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tv   News  RT  July 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the way to look so common ground the lines around most go with the indian prime minister as in the russian capital for talks with president foods and a 2 day visit is new run promoting us foreign trip of his new tub in on the hello hello from a very seen a couple of months ago. we are keeping a very close eye on your end, provided some place and thought that we could oversee, has better to pay, drive off a road less than a plummets or a way to behave with x putting out of this in just a few moments. so this our, the russian defense administrator q is, is ukraine officials of funding hysteria to get more money from weston phone. so it's not, as most go stays, kids own as defensive. lead to the depth of civilians during today is to as far as
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on ukrainian military the and very well welcome. this is all to international with the latest. 1 news update is great, so what have you with us as always? our top story signifying be rapidly developing relationship between the 2 nations. india is prime minister has landed in moscow where he set to meet with president putin for talks. archie is of course, covering every aspect, often to render motives visit and all the developments that a much the without further ado as close life to ortiz southgate taylor as we bring to special coverage from our beautiful studio and the hosted sunny most go saskia over to you
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while most go how it's definitely put on as best was a fair arrival of the indian premier. he has a ride to quote for an accent packet. 2 days we've already seen him being greeted by celebratory clouds. we so proud to be sol, flags being way and so the hiring course not being dont and it pulls down to business tomorrow, high level delegation tools and we a pool. so that is all happening right here in the russian capital. we keeping an eye on a full year, 1st off, so i do want you to introduce of course, all to correspond to winton sharma flight to most go to give us really the insight as perspective on what is this. um no one thing i think has to be addressed at looking at some of the media coverage. one issue, but they feel will be top of the agenda. is this idea that and run for moody has come to moscow in order to show up washington support that apparently new teddy is not too happy about a patient and most goes, quote,
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no limits strategic partnership. i mean, just to cost through what this is all about. there's no doubt that you deli and being, they have bought attentions over the last few years or with a line of control and the need of course, when, when he saw, i'm just, just some of several weeks ago, the president of russia, when he went to china india was watching, i'm very keenly um and of course there was a lot of talk about what this means for india and so on and so forth. but at the end of the day, in the very fact that india has troubles with them, with china all over uh, over the war door uh, in, in, in, in, you know, in fact, uh, several several pc zone in india. and the fact is that at the end of the day, if there is a china, russia alarm, please, if in their needs any sort of negotiation as far as russia on his side. so for the india use, it's like that. and of course, oh, for india, india is not
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a country that me showed displeasure or even pleasure for that matter at all, for any alliances that all we see now taking place in the world. although for india, india is very particular about who it's boston, those are who had some engagement in terms of trade, etc, is happening. and that's exactly what the cares about. in this particular wizard of the engine crime is done. marines moving to russia, especially seen us back at home, very wary and a lot of excitement, you know, you see all the news papers, you see all of the local news channels. they're all talking about the multi point inspection. but what it really means also the people the, the really excited and doesn't happen any points out in every of the width of the prime minister when that he travels all the time. but this is wanda special. it also has to be a special because this is his 1st visit after he was re elected as a prime minister for the 3rd consecutive turn back in june. it's also his 1st visit
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to russia after the war and ukraine started his bus, was it off to the co with band demik? this is, this is really a review mean the, the annual summit that happens between india and russia and this annual summit has been happening since the october. also, i'm often back 2000 so, so many years that's been a bit of an ice, but the find them that's resumed again. so they've got a seat in that flight. i mean, we would talk to you, but also about how one of the key pedals of this partnership is obviously defense. the 2 minute trees conduct its joint thrills. there was also, uh, i mean, the indian apples design support just said, am i 17, uh how the cop doesn't using russian tanks. the fuss at cross carrier, the in the indian army got, was bought from russia back in, in 2000 and full. that has been a lot of speculation about why india was now looking to show in all the sectors of the world, whether that's from us now from a positive level, i would say, well,
