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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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to the new president's house, we'd elected in a wrong answer the 1st time in 2 decades. it's a reformist candidates found gary and crime in just this one south west and allegations of appeasement is off the here's the thing with a lot of them in person, in most of that to open say you be a rock or see is preventing a pace still on ukraine, and also a have this out for more than 2 minutes a joe get out of the race. i gather. i, some florida might, is not coming back as a chorus of democrats quoting for joe biden to step down a side as now the, the incumbent. us president said that only a high, a power could from 2 to bow of the right. the
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a very warm welcome to your watching all the international with the world news updates, as always, is great to have you with us. we start the program with iran, where a new president has been elected for them to run off with full misconduct. it masoud possess can so off conservative side is and they need to had the pose a nation's government. but when i secure just the hall of the so see point $5000000.00 ballots cost on social media. mr. possess piano, just a radio and people to come together and pledge to work in that interests president boots and has congratulate to the new data. and he's counting on increased cooperation with to run on all fronts, including regional security, with the breakdown his aunty is use of to loudly interval to have thought that a reformers politician would lead the nation one more time after 19 lone. yours of an absence from the top executive office. what now the nation has made its
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force and that's what significant margin over those who opted for a conservative politicians delete these moments because there's can lead to raise with the 16300000 volts. wow, jenny, be his conservative rival. all gone, are all the 13 point. 5000000 volts punching the numbers. that's a significant lead over jedi the around $3000000.00 volts margin and he does. he's out during his campaign trail that he will resolve the economic challenges in the country through constructive engagement with the entire world. the eastern hemisphere on the western hemisphere, all included in a congratulatory message. the former a moderate president has several honey. i said and described the election as a form of a referendum that showed that the you want in people ops for a constructive interaction with the entire world as opposed to
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a passive approach maintained by the conservative blog course. but that does not mean that iran will ignore and overlook the chief mints made by the late president of brian bracy builds to relationship with traditional allies, including restaurant in china as a global south. in general, what the discount is going to do is that he is expected to maintain and preserve those policies adopted by the late president. ibrahim re see maintaining closer ties with the global south of perhaps expanding ties with member states of breaks under shanghai cooperation organization. but at the same time is going to also look east, i'll look westward and try to resolve the longstanding issues, possibilities between to rod at the western block. so that is based on his comp paid for. so it remains to be seen how he's going to handle this stance and how
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he's going to move forward with what his plans towards building ties better ties with the western world as he faces. challenges both at home and abroad at home. his face, by a hard line, conservative politicians within parliament who are not willing to maintain a cooperative stance and approach with the president elect position beyond that because they do not believe in giving in to the western excessive demands, including potential donald trump. we entry into the white house as a donald, trump made it clear that he's not going to be satisfied with a nuclear deal without addressing it was missile program. so that is not going to sit well with a predominantly conservative parliament. so it remains to be seen what some measurements and walk initiatives prisoners john has in mind to try to navigate those challenges. but for now he has 2 major steps to take before assuming office.
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first, he has to receive the door. some inquiry you have on supreme leader that sits for dish or any of on iran politics for any president who wants to assume offers. he has to go through this process of a 5 year warranty. and so peter, later, he has to take the oath of office. and the most important part is that he has to propose a cabinet approval by the one in lawmakers. we also heard that he's slated to hold a press conferences, 1st press conference as the president like all these moments later today we're going to keep you updated about the conferences when you an independent journalist on research, a boss, as long as he expects the new leadership will continue for my president, right, these foreign policy having a new reform as president in the country. it is quite noticeable. however, when it comes to the country's foreign policy, i think uh, the changes could be uh,
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somehow relative or more in tone. i see more or less that uh, ongoing policies by the country are expected to come to me under the reform is present as well. let's look at the messages that it, he is receiving it in, in, in the, on going, you know, our, is that in the coming, you know, ivers is coming from the original leaders. and he received a, a message from the russian president. and this indicates that the country's relations will be more focused on the engagement and interaction with the original countries on eastern powers. when it comes to the engagement with european states, as well as the getting out of the states, the seems to be ups back those to that because the country has not been able to revive the 2015. it could be a, as a result of the, you know, the positions understand says from the european and american side on the, you know,
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the context is not somehow promising for the new president, a leg. and this can be a controversial and the challenging past to go. and so all in all i see the countries foreign policy would be subject to continued the over change with the results of a rollins presidential election. now, official the state without see all the ad online for data analysis of the nations political future. the and other news now the hon. gary unemployment has to has reacted to the west space court decision of his trip to moscow. saying that if nato quoted she was, is, will instead of pace, it will be committing suicide. victor open also shrugged off you allegations of appeasement. that is meeting with vladimir putin. this is precisely brussel in
