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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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the and to ensure that the peace and stability in the middle east is to accept, upheld or established in the 1st place. now we've heard from former, took his diploma and president of the london energy club had made way to explain the significance of haste potential on this potential summit. hold on to check your site and cheering. right. there was a desperate need to man, defenses and russia is pushing forward for that. it displayed him at the age, enroll bringing pockets together. but i think russia is the most credible partner for doing so. and that was, it could be more results oriented as well because in the past we had the started the process as you remember. so many meetings took place so many declarations, but no tangible results. i hope that this time the ground will be prepared well, and there is going to be a lasting piece so that there will be no problem between the 2 countries affected by 2 o'clock means, i mean us the wall with the board in syria. it'd be concerned for us,
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it's supporting the y p g as we know created, trying to create that will tell him his reason for the current seen syria and the this is lee is going to leave. is that back to you soon? take ration of syria and just not acceptable either for russia. nope, or took, you know, for syria and also for neighboring countries like the right now for there's a common interest here. there were some pretty conditions from s up in the beginning, us being taught these courses, so we throw stuff going to happen before the region is clear and security wise is going to be the same for refugees to go back. and also the traditional tents will not be based and looked at. therefore there was going to, but lots of talk negotiations. but the 2 presidents come together, the curse congress separately taken and the rest will be not that difficult to follow. all right, now you can get some further details of all the stories well following then r t dot com. i'll be right back with more stories that some of the i see you again the
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the, this is a daily show and we called no punches and we try to be different. and every day we hear more and more of you are watching the show. and you'll like it. thank you. here we go. troop um, number one, a former white house adviser says us a gemini is real and it's aimed at russia to pump number 2. the economist describes what new us russian relations could have been. a trip bomb number 3, comparing us treatment of poland and russia, and asking why i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact
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the so we find this conversation fascinating enough to share it with you and joining me to share it with you is of these 2 gentlemen. the gentleman that you see right there is a doctor of what are you a doctor of political science doctor of political science. thank you. wilmer leon also politic. busy analyst and commentator garland nixon gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. all right, so i am sure you guys both know jeffrey sachs, right? jeffrey sachs, award winning economist, etc, etc. it's really a smart, smart guy, very experienced, used to be invited all the time as an expert on cnn and nbc and other networks. you
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would see him there explaining things. he was also an advisor to many us presidents and others and government until recently, when they decided they did not like him anymore. and they didn't want you to hear what he has to say. so. busy want you to listen to his explanation of the relationship between russia and the united states. how it went south and why he thinks it could have been different. by the way. it's also an explanation of why he's no longer p goodbye there. not any of those shows. here we go. after the end of the soviet union, we thought, hey, we're pretty good work. we're the sole superpower. we're. we're, we're the most powerful country on the planet by fire in world history. we can do pretty much what we want and that really was the view in both political parties. so it's not really a partisan thing. it is what we call
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a neal conservative thing. it was the idea that hey we, we can walk who we want when we want, whether it's saddam hussein or moammar gadhafi. we can stick it to the platinum or pull the that we are the united states of america. and a we acted on that we had to remember cheney and rumsfeld in that crowd. well we have them in both parties. we. we have victoria newland, and in this administration who was out there helping to over throw a pro russian president of ukraine in 2014. and now she's the under secretary of state for political affairs. so we have these new kinds cool, se compromised. are you kidding? we're the united states, and since we think we're so powerful, well, we're and a half down. is that and that's great. syria, iraq, libya, ukraine. oh, so successful and i say are you shipping my whole life?
