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tv   Perspective  RT  July 9, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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stating these chemical attacks and it spoken a lot about these kind of tyra attacks using chemical weapons being carried out across the a don't yet, people's republic, i'm the guns people's republic. but there's usually was always for is that you print in units use toxic compounds. not only do it noted to reaction, but also to carry out the terrorist acts in a liberated territories against a number of russian political figures. in addition, ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy hazardous facilities on the territory of the didn't ask and look, ask people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical contamination just civilians in the region. now one of the other top 10 was uh, the russian defense ministry said that was being used was, uh, was taboo, searched attacked by using these kinds of color what technical weapons should be taken very, very seriously. now russia says it is documented, well the full 100 such attacks that is consistently submitted its findings at to the p. c. w. but so far is being met by one of silence. steve
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sweeney. there now was the american public lied to drink coven times about the best way to treat the virus by the fire chief team. and will there be any accountability for the part in faults scolding al choose on her and you show perspective gets the grips without the steak, you know, and really aim the bullets at tony found sheet. well, people who are recognized as a person there is so it's easy to criticize, but they're really criticizing science because i represent science from the origin to the restrictions and role placed as a result. and ultimately to the treatment. there are more falls hood then it troops regarding everything involved with the coverage,
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19 global pandemic. why was it publicly purposely lied to? and will there be any accountability for those lies? i'm sorry, no use. and this is perspective the on march 11th, 2020, shortly after 12 pm. the world health organization declared at the corona virus a global pandemic. while many had been covering the spread of the virus since the beginning of january. this announcement meant society could no longer ignore this mysterious virus, which would appear in almost every country around the globe and causing symptoms ranging from a simple cold to a deadly respiratory infection. because so little was known about the virus. the global population overwhelmingly turned to health experts for guidance and protecting our health and the health of those we love. next,
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they turn to the government to help put in the policies that would put the odds of overcoming this virus in our favor. now, in a perfect world, the expert, so the countries of leadership would be honest, take a people's trust in the most vulnerable state and do what was necessary to fight this microscopic enemy. but we do not live in a perfect world. and this is greatly demonstrated by the team of doctors and politicians who daily told us the only way to fight this virus was to no longer use common sense and relinquish various freedoms on the name of public health. while the result today, more than 7000000 people have died. as a result of the kobe 19 virus, united states suffer the most loss of over 1200000 deaths attributed and more than double the amount of cases in every other country in the world. from an economic standpoint, while it's very hard to measure,
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the economic loss has suffered because of the coven 19 pandemic. as in america alone, the toilet took on the national gross domestic product is double the great recession of 2072009. and 20 times the economic devastation following $911.00, the global economy was around the same devastating pace was the loss of more than $8.00 trillion dollars. now the hell of this crisis was doctor anthony thought she became a household name almost over night. hailed as a hero, at the time to question dr. fallacy was seen as a virtual desk sentence. as a public health professional and a scientist, you're really attacking. not only doctor anthony found to your attacking science attack in science, we could see why i caught like following quickly form for every thing doctor felt you did or said social distance thing is really physical. separation of people
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where in circumstances where there are crowds you, you remove yourself from very close contact even though they are all breakthrough infections with vaccinated people. almost always the people are race symptomatic and the level of virus is so low. it makes it extremely unlikely, not impossible, but very, very low likelihood that they are going to transmit. if you were of a mass, they were a mass. you protect each other well except years later, lead to audiotapes play during a house oversight and account ability subcommittee on the corner virus pandemic reveal doctor proud. she's real opinions. the last people feel empowered and protected legally. you're going to have schools, universities and colleges are gonna say you want to come to this college body. you're going to get a vaccinated lady. you're going to get back sedated by corporations like amazon and facebook and, and, and all those other things to say you want to work for us to get back to that. and
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it's improving that when you make it difficult for people in the lives, they lose their ideological and they get back sedated. so how did the american team lead by the director of the national institute of health doctor anthony felt she put into place a policy that had such a devastating results and do recent revelations by dr. filed to reveal, he knowingly lied in his public statements to justify his actions. let us bring in our guests to discuss we have the most part has to be steve mazda workshop. and steve of runaway, who is the host of the heartland journal, and carter clues president of the constitutional rights pack. thank you so much for joining me on this. i want to start with you. i'm going to go with steve at bromwoods on this one. i wanna start with these origin. now the original story was about a back in a web market in china. sort of ran, paul called this a lie almost immediately impressed. dr. valgy and other members of the scientific
