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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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showing economic money given to the campaigns a desperately want him to step down. so there is definitely a battle going on in the democratic party, whether the republicans take advantage of this or another party takes advantage of us and tries to get it by a candidate. we'll see, trump will have, will use this opportunity, i'm sure to, to buttress his campaign, but the fact remains on the job. ivan is not fit to run the country. what i'm hearing is that people are wondering, who's really running with century and who's democratic, who's diplomatic policies are going to be long lasting. so why are you going to, you know, talk about diplomatic futures and packages and working with other countries. if the leader is not functioning properly right now, the pregnant ministration is in complete disarray. it's disorganized and this is very hawkish. people right at the top are being distracted even away from that because of this moment in history. well,
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that's the best our you can get for the details of older stories. well, following on our team, come by down the the hello and welcome to cross talk where hall things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . we may never know to what degree jo. biden's obvious mental deficiencies have played in recent american foreign policy decisions, particularly when it comes to policies. but it is fair to ask the findings, dimension is leading a small into a global conflict,
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the processing dementia and wars. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal and media analyst in jersey city. we have our flounder. she is co director of the international action center. and here in moscow we have julia custom. she is a lebanese political analyst right across top rolls, and in fact, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciated, sarah, let me go to you 1st in jersey city. and so much is going on. i mean, the last new cycle we have idea of general saying that there where they want to cease fire. now i do not believe that's for humanitarian reasons. they are most likely i'm 11 on which we will talk about. we obviously have the spectacle that joe biden presented the entire world which puts in doubts, any kind of decision making process coming out of the united states or multiple conflicts in the world. and most importantly and sadly,
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is that there is no push to end the genocide in, in, in gaza. and i like to throw in to the largest land a grab in the west bank. and the last 30 years. everything is going in the wrong direction. even though everyone is throwing their arms up in the air and say, what can we do? go ahead, sarah. well, what's really demented is the policy, the policy. and it is criminal beyond belief out of touch with reality. and this is true. and both by and trump, you hear that debate, there's no discussion of what they said. what they stand for, the only discussion was of the ability to succeed. and, you know, just a camera shot of who can convince voters in the us gutter of the lies. but both of them absolutely committed to a genocide, a war that as i say,
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it's out of touch with reality. it's a policy that has completely failed. a war that is dragging the whole range and, and the number of deaths, the, the, the brutality that everyone is seeing on their screens every day. they're not discussing, not, they're not discussing anything. we'll that is happening in the world today, nor did they have any solutions for it. so i found the whole um, program the whole debate totally surreal. and i found even worse, the coverage of expensive words. it's simply sticking on biden's ability to answer questions. if he sets none of the policy and the policies for both really or set by corporate america, by their need to control the entire region. and israel can no longer performed that wrong for them rather than face. and this totally failure, they want to talk about personalities, europe and that 3 of terry you're,
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you're absolutely right because the biggest winner in that debate was the of the, is really lobby in the united states. they were the big winner because they're not talking about what's going on in the region. julia, what also is, is interest seem to come to reflect upon is how the idea of generals are, what was uh, calling for a ceasefire. they have lost, the adf is lost, it is lost, it's a, has not achieved its goals. and in a, in directly, a mouse has one. and that's something nobody in western media wants to talk about. go ahead, julia. yeah, absolutely. i was honest and to be as we can be, other than slaughtering civilians which has been lost. so that's the activity throughout the course of the stand a fight, a war only has hit any kind of a master for the law meters or commanders on the conflict of civilian targets. and
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this has been response to the destination of military bases, all in security infrastructure, military infrastructure, hey, weaponry, the attack by the law in the north baki by telephone and gods, but have been precise and they've been calculated and they followed a very control pass the best solution that has destroyed that not only crippled but we destroyed the design this on the our meeting. right? so right now, you know, in response of israel's never had a strategy, it even has. but decades ago, that was only asked that has been in military technology and attendance air force. now, as the law has effectively basically challenged and dispelled the midst of it's the air superior already now is really just on for the last 2 or 3 weeks,
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have been turned back in response to his beloved deployment of not an anti aircraft missiles and, and really the successful striking of is really targets with, without israel, so successfully intercepting them. uh so, so the, the, the whole facade of time is really military superiority, including air security has been completely caught shattered. in julia, i would, i would submit the only strategy the, that israel has to bring the united states into an escalated war. that's their only strategy. that's the, the, and, and the line. all a lot of fine go to you in light of what we've already heard on this program here in considering only 11 minutes of the debate last week, covered foreign policy and even smaller than 11 minutes dealt with what's going on in palestine. and it would have been a wonderful opportunity for both of those candidates to explain why the united
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states supports a settle or colonial project that would be to use american terms, a gross form of jim crow. why did this united states support that if the united states, in fact supports a rules rules based order? lionel peter, i love you, but i want you to think about what you just said. you were wondering whether joe biden could have, perhaps, explicate it or expatriate is the pluses and minuses of said, learned colonialism but we could when they were just trying to get full. oh, this, it was it. i, i don't see anybody truly can understand how horrified or, and horrible that was. i know nobody's talking about it. no, of course, as you know, peter, i'm in the fishbowl. you are, you, you weren't immersed in this. were it not for the internet?
