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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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might just change the way inside the ron's reform as president elect or destination to rally behind him as must suit possess can celebrate the victory. and the run of the boat hung gary and prime minister shrugs off allegations of a policeman's after his meeting and vladimir putting in moscow starts an outcry from you officials i am i am. i am a friend of what the incentive to hungary on the spectrum i'm from the piece i'm looking for the shortest from because the way to step before and create that piece . and our correspondent is imbedded with russian troops and seas up close to the buffer zone. being created to protect civilians in the border region with you print the printer is you
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can do that much the same as being that the i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. you're watching r t international. we start the program with a ron where most suited, possessed in has been elected, explanations, new presidents and will be inaugurated in the coming weeks following a run off of the reformers to candidate trans to over a conservative so huge lately the layer of secure just over half of the $30500000.00 the ballots cost. during his victory speech mister possessed in called on arrangements to work together under his presidency. one of these a 0 people is wrong. i congratulate you on your victory. you took a big step in the 2nd phase of elections. you created an opportunity for ron and brought hope and vitality back into not most fear were discontent. the rotation and
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despondency of society had been, i think you all from now on, i will say dialogue. national unity, i will deal with the problems of society and all economic social, cultural and political fields. because there's john, let the raise with the 16300000 volts while j. d. his conservative rival, all gone, are all the 13500000 volts punching the numbers. that's a significant lead over ged all around 3000000 volts margin on the side us. he's out of the, during his campaign trail, that he will resolve economic challenges in the country through constructive engagement with the entire world. the eastern hemisphere on the western hemisphere all include that of course. but that does not mean that iran will ignore and overlook the chief events made by the late president of brian bracy, builds ponder relationship with traditional allies, including russia and china as the global south. in general,
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what the discount is going to do is that he is expected to maintain and preserve those policies adopted by the late president and brian bracy in maintaining closer ties with the global south of perhaps expanding size with member states of breaks on the shanghai cooperation organization, but at the same time is going to also look, look westward and try to resolve the longstanding issues and hostilities between to juan and the western block. so that is based on his campaign for so it remains to be seen how is going to handle this stance and how he's going to forward with what his plans towards building ties better ties with the western world. se faces challenges both at home and abroad at home. his face by hard line, conservative politicians within parliament who are not going to maintain
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a cooperative stance and approach with the president elect business beyond that because they do not believe in giving in to the western excessive demands, including potential donald trump. we entry into the white house as a donald, trump made it clear that he's not going to be satisfied with a nuclear deal without addressing it was missile program. so that is not going to sit well with a predominantly conservative parliament. so it remains to be seen what some measures and want initiatives pincers going to have in mind to try to navigate those challenges. but for now he has 2 major steps to take before assuming the office. first, he has to receive the doors to inquire on supreme leader. that's a tradition, any of on your interests of politics for any president who wants to assume offers. he has to go through this process or spend 5 year warranty. and so pre beat or later he has to take the oath of office. and the most important part is that he has
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to propose a cabinet approval by the one in lawmakers. we also heard that he's slated to hold a press conference this 1st press conference as the president elect all these long later today, we're going to keep you updated about conferences, nations around the region, end of the world have contract congratulated positions can for winning the presidential elections, russian president vladimir putin sent a letter expressing his hope that relations between the 2 countries will continue to contribute to regional security and stability. sadie proud principal have been solomon informed his intention to deepen mutually beneficial ties with a wrong to western leaders have yet to comment on the election outcomes before voting began. mainstream media was flooded with headlines, claiming that the process would be less than democratic earlier. my colleague union
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o'neill spoke with randy and scholar and commentator forward is harvey. he says the results of ron's presidential election show those claims were unfounded. and i think that this may be a shock to risk the media outlets. that's the right to them. and i utilize elections, there is the 25th, even guessing from vista and media. this is that there is this conservative of body of clinics that let's candidates the choose candidates. and because you don't have this constitution has this body of basically judges. then you runs elections, i'm not saying i'm not a democrat tick and maybe a shocked to them to see a very for missed candidates coming out of this election process. and so the accusing is this constitutional counsel they need on as in
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january elections. you know, we have a 100 as far as the a speaking child i was telling, you know, i me as based in u. k. um, united states telling me that i me as to buy clubs, evictions, and the fact that you get 50 percent participation and the kind of severe this. and i'll make sanctions that coming to the polls. saying no to these this and meet the off events and maybe offsets that are supported by the sent over ment. i think that's instruction. i think that's the supervisor. so overall i think this is a good day for the united. yes. the democracy's is in practice and i think the new president, but try to something to fix. some of the countries from behind, gary and prime minister has reacted to the west. fierce a criticism of his trip to moscow. as victor or bonnet shrugged off you allegations of a piece mintz and his meeting was that ever put and i am sort of i am. i'm
