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tv   News  RT  July 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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without kenesha is best of the product. the cindy is most trusted friend, our russian friends coolant, drew's back, and in hindi. we call him dusty. now render on load a praise as russia under the leadership of vladimir puts in during his state visit to moscow, which is no internet 2nd, on the final day. while with a dear thought would make anyone green with envy. we are here standing by, live, ready to about anything on everything related to india and premier as a visit to moscow will see you in just a minute. and also a head in the program. rushes for an intelligent service, said to us is seeking a change of power in sibley. see i made approaching parliamentary elections. the warning comes as george is integration into, the european union is suspended. as stated by the block, the official,
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the basically is r t international, one story dominating coverage today. india is most trusted friend, the words of the nation's prime minister about it's not him or puts in the cleric during his visit to moscow with this tuesday. now the 2 day trip to russia is the end of strengthening the already rapidly developing relationship between the 2 countries. and r t is keeping across all of it. the day 2 of the big by last her old gathering is often rolling. let's see what's topping the agenda today and cross to our special studio in the heart of for us as capital or associate taylor is fronting our coverage. so if you hop day on the
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relations look warm to of the while, moscow is simply showing off at this point, giving its sonya and most colorful welcome to the indian prime minister. my goodness, has he been busy? he had thought has to evening with president putin those informal tools this morning. he has already mount us to meet with the indians. i asked for our community. he's already visited the term of the unknown soldier, hearing about sport, a sight, 6 with the wash and present. we'll talk about that in a moment. but of course, the big moments will come with a serious buy lock from tools in just a couple of hours in an hour format, and white and dedication to dedication. before we delve into what might be said, what outcomes we can expect, let's rewind and see how the friendship between the 2 liters was really unclear. display as the russian needs are. welcome to the indian counterpart on monday evening. the,
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well, i did say that they were doing a spot of so i saying precisely, they are at the old russian exhibition center, which is in one of the most goes greatest cultural spaces to the but then hoff pop, which is basically an area dedicated to all of the soviet union 15 republics with all these different pavilions representing the rich cultural history of this huge country they did stop by this is very important out of pavilion owned by real south,
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and which is a quote, the start state are new to the energy corporation in all must join globally dominate, thinks that field and pulling over 270000 people. and it's particularly significant because india and russia has been allies in this space since the 1980s. and ross asked him specifically, has been invested in india and new to the power point industry for a very long time. southern indian states are now powered by russian delivered and supplied new to the power pounds. so it is no surprise and may be a hint about future size. a co operation along these lines with room is flooding that potentially the 2 nations will be signing a landmark long term supply of uranium. it seems that these 2 are really only guessing started on this particular partnership with india, sets to become a comp and mutual in 2017. this is definitely an area that will be mutually
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beneficial to these 2 nations with russia. of course, the 4th largest producer of uranium. so i think if we're looking for any announcements, if i were a bessie mon, i would maybe put a tiny little bet on something to do with the new to not a step. what i do also want to see is what the red promoter was doing a bit your own. like i said, he was on red squire and the very heart of most go, i think i just missed him. cuz when i was on my way and the whole of red square was shut off. so police a standing on guard. and that was because he took part in the ceremonial lane of now is that the 2 of the under and so, so which is really a tradition when it comes to visiting a foreign dignitaries. spot is a memorial, which commemorates the heroes to sacrifice sites that lives in the great peak field to cool and defended moscow in 5th bottles. in 1941, the force you have your own
