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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the for the last 2 and a half years, we have learned that we cannot achieve these. so without dialogue and diplomatic channels. hunger is 5 minutes. the big old bon calls for diplomatic with resolution and the green conflict. he met with moscow with lots of put in who said they all the spotted p is unwilling to stop the fathers. there is still an unwillingness in kit to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue. can you all for souls, us southern go behind this trip to moscow, saying that he doesn't represent the blog? somebody even suggest it on your, in the problem minister. it's betraying the principle. we believe that it's
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undermines or the new chief and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end of the turkish and syrian presidents may soon meet for the 1st time in 13 years to restore their biological ties and the potential somebody to be hosted by russia need ron votes in the 2nd round of the presidential election at the top of 2 candidates face off to lead the nation, the way to to do without coverage at the latest right and shaping the world right now. this is our team to national. i a michael, quite you. after meeting in moscow, let them it put didn't find the fund given pon minister advocates all bond for his efforts to end. the trade in conflict of the russian leader said to either peer that the other western powers are not interested in finding a diplomatic resolution. a spoken, say, sir, see, to ukraine,
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sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in kia to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue which has and europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years now. we do not feel safe of this war has factor in the breakdown of economic development or the last 2 and a half years. we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue and i will continue this work for them in our 2 political correspondents here go, peace cannot was in the heart of the events in central moscow. he brought us some key details on the lead us posts, as well as the comments to the press. the victor or button told vladimir food and
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about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade people to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer wasn't rejected, the computers actually discussed a wide range of things. but of course, the grain was among the most important issues, vladimir prudent says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of ukraine, pointing says piece would mean the need to with the marshal on ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held in the wedding rates. so ask, he's a to him and office officially ended in may. so putting things that to turn you creating and officials aren't really in that much of a need to to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in elections and putting things they wouldn't lose. the codes administration wouldn't lose. also flattery reporting says that uh, any peace negotiations that should lead to not a c spy or a pause,
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but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor organ says that he's now met with way of putting for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting, even though it's organ is now under a lot of criticism from his european counterpart. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine, or they say that he this is actually doing harm to the european union, so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece us. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination
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that we need to show hunger and prime minister victor, oregon is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the past due a comprehensive just and the last and these and ukraine. prime minister victor organs visit to moscow, takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow. victor, or been in no way represents the you or do you use positions? he is exploiting the you presidency position to sell confusion. the d u is united clearly behind ukraine and against russian aggression. they sort of, i was, i felt that percent thing they thought of these meetings who's representing his own country. what is important these thoughts uh, allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's
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a rush. i use the restroom on the roof sized responsible for the war. all this criticism side, though, i think victor oregon has shown some real strong political character because it really takes some phone will to go for a european leader right now to rush to in hold negotiations. wouldn't let them have wouldn't, because of the european union's stance on ukraine and oldest military supports of ukraine. well, actually, i think it's victor warden who by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it, what after the press conference are 2 you spoke with hungary is foreign minister. and he said that europe needs the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible. by the last 2 and a half years that we dealt with style of results, keeping the channels of communication open, there is no solution to the floor. so i think that this is the only way how
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solution come through phones to this floor is that we talk to each other as a cuba channel, as a communication officer for the dentist, as most of the go button and help support to do. now, all of the don't confuse the pro war politicians with the people in europe. right. let's cross live to alexander pat, back to us. that'd be a national assembly member. i think that is good to have the drug need. now, we just had the hungry and for a minute, i say don't confuse pool wall politicians with people in europe. he suggests europeans are originally one piece. so what are they all 1st off in the you trying to achieve? well i guess it looks like they're not interested in these i, i'm catching this term that is a, uh, several of them that are accusing of it or a bunch of appeasement. you know, that's, that's uh, that's an association,
