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tv   News  RT  July 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the lot of the input in the know read real low the, i'm discuss is the thing. so russia, india, and of the world while sharing a couple of t 2 residents outside most of the lead off the walls, most popular country has officially flown in to meet the needs of the world's largest country. and on surprise me between these 2 jobs, there was a full notes here discussed. we are here from our special coverage studio high in the russian sky, trying to make a little sense of what might be size of the rough and the size of the fuses.
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ukrainian officials of funding his area to get more money from a less than sponsor losses. that you own and defensive hits, you print in those sites, the good cause thing for moscow, every hour of the day, this is on the, on the moment, signifying the rather the developing a relationship between the 2 nations. india's prime minister. as in moscow, he's meeting with the president puts in for adults, all the is covering every aspect of the run promotions visit and all the developments i much i. the last 7 president invited inputs in hosted indian prime is in there and remotely at
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his residence for an informal meeting. monday evening, the president's focused infant tequila on india is being come on a growth during laptops. father prime is underscored how he will transform india for the benefit of it citizens. and here's the to solice. you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious, india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 a year. in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and the planning horizons are expanding. this means that the indians feel confident. they feel stability, which is very important. our laugh meg, but of the elections in india were an important occasion given at the scale. india
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is the world's largest democracy. that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted. it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india, when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister jo around their room. and now 60 years on, i have been given this chance the people of india and gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have entrusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years in the government. and my principal is reform, perform and transform people voted for this very principal, and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i am going to work 3 times as hard from football to sherry, a cup of tea, run me, and put an invite to the indian crime mussa for dr. limit like fig vehicle. then
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the 2 will data is to the front of the fro around the russian presidents, residents outside most of the a saw so the info will need to see what's in a moody sold a stable. i'm at my the horses then that would trace into iconic russian songs performed by office in national cost games all to use the photo in the render load is visit 1st day in must go from out of pseudo is here. and as a special small overlooking equipment to the while,
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the indian prime minister has indeed chosen roster as the us destination for his bi lateral visit since re election back in june. who is he going to be speaking to what's on the agenda? what kind of outcomes can we expect, and what are people around the world saying about that is going to come this hour and throughout the next day, before we talk about, what about, let's talk about what you're under. moody himself, has to say, what about thought? he landed in the class that he did, sorry, motional to him. he took to social media to make a surprise post. not slightly worried cuz it looks like his russian might be better than mine. arrived in moscow, we look forward to further deepening the special and privileged strategic partnership between our countries, especially in futuristic areas of cooperation, strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our people's or joining me now. it's all tease runs and salma. i mean,
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we know that the last fall actual russian india summit, we know that that was a number of attempt dawson memorandums of understanding signed agreements, which really is in keeping with, like i said, this ensuring co operation between the 2 nations. what it, what are your biggest expectations to come out? of course is oscar a lot has changed since then of this and with russia, india, some it is happening off to a 3 or week. and this has been a tradition since the year 2000. so of course, a lot has changed in the wall geopolitically that towards reasoning of the was up in that context. there are 5 essential topics that will definitely be a figured when, when the 2 leaders meet, one is energy. india has been scooping up a lot of discount in russian oil all, but the fact remains the, the consistency has been a somewhat of a question mark. so john and you assigned perhaps a long term contract with russia,
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where we know, okay, this is a percentage of discounts we're getting every month. so there will be some sort of consistency there. that is one to there's of course, a defense cooperation, energy defense being the backbone of, of, of the sponsorship between the 2 nations. but defense also why it's explained. he's strong of something that also works the west a lot. and they've been trying to got to india is dependence on a russian ministry, but the fact remains the cost of the war. there are some dealings that we've seen, for example, the s 400. this is a deal with india assigned back in 2018. so this is what mr. moody will be asking for. and then if there's a possibility, expediting that because uh, india, a given the fact that it has voted engines with china, that is something that, that is in is essential for india. and then of course, there's also all the talk about india and that are stuck in a new queen and a number you queen flora. i beg your pardon but,
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but the fact remains that of that ease of contention between the 2 countries. because of you see, formerly india is at least only reached out to the kremlin, to on, to the foreign ministry in russia. but they haven't really got a response that they're satisfied with. there are at least 30 indians that you'll see are, are stuck in rushes. that is something that is going to figure out when the 2 leaders need for the bottom. that also freed, which has been human all but the fact remains that the payment systems are no in place. but that is something that in your russia have been working really hard on that mechanism so that we can just bypass the sanctions by falls on the toner walls . what if anything leaking in the sway of which we do, which has been out of the system on that's of course david was with the tweet team, and that's definitely going to be a priority era. i also wanted to bring you now is ortiz. i'm see a lot to know who was actually at the airport and she is most you can say met the indian prime minister himself,
