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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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of homeless roles by 12 percent in california, the form is confident masoud possess can secure the victory and the arabian president to the election as well. not results. foreign bond gary and prime minister shrugs off allegations of it pays let and felt that his meeting with the blossom uprooted and most coax fox. how far from e u. official. the website has been, ted, you've grades new, won't look much the same as being that the did with the russian troops. all correspondence, these are close to both of the and being created to protect civilians and to both region with ukraine. the
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very well welcome to give you a watching on see international with the world news update, as always is great to have you with us. and we start the program with iran. well, let's do possess keion has been elected as the nation's new presidents, as will be no great in the coming weeks following a run of votes. the reform is candidates trial instead of a conservative side the lately the when a secure to stay the hall of the so the point $5000000.00 cost. during his victory speech, mr. possess key on cold, on a radians to work together on the, his presidency. the dear people around the elections are over and this is just the beginning of our calculation. the difficult path ahead will not be smooth except with your companionship, embassy and trust. i extend my hand to you, and i swear on my owner that i will not leave you alone on these pass. possess kion and let the raise with the 16300000 volts,
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while ged his conservative rival all gone are all the 13 point. 5000000 volts punching the numbers. that's a significant lead over jedi the around 3000000 volts margin on the side as he vowed during his campaign 12 that he will resolve economic challenges in the country through constructive engagement with the entire world. the eastern hemisphere on the western hemisphere all include that of course, but that does not mean that iran will ignore and overlook the chief mints made by the late president of brian bracy builds relationship with traditional allies, including russia and china, and the global south. in general. what the discount is going to do is that he is expected to maintain and preserve those policies adopted by the late president. ibrahim re see maintaining closer ties with the global south of perhaps expanding
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ties with member states outbreaks under shanghai cooperation organization. but at the same time is going to also look east look westward and try to resolve the longstanding issues and hostilities between to juan de western block. so that is based on his campaign, promises that before. so it remains to be seen how is going to handle this stance and how he's going to move forward with what his plans towards building ties better ties with the western world as he faces, challenges both at home and abroad at home is space by top hard line conservative politicians within parliament who are not willing to maintain a cooperative stance and approach with the presidential exposition beyond that because they do not believe in giving in to the western excessive demands, including potential donald trump sweet entry into the white house. as donald trump
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made it clear that he's not going to be satisfied with a nuclear deal without addressing it was a missile program. so that is not going to sit well with a predominantly conservative parliament. so it remains to be seen what some measures and wanting initiatives because there's going to have in mind to try to navigate those challenges. but for now he has 3 major steps to take before assuming office 1st he has to receiving your some inquiry. you have on supreme leader, that's a tradition in the wrong interest. politics for any president who wants to assume office. he has to go through this process or spend 5 year warranty. and so pre beat or later he has to take the oath of office. and the most important part is that he has to propose a cabinet approval by the one in lawmakers. we also heard that he's slated to hold a press conferences, 1st press conference as the president to collect all these want to come up with all
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the wrong. later today, we're going to keep you updated about conferences, nations across the region, as well as if congratulation. mistake possess sky and it's a winning the presidential elections. russian president vladimir putin sent a letter expressing his hope. the relations between the 2 countries will continue to contribute to regional security on stability. the saw the crown prince in the home. it's been selling on a son, his intentions, and deep and mutually beneficial ties with the wrong in western leaders, i get the comments on the election outcomes before voting began. mainstream media was flooded with headlines, claiming that the process would be less than democratic early am. i calling you to know neil's but with a rainy and scala as commutative, so it is on the and he stays the results of a runs presidential election to show that those claims were unfounded. and i think this may be a shock to risk some media outlets. that's a try to demonize the lines elections. there is the 25th,
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even guessing from this and media. this is that it is this conservative of body of clinics that let's candidates the choose candidates and the, because you don't understand the situation has this body of the basic the judges then utilize elections. i'm not saying that a democrat tick, and it may be a shock to them to see the really the for miss candidates calling as of this election process. and so we are, they were accusing this constitutional counsel, they need on as engineering elections. you know, we had over a 100 as far as the a speaking child i was telling, you know, i me as based in u. k. and united states telling me the army is to bite with elections. and the fact that you get 50 percent participation and the kind of severe this. and i'll make
