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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the new president has been elected in her room for the 1st time in 2 decades. it's a reformist. we go live to our correspondence into your room. in moments on gary and prime minister, a shrugs off you allegations of appeasement in his meeting with beloved were present in moscow on friday. the thing is the blocks bureaucracy that's preventing the resolution of the printing and complex quad. kenny, as president and 9 says strict do measures the cut state spending and reduce knoxville a dead following badly emptied government protests across the country. where
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do you pay that much? the same is pigs that embedded with russian troops, our correspondent seas up close. the buffer zone being created to protect the buildings in the border with the welcome to the 1st weekend of the month. this is archie international. on some of the july, the 6th we begin the program with breaking news. a run has chosen it's next president. following a run of reform us candidates must suit a shift in a scene of conservative side jelly to head the persian nation's government. the winners secured over 16000000 of the 30500000 fall its costs with former national security adviser to lily getting 13500000 votes. it was for more on the
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results on what it could mean going forward. do i speak to r? t corresponded use of to wiley in terra and you said good morning to you. so a 2nd rod was needed for the country to select that next the president, we now have that money. our big changes i had politically give us the story of the day after a marathon to round a presidential election. finally, the results came in on reformers must be on is now a wrong news president that he won by a significant margin. securing $16300000.00 volts out of a total of $30500000.00 ballots cast his opponent, his conservative opponents. each. edu gardener. only 13500000 volts and das was defeated in a close. awful run out bowls and a snob election that was called in following the untimely death of the later
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warning president i brought him received who died in a helicopter crash back in may prompting the country to have to hold a free mature election within a maximum timeframe of 50 days, the water turn out has also been registered at slightly less than 50 percent. significantly higher than the voter turnout in the 1st round, which hit a record low of 40 percent. what's, what's next for the new yvonne and president, the president to collect this guy. and he has to follow 2 major steps before he assumes office. first he has to of course, receive any doors meant by the supreme leader. ask for the new constitution. that's the case for any president before assuming office. he has to attend a special ceremony special special rituals as the residents official,
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residents of iran. so theater called space and the wrong of those uh that ceremony will endorse the new president by the iranian supreme leader. and next, he has to take the oath of office forces. the timeline will be announced soon, but what he has to do is do also propose his cabinet plane up to the around him pulling him in to be approved by iranian lawmakers. most likely, his foreign minister is going to be a more how much trouble and very full also serve as the for administer during the role honie administration. so based on the experience everyone had with out is that raised during his tenure as it was for administered, sorry, for is going to pursue a policy of intentions with the west, of course has made it clear throughout the campaign trail. he attended the riley's supervisors beyond together, they promised the iranian nation to and,
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and lived in western sanctions, this fringe and western sanctions on these. wanting to perform like one cent for all by engaging more closely with the western world. they foresaw a promise to instead of neutralizing or circumventing the western sanctions of the country. they said the best way. and the best option is to sit and talk with those countries and try to sort out the differences and find a permanent solution to the purchase thing. economic issues in the country with including the rising and uncontrolled inflation rates, unemployment and a declining currency. the iranian 3 also that is based on the promises made by my supervisor to be on during his campaign trail for so he's definitely going to, i'll face resistance by a pre dominant please of harlem and predominantly conservative on india. wrong,
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of course, do you want the parliament is dominated by conservative principle as lawmakers, the say of who pursue the same path as jennie. these are the rival for most because it's gone during the iranians not presidential election. so those candidates are not willing to make concessions to the west, so most likely he's going to face resistance and opposition on the part of the iranian lawmakers. but even if he, he manages to navigate this challenge at home, he also going to face another challenge. most likely, the potential re entry of donald trump into the white house is going to be another challenge for mazda, because it's beyond to pursue his goal and his pledge to revive the ailing 2015 deal with wells towers of donald trump was the very same person who withdrew his nation from the 2015 the deal and he's not going to be willing to return to the
