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tv   News  RT  July 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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dog seizures, desktop part of the the for all eyes are on moscow, where indian prime minister in the run remotely is set to arrive for tasks with president bladder. we're putting on monday, some locals, and then the say they'll be mostly watching the meeting between the leaders of the to family nation. we see those as our strategies partner and a very good friend, you know, especially has a very special place in the hearts hoping that you could say that it's a sort of where the special is really protests or its agent. they have disruption as they rally against and that and yahoo government and it's handling of the guns a war which has entered it's a 10th month. plus i ask your approval or politicians just fast to their seat belts now, and pay close attention next week as well. well,
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that's the message from the hon. gary inform minister amended outcry by western officials over the hon gary end premier. as talks with latimer put in on ukraine the, the, i'm rachel ruble, you're watching r t international live in moscow. well, as the west keeps a close eye on the render modi's upcoming trip to moscow, the kremlin spokesperson says, any envy sparked by the occasion, is warranted, suffragette if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach a great importance and they're not wrong. there, there's a lot to attach great importance to demetria pesca went on to say the indian prime minister, his visit to the russian federation promises a packed agenda with both leaders expected to engage in informal discussions. his ortiz, runjun charmer, was more on what's that? the most who receive a very special guest on monday,
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the indian prime minister. now reading the more the now there are many for send. this was, it is going to be in the range of movies 1st by law to me, to broad since he was re enacted in june. it's also going to be his 1st visit to russia off until the war renew, clean sausage and his was, was it to the country in 5 years, both sides aiming to boost the already try being new delhi most school relationship to new heights. so easy. we are very pleased to note that despite all the turbulence taking place in the wealth enterprises of russia's relations without traditional friends in asia, with india, with the indian people are developing steadily. we hope that in any scenario of political force alignment, the traditional friendly ties between peoples will remain exclusion and process. the india has taken a neutral stands on the war, despite washington's request for india to condemn more school for the conflict.
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india puts its own sole run, interests 1st, and be seen india by more and more discount to russian. crude, despite west impressions, is or diplomatic a political environment. i think whoever has produced as an attitude, i don't know what they're talking about. the word is great for to india for buying . additionally, it's not that they don't want us to buy that. it may be price gap, there may be other restriction, it's like this, india instead of buying russian oil, we started buying more of the middle east and oil price will not be at $75.00 or $76.00. it'll be a $150.00, but it's not just oil. it's a whole lot of all the sectors. in fact, slee, between india and russia, has increased many fools over the last couple of years. while india, in fords oil, we'd fall to lies of battles, precious stones found rush shot in the was rochelle lodge leon, boards, pharmaceuticals and telecom products from india. so that the trend suits exist. and
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the 2 leaders when they meet, that definitely will be a priority. talking points, engine pro, i'm going to send a range of movies with it to russia is seen as another endorsement tool. the deck gives loan friendship between the 2 countries, which dates back to when the soviet union defended india, which is just liberated from the burgess through everyone conducts a relationship based on their past experiences. if i look at the history of india, post independence, russia has never heard our interests, the relations of power, like europe, the west china or japan, waves the russia. they have all seen ups and downs. we have had the stable and always very friendly relationship with russia and our relationship with the rest of today's based on this experience. it. so it was it that the world will be watching closely. and song, especially in the west with a heavy heart of burns. and as you can see is in the heart of moscow and spoke was
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to his senior high dar, who is the foreign affairs editor of one of india's major news outlets. the hindu at our service department, mister is upcoming visit to russia. is clear evidence of the 2 countries that stable relations and sends a strong message to the world's visit. it says for 5 minutes, the movie for the annual summit between russia and india is itself a message to begin with. there has been no annual summit since 2031. so it's 3 years without and i knew somebody that had been a tradition since the year 2000. so this will be the 22nd. some of the 2nd significance is that 5 minutes to movie is decided to come to moscow on his thoughts by lots of visits, anywhere during this. his start can your, just a month after he was r u, v. assume office in india, and now that is normally an auto attempt for neighboring countries. indian prime ministers on there because my lack of visit anywhere legal, the neighboring countries. 5 and some of the rentals here long commodities. natasha