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ideas. you are a very energetic person and you know how to get results in the interest of india and the indian people. the result is obvious. india is the 3rd largest economy in the world, probably the largest country in the world, in terms of population. but most importantly, there are $23000000.00 birds a year in india. this indicator is the largest in the world. it's not just a number, it means that people are planning their families, their lives and the planning horizons are expanding. this means that the indians feel confident, they feel stability, which is very important. our laugh main part of the elections in india were an important occasion given at the scale. india is the world's largest democracy, that is considered to be the birthplace of democracy. and in those elections, some 650000000 people voted, it was the 1st time over the last 60 years in india, when the government was re elected for a 3rd term. the 1st time it happened was with prime minister joe around their room
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. and now 60 years on, i have been given this chance the people of india and gave me this opportunity to serve the nation. the people of india have entrusted me with this mandate. and i have been working for 10 years in the government. and my principal is reform, perform and transform people voted for this very principal, and i am confident, i believe that during my 3rd term, i am going to work 3 times as hard. let's see. see, lots of us on india. have enjoyed strong biological ties. move in 75 years. not since full diplomatic relations were established in 1947. the u. s. a saw being incredibly supportive ally and then just formative. yes. well the states have a strategic partnership in so many areas. i'm talking defense, civil new to the energy. we'll talk about that with a guest, a bit later on. very interesting, combating terrorism space technology. and of course you can talk about these 2 jobs
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without talking about trade. my goodness has trade skyrocketed recently and of course if we're listening to movie and fruits and yesterday in that informal chat does move, cooperation to come on that front. so new daddy on most go have consistency managed to find common ground across so many stairs. one the key focus of course we have to talk about of the building of a multitude of wild old. and it's interesting that new daddy remembering. 9 the support that it received from the soviet union, remembering its common history with russia, you daddy has continued to stand by its principles of a sold for an identity of it on the line position. it continues to pursue an independent foreign policy. despite the, the best efforts of some western nation. and
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if we do, just want to talk a little bit in depth about trade to trade between boston and india has steadily risen. we swore it uh, the annual toner, but in 2023. 65.7. $1000000000.00. that is 33 percent increase since 2022. india's biggest impulse from russia are largely natural resources. i'm talking crude oil. well so thoughts, noises, precious gems, minerals to russia for its part in port technology. t. tobacco, iron and steel. what are india corresponding wouldn't and salma is also here in the heart of moscow, i believe. so, you might even have been allowed, i don't know who what out to the into the kremlin itself. rent, and that you all pay it yesterday we was really speculating about what might be on the agenda. i know that those biological tools all set to start really within kind
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of the next hour or 2 after they finish that visit to the roles. stockton pavilion, um but then huh. but um, what are you hearing that have that being any guesses from the people around to about what might come up here in doing 5 minutes to arrange more. these visit to russia is a from 26 old hours, but it's fall will fact. we saw that he got off with carpet. welcome yesterday. in fact, he was invited over for private dinner. outside the russian president saw his a sub open residence and on the outskirts so far more school. so you know, both the leaders, the, the school, what we've been given to understand is that they are in out some of the issues which actually will be talked about when the 2 leaders meet at the bi election today. and that, of course, is going to be a bill on the engagement, which is going to be the end of the day that the austin gauge meant for the d. we will be when mister fulton and mister moody sit together and talk to hard stuff.