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but he's not how we're going to try and spend it. his not stuff showing us exactly what the putting up like in most go in the indian premier was wheels down way ahead as one of more stairs efforts went ends in 5 minutes down to run somebody has landed on, as you can see behind me saying he just stepped on the red carpet and his grief and final lucas drawn by the cold of it's a very significant share because of russia. india have always had good strength and them as indian prime minister. and the regular movie is set to hotels with russian president vladimir on the full ration. and it's very important to know. so to find the trip in the employment of stuff and his friends. so it's a very sure it's the choice between the 2 countries and ends in foreign. minnesota also says that the ties between russia and india have always been stable and frenzy . we also decided to take to the streets of india and see what the average pass
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invest thinks about that. probably minister to think must go, like i said, as his 1st by law stroke visit since winning a re election back into. and here's what we said. we see to share as our strategic partner and a very good friend, you know, we are allies, they support us diplomatically that she has a very special place in the hearts of and, and uh, i love and i like it go beyond the right track. president put in uh is quite a cool guy, a and of his relationship with the mother is also very amazing as i showed you. yes . so as, as just the magic size mode offered to stand in the bottom, the ad between them is a very significant you could say that is sort of especially with the, you know, from so many is and is a very good distributed country for india. so very good,
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but not in terms of defense. uh how they're giving to us compared to america about the russia. i think it's so very strong nation, both military wise and and i think it's a very strong here to know if i talk about the visit of what people i'm used to and that is the more difficult issue. i am really very interesting regarding this because i never been able to any head of the states, boost and other countries that i'm anybody to size did solutions do me think they're going to improve. so this is a positive sign for both the nation because the dies will improve. and we've been covering that really from all angles, whether that's the russian perspective over india and perspective. and also the western perspective. how are they reacting to the fact that the indian premier has chosen russia as his fast bilateral visit since being re elected to
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a 3rd time in june to it's not through the fact it's all to charlotte to funds. it's important to note that was weston price. we want you to believe that russia and president trutina isolated. it's clearly not the case. and this visit by india is premium in this that shows that no to be true. he is here on his boost, quite a lot to visit summit, as soon as he was elected in june last month. and he himself just talked about the importance of this relationship between russia and india. at the same time, russia has said that india is a trusted partner, and we've heard from the kremlin that they believe west going to be. i english with some jealousy. if they're jealous, that means they're closely monitoring. that means they attach a great importance and they're not wrong there. there's a lot to attach. great importance to what west has issues with this relationship.
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one because they food drink deep but toys, economic toys, free ties, cultural choice, and also we seems free increasing increase between rupture and india. we know that the us, we'd like a bigger slice of trade, we didn't get, which is the 5th largest economy in the world. now we just heard that russia and india of announced and the last few days another, do you rush it to supply in the weapons bases of full tanks. and we know that the us is not happy about that. we have been clear which areas are affected by the continuing relationship between india and russia militarily and took me logically, i think we'll take what steps we can to mitigate some of those engagements. and we've expressed some concerns for us as old. so role in doing business is about doing business with russia, saying that if the each wines circumvent the sanctions west to put them on russia, then they too could face very serious consequences. the us together with dozens of allies,
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is standing up against the idea that one country by brute force should be able to take the land of another. let me hope that india will continue to recognize that principle and work with us to identify those companies that are fueling the russian war machine. us, of course, as well as the west, generally has been demanding that india hold must go accountable to the rule in ukraine. india has taken a very neutral, stalling, so list and said that it is full piece. it wants to see piecing you quite, but it has refused time and time again to co talk to the demands of the west, to condemn russia as a result of what's happening in ukraine at the moment. now most folks as also hate jobs off the wes detroit, it's in to see if in it's partnerships it's strategic partnerships with countries around the world, particularly that relationship with india. and so we're showing it to saying that
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this is unacceptable. and we know that india has said that it will stay straight to narrow on this task, and it will continue to demand peace that it will not take sides on that conflict. so it's very interesting to see how the west to go to view this. and it does come this meeting as a bit of a smell given at the very same time in washington dc. need to members and meetings to best so much make of that. what you will, well, throughout the day here on this beautiful terrace, i've been joined by a number of x xbox in various fields, defense x. that's a corner miss professors for my diplomats too. and we've been talking through the expectations of this top level meeting, what they believe would be the priorities on the block for an agenda and goes with them, a huge energy consumption document for us and ended up with this other areas like transportation networks, is what was happening on payments. there's work happening on banking investment. so i think the last few years, there's been
