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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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for such as phone existence was only exist the any president has been elected in arizona and for the 1st time in 2 decades. the reformation candidate on gary employment says shrugs off a you allegations of appeasement is off days meeting with lot of it to to the most go on friday and get the blow your walk receive is preventing the resolution of the you freight in conflict and those go ahead, this out for more money came out to joe, get out of the racial gatherings. most of the course of democrats pulling like joe biden to step aside. gross louder, the incumbent, us president states that only a higher power could post tend to bow. wow. all right,
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the very welcome you're watching all the international with the world news on the date is oh, it is great to have you with us. we start the program with a ron where a new president's has been elected following a runoff. reform is candidate mistake possess can. so ross, conservative site delay lead to had the pose in nations government the when a secure, just a the hall solve the $13500000.00 cost on social media. and mr. possessed to be on us do rating and people to come together and pledge to work in the interests president posing has congratulate at the new nita, i think he's counseling, going to increase cooperation with to wrong on all fronts, including regional security, with the breakdown he's all to use use of denali and so wrong, to have thought that a reformers politician would lead the nation one more time after
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a 19 lone cures of absence from the top executive office. but now the nation has made its floors and that's what significant margin over those who opted for a conservative politicians delete the as long as there's gone and let the raise with the 16300000 volts. while jenny be his conservative rival, all gone are all the 13 point. 5000000 volts punching the numbers. that's a significant lead over jedi the. around 3000000 volts margin on the side us. he's out during this campaign 12 that he will resolve beacon on the challenges in the country through constructive engagement with the entire world. the eastern hemisphere on the western hemisphere, all included in a congratulatory message. the former a moderate president has several honey. i said, describe the election as a form of a referendum that showed that the warranty and people off for
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a constructive interaction with the entire world. as opposed to a passive approach maintained by the conservative law, of course. but that does not mean that iran will ignore and overlook the chief mints. may vice president of brian bracy bills are relationship with traditional allies, including russia and china as a global south. in general, what the discount is going to do is that he is expected to maintain and preserve those policies adopted by the lead president ibrahim receipt in maintaining closer ties with the global south of perhaps expanding ties with member states of the brakes under shanghai cooperation organization. but at the same time is going to also look at these look westward and try to resolve the longstanding issues possibilities between that ron and the western block. so that is based on his
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campaign for so it remains to be seen how he's going to handle this stance and how he's going to move forward with what his plans towards building ties better ties with the western world as he faces. challenges both at home and abroad at home. the space by a hard line, conservative politicians within parliament who are not going to maintain a cooperative stance and approach with the president elect business beyond the because they do not believe in giving in to the western excessive demands. including essential donald from suite entry into the white house. as donald trump made it clear that he's not going to be satisfied with a nuclear deal without expressing it was missile program. so that is not going to sit well with a predominantly conservative parliament. so it remains to be seen what measures and want initiatives pincers going to have in mind to try to navigate those challenges
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. but for now he has 2 major steps to take before assuming office. first, he has to receiving your smart far you have on supreme leader. that's the tradition . and you're wrong in the wrong politics for any president who wants to assume offers. he has to go through this process of resource maint 5 year warranty. and so pre beat or later, he has to take the oath of office. and the most important part is that he has to propose a cabinet sign up for approval by the one in lawmakers. we also heard that he's slated to hold a press conferences, 1st press conference as the president elect. all these want to come up like i'll be around later today. we're going to keep you updated about that conference. is it raining? an independent journalist done with such a up on science law these days he expects the new need to say will continue. former preston raised these foreign policy of having a new reform as president in the country. it is quite noticeable. however,
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when this comes to the country's foreign policy, i think uh the change is going to be uh, somehow relative or more in tone. i see more or less that uh, ongoing policies by the country are expected to come to me under the reform is present as well. let's look at the messages that he is receiving. it is indeed ongoing. you know, ours, that in the coming, you know, of ours is coming from the original leaders and he receive a message from the russian president. and this indicates that the country's relations will be more focused on the engagement and interaction with the original countries on eastern powers. when it comes to the engagement with european states as well as they can out of the states, the seems to be ups back those through that because the country has not been able to revive the 2. and the 15 mix is deal as a result of the, you know,
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the positions understand says from the european and american side on the, you know, the context is not somehow promising for the new president, a leg. and this can be a controversial, any challenging past to go. and so all in all i see the countries foreign policy would be subject to continue the over change or with the results of a runs presidential election. now official this day with all t on that on the line for data analysis of nations, political future the you will see what the news now the home gary employment is that has reacted to the west. 5th criticism of his trip to moscow, saying that if nato quote choose is, will instead of peace,
