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tv   News  RT  July 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the, the will lead to all the world largest country says a couple of t with the leader of the most popular was conveyed by the inputs in the house and the run, the load, the annual step discussing the think of russia, india, and the world. while the leader of the world's most populous country has officially flown in to meet the leader of the world's largest country. and on surprisingly, between these 2 are joined. there isn't too full not to discuss that. we are here from our special coverage studio high in the russian sky, trying to make a little sense of what might be set. oh, so there's our russian depends within cases you're creating a federal funding, his area to get more money. you from west to the sponsor,
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got lost. it says teams own ad defensive have his few cleaning residents, residential sites, the live from our international new center in moscow. this is all to you. hello, and welcome to the pub significant signifying the rapids. the developing relationship between the 2 nations in this problem is it is in moscow where he is meeting with president. person for adults on say is covering every aspect of their end pneumonia is visit. i'm all the developments, so i much and the russian president vladimir puts in has hosted indian prime, is in there under moody,
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at his residence for an informal meeting. the president has been given me focused on india, economic growth to sort of his counter box. while the problem is that has on the school that in his 3rd, he will transform india for the benefit of it. citizens solice. you have your own ideas. you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 a year. in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and the planning horizons are expanding. this means the indians feel confident. they feel stability, which is very important. i will often laugh meg, but of the elections in india were an important occasion given at the scale. india
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is the world's largest democracy. that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted. it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister jello route in their room. and now 60 years on i have been given this chance the people of india gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have in trusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years in the government. and my principal is reform per for him and transform people voted for this very principal . and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i'm going to work 3 times as hard on page a. so i see a tailor has been following the written, remote is a 1st day in moscow for most special studio overlooking the kremlin
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a while the indian prime minister has indeed chosen russia as the us destination for his biological visit since reelection, back in june. who's you're going to be speaking to? what's on the agenda? what kind of outcomes can we expect? so i'm going to people around the world saying about that is going to come this hour and throughout the next day, before we talk about what about, let's talk about walking around, promoting himself has to say, what about thought he lands. and this last thing he did, sorry, more than with him, he took to social media to make a surprise post. not slightly worried cuz it looks like his russian might be better than mine. arrived in moscow, we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially and futuristic areas of cooperation, strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's what, joining me now, thoughts his runs and salma. i mean,
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we know that at the last fall actual russian india summit, we know that that was a number of a 2000 memorandums of understanding signed agreements, which really is in keeping with, like i said, this ensuring co operation between the 2 nations. what, what do you think this expectations to come out? of course as oscar a lot has changed since then of this and what russia, india summit is happening off to a 3 or a week. and this has been a tradition since the year 2000, a sole source, a lot has changed and the wall geopolitically that are towards reaching the was in that context. there are 5 essential topics that will definitely be a figured when, when the 2 leaders meet. one is an orgy. india has been scooping off a lot of discount and rushing on. but the fact means that the consistency has been a somewhat of a question mark. so john andrew assigned for have some long term contracts with
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russia, where we know, okay, this is a percentage of discount, we're getting every month. so there will be some sort of consistency there. that is one to there's of course, a defense corporation, energy defense being the backbone of, of, of this partnership between the 2 nations. but defense also why it's explained. he's strong of something that also works the west a lot. and they've been trying to cut the india defendants on a russian ministry. but the fact remains that off to the war, there are some dealings that we've seen. for example, the s 400. this was a deal which in the assigned back in 2018. so this is what mr. moody will be asking since and if there's a possibility, expediting that because india a given the fact that it has voted entries with china, that is something that, that is in is essential for india. and then of course, there's also all the talk about indians that are stuck in a deep clean and a number. you clean water. i beg your pardon, but, but the fact remains that,
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that ease of contention between the 2 countries. because of you see, formerly in there is at least only reached out to the kremlin, to on to the foreign ministry in russia. but they haven't really got a response that they're satisfied with. there are at least 30 indians that you'll see are, are stuck in russia. so that is something that is going to figure out when the 2 leaders meet the bus. and that also freed, which has been made up of the fact remains that the payment systems are in place. but that is something that, in your russia have been working really hard on that mechanism so that we can just bypass the sanctions by falls on the dollar walls. where if any living in this way of which really, which has been out of the system and that's of course david was with the tweet team . that's definitely going to be a priority area. yeah, i mean, you mentioned that the s 400. that was a mega deal when it was announced, $5500000000.00,
