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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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to the for the last 2 and a half years, we have learned that we cannot achieve the so without dialogue and diplomatic channels, hunger as prime minister of victor, all bon qualified to put magic resolution to add the ukraine complex to magic moscow with lot of the puts it into said that the other side appears on the wedding desktop, the valve and there is still an unwillingness in keith to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue in you all specials i, signing up on this trip to moscow say, but he doesn't represent the blog. somebody even suggests that home gary and fun menace, days betray the principles. we believe that it undermines the unity and
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determination that we need to show in order for this war to end. it's all, 1st of all, the polls are now closing a rod. as the top 2 candidates baffled to leave the nation and the 2nd round of voting, i have to be pointed on independence task force to carry out comprehensive forensic property content can yes, president william route to renounce us to add new measures to called government spending and reduce the national debt. following definitely add to government protests across the country, the other. those are the international reaching you live from our new center in moscow, i have michael porch and now after meeting in moscow i got him to put in science on
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gary and prime minister. i think the all bind for his efforts to add the grade conflict on the russian leader said that the appears that although western powers are not interested in finding a diplomatic resolution. spoken, say sir, i see to ukraine. sponsors continued to try to use this country. and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in kia to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue which has and europe have been living in the shadow of we're for 2 and a half years now. we do not feel safe, and this war has factored in the breakdown of economic development for the last 2 and a half years. we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels. the 1st important step is be made in terms of establishing dialogue, and i will continue this work. a star to political correspondence. jago peace could
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not was in the heart of the vengeance central moscow. he brought us some key details from the ne does pokes as well as the comments to the press. victor warburton told vladimir food and about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade t of to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer wasn't rejected, the computers actually discussed a wide range of things. but of course, the grain was among the most important issues vladimir food and says that moscow is still ready for peace thoughts. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of ukraine, pointing says piece would mean the need to with the marshal on ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held in the waiting room. so ask, he's a to him and office officially ended in may. so putting things that to turn ukrainian officials aren't really in that much of a need to to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in
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elections and putting things they wouldn't lose. the codes administration wouldn't lose. also vladimir important says that uh, any peace negotiations that should lead to not a c spy or a pause, but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor, oregon says that he's now met with way of putting for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting, even though it's organ is now under a lot of criticism from is you were being counterparts. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine, or they say that he this is actually doing harm to the european union,
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so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not about peace. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show me so long as it's not that are presenting nate to after these meetings. his of something is on country. what is important piece that will allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the rush sized responsible for the war. we are concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to mascot, which we not advanced the closet and is counter productive to all this criticism aside though, i think the victor or button has shown some real strong political character because it really takes some phone will to go for a european leader right now to rough 10, hold negotiations with vladimir for them because of the european union's stance on
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ukraine and all of this military support of ukraine. well, actually, i think it's victor, oregon who by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it. and also the press conference r t spoke with a hungary use for administer. he said that europe needs the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible. i. i was in the last 2 and a half years that we dealt with style with dogs, keeping the channels of communication open. there is no solution to this for. so i think this is the only way how solution company phones to this floor is that we talk to each other and the cuba show as a communication opens. as most of the we've had so much and help support you till now. all of the don't confuse the prove or politicians with the people in the room
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that will buttons visit to russia has gained support from the slovak, from minnesota. as we said, there is always room for more peace thoughts. and he would have joined, if possible. i want to express my ration for the hand, gary and prime minister, who did not hesitate to visit boesky evan, moscow. if my house heard aloud, i would have been happy to join him. there never too many p stocks. and while some countries set their focus on promoting peace, you offer souls have been combative about hunger res efforts. with some suggestion, the bond is be trained the blocks principals, the appeasement will not stop points in only unity and determination, or will it pays the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the you or the use positions. he's exploit and the presidency
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position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling the kremlin without the mandate. either the hungarian government respects its current role in the you or it should resign as chair, victor, oregon, visits put in some very and prime minister. the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of aggression the what value the does a you you actually have now, i think is the biggest question because the people of europe overwhelmingly want these. and, you know, victo a bond in this country. he is gone against the brain against the wishes of european union. collectively, the leadership of the you is, is very far from the population of a you and just like the american people are, are very much uh, uh, an opposition what our government's doing. and so in europe i,
