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tv   News  RT  July 7, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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a show of when i tried the phone lines on those go within the informing us and the ranger mode is set to arrive and the russian campus a long, long day. the lady was looking to boost his country's already flourishing. ties with low sky also ahead. the b solution continues and even strengthened us, so ice cubes pro war partition to fasten their seat belts now and pay close attention next week. and plus the message from the hungarian foreign minister and made them out prime on west and officials over the hung gary and premier's talks with not gonna have food in on ukraine stuff. those invariably consider that we belong to them. and a wealth also belongs to them. these arrows gone forever, our resources will remain for us in our populations. never came to be to say the west will explode to africa no more as we came to fall. so molly anastasia agreed
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to fully do name and date of integration in this the, the hello and welcome. this is the weekly, announce the international with the late as well as names along with the stories of around the stories they say the week is good to have you with us. now top story this, so as the west cape, the close on the rental moody's upcoming trip to moscow. like from and spokes person says any, any response by the occasion is warranted. so frontier, if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach of great importance and they're not wrong there. there's a lot to attach. great importance to what to make your best golf, went on to say that nobody can promote these visits to the russian federation promises. a packed agenda with both plate is expected to engage in informal discussions. he's all taser and didn't show um uh with more, almost a head,
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the most who receive a very special guest on monday, the indian prime minister. now reading the movie. now there are many for us, and this was a, it's going to be no rains or movies source by law to me, to broad. since he was re enacted in june, it's also going to be his 1st visit to russia off to the war, renew, clean sausage. and this was, was it to the country in 5 years. both sides aiming to boost the already try being new delhi most school relationship to new heights we relations with india are characterized in the fundamental biological documents as a particularly privilege strategic partnership. these are not just words. these formula reflects the true special nature of our relations from inducing dependence to the present days before we highly appreciated responsible stance taken by in there. so worth a of a great power international reading on old key issues. but on the global agenda.
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remember, india has taken a neutral stands on the war despite washington's request for india to condemn more school for the conflict. india puts its own so many interests 1st. and we've seen india bike more and more discounts to russian crude, despite west infectious disease or diplomatic or political environment. i think whoever has produced as an attitude, i don't know what they're talking about. the word is great for doing the buying. and actually it's not that they don't want us to buy that. it may be price gap. there may be other restriction. it's like this. yeah. instead of buying russian oil, we start buying more of uh, the middle east. the lower the price would not be at $75.00 or $76.00. it would be a $150.00, but it's not just oil. it's a whole lot of all those sectors. in fact, suite between india and russia has increased many fools over the last couple of years. while india imports oil a wait for the allies of metals,
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precious stones from russia. india was russia lodge. lea imports pharmaceuticals and telecom products from india. so that trends deficit exist. and the 2 leaders when they meet, that definitely will be a priority talking point engine for i'm going to send a range of movies with it to russia is seen as another endorsement to the deck of loan friendship between the 2 countries, which dates back to when the soviet union defended india, which is just liberated from the burgess through. everyone conducts a relationship based on their past experiences. if i look at the history of india post independence, russia has never hurt or interest the relations of power like you or of the west. china or japan with the russia, they have all seen ups and downs. we have had a stable and always very friendly relationship with russia and our relationship with russia. today's based on this experience, it's so it was it that the world will be watching closely. and some,
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especially in the west with a heavy heart. well, you are paying pro will. politicians should buckler, boost hungry will carry out his pace, making yes, this despise old criticism from of a you officials, lots of defiant message from the countries. foreign minister, i was having a fun last sunday sunday and the 1st week of hunger is e u. presidency is coming to an end. it may have become evident to everyone that this will be a peace mission over the next 6 months. let's talk about him getting government to do everything in his power to contribute to ending the war when our neighboring country, so that you can finally break free from the suffocating one crisis. after 2 and a half years. europe is full of full war politicians for they also came forward this week. all of them spoke up a quick decides hungry by the sun during government and the hungarian prime minister for promoting peace, negotiating the possibility of peace, the peace nation continues, and even strengthens. so ask europe's pro war petition to fasten the seat belts now,