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a number of unit says that's the coming. yes. and i remember at the time the washington said, hang on a sec, a new tally you making this part just might not see trick us sanctions because you will be 16 bypassing or in branch of all sanctions. that was the same rhetoric that we heard from washington to we'll talk to you as well. again, about s 400 on the west coast saying basically you have to pick aside if you want to collaborate with ultimate authority. we can't trust you with all critical um you know, technology on a know how i mean the lack of trust doesn't seem like a good basis for a successful, unfruitful partnership and social scale. what the west needs to. * really understand is that india is not going to fix signs. india has a strategic good talking to me and it's going to work all towards it. and it's going to work towards what works best for india. wherever we get a good deal. we're going to get that, that's been the philosophy of the government. that's what the indian government and
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you know, this has been the foreign policy there in deal stands for no matter who is in power in terms of the political body, the prime minister. so that essentially that, that is still the tools of indian foreign policy. this predicted, told me that you were talking about. also the west might say ok, you know, we can give you a better deal. but the facts remains that russia in terms of the defense and new energy now, but it has been a popular window of time dusted north. also we've seen that this, this relationship has not only would stood the test of time, but also do when it goes. sure. and so the very fact that the indian prime minister in the range of movie is here in russia today, it's a, it gets a very, very important message out to the world that this friendship is here to stay. and the meal will not get next yard. and dell will not be dictated by any of the country, not the west. nobody to india will do our works for the best 3. and i also do with
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what she wants to get. you'll take um, it will take to narrow this about indians. no, no line policy. um it just blue cross through our new tele has approved. so 15th, a very difficult issue of the train from the very beginning. all some of the new queen conflict, india new to the status of this. this is something that, again, the west was not comfortable with the they, they were of course, talks about on you not in fact, pressures from washington all for india to condemn the school for the, for the conflict a new when india did not do that. the india sort of by falls, told up on all the source functions of one of them. you may want to pull it up, but not does that seem good continued it's read india ink 3 is it's flushes of on on and you know we've, we've seen the tree between the 2 nations as i hit a whopping $65.00 going something, $1000000000.00. so that's huge. yeah, i know,
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so we called when we talk about these 2 power houses, we really cannot talk about their approach to multiple hour to. right. i mean, that has been a key to an event. so the faith and fox don't together understanding the change on, you know, one full amount in which they've done that is correct. and you know, when you look back will be managed to achieve over the last decade they put 5 different countries together in terms of population, maybe in terms of national interest in terms of the economy sizes. they've managed to bring them together and create when was the unified policy, but also they've managed to present a challenge to the state is quite a playful governance. that's a really big aspect of this part. actual relationship i think is i'm, and i'm you could do last year was in new york, also g, 20 presidency. but also your is your also su, i'm what in the data under is presidency of the g twenty's agency platform? 2 countries in the global south, under, in deals, presidency we,
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so of the entry use the f when you're in the middle of law. it's, you know, comprising over on $65.00 countries and a centrally or what the global southfield is. that their issue was. and there are plenty, they are not hard to be on the newer presented on global powerful dropped farms like the g 20, for example. so, so india wants to expand. india wants to make sure that, that's uh, the global solves is, is more mainstream now. and all the sofa main stream uh, of course, is it is changing it, which is why we call it the changing world all door. and in, in that, and it was with the to our bill inch times that we were living in, we're seeing the india rochelle friendships, the india, russia partnership has been very, very stable. and this was a task, especially to model when that means and will be. and while the very 1st thing would be meeting each other, we'd also see in washington dc otherworldly just going meeting on the mutual anniversary. so on trust that yeah,
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i'm just very quick. i do want to get your take on, you know, we took up to see about the business self that goes on behind the scenes, the things that would great level of culture and exchange and educational exchange, which states, but really all the way back to the surgeon union also, so with our human aspect of this, this partnership isn't us. you, you cannot deny that. i can tell you from a well when i go and report a new delhi, you know, across india, this special log for ron, for listen. and that to the indian spirit, it's a, it's not explainable, in the sense sense, so that the people to people ties are a very, very strong. they have not been strong today. they've been strong from, from, from decades then. and just wanted to put a finger on when the friendship really materialized. but um, with the fact is that this, the i invested, friendship is not only based on on what we seeing happened to date, but it's based on his finger solid discrete. no, i also wanted to bring it out. is ortiz, i'm see a lot to know who was that?
