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tv   News  RT  July 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the law, the mirror zelinski is all fit saves any potential piece mediator must the line, their views with t f. first, that comes after on re prime minister and leads the russian president to this and go facing sparking. and i've tried for me, you official i am, i am, i'm a friend of what i'm saying that the hungry elsewhere a sucker lot from the piece i'm looking for the sure front because the way i just took this was and create the very least consider that we belong to them to know it well, hold on forever. our resources will remain for us in our population. american up a leader, a say that west will exploit out africa. no more. does work, you know,
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fast to molly in new jersey, greece or former union defend integration. this house, also a head on the program. 0 people are wrong. i congratulate you on your victory from the dialogue and national unit. see, i will do you with the problems of society and all economic social, cultural, and political fields around reform is president elect urges the nation to rally behind him. masoud positions and celebrates victory in the run off of the with the recap of the big stories from the 1st 7 days of july and rights up to the moment developments as well. welcome to the weekly and or the office of the ukrainian president sales issue, that the money that any potential piece mediator must 1st a line there spends with of kias. i think the talk of an immediate cease fire is
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unacceptable. it follows the hung gary and prime minister's visit to moscow to discuss the resolution of the ukraine conflict with president clinton. the trip spark fears, criticism on both sides of the atlantic to oregon or tried to dismiss you allegations of quote appeasement. after his meeting with vladimir putin on friday, i am i am. i'm a friend of what i'm saying that the hungry out there a sucker lot from the piece. that's very important. i'm from the piece. the reason why i negotiated pitching, because i'm looking for the shortest front, because the way to step before and create a piece of data room prime. it is to victor. all buttons, surprise visit to must go this way. should have been heritage as a major breakthrough. it is meeting with the russian president vladimir putin sold a pad, discuss a potential si, fi, and an end to a conflict. so as long stayed around the decades, both set the dialog roommate,
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the only way to peace is mtv and h. we in europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years now. we have sort of, we do not feel safe, and this war has factored into a breakdown of economic development being done. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue with folk and i will continue this work and i've asked you spoke as a courtesy to your green sponsors. conf. ready to use this country and its people as a battering ram, more sacrifice for confrontation with russia as we see is to most of them there is still an unwillingness in key of to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter. and you should have never the less suppose that we are grateful for the prime minister. that is because we see this is an attempt to restore diabetes. tatiana what's instead of welcoming open space mission, which also included a private sector care for amazing. we've loved them. is that landscape, the west and sponsors of the proxy war and ukraine went into a collective meltdown. appeasement will not stop fulton on the unit. the end
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determination will pay the past 2 comprehensive, just and lasting peace in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the you or the used positions. he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abused in the you council presidency and traveling the kremlin without the mandate either the hon. gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair. they to over the visits person as tom dev and prime minister. they use position is very clear, were contempt of austin hall for dressing, for all that so called peace conference is a ground, a standing over russian aggression. it seems that you, craig, is west and boxes prefer was more of a jewel jewel. the a you assistant piece, thoughts kind of how without you crying. of course, this is said without the headings of all have any russia. i was not even invited to
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the high profile and dissolve the so called peace conference in switzerland last month. because the piece discussions copy how without ukraine, but i can be held without russia. a sign was the definition of hypocrisy. lensky himself has introduced legislation binding your crime from entering peace talks with russia. well, nato chief, you insult him, but says old ones, cool for peace. was not the position of the ministry alliance me so long as i felt the presenting nathan after these meetings his up sending his own country when to fight the ends. and we need a security. we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's also one of the reasons why i'll also say that has stated that ukraine will become a member on april washington, the biggest supplier, voluntary crane. and also i waited in warning, bizarrely,
