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tv   News  RT  July 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:19pm EDT

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the in the bottom line, all hostages, live onto this bill and exchange for a number of colors that will be the same exchange will happen, the manager to
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remain the same thing. one big deal, big one, whatever is needed, but only officer one monday to is really the other one is the agent. that's after the chief service visitors to be the region as well. everything is moving to an expectation. it's what's gonna happen next week to return the the coins went back
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home and the reason for the print test as they believe it or they said the last 10 to see daylight, they say they will do whatever they can to make. this deal happen that rallied on demonstration print test actually. oh, they came back and the re, if an ocean archie middle east bureau chief, outside the demonstration intel a b for this, demonstrators are certainly making their voices heard. maria, thank you for that. so all european pro, our politicians should buckle up as hungry will steam ahead with its peace making efforts to spite all the criticism from other e. u officials, the countries foreign minister has sent this defiant message was not enough on the flesh on it's sunday. and the 1st week of hunger, e, c,
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u presidency is coming to an end. it may have become evident to everyone that this will be a peace mission. over the next 6 months. the hungarian government will do everything in his power to contribute to ending the war in our neighboring country so that europe can finally break free from the suffocating war crisis. after 2 and a half years, europe is full of pro, more politicians. they also came forward this week. all of them spoke up all criticized hungry and gary and government, and the hon. gary and prime minister for promoting peace, negotiating the possibility of peace. the peace commission continues and even strengthens. so i ask europe's pro war politicians to fasten their seat belts now and pay close attention next week as well. a pull that says key of has demanded that any mediator is align their stance with the ukrainian government, which oppose it as an immediate cease fire. a quarter of
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a leah middle toward the floor, but is not a peacemaker in any way. and want to be propose as to temporarily stop aggression at the expense of the victim. and thus delray the mass serial killer. i don't quite understand that. maybe we speak different languages, but subjects like or by the feet. so least making is about something else. any country serious about mediation will not publicly make but now statements. when they say we support an immediate cease fire shows. they are not ready for a mediation mission. big wars require a different approach. so i'll follow is the hungarian prime minister's visit to moscow to discuss the resolution of the ukraine conflict with president put in the trip. spart d'affaires criticism on both sides of the atlantic. like to our bond dismissed you allegations of quote appeasement. after his meeting with putting on friday i am i am. i'm a friend of 1200 year. yeah. so the spectrum up front of the piece. that's very important. confirmed up the piece. the reason why i negotiated pitching,
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because i'm looking for the shortest front because the way to step before and create a piece of room problem is to victor all. but i'm surprised. visit to must go this week should have been heritage as a major breakthrough. it is meeting with the russian president vladimir putin sold a pad, discuss a potential si fi, and an end to a conflict. as last 8 around a decade. for those settings dialogue were like the only route to piece which is mtv makes. we in europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years now. we do not feel safe, and this war has factored into a breakdown of economic development. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this work of the issue spoken states i see to ukraine. sponsors continued to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in key of to abandon the idea of waging war to the
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bitter end. nevertheless, we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialog . it was instead of welcoming old times peace mission, which also included a private that took care of for a meeting with them is the landscape, the west and sponsors of the proxy war. and ukraine went into a collective meltdown. appeasement will not stop fulton on the unit. the end determination will pay the past 2 comprehensive just and lasting peace in ukraine. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow. vic to albany no way represents the you or the used positions. he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling the kremlin without the mandate. either the hon. gary and government respects its current role in the you or it should resign his chair the to over the visits person
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as tom, debbie and prime minister. the use position is very clear, with contempt, the russian hall for dressing, for all that so called peace conference is a ground standing over russian aggression. it seems that ukraine's west and boxes prefer world war a jewel jewel, the a you assistant piece, thoughts kind of how without you crying. of course, this is said without the hidden surviving the russia. i was not even invited to the high profile and dissolve the so called peace conference in switzerland last month . so the most, because the piece discussions can't be how without ukraine, but i can be held without russia. a sign was the definition of hypocrisy. lensky himself has introduced legislation binding your crime from entering peace talks with russia. well, nato chief, you insult him, but says old on schools of peace was not the position of the ministry alliance. we so long as i felt that are presenting and they go out to these meetings. he's up,
