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tv   News  RT  July 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the last level, so the mirror zelinski is off, it saves any potential piece mediator a musta line there use with kia 1st that comes up to a hungary prime minister of the russian president to discuss peace sparking. and i've tried for officials i am, i am, i'm a friend of what the audio. yeah. so the spectrum up from the piece i'm looking for to sure. because the way to stick this war and create a piece of computer that we belong to them in a wealth also belongs to them. this area is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our population. the perch and of a leader of say to the west will explode africa and no more just breaking up stuff
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. so molly, in nature agreed to form a union and different integration in this a hell democratic party members call on president biden, to quit the u. s. presidential race, but the incumbent stays only gold, could persuade the but the retail, the big stories from the 1st 7 days of july and right up to the moment developments as well. welcome to the weekly on our to the office of the ukrainian president announced issues of the mountain, but any potential piece mediator must 1st a line their expense without of key. as i think the talk of an immediate cease fire is unacceptable. a quarter of a 1000000 little towards the bank is not a peacemaker in any way. and once he proposes to temporarily stop aggression at the expense of the victim and the celebrated mass serial killer,
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i don't quite understand it. maybe we speak different languages with subjects like hor by the feet. so he's making this about something else. any country serious about mediation will not publicly make but now statements. when they say we support an immediate cease fire shows they are not ready for a mediation mission. big wars require a different approach. the follows the on gary and probably ministers visit to must go to discuss the resolution of the ukraine conflict with president put in the crypt sparks fierce criticism on both sides of the atlantic. victor or bon dismissed you allegations of quote, a piece minutes after his meeting with a lot of them are putting on friday i am i am. i'm a friend of what i'm saying that the hungry i swear a sucker lot from the piece. that's very important that i'm from the piece. the reason why i negotiated pitching, because i'm looking for the shortest front, because the way to step before and create
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a piece of employment is to victor alba on surprise. visit to must go this week should have been heritage as a major breakthrough, it is meeting with russian president vladimir putin sold a pad, discuss a potential si, fi, and an end to a conflict. so as long stayed around a decade, both said the dialogue, like the only route to piece or something like that which isn't even a we in europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years. now. we do not feel safe, and this war has factored into a breakdown of economic development. and then the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this work and i've asked you spoke, i said sir, i see to ukraine sponsors continue to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it. there is still an unwillingness in key of to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter end. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister because we see this as an attempt to restore
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the dialogue box instead of welcoming open space mission, which also included a private sector cab for a meeting with them is the lender skiing, the west, and sponsors of the proxy war and ukraine went into a collective meltdown. appeasement will not stop fulton on the unit. the end determination will pay the past 2 comprehensive, just and lasting peace in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the you or the used positions. he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling to kremlin without a mandate either the hon. gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair the to over and visits person as tom, debbie and prime minister. the use position is very clear, were contempt of austin hall for dressing,
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for all that so called peace conference is a ground, a standing over russian aggression. it seems that ukraine is west and boxes prefer world war a jewel jewel. the a, you assistant piece thoughts kind of the how without you, craig, and of course this is said without the hidden surviving the russia. i was not even invited to the high profile and dissolve the so called peace conference in switzerland last month. so the case, the piece discussions, copy how without ukraine, but i can be held without russia. a sign was the definition of hypocrisy. lensky himself has introduced legislation binding your crime from entering peace talks with russia. well, nato chief, you insult him, but says old ones, cool. for peace was not the position of the ministry alliance. we so long as i felt the presenting and they go out to these meetings. he's representing his own country when to fight the ends. and we need
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a security. we need to enable the credit unions to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course that's what is the one the reasons why allies ok, that has stated that ukraine will become a member on april washington. the biggest supplier, voluntary pride, and also i waited in warning as all the piece to oaks actually move the situation further away from pace. we are concerned that prime minister or bond would choose to make this trip to moscow, which will not advance the cause of peace and is counter productive to promoting new frames of sovereignty, territory integrity and independence. so it seems the most cuz what infinity slipped was allowed to be a pretty soon as maintained on alone. the russian remains open and committed to peace negotiations. t, as on the west of doing old icons to prolong war from scott, bring a piece deal that would have seen a c 5 back in 2022 to the seemingly never ending for weapons. well, green,