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sanctions that coming to the polls saying no to these that this and media outlets and maybe offsets that are supported by the some government. i think that's his check. i think that's the supervisor. so overall, i think this is a good day for, you know, he has a democracies that is in practice and i think the new president website to some of the street, some of the countries from the hun, gary and prime minister has reacted to the west. 5th court decision of his trip to moscow, saying that if need so quote shoes as well instead of pace that will be committing suicide. mix the old and also shrugged off evaluations of appeasement. that is missing with slides by painting. and this is precisely the rustling bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the russia ukraine war. if we want to end the war, we need to political approach instead of
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a bureaucratic one. and gary and premier was hosted by the russian president just days of the victor open, held fruitless talks with the blonde to move the lensky and kids opens trip to moscow response outrage on both sides of the atlantic. and mock, besides telling me you are paying lee to travel to russia in order to yes hungry, recently assumed the rotating presidency of the you and his wife, who's in the old and had to say to the media following best hopes of the crammed in on friday spoken, say, sir, i see to the screen sponsors continued to try to use this country and it's people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in kia to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue, which is when we in europe have been living in the shadow for 42 and a half years. we do not feel safe. and this war has factor in the breakdown of
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economic development for the last 2 and help years. we have learned that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels. first important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogues and i will continue this work. well, that's openness pace making us as have been endorsed by a fellow a you need other premier department us to run to of slovakia and what was fits. so he's still recovering from an assassination attempts that he would also like to visit mosca, to quote, i want to express my appreciation for the hon. gary and prime minister, who did not hesitate to visit both cuba and moscow. if my health has allowed, i would have been happy to join him. there never too many peace talks besides. however, the other western leaders beg to differ as they claim russia doesn't the ox. what do you want? pays us to find moscow repeatedly putting for total cost over the past 2 years. is the reaction subject to open his diplomatic assets from officials in brussels? this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece. and we believe that it
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undermines the unity and determination that we need to show you some of those i felt that are presenting and they go out to these meetings who's representing his own country. what is important? these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the restaurants to responsible for the war. we are concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to moscow, which we not advance, the cause of appeasement will not stop put him on the unity and determination of will paved the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the you or the use positions. he's exploit and the presidency
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position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling to kremlin without a mandate. either the hungarian government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair, victor, oregon, visits put in some very and prime minister. the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of aggression the what value the does a you you actually have now, i think is the biggest question because the people in europe, wherever we want peace and no victor or bond in this country, he is going against the grain against the wishes of european union collectively, the leadership of the g, u is, is very far from the population of the you. and just like the american people are, are very much in opposition to what our government's doing and so in europe. but it appears to be the same thing um, nato wants to continue
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a war of the door mazda and strong enough, and to withstand these attacks on the whole year in the country and hung in society . and so that it's difficult to say how the any of the actions taken by the you at this time is, has been beneficial at all. and as the west loan boss vicks opens pace making. yes, it's do quite as low as the series of drone attacks on russia's cross in the region . i have a nice no casualties were reported by local authorities. these images are the off the mouth of ukrainian you a very strong some the same area on friday. the 60 go was killed, and 5 of the people wounded. cc me a correspond ignored garcia, found a report from the front where he's embedded with russian troops while creating a buffet to protect civilians in the border region of these, these vall, johns full, lots of little events,
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remains the fighting. he's furious and face to face. here the building on the rights is held by russian troops, the buildings on the left falsified by ukrainians. your orders had come in ukrainians, needed to be clear that tonight's the a t a t tags was tubes and so the job, the not so much the time is the crew. what units are you with now? i want to talk much pets, not as well. and what units were you in? i was in pmc wagner, which i took part in the battle of buck moved and fighting the outlines settlements . lease is a dangerous and delicate nation. well, no.