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community about the origin and united states had anything to do with the creation of the virus. do you believe that the national health institute and the world health organization, purposely withheld and lied about cobit and other dana function research? and i lived one miles from ground, 0, the nursing home in kirkland, washington and south slomo and other uh, governors. put elderly in homes to make it worse and get the numbers up. so yeah, i call him mister file to you because i agree with margaret taylor green. he should lose his license and worse. he has a new book out called on call taking no responsibility for his emails that tell us exactly what you just said. he knew about this decades ago. and, you know, i doubt he brags about all the royalties he and a scientist collected. but instead put the blame on trump for everything, even though he'd been signing off on money for dana function research long before
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trump was even elected. and his wife was the chief ethicist officer at and i so allow that all like bonnie and clyde, sorry to say center from kentucky. rand paul was on to him. the just told josh holly it came from a web market. still, these are evil people, and of course he went on mattel and cole bare 1st to sell his book. she said it's stop coded, so she's complicit. and he danced with syringes. they think it's funny. i don't. it's not as steve ever what somebody say in that book to save anybody from spitting their $19.00 before his claire has been talking about. he doesn't even talk about cobit 19 very much in the book. it's very little that everything is about everything else. he's done, he does not even want to continue to go on the record. maybe he thinks you might be able to kind of put down the road. but steve osborne, does this demonstrate how much congress has no oversight or knowledge of what they are finding, as it concerns appropriating money to the n h. i. and other research universities a oh i, i think without a doubt it speaks to that. i mean this,
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i was gonna say that this goes way beyond, you know, just cobra 19. and i think what we've seen for bouchee is you know, denial, denial, denial, denial. and then of course he says, oh, you know, um, well i never denied that the possibility existed that this was all started in a lab somewhere. of course, uh and 11 china most likely. uh and of course, uh, we know that what he did and, and, and the impression was that it was just, you know, happenstance, well, we already have predictions from a form ahead of the cdc, just not too long ago saying the bird flew, is coming. and it's, it's, it's go, it's that a question of, if it's a question of when, so they know, and he mentioned a lab experiment way back at one point as well, vaguely, i don't remember the particulars so that this is, we don't know what's going on in this world by a long shot, and it's not good and it's dangerous, and we're going to be the victims of it as we have. and it's not the last time. and
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it's coming again in one form or another. will say that or it's brought up the idea of the policies that i do want to get to the politicians accountability. but let's go back to the scientific community on this one, because that's, that's literally where this basically starts before we even get the politicians if is the scientist carter. do you feel like the scientific community sold out as credibility to keep these research dollars flowing into the departments and organizations? i feel the scientific community lied because they were headed up by one of the premier liars of all time. and that's anthony mangle, east bouchee. actually has lived his entire life. he has made a very good living. why? $543000.00 a year. i just paid your front history. he went to reagan and lied about a lot about it. and only larry jobs sort of act up threatened his life stopped him from continuing. you went and tried the same stuff with george bush with the bird
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flew. then he went to the truck because he knew trump or so jermel. so and he quoted statistics from nero. ferguson that he knew where lies absolutely lies. you guys, you 2 guys. no, no, ferguson. right. i mean, you can't get a more notorious liar. then the british shot epidemiologist no further. so the daily mail said, if now ferguson tells you christmas is on december 25th, he's probably lying about the number so fast. you walked into the oval office knowing he was lying in order to create a panic. it felt she had been 6 inches taller. we would have never had a coven hoax. it's just that simple. fix it just so that we're gonna blame heights . okay, 5, we'll give it onto that side of it. but you know, the carter i liked the store be blaming ivy. i said, i want to did that, would that be a little too far? but i do want to talk about the fact that we don't trust politicians. we don't trust the lawyers. very rarely do you say that you don't trust a scientist. that was never, i think pre cove,
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it was all most people's industries that they did not have trusted and they wanted to. i think most people thought that people that were in the science created were for us. but now we're finding out this flip flopping. so i go steve, everywhere at bromwoods, where the most degree a grades to one of the most things crazy things that voucher did. is it completely flip flopped on his masking recommendations since the start of the pen demik? in march 2020 thought you said there is no reason to be walking around without a mask listed right now in the united states. people should not be walking around with mask, it could lead to a shortage of masks. so the people who really needed. so by june i was with a mass because what he was originally say by june, however, fetch began touting, masked as essential for stopping the spread. keep the distance physically and wear a mask. so although they were appear to be some contradiction though you were saying this then and why saying this now actually the circumstances have changed.
