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tv   Documentary  RT  July 9, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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is foam, this country and sony, let's do it. certainly is heard was of the earth 1st if they show a visa top for it being reelected. and i would like to congratulate you on this once again. it's not just that only me session, don't you those but our account trades are tied to the to me when, by the friendship that as many decades old and this year we are celebrating the 17th and 3rd, 3 of his tablets in diplomatic relations. i'm sure you most of our today and relations have a character of um, privileged strategic partnership plan for stay on the company. we remain in contact al times today and we focus mainly on
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developing trade and economic ties. sweet tickets are set to be split into some books and developing the sciences in the interests of both the russian and the indian people from last year. the trade increased by 60 percent, even more than that. 66 percent over at the 1st quarter of this year, it increased by 20 percent more just so we do close lead on the comp rate on the international arena, the international ones at the level organizations the beauty, so in the bush of one 1st of all, the un and, and such organizations as the as ceo and breaks
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us below was more than this should we had the following up and it for community yesterday. what do i mean? an informal of setting to disguise practice, to leave all the matters. so lease is the what are the items that we need and i'm grateful to you for the attention that you've paid to the most pressing, most urgent matters don't use different pages and you're trying to find ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis. among other things. obviously, in a peaceful of way agreement between the minister prime minister and maybe we will be glad to see you and we're looking forward to seeing going on. cuz then these on me and the brakes summit and it was issued and the conclusion of my
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insurance doctor remarks, i would like to wish you every success in the cause of developing india, the indian state. my form is my form with only as nice. we know charters as we sure are very long time, and i know that to you devoted all your life to the implementation of this idea of spring putting, being the in state and off, improving lives on being the young people as what you personally comes and allow me to wish you every sense the outcome is of this 5 sd a month to be the base of how the, how does it pick up to now,
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how many mila it was good. but let me just, maybe let's give you the math level of but i would have to model my name and hop coverage and on that we give what maybe tips it could take. but i pulled up bunch upon your excellency, my dear friend, allow me to thank you for that warm welcome. i would like to thank you for your friendly words and for your wishes. now treat them president success and the recent elections in india. sure and russia, you know, so how the elections and, and i would like to, to congratulate you. i would like to the lead you on your
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a splendid to be $300.00 people not taught it sounds to me. i love the good night or d, the magazine. what's the hold on about them? or man? i think what the quoted in your excellence see over the last 40 to 50 years. in the software it's from terrorism. we know we feel how horrible it is. 3 simply the word terrorist attacks in moscow and then we dank, it's 10. so i understand the pain that you feel now to these terrorist attacks. so,
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and we firmly condemned every act of terrorism. who's not being tied. the system is not federal. i'm getting ready. that's what so me something i'm really how does it produce automatic minded with the, the basically jenny, i mean maybe most will be checked or check the i might have someone go be good. i did your excellent see i have the tires with brushing personally with you over the last 2 and a half decades. we have established these ties over these time. under the last 10 years,
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we've met 10 times. this is my seat and these 2 rush right now we participate in the 22nd rushing day assignment. and it's a testimony to how close our account per ration is. so that this map but we find the key of these animals. and like i said, the only one that be a minor kind of car might have some on the, on kind of an item on, on a acumen where they put a guy in i can confidently say based on our previous experience. and that will continue to work together in the future, we're going to most strengthened and deepen all the areas of our corporation and we are going to accomplish. what are you goals to achieve monitoring goals?