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the reason within the radius of varies new era. friends, the troops are just a few dozen meters away from the target. the you to keep to tree cover looking for a suitable firing position. full john skis, some columbus is way. yes. to close the to put to is of well today then that's what you a, the pilots on the other side, the minute they said frederick,
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they going to said everything else looking for these tags. if we little bits of kind of flush helps soon enough. they begin the 1st shots heats to a mark of skill and the next in a few minutes, 5 tank shells impacts you create in positions. the shock waves a new will leave the troops inside with the city a contusions and ruptured drums. the much the same is happening with jobs has been
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turned into ukraine's new rock looks much the same as being done in the city is loving it with new units. fresh reinforcements with mobilized troops. who are, who have in sufficient training the is it in ski, it is apparent, has ordered his troops to hold on couple chance a tool will cost you regardless of losses. he would look bad if he lost another large settlement. just like in baltimore, holding onto which made little military sense in which he's the generals urged him to abandon and where tens of thousands of ukrainian troops perished. it seems zalinski has learned nothing. back much is repeating
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the monks and is now being observed by as much battalion under the general f t. i. lo, dina and ty, units for my private military contracts is the re united component of development. we came back cable together was a group. did you expect everyone to return? just i'm going to be honest with you. i didn't. but as you can see, is what happened back now, slices have proven invaluable loss. just the skews, but the mindset. com and calculated if you like, do you hate them? no. my feeling stores them are normal more so you can kill them,
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which you don't need to hate to you like to me. you know, i don't know hatred not even when shelves fly. if you have not, even that work is work, work is work for moscow. ball chance must be pacified to stop blind ukrainian shedding across the board. the attacks on russian cities in pounds full of civilians as than 2 months into the battle. the streets are leases with ukrainian dead as many more buried on the rubber too much so that the bible has done a familiar nickname. the vall chance meet grind more. i'd guys be a credit of region ukraine, the french a. m p as full my national ronnie policy leader. marina pen stays the country,
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strongly opposes sending troops on long range weapons to ukraine. he's among politicians urging the french people to head to the polls for a 2nd round of the parliamentary elections on sunday. we have supported ukraine throughout these 2 years. this is indicating that we have to red lines, which was sending french troops to create the entire tree. because the french are, i believe, to be opposed to this war and the delivery of a long range weapons that could hit russia and baffle make france a co insurance in this conflict for since its victory in the parliamentary election last month. the pens policy is being facing, pushed back from many french unions, organizations as media outlets. thousands of demonstrated across the country are doing both as to from bens, the national valley, from winning the local run of follows. and the 1st rounds,
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the right wing policy on this, i live secure, 33 percent of the popular vote. the left wing new popular friends payment seconds was 28 percent. one incumbent president mccullin's sensuous blow currently managed to secure one 5th of the ballots. is the national valley gains and majority in the french parliament. it will be able to of points of prime minister for the 1st time in the policy is history. let's discuss all this further. now. joining guys from brussels is independent doing it as a liquid vega to see you. thanks for joining us today. so what do you make of the reading? the pen statement that it sending french troops and long range weapons to create a web lines that would make power as a policy to the conflict. but she's fries and she doesn't change. of course. um, she has been very careful like old parsley said you would have even those who support fundamentally dashing decisions that seem very careful not to touch the subject for the moment because they have
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a lot to lose if they do in their elections coming now. but she has said that she doesn't want us to be delivered, you know, long range weapons and all, and on trips on the ground, which was what's on all precedent. my case, what she would say decided when i had not decided but a certain to do a few months ago. she's right to do that. actually that is a, an issue there and cross which is discussed for the moment of the president normally has already served domain, which is defense and for on the face. but it is only a tradition because article $21.00 of the country 2 of the constitution says that the prime minister had up the government has the final say, in these decisions, all studies responsible for national defense. that's the worst of it. so on, in this instance, if it is own children but that was prime minister for money depend been on
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there will be discussions, disclose the difficulties, bringing between the 2, between of my home and about that all. but by that when in the end, the thing is in the cost of miguel, for example, when he was seen full happy patient with his enemy. she hock, all the noise. you can try to make him lose time. you know, they, when he had to sign up for a nomination, he would wait for 20 days or he would say this has to go through problem and things like that. so this could happen in the future of sales, the fontes. sorry, sorry, mr. ed. it's um, it feels like a made to shift is, is about to happen, especially if the pens policy does good. and she's also promised that the national valley will preventive from using long range, west long range friends, west settings to strive russia. i'm just wondering why do you think she spoke sort
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of quoting for a complete ends to on supplies to frame the as i said, the beginning, the fact is that many parties, um, while i'm on the verge of coming to powering in, in europe. ok, freight, all of the talk saw the official talk solve europe, which is the victim is ukraine to haven't done anything at all. and the bad guys authorized that you know, the price is, you know, when you're the price is not free. it belongs to the traditional parties, the on john that was a free where most relaxed is and greens and they take the cups of money into play and, and, uh, friends, and in the last, all the lines are. so she's very much afraid of giving the impression that she's supposed pressure now. yeah. but of course remember that she is on the verge of creating a new european problem and with the gold autobahn. oh,