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so i was wrong and the other state laws part during thousands house transcribed interview 4 years later when asked by republicans about masking. children thought you said he didn't recall ever reviewing studies about the effectiveness of their protection for children confusing, maybe purposeful. that's what i want to ask you. will there ever be any punishments or consequences for dr. fallacy or others who did not tell the truth specifically when they're on record and they're going contradicting themselves just a few years later? absolutely not. i mean, you could hold your breath and that isn't good. it would be a good outcome for you. that's just not going to happen. i mean, we've seen it. i mean, you know what, you play your the 2020. that was 4 years ago. i mean, we have a republic and a house, i mean it and then i'm up putting the blame on them. it's just not going to happen . it's not in the cards, it doesn't happen. and it won't happen. i mean,
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the governor cuomo from new york was called the other day to testify about, you know, what, what, what, what the nursing home depth. nothing's gonna happen there either. but as far as the masks you heard voucher, you on 60 minutes a know, you know? no, nobody, nobody should be walking around with a mass march of 20. 20. no, no. but it, cuz it'll take away the mass from those who really need it. in other words, sacrifice the common person. save the mass right now, cuz it's not enough to go around where the people in the hospitals, the doctors, the 1st responders. so he was willing to sacrifice them in my mind. the average person that i'll put on a mass. uh and then you know, it's social distance thing. he denied he denied that he came up with social distance being a 6 be blamed on the cd say, and then said in testimony the other day which a kid publicly called out just just the organization really. so you disagree with the 6 feet all along, but you couldn't say anything cuz they were the c, d, c. this is all not, but nobody will suffer consequences theory. okay,
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but here's the thing and i want to bring this to steve ever, what's on this? because we can talk about the assigned is to bring up cuomo, you bring up the politicians, but their defense was we were just listening to what the scientists were telling us . there coloma said he made his decisions based on the scientist, at least at 1st. trump says the same thing, president trump of the time, says that he would just following the guidance of the scientist. so is it fair to really hold the politicians like, whoa, trump and others, even gavin newsome to us to actions that were based on bad information. yeah, i mean, i'm not a doctor, but i'm not stupid. the spanish flu had more depths from masks than from the spanish flu. so his 1st lie was that mass don't work so that there wouldn't be a run on masks so the doctors would have them. so if your doctor lives to one time, they're no longer a doctor, in my opinion, i'm not going there to say, hey, do i have cancer or do i have a bad sniffle?
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i want the answer to be truthful. so they basically repealed informed consent, which came out of the nuremberg trials if injecting you with something or cut off something, or for women surgically add something unnatural. you need to be in for, you know, we just had the adf anniversary day, right? 66 on 65 and for ever before there was no such thing as informed consent. so the nazis could do their frankenstein experiments. but after the defeat of nazis unearned birth, that was never to happen again. so the folks at n i g, h and f, d a and politicians and lawyers and judges, and doctors decided to repeal informed consent. they censored people like me that looked at the true science and harm and history. and what it was doing, the kids in schools and families stuck in abuse of households aren't locked down. also sign typically not sound and the poor bugles like snoopy and the torture that felt you did. he should go to jail for that alone. you know where the pedo and
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saved the wells. folks on that all of a sudden the, the left is rolling around. do your doctor felt you will be your friends in the bronx? don't like him either. some sick stuff. you can google all of this. and he looks as at the end of his book, at times i'm deeply disturbed about the state of our society. we have some complete fabrications. become some people's acceptable realities. well, that's him. he's the fake pandemic since the 70s made people feed her doctors and like the boy who cried wolf and this treatments to avoid bad medicine. sorry, i'm not a doctor, but i'm not stupid. common sense, the beautiful thing, steve, all sorts pretty that always. carter cleared stay right there. because i want to look at the motivation behind the original creation of the virus, the vaccine. and what we can do to make sure this does not happen again. we're going to yard the discussion. after a quick break, the
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41 percent of us adults have an up savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. if we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help.