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a very conscious association with neville chamberlain. when uh after munich, when he said he achieved peace in europe, a key quoted neville chamberlain to negotiate with the 1938. there was hitler. so obviously they're still trying to paint russia the aggressor and what they reported and simpler. and anyone who talked to him low as, of course, against piece. so this is totally discouraging. we're hearing uh, we're actually hearing panic in brussels, both in the u. n. nato headquarters that they're really in panic. that piece might break out and they won't know what to do. you know, that's, it seems like they have a, they have a very strong, almost terminal fear of actually piece being established after more than 2 years of war. and that's what's really worrying. and you know, orbit has been saying for the past few weeks that, you know,
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europe is nearing closer and closer to all out war. and we can see why when we see the type of leadership that you're pass, both in, in nato and in the ear itself. all right, the important thing that as hungry tries to help resolve the conflict through peace, folks are they had them that you do have another option on the table. let's take a listen. you cannot, you cannot have ministry. is that what they need now is something that's actually is credible something. that's what actually the worst stops on the partial stops is it's aggression. and therefore, when to fight the ends and we need a security, we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, those are one of the reasons why allies ok to has stated that ukraine will become a member of nato. right? oh, why the thing the west admitted to block is so keen on our case solution to the conflict
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of rejecting diplomacy? these 2 people that never had a plan be the only plan all along has been redeem change in moscow and you know, they, they can barely hide that anymore. i'm here and you know what we just heard from get installed. and he said, we're not, we're not interested in minsk 3. it means they're not interested in real peace negotiations. let's remember what the means means to was all about russia was willing to preserve the territorial integrity of ukraine minus crimea in exchange for the federal ization of the country. they were willing to recognize that i don't boss will be part of ukraine. what happens when we know what happened both cx, a french prime minister and the ex german prime minister ongoing merkel. they
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admitted that means to was actually not a real negotiating process. it was just deployed to buy time, so that ukraine could arm itself. so, you know, they admitted that they were really interested in peace and you know, you installed the burgess saying we're not interested in another real peace negotiations. you know, we're. ringback interested in, in winning this war. and of course, that's totally unrealistic. so, you know, that's why we're not anywhere near to a piece. then we were before orleans visit. unfortunately, what is good is that organ when anyway, and european public saw that he went and they saw that there is a way that you can actually talk to the russian leadership. and nothing will happen to nothing bad can happen. what can be worse than what's already happening, but they're totally against even talking. and that's one of their intent on
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demonizing logging, they're put 10. and that's why any talk, anyone who talks to watching their pollutants is automatically stigmatized because that humanizes the russian president. and it actually opens up the door for real negotiations and looks like nobody in the west, you know, in may till you do us germany, buquet, france. nobody's interested in peace. me. now of course, the hungry and prime minister has come to moscow in an effort to use the magic tunnels. and the conflict of this visit comes at the critical time for europe. and for the west in general, there's need was need is great. the for the green conflict to be resolved russia, or do you as well, i think actually the b u because they know what they were losing. they're not going to admit that they know what the rush is, winning the war. and what's,
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what's the paradox of go about that is the russians. is the party that's actually more interested in peace. but peace would benefit the you even more than the russia, as we see russia is actually prosper under the sanctions. uh, they're actually made the list world bank list of a high income countries since the sanctions were imposed. on the other hand, the d u is being spaced with higher energy costs inflation recession, you know, there is no end in sight. so actually there would be in europe same interest to, uh, to have peace. uh, but the leaders, as, as organ said, pretty much intimated the leaders in europe are not interested in peace. that's why they don't really represent the interest of the majority of the people living in europe. home they supposedly represent in or out. we have to leave you here now,
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how they got a private member of serbia national assemblies. thank you so much for your insight here. it was a pleasure. thank you. great, right now, heading to the rod now reform based candidates my suit as a scan is facing off against the hard line, i saw you deleted the presidential election. this is the 2nd round of voting up and neither of those top 2 candidates got the majority of last week or 2 corresponding use of july the has the story a quite a rough thinking marathon race between a hard line. conservative politicians is reformers tribal, is there any reason for that? executive holes in the wake of the late president where he sees death in a helicopter crash in may the nation to hold the snap election to choose a new president for the country within
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a maximum timeframe of 30 days. and now we're on day 48. so all the time is running out of the nation to choose the next to their warranty. and presidents reformers, politicians reform is concerned. their position was with that's too forceful. we 42 percent of the total votes cows following shore of the 60 percent. and the 1st a 2nd underway now the 1st 12 supposedly behind with 9000000 volts. for now, the waste is very tight. i'd say nick and nick raised between these 2 politicians. each representing one end of the political spectrum in iraq. so officer making pharmacist such as a reviving didn't c or d o n d. still it is with the was trying to force closer ties with ease, pensions. and those are the problem is as many folders as