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sneak at the airport and c o most you can say, met the indian prime minister himself, and he's not how we're going to try and spin it. his not just showing us exactly what the putting up like in most go in the indian premier, was wheels down where he as one of most squares, asked for what ends in 5 minutes standing around somebody has landed on, as you can see behind me. saying he just stepped on the red carpet on his grease and final straw and by the called on. it's a very significant share because of russia. angie, i have always had a strength and them as indian prime minister and the run for movie is such a hotels with russian president vladimir on the ration. and it's very important to know. so the point of the trip in the employment of bruce and his friends. so it's clearly shows the choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy
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. and we've been covering that really from all angles, whether that's the russian perspective or indian perspective, and also the western perspective. how are they reacting to the fact that the indian premier has chosen russia as his fast bilateral visit since being re elected to a side tom into token us through all the thought? it's all to charlotte to funds. it's important to note that was weston price. we want you to believe the russia and president cruise, you know, isolated. it's clearly not the case. and this visits by india is premium in this that shows that no to be true. he is, hey, on his boost, quite a lot to visit summit. and since he was elected in june last month, and he himself just talked about the importance of this relationship between russia and india. at the same time, russia has said that india is a trusted partner. and we've heard from the kremlin that they believe west are
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going to be flying this with some jealousy. if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach of great importance and they're not wrong there. there's a lot to attach. great importance to what west has issues with this relationship, one because they food drink deep, but toys, economic toys, for a toys cultural toys. and also we seemed free increasing increase between rupture and india. we know that the us, we'd like a bigger slice of trade. we didn't get, which is the 5th largest economy in the world. now, we've just heard that russia and india of announced and the last few days, another deal to rush it to supply in the weapons bases of full tanks. and we know that the us is not happy about that. we have been clear which areas are affected by the continuing relationship between india and russia militarily and took me logically, i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements. and
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we've expressed some concerns us as old, so who in business is about doing business with russia, saying that if the each wines circumvent the sanctions, the west, just put them on russia, then they too could face very serious consequences to us together with dozens of allies is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. us, of course, as well as the west, generally has been demanding that india hold must go accountable to the rule in ukraine. india has taken a very neutral stance on this and said that it is full peace. it was to seek peace in ukraine, but it has refused time and time again to co talk to the demands of the west to
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condemn russia as a result of what's happening in ukraine at the moment. now most of as also hate jobs off the wes detroit, it's in to see if it's partnerships. it's strategic partnerships with countries around the world, particularly that relationship with india an old. so we're showing it to saying that this is unacceptable. and we know that india has said that it will stay straight to narrow on this task, and it will continue to demand peace that it will not take sides on that. like i say it's very interesting to see how the west to go to view this. and it does come this meeting as a bit of a smell given at the very same time in washington dc. need to members and meetings to pay so much make of that. what you will, well, throughout the day here on this beautiful terrace, i've been joined by a number of x xbox in various fields, defense experts, aquanda miss professors,
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for my diplomats too. and we've been talking through the expectations of this top level meeting, what they believe would be the priorities on the bar left for an agenda. the west is a liar, that's it. so and i see this is just as far as just the beginning. there will be more leaders that we'll see you to the strong ones that are coming to russia, and they want to talk to miles because i want to establish a dialogue and you know what is symbolic. just now it's about to start the nate assignment. and we here talk about peace and they are there to talk about hoarse. so this is very symbolic. and with the nation's, the a nation stay the really solving nations they one piece. so that's why they come to rest of the do you think it's just a coincidence that the indian prime has flown and, and is slightly the meetings happening in parallel with that? i believe it's not a great incidence. well, it's a choice, it's a sign and it is time symbol. the core is uh, what we want. we want to are different nations different states to prosper. and