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is someone once called it, i would know nothing because when it comes to regular cable news, this particular sock puppet media. nobody's talking about ukraine or anything for the matter regarding israel. the question that we have is closing charge. is it better to have the, the blank check signed, and now while we're all worried about jetway again, appearances, or does this wreaks havoc on this on the, the cause would mister netanyahu, for example, one to stand next to mr. biden? and therefore, could somebody suggest that this, this plan must further be models and, and, and um, i still advise, because this man is agreeing to it. i mean, the, the, the come, the calculus of this is incredible. but as far as american news goes, nobody's talking about, well, i mean it, we have sarah, what, what is, what was most terrific about that debate is that the genocide continues without
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comment. that's what's most disappointing. and in horrifying, i mean, for anyone that has any kind of moral compass whatsoever. that's what's really tragic about a line on the right. you can go talk about all the optics all you want. i mean, it's just everyone's getting clicks off of it. it's really quite pathetic and i agree with you. there's no difference between the 2, sarah. well, they really only want to discuss the optics because they can't discuss what they're doing, except to say they fully support this genocidal war. and every step of the way they know that israel is failing, they know better than any of us know what they know who the inside track, what they see, the resignations of folks leaving those who aren't showing up how they know what the reserve is. so we're just checking out 900, i think it's, it's an incredible um, b as rallies with dual citizenship who are leaving. they know the ports are shut
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down. they know it very, very well. and the actions of human, they know it's the strange global shipping. they know that the iron don't no longer really exist. oh, because the law has taken it out piece by piece by piece. and they know every single inch of it has also been charted by of some very interesting has blood drones that they sent to the whole world. they sent it to the home world. the actual coordinates of all different vital is really the technology. oh oh, the tire electric grid for all of northern israel and how they are is the exact coordinates, how they would target it. they sent a message and it's, they can't discuss any of that now, but the, if it was not. yeah, but julia, the message they were getting from from israel to is and it's being telegraphed to
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being added states is that they want to, if they essentially cannot win against him, us, they want the united states to go fight has blah and put in iran in directly on their behalf, go ahead julia level from the beginning, especially when we'll have a free the r p on like nothing. yeah. where the feature of for the buying this documentation provide in general, he's no exception. but someone just so, so long as the whole arrogance that he believes that we have the pro long ation of this genocide of work. and so basically he come out of jail and he has a lot of sound pending corruption charges when they is going to be thrown in jail and go to court like this is all over us. so there's, there's very little time that he can buy left at this point. at the same time, he always, basically campaigns on being the, the anti iran guy,
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the one who's going to know and destroyed, and iran parton's, rails, of security and prosperity of course. um, it looks like the reason study unified resistance forces are doing the opposite because of this new pity and the, the what, what, nothing, yeah, who right now it's, it's basically still trying to buy some more time. but of course, it's been unsuccessful in getting the support from, from the us to, to expand into loving non because the, the us knows what israel, which is moving and does the has to come up again. and i'm loving our, that's the lar, from strongest and largest non state, i resist the military for to know in the world as a large arsenal. ok, so yeah, i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the dimensions and war. stay with
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the russian states. never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best most i'll send send the same assistance must be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and supports the r t supposed net, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this was the question. did you say steven? twist, which is the
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agenda itself, the gaining independence and from the last so many ivory coast remained under the strong influence of his foam and metropolitan pro french president. felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the government dean isn't it enough from then there's no simple new foster larry shifting backwards was dumb so strong and the more appropriate after the death of, of a one year a new lead to bill, i'll go back the ball came to power and i'm ready to double open for example. yeah, curious to know if we're feed lacrosse or they're gonna use it isn't good enough for tiffany to when it comes to meet, usually deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a,
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the country 2nd largest since he turned into a theatre of last year from 130 to the other. 243. those thoughts about this? how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on, see the decency came as being faded and not just in the training of the bus. if everything is well, god. so you need the police to china is getting any person goes to a unit named me. a phone call is the challenge when things go based on the job. i know that i think the bills name is the