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. oh as well. so to come to law school is giving law school that close the idea that a standalone visit is being made to russia at this time. the 1st time since the ukraine situation began the 1st time since the band damaged at elizabeth many for stuff. so to 6, so how's the changing was all doing now? what do you think the strategic messaging behind this was it is in, you know, few shows that we lost them directly as well. have taken great pains to save p, c this into my lap for context, india and rochelle. very important, fox, those that important especially strategic partners and privilege partnership that is going to be a message of his own at his time when it was clear that this western alliance of western coalition was trying to send out a message. the brochure has isolated off who is in law school is being didn't prime minister. let's 1st 2nd also talk about what's on the agenda. what else to try or keep talking points? i'll probably those. yeah. the bottom from the jew political issues between them. i
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think this specific t 4 o 5 on energy that is now been 2 years of this v is india. and in for to a russian oil there's multiple more ellen g as well as your guts out of the sea. and i think what the inside would want to see is more predictable and as well as predictable disco to gushing energy. so is it possible to have long term contracts that, that walk these discounts into them? i think that's one place investments in uh, in russian energy fields, as well as russian investments as well. but i think what is important is a kind of significance that in a changing world, then we hear this from the extent of as minister as a stronger, quite often that in a world that is turbulent india or russia ties have been stable and i think that's the message that they really want to put out ahead of mode is much in to pay that arrival r t, as to indians, what their expectations are for the prime ministers visit receipt. us as our
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strategic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of, in a i love and i like it to be on the right track. president booth in uh is quite a cool guy. and his relationship with that in the more there is also very amazing showing you yes. so as, as if the magic dies mode offering to stay within the bottom. the ad between them is a very significant you could say that it's sort of where the special body so the and then foreign minister will touch down in moscow on monday. make sure you're following our special coverage of this event, unpacked the trip as we bring you all the details right here. on our tea, the,
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there has been fresh interest in israel as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to demand a snap election, and the return of all hostages from casa, and to government groups have declared a so called day of disruption throughout this sunday. or these middle east bureau chief, maria, for an ocean of reports from a protest in tel aviv the fee to get away with the deal with today's tuesday, march 9th the same. so really,
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people here are running out of the people and taking the now are you near them? we need the the the,
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the american president, the on the, the bottom line, hostages onto this bill and exchange for
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a number of colors. that will be the same exchange will happen, the manager what's gonna happen with the return to the other reason the they believe it or they said that the last 10 for the day like they say they will do whatever they can to make this do happen and rallied and print test page is actually all linked meanwhile is really media outlet har. it's has released report suggesting that a number of is really soldiers and civilians could have been killed by friendly
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fire on october 7th, under the so called hannibal doctrine. the idea of was allegedly order to stop the militants from taking any hostages back to gaza. and that means vehicles carrying is really updates back these were fired upon and by the idea of itself is really just told from october 7th has been officially revised down several times while the authorities have l to, to account for all of the victims. and that now government and the idea of have said that the full investigations will take place only after the war is over, is really active as to you of i've always told us the idea of has a track record of using. excessive force is officially on his way for you see why they cause it from the bottom. the doctor to him is that it is been jumped to community a while. and so just at fault. okay, allow me to see videos tend to let to vandekamp childrens in mary tell a lie of it. and also just based on the substitute. so this is a, it's not the new policy into the parties are things i may need to change all the
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official need to for my 30 minute dresses. and it was, yours must have been but just conflicts or so. but the do, you know, is there was no, eh, organize with both about this a, about the implementation of this policy on the service of the program. and also is the fault in habits today is only possible. it is giving some uh, suspicious form that is audio visual communication on the morning and the logs that they reset on basically all those through all the locations we're in. wylie solve your sense of really and so we have a presence in the like the major, although it was given me know to make any about doing them, go to me and go a life to grandma. so they both indiscriminately or is involved in the area,
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which was the coastal forwards it really is why they still just integrated and see this area. and the cost of a news at the, from las vegas, the vision groceries taking so just as captives and driving them to gaza. so when they say nobody related all their life together, 1st and foremost, they wanted to kids at all. and the citizens at home dropped in. so just all european pro war politicians should buckle up as hungry will steam ahead with its peace making efforts. despite all the criticism from other e. u officials, the countries foreign ministry has sent this defiant message, the west side of london las on the hun, gary and government will do everything in its power to contribute to ending the war in our neighboring country so that europe can finally break free from the suffocating war crisis, after 2 and a half years, what am i?