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the peace talks actually moved the situation further away from peace. we are concerned that prime minister or bond would choose to make this, this trip to moscow, which will not advance the cause of peace and is counter productive to promoting new frames of sovereignty, territory integrity and independence. so it seems the mos, cuz what infinity slipped was allowed to be a permanent, has maintained on alone. the russian remains open and committed to peace negotiations. t, as on the west of doing all the icons to prolong war from scott, bring a peace deal that would have seen a c 5 back in 2022 to the seemingly never ending for weapons. well, green, i think you're tucked inside russia. it seems that west is prepared to sacrifice cycles of ukrainians. right. so because, but it's not peace talks and watts it's, it's almost unprecedented to see a peace mission condemned so strongly. it's almost as if the west has another agenda. i think the leader in the west and the united states don't want these. i
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think they want to draw russian to quad meyer to week, and russia use ukraine is a base for the stabilizing russia, and the united states wants to dominate eurasia. and ukraine clearly doesn't have the manpower to continue this war. they lost a lot of territory. i think there's a lot of unrest and disaffection with the government and ukraine. i think so, lines gaze increasingly on the hot seats and i think europe has suffered economically as or about pointed out that you know, skyrocketing energy prices, just one thing. there's a lot of other s i people are unhappy. leaders have to meet and discuss the problems and work out solutions, and yet they're attacking any leader that goes over the russia. reflects is risk of global climate and it's more like mentality. okay, another story to bring you today for tina thought. so molly, in nature, have signed a treaty to form a consideration of the health states. the park was
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a great during the 1st joint summit between the nations in new jersey capital this weekend and will be adopted at a later date. the office summit, the brook and i'll be later accused the west of exploring africa. i think the things might be different. cynthia, this is no cancer. those imperialists consider that we belong to them. the wealth also belongs to them separately. i think that they're the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our stages. africa are confident that suffered so much and because of our lives there always in this area, the rather has it in our resources we will remain for us in our population. so just a highly significant announcement there from the 1st. joining summit by missouri, molly, and for kenneth fossil, the trends federation of the house states would be actually a as well group, 72000000 people from the 3 nations. but it seems that it confirms a break away from the rest of the 15 member west. often block the co us, the 3 nations of often accused because of pandering to foreign powers,
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including the former colonial ruler, france, and the military leaders believe move. good shock. greta is a great sean and for saturday among the nations on saturday. and they told about promoting indigenous languages and mutual lies in their off, which is very important. factors like on the culture, water energy, and the transport following to july 2023, cool. but also at present mohammed assume and actually in general, after i main, she added to power relations between the cost and the 3 masons have deteriorated. watching those a comic sanctions and threatened to a military base. i need to be sure to restore constitutional order for despite the regional body lifting sciences to pursue dialogue with the nation relations between the 2 fights of remain crossed. in january, the 3 masons announced directly from f o s, and the march created
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a joint military force to come about that she had as groups so resolutely of talk the a territory. they have also said that the military and defense types of funds while seeking to create a corporation with ross. yeah. meanwhile, it costs is holding lead us summit, sundays in a window where it talks about relations with the confederation are expected to dominate for this cause some see will be as archie borgia material. well, some reaction, former nigerian and boss that are to the ussr calla current move. so use the new block will bring the states closer together and will enable more intense efforts and addressing the regions pressing issues. the creation of a more structured organization in the form of a configuration is the protocol and bottom and default decision. this will enable us to address certain issues which for the citizens of all 3 countries will means pledging allegiance the unit 5, military combined,
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and pulling all resources and capabilities, consecutive security challenges for us. then as a matter of life and death, everything will be organized to combine all forces, create conditions for coordination among all 3 armies and allow them to operate more coherently and effectively across all 3 territories. reform is candidates has been elected as a rems new president, and will be an organ rated in the coming weeks following a run of thoughts and lawsuits. position can try him to over conservative side jelly. the winner secured just over half of the 30500000 ballots costs during his victory speech semester project scam cold under really is to work together under his leadership. a lot of these 80 people is wrong. i congratulate you. on your victory. you took a big step in the 2nd phase of elections. you created an upward show and see for