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it appears to be the same thing. um, you know, nato wants to continue a war, how big or mazda and strong enough and to withstand these attacks on the whole year in country and hung in society. and so it's difficult to say how the, any of the actions taken by the you at this time is, has been beneficial in all my later chair for desktops. a bug has also fueled hostility, saying that the west and benefit blogs, main goal, is helping you create in defense of russia on the battlefield. you cannot have ministry or what the need now is something that actually is credible something. that's what actually the worst stops on the partial stops, is it's aggression. and therefore, when to fight the ends and we need a security, we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's what was the one of the reasons why i was ok to has stated that ukraine will
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become a member of all night to get installed to burger, saying we're not interested in another real peace negotiations. you know what we're interested in, in winning this war. and of course that's totally unrealistic. they're totally against even talking. and that's one of their intent on demonizing, loving their poor 10. and that's why any pop, anyone who talks to watching their poor 10 is automatically stigmatized because that humanizes the russian president. and it actually opens up the door for real negotiations and looks like nobody in the west, you know, in may till you do us germany. you k, franz, nobody's interested in peace. and heading to me right now, we're off for a 2nd. ronald presidential election, dispose of now officially closed out is use of july the report, some iranian capital. the polls off finally closed at midnight after
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a breathtaking 16 hour voting period. that the saw, of course, multiple extensions. and now the nation watches with baited breath as the vote counting process begins. of course, it's a lengthy process. it's expected to take several hours or perhaps until saturday noon before the final results to be announced by the iranian interior ministry, which is responsible for holding an overseeing the election. holding on it was a prostate king mattress on presidential race between jeopardy who is a and vote for conservative. a fire brand politician with anti western views and muscle position on who represents the reform is can with more moderate approach towards the west. each representing one end of eros, political spectrum with starkly contrasting views that will shape arouse future
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trajectory. and the countries global policy, depending on which one of the 2 contenders when the election, a work that runs off future direction. and it's global forum policy. i would either be left towards a confrontational course with the west conder, jenny, the or the escalation on their business gone up so far still to some, to sketch any clear picture about the outcome of this election. crucial. run out folks between the 2 candidates. it's going to be very difficult to predict which one of these to arrive. busy as well when the election, because each of both, of course, most of the candidates possess strong support bases and the country of what searching for now is that the churn out, the voter turnout has been significantly higher than in the 1st problem. the polls suggest, and of course, the also data and figures released by the iranian interior ministry suggest stats
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until 10 30 pm local 5. around $29000000.00 voters cast their ballots and that is 47 percent of the total votes. of course that's 47 percent voter turnout and participation and that already is significantly higher than the 40 percent voter turnout initially marked up in the 1st rounds, which marked a record low participation. so now this 47 percent voter turnout is good news for these monica public, which views high for our turn out as a barometer, measuring the level of public support for the establishment and for the ideals of these logic revolution back in 1979. so now we have to wait for the final and more accurate results to be announced by the interior ministry perhaps until saturday. no. well they are. we spoke to, to heat our society from the university of 10,
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ron. and he explains that it's likely the ron will follow the same foreign policy pos with a focus on multiple r a t off of the election. of all the truth of the matter is that this is one of the most unpredictable phenomenal elections in the history of the it's nomics republican. interestingly, it's is the 1st time in bitch, the turnouts rate has been exceeded. the 1st round. this is quite surprising. the competition, competition is quiets tips, the competitors are nick and nick. so it's quite hard to put forth any sort of ads to patient when it comes to the turn of rates. and benefit constitutes, let's say the election results, the trend, trajectory of the roles foreign policy is based upon a consensus among less than right old and old. i think we will see some slides shipped from slides shifts of approach. if mr. johnny comes to the office, meet, expect less flexible approach to,
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pertaining to the west and negotiations on that. if mister position comes to the office, we expect sort of more flexible approach. but that's one of the matter is that you want $55.00 to to check 3 of parks with the west. and it'd be the sort of a board emphasis on this particular to reject 3. this past they was tested for 8 years and it ended up in nothing in return for the uranium side, regardless of the full day full commitment that event is conducted. therefore, i think now this, there is, this is a consensus beyond parts is beyond left or right. that's the through directory of uranium foreign policy should be based on more focus on global falls, more focus on organizations like bricks, larger shanghai, and, and so forth. so we will see a to a certain extent that this policy agenda will be continued. either rate is either
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mr. charlene, he comes to the office or mr. francisco, what it's offer. so now the poles of clothes, so stay tuned. that's what bring you the result of who runs presidential right off the to offer to now in another attempt to cub public and all the government efforts to introduce new taxes to cover the national debt canyon. president william root who has a now's new measures to stabilize the state economy. i have today pointed an independent task force to carry out a comprehensive forensic quoted of public debt and reports to us in the next 3 months before that, we provide the people ok. now,