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now what we're expecting is, of course, sweet emboldens. that is something that india has been wanting to breach, given the fact that russia imports a lot less than what india in full. it's from russia, in fact that a lot of rubies that are us talking up. but in russian bang, so how to squeeze in that out. so that of course brings the point of look who's calling sees. but also we were talking about defense cooperation here a some offending the systems, for example, the s 400. mr. moody is expected to talk about expediting adapt on. also, of course we're talking about on energy cooperation. we've seen that in dallas with school bring up a lot of russian energy, a discount and one on top of that. but the discount hasn't been consistent. and therefore, india would like to know if we can get on no long term contract for haps where these discounts are more stable. that something that,
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of course stuff will be talked about. also a minor irritant to your will be about got indians that have been deployed by the russian military and are in fact um, of fighting the war. the release of those indians. uh, the estimate is about 30 to 40 indians are still stuck there, and this is something that both the lead as we'll talk about and in the award one, some sort of a solution there as well. of the score some a box, some that we're seeing that at the symposium of this particular trip by no means a movie to russia can not be, don't played. also a given the back tool of these trip nines today, when both the leaders will be meeting. also we see that in washington, what leaders will be competing for the diesel annual summit, including the premium president. and then of course, the impulse school will be the, the prime minister of the world's largest democracy while
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we're engine. sean was standing by the, in the very seats of a russian government and how i've seen no doubt that we will be joining you as all those developments come in. well, we do have spies everywhere, not just winter in the kremlin. we also have donald quotes uh he was at the bed. huh. oh, russia. uh, exhibition center. why? like i said, the to need has visited the rooftop to pavilion. really this has been installed and re space $25000.00 square me to 7 floors for which underground relatively new opened in november of last year. and it's pretty well dedicated to the history and achievements of the russian kind of industry. let's see. as you can see behind me, vladimir pulled and then are in promoting, have just made it to the russ adam exhibition where they're taking a tour of rushes scientific achievements. this is part of most of the
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secondary formally suburban residents. they had t and dinner there. and asset residents actually congratulated on his face and election victory and pleased india for being such a big country and still being able to carry out a democratic elections. moni also, thanks, latimer for the warm welcome that he received here. and after they finish their tour of this exhibition of russia, scientific achievements here at ross adam, they're going to be going straight to the kremlin for bilateral talks between both the russian and indian delegations, as well as one on one talks between vladimir approved and rendered moody and at the top of these gender, as we heard from franklin spokesperson earlier, is going to be energy. because of course, the rest of the order of energy. india,
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actually, between 20202024 the trade turnover between russia and india reached nearly $65000000000.00 worth. and $61000000000.00 of that income are comprised of russian exports to india. and a large part of that significant part of that. i would say even the majority comprises energy products. so this is actually something that's going to be talked about at these bilateral meetings that are going to take place in the kremlin after this tour of the ross. adam exhibition is over. well, i did mention a bit earlier how the indian p m had made a few stops already along his johnny this morning. thought it did include a meeting with the south asian countries that spot community here in russia about $15000.00 strong. and i was at the capital's colton hotel where he was, you can see greeted warmly by compact trips, who clamoring to shake his hand. well,
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well, see was that he wasn't just talking about friendship and about people to people, ties, user outline, to vote. i'm vicious plans for the indian economy. i had a bad, a cindy as most trusted friend, our russian friends call it drew's back. and in hindi we call him dusty. in russia in the winter season, no matter how much the temperature goes down into minus levels. the friendship between india and russia, as always, being in the plus, this relationship is based on mutual trust and respect, or friendship grow stronger and stronger all the time. and for this friendship between india and russia, i especially praise my dear friend, president clinton's leadership. he has worked hard for more than 2 decades to strengthen this partnership. over the past 10 years, i have come to russia 6 times. and in these years, we have met each other 17 times. this meeting is going to increase trust and
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respect. i think the people of russia by once again, think my friend, president tutoring for this. now we are also working on the chin. i've let it go, stuck, eastern maritime corridor. those are countries are re discovering each other through the gang of old. the dialogue of civilizations, to new consulates will be opened in cause and to catherine bird. and it is very fortunate that after being elected to government for the 3rd time, my 1st conversation with the indian diaspora is happening here in moscow with you was gomez. this government's aim is to make india the 3rd largest economy in the world in the 3rd term. how july of the what i'm doing now. if i did you a quick senior research part at the institute of oriental studies in russian academy of science. thank you very much. feel time on. i wanted to pick up 1st and what we've seen so far, so we saw that you need is currently up the roof. awesome pavilion up, but then ha,