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possible and the 2nd round, the final results are going to be announced saturday. the size of the nation as the nation decides, suggest to read the patients which are 3 other countries. deciding whether or take a conversation with the west or, or these intentions and the dialogue was, it was free for 5 business account. so we have to wait for this answer to the why the, why the results of this but let's cross live to so you had mohammed the more on the to run the university professor. it's nice to have you join me, write down all of his grades. i have, you know, what is your assessment of the iranian and the election process so far? do you think you're right in government did enough? so all citizens good exercise,
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the electra rides. so yes, the turn out in fact is on the rise next button compared to me last week. it seems that there is going to be 8 percent rise and the roughly half the population will have voted this week. whereas it's traditionally in 2nd round elections and he runs the turn out has always been lower. and the previous presidential election when, which went to run off, also had a lower participation in the 2nd run. but this time it's gone up. so that is good news because for the uh, for a run in a higher turnout is important. i think one of the problems in this election campaign was that the present value see was why be respected in when he died in the helicopter crash. his um,
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ratings his popularity really shot through the roof and, and such a short notice. we have 6 candidates which are really, i think and eyes if you run is none of them. i really are seem to be as feeling the shoes of president raising, and that's why there's not a huge amount of enthusiasm for any of the candidates. but the turn out has been substantially higher today compared to actually all right. looking at the 2 candidates, because this can lead to who do you think has a stronger chance of waiting at best buy? i'm looking at the edges they have and then the message that'd be helpful. you ryan's it's difficult to say because they're a host of different factors that are involved. their background, the, the, the, their home towns. they are very close to one another according to polls. they are
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very close. so it's very difficult for me to guess at this stage who will when mr. dr. position, he would be considered to be a moderate, reformist. and so he would be somewhat different from the previous reform is presidents or the doctor wrote, honey, for example dr. jenny, he would be considered a somewhat more that's a radical uh, conservative or print simple this. but i think both he to during the debates, both of them during the debates i think tended to move towards the center. so even though they were lashing out at each other thing, both, both of the final debates, if you look really carefully at what they were saying, they were both uh, they were not all that far apart. for example, with regards to the new care deal, doctor position was very careful to say that if the united states does not shift
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and move in the right direction, that will have to look for other options. in other words, he was not saying that we will be able to necessarily kind of deal with americans is going to depend on that on the americans themselves. that's not really all that different from what dr. jackie is saying you, there's a, both of them were cautious, even though they were very they were, they're very harsh towards one another, but they're very cautious and the statements that they were making to the public. all right now, so apologize, i'll be cut executive candidate. golly, bob, who, who didn't make it past the 1st round our on call writing people to vote for the reform is as a scout instead of federal clubs. every deli why does that well, i'm, i don't think dr. volleyball for himself or any of his key aids have have said that . but the fact is that dr. by the boss is more of a centrist,
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and therefore he stands somewhere in between dr. telling me and dr. position young and so according to polls, when the doctor body ball stands down, his, his supporters, his, those have voted for him. will be divided between the 2 candidates. perhaps a bit more towards mr. johnny, according to polls, but a large number would go to position. so i think at that i don't know about any of the senior age what they have said with regards to dr. position. but i think it is understandable that many of his supporters would uh, be voting for 2 different candidates. and now, what changes to iranian foreign policy could be expected after the election, depending on how, how, what the, by the outcome becomes. well, you know, one thing that i think has happened is
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a doctor that you see the late doctor raise. it has had a huge impact on the run. and you're on the development of the development of ties with the global south with asian countries of joining bricks, the shanghai cooperation organization, improving ties with regional country. that is something that now has become, i think, a consensus. there is a consensus among all politicians, none of the candidates, and definitely not dr. jolly me and dr. perish gone. you said anything that runs against current policy and you, when it comes to the region or when it comes to asian countries and countries like russia, china, india, brazil, and, and so on. the only difference was with regards to the jcp away with the nuclear deal, where dr position was trying to be more optimistic saying that i'll try to find the solution. and dr. jenny be,
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was more pessimistic and saying that the americans will not accept a reasonable solution. so right. we have to living here now is so you had mohammed monday to ron university professor. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. great. that was the ronnie is heading again to the polling stations throughout the day. we are there as well, bringing you updates every single hour the, the president is off to key a neighboring syria made for the 1st time since that devastating of conflict interrupted 15 years ago. the potential talks that reported late to be held in russia in september, our t correspondent, he actually nick and has the deals. the serial does see it has been