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with crowded on the extent and nature of our debt, how public results this have been expended. and we also recommend proposals for managing our public debt in a manner that these sustainable and does not button future generations of the did you purchase for us. please include to, to back dolman plans to raise more than $2000000000.00 new taxes. the present has an fuel to savage, scary to mrs. he plans to offset to the non abandoned textbook with mass of text cuts, so rather costs to social expenditure of 15 education, health care housing in many of the sick to the presidency is who will take these muses through the school that she's administration does not spend beyond what is necessary, even if it means cutting down the own seller, restocking with himself. as an example, basically as far off the slants prison has made it clear that in keeping with these
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austere team is $47.00 states of corporations will be dissolved with the funds has to be integrated into line ministries of the decision as well to full positions of chief administrative, 60 trees is suspended and the number of advisors in the government will be reduced by 50, with immediate effect budget lines providing for the operations of the office of the 1st may be the spouse of 52 president. and the prime cabinet secretary saw also be removed, so melody, the budget to be provisions in various executive offices, including the presence office will be removed and the budget for renovations across government offices will be reduced by 50 percent, public servants as well. obtain the retirement age of 60 years solved is required to immediately proceed on retirement. has also been told that the purchases of new vehicles is suspended except for security and non essential will travel by state or
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even public offices will also be suspended. and judging by social media reactions, it seems like often every announcement prism who to make fresh demands that come up because already some say they do appreciate these businesses but still needs to be done and boost. it shows you that it is going to be a long and endless ride. some even say the actions taken by president time to come in to show that he's the decision to the to define is for was a technical pullback aimed to stem. a mass of position sparked off in the events of the deadly demonstrations that we saw when police gone down. the absence of a protest is on the streets of no road being across the country. according to human rights watch, at least 39 people were killed. and hundreds of lift injured is produced by a live bullets into a gas i protest is the rice group also mentioned that
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a handful of abduction victims remain on the account to full with families. also still searching for the missing tool joined in more to reserve. it also remember that the i'm, if it has been pushing kenya to cut, explain to so on top off, raise more taxes to finance if populations and service existing loans that expose, say the i am if had to see the emergence of the purchase, the case to texas misses but pushed ahead and push the government just getting you to stand firm on the new misses and all know that the item is wonderful. and that is to place the full burden of kenya's unprecedented data crisis on to the sucking messes of the country. but it's defense, the institution sees, the main goal has been helping can overcome its economies, challenges and improving peoples wellbeing. but the citizens of can you do not think so they even say the if it will basically asking it to regroup and present
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a new reform plan before the year comes to an end presidential, the institute for governance. and he cannot make transformation. kingsley morales who says that a nation should think twice before turning to the i m f for assistance. but i am as in africa as the next, there's no question about this is because of stringent fiscal policy measures, they do my from african countries in red fight for lending very new interest rate. so the alternative to i m f loans is offered our countries or other countries on the very expensive private commercial in the market of the for me, of it's of, of it's, you know, just flush social spending and basically reduce the government and its role in the
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car box is this really what is the best approach to offer does problems? that's the question. as i say, is mixed the 5 nines on countries and after. and i also do so to find my team out there are still in depth distress affected by that distress. so that's not such a very good. but then also we have to consider where i am as is, you know, is to go for when we management by african countries themselves. you know what, it goes to the higher aspects of doing job. you know, you get into your life things in terms of money or a top many of off or does it always depend on commodity and that leaves the shocks and the international economy, which also, you know, which creates bottles of payment problems. and so, and so they often find that they have to go to the higher max. so it's uh,
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you know, i really don't need to take this policy offers to drop or 10 countries because sometimes so these are plans, you know, they may be monitored for school measures. the citizens are the presidents of the key and neighboring syria and the meat for the 1st time since a devastating armed conflict interrupted 15 years ago. the potential torques are expected to be held in russia, hated september r t per se, but in the i've seen that ken has details of the serial does see it has been a hot talking point over the course of the past few weeks. and during this, donna summits is the president of, to the end of russia, let him move which and, and richard type are the one met to discuss the serial ca, it's been quite vital. and over the course of the past year, so unclear has been more vocal and adamant in ensuring that the prospects of
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reproach mentioned, discussions actually starts and putting an end to comfort that has spine. for more than a decade. the sentiment was shared by the syrian president bush on the left side as well over the course of the years. of course, it has become more and more important to ensure that the state of syria ensures that is the sovereignty entry. withdrawal integrity is kept intact and this is something that on kind of shows as well. and it also takes into consideration the importance that has been presented by the syrian president and the church of side essentially says that we will ensure that the territorial integrity of syria is respected. but discussions needs to be held on based on what we understand. we in so we understand that phone service currently the position to ensure that the russian president is hosted into the queue before the prospect or the discussions between 22 and sylvia could begin, but let's just playing a key role here as well because we understand over the course of the last few years, for the most part, there have been a great deal of initiatives that have been led by 22 that have been led by russia.