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deal. he made it clear of donald trump made it clear that he wants a better deals with what he wants to deal. that would be an all inclusive deal to comprehensive deal that would also address and limit everyone's missile program. that's nothing that's going to sit well with the food dominance, the conservative, they want to call them and that is towards the pursuing to expand. it's their program and also it's missile program believing that yvonne is free to choose. it's tough. they say here was no permission from any country including the western nations to develop its military programs including get some missile agenda. so these are all the challenges that are going to be faced by the president elect must be pacifically on. so we have to wait and see what initiatives or plans he has attend in order to navigate those challenges. yeah, sort of holding maybe the hard work as you say starts no
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r t corresponded use of july late into era. while indeed, but the results of around the presidential election, no official to stay with r t on there and on line for deeper analysis of the nation's political future. the . the honey dirty and prime minister has reacted to the west fierce criticism office trip to moscow, saying not if nato quotes chooses war instead of face, it will be committing suicide. victor or bon also shrugged off you allegations of hoops, appeasement. in his meeting with blondie meredith this is precisely brussel in bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the russia ukraine war. if we want to end the war, we need to political approach instead of
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a bureaucratic one. a don gary mpm met with a lot of air pollutant in the russian capital. on friday. closing i rage on both sides of the atlantic. the trip marked the 1st time a european leader traveled to russia since april 2022 on happen just as hungry, took over the rotating presidency after talking to both leaders at traffic, you minutes spoken, say tennessee to ukraine. sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia because as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in kia to abandon the idea of waging war distributor. and it was never the less, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore the dialogue, which doesn't europe have been living and the shadow of the for 2 and a half years now, do not feel say this before has factor in the breakdown of economic your world when people were the last 2 and
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a half years you have learned that we cannot achieve fees without dialogue and diplomatic channel. the 1st, the important stuff has been made in terms of establishing dialogue mix. and i will continue this work on this particular orbit and told vladimir putting about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade t of to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer wasn't rejected, the computers actually discussed a wide range of things. but of course, the grain was a mom of the most important issues vladimir food and says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of the crane putting says piece would mean they need to with the marshal and ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held and letting me to. so ask, he's a term and office officially ended in may so important things that to turn ukrainian officials aren't really in that much of a need to, to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in elections
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including things they wouldn't lose the codes administration wouldn't lose also vladimir important says that the 80 peace negotiations that should be 2 knots, ac supply or a pause, but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor orland says that he's now met with why we have put in for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting, even though it's organ is now under a lot of criticism from his european counterparts. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine, or they say that he this is actually doing harm to european union,
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so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of for what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to. so we sort of itself that are presenting nato at these meetings. he's representing his own country. what is important piece that will allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's russia is the dressers on the originally so as possible for the war. we are concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to moscow, which we not advance and is counter productive to all this criticism. aside though, i think victor orbiting has shown some real strong political character because it really takes some phone will to go for a european leader right now to rush to in hold negotiations with vladimir wouldn't
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. because as of the european union's stance on ukraine and all this military supports of ukraine. well actually, i think it's victor warden who by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it, you go are pissed, turned off. and while i was a girl was saying some countries helping, setting their focus on promoting piece e officials, helping composite really about budapest efforts with some suggesting mr. or bond is between the blocks principals. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will of paved the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the you or the use positions. he's exploits in the presidency