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ron and brought home from vitality back into not most fear were discontent. the rotation and despondency of society had been i think you all from now on. i will say dialogue, national unity. i will deal with the problems of society and all economic social, cultural and political fields. because there's john met the res width of 16300000 volts, while g d, his conservative rival, all gone are all the 13500000 volts punching the numbers. that's a significant lead over a jetty, the around 3000000 volts margin on the side. us, he's our during his campaign trail that he will resolve economic challenges in the country through constructive engagement with the entire world. the eastern hemisphere under western hemisphere all include that of course. but that does not mean that iran will ignore and overlook the chief events. may vice president of
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brian bracy builds, relationship with traditional allies, including russia and china as the global south. in general, what the discount is going to do is that he is expected to maintain and preserve those policies adopted by the late president ibrahim bracy in maintaining closer ties with the global south of perhaps expanding ties with member states of breaks under shanghai cooperation organization. but at the same time is going to also look at these look westward. i tried to resolve the long standing issues of these between one and the western block. so that is based on his campaign promise for. so it remains to be seen how he's going to handle this stance and how he's going to forward with what his plans towards building ties better ties with the western world. se faces challenges both at home and abroad at home. the space by the hard
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line, conservative politicians within parliament who are not going to maintain a cooperative stance and approach with the president elect business beyond the because they do not believe in giving in to the western excessive demands, including potential donald trump sweet entry into the white house, as donald trump made it clear that he's not going to be satisfied with a nuclear deal without addressing it was this whole program. so that is not going to sit well with a predominantly conservative parliament. so it remains to be seen watts measurements and wanting initiatives physically on has in mind to try to navigate those challenges. but for now he has 2 major steps to take before assuming office 1st he has to receiving your smart far you have on supreme leader. that's a tradition and you're wrong in the wrong politics for any president who wants to assume offers. he has to go through this process or spend 5 year warranty. and so
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pre beat or later, he has to take the oath of office. and the most important part is that he has to propose a cabinet to sign up for approval by the one in lawmakers. we also heard that he's slated to hold a press conferences, 1st press conference as the president elect all these moments later. today we're going to keep you updated about the conferences with nations around the world, the region, the world in large as well. have congratulated the president elect latimer put, sent a letter, expressing his hope that relations between the 2 countries will continue to contribute to regional security and stability. at beside a crime principle had been selma from his intention to deepen mutually beneficial ties with around to as lots many comments as cfo from western leaders on the
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election. i come before voting begun. mainstream media was flooded with headlines, claiming that the process would be less than democratic. i'm not, it was essentially a given that a conservative candidate would win it really and scholar, uncommented her food is. abby said the results of the presidential election showed that those claims were on the find. i think said this may be a shock to risk some media outlets. that's a try to demonize you guys elections? there is a 20 that's even guessing from vista and media. this is that there is this conservative of body of clinics that let's candidates the choose candidates and the, because you don't have this classification has this body of basically judges. then you runs elections. i'm not saying i'm not a democrat tick and it may be a shock to them to see a very therefore miss candidates coming as of this election process. and so
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the accusing is this constitutional council they need on as in january elections. you know, we had over a 100, as far as the a speaking child i was telling, you know, i me as based in u. k. um, united states telling you that i me as to buy clubs, evictions, and the fact that you get 50 percent participation and the kind of severe this and i'll make sanctions and coming to the polls saying no to these this and media outlets and the media outlets such as support for playlists and governments. i think that's just check. i think that's the supervisor. so overall, i think this is a good day for the united, the, as the democracies is in practice. and i think the new president website to something to fix some of the country's problems now under the guise of fighting
