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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the for the last 2 and a half years, we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue, into the full amount of channels. the hunger is prime minister, fit the old on call for diplomatic resolution, and the conflict can be great. people that didn't moscow with government put into set the, the office side appears on willing to stop development. there is still an unwillingness in keith to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime. and we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue. but you officials aust, subbing of bonds trip to moscow saying that he doesn't represent the block. so leave on suggest that hunger and from ministers to train the principles. we believe
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that states undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end the rod, the 2nd round of its presidential election as the top 2 candidate space off to be the nation. i have to be pointed on independent task force to carry out and comprehend steve forensic cortex, public debt canyon president analysis to the new measures the comp, government spending and reduce the national debt following deadly anti government protests across the country. the . this is our team to national reaching you live from our new center of moscow. i a michael watched a or the opposite meeting in moscow. a lot of it puts in signs hungry and prime
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minister big the all button for his efforts. the in the ukraine conflict, the russian leader said that the us that the west and partners powers are not interested in finding it the, the magic resolution spoken, say, sir, see, to ukraine. sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram. or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in cuba to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue which has and europe have been living in the shadow of we're for 2 and a half years now. we do not feel safe, and this war has factored in the breakdown of economic development or the last 2 and a half years. we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue and i will continue this work for them as to the,
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our chief political correspondent giggled. piece good knob was in the heart of the events in central moscow. and he brought us some key details from the lead us folks, as well as the comments to the press. the victor or button told vladimir of food and about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade t of to cease fire and had been negotiations. this offer was rejected between peter is actually discuss a wide range of things. but of course the grain was a mom of the most important issues vladimir of food and says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of the crane putting says piece would mean they need to with the marshal and ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held and the wedding rated. so ask, he's a term and office officially ended in may so important things that to turn to ukraine officials aren't really in that much of a need to,
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to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in elections and putting things they wouldn't lose the codes administration wouldn't lose. also vladimir putting says that the 80 piece negotiations that she read to nots, a c spy, or a pause, but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor orleans says that he's now met with why we are putting for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting. even though it's organ is now under a lot of criticism from his european counterpart, they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine. or they say that he this is actually doing
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harm to your pin union, so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples for what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show you some of those i felt that are presenting in nato at these meetings. his ups and thing is on country. what is important piece that will allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the originally so as possible for the war. we're concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to mascot, which we not advanced the oldest criticism aside though, i think the victor orbiting has shown some real strong political character because it really takes some phone will to go for a european leader right now. to rush to in hold negotiations with what important
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because of the european union's stance on ukraine and oldest military support of ukraine. well, actually i think it's victor, horrible by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it, and also the press conference r t spoke with hungary is foreign minister. he said to your needs the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible. i was preventing the last 2 and a half years. let me know which style of results, keeping the channels of communication open. there is no solution to before. so i think this is the only way how solutions come to phones to this floor is that we talk to each other and to keep the channels of communication open for though that there's no sort of support you do. now all of the don't confuse
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the pro war politicians with the people in europe. stuff. while the hong gary and prime minister has been promoting peace during talks in moscow, you or officials had been combative about his efforts with some suggesting well behind is betraying the blocks principles. appeasement will not stop put him on the unit. the end determination will pay the past due a comprehensive just and the last and these and ukraine, prime minister, oregon, has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the you or the used positions. he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling the kremlin without the mandate. either the hon gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair. victor, oregon, visits prudent as hum, gary, and prime minister. the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of
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aggression. all right, we cross now live to international lots and e cline preston for more on this story . kline is good to have. you join me now. now what did you say? thank you that. what does has the hong gary and foreign minister say, don't confuse pro war politicians with people in europe, but his, he suggests europeans one piece. so what all 1st also the you trying to achieve with going on and being combative on this conflict to you know, it's very difficult to say, i mean, this is more women isn't over money by fond skit than it is a real diplomacy. the leadership of the g u is, is very far from the population of a you and just like the american people are, are very much uh, uh, an opposition to what our government's doing and so in europe. but it appears to be
