauging with most of
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the how got it says that the ac is fly. wouldn't be a critical step towards a pub in a peace deal between russia and that you find that visit came a day off the how do we assume that the rotating 6 months championship of the european council, which is live in the you know that as well. so i have to put up who down to the full, my indiana boss of the to morocco and qu weights. so thank you so much for joining us here today on our team to national now the create in farm it is uh uh, recently says that he's, he's outraged by or binds a visit to moscow as the trip was not coordinated with the put in, you know, sort of, he does this way is uh, does this mean tv is not interested in a peaceful resolution of the conflicts where you know,
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a statement like the why don't you just now the book to does lead to some questions . but from my point of view, it is very significant and very new to buddy that he's engaged in private. this stuff is to be done or bob as to revisit debowski. as soon as i did, he was a, did you agree? and he's of these mission do both takes the no, i'm reminded all lines the bible which says you listen to all of the please make well david b gore, children are gone. that is the problem is the, is trying to bring about peace. does that sound to you? you're all good. ok, good awesome objections which would be great wrong. the union and some of the
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other teachers that do that and upset that he has no authorization to negotiate on the unit. what do you know? prime minister, or bar, as him said, said the, you know, if you do need to see it from the, your be union or what he is doing is trying to understand the interview for russia as you agree. because you need to understand the sides. can you bring about peace or do you certainly get the, the average weight when he said you cannot make these from a comfortable i'm getting rough. how do you want me to do? do you residency? i don't know monday because here on the you, you said we cannot sit back and wait for the walk through. they're not going to see it. so i think that the piece mission,
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it's just something that you will be stuff all day. i know to make sure that the president of the prime minister with the mr. no reasonable b as b, trying to bring about peace between russia, ukraine. he has said dearly, this is not the head of war. he has spoken to the president. he has spoken to the president is pete and the other line, the fact that india dies for peace in neil wanted diplomatic solution. in the long, the war who is going to seem come to the brand. it is a 100 is to be to or bob had visit. did you agree? it is now visiting russia. i'm just trying to make these 11 is not part of the from the union. the fact that you're meeting is going is very good. good. good. inside the assignment and took into debt to for just for
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a 2nd. so, i mean at the end of the day when the, the, you become involved in negotiations, i mean hunger was 5 minutes. so it cannot negotiating for the year with the e. u, as in, in the conflict between ukraine and russia. and as you said, things are all about is that to perhaps facilitate a path to a conversation with things. i like to skate and buy them and put in what is so wrong about bucks and why? of the you, i gains that and why they always the resign. why have they all seem to resign from the tab and ship? i think that they have misunderstood this mission. they take them, he is trying to negotiate on the big unit. but the fact is that brandon just, the obama is, instead of said that to you doing any negotiation,
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you said that you're trying to understand the different parts of you. and as you know, these is which are finding anything wrong with that. i said at the very, i'll pick that up listed on the police, make good use trying to make these. he's doing a very good job because this war has to go with it. and anyone who tries to read about these is doing a good job. and if i may, we would just as into uh, both the inputs in and the to or bon giving that sort of the end of meeting speech or bottom said something quite interesting that took that go to my attention. he said, at the end of the day during these last 2 and a half, he is, europe has really been affected a lot economically. and the whole union, it may or may not be the rich countries of the u, like perhaps frauds and germany. but the,
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the florida country is of the you have been assigned to them also. hence the reason why they want, you know, energy security for the block. i'm from countries like silver care, like hungry. so actually the ink cartridge, uh, a told between ukraine and russia. so my question is, what stopping it? i mean, well, we may be, we may have a new president in the united states. we may have a new data in front of the, all the, all the ties changing you know, the situation orders change. but there are some serious 2 bedrooms bringing about peace between direction. you agree? everybody realizes you reflect to the smallest the reason of your was not free. you
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can only do. let me tell you that the biggest stop for all these started for you. got the boat, the floor of the all the word and a whole brand new stuff. i'll be doing a big goal because he realizes that the longer the direct yeah. you read more continued the some reason love becomes able to build this house to give you. so everybody wants to name to this war, except if nobody knows how to go about it. and if anyone, whether it just be and get in brand, that is the orange, the duty prime minister should have a problem. this doesn't have any load it. anyone who makes that as well, just in center of what does that do? this war, these dialogue in negotiation deserves credit. i don't think he deserves going to they should. so, you know, the union is suspicious about what the get in private is to do it in