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something is on country when the fight, the ends, and we need a security. we need to enable the credit unions to deter, but we also need some kind of security guarantees for your claim. and of course, that's what is the one the reasons why allies ok, that has stated that ukraine will become a member of nato washington, the biggest supplier volunteer crane. and also i waited in warning, bizarrely, the peace talks actually moved the situation further away from pace. we are concerned that prime minister or bond would choose to make this trip to moscow, which will not advance the cause of peace and is counter productive to promoting new frames of sovereignty, territory, integrity and independence. so it seems the most because what infinity slipped was allowed to be a preaching is maintained all alone. the russian remains open and committed to peace negotiations. t, as on the west of doing old icons to prolong war from scott, bring a piece deal that would have taken
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a seats far back in 2022 to the seemingly never ending for weapons. well, green, i think you're tucked inside russia. it seems that west is prepared to sacrifice firewalls is have ukrainians bread. so because, but it's not peace talks and watts it's, it's almost unprecedented to see a piece mission condemned. so i strongly it's almost as if the west has another agenda. i think the leader in the west and the united states don't want peace. i think they want to draw russian to qual, admired to week in russia. use ukraine is a base for the stabilizing russia, and united states wants to dominate eurasia. and ukraine clearly doesn't have the manpower to continue this war. they lost a lot of territory. i think there's a lot of unrest and disaffection with the government and ukraine. i think the landscape is increasingly on the hot seats and i think europe has suffered economically as orbit and pointed out that, you know, skyrocketing energy prices,
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just one thing. there's a lot of other s i people are unhappy. leaders have to meet and discuss the problems and work out solutions, and yet they're attacking any leader that goes over the russia reflects is risk the fall, the climate and this war like mentality hung darian media sources are reporting that time in the service to our bon is now headed to china, from budapest, with plans to arrive monday morning, turning it to a ron now were american human rights disclosure week has wrapped up the event reviews atrocities that the us has reflected upon. the arabian people are to correspond that use of till all it visited, the former us embassy into ron now turned to museum and brought us this report a fault. it's too much to assist for any wrong. the united states has left a dark legacy that continues to haunt their wants with clear instances of america, disregarding human rights standards within the country. each year in late june and early july, they want, it serves what it terms as american human rights revision and disclosure weight,
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commemorating a series of tragic events. the claim, hundreds of iranian lives following the 1979 as won't because of lucian, but topple us back to their warranty and monarch activists. the unmistakable important so if you us involvement can be twice in all those tragedies, american human rights revision and disclosure week. also recalls the 1981 bombing over walls is longer for public party headquarters at the hands of the story of the phone service organization known as the m k o or n k. the claimed the lives of 73 parameters. officials, including the joseph chief at that time law. these moment for public holds the n k o responsible for the deaths of 12000 the warnings into our attacks. the m a k was, was designated as a tourist organization by the us european powers and canada. however, b u, under us remove the group from the list of terrorist organizations in 20092011
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respectively. funding to move the m a k. relocated from an american military base, any walk to albania, and france with american and european officials participating in the groups, annual summit, some parents, the majority, and have also been implicated and be assassinations of top. you're wanting a nuclear scientist during the 20 tense with one accusing the cia of orchestrating these attacks. the most recent high profile assassination was that if they want to, and military commander, general goss, i'm sure the money in 2020, or washington acknowledge direct involvement. i trust me, is that the how to, cuz we can move forward with the u. s. labels, anyone who opposes their policies as a terrorist, a communist or any other term. however, general solely money was the national hero, a source of pride, the uranium people. he was the one who prevented isis from infiltrating iran, which if they had succeeded, would have created catastrophes in the country insured the security of a wrong people of all believe sent orientations, regarded him as a guardian. and yet the americans assassinated him with impunity. taking pride