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the welcome act across the dock were all things are considered on peter level true mind you were discussing dementia and wars the the okay is go back to line or new york line in the 1st part of the program, you talked about the optics and how things are perceived and all of that, which of course i agree with you completely. um, but what being in the fishbowl, i what i would query you on your thoughts about because you already mentioned it was a benjamin netanyahu most likely will be addressing a joint session of congress seats on this before i think you probably will. once this is done on, he'll know what the person who has addressed that joint session of congress has many times. we know then and the number of standing ovations will be there and all of that. but the line of living in the fishbowl, if you have any idea how the world will perceive that the oh, how the world. yeah,
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yeah. now, yeah. how the world now, i know, i know all of the networks are going to be slobbering all over the usual stuff. yeah. yeah. i don't even want to waste time on it, but i'm asking is, do you have any idea how the rest of the world is going to need? yes, i did tell you how the rest of the world feels right now, because the rest of the world looks as, as though we have some form of current events, dementia door, unable to articulate or recognize what's happening. you know, peter, there was a time when a lot of folks would say we cannot fight wars against terror. terror, it doesn't exist. there's not in a place. it's a, it's like catching smoke with your hands. and yet, when you talk about home us, they think that how much is a play is with barracks and as garrison. and there's a, there's a, is the command center. and there you go with a country, you have no idea. we completely, the world looks at us, i think and realizes that we have basically a band and everything that we said post 911 as though we didn't learn anything as though we are fighting these mythical. because if there's one thing i think the
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world knows we know is that door against there is always protects jewel. it's never forward that, that is a reason for it was very, very quickly. somebody, one time said the judge of us ever going into a rad would have been 0, had there may next board been broccoli. we know that. so we always realize what's the angle, so the words must be looking of us and thinking. do you have any idea what's going on to the answer is apparently no, well, i mean line on we went into a rack because that's what the israelis wanted. at the end of the day. it wasn't about oil, okay. i wish it had been okay. but the disney shows the shows, the demented, foreign policy of priorities of the united states, you know, cetera. again, you know, the, the, there's the lock will the diminishing soft power that the united states has. anthony blinking is left out of the region. i mean, nobody wants to talk to that pool because he's israel's lawyer. they want to talk to, they can talk this directly. why don't they need to talk to us?
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so he's the secretary of state. i mean, that's how diminished the reputation of the united states and, you know, you have all these liberal arrows in the, in the region. you know, they, they like western values like going on vacation, even say, now of a poor with the united states is doing. i mean, they've lost any kind of connection with them. sarah, a villas, any connection. because the u. s. policy, it's, it's corporate policy. they mustn't dominate the regions. and yet they're unable to, that is the reality. and there's people's movements that are so powerful and have developed to coordination, but also science and technology ways of defending themselves even though the casualties are enormous. are horrendous or terrible. but the israeli army created by the us armed by the u. s. funded by the u. s is unable to do the job it was created to do. and so yes,
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they do want to expand this war to around today. we always think that'll go better expanded to can to live in on. is that a solution? a wider war? i, i think do us their own aircraft carriers and what i say, we're reminded and in yemen with the answer lies, missiles. so every step of the way, then as a matter of fact, the us and raised it was i was rarely officials came and met at the white house claim. they were gonna add into loving on. they were given full support to support this. and then 4 days later and general brown said, no way, no way, are we doing that and what happened in the meantime. what happened in the interim was as block released of that little video showing exactly the coordinates. and they could see that everything is already known, and the b is rarely would be
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a disaster. now it's not much different with the ron. so the idea that the u. s. can, the military can fight some war, they can tear off the whole region pets. unfortunately true, but they are not going to secure their domination anymore. those days are passed and they can't accept. that is really what's going on at the most basic level you sold are into complete denial of really not only have popular see, but the idea of netanyahu speaking to joint congress that really is to normalize and to applaud genocide. and there should be opposition. every single city town area of the us when that happens to be big demonstrations in washington dc. but really what i think is needed is everywhere in the country. for i shut it down to stay away or walk out. every conceivable kind of action against is
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normalizing and applauding of genocide. i mean it's up to the whole population, but there are you, we all know that there will be consequences for the, for that taking a moral position. there is very severe moral consequence. inquired that no, i mean, i don't know. i mean, i don't, i had always been on the, on this journey with the houses of people. i the, you know, line or it's been on the early with me since october and you know, line was a long term, a guess on this program. and what we've said, some pretty rice of things about the blue haired kids on campus and all that. but what i saw over the last few months before graduation that is high applauded them. i mean, there is a moral compass with the younger generation and we should all respect that julia. i mean, the, we are, by the way, that is, there is a moral compass and they were surprisingly affected. and literally, and, and that is what's at risk here. as is so well known that for the younger