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that's why it comes now, how to say that he is with russia because he is with peace because he is for us over the nation. and he is against the western aggression christine, the knows was west and the russian, the symbolic. and they also know the history that we have all the support of them, do it in the soviet times. they have a good memory. you know, it's very interesting that you mentioned that that's been something i've been trying to pick people's brains about. because all do see the us a saw was very good to many nations in the global south when they was firing for independence when they were trying to shut the yoke of colonialism which was just raping and pillaging movies, refills, rich nations. and that's exactly what i wanted to ask you to think that, that historically truth continues to shape, especially the global south perception,
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not just of rosabelle says, wearing us of western capitals, the cry serve and the for the invoices community. and i deal with for the students all the time, and i know they are the specifics or how we view rent education for students. we do it for free, and we teach them how to come back to their countries and develop their countries by themselves. but look, what is it was did the technical form neo colonial uses, where they were given all these food and everything for free. so to make actually countries dependence, they didn't grant them education. that's the ussr did. they didn't give them instruments to create independence, or they want to them is just to be their slaves. and they're now the time to change . it starts from russia, and there we how to all the countries to change into grand independence. all today will be covering all the news, doing a written road is soon day trip to moscow. you would also find the link just of
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things about the visit when all websites, all the duck the, the wow in the news last go have denied the queen's claims of bowman says billions in keep the russian defense minister. he says it's full, says, actually targeted and successfully struck your claim, but at the basis of fund freeze on monday morning was that it says a civilian a certain fizzle. it hits like cubes own defenses. a numerous publish photo, some video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating the air defense rocket launch from the anti aircraft missile system in the city were especially nope, assuming the tensions of the key for whom had been happening for years and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. well,
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this was the largest strike on kid by russian forces over the sum of baps, the biggest the see it certainly for the various me solves that is hypersonic miss all change on this all. so as cruise missiles, tactical results, targeted fields in half a dozen recreating and sick he's called these military base is called this is on the conductor blogs the until the end, the trauma plugs in kit, for example, which specializes amongst other things, the production of it, and this solves as well as repairing. 1 1 wisdom donated weapons so you can vehicles, for example, tags on the personnel, carriers, infantry of fighting vehicles, the credit inside place, it says, and several sub stations where she had to hit the key of unclear whether that was a brief whether that was by uh, 5 years off your credit and has already come out and claim that it's shut down about 70 percent of the, of the massage sewage by russia,
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which is evidently untrue. the speed of footage dealing by your grading and civilians in cabin all the areas showing this how often result often results impacting targets in kit. for example, in people enrolled in the over to peoples. the russian side says this is with allegations is retaliation for repeated attempts by cube to destroy them targeting russian energy infrastructure, which will be about uh, oil refineries, about oil storage, gas pipelines, as well as civilian infrastructure and to factories. thing essential to the russian to the russian economy. as for an electron hospital hits in tip of the great houses all come out, the said that the children have died. this is a children's hospital. russia maintains the police was that was the result of an interception gotten wrong. and this has happened many times before. where are you pregnant? i g m results sometimes lose provided by the west of golf course. obstruct. uh,
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for example, apartment buildings office blocks and these is the same case and ukraine is trying to squeeze everything a job out of this incident before the details become a power. the purpose of such permutations is to ensure further finance and of the key for shame. and the continuation of the word to the last degree, and the russian side says that it will continue shikes so long as you crane targets russian territory west. some powers conspiring to blame. russ of the equations use of chemical weapons the gain. so just as of billions in done by sides the bottom. so i would gauge and from the russian defense ministry where you may choose from, from us here, according to available information through s and germany, together with ukraine. and the technical secretariat of the organization for the broad edition of chemical weapons are preparing a special mission to investigate the so called fact of the use of chemical weapons,
