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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the romans were form is president, select so just the nation to rally behind them as must be possessed can celebrate victory. and then run off and gloves on. gary and prime minister shrugs off allegations of a piece lens off the is missing with latham. it posted in most goes, fox outcry from you officials. this is precisely the brazilian bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the russia ukraine war. and bedded with russian troops all corresponding to see the place, the buffer zone being created to protect civilians in the folder region with ukraine. the $12015.00 times
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you claim you stopped to much to say was big. got the very will welcome you're watching all the international with the well things update as always is great to have you with us with all the park around that with iran where i'm a seat, possess key on has been elected as the presidents, as the nation was the president rather and will be integrated in the coming weeks following a run off vote. they were full of misconduct, they try on the conservative side and delay the witness secure. just a thought hoff. that'd be the $2500000.00 cost. during his victory speech and mr. possess sky on cold, on a rainy and so well together on the, his presidency. the dear people of around the elections are over. and this is just the beginning of our calculation. the difficult path ahead will not be smooth except with your companionship. empathy and trust. i extend my hand to you,
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and i swear on my owner that i will not leave you alone on these pass possessed, john, let the raise with the 16300000 volts. wow, jenny, be his contributive rival all gone? are all the 13500000 volts punching the numbers. that's a significant lead to over ged all around 3000000 volts margin on the side us. he's out of the, during his campaign trails that he will resolve economic challenges in the country through constructive engagement with the entire world. the eastern hemisphere on the western hemisphere all include that of course. but that does not mean that iran will ignore and overlook the chief minutes. may vice president of brian bracy builds for a long term relationship with traditional allies, including russia and china as the global south. in general,
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what the discount is going to do is that he is expected to maintain and preserve those policies adopted by the late president and brian bracy, in maintaining closer ties with the global south of perhaps expanding ties with member states of breaks on the shanghai cooperation organization, but at the same time is going to also look east look westward. i tried to resolve the long standing issues and possibilities between 11 and the western block. so that is based on his campaign for so it remains to be seen how he's going to handle this stance and how he's going to move forward with what his plans towards building ties better ties with the western world. se faces challenges both at home and abroad. at home is space by the hard line, conservative politicians within parliament who are not willing to maintain a cooperative stance and approach with the president elect business beyond the
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because they do not believe in giving in to the western excessive demands including potential donald trump. we entry into the white house as donald trump made it clear that he's not going to be satisfied with a nuclear deal without addressing it was a missile program. so that is not going to sit well with a predominantly conservative parliament. so it remains to be seen what measures and want initiatives pincers going to have in mind to try to navigate those challenges . but for now he has 3 major steps to take before assuming the office 1st. he has to receive the door. so that's why you have also for the leader that's the tradition, any of on your interests, politics for any president who wants to assume office, he has to go through this process of into, or spend 5 year warranty. and so pre beat or later, he has to take the oath of office. and the most important part is that he has to propose
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a cabinet sign up for approval by the one in lawmakers. we also heard that he's slated to hold a press conferences, 1st press conference as the president elect. all these want to come up like later today, we're going to keep you updated about the conferences when nations across the region on wells have congratulated mostly possess key on so winning the presidential election. russian president vladimir putin cents left to expressing his hope. the relations between the 2 countries will continue to contribute to regional security and stability. and the saudi crown. prince mohammed been some other phones, his intention to deepen mutually beneficial ties with the wrong. well, we got some insight on the implications of the radian people's choice from to roland based academic and political on the left side. mohammed mirandi, a doctor position as a moderate reformers. therefore if he's someone who is centrist and you're running politics,
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doctor position is actually not very different from dr. a. see. dr. a c and the dish can both being centers. they pursued stronger links with non western countries, or they, dr. crazy joined breaks, he joined the shanghai or cooperation organization to expand the ties across the global south. but he also attend, attempted to revive the nuclear deal, but in a better uh, let's say within a better contact with the with better protection. so, dr. young from what we've seen in the debates will continue to pursue expanding ties with the global south brakes. the shanghai cooperation organization. these will be important for him, but he too will engage to see if the nuclear deal can be revised. but he also said that if americans on willing to make the necessary moves for the revival of the nuclear deal,
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then we will choose another power. the hon. gary and prime minister has reacted to the west. 5th criticism of his trip to moscow is like to opens for up to off you allegations of appeasement. and is me thing which not a bad person. more voices within nato are making the case for the necessity or even inevitability, of military confrontation with the world's other geo political power centers. if it chooses conflict instead of cooperation and war instead of peace, it will be committing suicide. secondary and premier was hosted by the russian president just stays off the vix, open held fruitless tools with non demand zalinski. and tess opens trip to moscow sponsor outrage on both sides of the atlantic. the month the 1st time the you were p and lead a travel to rush, shooting over to you is hungry. recently of the rotating presidency of the you just want to open how to say to the media following that talks of the kremlin on friday
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are spoken, sir. i see to ukraine, sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in kia to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter and nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue, which doesn't, you know, we, in europe have been living in the shadow for 42 and a half years. we do not feel safe, and this war has factored in the breakdown of economic development for the last 2 and help years. we have learned that we cannot achieve peace, it gets without dialogue and diplomatic channels. first important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogues and i will continue this work. however, the western lead us back to the servers they came. russia doesn't actually one piece of this by law school repeatedly quoting for talks over the past 2 years. is the reactions who evict to opens diplomatic efforts from officials in brussels.