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now ours i, when we were discussing this with guess previously, i thought that this might be an area that might come out today, potentially with an announcement low emission sustainable energy india. the demand for energy in india is growing at the false test rate in the world on a cool single that flagship projects in the south who to include um, do you think that this is a strategic area which will be mutually beneficial for the q nation? absolutely assessed care. thank you so much for having me in this beautiful case when you're doing great job, the company, the visit, you know, this visit to this awesome pavilion is really assign or for us check strengthening of this. so that x name corporation, we say that that is a so called energy range between a russian india. usually what people remember about is the increased to supplies of for oil to india. but it's also investment in, um, uh, oil reserves in russia. uh,
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there is a growing population in the field of for a pool supply, for instance, uh guess supply much uh we should also remember about such an important area is nuclear power because it's been a one of the flagship. it is a freshman indian population. and as you rightly mentioned, this is really following the indian economy, which is in demand or for energy and demand to follow. it has the energy off with people off. it's a still into the human capital, but it needs all sources of energy possible, and induced, focused on its domestic come supply on it's a niche. what is this? but it is also focused on you clear up our energy it, which is viewing as it in you will energy. and of course, in the agenda or for sustainable development to nuclear, always going to play a major role going forward. the flexion projects between russian india in this edit
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is go down to long paul blunt, which is located in the state of the nato. and may i emphasize that to now this one of the fastest growing states in india, it is not only this whole project is not only giving flights to people and a season. the house is what it is. also the giving an impetus to industry developments that out with quality industrial projects that are coming up in the states and uh, the little settings followed and we'll just have another but beyond the end of may also note that to a set them is a whole range of uh, high tech, uh, businesses is known just power plants, but it is also medicine and all types of high technology. and as a, to fluctuate a project to the russian engine corporation. it's intervals not just supplied or something to india, but it involves educating stuff for this project. building is together with the
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engine side and continuing this point, investments you know, for us to go. i mean, it's also interesting. i think that that area that stuff in most part of india not falls across from the teardrops of industry lanka is also a pool, which might play a crucial role in as moody had mentioned that, you know, i study about salt crude and it's interesting because it was announced in 2019, it's sort of large for a couple of years. but 2024 bits. yeah. it seems that took about it was revived. and i also have this gut instinct. i'll be proven wrong many times before. but i think given how can i ask the bible that is given how it's see in terms of logistically much easier, it's much false to it's going to be cheapest. just going to be more efficient around that. this is something given how trade is just continuing to prove that this seems like a vs area to further collaborate. absolutely. of course this is well known to our engine uh audience. but to tonight is the capital phenomenon. doing the state that
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i was talking about. it is what one of the fastest growing mega policy isn't very advanced to c t in india ends this a see you to, to live would do us talk is actually going back to the associate connectivity during the soviet data they have been, you know, she plan so going on this route and it is the going to be revived on the close to the new level. and now the 2 are talking about logistics. may i also mention the much anticipated the multi modal transports quoted, the north south to which is um, as we very much hope, is going to connect to russia with the portal. and by and all the ports in india, and which is very important is to going to connect to all other countries which have lying along this uh, north south transport quoted though it on uh, is it by john. uh, possibly i'm based on cetera. so um, and this is such
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a difficult and large scale project because infrastructure that is, that's unfortunately quite lagging behind and, but it's a lot to be done to make it into a high quality, very high tech, a multi models, which means different transports involved a transport quoted which is really an essential transportation route between our 2 punches. and to now the 2 i talking about transport to the northern seattle i did want to off. i mean, and it's interesting cuz obviously the associate forces associate union was developing not roots really since the 19 talks easier. and of course, it is ross's exclusive economic side. and so it's of read a specimen each. why do you want to exploit any resources that have that? but we've already seen cooperation develop on that level. but there are indian mariners who are ready being trained in optic. i'm putting a water in the institute in the study boss scope. again, this would cut trade by something like 40 percent of time and costs. you wouldn't