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tied boss, implication is no bad thing. we should resume with co that how long it will supply chains can be people making amounts not to promote the are you know, and you have some very clear. india will take the best do you, which is available in the market. whoever is giving india the best deal and they'll will take it. having said that, defense and it was an energy that's really been the backbone of india, is partnership with with the washer and a sense and up talking. 7 of course, we've seen the west, but especially like you said, the us in france trying to pull the off to india trying to supply india with, with, i mean it's the systems and a support, etc. but, but of course when you look at history, india knows who the reliable faulkner is. of course, there's also been some delays when it comes to a supplies as far as the shields concerned, and perhaps in the back to the war. and that is, in fact going to be one of the talking points when the to lead us formally meet tomorrow. uh, but of course, like i was of mentioning earlier,
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and i'm going to quote a senior before she was here. she was said that we don't washing a supplies without. russian says, no planes was sliding there no ships will stand in india. so that's the kind of dependency that india has. that when it comes to defense on russia, but of course a defense and our g being the backbone to suspend shape and in the last on your oh, so the last fiscal year we want, are you seeing the, the publish a role? not just in these 2 areas, the author as well, and it's been like a whopping 33 percent son jones from the c r. i mean, also we talked about, i think last how you said that one thing you'll convince will come off and this is something that the external fassman a situation called has res with so okay. now problem is the idea of evacuating indian nations from the front line. i mean, i think a lot of people on care about the circumstances, but it seems that donald is open between the 2 defense ministry. so not so i'm have already been in fact way to just sort of a, give us
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a bit more of the detail. what's the situation where they don't see that is that is the only point of contention between the 2 countries. as of now, how uh, what the indian foreign ministry seizes that 4 people have lost their lives on the front in russia. and now people back home are worried. their families have reached out to us to the foreign ministry. in fact, the foreign ministry has reaching out to um, uh to the russian foreign ministry, not once but twice. they're expecting a concrete reply on which is why they, they feel that. * they hadn't got the response that they were looking for because what they say is that we have talked to people who are still we're stuck. wish to come back. so that is going to be one of the priority, talking points when the 2 leaders nice because like i said, that's the only a point of contention. but apart from that, there's also going to be left on the table on the final thing i do want to get your take on one to come out and note on the table, you talked about how obviously traits just zooms between the 2 nations. such
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a 3 percent increase between 2022 and 23. that's only nomics. there's no signs of slowing down. but there was one hindrance. i'm not is obviously western sanctions. india, obviously this point nonsense dropped to the very dependent on swift and people enough us to feed the file of psych settings were was that may be new totally and most of them might be able to come up with a repeat report agreement. i think the 2 countries would be willing to discuss thought that would bring that the economic cooperation between the 2 not just on the consumer level because it means that i to travel to go up for example. i don't have to carry cash, so i could use the russian me costs, but also i quote, corporate business novels, 100 percent right now. the interest in business is a new altering day for both the countries the have been talking about doing trade. nope. to start and sees a full so i'll post the war and subsequent sanctions, the traditional way of doing business has been thrown out of the window. and of
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course, but, you know, the right side here is now we're looking to build a wall to a laura, i was in a sense, you know, in the, in the new world order us some, this may necessarily not be a best thing. the both the countries are working on it. that's definitely going to be one of the talking points. so will be the. 8 trade in value. so at india, of course in ports um i looked more than washer on thoughts and does a lot of engine rupees line gas with russia now. so i was sort that out. uh that is also something to the to leaders would want to talk about. definitely that's definitely nothing that of a sorts of things to talk about these up to date is that was winds and saw. 7 have no doubt that we will be joined by you a bit later on like we were just talking about the with the renton. obviously, there's so many topics on the agenda, whether that is a trade in front is for the indian nationalism frontline space. you to the editor, you really you name it, they cooperate. and what we decided to do was just what do you see?