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i, you know, i was born a long time ago and 1954. i grew up in the vietnam war period, and it wasn't just vietnam. it was, can body a louse vietnam. i went through the controls and nic arrival. i went through afghanistan and the 1st garage for the 2nd to arrive for the c i a operation to over throw. bashar alo saw the, the nato operation to overdraw lower market copy. now it'd be i, us roll and over throwing victory on a cove. it's the pro russian ukrainian president in 2014 this expansion of nato being tried right now. i just think that we're, we're powerful, but is this really good for the united states? is this really working? i and my answer is no, it's not working well. and most of all, when i said last year, look, the red line is,
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don't expand nato. and immediately the white house said, oh no one tells us what to do. least of all russia and i called the white house and i said, you know, you should listen. do not put russia if do not put ukraine into this situation. you will make ukraine the afghanistan of europe. and by that i mean a perpetual war and leveling these cities in ukraine is we're watching right now and millions of people without heat and electricity. when we say our winning come on, we're not whitney, this is not the right way to behave. and he said this a while ago, and there's so much to chew on there. and it's not so needing to think that what he's basically saying is right after the soviet union came apart. we had an immense opportunity to be able to build something with the russian federation. and instead we decided, no, we have to continue to be enemies with them. and i mean, here's
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a guy who was an audit. here's a guy was in these discussions. it's fascinating. and one of the major things, particularly what as a soviet union was collapsing, the united states saw itself more as a vulture. and that he could go in and just pick the financial opportunities off the corpse and of the soviet union. and the soviet union wound up the, with a, with a country called russia, and a president called vladimir putin, who decided i'm not going to allow you to come in here. you just see us as a market take advantage of our resources and steal our money. and when he decided to take that position, that contributed greatly to the shift in the perspective of the united states, where you make a garland of where he talks about how we did everything possible to create a, a conflict between russia and ukraine. well, um, i think what he's,
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what he's basically is talking about here is that the united states intentionally created this to maintain, had gemini, that this was, that all of these stories about supporting a democracy or, you know, helping out a country that's been attacked by a brutal dictator, next door cetera, that these are all lies that as the united states, as the big new brzezinski wrote in his book, the grand, just bored as the rand corporation wrote in. and the 2019, when they wrote a document, literally named on balancing russia. that this was a planned out action to a to, to go on like sabotage. yes. to go after a super power, which means it was doomed to fail. but rush out at the time of post soviet union seemed to be saying, even according to some of the things that we're reading right now help us, we want to be like you, we want to try and be a free market economy. and if we, if you, if you join forces with us,
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we can even combine our nuclear weapons. for example, let us join nato, for example. as we've heard on many occasions, why would you say no, we don't want you to be our friend. we really want you to be our enemy, no matter how much you want to be our friend. what a horrible unchristian thing to do. because the unipolar hedge of mine does not have friends. it has vassals, it and it, it doesn't even really have allies in, in the truest sense of ally. it has, it has vassals, it has victims. and because china was in the same position, china has we had reached out to the united states a number of times. let's cooperate on technology that's cooperate on 5 g technology . let's do this together. they have china has a win win strategy. the united states has a which, which with mine is mine and what yours is mine, and i'll take it by any means now in this area. you know what i find interesting about this through jeff sacks. since i've been watching him,
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i used to watch him from time to time on the morning shows they would have him on. um morning, joe, morning and me guy or whatever those. what else people are? i mean, they're big it to hedge a monic and uh, you know, as you know, because dad was a brand new brzezinski. mr. brzezinski was the clintons, the biggest war hawk, and continue to be a war hoc until the rest of his life. i would interview him from time to time. i remember one time i had a lot of they got really mad at me and walked off and the guys and see, and i'm more like what just happened because he walked up like, i guess i said something. he didn't like or something, but it's, it's interesting to me and what i'm getting out here that i'd like to get your reaction to is how guy who's like jeff sax, who once was allowed on television to maybe offer a perspective that i think americans need to here and that our government sometimes is letting us down in terms of foreign policy. and that type of person, not only doesn't appear anymore, nobody likes him appears. they're not allowed on television. what the hell?
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well, during the period that they really felt they were in the unipolar moment, they didn't feel threatened by alternative narratives. they didn't feel threatened when people would poke a hole in the by the, i mean the, the ruling elite that you have, you know, the people who are running our government, who are running things they didn't feel threatened. that even if he said something, they didn't like, well, russia and china iran, none of these countries were strong enough to oppose them. so they didn't feel insecure. now that the narrative falling apart, that the american people are in opposition to vacate in their narratives are getting more and more brittle. they can't afford someone telling the truth. it's not that is a thing here is it's not that dr. sacks is so smart, which is what he is not seeing. anything that we don't all know. it's that he's honest in an, in an arena where that is not acceptable. and that's what so bother some because the other guy, the eyes, i'm an immigrant to this country, but i love this country. i love everything about and i think we are still great people. i think our leaders are letting us down, but i think we are a great nation with a great concept and we are great people. and it's, it's, it's