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this is about about appeasement. it's not about the piece. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show me so long as i felt that are presenting and they go out to these meetings who's representing his own country. what is important? these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the restaurants as possible for the war. we are concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to moscow, which we not advance. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the path to a comprehensive just and the last thing be some ukraine prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow,
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vic, to albany no way represents the u. o. the use position and he's explosion, the presidency position, to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling to kremlin without a mandate. either the hung gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair, victor, oregon, visits prudent, as i'm very in prime minister, the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of aggression and that's the cost lot to monitoring of the sale of carpet auction magazine, jeremy could spare ralph now many thanks for joining us on the program is get to see you. so the 100 reemployment is visits. a key, as i mentioned most ago, comes through the course a cool time, really a full europe. and so for the west, in general, i'm just wondering who do you think you didn't grace in need of seeing the, you know the resolution to be fighting and conflict? is it less so, or is it the west as well? i think it's the west as ukraine. i mean, ukraine clearly doesn't have the manpower to continue this war. they lost
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a lot of territory. i think there's a lot of unrest and disaffection with the government and ukraine. i think the landscape is increasingly on the hot seats and i think europe has suffered economically as or bad, pointed out that, you know, skyrocketing energy prices, just one thing. there's a lot of other us, i mean, look at france and it's elections the far right. is coming in, people are unhappy with the governing coalition in france and many other countries . and a lot of that has to do with, you know, the worsening economy. and that's for diversity affected by the warren in ukraine. so i think you're of the sufferings. russia's bowman with the size with china, you know, they've been able to offset the sanctions vice straight to me in the relation with china, with india, uh, you know, selling uh, oil in the middle east, uh, dealing with around the brakes country. so russia's actually doing very well that we have hungry here trying to figure out a solution that wants to resolve the kind conflict through pays totes. however,
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nato's chief is considering other options we can assist. i can listen to what you're in stoughton, but has said, no, you cannot have ministry. what do you need now? is something that actually is credible something. that's what actually the worst stops on the partial stops it's, it's aggression. and therefore, when to fight the ends and we need a security, we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's what is the one, the reasons why allies ok, that has stated that your crane will become a member of nato. you know what we have lives being lost by the day. why do you think the west, the military block is located on pushing most goes red lines and with jack tickets, security concerns? well, i think the leader in the west and united states don't one piece. i think they want to draw a russian to quad meyer to week in russia. use ukraine is a base for the stabilizing russia. improvement was an independent nationalist whose
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revitalized russian power and the united states wants to dominate your asia. and so they want us, you know, to weaken him and they've supported, you know, we're gmc math, redeem change, and opposition politicians like the valley. so they don't want peace, they want to bleed or i should dry. you're following his hoax with lots of inputs and fix the open set. this is a quote, don't confuse pro well politicians with the people in europe. then gary and prime minister seems very confident that the ordinary people, your opinions, they want to piece they wants to the end of this conflict. so what exactly are a refresher was trying to achieve headaches, but definitely not listening to the people all day. that's right. and that's why we're seeing, you know, the, the ruling questions are in serious problems. we see that in france with the elections the far right is come in. now, the left is trying to mobilize again to far right to the political center, which was backing this war. and ukraine is, is very unpopular and they mismanage their country,
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their cause of these are suffering seriously. so it's not clear what they want to achieve. i mean, i think they will lie too closely with the united states and this agenda of the stabilizer and undermine in russia. and that's going to hurt them politically. pretty much a kid has cooled, opens visits, and most going outrage. that's simply because it was not coordinated with you created also, ortiz. why what the prime minister of hungry needs all teeth have full permission to go. so most gay. exactly, and this is the kind of risk to solve the climate we've seen for a long time. now, you know, the american president, donald trump, was really killed when he visited russia, and that would put in an easier, i think, you know, normal diplomatic protocols. unhealthy leaders has to meet and discuss the problems and work out solutions. and yet they're attacking any leader that goes over the russia reflects is risk the fall, the climate, and this war like mentality. so speaking just today is good to get your thoughts on
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this situation. jeremy customer off monitoring of this of co, that action magazine. thank you. thank you. well, russian troops have pushed deeper into ne and ukraine taking yet another settlement in the hawk of region most coast 8 as far as the decreasing of buses are going to stop here from bombing washington territory. c. c. a corresponded more against you have filed a report from the front line where he's embedded with russian units. these, these volt johnson, who was little events, remains the fighting, is furious and face to face. here, the building on the right is held by russian troops. the buildings on the left falsified by ukrainians. the orders had come in the ukrainians. need it to be clear that 10 nights
