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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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up for you to meet all of the criteria and i wish the international courts will extend the old window chase bank also. it doesn't have the same kind of punch because the people that are being genocide in our brown people. i mean it, it's a, it's built in racism as well. okay. it's genocide with people we can identify with . but if we can identify with them, well that's just ok as well. the chance of this happening is sweet and that they are nice to none. and we've always understood, as we saw this during world war 2, we had a real hard time with the germans because they looked like us and the value they looked like us like no problem with the japanese. that was different. they weren't human and it goes. but it's, it's, it's tribal, it, no matter what i mean at the end of the day, you know, when we taught, when it's in, genocide is a modern term. but the container who has been committing genocide against other people, lot of it happened in europe. and it's now in europe and settlers in, in palestine are doing exactly the same thing as all the time we have one, i think, my guess in jersey, city, new york. and here in moscow. and of course,
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i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are days. so you next time we member across that roles the, there's still an unwillingness in cuba to offend them, the idea of waging war to the bitter end. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue and give it an additional impetus. vladimir puts in a welcome efforts by a hung gary environment as a sort of hormones to result in clean conflict. into need is saying that for me, in just days off the old one with the p d. u officials, us something to most goes a name doesn't represent the blog, some even suggest the home getting 5 minutes to train the principals. we believe
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that it's undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this one to end the target, i'm very impressed with those may assume wait for the 1st time in the the news to restore, then fi lights on the side. and that potential summit posted by the rom those in the 2nd round of is the presidential election as a default kind of a police officer to lead the nation the live from our international news center in moscow. this is all the well, the, the global news. oh, don't story vladimir puts in as just smacked with the hung gary, him 5 minutes of the thing to auto body in moscow to discuss ways to resolve the clean conflicts. off of that meeting, they gave comments to reporters spoken, say,
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sir, i see to pass for russia. i have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement. however, on the other side, we hear about an unwillingness to resolve the issue in this way. and ukraine sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, including taking into account what we heard from mr. prime minister today, there is still an unwillingness in keith to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and you get to. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue and give it an additional impetus which doesn't even in europe have been living in the shadow of yeah, for 2 and a half years. now. this has caused great difficulties for europe, even though we do not feel safe and this war has fractured and the breakdown of economic development and then the decline of our competitiveness for the last 2 and
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a half years, we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels, many steps are needed to end the war and establish the 1st important step is to be made in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this mortgage on the political caught us for the year. got cut off was in the thoughts of the events in central and was gonna see what a some key details from the lead is tools as well as the comments to the press. the victor or button told vladimir food and about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade keith to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer wasn't rejected, the computers actually discussed a wide range of things. but of course, the grain was among the most important issues, vladimir prudent says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of the crane. putting says piece would mean the need to with, to the marshal on ukraine,
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which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held ends of letting me to. so ask, he's a term and office officially ended in may so important things that trans ukrainian officials aren't really in that much of a need to, to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in elections and putting things they wouldn't lose the codes administration wouldn't, it was also flattery reporting says that uh, any peace negotiations that should lead to not a c spy or a pause, but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor, oregon says that he's now met with way of putting for the 11th times. he is on this a single man peacekeeping mission, these travel to ukraine. now he's in russia because he says you is, he is a feeling of the consequences of the conflict. economically, europe is not feeling safe and he says that europe needs peace. and the only way peace could be achieved is through negotiations. and so with diplomacy,
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he says he's now a talks to both sides and hungry is one of the few nations we, which have this opportunity to, to both to russia and ukraine. and he says, the positions of both countries are extremely far apart. it would be very difficult to reach common ground for them. but he says meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i believe we can listen to the, the 1st statements that came outs from both presidents. as this meeting started. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. i would like to use this opportunity to discuss a number of important questions. and i would like to know your position on a number of important issues for europe. pretty much the best thing. we know that quite recently. on july, 2nd, you were in key if you have come here to discuss all the nuances of the situation
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that has developed in the ukrainian direction. now it's time to talk about what is happening in kit. you probably know about my speech to the leadership of the russian foreign ministry recently in moscow. i set out the positions on a possible peaceful resolution. and of course, i am ready to discuss this with you. to tell you about the nuances. i hope that you will acquaint me with your position the position of european partners. definitely an important meeting, even though i get to organ is now under a lot of criticism from his european counterparts. it seems to me that some, for some of them, it was a surprise that he came here to russia. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine. or they say that he this is actually doing harm to your pin union, so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said. it is clear that whatever the messaging
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around the trip from the home gary and, and from family to so old on the substance of this truth is not the right one. this is about about appeasement. it's not about peace. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end in your environment is sir victor or ben is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the past. due a comprehensive just and the last thing be some ukraine prime minister victor organs visit to moscow takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow. victor or been in no way represents the you or do you use positions?