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terrorism. us forces in syria actually have a different agenda that's according to the chinese foreign ministry, is to plunder the countries resources which page in states has put over half of the syrian countries population in a desperate situation. a me, sherry used to be a weed exporting country, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food insecurity. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. fox have shown that the united states seems to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time, yet it infringes on the right to subsistence and the right to life of the people of other countries. it claims to defend democracy and freedom and prosperity, while in fact, it constantly creates humanitarian crises. the us should earnestly respect serious sovereignty and sir, it's oral integrity immediately and it's a legal military presence in syria stopped blundering serious national resources and then take concrete actions to make up for the harm. it has calls to this during
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people cooking with me. you will, according to the un which production in syria has dropped by 3 quarters since chaos erupt in the country. back in 2011. nearly 13000000 people are struggling with inadequate food supplies. with millions more on the brink of damascus has repeatedly accused washington of profiting from smuggling grain highlighting the mood as a clear violation of international law. while along with that us troops occupied energy rich areas of the nation and how being known to ferry i, laurie convolt, after convoy all boys depriving the government of finances to support its people. what we're seeing here now is video footage allegedly of american military vehicles accompanying a rig of oil tanker trucks headed to a rocks northern border. no siri as we are just seeing your eyes,
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those thoughts offers are 2500000000 barrels of proven or reserves. but it can't realize about potential as its industry was degraded during the war on subsequent us occupation. local officials of estimated the government's loss of revenue at over $37000000000.00, while citizens say american troops are making their lives unbearable. the 2nd, the only that would be awesome. yes. troops patrol the main roads in the area daily . one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers promos, various vehicles loaded with syrian resources constantly and so the space out there . so it's the kind of occupation. how do we hope to get rid of it? the actions on making us stop, they have taken out fluids and everything from us making life very difficult to the villages and people here on the won't do us troops to leave our account, see. so we can return, see how things were before 2011, another head of news out
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a cradle at geo political analysis sites. esteban colorado phase, the student resources have funded separate his groups in syria as washington. once again, 6, the top of the officially elected govern a b c's of daily occurrence. the depth of oil, the depth of wheat a i think i, you know, it's interesting that to, to highlight the see we have one point was, are we exporting a country and now that people, you know, a measly ends up serious equity secured. not just because of the meeting will be all, but you have to consider that you as economic sanctions. so the us currently controls about a 3rd of syria, mainly they are they resource breach regents. now syria does not have, you know, a, a huge oil supplies. we're not talking about exact, we're not talking about saudi arabia, so this learning is not meant to, to light the field. the call for the of the us government is just me to create both the government and the mass goes to, to force a raging change, and also to fund the the activities of courteous proxies ignored the serial. mainly
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the phone numbers that maybe sprays from the north end, the syria on the syrian democratic forces. who are main before that was involved for the most part in these booting operations because us fruits and syria, according to washington, they don't exceed 900. but then all of these shipments, they have reached the rocket. curtis, the region where the us has bases where israel has most outlaws and where all of these resources are result, then the money funneled back into the curtis process. so they, they can continue to occupy syria and strangle the government. the no new bowman shell revelations about notorious convicted p to file jeffrey epstein came to light this week. formerly secret transcripts were released on monday of a grand jury investigation in 2006, demonstrating that you as prosecutors knew he was committing sex acts against under age girls 2 years before cutting a plea,
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deal with him are too short to deepen. ski takes up the story. when jesse epstein was arrested for sex, trafficking of mine is back in 2019, his famous friends will fled the scene for him. and us president bill clinton on one time, epstein confident said he knew nothing about his terrible crimes. but it's now imagine just how protected epstein was despite being described by a judge as the most infamous p defy in american history. for almost 20 years. the story of how jeffrey epstein victimized some of the palm beach county is most vulnerable, has been the subject of much anger and has a times diminished the public's perception of the criminal justice system. the document reveals florida to prosecute his new the late finance. here was assaulting teenage girls long before they caught him, d u. a 2006 grand jury investigation looked at allegations of rape and sex, trafficking,