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moscow. that is a duplex you all the relationship between the hungry and the unit. you just log on to reflection on any of these that. but that being the means. yeah, it's very interesting and it also roles the piece is not a bad word. let's hope that some negotiations, at least the steps to negotiation stopped. we're going to have to leave with this. i need always a pleasure talking to you as a problem, the former indian. i'm busta to morocco and quite a pleasure as a thanks. again. thanks. i as a change, give a slight me. the president is a tutor here and neighboring syria may need for the 1st time since devastating on confident iraq to the teen. years ago, the peptide of the hilltops allowed me to pull the lead to be held in russia in september, all think was one. yes, and it can, has all the details. the serial does see it has been
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a hot talking point over the course of the past few weeks. and during this, donna summit is the president of, to, to, and of russia. let him who puts an end, rigid type ard on, met to discuss the serial ca, it's been quite vital. and over the course of the past year, so unclear has been more vocal and arguments and ensuring that the prospects of reproach mentioned, discussions actually starts and putting an end to comfort that has spine. for more than a decade. the sentiment was shared by the syrian president bush on the left side as well. of course, initially, the serial president said that negotiations are off the table. however, over time the syrian president essentially highlighted the important steps that must be taken if discussions are to be held. and that is of course, the sovereignty of the territorial integrity of the state of syria. the church president during his trip back to tokyo after the status of its address. the number of questions from the turkish press. and among the questions was of course the
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syria 5 in response to the question as to whether or not reproach meant as possible . the turkish president once more reiterated that the negotiation process could be made possible. he said in the statement that, quote, we may have an invitation to put on by cheryl aside if boots and can make a visit to to, to this could be the beginning of a new process. all these years in the syrian fields have clearly shown that everyone should establish a permanent solution mechanism over the course of the years. of course, it has become more and more important to ensure that the state of syria ensures that is solving to enter material. integrity is captain tack, and this is something that on to the shows as well. and it also takes into consideration the importance that has been presented by the syrian president and the director side essentially says that we will ensure that the territorial integrity of syria is respected. but discussions need to be held on based on what we understand we and so we understand that sound curve is currently in a position to ensure that the russian president is hosted into the care before the
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prospect or the discussions between 2 to you and see if you could begin, but let's just playing a key role here as well because we understand over the course of the last few years, for the most part, there had been a great deal of initiatives that had been led by to to that have been led by russia iran has been a part of this process as well to ensure that the war insides of the conflicting sides within the country within syria could essentially come to terms. and that is, of course, one of the many concerns of the syrian presidents, the militants in the northern part of the country, which is currently under the control, the fact all control of the target forces. and the fact that the syrian president has defacto control over that part of the country they need to ensure that the concerns of damascus are essentially heard. and the a roadmap will be made available by so it's a lot easier said than done at this point. it seems like the leaders are interested in discussing and starting the negotiation process, because then we need, we would need to essentially take into account the minutes in the north. what would
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happen to them? and there's a great deal of fear among them as well because damascus and most so consider them terrace entities within the country. where sonco, his position is a lot different. they are currently millions of people living in those territories . this is something that could have is going to need to take into consideration as well. and the, the list does go on. it is a lot more complicated than it sounds. but the one thing that is sure all of, besides accounting for some form of approach meant that negotiations do take part in the general theory out. there is, of course that the conflict between is real and gaza. has essentially acted as a catalyst to ensure that besides come together for the better, at least the betterment of the greater middle east. and if this meeting is to take place, the unofficial word on the street is that the meeting would take place in russia, which amplifies the position that moscow is currently in. to ensure that the peace and stability in the middle east is to accept, upheld or established in the 1st place. i submit as he indeed now is close live
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to 4 months of this a lot. i'm president of the london energy club. i missed the amendment 2 minutes. thank you so much for joining us here today at all team, i believe. and i so interesting news cut me out from that part of the world. how significant is this potential meeting between the outside of the one? i mean, do you believe it can really help to restore bilateral relations between these 2 neighboring countries? i think it will because both on the turkish side and cheering by there was a desperate need to mend defenses and russia is pushing forward for that. it does play them at the age, enroll bringing pockets together. there was actually reports last week that down and a sub will be meeting and bumped up under the mediation of your work. i don't know where disputes came, but the foot wide spread. and now we have talking about both leaders coming together in las go onto the restroom. mcgee, sunk in september. and what that,