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he is exploiting the you presidency position to sell confusion. the d u is united clearly behind ukraine and against russian aggression. we sort of self that are presenting nato at these meetings. he's representing his own country and promise to with them. i was when i met him a couple of weeks ago we'll we also discussed his upcoming research to kids. and so he and i know that he also has to give you something um, what is important this that will allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the roof sized responsible for the war and up to uh, ukraine's territory and take your 1070 must be respected. all this criticism aside though, i think victor orbiting has shown some real strong political character because it really takes some phone will to go for a european leader right now to rush to and hold negotiations. wouldn't let him have
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wouldn't, because of the european union's stance on ukraine and oldest military support of ukraine. well, actually, i think it's victor or been by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it, the author of the press conference all to you spoke with hungary farm. and is that he said, your niece of the confidence should be resolved as soon as possible. i must been in the last 2 and a half years. the old style of the results, keeping the channels of communication open. there is no solution to before. so i think this is the only way how solutions come to phones through this for is that we talk to each other as a cuba channels of communication. no. there's no sort of support you do now. all of the don't confuse the prove war,
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fully cushions with the people in the room. wireless was alive now to west on the low cost when i'm president, risk analyst elijah bag. nasa, thank you so much for joining us today. interesting times with autobahn. it's of autobahn in the kremlin. this comes with a critical time. people would say for europe, i'm perhaps the, for the west in general. but when we look at the big it pages, who as a great the need for the claim corporate to the result, is it russia all the you to thank you for having me? well, 1st of all, it is a very important visit because we chose that russia is open to negotiate, extend, and to discussion, even with the country and the prime minister that is leading the you in the system . as a russia has been open to negotiation in 2021 to the beginning of the war
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warning. nathan, not the approach to ukraine and not create habits in ukraine. that was, you know, and then rush, i was open to negotiation and almost signing of you in april 2020, to kentucky. when in this done board at the dean was already allowed to be signed when the prime minister, the altogether d u. k. body johnson. at that time blew up the did. so it is important today to show 1st that pressure is open to negotiation. second, the old in that are active, that the americans have been feeding to europeans and do the indeed those feeding the population that russia has ambitious to ambitions to occupy for the funeral, off to ukraine and go to portland. and then in dodge to eastern and western europe . and so it shows of the lack of unity among the european and leadership.
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because obviously it is common knowledge that europe is really following the us directive, not the e u, the best interest, and certainly not just of the population. and rather me, the names game this case is spine this and it's without really a decision that can benefit these population. on the contrary, he is still calling for mobilization. these continue the war complaining about the with guns, but not taking the hand with the olive branch, just off the wall when he had deal to do anything. but anyway, that is something positive to put on this side. and to keep in mind that is going to be always available for him to day. the americans lift the control over your interest. see how this is also reply me out today. we know the over on coming we
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heard from the oh we, we, we saw reactions and i say from the claim for a ministry saying that it was outraged by or by and visit because the, the fit was not co ordinated with the claim. you know, pharmacies on the end of the day, so visit or by has come with i like you very right. these said uh, reaching out you know, an order of bronx or perhaps opening a car adult. what to need is can uh, have a conversation, but is it not in the keys interest for a peaceful resolution? all mean all through hearing reports of for thousands of lives. thousands of young people, average age of 40 losing their lives on a daily basis. what needs to change, and so we have seen the way ever got them is it is get received prime minister victor or ben. and he received him with a lot of the got to see an opening,
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he's ons, which shows that the tension behind it was genuine. at the beginning, but he was waiting to see the outcome if everybody is coming in and all the european union, if he's bringing something except to that didn't scape did not expect. oh, he's looking forward as join a, b. u. well, he's coming with also the support of the americans when he's at visits where things started to change and the language look, differentiate. but what we understand today, we call this the negative response off the visit a victor or button easy or at the pin the, the he is the, the, the, the, it has opened a breach in the minds of the population. and he offered the opportunity for ukraine to take on board with us. he also offered an opportunity for the european need.