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europe is full of pro more politicians. they came forward, criticizing hungry, don, gary, and government, and the hon. gary and prime minister for promoting peace, negotiating the possibility of peace. the peace mission continues and even strengthens. so i ask europe's pro or politicians to fasten their seat belts and pay close attention. so it was the full amount from home gary and prime minister victor opens. recent trip to moscow continues. the country is digging in warning. you are paying holt, so they face a rough ride over the next 6 months old arms piece. mission has told me i a of war hungry a you politicians serious over his page to end the conflict and ukraine. but the home gabby and lita has brushed off those who pulled school one of these recent fit, the russia. and it says that piece can only come about by talking to both russia and ukraine. which seems like common sense. i am going to sort of, i am, i'm
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a friend of put you in 1200 year. yeah, so the 2nd law firm, the piece that's very important. i'm firmed up the piece. the reason why i negotiated to pitching, because i'm looking for the shortest front, because the way to step before and create a piece on simply expressed a desire to end the conflict that has been raging for around a decade. adopting what seems to be a sensible approach. speaking to both sides involved. but cap is not chimed in dismissing calls for an immediate cease fire. saying that any media is what peace must be in total alignment with its demons. portable media middle toward the floor, but is not a peacemaker in any way. and want to be, proposes to temporarily stop aggression at the expense of the victim and the style rate of mass serial killer. i don't quite understand that. maybe we speak different languages, but subjects like or by the feet. so peace making is about something else. any
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country serious about mediation will not publicly make but now statements. when they say we support an immediate cease fire shows, they are not ready for a mediation mission. big wars require a different approach. well, what is that different approach? piece conferences, how without russia, i'm total support for just one, sorry, i didn't conflict ukraine. thought so you can see the gender of western leaders. does the same, are you able to cross the basics of mediation? the check position is clear to me is the aggressor. we stand with you train. if it's truly see peace, you don't shake hands with the bloody dictator. you put all your efforts to support the crane based on demands efforts for ukraine's victory and adjust piece. it sends the wrong signal to the outside world and is an insult to the training and people's fight for the freedom. v. you is united clearly behind ukraine and against the russian aggression. and so what are the solutions rolling out mediation, or even
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a spacing to rush, or a toll while pushing for more weapons to ukraine to secure a victory, but seems to be pine. this guy know tolts mobile on an able to be mode this. now the risk between a member sites same set to deepen between douglas. it won't bull. i'm the easy one piece. opens new political gree picked within the block. patriots for europe has now met the required threshold for facial recognition. by the do you suppose have policies from at least a quote to the approx 27 been the states when the problem was, it now was on june the 30th it promised a new era. but what change your pay and politics? because a new era is beginning and the 1st, perhaps the size of the moment of this new era is the emergent stuff. and you group google change who are paying politics for your physical poster and a support for ukraine. we've just seen an unprecedented float of arms and caustic
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you have while european citizens suff, a rising food and energy prices, housing crisis on poverty with hungry holding the ease, rotating presidency for the next 6 months. this poses a serious threat to the woman because was also a glimmer of hope for peace by transfer your will meet him brussels of monday. well probably will politicians be willing to come up with what looks like a very bumpy ride to head. gary and media sources are reporting that oregon is now headed to china from budapest, with plans to arrive monday morning. and the polls are closed in france and round to a parliamentary elections has wrapped up as ballot counting begins for the highest voter turnout in 4 decades. a radical shift is emerging from preliminaries, holidays would show no party as gaines. the vote is needed for an absolute majority, according to be of mtv reports. reading the pens, national rally, one,
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the 1st round of early projections now placed her party in the 3rd behind the manual microns coalition, with the left wing new popular front expected to win between 175 to 205 states. and the national assembly, french minister responded to the days results by declaring he would resign on monday as well. finale to the political formation that i represented in this campaign. even bill way to achieve the score 3 times higher than what was predicted in recent weeks. does not have a majority so faithful to the republican tradition and in accordance with my principles, i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic tomorrow morning. i know that in light of tonight's results, many french people feel a form of uncertainty about the future since no, absolutely good of the mode just to iran now where american human rights disclosure week has wrapped up to the event reviews atrocities that the us has inflicted upon the iranian people, article respond that use of july visit the former us embassy into ron now turned to
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museum and brought us this report a fault. it's too much to it says for any wrong the united states has life a dark legacy that continues to holland. and one is with clear instances of america, disregarding human rights standards within the country. each year in late june and early july, they want observes what it terms as american human rights revision and disclosure week, commemorating a series of tragic events. the claim, hundreds of iranian lives following the 1979 is wanting to cover those on the top of the us back there. one in monarch activists. the unmistakable, important so if you was involvement can be twice in all those tragedies. american human rights revision and disclosure week also recalls the 1981 bombing over walls . as long as 40 headquarters at the hands of the story of the fall service organization known as the m k o or n k, the claimed the lives of 73 prominence just as roles, including the just the key for that time law. these little public holes, vn k o,