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it will be committing suicide link to open also shrugged off and you allegations of appeasement and is missing with a lot of it posted. this is precisely the rustling bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the russia ukraine war if we want to end the war, we need to political approach instead of a bureaucratic one on the hunt, hon gary and p. i met with an automated, posted in the russian and capital on friday, closing outrage on both sides of the atlantic the trip march. the 1st time they do are apparently to travel to russia since april, 2022, and happens just as hungary to cover the rotating friends and see if the you, the best need to address of the navy. pretty much the search i see to be a crane sponsors continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in key,
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usually to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter end and it keeps close. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue, which is mtv and we in europe have been living in the shadow for 2 and a half years. so what i did not feel safe and base work as a factor in the breakdown of economic development. i've had them in board the last 2 and help years, and we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue, and i will continue this award as to click the orbit and told vladimir putting about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his peace initiative, where he tried to persuade t of to cease fire and had been negotiations, this offer wasn't rejected, the computers actually discuss a wide range of things. but of course, the grain was among the most important issues. vladimir prudent says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of the crane putting says piece would mean
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the need to with the marshal and ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held and the wedding rated. so asking is a term and office officially ended in may so important things that trans ukrainian officials aren't really in that much of a need to, to actually have peace because then they would need to take part in the elections and put in things they wouldn't lose the codes administration wouldn't lose. also flattery reporting says that uh, any piece of negotiations that she read to, not a c spy or a pause, but to complete ending of the conflict. now victor, oregon says that he's now met with way of putting for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can hold hope to
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everyone. so hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting, even though i get to organ is now under a lot of criticism from his european counterparts. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine. or they say that he this is actually doing harm to the european union, so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show me so long as it's not that are presenting nate to at these meetings. his up something is on country. what is important? these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the roof ice responsible for the war. we're concerned
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that prime minister would choose to make this trip, which we not advanced and is counter productive to all this criticism aside though, i think the victor or button has shown some real strong political character because it really takes some phone will to go for a european lead right now to rest 10 whole negotiations with vladimir, of wouldn't because of the european union's stance on ukraine and all of this military supports of ukraine. well, actually, i think it's victor, oregon who by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it. to abide on the sites as virtually no way he will drop house at the u. s. presidential race, of course, as well as the future of his tons of the see the 81 year old stated in his latest
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interview, but only gold himself could persuade him to quit. as in cable notes on the go in independence medical examination. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, where you stand down the premises of the lord almighty comes on. so i don't think anybody's more qualified to be president for women's race. i mean, some automatic amounts of jo, get out of the race or gathering some florida might, is not coming down. would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive kind of test and released the results to the american people? i am a congress chest every single day. every day. president biden said he's also convinced that no democrats will turn on him and demonte drop his candidacy, but actually a group of them, a 168 political donors, civic leaders, and business executives have
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a way to cold on the incumbency withdrawal. and unless it cecilia wants house officials, that's according to the washington post. that is often a b c news interview that was meant to instill confidence will bind in struggle to complete his sentences. and let slip, his priority is in office. who's going to be able to hold them together by who's going to be able to be in a position where i'm able to keep pacific pace in a position where we're at least check any child who's gonna, who's going to do that? who has that breach? wouldn't be clear, i political tankless tell you that much tougher to in 2024. now, are you running into a pathological liar? not when he has been challenged in a way to respond to the challenge? not would people said most the challenge here for sure and months or but i was also doing a lot of things like floors around the world for the classic men. does it congress,
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that story sancho don't bite into step size. most prominent is virginia. send us a mock warner is report at b riley and senate democrats to, to finance a quiz on the us liberal media of supposed to be watched, though with there was nothing in this interview. it is calming nerves of jittery democrats, who fear that joe biden is on a trajectory to lose this race to lose to donald trump. what we're hearing from democrats, is it concerned about one bad night? they are concerned, the joe biden doesn't have what it takes, not only to continue governing, but then he has what it takes to win. like, i guess going to be honest, i mean, everybody comes on the air and says, all this great stuff. but behind the scenes is full scale panic when people are passing around legal memos, a pdf of flying back and forth on what's apps trying to figure out, what are the options, how can you replace bite and from a saucer full, joe biden on policy contribute. so it's hot or read,