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i think you're tucked inside russia. it seems that west is prepared to sacrifice thousands of ukrainians bread so because, but it's not peace talks and watts it's, it's almost unprecedented to see a peace mission condemned so strongly. it's almost as if the west has another agenda. i think the leader in the west and united states don't want piece. i think they want to draw russian to kwan my are to week and russia use ukraine is a base for the stabilizing russia, and the united states wants to dominate eurasia. and ukraine clearly doesn't have the manpower to continue this war. they lost a lot of territory. i think there's a lot of unrest and disaffection with the government and ukraine. i think the landscape is increasingly on the hot seats and i think europe has suffered economically as or about pointed out that you know, skyrocketing energy prices, just one thing. there's a lot of other us people are unhappy. leaders have to meet and discuss the problems
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and work out solutions, and yet they're attacking any leader that goes over the russia reflects is risk the fall, the climate and this war like mentality can know this to a, to bring you today for a keen of 1st somali and is your hub, signed a treaty to form a confederation of the health states. the park was agreed during the 1st joint summit between the nations in this year as capital this weekend and will be adopted later at the summit. the book and i'll be liter, accused the west of exporting african i think that things will not be different. i cynthia, this is no cancer. those imperialists consider that we belong to them. a wealth also belongs to them. so they think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states, africa, our continent that suffered so much because of the impair, always, this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations, said a highly significant announcement there from the 1st joined summit. mine is our molly
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and virginia fossil. the confederation of the house states with the 28th will improve 72000000 people from the 3 nations. but it seems that it confirms a break away from the rest of the 15 member west, often block the co us the 3 nations of often accused requests of pandering to foreign powers, including the former colonial ruler front. and the military leaders believe move shots greater integration and prosperity among the nations on saturday. and they talked about promoting indigenous languages and mutual lies in their operates. 2 important factors, like every culture, water, energy and transport following to july 2023. cool. but also at present mohammed assume and are shooting general up to our main psionic power relations between f o s and the 3 masons have deteriorated. f was imposed economy sanctions and threatened to a military and the phase. i need to be sure to restore constitutional order,
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but despite the regional body lifting the sanctions to pursue dialogue with the nations relations between the 2 sides of remain frosty. in january, the 3 nations announced directly from f o s, and the march created a joint military force to come about, but she had, as groups resolutely attack the territory. they have also savannah, the military and defense ties with funds while seeking to create a corporation with russia. meanwhile, it costs is holding those lead us summit, sundays, and avoid a wet talks about relations with the confederation. are expected to dominate for this cause. some c or b as archie borgia, nigeria kalak caught them who was it and busted of news, you're a to the ussr. he told us the new block will bring the states closer together on unable, more intense efforts in addressing the regions pressing issues. the
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creation of a more structured organization in the form of a configuration is the protocol and bought them into fall decision. this will enable us to address certain issues, which for the citizens of all 3 countries will mean pledging allegiance the unified military command and pulling all results and capabilities to tackle security challenges. for us, this is a matter of life and death. everything will be organized to combine all forces, create conditions for coordination among all 3 armies, and allow them to operate more coherently and effectively across all 3 territories . another leaving voice in the democratic party has called on joe biden to leave the u. s. presidential race after his train rec performance and last month's debate against donald trump. you went to what i saw and heard from the president during last week's debate in atlanta, coupled with the lack of a forceful response from the president himself. holding that debate,
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i do not believe that the president can effectively competing and when against the trump. that's why i respectfully call on the president biden. to step aside, is the democratic nominee for a 2nd term as president and allow for new jersey to ation of leaders to step forward. yes, familiar remarks and those concerns grew by the day over president biden's health netflix co find or read hastings who's one of the democrats, the biggest donors has also call them the incumbent to step aside about sentiment is echoed by a group of some 168 political donors, civic leaders, and business executives, we've already called on biden to withdrawal in a letter to senior white house officials as questions swirl over the future of his candidacy. the 81 year old stated in his latest century that only gold could persuade him to quit. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, will you stand down the premises?