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and uncovered epstein's close relationship with the rich and powerful. having reviewed the testimony, the court also finds the testimony relates to sexual activity between epstein and child victims of sex trafficking. again, it is widely accepted that epstein is a notorious and serial pedophile. the testimony taken by the grand jury concerns activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape all of the conduct that issue is sexually deviant. disgusting and criminal. the details in the record will be outrages to decent people. it is also important to note that some of the testimony in the records of epstein pen ophelia involved other people. and that's the crux he epstein had deep ties across the world. people protected him possibly in order to protect themselves from being exposed to sexual predators. those toys enabled epstein to avoid a serious jail to him for over a decade during which she continued to pray on children. one girl was only 14 when
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she massaged epstein, who offered to a 100 read books more for him to perform. 6 acts, girls were told they could earn more money if they brought him of the girls with the emphasis on them being young. he said, i know you're uncomfortable. if you bring the girls, i will pay you to bring the girls. she agreed to bring the girls to him and he sold him the younger, the better it's stones, web of connections help secure. do you web i, he served a short jail sentence for, for less serious crimes. namely, procuring a person under the age of 18 for prostitution and solicitation of prostitution that the was signed off by alex acosta in 2008, late to relate the secretary for the trumpet ministration. when not looking public, acosta was forced to resign. but even in doing so, it didn't seem that he was remorseful of that. do you have to have this, hey,
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that is over 12 years old. that has input and bedding at multiple levels of the department of justice. and as i look forward, i do not think it is right and fair for this administrative labor department they have seen as the focus, but this was epstein. so he to continued evasion of persecution for so long. he wasn't just friends with those in power. he told me to, to the campaigns, holidays with them, and just accused of acting as a cure of the children from the sexual pleasures to even major media outlet say when they was sniffing around the story, they were blocked. i've had the story for 3 years. i've had a center here with virginia roberts, we would not put it on the air. first i was told who's jeffrey, i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story. often the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us
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a 1000000 different ways. we were so afraid we wouldn't be able to interview kate and will is all that way. you think that also flush the story and then um and then ollander schwartz was also implicated and because of the plane. so she told me everything, she had pictures, she and everything she was in hiding for 12 years and convinced her to come out. we convinced her to talk to us. it was unbelievable. we had clinton with everything. and even when the real probes into epstein's exploits began, he pled the 5th a convenient paul to the us constitution. meaning people have the right to remain silent and not incriminate themselves. have you ever been convicted of a crime? yes. what was the crime of which you were convicted? it took about counts, one could soliciting prostitution, and procuring a mind for prostitution. do you in fact commit those acts about my 5th amendment rights?
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how many times, if you solicited a minor for prostitution? same answer. how many times if you solicited a minor for prostitution of the state of florida? same answer. have you ever solicited a minor for prostitution of a virgin islands? same answer. that is at the you are involving your 5th amendment. yes. right. while it's not getting no new shed in epstein, sick fantasies, it is known who he mixed with billing as royalty on the political american elite. its thing was a prolific don't sending thousands of dollars at a time to those in his circle. all those he wanted influence over of to of reading justice for so long at the thing was finally arrested. he died in prison while awaiting trial. the official version is but he took his life up as believe he was taken out to ensure he didn't review what he knew and who else was involved. what's
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clear from these newly released documents is that the role of jeffrey epstein leads back to, to the establishment directly. but questions remain. who are those individuals and why are they still being protected? charlotte davinsky with the report now western weapons tend to p. f. i've ended up in complex far from new crate, leading to many questions regarding oversight. next in our tea documentary demonstrates how there's also carlos between that and a conflict from the ninety's ukraine's arms. barnes begins in moments the
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the altima 2023. a surprise attacked launched against israel by how much militaries show the world. the no one had expected, the palestinian runs. it goes to have so many cutting edge weapons. in the aftermath of the attack militants open. a multi frame for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these rays. this is the see the device. how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose template visual is constantly complain about shortages of i munition and.


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