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the same thing. um, you know, nato wants to continue a war and the only way to resolve this war is through on the best wires to insight on why the best way to go through the pharmacy and negotiations. and they same help been on killing more ukrainian boards. and um, i think its own force. now meanwhile, the hong gary and prime minister has come to moscow in an effort to use the magic channels to end the compet. now this visit comes of the critical time for europe and for the west, the general who is need is great that for the new created conflict to be resolved it, is it russia or the you think it sort of balances need because you know, for different reasons both sides would prefer to have a resolution, but if you want to just talk about militarily, it's clearly nato when you're ukraine's need is great,
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is because they're using this more and they're gonna lose this unit. they're gonna spend a lot more money, they're gonna lose a lot more young young boys. and so from that perspective i would say it's nate. so new crane, but clearly both sides want to see a peaceful resolution. um, but militarily, i'm other sites, nato and the ukraine need the resolution more than they right now. the ukranian foreign ministry is said that all bonds visit to moscow is an outrage because he was not coordinated with ukrainian or forwards. and yet, the slaves summit last month, but not able to invite the rush to participate. what does this say about p abs committed into a peaceful resolution to the conflict? well, i think he is under the influence of the united states, and t of diplomacy is not sovereign any longer. um it does this,
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the 50 bar state if you want to be frank about it, it gets a lot of murphy facts pay money. we don't get anything in return, so it's like a fit for state. but the fact that there's even a statement about diplomacy coming from the key of at this point is. ready laughable, and there's been no intention on their part for the last 2 years, 2 and a half years to say can you kind of go should the resolution of this since the meeting and this then bowl and the agreement that they agreed to and then reneged. so i think it's pretty clear that the pharmacy at least the way to europeans. ready on investment at this point last. now, over here, your officials have accused all by no undermining the blocks unity. i wonder what you think they mean by that does find it in a conflict, somehow go,
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it gives you values as well. so what values does, does a you, you actually have now, i think is the biggest question because the people of europe, when we want peace and you know victrola bought in this country, he has gone against the brain against the wishes of european union. collectively, who has sought to have unlimited immigration, an attack on the christian values of the on guarantee for and safely has permitted. or they wanted to have him back on the entire social, logical structure of hungry and the door mazda and strong enough, and to withstand these attacks on the, on gary in this country and how get in society. and so it's difficult to say how
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the any of the actions taken by the you with this has been beneficial at all. all right, we have to leave you here. now. climb preston into an international auction. a thank you so much for your insight here. thank you. have a great day. great. now heading to a rod now reformation candidates, and my suit the possess can is facing off against the hotline on site you directly . and the presidential election. this is the 2nd route of voting out. the neither of those top 2 candidates got the majority last week our de correspondent use of july. the explains. i spent quite a breathtaking marathon race between a hard lines and sort of politicians, reformers, tribal, is there any race for that? executive holes in the wake of the late president where he sees in a helicopter crash in may the nation to hold a snobbish selection to choose
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a new president for the country within a maximum timeframe. 30 days. and now we're on a so all the time is running out of the nation to choose the next to their warranty . and presidents reformers, reformers, contender position was what that's too forceful. we 42 percent of the total votes cast, following shore of the 60 percent and the 1st a 2nd underway now the 1st 12 supposedly behind with 9000000 volts. for now the waste is very tight. it's a nick and nick race between these 2 politicians age representing one end of the political spectrum in iraq. so our position has been making promises such as a reviving v o n d. still, it is, was the,
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was trying to force closer ties with these tensions. otherwise, those are the purposes to as many folders as possible. and the 2nd round, the final results are going to be announced on saturday. the size of the nation as the nation decides, suggest to read the patients which are 3 other countries deciding whether you want to take a conversation with it. was jenny, the intentions on the dialogue with it was favored by physical. so we've to wait for his answer to the why the, why, the results of the blood test, ron university professor. so you had mohammed mariah and the status of the situation in the iran has been stable despite the tragic death of president racy. despite the fact that the death of president of a see was
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a great tragedy. and we saw how upset people in iran were during the funerals. and i think one reason why they turn out in the election, the presidential election was a bit low, was because the people were comparing the candidates, the doctor a c. and they felt that another, none of them had his sort of stature. but in any case, i think it should have, despite the fact that his demise was a tragedy. but it does, it did show the strength of this dynamic republic of you, ron, in the constitution that the state continued to push for it, signed an agreement with document assign about exporting, try, coming to sante a truck, come in just on gas t, ron. it's also agreed with the russians to have russian exports. it's gas 3 months . so you run this now becoming a central hub for energy, the most important hob for natural gas,
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most probably in the future. so this has happened during the period before the election of a new president. i think that says a lot about iran. so capability is the wrong stability and the wrong strength. well, let's go to africa now in another attempt to. busy public and over government efforts to introduce new taxes to cover the national debt. taking the president william root has announced new measures to stabilize the state economy. i have today. i pointed on independent task force to carry out and comprehend steve forensic audit of public debt. and report to us in the next 3 months before that we provide the people okay. now with crowded on the extent on nature about that how public resources have been expended.
