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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  July 7, 2024 9:30am-9:56am EDT

9:30 am
giving a speech to writing a paper as she just goes on, you call the word sell it that's very appropriate. she has no grubby thomas. there's absolutely or no grubby toddler work, but it has to become a la harris. and we're, what are you going to deal with are now she's the 1st at the minorities female vice president with them in 1st female vice president period and advise and steps aside what the party is going to toss her side. also. that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it has to be hera's, if it's not going to be buying unless she says, well, i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she, well, well, it's a nice way keep on something with the latest news on the dates analysis and document to respond checking all websites, all t dot com. i'm start with more news in 30 minutes. hope to see you then the
9:31 am
the the . 2 the do it to the bill. 0 tools or you just give them the sure stuff to go. i still have to meet you the see the started the what is the rest of the the just to look the national.
9:32 am
so get plenty of suicide. if there's a move in the gym for the blue screen the, the last 4 of the of the sure. so we do where
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the silk is gone, then your bill is monthly. it does, but i'm sorry, i'm got somebody, but most of the guys just by 5 gigs of letting us know blue the, the bid is the good thing because he's got plenty of room. i was the hurdle. so you see what the graham says that the the, the, the the, the was in see i've got the
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budget the junior junior so the you know, the guys are we had about the. 5 the last to and it's pretty light, but just in the most of the stuff, you know, we went to believe that's even to come up with you. the
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general number again is because the new year ba ba ba ba
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ba ba ba ba, ba logic. where do you know where to go back to the the issue, the bumble. because you can see the robust is just new. where do i go see him? your boss does it by the doing stuff that i did change the
9:37 am
why fi? the senior partners? i'm a gosh, it's the, the, yeah, this but did, would use the, the gloss. you need to be a bill. it was us law, which is the what was in my do investigated this, but it wasn't my didn't last year in the past, but the mobile just some of the sudden the sort of know what the, the, the the during the day i'm on the on
9:38 am
the make i me did the adventure by the quote, the, the session in the vision you didn't do was sit on the road was going to the people at the front of the assessor as um, processed by your, from the to the whole bunch of the logo is all about the blog. let me go ahead and let you know that the horse is important. the
9:39 am
already is the so if you got the stuff going up, i put it in front of me but as low as possible and the way it. 6 was the what is the. 5 last name. uh yeah. that'd be somebody that was in the city. is there any lab? i don't know, but didn't yet. yeah. bill. yeah. the losing the facility here. most of them me in the city some places and susan is
9:40 am
fine. the, the, the the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the monthly it's just man. so a valid with i'm so then the
9:41 am
purpose i was the frontier solution. what i'm going to do to convert i'm getting present. you guys. she's up to the, the no, the, the do a, the, to the know when read is the sketch it the, the libya da da da . the computer that was in bed most of course in the mall, sir. the the
9:42 am
the, oh good. so how small do there's nothing to do to sort people are going to do so i'm sure, but what else with a lot of money or vision? i wasn't bad. positive leslie. as the bus was supposed to go to the is it said it was paid by mazda facilities. the items that i need comes order for that. so the sides of
9:43 am
the modem on the shuttle. i'm gonna place you pretty nice to boot this quote to the best buy in the us. so even. ready the so for example is the. 2 for by the. 2 the doing the news, the, the so the thing is i do want
9:44 am
to good. what do let's face the show is girlfriends. the they're going to the the smart city smart plugs. so using. 2 the smart the purchase price is mother didn't do much in the one that the, the, the did you good which was the do you have to do is this is the. 2 the that's the lower
9:45 am
the what do we do is just the, did you want to stay the middle initial dot, which is where you most. it wasn't the smart the gym to do the the the city is the
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model number of the blue spots on the book i missed of them lives in. so there's, remember on what, for just my point is my point, the, the next symbol example of the butler, this is the to the war, but suddenly, yeah, you know, it's the mileage from, you know that because it is a fairly did the genuine abuse. now that's the way it is. no, it does. but most of the one that didn't. yeah. and it is what the guy,
9:47 am
the guy i knew the schedule is, the city is the is the price, was that the bill with the, with the drum sort these are the tonight the. 2 the for a couple of the,
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the, the, the, the. 6 the to the just the the, the gym of where it was in the this is why as i said, is that you, this will pay a tang service to the to the customer. do not need the bus will be easier to do. the smallwood is the most important thing is what's in charge the more towards the you know, from, with us and to explore money continue to let you know,
9:49 am
as you saw as nice, loyal as the use of. ready the the time would be good because each of the views of communion i just saw it was i did one directly to the
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to that that wasn't about to be sort of just that as a dealer of the, of both the sound of the somebody in you the was the and if you can, especially for do i for the year this message is for the the the,
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the. 3 the this way with you and. yeah, and you will some ideas lessons this them richard itself the oh god, what was, what do i put you? i'd rather just good for somebody is just good on your system. yes, i'm not in the movies are not simple as much of the so i was yeah, supposedly i knew, but i'm the for the guy watching this was the cost of presto, real sweet. me to the fact that you didn't like that, but it was pretty, you know, for the but the worst it was those 3 that i said, yeah, it's quotes get that 1st. it's got to put fast foods getting you. but yeah, because the, the style it to them you, yes,
9:52 am
cuz the only part 3 part throwing up was simple grocery store and you needed this my the you said it was soon must be as much as well. so that's why we're doing that. so yeah. so it'd be, as i'm sure, well cool. cool. and then you live locally? well the yes. the both of them from the bank there's no more so much. i the, the, the, the
9:53 am
at the, to the good the, i don't have that i usually the, the, the fluids and then you go with the dishes mean is that you move you to lose got here is the pause. the
9:54 am
gosh, if this is your number, read all the gods, but certainly blue bodies have what is this of them but the what so, but the atlantic was that? yeah. it was, it was like the super nobody in the side. you say you most of us about as the name is c o b as in sibley b and the bill of with the money is my bill. frontier is for my budget for what you see. so tell me both of them. the election is as soon as month, the smart the for the 0 on the yeah.
9:55 am
true, but the why the leslie, this budget a little bit. leslie between the valid sellers deal that they need to sort through what, let's just do a lot of money to do so much is please i but i look for the nice thing, the folks who, who is a little excuse me the the
9:56 am
in the, not the i'm just like large pieces, the steel cords, not so speaker. the show is done the crowd some of the.


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