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there's not a really trustworthy, particularly the often admitting that the mist $1.00 and $2.00 agreements were only a charade to allow ukraine to be on an attack, a russia, in case of ukraine joining the nato. so he is in the best position to say, look here, if he wants to use me, i am trustworthy. i want all the guarantee that i can offer to restaurant russia is opening up and is extending his hands and saying, i agree just sit around the table and when you already come to me, now that is putting the ball in the other cap. and today ukraine needs to face the reality. that is not only sending, it's not because it's a sending then 70000000 next door to a mac and company. it just sending just people to death because it's using every single ukrainian for the benefit of the us to conduct the war against russia
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to it's in the health that the u. s. can defeat with all the fits the nation and run state germany. rush up is not the case and then send the message to china, which is dining as a roman effect against the us. and what is western eyes? and that'd be under the day we see that the west is using tobacco. nope, only ukraine, but ukraine is paying the heaviest price. so when in that in ski wouldn't wake up, then he wouldn't have it on the table that you can start negotiating by knowing already that the other part is not that difficult and he's ready to to yeah, indeed indeed outside they would have to leave it. uh uh, let us hope uh is it, as he does have other thoughts on move in to a different direction, but eliza magneer will cause when i'm but it's a risk. i was a pleasure. thank you. right,
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let's head into iran. now. reform is candidates, a must food. this is facing off against pod lineup. site is early in the presidential election. now this is the 2nd round, a voting thing off, and neither of the top 2 candidates go to majority last week or more on this, this close the, to all the chorus, one of the use of jelly he is in teheran use of things are spicy up we imagined, can you bring this up to this? we with the latest updates from the election phase. of course, here are the official boarding periods concluded at 6 pm local time around 15 minutes ago after 10 hours of voting for the interior ministry analysis on a 2 hour extension. there's responsibility on the process for change until midnight
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. it's an election for 40 hours to be extended multiple times, sometimes switching until fit not. of course, it's been quite a breathtaking marathon, raised between a hard line, conservative politicians and his rival, his reformers. 5 officers killed in a race for the top executive host. and the waco for the late president way sees death in a helicopter crash. in may the font of the nation to hold a snap election to choose a new president for the country within a maximum timeframe of 30 days. and now we're on the day 48. so all the time is running out and at the nation should choose the next a warning, and president, of course, based on the election law that they can, the winner mazda secure, at least 50 percent of the total votes cast across one vote to be mega ronnie, and president, this thing did not happen in the 1st rounds and that led triggered
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a run off between the position beyond a reformist and jenny d. a hard line, conservative politician. now the 2 are squaring off in this who sold one off. initially in the 1st round, there were 6 candidates to drop out of the race and beacon 11. our in favor of the leading us candidates out of the remaining for the reformers. politician. the reform is contender a position beyond the ways with $10000000.00 volts, but that's still force only 42 percent of the total votes cast. following short of the 50 percent, where she told me to pay off the discounts to win the auction in the 1st, for green, a 2nd round, which is underway now. in the 1st round, 12 closely behind with 9400000 volts. for now, the waste is very tied to say, nick and nick weighs between these 2 politicians,
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each representing one end of the political spectrum in iran, of course. so it's still too soon to talk about any predictions regarding the outcome of this waste because those candidates have substantial support spaces in the country. charity is banking on 3000000. revolts from party ball pool, also run in the 1st round, but last to try to be found physically on. now, the ball from those people who voted for money in the 1st round, are expected to switch to jetty. as part of himself urged his voters and his supporters to rally around charity while his this key on the reform is a candidate is seriously capitalizing on this 60 percent of the elect. right. who did not vote in the 1st round the work just interested i did not turn off in the 1st round now because this is trying to position himself as the ultimate solution
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to the rough problems of those 60 percent elect. right? he's trying to encourage them to come to the presentations, come on board for him. i see the pharmacy has to be to be signed up to meet the demands, all of that 60 percent elect for it. so officers count has been making promises such as a reviving didn't c or d o n d gone the hospital, it is with the. 6 22 ports, closer ties with the west, east pensions with the west. those are the promises me foreigners discount, expired to as many folders as possible and the 2nd round. so still we're talking about predictions based on the surveys and poles by the warning opponents. the discount is expected to leave the waste with 53 percent of the total voice cast while city is projected to 44 percent. so now is expected to reach 43 percent slightly more than the turn out that was within that fit.