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a t a t times was chosen for the job. though not so much the time. is the crew. what units are you with now? most talk much specs not as well and what's the units? where are you in? i was in pmc wagner, which i took part in the battle of buck moved and fight in the outlines settlements . this is a dangerous and delicate mission the the surface going on within the radius of the keep the tree cover, looking for
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a suitable firing position. votes on skis, some kilometers is way. yes, to close. soon enough, they begin. the 1st short heat to a mark of skill and the next in a few minutes, 5 tank shells impacts you create in positions. the shock waves alone will leave the troops inside with sylvia contusions and ruptured drums. the much the same is happening with tons has been turned into ukraine's new rock. most much the same is being done and the
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city is lugging it with new units. fresh reinforcements with mobilized troops. who are who have in sufficient training. the is zalinski. it is a parent who has ordered his troops to hold on couple chance a tool will cost you regardless of losses. he would look bad if he lost another large settlement. just like in baltimore, holding onto which made little military sense in which his own generals urged him to abandon and with tens of thousands of ukrainian troops perished. much of bad enough is now being observed by asked my battalion and the general of t i. lo, dina and ty, units for my private military contracts,
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is the we're united, companion of development. we came by cable together was a group. did you expects everyone to return? just i'm going to be honest with you. i didn't. but as you can see, is what happened from all school. bold tons must be pacified to stop blind ukrainian shedding across the board. the attacks on russian cities in pounds full of civilians. s then 2 months since the battle streets are leases with you, paid me and dead as many more buried on the rubber too much so that the bible has a familiar nickname. the vall chance meet grind is more i'd guys do. you have kind of region, ukraine, the french and pay on the phone with national riley policy. they didn't marine, the pen stays the guns. we strongly opposes sending troops and long range weapons to ukraine. she's
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a long politicians during the french people to head to the polls. for a 2nd round of the parliamentary elections. oh sunday. we have supported ukraine throughout these 2 years. this is indicating that we have to red lines which was sending french troops to create the entire tree. because the french are, i believe, to be opposed to this. and the delivery of a long range weapons that could hit for russia and baffle make fronts a cove belligerent in this conflict to be, since it's big 3 in the parliament and re election last month. the pens policy has been facing pushback from many french unions. organizations, science, media outlets, thousands of demonstrations across the country are doing vote is to prevent the national riley from winning the local run of follows. and the 1st rounds, the right when policy and it's now lies 6 or 33 percent of the popular vote. the
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left wing, the populace runs, came in 2nd, was 28 percent, one incumbent president, before on centuries blog only managed to secure one 5th of the boundless, independent journalist. look where they told us that marina pens potty is toys to potentially block additional franchise to ukraine. she has said that she got some on arms to be delivered, you know, long range weapons and all, and home troops on the ground, which was what i would say threatening to do a few months ago. she's trying to do that. actually that is a, an issue there and cross which is discussed for the moment of the president normally has already served domain, which is defense and for on the 5th. but it is only a tradition because article $21.00 of the country 2 of the constitution says that the prime minister had up the government has the final say in a previous decision. so that is responsible for national defense. if it is jordan,
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but that was prime minister for money depend been on there will be discussions of course the difficulties bringing between the 2 between of my home and about that all but brought that up when in the end, everywhere in europe, the people off fed up with the way to you appear and union is wrong, is managed by own or shut off on the land and her thoughts, socialist greens, and the do the sense for right which should be called central next. all social questions, all phone or for the home for land. so this is a general trend in europe while the french elections haven't gotten a notice in the countries full in the colonies. and these people say the possible victory of the right. maybe a chance to finally break old chains of colonialism. it might have been, is maureen dependent, people must have either a relative majority or an absolute majority by next sunday. that's
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a very good thing for all countries because at least she's clearly saying, i don't like you to be so for her to put this into practice is convenient for us. it allows us to disconnect definitively from this galle base colonial pettiness that on a person can see. we believe that the break between france and its former colonies has now been confirmed by the policy of the resend them on national in france for the french. and now after go for the africans. this comes with just the right time . from this moment on, we have nothing to lose. it's friends that has to take because it's friends, the needs are uranium. keep above in order to do it, but you can't come and talk to me about freedom if you, yourself, and your country to prevent people from having freedom of expression. so if they want there to be a new relationship between france and the share, the newly elected representatives and friends need to know that we have gone beyond this stage of coal, nazena sion. we need to get back to that because she think table some uh,