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bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the russia ukraine war. if we want to end the war, we need to political approach instead of a bureaucratic one. san gary and prime minister met with lodge by boots in the russian capital on friday, causing outrage on both sides of the atlantics, the trademarks. but this time, the european lead a travel to russia's since april 2022, and happened just as hungry, took over the rotating presidency of the you also told, supposedly this address the media pretty much spoke as a courtesy to ukraine. sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in cuba to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore
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dialogue, which is when we in europe have been living in the shadow for 42 and a half years. now. we do not feel safe, and this war has a factor in the breakdown of economic development. for the last 2 and help years, we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this work as victor or been told vladimir food and about his recent trip to ukraine as part of his piece initiative, where he tried to persuade keith to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer wasn't rejected, the computers actually discussed a wide range of things, but of course, the grain was among the most important issues. vladimir prudent says that moscow is still ready for peace dogs. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of ukraine. pollutant says piece would mean the need to lift to the marshal on ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections,
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which still haven't been held and the wedding rated. so ask, he's a to him and office officially ended in may. so putting things that to turn ukrainian officials aren't really in that much of a need to to actually have peace because then they would needs to take part in the elections and putting things they wouldn't lose. the codes administration wouldn't lose. also vladimir important says that uh, any peace negotiations that should lead to not a c spy or a pause, but to complete the ending of the conflict. now victor, oregon says that he's now met with way of putting for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting, even though i get to organ is now under
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a lot of criticism from his european counterpart. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine, or they say that he this is actually doing harm to your pin union, so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show you some of those i felt that are presenting and they go out to these meetings. his of something is on country. what is important piece that will allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the originally so as possible for the war. we are concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to mascot, which we not advanced the closet and is counter productive to
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all this criticism. aside though, i think victor orbiting has shown some real strong political character because it really take some phone will to go for a european leader right now to rough 10 hold negotiations. wouldn't let him have wouldn't, because of the european union's stance on ukraine and oldest military support of ukraine. well, actually, i think it's victor gorbenko by his actions is showing some free will and desire for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it, to bind and saves as virtually no way he will draw pound to the us presidential race as questions well over the future of these kinds of the see the 81 year old stated in his latest interview of the gold himself could persuade him to quit. i think he will not on the go in independence medical examination. if you
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can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, where you stand with the lord almighty comes on. so i don't think anybody's more qualified to be president for women's race. i mean, some automatic amounts of jo, get out of the race or gathering some florida might, is not coming down. would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive cognitive tests and released the results to the american people have caught me chest every single day? every day i have test, president biden said he's also convinced that no democrats will turn on him and demonte drop his candidacy was actually a group of some 168 political donors. civic leaders on business executives have own ready cold on the incumbent to withdrawal. and unless it cecilia white house officials that's according to the washington post. that's off to an a, b,
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c news interview that was meant to instill confidence sold biden struggle to complete his sentences and let slip his priorities in office to who's going to be able to hold them together like me who's going to be able to view the position, we're unable to keep the pacific patient in a position where we're at least check any child who's gonna, who's going to do that? who has that breach? wouldn't be clear. i political tankless tell you that much tougher to in 2024. not when you run against a pathological liar, not when he has been challenged in a way to respond to the challenge. not would people said most the challenge washer and mentor, but i was also doing a lot of other things like floors around the world for democratic members of congress, have se foreclosed on by then to step aside. most prominent is virginia, senate and multiply. who know who was reported the rallying senate democrats
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towards biden to quit on the us. liberal media appears to be right back with him. there was nothing in this interview. it is calming nerves of jittery democrats, who fear that a joe biden is on a trajectory to lose this race to lose to donald trump. what we're hearing from democrats, is it concerned about one bad night? they are concerned, the joe biden doesn't have what it takes, not only to continue governing, but then he has what it takes to win. like i guess going to be honest, i mean, everybody comes on the air and says, all this great stuff up behind the scenes is full scale panic and people are passing around legal memos, a pdf with flying back and forth on what's apps trying to figure out what are the options? how can you replaced by it and from the staff a full job binding on darcy contributes. atara read says the u. s. leader has no fit to take office once more. and the american people have repeatedly made clear that views on that as well. i think, you know,