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what are the main issues that are going to be discussed? and archie correspondent on the steps here, forwards. and that brings us to move details on with that, i look forward to reviewing all aspects of biological cooperation with my friend, president fulton reboot and entering perspective, so embarrassed regional and global issues. we seek to place supportive role for a peaceful and stable region where hey, as one of most guys asked for what ends in 5 minutes down to run somebody has just landed. and as you can see behind me saying he just stepped on the right office and he's is the strongest by the cause of all. it's a very significant share because of russia. india have always had good strength and them as indian prime minister, and the regular movie is set to hotels with russian president vladimir on the ration. and it's very important tonight, so to find the trip ends, employment. and the reason his friends so clearly shows the toys between the 2
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countries and ends in foreign, minnesota, russia on india have always been stable and frenzy. everyone conducts a relationship based on their past experiences. if i look at the history of india, post independence, russia has never heard our interests, the relations of powers like europe, the us, china, or japan with russia. they have all seen ups and downs. we have had a stable and always very friendly relationship with russia. and our relationship with russia today is based on this experience. for others, things were different and conflicts may have shape the relationship. we, on the other hand, had a politically and militarily, much more difficult relationship with china. for example, be expecting a call to set the twins and moscow has set that up over the past 10 years. and as you can see, actually in the run for maybe it's getting place are inquiring stuff. and as he
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continues to go from the red office, i'm just going back to the partnership between the 2 countries. it's very important to know that the developments that has been going on in 2023, these trades turned over between the 2 countries, nearly doubled. and titled to 65000000000 dollars of russian energy, all calling us in the international north south consultation card or with help to source in calgary transportation time on make it cheaper on a 4 day system data by 2025, a call. good time. i should reach betsy $1000000.00 most going you. sadie also has an oil and gas industry as just recently, an indian companies find a deal with rocks as well. we have provide at least $13000000.00 barrels of oil a month and very will say the truth countries are going to be trading in russian current currency. so this chart is said 2 countries, very good toys and they're clearly specified some of them. but it's easy to find
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the western pressure part on having good relations with russia. russia, saucers, special miniature frames as the ties between the united states and india continues to strengthen. we encourage the government of india to reassess its importation of rushing oil to better align its energy policy with the values and interests at stake in ukraine. the refund landscape. during if need some intelligence, switzerland fucking once again today . i'm sorry we just recently met a civic when he goes well, which makes the rest of this lady's visit a 2nd level visit in just one week on his little simpleton. tonight, the 1st visit on the rent for ladies since 2019 anastasia football team. as well. i promise to an extra special guest i have not failed to live. i'm joined
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now by a sort of gay artist and it keeps a form of united nations deputy sexy general. it is an absolute pleasure to have you with me. i mean, given you a wealth of experience, i think there was really no pos and his that's a place to really talk about this particular visit. i mean, visa 2 nations which for decades have managed to co operate. and i think the relationship is quite unique in terms of it stability and in terms of the extent of the cooperation. and it's interesting that both moody and fruits and talk about the trust that they have in one another and not home in each of those national interests. what do you think is the recipe? this partnership success? good afternoon, good afternoon. i really have to agree with you. i seem to be gave independence in 1949 and the 1st country that 3 goodness in this
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independence was my country at that time. so it seems that i was a lot of years many, many years. but i don't recollect any important political problem between 2 countries. in fact, there was nothing and on part to fill in that so it union held in debt and loss economic militarily, politically, in many, many ways. and i believe indians remember, remember, oh, good history. and i hope that we're looking for our the best
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future. well, you know, you talked about this good history at the un itself. obviously the soviet union uses beach, her power to. 9 you can say protect india from some criticism and resolutions really from the fifty's on with when the pack has gone. india attentions were ongoing on. what's interesting is that the western approach was very different. uh was uh, the surgeon union was seeking dialogue and cooperation to us to send to get 7 seats to pay a friend who i'm setting weapons to as long about. do you think that that also has shaped india is aptitude towards the certain union and maybe the best still remains a little bit of mistrust. when it comes from utility to western powers. exec in 1971 was for dissipating at the meeting of the security council on the indian buck is done was at the time. and i remember for 2 days
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all of sermons representatives did that did it's his best to protect india. in fact, what we did that, that time was officially bust me the decision of the security council that was uh, actually uh, was that the draft is illusion of this, the united states to this, this y and z was the role of troops. we were waiting. the indian victory and when india and victor, the a good. we said okay, no you can to set the americans now you can move. but in fact, they did not do anything seriously because it was too late. i, i hold that, that was a, remember quite well in both countries here. i mean,
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obviously since you're here and you've got this wealth of experience with, with the un, i mean, i do have to ask you the un, i can be a good organization. fox is perhaps a bit of the old wealth that it's failed to represent. obviously this change in place and governance. i'm down to the one part of this change of global governance is a new tele. it's really a huge the influential play. i cannot make 10 terms of its population to it strikes me that india might need a seats at the un security council table. i know the present person has supported that from your knowledge of the us. and do you think that that is a proposition that would be backed by the of the security council members? and as you said, for a number of times, the russian side, he announced it supports the level of the president at the level of the for