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i think we are as an african country or victims of emmanuel mac runs foreign policy, which still leaves us colonized. they refused to understand that the world is changing. these relations must change, including between the former metropolis and its former colonies. we believe that a possible in our victory will change the french political landscape and bump way us to bomb the use of the us dollar bounce as president m. as in milan, god go up announced plans to completely replace it with the country's new z. good currency standing for is involved way. gold margin does not like us, but you like the money from his country. this guy, pork. so as donald p f, we can not keep using and relying on the currency that belongs to people who do not like us. because one day they will try to hamper our efforts, van, and we will not have a leg to stand on. this is a, it was introduced as the nation's official car and seeing a pro, with the bottom of the us,
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sola it will be the only car and so used in the south. and the southern african countries tossing from 2026 ending the most the car is the system that's been in place for a decade and the halls. but as of now, the greenback is still used in many transactions across the nation. the international monetary fund dimension. susan found way concluded that the introduction of physics has helped ease economics to the instability in the country . the zig official exchange rate has so far to main stable and then a bout of macro economic instability in the 1st 3 months of the year. assuming that democracy, the belie, zation is sustained cumulative installation in the remainder of the year is project is about 7 percent or some background re a bonds, the use of the us $1.20 and replacing it with this involved when dollar the us currency was pulled back into circulation, the following year, due to the cove it pandemic to help deal with a shortage in foreign reserves. but is it which is replacing is involved when
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dollar is boxed by goals to store it's losing value like is predisposes. let's discuss a little bit further now with a gas we can cause lot to graduate school of business direct to the university of zambia. they've been to have become many thanks for doing it, goes on the program is good to see you. so there's in, baldwin, president, stays the country, will be completely free from the us solar by mid to 2026. so what do you make of that deadline, and what are the opposite goals that are already faces in pursuing this goal as well? i think that um, mobile has applied for a lots and trying to establish a step on my that assistant based on that one know guidance, but unfortunately uh, we will put it in uh, in monday system. but let's get into it. imagine for the default, which is i've also been don't have been somebody but the system with the international mind. but if i'm as on joining the institutional frame, like, you know, it's international payments. i manage actions, is that the buttons on the move in those categories?
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a one bedroom so we're in by the way. uh, you know, or the us. yeah. i've been using about what the us the has made it. i am is making some possible for them by way. 12 simple gets injured to be able to move currencies, you know, in the much money sitting by to best buy. what is happening with the sanctions on industry is lasha, always parking lots of homes. the experiments is to show the prostate selection, but without hundreds of months. i love this new system and above with how it's created. it kind of surprised franco, on the lovely cause you wouldn't mind doing bundles. he's going to have this very t. uh, you know, by this usual bicycle, it's understood, buyers go on the list one on the way, you know,
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guides. uh the filters on the best buy is used to build a box by, you know, this over and on. now these kinds of bought by gold on the auction, how going reserves in the quote for us. and for the 1st time inflation in the zoom. baldwin is that 6 percent when inflation, you decide the grizzle, that inside and oxycodone is of often percent on average. and we've got a z, i see in the green seats because of the principal entering trees on the z someplace. they have to have some good. it's good results. so you, but the, the form of these to be locked up because this is going to be less than 2 other countries do when themselves, away from, from the data and also developing countries in africa. i find it very difficult to do, you know,
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i to be in the news roman because there's about bondage aging the door like to buy fuel on to buy imports. i was given before. yeah. we didn't this time you need do a lot because of the international are to get some assistance. i'm just wondering, you know, what really well phone said what was behind this mood because the us has imposed a number of sanctions on is involved way, including the nation's presence. and do you think that most of spock's, the countries move away from the us dollar? yes, i think what do you spot, the country to move on from the door is what kind of what is happening with russia in my let those stages out there. now waking up. so for example, it is, i'm getting this central button this week. i really started to use them in binding the use of dollars. uh it was, i'm the so i'm not businesses use of what they was doing. i'm they kind of upset to is dollars and this in the twenty's and said, definitely not what,
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twice they came out and they can be, i just want those, but no, it tells me. so what's left in the mountains? i know there's the additional for us, the vision on that so you can work to people who lives that lives on the phone. what does that mean dresser and do that is gibson. i'm going home, but these uh, you know, uh, vote and i see a student who's going to be the main, the defective, leaky lives in, baldwin. and in fact, when bob, please example, essentially, unity was do the us government change the sanctioning? what is our phone? so i'm assuming the whole country just sanctioning individual. i lead that ends in bible because yeah. so sorry, you mentioned that it was interesting that you said to people that way can go, but it is. what do you make of the applicant, constance response to west students affair? and this is the can only can domestic affairs is this,


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