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and will also re comment proposals for managing our public debt in a manner that is sustainable. and that's not spot in the future. generations of the disney po, to is false paysimple to, to bet dolman plans to raise more than $2000000000.00 in new texas. the present has been fuel to severance of scary to me is that he plans to offset to the now abandoned tax bill with mass of tax cuts. so rather costs to social expenditure of $15.00 education, healthcare, housing, and many of the sick to the presidency is who will take these muses through so that she's administration does not spend beyond what is necessary even if it means cutting down their own salary. starting with himself as an example, basically as thoughts off of this plan, the prison has made it clear that in keeping with these was due to me is $47.00 states. corporations will be dissolved with the funds to is to be integrated into
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line ministry is that the decision as well to full positions of chief administrative secretaries is suspended and the number of advisors in the government will be reduced by 50 with immediate effect budget lines providing for the operations off the office of the 1st may be the spouses of deputy president and the prime cabinet secretary saw also be removed. so melody, the budget to re provisions in various executive offices including the presence office will be removed and the budget for renovation across the government offices will be reduced by 50 percent, public servants as well. obtain the retirement age of 60 years, sol be required to immediately proceed on retirement. has also been told that the purchases of new vehicles is suspended except to full security and non essential travel by states or even public offices will also be suspended. and judging by social media reaction,
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it seems like often every announcement prism which will make fresh demands that come up because already some say they do appreciate these business but still need to be done. and this just shows you that it is going to be a long and endless ride. some even say the actions taken by president to cotton to show that he's the decision to a to define is for was a technical pullback aimed to stem mess up position, sparked off of the events of the day. the demonstrations that we saw when police gun down the, as soon as a protest is on the street off, no road being across the country. according to human rights watch, at least 39 people were killed and hundreds lift injured is produced by a live bullets into a gas. and protest is the rice group also mentioned that a handful of abduction victims remain on the account to full with families. also, still searching for the missing tool joined in more to resist it. also remember
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that the am, if it has been pushing canyon to cut, explained to so on top off raising more taxes to fine is, is couple races and service existing knows that exploits, say the i am if had for seen the imagined. so speed po 2 is the case to texas mrs, but pushed ahead and push the government just getting you to stand firm on the new mrs. and all know that to the i am if is one cool. and that is to place the full burden of kenya's. i'm president of did to crisis on to the sucking messes of the country. but in its defense, the institution sees, its main goal, has been helping can overcome its economy challenges and improving peoples wellbeing. but the citizens of can you do not think so they even say the i may as well basically asking you to regroup and present a new reform plan before the year comes to an end the advocate of a high core to of can yeah, bob brown, while ross says that the, despite the announcement of new measures of
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a nation hasn't seen any real action to address the debt situation. we've had this discussion about us started to move those, well, the amount and we have end of the biggest problem i think for more scans is that we do not seem to be watching the talk. and so it's just be in a declination of a stage. you may have up to the other, but we haven't seen that put into action. and we've got to why did they know the local accountability and transparency are the same ends, um, well as the president did try and steer the conversation. we didn't have up to now we do have mckinney's as to how to use that to do it. and of course the form we scanned themselves has been we seem to be, we on one hand saying we're not prices. but on the other hand, we've also seen government and even officials,
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i'm saying not spending and so such and such action without what has led that structure to the mass public outs current to the that our space. now, president bible remains resolute about his presidential bid. during the july 4th celebration, he assured the crowd, she's not going anywhere. and that's right off the delivery. and yet another well remarkable speech. you know, i was in the war one cemetery and france and one that mark, one of our colleagues, a former president did want to go and be up there. there's probably should even say, right, we got this, remember who and how we are with united states of america. you got me man.