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a real bummer to see a situation where i think we're making the world less safe for israel, for example. and for jews all over the world with our policies. now, i think we're making the world less safe for me, for my sons, for my grand daughter, because of our policy and places like your court, ukraine, and china and, and that's the reason we give these different perspective that you don't get on the b c 's of the world. right, well yes, and one of the other elements to why you don't see jeffrey sachs anymore is because social media and alternative media programs such as these are presenting a narrative and a reality that before folks weren't able to get to get access to war, it was much, much more difficult for people to so at one point jeffrey sachs was kind of like the voice in the wilderness and now with social media and program such as this and
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program such as ours. yeah, we are validating tim he is validating us and as we see play itself out right before the columbia, they have lost the war of the narrative. yeah. and that they cannot tolerate. they can't, they can't exist. you know, it's funny you say that because i checked the, i still do this back when i was an anchor on cnn, by the way, i had the highest rated show and see, and did you know that case i used to watch you want see in it i'm going to tell you again, i have the highest is given, but here's what, here's what's fascinating. when i had my best rating and cnn, which were the best, etc, and then on a good day, i would do 450000 viewers. 450000 viewers in a country of 350000000. it's actually not so good. this show is seen by hundreds of millions of people around the, around the world. so, and, you know, you guys are probably picked up by more people than watch cnn,
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or any of these local cable shows on any given day. and forget about it. if you're talking about joe rogan, he's reaching 9000000 a day, so that there is a new place for information yet. how do these guys at the see and ends of the world stay in power? because they still get their money from people who advertise on their networks because not because they need to. raphael doesn't need to sell bonds to people who watch cnn. but you see raytheon commercials on see you then why? because the, the, the, the, the payment for the bombs comes from this $95000000000.00 bill to joe by and just size. it's a branded, it's a brand issue. and it's also a way of convincing americans to that, sending that sending $60000000000.00 to ukraine makes sense. what they're branding is moore's, their branding the concept. debit turtle more. that's all we have. finish up because we got to go to a break. yeah, i think some of the other important part is this. if i'm paying your network x
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amount of millions of dollars a month, you're not going to say anything that i really don't like. so it's a way to control the narrative in the network itself. bingo. when we come back, read elizabeth jeff act say something really interesting. so he says that you'll hear him say it himself. and he was very much involved after the soviet break up with 2 countries, poland and the russian federation. he says, when you compare it, in one case, we did one thing with paul and that in the case of russia, we did just the opposite, wide. we'll talk about that, stay right there, the the, the,
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to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground again?
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the . so we were discussing just a little while ago about how both poland and russia were treated after the break up of the soviet union. this is fascinating because when i heard this next comment that we're going to hear from jeff fax, jeffrey sachs, the professor who is a, when a leading economist in the united states, i thought of myself. and i'll tell you why in a little while i thought of myself, when we come back after, what do you see after we hear what he has to say? here's professor jeffrey sachs again. i became an adviser to me, held board the jobs economic team, and then i became an adviser to boris yeltsin is economic team. and i knew really from keynes, by the way, that when the country that you're so kind to help is in this really,
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really deep financial crisis. after all the whole system, it completely collapse then that country need some help to get back on its feet. and that was really my main message in 19901991. 1992 and i help pull wins get back on it's the economically and everything i recommended . by the way, the, the white house adopted almost right away and i said, oh god, good, you know the david, they're listening every word. and then i said the same thing about the soviet union with garbage of 0 sacks. are you crazy? we're not going out the soviet union, there are enemies. and then died when soviet union ended and a yelton's economic team asked me to help. i said the same thing about russia. again 0. i thought that's pretty weird because what i'm recommending for russia is
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exactly what i recommended for poland and it worked for poland and the white house support. and what i recommended for baldwin, but in the same conditions, it doesn't do it for russia, finds a little now you've, i have to say because as an economist, i was making economic recommendations how to help. but i don't think the mood of rumsfeld and cheney and others in 1992 was the help. it was, hey, wouldn't hurt be so world superpower. we'd get to change everything right now. and then i waited for with clinton coming in. no real change. and then on and on, and i began to see that and, and understand better, quite frankly, guy, you know, as you grow up and in this, because i've really worked all over the world and i quite extensively and well over
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a 100 countries i had visited good so most of the world know most of the world leaders one way or another for many, many of them. and i came to understand that the us was a little bit on the hinged and the disasters of the vietnam war, which i knew full well because i had marched in the streets against the vietnam war and the water date and the other and the abuses, the control wars in central america and i also worked in central america in those years. those were not simply aberrations. those were, those were part of the design set. and i mean, you know, you become more sophisticated. you see a lot of lodging that you know is lying because as i, you know, have become much more in the for 20 years. i've been