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a tremendous progress in this impulse of russian crude oil have just sky rock it's, it's um, and i think it's hard to say that new tiny received a little bit of a lot of criticism from the west, specifically the you from a business point of view for india, it made sense and made sense for the economy saving itself, $13000000000.00. right. but also for the, for the indian consumer, we will have the energy markets in a way. absolutely. i think our uh, minnesota is clearly said that we are 1500000000 people country and we've got to look at our people. we've got to see to our stomachs the so i mean, i understand your opinion and other countries, but you've got to think about our people and be to do whatever is best for them. and that's what every can see and every government would be doing. so i see nothing wrong in that list. i was reading some western mainstream media commentators that told you about how moody is really making
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a strong message here. i'd like to say russia as his 1st of all, i love true, a trip off to winning re election. i mean, we know that india is traditionally known that lines and it stopped itself very well. now it's managed to expand its into, it's on the political stage because precisely it seen as a neutral, reliable, all, all but so really, i think it is that the west, which is not necessarily a particularly toner and blog, is accepting of india's reluctance to align itself with the west of nations. i think traditionally, people understand that we've been very close to the shadow. she has always been a good friend and a buckner. and i think today in the is in a position to decide what it wants to do. i think good. the western world understands that the one part of the india is um, you know, economic growth as well. so they would rather not lose
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a friend who's at least normally line. india is a huge market for a lot of the rest. and then you'd have suppliers, it could have been factories. so i think the seed as a subject, fox, modem, b, or somehow fine with the fact that keep getting on the line. and as always, being on the lines, you know that he will be covering all the news during the reading remedies to the trip to moscow. you can also find the latest of the things about the visit on our website on the dot com the . now in other news, i'm also has denied due claims claims the welding civilians inc. you the russian defense. but if he size is full, is, is actually targeted. i'm successively struck,
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ukrainian moved 3 bases. in fact, 3 on monday morning. well says, says somebody and stuff, it says what hits my kids own defenses of numerous publish photos and video footage from cuba, unequivocally confirmed the destruction was due to the fall over you creating an air defense rocket launch from the entire aircraft missile system in the city were especially nope, assuming the tensions of the key presume had been happening for years and every time on the eve of the next meeting of the patrons from nato. well, this was the largest strike on kid by russian forces over the summer. perhaps the biggest the see it certainly for the various me solves that is hypersonic, miss austin, john this all. so as cruise missiles, tactical results, targeted fields in hop adults and ukrainian cities called the military base is called cuz it's on conductor blogs. the until the end, the term of plants in kit, for example, which specializes amongst other things, the production of it. and this solves,
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as well as repairing wisdom donated weapons. so you can vehicles, for example, tags on the personnel, carriers, infantry of fighting vehicles, the credit inside place. it says that several sub stations where she had to have taken care of unclear whether that was a bri, whether that was by uh, by yourself, you credit and has already come out and claim that it's shut down. about 70 percent of the, of the massage village by russia, which is evidently untrue, the speed of footage dealing by your credit and civilians in cabin all the areas showing me so often result off to me. so impacting targets in care. for example, in people enrolled in the able to be put on the russian side says this is retaliation. this is retaliation for repeated attempts by cube to destroy up to them targeting russian energy infrastructure, which will be about uh, oil refineries, about oil storage, gas pipelines. as well as civilian infrastructure and to factories,
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things essential to the russian to the russian economy. as for an electric pulse video hits in kip. 1 the great house to talk about the said the clearly shows of the dodd this is a children's hospital. russia maintains that this was the result of an interception going wrong. and this has happened many times before. where are you pregnant? i g m results sometimes lose provided by the west of golf course obstruct. uh, for example, apartment buildings office uh blocks and these is the same case and ukraine is trying to squeeze everything. and john, out of this incident before the details become a power, the purpose of such permutations is to ensure further financing of the key for shame. and the continuation of the war to the last of green in the russian side says that it will continue shikes. so long as you crane targets russian territory, while some powers are conspiring to blame russia if the claims use of chemical
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weapons against soldiers iris, billions and don't boss, that's the bottom. so i gave sion from the russian defense ministry. a brain is some sort of muster, according to available information do s and germany together with you cream. and the technical secretariat of the organization for the broad edition of chemical weapons are preparing a special mission to investigate the so called facts of the use of chemical weapons and ukraine in order to blame them on russia. one of the so called independent states is supposed to initiate an investigation and fabricate evidence that washing is toxic chemicals during the special military operation. so the americans have already allocated about $400000.00 for this purpose. at the same time, the organization for the prosecution of chemical weapons has received from its western patrons. instructions not to react in any way to russia. statements on the violations of the convention, provide ukraine. it seems that the united states,