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one has been a part of this process as well, to ensure that the warring sides are the conflicting sides within the country within syria could essentially come to terms. and that is, of course, one of the many concerns of the syrian presidents, the militants in the northern part of the country, which is currently under the control defacto control of the turkish forces. and the fact that the syrian president has defacto control over that part of the country they need to ensure that the concerns of damascus are ensure essentially heard on the road map will be made available. but it's, it's a lot easier said than done. but the one thing that is sure all of the sides are calling for some form of a po, expenses that negotiations do take part in the unofficial word on the streets is that the meeting would take place in russia, which amplifies the position that moscow is currently in to ensure that the peace and stability in the middle east is to accept, upheld or established in the 1st place and to us politics. now, president biden remains resolute about his presidential bid during the july 4th.
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celebrate. busy oceans here, show the crowd that he's not going anywhere. and that's right after delivery yet. and now the well remarkable speech. you know, i was in that war one cemetery and france and one to mark, one of our colleagues, a former president didn't want to go and be up there to try to shoot him and say, hey, right, we got this, remember who and how we are with united states of america, you've got me, man, i'm not going anywhere on the hall, the main stream media. he's a boss calling for binding to exit the stage. cnn quoted several on name to diplomats who say the biden's poor performance might on nerve allies, the head of the nato summit. next week. the president has reported the confided to
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democratic governors, but he needs to sleep more and work less asking to avoid shadowing events after 8 pm. critics suggest that if the gaps keep piling up, he could be on permanent r and r is latest bumble came during the re do interview where he told the hose. the key is the 1st block female vice president. by the way, i am proud to be impressed. i said the 1st vice president, 1st black woman, is served with the black prison as a group of a 11868 political doda, civic need, as a business executive cold on president biden. to withdraw him from the us presidential race in atlanta said to the scene to a white house, officials, according to the washington post of the leadership. now, project collector has urged biden to withdraw his candidate for the sake of united states, democracy and the future of those comes as a major democrat. those are also speaking out after about the biden's cognitive
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states. some are reportedly working to raise $100000000.00 as a splost fund in the case of a new candidate. another group of well, the does, is threatening to withdrawal funds for democrats after the debates. biblical all as binding is replace meeting the charges. netflix co founder read hastings and i'll be go this be a high rise to be this new family of fortune also plans to keep up by zip until joe biden is out. i intend to stop a new contributions to the party unless and until they replaced by them at the top of the ticket. this is real, is not disrespect. biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high. now are to contribute to our reeds, told us that joe biden is not fit to run the country and is ignoring the american people's voices as well. i think, you know,
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it's absurd. he's not listening to what the american people want and the ratings of his calling, so that he's not a popular president. his policies, as well as he is not, are not popular with the american people. 70 percent of the people want out of these farm wars. a lot of people are in poverty. you know, i would say that the fight and campaign, usually they call campaign award, that the word that they use is the war room and they talk about a campaign that invites his case. i think it's the panic ring. i think that they're absolutely the leads are asked and we panicked right now because they don't have a way to move him gracefully. he's. i think they thought he would just step down for health reasons and he's not. what i'm hearing is that there is a close circle of people if they don't want him to step down, including his family. and so you have these other more powerful people with as insurance or economic money given to the campaigns that desperately want him to
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step down. so there's definitely a battle going on in the democratic party. what are the republicans take advantage of this? or another party takes advantage of us and tries to get it by a candidate we'll see. trump will have will use this opportunity, i'm sure to, to butcher's his campaign. but the fact remains on the job. ivan is not fit to run the country. what i'm hearing is that people are wondering, who's really running with century and who's democratic, who's diplomatic policies are going to be long lasting. so why are you going to, you know, talk about diplomatic futures and packages and working with other countries. if the leader is not functioning properly right now, the pregnant registration is complete just to read. it's disorganized and this is very hawkish. people right at the top are being distracted even away from that.


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