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generation, they have no care for either of these candidates, no matter how much they build them up and they are opposing these fundamental policy and they're doing it putting their lives, their future, their career. yes, yes they have. uh, it's because of the, the, the, the entire political system in east coast has offers them nothing. nothing, nothing. okay. they have been rocked okay. of their future by these people, by the donors and all of this. so julia, let me go back to you, you know, is israel proceeds with its genocide in gaza and it's land grabbing it on the west bank. it puts itself into an existential position up to be or not to be. i mean, this is really the stakes here. and the israelis, they believe that the united states is going to come to their rescue. well, as there is already pointed out, aircraft carriers can be sunk to go ahead. absolutely. and while all israel seemed to be able to view or is wipe out, you know,
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massacre in hudson. so they were in the rid of this light has been attacking their, all of their military structure land in air. precisely. and every time it's but they wants to escalate by, for example, you know, killing commanders like they did yesterday. the resistance response through, you know, designating their, their military base sense and the military and some structure. and this so far as belong to only use a fraction of its capability in this long term, more of attrition and us through all of this to already israel's divide. it's military and let's on leadership. it's is divided right now the work cabinets. we think we dissolve in there as well. the stand off between the launch and nothing. yeah. whole and you know, the war cabinet, the forest where there was she was before. it was all being with the, with the disagreements with the malackle conduct and the lack of vision within this
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genocide on machine that is providing this entity. so right now there's a, there's a complete collapse from within, with the resistance really having the organized upper hand um without even giving it to all but they've got so right. and so of course the, there's not much, not more time that they can buy at this point um, with the resistance consistently revealing new capabilities that, um and new equipment and for a for, and this will extend the course to the us as well. no longer has uh the, the security um its military up, its ever expanding formally, ever expanding military based in the middle east, which is now off crumbling from within. yeah, lionel is a, as a way of this brouhaha over the debate continues, i mean, it's non stop here. but you know, the gravity of the issues that we have already discussed on this program in a very short amount of time,
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shows the direction of where things are gonna go. and we're all left with this man in the white house. tell me, there's hope. well i, you know, i, i think the result and the hope will come by virtue of and i keep saying it's a very civilian and citizen, an alternative media which is bigger than anybody can ever imagine people, the cable news world don't understand. that's number one. number 2, it never ceases to amaze me peter, that when people involved themselves in war, we never learned number colin powell. one time said, you called at the pottery barn rule. if you break it, you own it. people think that somehow they're running against that hezbollah, unmatched. there's a bunch of rag tag, a spirit shirking natives who have no sense of sophistication and they're, they're, they're mobilized by hate. and that can be easily quelled by this massive military with this incredible intelligence and the use of modern warfare. it is, i know, 1st of all, did anybody think this group,
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what was their plan in front of the you say something very quickly about genocide. the part that i keep telling people that we have to remind people, genocide in the words apartheid and ethic. lindsay, these are not projective. these are statutory definitions that are clearly enunciated, clearly prescribed and clearly indicates what is going on. know people still think peter, that the word genocide is being mean or they conjure up something about world war 2, which it was or cattle cars and disseminate that by of, of you know, uh, the holocaust. yes, that's a part of it, but you don't necessarily have to go there for you to meet all of the criteria. and i wish the international court quotes go down to the title window, chase bank also. it doesn't have the same kind of punch because the people that are being genocide in our brown people. i mean it, it's, it's built in racism as well. okay. it's genocide with people that we can identify with. but if we can identify with them, well, it's just ok. the 12, the chance of this happening is sweet and they are nice to none. and we've always
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understood that we saw that during world war 2, we had a real hard time with the germans because they looked like us. and the italians, it looked like us like no problem with the japanese. that was different. they weren't human and it goes. but it's, it's, it's, it's tribal, it, no matter what i mean at the end of the day, you know, when we talk, when it's a genocide is a modern term. but the container who has been committing genocide against other people, lot of it happened in europe. and it's now in europe and settlers in, in palestine are doing exactly the same thing as all the time we have one, i think, my guess in jersey, city, new york. and here in moscow. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are days. so you next time we member process balls the the, the
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for the last 2 and a half years we have learned that we cannot achieve the so without dialogue and diplomatic channels. hunger as prime minister of victor, all bon call for it to put magic resolution to add the ukraine complex to magic moscow with a lot of the puts it and who said that the other side appears on the willing to stop the valve and there is still an unwillingness in keith to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore the dialogue in your officials, i signing up on this trip to moscow say, but he doesn't represent the blog. so i'm able to suggest that home gary and find menace, days betray new principles. we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to.


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