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big auto body of just like from moscow. so this could change and if she wins, um, if she gets the prominence to ship, then it will change. right. having said that, what are your expectations for sundays? well, enough parliaments revised. i mean, plenty of politicians and activists that have been doing 6 things to stop the national riley from. haven't got a chance of winning. what do you think is gonna happen? is like, like old linux since the last 3040 years out to the recipe is to say stopped and off. you know, this is completely ludicrous. oh, the best example is that the status of thomasville was the nazi hunter office. was you know, trying to find them in bringing them to court has said that he would vote for the last the last your now if the choice was against the extreme that so on. if the nazi hot dispatch got the nazis the monitor, now this is,
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this doesn't work anymore. so it keeps ending will be the money to pay wins. it's with the 34 percent that they've got, you know, mean to, to round selection system. so she could get an absolute majority, if not with her party alone, she might get some other people if she likes 10 of them, for example, she could get that off of the majority. so it is still very possible that the how somebody want to show how it has the problem is to ship it in next week. but of course, the, all the parties make quantities not to call this in, but every box, every party against awesome. we want us to not as money into pets as it is to the money pete and all the x 3. and that's the centrist who have claimed for so long that they will never go with enough. now they all together trying to fall a soldier, coalition government, maybe with the gc for $11.00 providence, the,
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the present progress story. you know, kind of, this is, this is no good for me as you know, and the, the, on the games that are coming now believe the games that are coming in the few weeks . it's, it's, it's terrible. what has gone on. yeah, this was because it's going to be interesting to watch as an ebony. thanks for speaking to us today. we've been talking to independent journalists at luke rivera . thank you. have a good day. thank you to. well, the french elections having gone unnoticed in the countries full in the colonies and these, uh, people say the possible victory off the rights might be a chance to finally break old chains of colonialism. might have been, is maureen dependent, people must have either a relative majority or an absolute majority by next sunday. that's a very good thing for all countries because at least she's clearly saying, i don't like you wouldn't be. so for her to put this into practice is convenient for us. it allows us to disconnect definitively from this galley,
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this colonial pettiness that on a person could see. we believe that the break between france and its former colonies has now been confirmed by the policy of the assembly mm. on national, in france for the french. and now after go for the africans. this comes at just the right time. from this moment on we have nothing to lose. it's france that has to take because it's france that needs or uranium cheap above in order to do it. but you can't come and talk to me about freedom if you yourself, and your country to prevent people from having the freedom of expression. so if they want there to be a new relationship between front in each year, the newly elected representatives and friends need to know that we have gone beyond this stage of coma zation. we need to get back to that because she think table in some uh, i'm think we are as an african country or victims of emmanuel mac runs foreign policy, which still leaves us colonized. they refused to understand that the world is changing. these relations must change, including between the former metropolis and its former colonies. we believe that
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a possible in our victory will change the french political landscape if it's a central dogs. and now where are these 10 civilians were killed. fine is really asked when i called a residential building the enclaves total death toll since october 7th has now passed $38000.00 the children who were killed and wounded in the top of being transferred to a nearby hospital in seattle by law. nonsense. the idea of consensus targeting a humanitarian area near civilian population that such shouts as is well claimed. they cannot miss on the which was located in the area. civilians who survive so to talk so exposed to further dangerous disease spreads across the enclave. 150000 gallons of suffering from skin diseases alone. according to the world health organization, local journalists rami alma gary brings as move from the end type, southern coast, west thousands of sheltering in donna's conditions. according to locals as the
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international health institutions. here in the gaza strip, there are about 150000 to follow stadiums. may think children have be touched by skin diseases. these diseases are set to be caused by widespread, full use in the sea water and the environment just so that size feeds to say, just over 7 to and environment of that are as cats are everywhere, and the territory what our children and you are now is much more difficult and cannot be completed treated, our children can no longer sleep. normally, my grandchildren conducted some scheme, allergies ease, and we gave them some medicines. but his boss and effective, they have even visited the clinic of doctors without borders yet they ologies are still in place. here is one of those pharma says that belongs to people of from the displaced area of the, of the displacement area. and the model i see,
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and the model i see region of card you in this city, on the retail front. we're going now to talk to the pharmacist during the 12. actually, the diseases have a large to spread, including examined chicken fox, while available medicines are mostly pain killers. i antibiotic anti fungal. and by the way, all of them are about to expire and 2 to 3 months from now hub. and now the, uh, the guy says it says re to i really aggravated because of that there's replacement of the 90000 tens of thousands of families. oh, are now taking shows are on the beach in front of garza. i. so what you would do means that most of which was more causes of contamination and diseases grade savvy with his hair. and i'll see you until that's told his son today, coming your way. next option with tennessee, with the latest episode of the.


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