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and pay close attention the next week as well. we thought, well that says k, at half the amount of it any d, h as a line that stands with the ukrainian government, which opposes an immediate cease or of a medium middle towards the bank, is not a peacemaker in any way. one of the or if you proposes to temporarily stop aggression at the expense of the victim and the style rate of mass serial killer. i don't quite understand that. maybe we speak different languages with subjects like or by the feet. so you think least making this about something else? any country serious about mediation will not publicly make but now statements when they say we support an immediate cease fire shows they are not ready for a mediation mission with a big worse require a different approach. it follows the hung darian apartment specific to most go to discuss the resolution of ukraine conflict with present improvements and the trip spots. 5th criticism on both sides of the atlantic mix open dismissed the
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e u obligations of court. appeasement of today's meeting with vladimir putin on friday. i am going to sort of, i am, i'm a friend of what i'm saying that the hungry i was there a sucker lot from the piece. that's very important that i'm from the piece. the reason why i negotiated pitching, because i'm looking for the shortest front, because the way to step before and create a piece of data room problem is to victor alba on surprise. visit to must go to this. we should have been heritage as a major breakthrough. it is meeting with russian president vladimir putin sold a pad, discuss a potential si, fi, and an end to a conflict. so as long stayed around a decade, both said the dialogue may be only route to piece or something like that, which isn't, you know, here we in europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years. now. we do not feel safe, and this war has factored into a breakdown of economic development. and then the 1st important step has been made
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in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this work and i've asked you, spoke with a serious see, to ukraine, sponsors continued to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it. there is still an unwillingness in key of to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter end. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this is an attempt to restore the dialogue box instead of welcoming old bonds paste mission, which also included a private sector cab for a meeting with them is that landscaping, the western sponsors of the proxy war and ukraine went into a collective meltdown. appeasement will not stop fulton on the unit. the end determination will pay the past 2 comprehensive just and lasting peace in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow, vic, to albany no way represents the u. o. the use positions he's exploiting the presidency
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position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abused in the you council presidency and traveling the kremlin without the mandate. either the hon. gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair the to over and visits person as tom deborah and prime minister. the use position is very clear. we come down to boston hall for dressing, for all that so called peace conference is a ground, the standing of a russian aggression. it seems that ukraine is west and boxes before world war a jewel jewel. the a you assistant piece, thoughts cannot be how without you craig, and of course this is said without the headings of volume and e rush. i was not even invited to the high profile and dissolve the so called peace conference in switzerland last month. so the most, because the piece discussions can't be how without ukraine, but i can be held without russia. a sign was the definition of hypocrisy. the
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lensky himself has introduced legislation binding your crime from entering peace talks with russia. well, nato chief, you insult him, but says old ones, cool for peace. was not the position of the ministry alliance so long as it's the presenting. and they go out to these meetings, who's representing his own country when the fight, the ends. and we need a security, we need to enable the craniums to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's what is the one, the reasons why allies ok, it has stated that your crane will become a member of nato washington, the biggest supplier voluntary, you train, it will say, why didn't warning, bizarrely peace talks actually move the situation further away from pace we are concerned the prime minister or bond would choose to make this trip to moscow, which will not advance the cause of peace and is counter productive to promoting new frames of sovereignty,
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territory integrity and independence. so it seems the most because when foodie slipped, well it's not to be a pretty soon as maintained on alone. the russian remains open and committed to peace negotiations. t of on the west of doing old icons to prolong war from scott bring a piece deal that would have seen a c 5 back in 2022 to the seemingly never ending for weapons. well, green, i think i talked to side russia. it seems that west is prepared to sacrifice, so i was of ukrainians for his own cause. but it's not peace talks and watts it's. it's almost unprecedented to see a peace mission condemned so strongly. it's almost as if the west has another agenda. i think the leader in the west and the united states don't want piece. i think they want to draw a rush into a quagmire to week in russia. use ukraine is a base for the stabilizing russia, and united states wants to dominate eurasia. and ukraine clearly doesn't have the manpower to continue this war. they lost a lot of territory. i think there's