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a friend of 1200 year. yeah. so the 2nd law firm, the piece that's very important. i'm firmed up the piece. the reason why i negotiated to you, because i'm looking for the shortest friend request way to step before and create a piece of room prime. it is to vic to all, but i'm surprised visit to most go this week should have been heritage as a major breakthrough, it is meeting with the russian president vladimir putin sold a pad, discuss a potential si fi, and an end to a conflict. so as long as stayed around the decades, both said that dialogue may be only route to piece, which is mtv and h. we in europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years. now we are short, we do not feel safe, and this war has factored into a breakdown of economic development. and then the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this work a bit of an issue spoken say sir, i see to ukraine. sponsors continued to use this country and its people as
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a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it. there is still an unwillingness in key of to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter end. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. it's because we see this as an attempt to restore the dialogue box instead of welcoming open space mission, which also included a private sector cab for amazing. we've let them is it lensky. the western sponsors of the proxy war and ukraine went into a collective meltdown. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the path to a comprehensive just and the last and these and ukraine, prime minister, oregon, has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the u. o, the use positions, he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling to
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kremlin without a mandate. either the hungarian government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair. victor, oregon, visits prudent, as i'm very in prime minister. the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of aggression for all the so called peace conference is a ground, the standing of a russian aggression. it seems that ukraine is west and boxes before was more of a jewel jewel. the a you assistant piece, thoughts cannot be how without you, craig, and of course, this is said without the hidden surviving the russia. i was not even invited to the high profile and dissolve the so called peace conference in switzerland last month . so the most because the piece discussions copy how without ukraine, but i can be held without russia. a sign was the definition of hypocrisy. lensky himself has introduced legislation binding your crime from entering peace talks with russia while native chief insult him, but says old bonds, cool for peace,
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was not the position of the ministry alliance resort almost itself that of presenting nathan after these meetings. his up, something is on country when to fight the ends and we need a security. we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's also one of the reasons why allies, okay? it has stated that ukraine will become a member all night to washington the biggest supplier volunteer crane. also, i waited in warning, bizarrely piece towards actually move the situation further away from pace. we're concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to miles so it seems the malls because when foodie slipped, well it's not to be a preaching is maintained all alone. the russian remains open and committed to
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peace negotiations. t of on the west of doing old icons to prolong war from scott bring a piece to that would have taken a seat 5 back in 2022 to the seemingly never ending for weapons. well, green, i think i talked to inside russia. it seems that the west is prepared to sacrifice thousands of ukrainians french on cause. but if not, peace talks, m watts is almost unprecedented to say a peace mission condemned so strongly. it's almost as if the west has another agenda. i think the leader in the west and the united states don't want piece, i think they want to draw russian to qual, admired to week in russia. use ukraine is a base for the stabilizing russia, and united states wants to dominate eurasia. and ukraine clearly doesn't have the manpower to continue this war. they lost a lot of territory. i think there's a lot of unrest and disaffection with the government and ukraine. i think the landscape is increasingly on the hot seats and i think europe has suffered
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economically as or bad pointed out to, you know, skyrocketing energy prices, just one thing. there's a lot of other s i people are unhappy. leaders has to meet and discuss the problems and work out solutions, and yet they're attacking any leader that goes over the russia reflects is risk the fall, the climate and this war like mentality. russian troops have pushed a deeper into northeastern new crane taking the other another settlement in the harcourt region. moscow says it's forces are creating a buffer zone, just stop to have from bombing russian, that territory are to senior correspondent broadcast. they have filed this report from the front line where he's embedded with russian units. these, these vall, john cool, lots of little events, remains the fighting. he's furious and face to face. here the building on the rights is held by russian from the buildings on the list of falsified by
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ukrainians. you oldest had come in the ukrainians, needed to be clear that tonight's a t a t times was chosen for the job. so not so much the time is the crew. what units are you with now? most talk much specs not well. and what units were you in? i was in p. m. c. wagner, which i took part in the battle of buck moved and fight, and the outlines settlements. lease is a dangerous and delicate nation. well now we try to get the surface which means it's within the radius of
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the keep to treat cub. i'm looking for a suitable firing position. bolt on skis, some kilometers is way yes to close soon enough. they begin of the 1st shot heats to a mark of skill and the next in a few minutes, 5 tank shells impacts you create in positions. the shock waves a new will leave the troops inside with the silvia contusions and ruptured drums. the
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much the same is happening with drugs has been turned into ukraine's new rock. most much the same is being done in the city is rising. it with new units. fresh reinforcements with mobilized troops. who are, who have in sufficient training zalinski, it is a parent whose ordered his troops to hold on couple chance a tool will cost you regardless of losses. he would look bad if he lost another lodge settlement. just liking box more, holding onto which made little military sense in which his own generals urged him to abandon and with tens of thousands of ukrainian troops perished.