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it's absurd. he is not listening to what the american people want and the ratings of his calling. so he's not a positive president. his policies, as well as he is not, are not popular with the american people. 70 percent of the people want out of these farm wars. a lot of people are in poverty. you know, i would say that the fight and campaign, usually they can pay the words. it says the words that they use is for brand and we talked about a campaign. but in biden's case, i think it's the category. i think that they're absolutely the leads are absolutely panicked right now because they don't have a way to move him gracefully. he's. i think they thought he would just step down for health reasons and he's not. what i'm hearing is that there is a close circle of people that don't want him to step down, including his family. and so you have these other more powerful people with as insurance, economic money given to the campaign,
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the desperately want him to step down. so there's definitely a battle going on in the democratic party. what are the republicans take advantage of this? or another party takes advantage of us and tries to get it by a candidate we'll see. trump will have, will use this opportunity, i'm sure to, to butcher's his campaign. but the fact remains on the job i have and is not fix to run the century. what are you hearing is that people are wondering, who's really running the country and who's democrats, who's diplomatic policies are going to be long lasting. so why are you going to, you know, talk about diplomatic futures of packages and working with other countries. if the leader is not functioning properly right now, the pregnant ministration is in complete just to read. it's disorganized and this is very hawkish. people right at the top are being distracted even away from that because of this moment in history of the unfolding of ballots from says gearing
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up for a big day policies from across the political spectrum. the other thing votes has to head to the poles on sunday, as a country, jose parliamentary election runoff. believe the, all the national riley is on the lines that her party is the only one able to gain a majority and the low a house and cold on citizens to. so the patriotism in the process of the initial frontier knowledge and they know what is good for the country and what is the catastrophic for the country. so i go to their freedom, their lives, you all know their love for friends or is on that from the moment. there's no absolutely majority for either party. and we're the only ones that can achieve an absolute majority. so no laws will be passed and you got sort of a continuous. however, since this victory and the elections any last month, the pen is right when policy has been facing post back from numerous unions, citizens, organizations, on legacy media outlets. and this week, thousands demonstrated across the country. judging folks is to prevent the victory
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of the national valley. and the 2nd round of this week tends fall as opponents of the policy of slicing phase of an assault on civil rights. if it wins. and the 1st rounds, the national riley and his allies, the tools, 33 percent of the popular vote. the last we knew popular front came 2nd with 28 percent unencumbered present mcclung centers blow could only take a 5th of the vote. various pulls us to make that depends policy could gain up to $236.00 very popular fronts, at least a $145.00 seats on the crones. the lines around a $13262.00 seats for a ruling majority in the french national assembly. a policy needs to get 289. a $577.00 seats is the national. riley eventually gains the majority. it will get the chance to govern for the 1st time and its history. i'll tell you shonda defense key
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has more on the political bible read because on fold it in front during this, not the next a. it's indeed a in fraud, so too many expect will split the country president to menu, and that can cause a panic when he called a snap election. the 1st in almost 30 years, he said it was for clarity and for the french to be able to say no to extremes. the term signed a city on the 30th of june and 7th of july, the 3rd city around like the most, shut the precision, emotionally. is it like the maximum number of and the minutes? all right, well today, but should come outside of the 4 of the men and women of goodwill. give them who they couldn't get the will of been able to say no to experience, but will be in a position or say, i'll come to build a common project to despise, sincere and useful to the categories. what not calling a wind told me to slam a line say instead of being built not just between white, we can policies,
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but also the was on the left calling them packed with the devil, but soon spring stumped in the 1st round of voting. my call has been noticeably m. i a, the reason he's in the election turned off to toxic to unless, if you turn with fonts as prime minister taking the range of urging people to vote for anyone other than reading the pens. right wing national raleigh polity accessible. obviously, it's not a pleasure for many french people to have to blow the national from by using another vote that they would not have wanted. what i'm saying is here, i can see that a dollar responsibility today to do so think we have so many from my call centers, kemp, i'm the new pulpit left front uh, last wing coalition of all its insults came to here over 200 candidates of pulled i've since their respective races, and it said no to split the vote interfering in the democratic choice of the people . however, i know everyone is on board,
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even in mac homes and camp phone says interior minister of a 9 once top to leave. the country says he cannot vote for the left was important, but he, i greatly admired the police more enforcement. i liked the gendarme too much to be able to vote for candidates. i find something about domino and went on to one of potential violence in the country this weekend and say, tens of thousands of extra police being deployed vague, getting ready for a re, one of the protest sitting golf pots of phones at the national riley top. the pole in the 1st round, the dominant has said violence as a ready mode. this campaign just as a result of those protest mobile face the physical attacks would be recorded