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administer them. and the we believes that that change a lot. and the role of theme do it present is actually is the role of a new software that has to be given the the apartment then place in this or the security goes. but unfortunately, we from the out of the government and 5 as a says then russia is the new one. maybe maybe maybe was it time the deposition who the change, but at the moment listening powers definitely don't want it to be on the security. it goes, well, let's hope that back to an, a multi part of the walls comes round
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a lot more quickly than it is at the moment. definitely seen incredible ships over the last 2 years, especially in its accelerate stop process is very much appreciate you and your insight on your experience. that was such a option to keep the form of united nations deputy secretary general. thank you very much. thank you very much. i thank you. well, just for this, how it is. uh, let's do that. yeah. oh good by from our special coverage, a studio here with the kremlin just behind me, but we, well don't worry, continue to in a very healthy way. stoop know, run drop moody. so we will see you at the top of the uh, with the very latest nicki. it's over to you. sounds good. thank you so much. and the son is definitely signing down on this visit and or special coverage. so you can have quite the sounds kind of the end of these 2 days. the thing sounds good. thanks for now. we'll see you with the top of the, me well ahead of mr. moody. much anticipated arrival in most go on see to, to the streets of india to ask locals. hate how they feel about the events
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a receipt of us as our as tragic partner and a very good friend. you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of and, and i love it. i like it go beyond the right track. president booth in uh is quite a cool guy. and his relationship with the mother is also very amazing, as i showed you. yes. so as does the magic size mode offering to 2nd in the bottom, the ad between them is a very significant you could say that it's very special chevy, you know, from so many is and is a very good list of, of the country for india. so that a good fight, not in terms of defense. uh how they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so way, strong nation both military wise and and i think
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maybe within that later, it's a very strong, you know, if i talk about the visit of what people are, mr. means and what the issue. i am really very interesting regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states most, any other countries that i'm anybody to buys did solutions. do me think that one thing to for so this is up was defined for board the nation because the guys really improved as far as like to a correspondence all the data in ski now from outside the kremlin. charlotte. good to see you. so what else can you tell us about the international reaction? so the indian permanent visits most guy well, i think if you read the western press, you get the sense that luxury or some sort of pariah state. and the preaching is that per i, president, clearly that's not the case. and having this visit from the prime minister of india note underwrote it coming here. if this is this 1st by logical summit,
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since he was re elected last month, shows just how important that relationship is. in fact, india has said that this is a strategically important relationship. while the kremlin has talked about that relationship with india as being that a one with a trusted partners. in fact, we've been hearing from the kremlin that the west will be flying. this busy dealt with some jealousy, nicky, the old cross, the gathering at the very heart of most go to welcome the indian prime minister as his visit to the russian capital kicks off. people have a ready of flux to the hotel when the run for moody will report to be be staying there, waving russian and indian flags waiting to welcome the indian from minnesota. people and most go sharing the hopes for the visit is very important to me that
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the prime minister's visit can create very friendly, bilateral relations rusher and india are friendly countries. we have confidence that this makes our trade in economic relations and tale is much closer to i believe that russian indian relations would improve. they are already good, but they will be even better. we have always had a good relationship, happy and comfortable. i know it will be even better. india always helps us in our current situation. it buys on natural resources, as europe has closed itself off from us. india has a huge market ex and almost sco has denied it. keeps claims as bombing civilians in ukraine. that's off the key of and some other sites were hit by well kids on monday morning, the russian defense ministry stays is full, is actually targeted on successfully stroke, ukrainian military bases on factories and most good things. any civilian casualties
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were caused by kids own defenses. numerous published photos and video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating the air defense rocket launch from the entire aircraft missile system in the city were especially nope, assuming the tensions of the key for whom had been happening for years and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. that's called live now as well as senior correspondent broadcasts via the for more and more as good to see you could you give us more details on this, please? okay, we seem to be having some difficulties with this sounds that let's try to get that connection fixed and call us back to more i don't see as shortly to get the information on that many thanks for joining us here and on to international this monday. it's a big day as a rental moody has arrived in moscow. we're bringing you all special coverage from
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us special studio in the heart of mosca. and that will continue in just a bus. 13 minutes have to see you then the the, the everything had changed with her daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie, your daughter is having a diabetic ketoacidosis. i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous. part is cancer. diabetic prefer entourage that affects every part inventory and it's just gonna expand merican diabetes association is that the american diabetes
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association has been bought off by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corp every year. i wasn't given a specific diet i just told to inject and tap so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put these recommendations out, forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funding low carbohydrate diet. there was a multiple $1000000000.00 big cyber corporations that were go bankrupt. the bruce lambert was a 100 something more than
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a 100 to one. that's a real thing to something like if one of the bill of the questionnaire. so a lot of formulas of a nearby children that and the mom was am i to get a chance? i'm always, i'm always put on with them once old because they gave me nightmares last night. bad one most shift. if so. yeah, there's all the
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way i can. i may have something right now. like where is it getting more more for somebody? i'm gonna try it again. i thought was more than i got that. i lose the i lose my finance. i get anybody somebody was. but i'm it is so the fish are actually here on the island, but i'm assuming that really oh man. oh yeah. the civil when i tried to i didn't think it was for the lower digit.


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