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much of brag enough is now being observed by ask my battalion and the general f t. i. lo, dina and ty, units for my private military contracts, is the re united companion of development. we came back, cable together was a group. and did you expect everyone to return? just i'm going to be honest with you. i didn't. but as you can see, is what happened from all school. bold tons must be pacified to stop blind ukrainian shedding across the board. the attacks on russian cities in pounds full of civilians less than 2 months into the battle. the streets are leases with ukrainian dead and many more buried on the rubber too much so that the bible has a familiar nickname. the vall,
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john's needs grind more. i'd guys the credit of region ukraine, the french m p, and from our national riley party leader. marine the pen says the country strongly opposes sending troops and long range of weapons to ukraine. she's among the politicians urging french people to head to the pools for a 2nd round of the parliamentary elections on sunday. we have supported ukraine throughout these 2 years. this is indicating that we have to red lines, which was sending french troops to create the entire tray. because the french are, i believe, to be opposed to this, and the delivery of a long range weapons that could hit russia and baffle make fronts. a co insurance in this conflict to be in a sense of victory in the parliamentary election last month to le pens,
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party has been facing, pushed back from many friends, unions, organizations and media outlets. thousands have demonstrated across the country urging voters to prevent the national rally from winning the local run off dollars . independent journalist look replay told us, europeans are increasingly fed up with the policies being handed down by brussels. while marina pens party is twice to potential, a block additional french, a to, to ukraine. she has said that she doesn't want arms to be delivered, you know, long range weapons and all and home trips on the ground, which was what she would say threatening to do a few months ago. she's trying to do that. actually that is a, an issue there interests which is discussed for the moment of the president normally has already served domain, which is the fence and for on the 5th. but it is only a tradition because article $21.00 of the country 2 of the constitution says that the prime minister had of the government has the final say,
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in the decisions all studies responsible for national defense. if it is chosen by that i was prime minister for money in the been been on. there will be all the discussions, disclose the difficulties, bringing between the 2, between all my home and about that all but brought that up when in the end, everywhere in europe, the people all fed up with the way you can union is wrong, is managed by or shut off on the land and her thoughts, socialist greens, and the the sense for right. which should be called central text of social questions or phone or fun plans. so this is a general trend in your in round one, the national rally and its allies secured 33 percent of the popular vote. the left wing, new popular front came 2nd, was 28 percent and incumbent president microns centrist block could only capture
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a 5th of the vote of various poles estimate depends, party could take up to $230.00 seats. the new popular front, at least 145 seats, and microns alliance around 130 to 162 seats. if natural valley, eventually gaines, the majority, it will get the chance to govern for the 1st time. and it's history r t, as in charlotte, davinsky has more on the political rivalry that has unfolded in france during this nap election. its indeed a in fraud. and so, so too many expect will split the country present into menu, and that can cause a panic when he called a snap election. the 1st in almost 30 years, he said it was for clarity. and for the french to be able to say no to extremes and 7th of july. so did you really like the moment should, did precision emotionally deal? is it like the maximum number of the major, okay. but should come outside of the $24.00 off the men and women and goodwill.
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give them who they couldn't get the will of been able to say no to experience, but we'll be in a position or say, i'll come to build a common project affair. despise, sincere and useful to the categories you're not going to win. told me to slam a line say instead of being built not just between white, we can policies, but also the was on the left, calling them packed with the devil. but soon speaking something the 1st round a voting mack on has been noticeably m. i a, the reason he's in the election turned off to toxic to unless, if you turn with fonts, his prime minister taking the range of urging people to vote for anyone other than reading the pens. right wing, national, riley polity accessible. obviously, it's not a pleasure for many french people to have to blow the national from by using another vote that they would not have wanted. i'm seeing in here. i can see that a dollar responsibility today to do so many from my call centers kemp,
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i'm the new popular front to a last wing coalition of all its insults came to here over 200 candidates have pulled. i've since their respective races in a paid no to split the vote interfering in the democratic choice of the people. however, i know everyone is on board, even in mac homes and camp phone says interior minister on 91 top to leave. the country says she cannot vote for the last legend port authority. i greatly admire the police law enforcement. i liked the gendarme too much to be able to vote for candidates. i find some about domino and went on to one of potential violence in the country. this weekend and say, tens of thousands of extra police being deployed vague, getting ready for a re, one of the protest sitting golf pots of phones at the national riley top the pole in the 1st round, the allman on his sudden violence as a ready mod based campaign just as a result of those protests,