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a lot of unrest and disaffection with the government and ukraine. i think the landscape is increasingly on the hot seats and i think europe has suffered economically as orbit and pointed out that you know, skyrocketing energy prices, just one thing. there's a lot of other us people are unhappy. leaders have to meet and discuss the problems and work out solutions, and yet they're attacking any leader that goes over the russia reflects is risk the fall, the climate and this war like mentality, that kind of fall. so molly ons, media have signed a treaty is a full the confederation of saw whole states. the past was agreed during the 1st drawing summit between the nations and these as capital this weekend and will be adopted later on the summits, the became to be lead to choose the west of exploiting africa. i think that things will now be different. a cynthia, this is no cancer. those imperialists consider that we belong to them, and
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a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states, africa, our continent that suffered so much because of being fair, always this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations. a highly significant announcement there from the 1st join summit mind, these are molly and burkina faso. the confederation of the house states would be actually a as well group number to, to 1000000 people from the 3 nations. but the season confirms a break away from the rest of the 15 member west, often block the co us the 3 nations of often accused requests of pandering to foreign powers, including the former colonial ruler, france, and the military leaders believe move good shots, greater integration, and prosperity among the nations on saturday and they talked about promoting indigenous languages and mutual lies in their operates. 2 important factors like
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ivory, culture, water, energy, and transport. following to july 2023, cool. but also at present mohammed assume and are shooting general after our main she added to power relations between echo us and the 3 masons have deteriorated and was imposed economy sanctions. and for. a a military and the phase, i need to be sure to restore constitutional order. but despite the regional body lifting the sanctions to pursue dialogue with the nations relations between the 2 sides of remain frosty. in january, the 3 nations announced directly from f o s and the march created a joint military force to come back, but she had as groups, so resolutely talked via the territory. they have also savannah, the military and the defense ties with funds while seeking to create a corporation with ross. yeah. meanwhile, it costs is holding those lead us summit, sundays, and avoid a wet talks about relations with the confederation are expected to dominate for
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this cause some see will be as archie borgia, nigeria, 16 people were killed and dozens more wounded on son to day on stage waiting for his target to this school, housing displaced palestinian families in central garza and that's according to the enclave health industry. you can see the off the mouth of the strikes on the news, the right size in this footage. the ideas claims it took precautionary measures to minimize risks full the civilian population, and that the strong targeted had lost the militants who allegedly use the area to plan and execute the tax against his way. the soldiers from us has denied is present, set the location to me while unrest in as well as demonstrators take the vestry, as well as again to demand for the elections be held on the release of old hostages held in garza, the government group typically had a day of disruption throughout the country. this sunday, protest is ponds,
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a block of major highways and organized mass. riley's several is really, companies are pools. it has submitted that employees to join the process. and then those are taking place precisely 9 months off to the mazda terrorist. the time on october, the 7th. well, the desk told in garza has now suppose 38000 lives with more than one point. 9000000 people displaced from the homes in the 9 months old phone, bergman's, while every individual story cannot be told, the details of the killing of a 6 year old girl and her family, allegedly at the hands of idea forces have come to light and january heading to ons, uncles and cousins were trying to leave the city by call when the area came under attack. she as her cousin, lay on mileage to get to the web presence, emergency services on the phone later on, was killed while she was on the cold and hands, but 3 more hours on the phone before the connection dropped off. seem at least
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bureau chief chronicles have fact. the rest of the reports say that's the right job family from guys on has lost. yes. another member, the father of the 6 year old haines job whose death made world headlines was also killed and is really offensive. he didn't leave to see the day when day is responsible for the death of his daughter who would be punished and safe. all progress on the matter is close to 0. i don't know if this had been regarding the investigation. we only hear about it through the media. no entity has conducted us about this matter. no one from these radi army kentucky with us to inform us about this. the investigation is clear and doesn't need further probing. it was a civilian card with lee and media markings, even before he was mounted, causing lee, and it was mother life on that. and nothing happened to worldwide at the end of january, the car with haines on co, her and 10 stay of 4 children was attacked while the family tried to relocate to a safe area with a guys. and after the 1st strike,