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i'm not going anywhere on a bit while the main stream media is a boss, gold calling for bindings, we exit this page. see it and quoted, several unnamed diplomats to say the biden's, poor performance might on nerve allies, the head of the day to summit. next week. the president has reportedly confided to democratic governors that he means to slip more work less asking to avoid shoveling events after 8 pm or critics is suggestive. the gaps keep piling up. he could be on pub it into our in our he's late as rumble. came during a re do interview where he told the host that he is the 1st black female vice president. by the way, i'm proud to be, as i said, the 1st vice president or his black woman. he served with the black presence of a group of 168 political don't know, civic leaders and business executives cold, and president biden to withdraw him from the us presidential race. and the letter
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i've sent to the white house on special, according to the washington post the leadership now project lead a letter saturday, has the biden to withdraw his candidate for the sake of us democracy and the future does come less major democrat. those are also speaking out about biden's company to pay the the state a some are reported me working to raise a $100000000.00 slash funded the case of a new candidate. another group of, well, the donors is threatening to withhold funds for democrats after the debate difficult. unless binding is replaced. now leading the charges, netflix co founder read hastings. the i'll be go destiny on the harris to the destiny of family and fortune also, plans to keep up past the sleep until joe biden is out. i intend to stop a new contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them of the top
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of the ticket. this is real as not disrespect. biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high. probably cross now live to our t contribute guitar. read tara is good to have you join me now let's that right into this burning issues right now, widens disaster, difficult performance, debate the performance. why do you think many democrats are still standing by him? despite the fact that these issues are really all of us, well i think that there's very few that are standing by haven't just the ones that are actually have benefited financially and by power. so you have people like need it done, ted kaufman, you don't see them in public as often, but they're close around, you know, as you know, i need it done as the white house, a senior advisor then she was dismissed,
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then she came back and said kaufman spent as a long time person, so they're, they're closing ranks as the bite and campaign does, and there's a very small group of them that invested it, so they're going to try to give them power. meanwhile, the rest of the time a product leads are, are in battle, wanting him to step down. and i believe, you know, it's my opinion, like this is all political theater. they have plans for him not to continue this campaign for a while while now. now, democrats, though, does that threatening to withhold funds for the democratic party until by didn't steps down, and there are also reports that the $100000000.00 pop is being raised in case there is a new candidate. now, what do you think it best says about bivens, physical ability to run the country as well? i think it's pretty obvious. you can even make it through debate, much less run a country. and i think americans are feeling very of not only embarrassed, but the fearful, because on the world stage it's, it's appearing to be on
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a audit. and like there's a lack of leadership, which you can see. the conversations right now should be about the us and nato n j. the prophecy were in russia against russia, ukraine, and that there should be talks about that. but instead of diplomacy or talking about what's happening with palestinians, instead of that device, administration is focusing on their campaign and, and all of this rather ex. so i think the democrats, you know, you have some people that have come out quite loudly. james carville, being one of the former democratic operatives who said, you know, look, that the democrats are being tone deaf, and they are, they're not listening to the people. they're not listening to their base. and therefore, vitals approval ratings are in the teens, which is low as ever. now, according to cnn, some on day into different might say biden's for performance might on the of allies they had
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a but need to summit next week. what concerns are being raised outside of the united states about biden's, mental states and his ability to run the country? what are you hearing? what are you hearing is the people are wondering who is really running the country . i choose democratic shoes, diplomatic policies are going to be long lasting. so why are you going to, you know, talk about diplomatic futures and packages and working with other countries is directly where the leader is not functioning properly and the plan. so the keeps which right now, the pregnant ministration is a sweet just to read. it's disorganized and this is very hawkers people right at the top are being distracted even away from that because of this moment in history . so of course it's on the international stage one, we're closer to new to the rewards and the other good. this is really concerned. and of course the allies in nato are very concerned to america. so, you know,
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you have, you know, you have um, a lot of the eastern time countries that have successfully diplomatic and economic relations and plans for the future and bricks being very successful. it's a multi polar world. and the by the ministration would not accept that they kept on trying to fund these endless wars kept trying to, to hold on to power. and on the way this multi colored polar now and the united states will either participate or it will list the box. right, we have to leave you here now to contribute to a tile read bringing us up to speed there. thank you. that's the update. now let's see you again with. busy stories at the top of the by now


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