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the new queen, in order to blame them on russia. one of the so called independent states is supposed to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence. that flushing is toxic chemicals during the special military operation. the americans have already allocated about $400000.00 for this purpose. at the same time, the organization for the prosecution of chemical weapons has received from its western patrons, instructions not to react in any way to russia, statements on the violations of the convention by ukraine. some questions why not sees a steve a so we need to ins we now in the pseudo was all the details, steve. certainly some explosive claims come me out. coming from the russian development. se break it down for, for you. well, yes, it seems that the united states, germany and ukraine all preparing to fabricate evidence to suggest that russia has used chemical weapons on the possible federal court. the very serious charge a bit to for the demonized rush. and now the plan comes as ukraine is fighting on
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the pass info, but washington, according to russia's defense ministry, has advocated navy hall for 1000000 us dollars for this purpose. now the item is for a so called independent site to trigger and investigation with the outcome already pre determined. so is there a saying we talk about the v o p c w? i be the aside from the organization for the recognition of chemical weapons. but steve, what does the russian defy the summative? he said about the role specifically in this, well, they'd be very critical of the p c. w. this is a body that is charged with overseeing a day evans to the chemical weapons convention. this is an international traits in signed by maybe 200 countries, including russia and ukraine. now it says that the p. c. w has received instructions from its western supervisors. basically not to respond to any state was by the russian federation, about potential violations of the treaty. by you crate. now,
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the organization itself is politically compromise is being accused of biased fucking 2018. it changed its rebate so that it could apportion blame for chemical attacks. now russia and other countries accused of being nothing more than a tool of the western powers. back in 20, 19 august, one of 82 just in britain who covered the manipulation of a document by the p. c. w. it's sort of late in the syrian government for an alleged chemical attack can do more obviously a very serious job. but now this comes, as russia has accused ukraine, of using chemical weapons on the battlefield. on the discovery of a chemical weapons, the bullet tree operated by the crating and on forces 40 pretty good unions and you have another one. you're an engineering reconnaissance laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered in a supplement, new work dave, in the industrial zone on the 1st floor of a destroyed building. during the laboratory analysis, the presence of sodium sign,
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i'm so sorry, gas it and trace amounts or sign up and i am was found in the samples. the presence of this chemicals clearly indicates that the laboratory was used to produce active toxic substances will save while the, the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is one thing. the targeting of civilians with thompson by you claim i'm a show do. this is something else was the red russian defense minister told us today about, but, well, they said that they've discovered this. a sophisticated little retreat was found in an industrial zone in the city. all of the economics has been idolized by a specialist from the russian forces. now, what they found that was all the equipment necessary for the production of 3 kilograms of chemicals a day. so for your cost even sign, i'd, which makes a compound just $70.00 to $80.00 milligrams, is a legal enough dogs inhaled by humans that they found this compound which smells of
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omens. and when is inhaled, it stops just slowly reacting the receiver to system. it causes a dizziness, rapid vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually that death. now this chemical was a power to be used in a u. a. v. a. talk, a rush as belgrade region, in june 2020 full. this has been confirmed by the power tree test. uh, is also reported the american specialist were involved in the slip over it sees as well as the mass production of that kind of causing drawings which are used in these chemical attacks. and it's spoken a lot about these kind of tyra attacks using chemical weapons being carried out across the don't yet, people's republic, i'm the guns people's republic. but there was any, was always towards the 3rd you create in units. use toxic compounds not only do with noted to reaction but also to carry out the tentative stacks in liberated territories. i guess.


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