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2 people survived paint and her cousin leon who found themselves trapped in a vehicle with a dead relatives. the older girl managed to call the red crescent asking for help in the recording the sound of shots i heard before the girl started screaming and her voice stopped abruptly. oh, how about in the caribbean? the individual will see all the little. the next haines was on the phone with the operator and the red crescent says for around 3 hours, the time it took to coordinate a safe route for the ambulance with these really army the man i'm the time
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the sooner than have them. and ha ha ha, i had a yes. yes it had to for the family. the fixture is clear. yeah. and the, well they come just defy the actions. it was a civilian car was civilians inside most the children that tank was just made us away from the car. the chart was cry knowledgeable the tank, shooting out of her unavailable, intentionally keeping, and it seemed that moved human or otherwise. but fall from everybody. save that with the same clarity for months. officials from the bite and administration have side steps. questions regarding the death of teens and 6 of her family members. as your rent is really is were handling the investigation. we have made clear to them that we want that incident to be investigated. they have told us they are
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investigating it. i don't have an invest in and update my understanding that the investigation is ongoing. last monday, the state department spokesman finally got an update. all i can tell you is what they've told us and what they said as they went to the you in and of how soon you read chris and ask them to supply information that would help them. and what they claim is that they were, were given, the palestinian red crescent, strongly denied this claims the founder, the president has never been contacted by those right. it is a affinity. is that in? pardon me? and i can't think of the 6 year old hand or kennedy, i'm the 2 parent mother who were sent to safeguard. but it shows being happens without connecting information from the band. stand that about the and i am from all parties. so their investigation was just to say their thanks were not in the area that is indeed what is row claims publicly and passes through the american partners. however, earlier in the u. k based research group concluded the car we changed on her
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relatives were in was attacked by is really forces the investigation revealed. it was hate with 355 bullets using 3 d modeling. and i know this is all the shape and nature of the holes, the group concluded those firing could not, not see children inside for the family. again, the reason was clear which in this the shows the on his desire for revenge, 5, buddhist would have been enough, but they use 355 children that hatred for the 15. and people for a couple of washington continues to back, as well as claim that's new idea of troops were in the area. we have seen the reports and i will tell you what our latest interaction with the government is really is about this. so we went to the government of israel and at preston for information. and they told us that there were no idea of tanks operating in the area. no idea of forces operating in the area at the time of that attack,
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which i believe is something they've also said of the week. so who shot the 355 tank, but i'm not able to. i look, i'm not in the grad. i can't offer any kind of assessment about this. it's why we called for an independent, we called for the governor visual to conduct a new visit investigation. meanwhile, the red crescent has no doubts, but the idea was on the ground. the group contacted the army immediately to coordinate sending helps of the girls. everybody's really military where i went out the area. then why we helpful coordinations rosa is brittany leads to ensure they've access for our staff and how come the is ready. these have up to that for the nation and send us the map to, to be followed by that. and you know, is that is the link to the paramedics or ascends to rescue haines all the while using the safe pass approved by these really army. they were probably attacked, they lost communication shortly after they left. and 12 days later,
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when the army withdrew from the area, both cars, where it is covered, one not far from another. with all those inside dead, there is no way of this attack is not intention at that is not set up as part of a system. i think as far as the pattern standard depressing is tab inc, us since the beginning of the work we have lost 90 and p r. c as members of to this moment with codes wide and uh on the duty weddings or the precedence ever low. on being asked for the test and addresses which has very clearly marked or red cross and blue, i'm off the top of the ambulance and then also i hadn't read job is one of thousands of palestinian children killed. and these really offensive on garza but the death of this little girl, her family and 2. paramedics tried to save her, became a rare case in terms of increased international attention. what did it change?