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so he's the us lead to is know fit to take office once more and the american people have repeatedly made clear the views on that. well, i think, you know, it's absurd. he's not listening to what the american people want and the ratings of his calling, so that he's not a popular president. his policies, as well as he is not, are not popular with the american people. 70 percent of the people want out of these farm wars. a lot of people are in poverty. you know, i would say that the 5 and campaign usually they call campaign award, that the word that they use is for more room and they talk about a campaign that invite in this case, i think it's the category. i think that they're absolutely the leads are absolutely panicked right now because they don't have a way to move him gracefully. he's. i think they thought he would just step down for health reasons and he's not. what i'm hearing is that there is a close circle of people if they don't want him to step down,
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including his family. and so you have these other more powerful people with as insurance or economic money given to the campaign, but desperately want him to step down. so there's definitely a battle going on in the democratic party, whether the republicans take advantage of this or another party takes advantage of us and tries to get it by a candidate we'll see. trump will have, will use this opportunity, i'm sure to, to butcher's his campaign, but the fact remains on the job. ivan is not fit to run the country. what i'm hearing is that people are wondering, who's really running with century and who's democratic, who's diplomatic policies are going to be long lasting. so why are you going to, you know, talk about diplomatic futures and packages and working with other countries. if the leader is not functioning properly right now, the pregnant administration is a complete just to read. it's disorganized and this is very hawkish. people right
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at the top are being distracted even away from that because of this moment in history. and another attempt to come public and the government efforts to introduce new taxes to cub of payments. so to the u. n's international monetary funds, canyon president, william bruce, who has announced a series of measures ended, stabilizing the national economy. i have today appointed an independent task force to carry out and comprehend steve forensic audits of public debt and report to us in the next 3 months before that we provide the people okay. now, with crowded on the extent on nature about that how public resources have been expended. and we also recommend proposals for managing our public debt in a manner that e,
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sustainable and that's not button future generations of the did me quote is false, please. and go to tibet dolman plans to raise more than $2000000000.00 in new texas . the present has been fuel to savage, scary to misses the plans to offset to the non abandoned tax bill with mass of tax cuts. so rather costs to social expenditure of 15 education, healthcare, housing, and many other sectors. the presidency is who will take these muses to the school that she's administration does not spend beyond what is necessary, even if it means cutting down their own salary, starting with himself as an example. basically as part of this plan, prison has made it clear that in keeping with these will stay, which means is full to save and stay to corporations will be dissolved with the funds has to be integrated into line ministries of the decision as well to full
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positions of chief administrative secretaries is suspended and the number of advisors in the government will be reduced by 50 with immediate effect budget lines providing for the operations of the office of the 1st may be the spouses of $52.00 president and the prime cabinet secretary saw also be removed. similarly, the budget to re provisions in various executive offices, including the presence office will be removed and the budget for renovations across government offices will be reduced by 50 percent public servants as well. obtain the retirement age of 60 years, sol be required to immediately proceed on retirement. has also been told that the purchases of new vehicles is suspended except for security and non essential travel by states or even public offices will also be suspended. and judging by social media reaction, it seems like often every announcement present to a mix,
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fresh demos that come up because already some say they do appreciate these business but still needs to be done. and this, it shows you that it is going to be a long and endless ride. some even say the actions taken by president time to comment to show that he's the decision to the to define is full, was a technical pullback aimed to stem. a mass of position sparked off to the events of the deputy demonstrations that we saw when police guns down the absence of a protest, as on the street off no road being across the country. according to human rights watch, at least 39 people were killed. and hundreds of lift injured is produced by a live bullets into a gas. and protest is the rice group also mentioned that a handful of abduction victims were made on the account to full with families. also still searching for the missing tool joined in more to reserve. and also remember that the, i'm, if it has been pushing, can you to cut, explain to so on top,
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off raising more texas to fine is, is fallacious and service existing news experts say the i am if had for seen the emergence of c po, 2 is the case to text mrs, but pushed ahead and push the government just getting you to stand firm on the new misses and all know that to the if is one that is to place the full burden this kenya is unprecedented. did to crisis on to the sucking messes of the country, but it's a defense. the institution sees, the main goal has been helping. can you overcome economy challenges and improving people's wellbeing, but the citizens of can you do lots of things. so they even say the i am if it will basically asking you to read and present a new reform plan before the year comes to an end. my diary and economist on president and so leaves the table, government assigns economic transformation kingsley. my goal is to hold on say, a nation should think twice before turning to the i am asking for assistance,