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lord almighty concern sounds. i don't think anybody's more qualified to be president for women's race. i mean, some automatic amounts of jo, get out of the race. i gather. i some florida might is not coming down. was by jo biden's confidence republican party nominate donald trump. this week took a swing in his rival on the golf course, saying his days are numbered. unpredicted, vice president, pamela harvest would take off to bed. he just quit, you know, he's quit interest. is that right? yeah, i got about to and that means you have. com a lot. i think she's going to be better. she's so so pathetic. so it's just yourself. it's behind the scenes. many are indeed wondering if it is coming up for us who will enter the race if by new steps aside or is forced to. we've got to take them up from investigative journalist. i'm fond of the truth and media project pencil. a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting. first of all, it's all been a huge set up, right. we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with the
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president. by the end, the things are called chief fake videos. there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history early as has ever been held. and then suddenly, the same night is the debate. every prominent democrats in the country is making phone calls to, to the pundents, saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong combined in the whole thing was the setup in order to remove him before the convention because the democratic convention and the republican conventions where the actual nominates are decided since have not been held yet in this country. and so they do have time to do this. now some of the names that are being floated out there, there are several of them, obviously, couple of harris who's the vice president of the united states. there's a lot of talk about her even though her approval rating has actually been far lower the by that is through office terms. so she's not the likely candidate, gavin newsome who is the governor of california. obviously there are a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making this kind of a rouse to national media a lot lately as a bite. and so it good. you have gretchen whitmore who is the governor of michigan . she's also a kind of a rising star in the democratic party, but again,
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not entirely popular, especially on, on national level and national pulling. now there has been talk and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk that there was a design plan here by the obama's actually runs michelle obama, the former 1st lady as the candidate and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy. it's a conspiracy theory. and yeah, now that rumor is kind of re surfacing again, but maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama is to remove, bided, and to push in a different canada, whether it's michelle obama, gavin newsom, cala harris or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure though is that they did this after the primary was over and before there was a conventions because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f. kennedy junior,
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who was eventually he dropped out of the democratic side in his running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. so they've now bypass the primaries and now it's the selection process of replacing by now, all of a sudden the media who's been complacent with all of this is pretending that this is now shocking. and this is now new. whitehouse tended off tough questions about president, spite and fitness president biden's re election campaign, scrambling to east concerns over his acuity president biden's alarming debate performance last night. so all too clearly that he does not seem to be up for serving for more years in office. i don't think any one can really do 9. now. the mental states that by and these, in this version of biting intellectually, analytically, is the best buys and after his mental acuity is great. it's fine. he has a tremendous amount of wisdom and experience. this is a man who is sharp,
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who is on top of his game. i think people should be speaking up for joe biden. i would call them useful idiots because that's what the, the media in this country have. it served as for the democratic party and really for the establishment republican party as well. they are useful idiots. so why that they, they the about face because someone in the democratic leadership and i, i would argue it is most likely the obama is with someone in the, in the democratic leadership, turn the media in one night and said, now it is okay to take this position because we're getting rid of him, it is a coordinated effort. there is no way every governor in the state and senator and congressman decides in one night because of one bad debate performance. the joe biden was fine and now he's on the fit to serve as president. it does not happen that fast without there being a coordinated effort. and that's absolutely what's happened here. the opinion polls also show that a fighting drops out of the presidential race, vp hardest. is likely to replace them as nama named spots in polling, she lives behind trump as well, whose popularity has arisen after the debate?
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miss r as also has her own way with words, which often raises questions if she would for a much better than her current boss. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do, i love then diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet administration approves the vaccine before or after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? with donald trump tells us i said that we should take it. i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame. the significance of
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the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time and there is such great significance to the passage of time. when we think about a day in the life of our children, we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. paris is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6 for that, which is what biden is down 4745. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple of hours his approval rating was at 36 percent. jo biden's was $41.00, so he, she has that traditionally had a low approval rating, then joe biden. and what you played just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks of com allow hours. i mean, because that's what they say because that's who she is. she, she talks like she's in high school and has