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germany and ukraine all preparing to fabricate evidence to suggest that russia has used chemical weapons on the possible federal court. the battery service charge a bit to for the demonized rush. and now the plan comes as ukraine is fighting on the pass info, but washington, according to russia's defense ministry, has advocated navy hall for 1000000 us dollars for this purpose. now the i'm is for a so called independent state to figure an investigation with the outcome already pre determined. we talked about the v o p c w. i'll be essentially the organization for the vision of chemical weapons. but steve, what does the russian defy the submit if he said about the role specifically in this? well, they be very critical of the p c. w. this is a body that is charged with overseeing of devons to the chemical weapons convention . this is an international trade consigned by maybe $200.00 countries, including russia and ukraine. now it says that the p. c. w has received
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instructions for miss western supervisors. basically not to respond to any state was by the russian federation, about potential violations of the treaty by you cry. now, the organization itself is politically compromised, has been accused of bias back in 2018. it changed its rebate so that it could have portion blame for a chemical attacks. now russia and other countries accused of being nothing more than a tool of the western powers back in 20, 19 august one of 82 jet. and this in britain who covered the manipulation of a document by the p c. w. it's sort of late in the syrian government for an alleged chemical attack on doom, obviously a very serious charge. but now this comes, as russia has accused the crating of using chemical weapons on the battlefield, on the discovery of a chemical weapons, the barbara tree operated by the ukrainian on forces. where do you believe your junior,
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when you're in engineering reconnaissance laboratory with chemical equipment, was discovered in a settlement new york days in the industrial zone on the 1st floor of a destroyed building. during the laboratory analysis, the presence of sodium sign, i'm so sorry, gas it and trace amounts of sign up and i am was found in the samples. the presence of this chemicals clearly indicates that the laboratory was used to produce active toxic substances well same while the, the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is one thing. the targeting of civilians with thompson is by you claim. i mean, surely this is something else was the russian defense may assist, told us today about, but well, they said that they've discovered this a sophisticated little retreat was found in an industrial zone in the city. all of the economics has been idolized by a specialist from the russian all forces. now, what they found that was all the equipment necessary for the production of 3 kitty
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grams of chemicals a day. so for your cost, $8.00 and cyanide, which makes it compound, just $70.00 to $80.00 milligrams is a lethal enough drugs inhaled by humans that they found as compounds which smells of omens when it is inhaled. it starts to slowly react in the receiver to system. it causes dizziness, rapid vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, and eventually that death. now this chemical was a power to be used in a you a, the attack, a rush as belgrade region in june 2020 full. this has been confirmed by look over at g test is also reported to american specialists, were involved in the slip, our cheese, as well as the mass production of that kind of causing drugs which are used in these chemical attacks. and it spoken a lot about these kind of tyra attacks using chemical weapons being carried out across the don't. yes, people's republic, i'm the guns people's republic. virginia was always towards the $33.00 and units
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used. toxic compounds not only do with none of the reaction, but also to carry out the terrorist acts in liberated territories against the number of russian political figures. in addition, ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy hazardous facilities on the territory of the didn't ask and look, ask people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical contamination just civilians in the region. now one of the of the top 10 is that the russian defense ministry said that was being used was, uh, was taboo. now this was used in her laptop and a rocky city, which is a single one of us with chemical, a top safety the i visited many times out at least 5000 people were killed that back in 1990 i in a time because it's not doing the tail end of the iran iraq war. but when i've spoken to people that survivors and i went the soon as they talk about the long term effects of long term impact, the poisoning of soil and the poisoning of water. so i searched,
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attacked by using these kind of color with chemical weapons, should be taken very, very seriously. now russia says it is documented more than $400.00 such attacks that is consistent. they submitted its findings to the p. c. w, but so far is being met. by one of silence as well that right? some of this news outlined, these are one thing on the inside. so on the time on the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why? watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else . welcome to please or do they have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. i think it will save you and it shows the position unix, but then you put the linguist, the computer is appreciate what are you doing your dose, but then you would just give them a one shot to the left of selling. so that should bring it to some so that way you don't hear them step is just the fluid. so i know control the limit was unable to answer the phone is a visual of the yeah, i do have to make sure that people come down. yeah, i'm literally so frustrated with as much it's gonna get to play the show you a different level may assist you more. um, when you do it on different shifts and which the technology you can throwing up at
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the let's just sponsor it's just me just go out. i don't like for you to go or you don't wish to just go in and put in the see if it gets done with this or fix it on this one was self employed. so sort of both of the hello and welcome to cross like bullhorn sign peter level. here we discussed some real news giving peace a chance and ukraine. why just taking this position in rage, members of the european union, also the u. k. labor party studying victory at the polls, or maybe it wasn't so stunning to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my


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