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but i mess then offered you as the next. there's no question about this is because of stringent restore policy measures. they do my from african countries in red fight for landing very new interest rate. so they all tied to the i, m f. loans is offered are functions or other countries to on the very expensive private commercial in the market. now, the flat red flags may of bits of office, you know, just flush social spending and basically reduce the government and its role in the car box. is this really what is the best approach to offer does problems? that's the question. um, as i said, is mixed all 359 countries and after the analysis of this,
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the 519 of the us feel in depth distress affected by data districts. and so that's not such a very good. but then also we have to consider whether or not i am as is, you know, is good for me. we management by african countries themselves. you know, when it goes to the higher aspects of doing job, you know, you get into trouble if you don't do the right things in terms of managing your top manual offer, does it always depends on the x. and that leaves the open shocks and international economists are awesome. this balance of payment problems and so, and so they often find that they have to go to the higher math. so it's, you know, i see really don't need to take a 2nd. this policy offers uh to the driver to countries because sometimes all these requirements that they need the masters go measure the
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citizens and talking to balance from this gearing up for a big day policies from across the political spectrum. i think vote is to head to the polls on sunday. as country holds a paula meant to re election run off. the lead of the national riley has underlines that hub policy is the only one able to gain a majority and the low a house and the code on citizens to show that patriotism the process of digital to frontier knowledge. and they know what is good for the country and what is a catastrophic. so the country, so i'm so so therefore freedom is the lives you all know their love for from so is on that from the moment there's no absolutely majority for either party. and we're the only ones that can achieve an absolute majority. so no loss will be passed and you've got to move a continuous, however, offensive victory in the u. elections early last month. le pen is right when policy is being facing post back from numerous unions, citizens,
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organizations on the legacy media outlets. this week 1000 demonstrated across the country i think, but just to prevent, make sure we get the national valley. in the 2nd round of this we can fall as opponents of the policy of slicing phase of an assault on civil rights. if it winds in the 1st rounds, the national valley under the sun life secure, 33 percent of popular vote, the less but when new popular friends came 2nd with 28 percent and incumbent president mcclung sentries blocks could only take a 5th of the votes. various polls estimate the dependence policy could gain up to 230 seats, the new popular friends at least a 145 states on look from the lines of the 13200. and $62.00 sees a ruling majority and the french national assembly. a policy needs to get 2189 of 577 seats. if the national riley eventually gains the majority, it will get a chance to govern for the 1st time and its history. all tease saw
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a deep and he has low on these political rivalry that isn't folded in phones during the snow election. it's the day in front, so many expect will split the country president to menu, and that can cause a panic when he called a snap election. the 1st in almost 30 years, he said it was for clarity. and for the french to be able to say no to extremes, the twins, i disagree on the 30th of june and 7, the july, the city around like the mountains, should the precision dimensionally deal. is it like the maximum number of and the but should come up side to the for off the men and we will know good will. they couldn't get the will of been able to say no to experience, but we'll be in a position or say, i'll come to build a common project that is both sincere and useful to the category. so you're not going to wind told me to slow down the line. so you said it's been built nope,
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just between what we can policies, but also the was on the left, calling them packed with the devil. but since being something the 1st round of voting, my call has been noticeably m, i a, the reason is and election turned off to toxic to a massive new turn with fonts, his prime minister taking the range of urging people to vote for anyone other than marine depends right wing national riley policy accessible. obviously, it's not a pleasure for many french people to have to blow the national front by using another vote that they would not have wanted. i'm seen in here. i can see that adult responsibility today to do so many from my call centers attempt. i'm the new popular front to last wing coalition of all this insults came to here over 200 candidates of pulled. i've since their respective races in a bit. nope. to split the vote interfering in the democratic choice of the people.
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however, i know everyone is on board, even in mac, homes and camp phone says interior administer on mine. once tap to leave, the country says he cannot vote for the left was imported pretty. i greatly admire the police law enforcement. i liked vision dorm too much to be able to vote for candidates timeframe. some about domino. and when told me to one of potential violence in the country this weekend and say, tens of thousands of extra police being the always vague, getting ready for a re, one of the protest setting goals, pulse phones at the national raleigh top. the pole in the 1st rounds, the government on his side and violence as a ready mode based campaign, just as
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a result of those protest, more than 50 physical attacks and being recorded against candidates. an activist product is not locked into a bottle. marine, the pen is accused of michael's policy of trying to steal the election with tactical voting, but she believes her policy can still take an outright majority will have a serious chance of having an absolute majority in the national assembly. i should have told the people listening to us that the seat projections are not exact projections can be validated. 2 years ago we were given a maximum of 45 and we've had 89. so i get the impression that all this is designed to motivate our motors. fortunately, i know them and i know that they're highly motivated. i'm really telling them to go out and vote. this is a to a cost follows many areas will now see a head to head back to, well, the been a wider race as a result of those calls to candidates to step down to reduce the chunk.


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