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huffy king size in general. i think i made some good notes and we didn't know what we've got some the con. hello. do you send me the house and the key that our house on this on it. it says to the memory part of this method about the car, the premiums for the sound. good. so i didn't get to the bottom of this a good man, but in this get this final product. and we'll see what the for the bands completed, ma'am. so part about it was i might have missed the loan
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on the sign. ok. he's on the try. beauty. i'm can we did, i mean, why didn't we do this? all these people i'm hanging. yeah. that's how it gets hot. how might i say your part of the part of your excellency over the last 5 years? all the world, all the countries in the world case, the dire times some through were very as complex and clients as far as the kelvin crated is certain difficulties for the entire world for mankind. then there were various conflicts, various contradictions, and mankind is now jesus, uh, are they challenging times and these times the russian, named in friendship,
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when the world faced various crimes is and food security and energy security. and for the lines or is it was our friendship that allowed us to avoid creating more difficulties for the indian farmers because we're satisfied, 3rd need and fertilizers. and it says, because of the special nature of our friendship and we use our calculation to defend being transferred to indian farmers. so we will continue to work with these in mind. and we're going to continue to enhance our conversation. we've as good as this somebody here. so your heart of man saw mine and now going back to be just the phone with cutting. i use them by job why he'd be struggling about to come from the movie,
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the key part of the fuel to get someone to do i give you my boss was the v a market much deputy they made in the business the home world has faced crisis fuel and energy, but thanks to our cooperation, we manage to avoid difficulties for common people. we have provided coming to people, if you will, petroleum and vision to also the whole world has to admit that thanks to russian and engine corporation, the managers here we have insurance to little see you on the world markets visual. do not recall to be just the, the hub, but in some parts that we did not what i, what i'd be, we didn't leave you out
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a lot of good. how are you not bad for this model so much that my impression submit that way or stability with that way. it's going to be a problem in many countries of the world, people have faced problems with fuel, they petroleum or diesel. but thanks to our agreements in the sphere and the syrup energy we have managed to provide our citizens with fuel managed to keep inflation under control and ensure social civil safe always. i'm grateful to use part of my public making india. and you should do that for most people are full body auto body nomic hoffman. and part of my mind if i didn't get the time are part of the game and i get that part
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of didn't know you want to be losing. i've got a name made somebody are those gonna be shipped to me if it costs to be in? may i am, do they are my mom's on the middle of the trip? i mean, why they've been only been just depending on the other 2 minutes of them, which would be mean they get some we get you as a friends, friend of russia, different forums. you always praise our program and you not only praise it, but you take specific steps in this direction and thanks. 12 partnership engine. young people get new opportunities, new jobs are created for them. so we see great prospects from the develop ends of our cooperation and further development for all countries. and i'm sure that's
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and as here of manufacturing, we have great prospects on the fusion. we already see results and we will keep working in this direction the much you want. but to science it's a guy by is about to meet you de leon chai. the see be showed up. tom. maybe you see off, but i can do it. why would it be sure, you see, i'm back in the meeting, the president. i'd like to say that we have been working together for 25 years. and this is alex from the federal village for tons of 2nd electrical summit. and the focus of the entire international community is like current visits and the whole world is grossing this with great interest on the subject. both good sean and
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good john on sunday. so soccer, hey, we need to be sure. i'm the opposite. push it to you. good it. we say, man, i'm doing all this thought see how much that way or something to do so they get we don't know how i'm listen me somebody in the ask and the whole world places value on this visit and just so they had to a residence. we had a great opportunity, we spent 4 or 5 hours in the hospital that goes through to discuss all the issues and i'm very happy that's on the, on the topic of ukraine. we exchanged opinions in an open and respectful manner, respecting each other's opinions. and we had
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a great conversation the heart of the jeep when he gets above, i guess i'll blow bit sounds good. all right, let me take a look and see about that. i'll just get the letters from nobody to solve your page. i believe i'd be caught up because i'm the procedure. your highness you soldier and are chairman, check or play g to until you india gave the whole world community voice the countries of the global south. and yesterday, during our conversation, i had an opportunity to present the opinions of the countries of the global sales to you. so not often what the
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model maybe swap them out. what jim john honey would be here. the news maybe the model home with john marshall. but joe might be with the stuff surely or not the of the, of these recent maybe to be stopped by your excellence. if we take any war when he conflicts or an acts of terrorism, any person believes in a few minutes, it feels pain when people die. especially when innocent children die.