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a senior advisor to the united nations on many things. i see a lot. i see a lot, you know, it's interesting. i'm joined by a girl and nixon, dr. wellman. leon, thanks again gentlemen for being when i hear him. i remember i said at the beginning that i thought what i heard him say that i could relate to it. and here's what i mean by that. uh, as you guys, i work at cnn. i work at fox, i worked at nbc, i worked at e, univision. i've worked at the i heart media radio and after working in all of those places and seeing a lot myself from the media side. i totally understand his point of view, where he said it's only gotten worse. and now i understand why we did what we did in nicaragua, as he says, and why we did what we did in el salvador. and it all came out of that moment when we had an opportunity to bring the world together after the fall of the soviet union. and yeah, we did it in poland, but when i told them, let's do it in,
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in the so, in russia they said, no, we don't want to help them. we don't want to help them. and that carried over the satellite countries and everywhere else. i find it fascinating. one of the reasons why i think it worked in poland and didn't work in russia is because of a gentleman whose name we mentioned. i think a little earlier in the show as a brand new brzezinski. mm hm. when you read the grand chest board, he is responsible to a great degree for the rest of the full big american foreign policy. and as he was because he was yeah, staunchly and and as have been his acolytes the maryland. busy madeline albright is a acolyte of brzezinski. hillary clinton is an acolyte of madeline albright who's an acolyte of presume. how can you have a policy based on a, i'm hating a country and who doesn't mean that who is,
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who was credited with discovering brock obama brzezinski that columbia one obama was, was one of his students come back columbia university. you think he's right? yeah. and so yeah, i'm going to do this to that again. i'm all right. i think i'm going to read after the 95. this is this, this tells you the story after they pass the 95000000000 the other day. senator john tester tweeted vis. americans for an adverse areas like china, russia, and around what, nothing more than to take our place as the world's leading military and economic superpower. and today i voted with republicans and democrats to protect montana and our country and make sure that won't happen. he's telling the truth here. they're true. concerned all along is not, you know, poland or russia, it's poll is not a threat. pulling will be a meal. they will do what we want and rush. it is a future meal. it's like app or codes. huge. it's got all of these things. they saw that as an opportunity to take rushes resources, and that was all and who,
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who was the, the, the congressman that said, are that ukraine's borders are, are boy ary connelly. eric cried here in virginia and jerry connelly said the ukraine's borders are, are borders. i thought it was sick that after they passed that measure, they all took out ukraine, lie of ukraine and israel. and i didn't see a single congress person in the united states of america waiving the united states it. what's terrible about, how does that tell you? what is it? the other thing is this about that they called the supporting ukraine, half a 1000000 minimum of a half a 1000000 ukrainians. retired the ukranian people are suffering in this war. let's face it. things are going well for israel right now with friends like that. who needs adversary if they are truly looking out for the best interest of ukraine and israel, they would negotiate diplomatic settlements to both of those. and then they would
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try to rebuild them. and so they could have a peaceful existence so clearly, and they're not looking at by the way as i understand it. and i'm not sure how, you know, how much started to they have in this uh that they have uh, apparently proposed. but the russian side has on several occasions that we're willing to sit down and they know they've been, they've been saying the country games been shipped to to be fair. well, well, i'm sure there is an element of gamesmanship in that. but the history sense to sense 2014 shows us that president food and has been saying, look at the medical chords. yeah. and he, and one of the things at that point and kept saying to bite was, all you gotta do is implement them in school chords. we've already negotiated this . all you have to do is implement, implement lives, and then we find out from, from the form in german, chancellor michel no, no, no, no as a work order number. busy yeah, she said, oh, that was on the fraud from the,
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from the very beginning when, when president met with bite and in geneva and said, i'm giving you my security demands in writing. i expect for you to respond to me in writing. so you got ignored. so as well, they had to deal with this double final words. this will change you think at some point you think we'll see a day when a jeffrey sachs is allowed back on tv. and when people in mainstream media will be able to hear messages like the ones that we share, which are certainly much more balanced, i think what we're going to have to see 1st is a political change of political real lines. but i think that's coming because the political parties now are so far as strange from their own constituents that there is going to be some variable far as change. yes, both perhaps and all throughout europe. thank you. good stuff. but great conversation. this really has been an important conversation and i'm glad we had of all people jeffrey sachs to help us with the a guy who used to watch every day on one of those liberal programs. that it states
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which i backed that and found interesting. i haven't watson quite a while. before we go, i want to remind you of something. it's our mission simple. we kind of want to be silo. the world stop living in these little boxes where we think everybody has to think like us dropped off. don't live in boxes and me, but should we fabric, sanchez? that's what i say that it was direct impact and i'll be looking for you again. thanks again. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, for the last 2 and a half years, we have learned that it's a not a cheap piece without dialogue into the amount of channels. the hunger is drawn, manage that, that the old bond calls the magic resolution, and the conflict can be 3 people that didn't moscow with government pretend to set . the, the auto side appears. i'm willing to stop the valve and there is still an unwillingness in cuba to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime and we see this as an attempt to restore dialect. but you offer souls aust. subbing of bonds trip to moscow saying that he doesn't


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