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position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling to kremlin without a mandate either the hon. gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair. victor, oregon, visits put in some very in prime minister. the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of aggression the what value the does a you you actually have now, i think is the biggest question because the people of europe, when we want these and you know, victor or bond in this country, he is gone against the brain against the wishes of european union, collectively, the leadership of the g, u is, is very far from the population of the you. and just like the american people are, are very much in opposition to what our government's doing and so in europe. but it appears to be the same thing. the nato wants to continue
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a war of the door mazda and strong enough, and to withstand these attacks on the whole year in country and hung in society. and so it's difficult to say how the, any of the actions taken by the you with this is, has been beneficial at all. well, victor or bonds visit to russia has gained support from the slovak prime minister, who stated, there's always room for more peace talks. i'm in fact would also have travel to moscow as possible. i want to express my ration for the hon. gary and prime minister, who did not hesitate to visit boesky evan, moscow. if my household allowed, i would have been happy to join him. there never too many p. starks. in contrast, nato chase in stilton berg has once more pivoted away from peace. seeing the western military blocks, main goal is helping ukraine to feed russia on the battlefield cannot have main
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street. so what do i need now is something that's actually is credible something. that's what actually the worst stops on the russell stops, is it's aggression. and therefore, when to fight the ends and we need a security, we need to enable the credit unions to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, those are one the reasons why allies ok to has stated that ukraine will become a member all night to get installed to burger, saying we're not interested in another real peace negotiations. you know what we're interested in, in winning this war. and of course, that's totally unrealistic, still, totally against even talking and that's why they're intent on demonizing loving their poor 10. and that's why any talk, anyone who talks to watching their pollutants is automatically stigmatized because that human eyes is the russian president. and it actually opens up the door for
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real negotiations and looks like nobody in the west, you know, in may till you do us germany. you k, france, nobody's interested in peace. the ukraine launched a series of drone attacks and rushes crusted. our region overnight, no casualties. were reported by local authorities. these images show the aftermath of a ukrainian drone attack on the same area. on friday, a 6 year old girl was killed and 5 other people. wounded ortiz, senior correspondent, the rock, gusty of filed the report from the front line, where he's imbedded with russian troops who are creating a buffer zone to protect civilians in the border region. these, these vote johns, who was little events, remains the fighting, is furious and face to face. here, the building on the rights use held by russian from the buildings on the left
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falsified by ukrainians. yoda's had come in ukrainians. need it to be clear that tonight's the a t h e tags was chosen for the job. the not so much the time is the crew. what unit to you with now? i want to talk much spits not as well. and what units were you in? i was in pmc wagner, which i took part in the battle of buck moved and find the outlines settlements. lease is a dangerous and delicate nation. well now we try to get the
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scaling off, which means it's within the radius of of the various are just a few of the doesn't meet away from the target. the keep me moving for a suitable foreign position. photons, ease, some columbus is way. yes. to produce the to put to is of well today then that's what you are. the pilots on the other side, the minute they slab firing, they going to said everything else looking for these tags. if we little bits of capital flaws helps soon enough. they begin
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the, the 1st shows heats to a market skill and the next in a few minutes, 5 tank shells impacts you create in positions. the shock waves a new will leave the troops inside with the soviet contusions and rupture. he had problems the much the same is happening well towards his beam time. ukraine's new box looks much the same as big dad and the city
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is lugging it with new units. fresh reinforcements with mobilized troops. who who have in sufficient training. is it in ski? it is a power and has ordered his troops to hold on to ball chance a total cost regardless of losses. he would look bad if he lost not the large settlement, just like in buckboard holding onto which made little military sense in which his own generals judged him to abandon. and with tens of thousands of ukrainian troops perished. it seems zalinski has learned nothing. back mode is repeating the
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much and is now being absorbed by as much fatality general f t l o. dena and ty, units for my project submitted suite contracts is reunited component of devonte that we came back cable together was a good thing when a companion did you expect everyone to return? just, i'm going to be honest with you. i didn't. but as you can see, is what happened by the prices have proven invaluable loss. just this feels the same mindset. com calculator because i do, you hate them. you know, my feelings towards them are normal. the more so you can kill the bed, which you don't need to hate. no, you know that has to be, you know, i don't know hatred not even when shelves fly to you.