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more than 50 physical attacks and being recorded against candidates, an activist. i didn't want to be the 1st time the friendship given them the thing due to the ruling elite when to award today. back in the 2022 presidential election will show mcnaly shown from the hall, and last was a knock that his support is age to vote for my call. did they been they have only a music 33 percent said that they would. okay, so what is this cool? food tax cool voting tactical booking actually works well then is a very broad spectrum. a party isn't joined together from the last about to join mount coon. nope. that gosh, i live full, says have historically betrayed the promises that they have made. i think we would be making a mistake if we give the impression that the background does not matter. and that's the only deformed us, if there was no clear majority in the voting fonts could be in for a rough ride,
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and it's one micron will no longer be fearing his friends are already warning. she may have to bite the bullet and resign. no one believes that there will be a presidential election in by the $27.00. obviously, the current presidents will not last be yes, in a blocks country. well, to put the list on the man who sold, he had supreme authority, but he was some, some less still being has been derided by the french as being arrogant. is he ready to give up the fight? only time will tell and the run off a vote has already begun and some overseas the french territories. they are closely watching development, says the nation, choose its new parliament to stay with us for the latest updates right here on air and also online on our website. the r t dot com as in bob way, is pushing it to completely stop using american dollars. the greenback currently accounts for over 80 percent of transactions in the southern african country. but
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presidents, emerson, among god, what has announced plans for a place the dollar with the new zig currency standing for as in bob way gold in mind and does not like us, but you like the money from his country god fork. so as donald p f, we can not keep using and relying on the currency that belongs to people who do not like us. because one day they will try to hamper our efforts, van, and we will not have a leg to stand on this. it was introduced as the nations official currency in april with the band of the us dollar. it will be the only currency used in the southern african countries starting from 2026. and the multi currency system that has been in place for a decade and a half. but as of now, the greenback is still used in many transactions across the nation. international monetary fund emission to zimbabwe concluded that the introduction of the zach has health is economic and stability in the country. the zig official exchange rate has so far to main stable and then
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a boat of macro economic instability in the 1st 3 months of the year. assuming the democracy, the belie zation, the sustained cumulative installation in the remainder of the year is projected about 7 percent. with some background, right band of the use of the us $1.20 replacing it with as in bob blan dollar, us currency was brought back into circulation. the following year, due to the covet pandemic, to help deal with the shortage and for an reserves the newest egg which is replacing doesn't bump, brand dollar is backed by gold, to stop at losing value like its predecessors. we spoke earlier with loop in the hubs. oka director at university of zambia, who says the african dream of equal economic cooperation with the west never materialized as a point, the number of guns is outside of the fighting. that is in gold, i'm most giving it to the sweets alonzo, a new london. my husband is going to be he has been kept increasing the domestic.
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i'm so rising countries of the i but you know, i the dream all for invalid investments. don't thing africa. the dream of, you know, as being able to live on your taxes and you're not turned off on, you know, middle resources to, uh, to find uh, in order to income, just wanna bring economy basically, basically things have been proven wrong. there are some experience as to the fact that keeping you know, in the resources in our us through his, that he's old, you know, in europe somewhere is not going to vote because the black and the switch any time . and also in terms of breaks, there's a lot of hope in that especially dropping kind of just for breaks to come up with an alternative mind, but it's just in faxes. i don't think it's just the way up. you know, we can move, you know, resources we can set that big thing that we cannot different most policies. and
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people won't be able to do that without, you know, being a free meals calling to find a crowd of 200000 people have gathered at the russia expo in central moscow to mark the end of a months long, grand exhibition displaying the country's diverse achievements more than 18000000 people have visited since november and are to correspond to amendment of shar brings us this report from the closing ceremony. we are right now at the rush to expo at most close bed inside exemption center and according to authority, that is now considered to be the top 10 most visited exhibitions worldwide. now the exemption started in november of 2023. and because of his popularity, it extended itself all the way to july of 2020. for me. this is when you've been with us. it's not the 1st time we've been here waiting. we will hear. and vince, the main exhibition to day we came to walk round probably on to wing during the flow a show especially like what do you the like it's here. we stuff got never been how
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you it's my 1st time here. yep. and i came from the year old and it's incredible. very beautiful. there are so many exhibitions. every thing is very interesting for the new i see, of course, i wish the x edition would last even longer. i urge those who organizes this amazing exposition to keep up the same level of creativity for future events. now, the expo is displayed the difference and rich culture of russia, different heritage, different foods, the technological developments all throughout the country. so you can imagine that it is why the popular spots to be at the moment. since its inception the rush expo has hosted more than 17000 business, cultural educational and sports events. the closing ceremony is naturally eccentric . so families and friends are out to celebrate and enjoy the occasion. one cannot and one of the country's most vibrant events without a fun.


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