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responsible for the depths of $12000.00 belongings into our attacks. the m u. k was, was designated as a tourist organization by the us european powers and canada. however, b u, under us remove the group from the list of terrorist organizations in 20092011 respectively. following the move, the army k relocated from an american military base, any walk to albania, and france with american and european officials participating in the groups, annual summit, some parents, the majority, and have also been implicated and be assassinations of popular one in nuclear scientist during the 20 tense with one accusing the cia of orchestrating these attacks. the most recent high profile with us, the nation. was that of a warranty and military commander, general goss, i'm sure the money it in 2020, or washington acknowledge direct involvement. trust me is that of the how to secure the us labels. anyone who opposes their policies as a terrorist for the communist or any other term. however, general,
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solely money was the national hero, a source of pride for the uranium people. he was the one who prevented ice from infiltrating iran, which if they had succeeded, would have created catastrophes in the country insured the security of a wrong people of all believe send orientations regarded him as a guardian. and yet the americans assassinated him with impunity. taking pride interaction instead of apologize. that's not the end of story. yes. experts say if anyone else has not abandoned this behavior 41, they say washington continues to create just a couple of memories for you on your car. sections was devastating humanitarian consequences. medical sections they say are killing a warranty. and patients with chronic diseases, by boy things are access to why saving medicine? well, the us claims to have exempted medical items from the list of sanctions. experts argue that this is a big lie. as banking restrictions have made it virtually impossible for you want
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to pay for a biotech suppliers by the rest and get most staffing needs. it is true that the sanctions are not directly targeting health care and iran, but the problem is they act like a spider web. they form a network is interconnected, restrictions are main issue is the inability to conduct transactions properly due to the network of sanctions. banks do not want to cooperate with us. i'm uncertain about how many patients will suffer due to the shortage of medication. but the paralysis caused by this problem is beginning to surface of river say american human rights revision and disclosure week always processed the surface of the disasters left in its way from the c r a engineer to in 1950. if we shuddered, it was wondering democracy to the roof, less and position of sanctions causing on toll suffering him under warranty and patience. washington's actions have left deep scars on the iranians psychic, which explained being during distrust and animosity between the 2 sides for over 4 decades. diplomatic ties between the west side,
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it won't have remained separate with it. former embassy now latoya as, as a den of espionage, symbolizing washington's use of what was meant to be a diplomatic mission for spying missions. i guess they have on all sides. washington has so far been unapologetic for its crimes and have on and that is why the nation observed this so called the american human rights revision and disclosure week every year to question the united states double standards on human rights usability, r t. stuff on the right shows by call armoire main line railway will markets the 50th anniversary on monday. built in the sylvia the era, it's set to become the main trade highway for eastern siberia artist marina coast way of expands on why that's so significant. we all know that russia is geographically the largest country in the world. but why centers seem to forget that when they focus on the country's problems and compare it to you or the,
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or the you watch? that's like comparing apples and marbles. because if you combine your and the west territory would still be smaller than russia. that's a lot of wind and a lot of challenges. the fact that russia has managed to connect the most remote places in the country. there's a fee to itself. but it went even further with a construction project of the century, the by called a more railway, also known as the band. it was a strategic alternative to the trans siberian railway, traverse and eastern siberia to russia as far east. it was 2 or 3 times that one's crossing 6 federal subjects with several major rivers, $280.00 railway stations, $63.00 towns and villages along the way. the highway even runs through permafrost, where temperatures range from minus $62.00 plus $43.00 degrees celsius. archie, travel to the bam, to witness the beauty 1st hand the
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through after graduation and my husband and i came to come some months and we lived the rest of our lives here, eden years or even more. the city grew before our eyes. bomb developed with us, i knew working on the railroad for more than 40 years. my husband worked for the ministry of internal affairs, so everything grew before our eyes. the forest is very rich and resources. there's all kinds of stones. everyone knows this. all this goes to factories, oliver, russia and we're open to spence and the promotion of this cargo and the steady work of our entire industry. ben was completed in the early ninety's, but it's a decades of hard to work and over $10000000000.00 to make it happen. soviet builders worked tirelessly in incredible conditions. overcoming several challenges
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. the task was to create the shortest east west and through continental roots and open access to the country's natural resources. some people have to be at the turn of the century. them helped open the asian pacific markets to the russian economy, provided a reliable transit route for entire asia. and in conjunction with the trans siberian railway, became a truly strategic transport car door of not only national but also global significance. and now the bam is more important than ever with prussia focused on the east. the main lines carrying capacity is set to reach 42000000 metric tons this year. all of us have tripled over the last 12 years. and right traffic is expected to grow even more. there's a lot of the reasons pivot to the east would not have been possible without the bike how a more main line. it can now be clearly stated that our print assessors may not
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have known any nuances, but they absolutely calculated that this reversal would happen at some point. and thanks to them, we can now implement a number of projects that could not have been possible without this railway of route. and that's not where it ends because the bam is still growing with big plans ahead. the aim according to vladimir putin is to expand rushes, export, and trans of capabilities, as well as to raise the living standards for russians living nearby. and there's no need to go straight to what we must do is not only to widen buckling next tasks. now, a far bigger along the entire length of the bottom main line, we have to build what are essentially to be secondary continuous routes built over $300.00 infrastructure sites. in 10 years time, the volume of traffic through the east and fully gone of railways should reach 270000000 tons a year. big plans for big country that's looking ahead and send multi paula world.


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