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the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached to use. okay, well i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and that's just by virtue absorbing here the the welcome back to perspective. i'm your host got e mails. you just bring back at our panel, steve, most of our customers, steve osborne show steve ad revenue, it's host of heartland journal, and carter clues president of the constitutional rights pack. thank you so much for joining me. i love the fact that i have to steves on. it always makes it fun. but carter, since we haven't, didn't get to talk much with you in the 1st of it. i wanna start with you. how does
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united states actually justify spending money on dana of function research in other countries, and why do other countries allow us to do our research in their borders? well, that's a good question. first may i say that this is the norm bar code? yeah, folks, look it up. look it up 10, there's 18. he finally 8 of the principles of nuremberg code. he buys a, don't want to make that point. now as the gain of function research, why do they do it? because we pay them so much money. don't ever think that part of the reason that we are sending billions more into ukraine is not the cover of gain of function research for biological weapons. they found 12 sites in order to do more of this, this science that is killing people, science that is killing people, so it's united states, a power of the dollar. so power the dollar and think got the picture dollars going
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out of style. so we won't be the reserve currency and that black meal is going to end. thank god. they was berg, you know, her brings up a very good point. this happened in china. we now know there is gain of function research happening. we're still allowing you to obviously continuing to other states. why would a world get money? but what does it mean about a leadership that is so desperate to sacrifice the health of its own land, the people of the land, just to get a dollar to put into their bank account? what does it say about the leadership of that country to accept some money to put this farm in their backyard as well? obviously its uh, its evil. i mean they, they don't care about their people. they're willing to make sacrifices, and i loved all, you know, a lot of, uh, there are a lot of governments that would take that to make that sacrifice to get that financial gain. and it's, it's scary. it's scary to think that it's still going on. we have, like i said, we haven't seen the end. i don't know about the origination of this bird flew that
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everybody's talking about, we know it's killing cows, etc. but did you know, scottie, you know, i, i have a doctor 0 telling me, hey, or asked me, did you get this vaccine, or did you get that back seen yet? and what the, what, what, what as a result of cold and those vaccines. i'm hesitant now to get vaccines that maybe i do need and maybe i'd be smart to get up, but i'm really like, what's it going to do to me, you know, i mean that it's messing everything up for me and i think for a lot of other people and a lot of people who are at an age where the doctors are telling them you should get this and you should get that. and i'm saying, well, i had my cold with vaccines. look at, look what happened to people who took the cold with vaccine. not only do they get sick, you got young people that are dying for reasons that they never died before. so it makes your thinking, it's a shame that that has happened. they've all for your exactly correct. you know, i've both my children. i followed along with the traditional schedule suggested by pictures and i've got to go into college. i have to tell you my husband,
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i are having serious discussions. we never had them when they were going into kindergarten. serious discussions, if we're going to get these final panels on our children, to go to college based on what we've seen, develop amongst their peers just in the past few years. thanks to this, coven vaccines. a very good argument. conversation is happening. see that? oh it's, here's the problem. do you think the majority of the world, or even the united states population feel they were wronged at some point by their government in the handling of the krona virus? and if they do, what are they doing about it? yeah, you can see it there, skipping their, their regular physicals. they're skipping their cancer treatments. they're skipping their doctor's advice because the boy who cried wolf syndrome, it's out there. i mean, now you look at these revisionist history in their books, like deborah brooks before him, putting the blame on governors that she oversaw the exact opposite of, say, hunter bite and saying he wasn't on drugs in the court when he signed the federal purchase for, for a gun. oops, it's in his book, you know,
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world renowned doctors like peter mcculla and ryan cole, who were cancelled, and actually treated cobit and no science. rhonda felt the very early scot atlas brought into the the trumpet ministration. archie's book, the real anthony valgy pierre cory, dr. 10 penny's been on my show. she told us the vaccine was a gene therapy, not a vaccine. so any time out you went on and said it was a vaccine you had to say, well, no, he's lying. you know, and vaccines aren't safe and effective. anyway. i had the editor of turtles all the way down. a great book goes back to the 1st vaccine for polio and how it was never tested to show safety. autism rates are up at the same time, childhood immunization schedules up to 70 now peanut allergies, asperger's, many adverse reactions. the, the media won't tell us about possibly related to vaccines and mercury in the vials, but who knows, they will tell us. and so we can't trust the media either, especially these doctors on television and sensors that the, the medical journals like jama. so it's been a few years now and we're seeing the died suddenly cases when ashley to exert