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have to go to this need by the block a straight. so the suez canal is also so a really big and effective up here to the absolutely. there's an alternative fluids to which are really on distressing dashes and images autonomy, and that'll solve it n t until available for countries in asia. and really, it actually is a breaking out of this window into asia, not just with it's a natural to sources, but it with its technology, with its all types of computation, people to people link. so education science such as, i think was the one a huge aspect of this relationship building, this multi part of well together with adults within bricks. whether it's just the 2 of them on a country to country, whether that's p a c or what does could you 20. and a crucial foundation of thought is it pulls trade and national currencies. and what was the last, it was at 60 percent to find out for trade between india and rush. so it was done in the us dollars in national currency as a really big development. and i'm in the process of the dollar wise ation. it's
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been slow and it's been happening slowly, but it seems almost that the floodgates have started to open the last 2 years in transformative in that sense. absolutely. it's been since home, which is also in the increase of fate between the russian india. uh, from somewhere around 12000000000. it has to increase to 65000000000 in the 2023 calendar year. and of course, this requires new types of payment mechanisms and most of the street as you'd like to mention to, has been conducted in the national, kept cutting says. and in this dimension, it will be very important to engage to are the big the nations. because the same is between the as an india they have to really step out sofa by left. so relations and they have involved uh they have to involve uh, the um, brakes plus partners. and i'm sure this is what uh, all sides have been working on a tireless lease. now the trash is chatting brakes plus,
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i'm sure that i'm going to be some announcements. if not at least a breakthrough, but definitely see about the work going on in this direction. i mean, what came on in this direction, that obviously has huge repercussions to the entire global system. we very much appreciate you, you'll tell your expertise and of course you'll pass it and that you really comes across with those talk to legit quick senior research about over at the institute of oriental studies, the russian academy science. thank you very much for having it. you wow, like we were talking about here was an. 6 breaks our lives and of course well beyond russia and india have had a stable partnership and friendship, absolute decades. and if the rental moody's visit to most goal in this very sunny july day is anything to go by, that stability will continue. we will also be continuing our coverage, but we are going to have a little break. so from our special coverage studio, just to this out, it is a good by the
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thank you software. well, let's get into another big story today as georgia gear zone for a parliamentary elections to be held in october. the us is pushing for a change of leadership in the caucuses nation dollars, according to the russian intelligence services. the information received by the foreign intelligence of the state to indicate the washington is determined to seek a change of power in georgia, following the results of the forthcoming parliamentary elections in the country on the 26th of october. this year. the bind in administration has already developed a large scale information campaign to discredit the ruling georgian dream party. the american curators have already instructed the opposition forces in georgia to begin planning protests in the country. time to coincide with the elections or
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security officials warrant, got a key role will be played by the george in president who's apparently said to give an interview to us media. blaming the government for the countries failed. you bid the russian s b r odds the forcing to in household reading, given the green light to opposition forces to begin planning pro test, which should coincide with austin's ballot. the warning comes as the e u. a nice, it's putting all nice the process up to police is a session to the blog. he usually does have agreed to hold george's e. u. accession process. the intentions of the car, george and government are on clear to be using as it is still unclear whether it will be part of the next big wave of the you enlargement. i sincerely hope that it will be in the gulf to the october elections. we will resume our work and managed to ensure that georgia becomes part of further you enlargement. always get the welcome live onto the program senior research fellow with the global policy
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institute thing to george zamarelli towards the process of george's integration into the use being suspended. official say that the intentions of george's current government are quote on clear, but probably put a to why should your political leading monitor to brussels a political and economic union what it shouldn't really. but what the goal here is, is to transform georgia into something like ukraine, a kind of anti russian by for reading around. and hence this, the absolute obsession with the these n g o's and george's power, an agent blows the something like 25000 a n g o's in georgia, is a country of about 4000000. and it comes to a bad one in g o, a $145.00, a citizens want. what is the purpose of all these n g o is? well, the purpose is to transform this country. and tony certainly assured was the
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1st that they show a visa top for it being reelected. and i would like to congratulate you on this once again. i'm not sure you shouldn't down you those, but our account rates are tied up with an invite to friendship and that as many decades old and this year we are celebrating the 17th and 3rd, 3 of this publishing diplomatic relations, i'm sure you most of our today and relations and have a character of um, privileged strategic partnership plan for stay in the company. we remain in contact l time as of today and we.


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