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interaction instead of apologize. well that's not the end of story. yes. experts say if anyone else has not abandoned this, we have your 41. there's a washington continues to create. just a couple of memories for you on your car. sensors was devastating humanitarian consequences. medical sections they say are filling a warranty. and patients with chronic diseases, by boy things are access to why saving medicine from global supplies. while the us claims to have exempted medical items from the list of sanctions, experts argue that this is a big lie. as banking restrictions have made it virtually impossible for the want to pay for a biotech suppliers by the rest and get most staffing needs. it is true that the sanctions are not directly targeting health care and iran, but the problem is they act like a spider web. they form a network of interconnected restrictions are main issue is the inability to conduct transactions properly due to the network of sanctions. banks do not want to
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cooperate with us. i'm uncertain about how many patients will suffer due to the shortage of medication. but the paralysis caused by this problem is beginning to surface of never say american human rights revision and disclosure week only scratches the surface of the disasters left in its way from the c r, a engineer to in 1950. if we shuddered, it was wondering democracy to the ruthless and position of sentients causing on toll suffering him under warranty. and patience. washington's actions have left deep scar, sunday, of audience, psychic, which explained being during distrust and animosity between the 2 sides for over 4 decades. diplomatic ties between the west side or one have remain separate with this former embassy. now the torres as a den of espionage, symbolizing washington's use of what was meant to be a diplomatic commission for spying missions, i guess they're wrong so far. says washington has so far been unapologetic for its crimes and have on and that is why the nation observes this so called the american
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human rights revision and disclosure week every year to question the united states double standards on human rights usability, r t f one versus by call, a more main line railway will mark is 50th anniversary on monday. built in the sylvia era, it's set to become the main trade highway for eastern siberia ortiz, marina customary of expands on why that so significant. we all know that russia is geographically the largest country in the world. but the westerners seem to forget that when they focus on the country's problems and compare it to your or the you watch. press like comparing apples and marbles. because if you combine your and the you watch, the territory would still be smaller than russia. that's a lot of wind and a lot of challenges. the fact that russia has managed to connect the most remote places in the country. there's a fee to itself, but it went even further with
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a construction project of the century, the by called a more railway, also known as the band. it was a strategic alternative to the trans siberian railway, traverse and eastern siberia to russia as far east. it was 2 or 3 times that one's crossing 6 federal subjects with several major rivers, $280.00 railway stations, $63.00 towns and villages along the way. the highway even runs through permafrost, where temperatures range from minus 60 to plus $43.00 degrees celsius. archie, travel to the band to witness the beauty 1st hand. 2 the issue after graduation and my husband and i came to come some months and we lived the rest of our lives here, eden years or even more. the city grew before our eyes. bomb developed with us. i
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knew working on the railroad for more than 40 years. my husband worked for the ministry of internal affairs, so everything grew before our eyes. the forest is very rich and the resources, there's all kinds of stones. everyone knows this all is goes to factories. oliver russia and we're all participants in the promotion of this cargo and the study work of our entire industry. who then was completed in the early ninety's, but it's a decades of hard to work and over $10000000000.00 to make it happen. soviet builders worked tirelessly in incredible conditions. overcoming several challenges . the task was to create the shortest east west and through continental root and open access to the country's natural resources. sometimes. at the turn of the century, them helped open the asian pacific markets to the russian economy, provided a reliable transit route for entire asia. and in conjunction with the trans siberian
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railway, became a truly strategic transport car door of not only national but also global significance. and now the bam is more important than ever with russia focused on the east. the main lines carrying capacity is set to reach 42000000 metric tons this year. all of us have tripled over the last 12 years. and right traffic is expected to grow even more. there's a lot of the reasons pivot to the east would not have been possible without the bike how a more main line. it can now be clearly stated that our previous assessors may not have known any nuances, but they absolutely calculated that this reversal would happen at some point. and thanks to them, we can now implement a number of projects that could not have been possible without this a railway of route. and that's not where it ends because the bam is still growing with big plans ahead. the aim according to vladimir putin is to expand process
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export and trans with capabilities, as well as to raise the living standards for russians living nearby. and there's no need to get a shake. what we must do is not only to widen buckle next tasks. now a far bigger along the entire length of the back.


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