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and when we feel pain like this heart of hearts bursts and i had a chance to talk to you about these matters yesterday. we should give you shawn the about the how much it may be. now, do you begin by the some of the, on some of the beach. so my cell phone and the he will be on the wire. lucy shot to get off the phone on it. as your friend, i have always told it for a bright future. and so that's a good solution for future generations. piece is essential and we're saying that
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war is not a solution. solution cannot be achieved through war bones. miss townsend guns cannot guarantee peace. so we, we make an emphasis on dialogue with these a good boy level, the making the who are many the how many but the visit bob saw it and listing it may search my message on nasal. all right, so let's see, i'm very happy that yesterday we had this informal, very open conversation and you told me openly about your opinions without any reservations. and i think our negotiations are going to evolve into
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a very interesting ideas. and the whole new points of view, sean potter. how does some well say you're going to get that off. some of you, jonathan. good luck with you. we are maggie. i'm supposed to be part of a shot to get much main course on the the the booking possible . some good it maybe monday i'm at it's going to be on the on the policy they're excellent. so yesterday, yesterday we also agreed that space should be established as soon as possible
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and we are ready to provide any cooperation in this regard. i heard your position, i heard your positive views and thoughts, and i can assure you that it has always been on the sides of peace. and when i was listening to you, i felt the optimism that i felt hope for the future. so i would like to thank you for those, and i'd also like to say a big thank you to all of our friends here, the okay, we've just been listening. there are 2 introductory remarks before the doors close, the real by las road relations date that talks that we've been waiting for between prime minister moody of india on president clinton of russia. plus we also saw the 2 countries foreign ministers on full delegations at get ready just the brick and at some breakdown some of what was being spoken at
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a bite there. this was the 1st by law for a trip by the way, by prime minister moody since he at got his 3rd term in office last month. so that itself was significant. and he spoke about that saying earlier that at vladimir putin, his leadership of russia, that was the most trusted thing in the house, at currently some remarks as well about ukraine conflicts spoken about. he said that opinions were shared in a respectful manner about the conflict and great conversation was, had been the leaders. both opinions were heard on that i'm sure more will emerge after the talks at today. and of these to day by law pro talks between the 2 leaders which began on monday it evening. he also said in terms of economic issues, because that is going to be at the forefront as well. a lot of trade being done
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between the 2 nations historic highs in terms of for instance, oil going to india on workers going either way as well as prime minister embody said we are grateful at to you for keeping inflation under control. and we have ensured stability on the world markets because of our economic partnership as well . big remarks by the prime industry. he also said the global side, i know, have a voice because of lot of we are putting at us relating to the multi polar world that at russia and other nations are trying to bring a part in a at very coherent, unreal way by buying nations such as at india as well that yeah, the rush, it was india's most trusted friend. that was a big line earlier i imagine that wins the discussions, get going. a lot of interesting use lines are going to emerge at from there. we
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will continue to work together another line as well. he mentioned that by the at western interest, he said that the whole world, in fact, was watching with great interest or 22nd by law pro some of the meaning of india and russia. but said, we want to say that we have had good relations with russia. they are getting better . and we will continue, as i say, to work at to gather the smaller issues as well, which might be at having more of a conversation today about, for instance, fertilizers, a big issue for the global side. the russia has continued to send them to nations. so that they can get through agriculture and under their own control and not depend on world fluctuations. some of these, some of the issues that i imagined that those delegations will be breaching today as well. okay, so that is where we will leave it up for at night,
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but in the coming hours, are ways to shave will be here. we've got a studio and done tell and must go as well. lots of guess, lots of on the list at delving into the big issues that, that by law for all, some of the 22nd of this century between russia and india will bring. but that is where we're leaving for now, as i say, really is here in 5 minutes. do not go anywhere. it's a big, big day here in moscow. we'll keep you up to date with all the big updates. the the as they already see here because they kept the store i visited and then use familiar email futures. great if and then to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority finish style for
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years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to in prisons. city well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's going to be in your opinion. so i'm assuming you need even the chest, the leading enrollment you're looking at. people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go a finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the shift did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snider stuff. so the youngest, i mean, you know what the found in disease forced labor to which you have by the word. so formulas. what was it in the last it, it also need you to take it to you that the city variables human off with those who put in his name portion of the things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test
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a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speak. it's not in a good idea. yeah. for the good i see you don't really supplement that decided to do it. you got to do, please don't keep it, but there is danielle that was put in the middle of the it's the release of russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best in most all sense. and the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the
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question, did you say even twist, which is the cost of rick sanchez? and i'm here to play with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you
6:59 am
i think it will have chevy and it shows the patient unix. but then you put the just the coupled or appreciate what are you doing your dose, but then you would just give them a long shot the love of selling. so i'm not sure if i need to so so, so that's where you don't hear them. steve is just a little bit slow, so i'm looking for the concept only as a visual i'm losing in, but i do have to make sure that all of the you have little really so frustrated with as much. it's gonna get to play the show you a different level may assist you more and when you do it, i'm good insurance. and which the technology you can pull it up with a letter of sponsor suspicious go out. i don't know if it was a go or you need the course to just go in and put in the see a good thing is done with this. i can see it on this list. it's under control. so
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sort of all the ad lodge right here, and i'll ask you to national, in june 5 minutes. so in that range, remote, a talking bi lateral cooperation with the russian president vladimir putin at the kremlin, the indian side stressing its ability to overcome energy crises, things to its friendship with russia, the it is day to of no read, dr. moody as well when visit to must go. i am 8 fluids up in the scene, a call of the russian capital over you, the very latest in just a minute. and while old eyes are on bodies must go visit the west again, expressing concerns about india's close relationship with russia.


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