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a minimum word requirement to me. when giving a speech, you're writing a paper as she just goes on, you call the word sell it. that's very appropriate. she has no garage the task. there's absolutely no grubby task, but it has to become a harris and we're, what are you going to do with our? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president with demons 1st female vice president period and advise and steps aside what the party is going to toss her side. also, that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it has to be hera's . if it's not going to be buying unless she says i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she will as well pundits of the public. i like discuss who'd be the next president, tesla space ex fund or most cuz crypt but the country house we've had a leader making decisions in quite some time. conservative renew, host political commentator. steve gill says it's clear biden's not able for
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a 2nd term. i'm but it's figures in the background who are actually in charge. i think the biggest problem with this debate over whether i read the present biking should continue to run for president. is it there focused on the politics instead of the power of the presidency? i'm more concerned that he's not capable of doing his job, that i am about him running to keep the job. and unfortunately, the focus is all on politics and not the danger to the us. and the danger to the world was him remaining in power. i think it president trump gets elected as i expect to you will. i think you're going to see him literally rip out the deep state by the routes to the department of justice, the f b r i a lot of our military top. but what officials, i think you're gonna see the major changes that i know that there are republicans who have served in his previous administration. and republicans that are likely to injure his administration if he wins. that are already preparing for how they go in
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was the process of the 1st 60 days after he would get an audio rated to do as much as they can as quickly as they can. and not ways to move a moment with all the damage that's been done. the rushes bike, how i'm, we're main line real way. will markets, 50th anniversary on monday built spike in the soviet era. it's set to become the main for 8 highway for eastern siberia ortiz. marina costs rep. they expands and why that's significant. as we all know, that russia is geographically the largest country in the world. but why centers seem to forget that when they focus on the country's problems and compare it to you or the, or the you watch? that's like comparing apples and marbles. because if you combine your and the west territory would still be smaller than russia. that's a lot of wind and a lot of challenges. the fact that russia has managed to connect the most remote places in the country. there's a fee to itself. but it went even further with
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a construction project of the century, the by called a more railway, also known as the band. it was a strategic alternative to the trans siberian railway, traverse in eastern siberia to russia's far east. it was 2 or 3 times that once crossing 6 federal subjects with several major rivers, $280.00 railway stations, $63.00 towns and villages along the way. the highway even runs through permafrost. port temperatures range from minus 60 to plus $43.00 degrees celsius. archie traveled to the band to witness the beauty 1st hand the pacific entered the graduation of my husband. the night came to come some months
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and we lived the rest of our lives here in years or even more, the city grew before our eyes. bomb developed with us, i've been working on the railroad for more than 40 years. my husband works for the minister of internal affairs, so everything grew before our eyes. the forest is very rich and of resources. there's all kinds of stones. everyone knows this goal is goes to factories, oliver, russia and we're all participants in the promotion of this cargo. and the study work of our entire industry to ben was completed in the early ninety's, but it's a decades of hard to work and over $10000000000.00 to make it happen. soviet builders worked tirelessly in incredible conditions, overcoming several challenges. the task was to create the shortest east west and 2 continental roots and open access to the country's natural resources. some people have to be at the turn of the century. them helped open the asian pacific markets
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to the russian economy, provided a reliable transit route for entire asia. and in conjunction with the trans siberian railway, became a truly strategic transport car door of not only national but also global significance. and now the bam is more important than ever with prussia focused on the east. the main lines carrying capacity is set to each $42000000.00 metric tons this year. all of us have tripled over the last 12 years. and right traffic is expected to grow even more. there's a lot of the reasons pivot to the east would not have been possible without the bike how a more main line. it can now be clearly stated that our previous assessors may not have known any nuances, but they absolutely calculated that this reversal would happen at some point. and thanks to them, we can now implement a number of projects that could not have been possible without this real way of route. and that's not where it ends because the bam is still growing with big plans
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ahead. the aim according to vladimir putin is to expand rushes, export, and trans with capabilities, as well as to raise the living standards for russians living nearby. there's no need to get a shake. what we must do is not only to widen buckling next tasks now of far bigger along the entire length of the bottom main line. we have to build what are essentially to be secondary continuous routes built over $300.00 infrastructure sites. in 10 years time. the volume of traffic through the east and totally gone of railways should reach 270000000 tons a year. the big plans for a big country that's looking ahead and said multi paula world, where there is a growing list of partners looking to do business with russia and thanks to them and it's big brother the trans siberian railway. it's never been easier. marina call sort of a r t and that's
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a recap of the news week that was i'll be back in 13 with more of the stories making headlines this weekend state coast. this is, you are our contribution the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the, the the . 2 the whole the whole deal is all. 0 tools are new says to them,
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the sure start to go like you have to they need to be able to see the start of the what is the us is that just to look the national. so get plenty of suicide. is a move from the blue screen, the the the,
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the the sure. so yes. so we do, richard on the yeah. so no charge to come down and your bill is monthly. it does, but i'm sorry, i got somebody, but most of the guys just by 5 gigs of letting us know blue the, the bid is that is the good thing because he's got plenty of room. okay. cuz what was the hurdle for you to see what the grab says of


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