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what the time scale they did? i think it's critical that from turkish point of view is disturbing. so the, nor the syria and also the fact that white, the g and also the p t k is preparing for co dom won't seem to region, was a great to autonomy and later perhaps, you know, i think the nice thing with the country, the only government the if you are and this is very worry simple to get on thursdays, we will never allow him to respond to be established on the other side of our border. that board also what we have seen that it garza is dryly moving toward 11 is and trying to defeat as the law. and i encourage saying that we will calmly stand behind and lebanon parties that would totally integrity on. so we're going to, because of the theory is to actually use the multi year experience by the rom, lebanon, cherokee, and syria, that iran is,
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riley intentions are expensive, is coming all the way to the practice, quarter trip thing, the long term safety within the region. the serial needs piece on the problem as well. so he does not have complete and the also tension on board board is turkey for the and then just drive the board to the time is the truck is suffered. well, it's a great deal because of what's happening and nobody knew right, y p g goods, then domestically more than 67000000 jewelry and people collect, reflect in syria, are creating social passions and economy north and on the package economy. so there is a need for both sides to come together and bring to get the mass costs, which i fear because i think it's going to be a historic move in data. it is a historical key. i mean, how important is it that russia is getting involved? if is russia a t mediator had also seen uh, taken care of,
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and russell work on different other levels. is royce of the team partner that cooper high to facilitate outside on add onto, to mediate and to come to an agreement. and is russia important here? yes, i mean, russia has a significant presence in syria, as we know it does grateful national grid assets. it can somehow see when the twist the saw if need be because of the leverage of that must go home in this area . and it has also struck music in transport, chunky and so we have to come together to fuse box it to the must be seneca and laptop directly. all the internally, just agents without talking behind the scenes and in public. still the presidential, we think didn't take place, we need some encouragement, then some cushing and he stopped going to come from the us, not china, from iran. so i think russia is the most critical partner for doing so. and that
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was, it could be more result oriented as well because in the past we had just started the process as you remember. so many meetings took place so many declarations, but no tangible results. i hope that this time the ground will be prepared well, and there's going to be a less being piece for a showing curium. so totally interpreted. so we're going to do. but also, just by talk is blanket them of the secretary and press so that there will be no problem between the 2 countries affected by truck parking. i mean us the, well, with the 14, syria is a big concern for us is supporting the y p g, as we know created, trying to create that will tell them is region for the current seen syria and the, this is lee is going to lead that back to you soon take ration of syria and it's not acceptable either for russia. know for to a key know for syria and also for neighboring countries like the right now for the equipment, interest you and, but there are some practice. there were some preconditions from s up in the
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beginnings us being took these courses to we throw stuff going to happen before the region is clear and security wise is going to be safe and for refugees to go back. and also the traditional terms will not be based and looked at. therefore, there is going to, but lots of top negotiations. but these 2 principles come together on the russian mediation and must go in september. i understand. now, i think the pers concrete step will be taken and the rest will be not that difficult to follow. yeah, that's how people are in data and date that seem to be the year of peace negotiations. i say that finds out, but i'm, i don't, i'm always the same piece will also provide it in russia, ukraine war. all right. and do you just have to go on both sides? so let's hope that is going to be what size they are in need. and that's, that's the code to for most of the i'm present all the london energy level. so thank you so much for doing this a lot. so all the top story hung,
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gary and prime is a big old. but i'm the russian president by members in have just held a joint press conference in i'm of him, or bob who also recently visited, gave says he is on a piece mission to end of the conflict between russia and ukraine. as well as the live now to all the political cause founded and your god is good all who is by far of the events in the crime. a good always good to see. we have some interesting information coming out of a big to an order, but have a lot of them. it puts in and tell us more about what they said this well, this meeting lasted for about 3 hours the victor or been told why to me of food and about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade t of to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer wasn't rejected,
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the computers actually discuss the wide range of things. but of course, the grain was among the most important issues. vladimir prudent says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of ukraine wouldn't says piece would mean the need to with the marshal and ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held and letting me to. so ask, he's a term and office officially ended in may so important things that trans ukrainian officials aren't really in that much of a need to, to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in elections and putting things they wouldn't lose the codes administration wouldn't lose also vladimir important says that uh, any piece of negotiations that should be 2 knots, a c spy or a pause, but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor orleans.


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