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a hot talking point over the course of the past few weeks. and during this, donna summits as the president of to the end of russia, vladimir puts an end rigid type at one match to discuss the serial ca, it's been quite vital and over the course of the past years. so uncle has been more vocal and adamant in ensuring that the prospects of reproach mentioned discussions actually starts and putting an end to a conflict that has spanned, for more than a decade. the sentiment was shared by the syrian president bush on the left side as well. over the course of the years, of course it has become more and more important to ensure that the state of syria ensures that is the sovereignty entry. withdrawal integrity is kept intact and this is something that could have shows as well. and it also takes into consideration the importance that has been presented by the syrian president and the director side essentially says that we will ensure that the territorial integrity of syria is respected. but discussions need to be held on based on what we understand we and
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so we understand that phone service currently in a position to ensure that the russian president is hosted into the queue before the prospect or the discussions between 22 and syria could begin. but let's just playing a key role here as well, because we understand over the course of the last few years, for the most part, there have been a great deal of initiatives that have been led by to to that have been led by russia. iran has been a part of this process as well to ensure that the warring sides of the conflicting sides within the country within syria could essentially come to terms. and that is, of course, one of the many concerns of the syrian president of the militants in the northern part of the country, which is currently under the control the fact all control of the target forces. and the fact that the syrian president has defacto control over that part of the country they need to ensure that the concerns of damascus are ensure essentially heard. and the roadmap will be made available. but it's, it's a lot easier said than done. but the one thing that is sure all of the sides are calling for some form of
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a po expense that negotiations do take part in the unofficial word on the streets is that the meeting would take place in russia, which provides the position that moscow is currently in to ensure that the peace and stability in the middle east is to what extent upheld or establish in the 1st place. now we've heard from the former to case diplomats and the president of the london edit g club man metal way to the he explains of the significance of this potential summit, the world on the turkish side in syria. but there is a desperate need to men, defenses, and russia is pushing forward for that. it does play the th and roll, bringing pockets together. but i think russia is the most critical partner for doing so. and that was, it could be more results oriented as well. because in the past we had the started the process as you remember. so many meetings took place so many declarations, but no tangible results. i hope that this time the ground will be prepared well and there is going to be a lasting peace. so that,
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that will be no problem between the 2 countries affected by 2 o'clock teams. i mean us the well with the burden syria is a big concern for us is supporting the y p g, as we know created, trying to create that will tell them is region or the code seen syria. and the, this is lee is going to lead that back to you soon take ration of syria. and this is not acceptable either for russia, nope, or to aquino of, or syria, and also for neighboring countries like the right now for this equipment interest here. there were some pretty conditions for mess up in the beginning of spring talk these courses. so we throw stuff going to happen before the region is clear and security wise is going to be safe for refugees to go back. and also the traditional tents will not be based and looked at the airport there is going to, but lots of top negotiations. but the 2 presidents come together, the curse, concrete step will be taken and the rest will be not that difficult to follow. with
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while in syria, us troops have been pondering natural resources under the guise of fighting terrorism. and not condemning statement was issued by china as foreign ministry. a nice area used to be a wheat exporting country, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food insecurity. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. fox have shown that the united states schemes to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time, yet it infringes on the right to subsistence and the right to life of the people over their countries. it claims to defend democracy, freedom and prosperity. while in fact it constantly creates humanitarian crises. the us should earnestly respect serious sovereignty and territorial integrity immediately. and it's a legal realtor presence and syria, stop blundering, serious national resources and take concrete actions to make up for the harm. it has a cause to this. you're in people now, according to you,
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the you and quint production in syria. it has dropped by 75 percent and i said in scales erupt at the in the country back in 2011. now about 15000000 people in syria are struggling with the united way to food supplies. and damascus has repeatedly accuse washington a profiting from the smuggling grain of pre a validation of international law. or us troops of also been shocking out. com void after convoy of oil, rubbing the syrian government, the finances to support its people. now, so this video here allegedly shows american military vehicles accompanying a convoy of uh, of oil tongue trucks heading to cross iraq, the northern border. now, syria has 2500000000 barrels of proven are resolved, but crucial facilities have either been destroyed or taken over by occupying
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american troops. now, sir, as government has estimated that its loss of potential revenue has amounted to, but $27000000000.00. local say that the us troops are making the live unbearable shift. and he only though we got some yes, troops patrol the main roads in the uh yeah, it'll be area daily. one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers promos, various vehicles loaded with syrian resources constantly. and so the space, it's the kind of occupation when we hope to get rid of it, the accidents are making us stop. they have taken out food and everything from us making life very difficult. the villages and people here on the won't do us troops to leave our account, see, so we can return, see how things were before the 2011. the odd to contribute to a call, as john says that there are obvious reasons why other western countries turn a blind eye as washington on the syrian resources.


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