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themselves in the autopsies are pulling out long yarn like blood clots of vaccinated people. you aren't seeing that in on back stated people. turbo cancers were unheard of recurring cancer's and drops and birth rates. i mean, unless the water is going bad, something was introduced into the world that made these illnesses show up, and then south africa they were allowed to prescribe. i ever met in tell me if i'm wrong, doctors and everyone is okay down there. here they call it horse the warmer and told you jo ryan was crazy. it's really interesting and car, you know, here's the thing about the exact same. why do you have to wonder to congress? no. this vaccine was rushed through. this vaccine was pushed through that there was nothing. there's no real science behind. it wasn't going to prevent anything because they actually gave a covering for all the pharmaceutical companies to not be held financially liabil liable for anything that happened as a result of this vaccine. do you think congress actually already had the heads up with this vaccine was a total farce. and if that's true,
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do you think congress would hold themselves accountable for the wrong doing? uh, yes, they knew it was a force in 1987. and you have to remember found she was in power in 1987, congress passed a law that you cannot sue for vaccines. anything they do to your children to you, you're not allowed to serve. so congress no, and they had their cover in place. and there is absolutely no doubt this faxing is wreaking havoc and those are the people are dying. the other day about using congress said 5000 people are trying to day 5000 people. one day, he knew that was a bogus figure because they say d. c repudiated that you're in june and he was here trying to figure for march. so congress know, congress knew it was line and they knew the other day you resign and that damn chairman of that committee funding all over bouchee made me want to throw me. well,
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i want to thank you to our panels. the ball spark has received knowledge board show steve admiral with hugs, department journal, and kind of close present constitutional packed for this customer rights pack. thank you so much for having this conversation. we need more of it. so that hopefully we can get some legislation passed that prevents this from happening again. a thanks guy. yeah, very few names can make my blood boil, like the mention of anthony vouching as a broadcast or during this time i watched my industry crumble and stopped questioning what was happening. rather, they just encourage you to did what was told to them as a mom at the direction of the scientific community. i watched my children's lives come abruptly to a halt. their education was suspended, and their sense of security vanished. probably the most surprising was as a. busy leader watching fear tactics be used to shut down the election process. our political conventions were honking horns in a parking lot, and our election laws became amended to reduce the integrity of the election. sadly,
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from a legislative perspective, little has been done to prevent america or even the world from repeating the same devastating situation where freedoms were quickly relinquished all in fear. however, i do believe the charade did open the eyes of many, especially those in the younger generation. but not all conspiracy theories were just series and blindly trusting anyone and power in a crisis can have more of a modifying result in the long term. in the predicament at hand, this has been perspective. thank you for watching the everything had changed with her daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie your daughter is having a diabetic ketoacidosis,
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i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous and hardest cancer diabetic prefer on her. obviously that affects every part of it or, and assist in the american diabetes association. is that the american diabetes association has been bought all by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corporations use them every year. i wasn't given a specific diet i just told to inject and test. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put these recommendations out, forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funding low carbohydrate diet. there was a multiple $1000000000.00. they found the corporations that were coming right.
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correct the know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world. vladimir putin praises the leadership of number and bremo. d, as in the, as prime minister kicks off his state visit to russia with a full day of negotiations. i had this tuesday. wow, hi. and this guy with the package all the quotes, the eye clinic problem, then we are here waiting on ready to go about this and run from 30. well, when visit tim oscar and while all eyes are in moody's, most go visit the with the again, expresses its concern about india is close relationship with russia.


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