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not even that work is work. work is work from oscar vall, chance must be pacified to stop blind ukrainian shedding across the board. the tax on russian cities in pounds full of civilians. s then 2 months since the battle streets are leases with you, pay me and dead and many more buried on the rubber too much so that the bible has a familiar nickname of all chance needs cried mor, i'd guys the credit of region ukraine the to africa where in another attempt to current public hunger over government efforts to introduce new taxes to cover payments owed to the un international monetary fund canyon president, william o 2 has announced a series of measures saying that stabilizing the national economy i have today. i
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pointed an independent task force ducati out a comprehensive forensic quoted about public debt and report to us or in the next 3 months default. it would provide the people ok now with gravity on the extent on nature. how about that? how public results have been expended and will also re comment proposals for managing our public debt in a manner that east of de nimble. and that's not spot in the future. generations of the disney po to is false. please include to to back down and plans to raise more than $2000000000.00 in new texas. the present has been fuel to service a scary to misses the plans to offset to the non abandoned textbook with mass of
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text cuts. so rather costs distortion. explain to a 15 education health k housing and many of the sick to the present says he will take these muses through so that he's administration does not spend beyond what is necessary, even if it means cutting down the old salary. starting with himself as an example, basically as part of this plan, prison has made it clear that in keeping with these was due to me is full to save and stay to corporations will be dissolved with the funds has to be integrated into line ministry is that the decision as well to full positions of chief administrative, 6 retrieve is suspended, and the number of advisors in the government will be reduced by 50, with immediate effect budget lines providing for the operations of the office of the 1st may be the spouses of $52.00 presidents and at the prime cabinets separately saw also be removed, so melody,
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the budget to be provisions in various executive offices, including the presence office will be removed and the budget for renovations across the government offices will be reduced by 50 percent public service as well. obtain the retirement age of 60 years, sol be required to me. this is for feed on retirement. has also been told that the purchases of new vehicles is suspended except to full security and non essential travel by states or even public offices that will also be suspended. and judging by social media reaction, it seems like often every announcement prison which will make fresh demands that come up because already some say they do appreciate the business but still need to be done. and this just shows you that it is going to be a long and endless ride. some even say the actions taken by the service to the to define is full, was a technical pull back aimed to stem mask. a position sparked off events of the day
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. the demonstrations that we saw when police guns down the test is on the street off no road being across the country. according to human rights watch, at least 39 people were killed and hundreds lift injured is produced by a live bullets into a gas. and protest is the rice group also mentioned that a handful of abduction victims remain on the account to full with families. also, still searching for the missing tool joined in more to resist it. also remember that the i'm is, has been pushing kenya to cut, explained to so on top off raising more texas to find is, is fallacious and service existing news exploits, say the, i am if have proceed, the emergence of steeplechase the case to texas misses, but pushed ahead and push the government just getting you to stand firm on the new missus and all know that to the i am if is wonderful and that is to place the full
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burden of kenya's. i'm president of data crisis on to the stuck in messes of the country and it's a defense. the institution sees, the main goal has been helping can overcome its economy challenges and improving its people as well. but the citizens of can you do lots of things. so they even say the if the will basically asking you to regroup and present a new reform plan for the year comes within. like during an economist then president of the institute for governance and economic funds formation. kingsley mcgowan who told r t a nation should think twice before turning to the i. m f for assistance. but i am as reco offered you as the next. there's no question about this is because of stringent restore policy measures. they do not offer 10 countries in rate for lending a very low interest rate. so they all tied to the i m f. loans is
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offered our countries or other countries we're on the very expensive private commercial in the market. now, you know, for me, of this office, you know, just slash social spending and basically reduce the government and its role in the economy box. is this really what is the best approach to offer? does problems? that's the question of i say is mixed all certified on countries and after miles of use that to 519 of the us feel in depth distress affected by tax districts. and so that's not such a very good level. but then also we have to consider whether or not i am as is, you know, is to go for the week management by african countries themselves. you know,
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when it goes to the higher aspects of doing shop. and you know, you get into trouble if you don't do the right things in terms of managing your top many off or does it always depend on commodity? excellent. and that leaves them open to shocks in international economy, which also, which is the balance of payment problems and so on. and so they often find that they have to go to the higher math. so it's you know, i'm sure you really don't need to take a 2nd. this policy offers to drop or 10 countries because sometimes all these requirements they make the mile, cisco national stuff, ah citizens. next, in a special edition of going underground, we speak to the brother of mine who had been perhaps the most famous prisoner of the past decade and even longer. julie massage couch gabriel shipped hands full
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conversation with option.


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