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well basically, nothing. most questions still remain unanswered. while no one was ever held accountable for the last lives, marie from ocean on archie, revolting from jerusalem. rushes by count on the mainland railway will mark his 50th anniversary on monday. back in the soviet era, it's, that's become the main trade highway for eastern siberia aussies. marina calls are of expands on why that's so significant. and we all know that russia is geographically the largest country in the world. but why centers seem to forget that when they focus on the country's problems and compare it to you or the, or the you watch? press like comparing apples and marbles. because if you combine your and the, what's the territory would still be smaller than russia? that's a lot of wind and a lot of challenges. the fact that russia has managed to connect the most remote places in the country. there's a fee to itself. but it went even further with
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a construction project of the century, the by called a more railway, also known as the bad. it was a strategic alternative to the trans siberian railway, traverse and eastern siberia to russia's far east. it was 2 or 3 times that one's crossing 6 federal subjects with several major rivers, $280.00 railway stations, $63.00 towns and villages along the way. the highway even runs through permafrost. port temperatures range from minus $62.00 plus $43.00 degrees celsius. archie, travel to the band to witness the beam. d 1st hand the history of graduation. my husband and i came to come some months and with the rest
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of our lives here in eden years or even more the city grew before our eyes. bomb developed with us, i knew working on the railroad for more than 40 years. my husband works for the ministry of internal affairs, so everything grew before our eyes. the forest is very rich and resources. there's all kinds of stones. everyone knows this all is goes to factories, oliver, russia and we're all for, it just depends in the promotion of this cargo and the city work of our entire industry to them was completed in the early ninety's, but it's a decades of hard to work. and over $10000000000.00 to make it happen. soviet builders worked tirelessly in incredible conditions. overcoming several challenges . the task was to create the shortest east west and through continental roots and open access to the country's natural resources. sometimes. at the turn of the century, them helped open the asian pacific markets to the russian economy,
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provided a reliable transit route for entire asia. and in conjunction with the trans siberian railway, became a truly strategic transport car door of not only national but also global significance. and now the bam is more important than ever with prussia focused on the east. the main lines carrying capacity is set to reach 42000000 metric tons this year. all of us have tripled over the last 12 years. and right traffic is expected to grow even more. a lot of the reasons pivot to the east would not have been possible without the bike how a more main line. it can now be clearly stated that our previous sensors may not have known any nuances, but they absolutely calculated that this reversal would happen at some point. and thanks to them, we can now implement a number of projects that could not have been possible without this real way of route. and that's not where it ends because the bam is still growing with big plans
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ahead. the aim according to vladimir putin is to expand rushes, export, and trains of capabilities, as well as to raise the living standards for russians living nearby. and there's no need to get a shake. what we must do is not only to widen buckling next tasks. now, a far bigger along the entire length of the bottom main line, we have to bills what are essentially to be secondary continuous routes built over $300.00 infrastructure sites. in 10 years time, the volume of traffic through the east and fully gone of railways should reach 270000000 tons a year. the big plans for a big country that's looking ahead and send multi paula world where there's a growing list of partners looking to do business with russia. and thanks to the band and it's big brother the trans siberian railway. it's never been easier. marina call, sort of a r t, as long as you keep on top of all the latest,
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these are the dates, analysis, and document to refund check. and our website all t dot com and all of that with more news in just a few minutes. i hope to see you then the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the nice, the, what so striking for me is this congressman in california. where are some people that so rates and other people are barely making. and that's a, that's a call cost of the whole united states that there's worried about for, for, i don't know, $400.00 people that have all the more income than all of us together. you do think there's a gap is becoming smaller or is growing all it's growing? i don't know. they only want a handful of people controlling everything they want to keep people under their under this, under your son's control people's, that's


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