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against candidates. an activist phones is now locked into a bottle. marine. the pen is accused of michael's policy of trying to steal the election with tactical voting, but she believes her policy can still take an outright majority will have a serious chance of having an absolute majority in the national assembly. i should have told the people listening to us that the seat projections are not exact projections can be validated. 2 years ago we were given a maximum of 45 and we've had 89. so i get the impression that all of this is designed to motivate our motors. fortunately, i know them and i know that they're highly motivated. i'm really telling them to go out and vote across follows. many areas will now see a head to head back to a wall than a wider race. as a result of those cools the candidates to step down to reduce the chances of a big win by national riley. even sports, the guy thing you know, in the action,
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demanding vote, just choose any one else present me for it would be more than ever. it's necessary to go vote. there isn't urgency here. we can't leave our country in the hands of these people and i think what we've seen and the result is catastrophic. and we really hope that this will change and that everyone will mobilize to vote and vote for the good side. but there is a big shots just like in the 1st round in this selection, but that could backfire spectacularly. and it wouldn't be the 1st time the french him give him the thing due to the ruling elite, went to work today. back in the 2022 presidential election, we've shown mcnaly shown from the hall, and last was knocked out who's supposed to is what age to vote for my call. did they been they have only a music 33 percent said that they would. okay, so what is this cool? food tax, cool, boating tactical booking actually works. well then is a very broad spectrum. a party isn't joined together from the last about to join.
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my cool. nope, that gosh, i live full. says have you started to be trade the promises that they have made? i think we would be making a mistake if we give the impression that the background does not matter. and that's only deformed us. just call center suite one, calling for national riley to be blocked at any cost of the looking to close the with the hard left. know on your nellie, a cabinet meeting? possibly his last. mack on said that was out of the question. so michael wants you to vote for anyone in the right except to work with the left only to so who does that leave? well, him, of course, as we know, the people have already slightly rejected. his plans fits there was no clear majority in the voting fonts could be in for a rough ride, and it's one micron will no longer be steering his friends are already warning. she may have to bite the bullet and resign a no one believes that there will be
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a presidential election and by the 27. obviously, the current presidents will not last be yes in a blocks country. well, to put the list called the man who sold, he had supreme authority, but he was some less still being has been derided by the french as being arrogant. is he ready to give up the fight? only time will tell what the front collections haven't gone unnoticed. in the countries full of colonies in these, uh, people say the possible victory of the rides may be a chance to finally break old chains of colonialism. might have been, is maureen dependent, people must have either a relative majority or an absolute majority by next sunday. that's a very good thing for all countries because at least she's clearly saying, i don't like you to be. so for her to put this into practice is convenient for us. it allows us to disconnect definitively from this galle base colonial pettiness is that on some can see we believe that the break between france and its former
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colonies has now been confirmed by the policy of the symbol them on national in france for the french. and now africa for the africans. this comes with just the right time to from this moment on, we have nothing to lose. it's friends that has to take because it's friends, the needs are uranium cheap above in order to do it. but you can't come and talk to me about freedom if you, yourself, and your country to prevent people from having the freedom of expression. so if they want there to be a new relationship between front image or the newly elected representatives and friends need to know that we have gone beyond the stage of coal, nazena sion. we need to get back to that because she think tables in some uh, i'm thinking we are as an african country, are victims of a manual mac runs foreign policy, which still leaves us colonized. they refused to understand that the world is changing. these relations must change, including between the former metropolis and its former colonies. we believe that a possible in our victory will change the french political landscape is always
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great to have you with us there on the international web with plenty more. the top of the i will see you then the the,
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to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by how of tired vision with no real live indians pictures. design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as bus? can you see through their illusion going underground can the whole from the fi, you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian souls might have gone unnoticed. but the
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pirates contacted journalist to ensure this boils would go public. and so the name of the ship that home, the biggest shipment of arms became known all over the world. and with this, if this is on the other 3, said the duncan chest, just a little grab phrase and you know, who's download them the recipient. this helps the progress, see them 1st that over the phone. yes. so what do you mean there was i'm gonna put them on the phone whenever you have new fold venture and it was done with over 7 percent. you have no problem with the motion that goes across the building and screws missing people based on what kind of wiser phonics. but the moment portion of it is not a thing on the square. the nest doorbells, new polish out, it's a lot of those are functional. moscow i, it's a full chance and let's go out. it's not much real good. the stuff to be under control of them both group muscle and destruct. total total for you know, the.


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