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everyone's working the 1st round steel. all of these are predictions. we have to wait for the official results. and the once the polls flows and vote counting begins wife and after the polls close, the vote counting is expected to start and kick start on the final results are going to be announced on saturday. that decisive moment for the emissions as the nation decides, suggest to read the piece of project 3 of the countries to decide whether it won't a we'll take a confrontational with the west under jenny, or 2 floors. these intentions and establishing dialogue with the was favored by position. so we have to wait for this answer to be provided by the results of the indeed exciting times. things are changing. it seems we will, of course, get more updates and eliza, i'm no doubt font size of the policy for us on
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a use of the entire month again. but let's close live now to how much it is a go above that. it is the secretary general, all the asian may is for deputies for international affairs, the tax on municipality. how many that is that as always, a pleasure toby do now and interesting times. why now these are the actions i as like colleagues, the entire onset, the 43 percent. uh, approximately higher than the original. um try it out in the 1st round. but in your opinion, who is more likely to in i thank you very much for having me on this process. we cannot see, you know, it is a very difficult to guess. uh for us to take care of it. we think we have the best out last friday uh the multi behavior of the people. it was totally different from all the phones and surveys that were turned out the during the days ahead of the
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election. so it is very difficult to uh, rely upon the current phones. but some of them show that the discount winds be ahead. and but the point is that the margin is actually less than 3 percent, which is a normal, uh, uh, error uh for the phones on salaries. so you cannot even rely on and the, those numbers either the one, the 210 this trying to do. do you in the past week ones that they were trying to 1st we the part of the community that was it for, for the wall, and they wanted to vote and to read it for this problem that busted that. but on the other side, the 2 candidates trying to one the people against the other candidates and against the fight sequences off the legs and off the right. so he was not promoting
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done. so he was asked for me from the name of the people from the other side and drawing side. so they might be state trying to in science deep in those who did nothing. what's in the 1st round to come to that i have to go to the right it boxes and, and cast it was in favor of their assign the so that's why we can see it's the nearly 3030 some percent more turn off right now compared to this same our last week and it was about for example, they some and because they have all 3000000 goals have the so far being tested more than the same hours. i'm not surprised. yeah. how much does a, if i may, i mean, i guess what? so the world is sort of thinking right now with both candidates, perhaps with different views on how they want to take iran full would all, we'd like to see any changes in foreign policy. could we see changes in how
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iran, perhaps, over russia or china, or even perhaps, is approach to the west. doesn't matter this days on which the, the take some of the role or you know, the main policy is not set by the presidents. and the policies made by supernatural accounts that are not proved by the major, but the presidents have a good chance to set the agenda. and so the priorities. so for visit our annual harney, the privacy was, let's say the on the attend that wants to talk with the with and the science and through negotiations and jason 5 for verizon and i use it was totally different. it wasn't working or not tendency. so he leaves in working with china with russia and with neighbors and on. so we call it sounds like a c o or beast and also paying attention to the house towards the i
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saw so many or african countries. so these were actually the alternatives that doesn't raise the bus fully. it was a priority that he said, uh so now between these 2 and mr. cuz this young aids more in, uh, getting back to the talks. but the point is that it is telling the problem for the just the grade he's not inside the room is actually outside. you're welcome or you can squeeze at the deal and it was the you can assign that uh the nest remained for me to do the obligations. and the actually decided to follow this, this off, the mary test, regardless of it is by then or trump the i so deep not feed the comments. we can be j. c q am even last year when the nissan sciences and invitations. but you know, it was a move based on the gates. if you're a, they decided to impose the same sanctions based on the own channel and part of the same thing on capacities. so it shows that they are not interested in. and we can
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see the changes and developments in those countries. we had the recent elections in france and we had yesterday elections in e. okay. and you're going to have a tense election in, in united states with the situation that we are witnessing right now. it's been and by present, by them present from and which is actually the more promising for present from and to the we use the person who has been a over at the and frankly it is the case if you way. and he was a person who we took the india, so there doesn't seem to be any and prospecting perspective for a return to just case if you have the lease for the year from now. by the way, it comes to the 2025 deadline for the gpa. there might be some and fox and then needs to be something positive with that. but it takes time. so even does this, john believe seem it was the ations needs to pay attention to all finances. and
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he's thinking of that when even one of these days he had informed me that you weren't an investigator to russia next to him as an advisor, to sing on that. even if i do believe in that position, i do believe in the taunts and the relations with the eastern countries like russia and china as well. so he also needs its name is that it has to be interesting. does seem to be c, v. the well does tend to be changing. how much does uh, i'm gonna have to leave that. thank you very much for joining us here on how to international or it's a pleasure or visit. thank you. why is it right? as i head into the polling stations throughout the day, we're all there as well. bring you updates every hour the .


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