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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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the weight or shape to bring that piece between russia and ukraine. so possibly we could see the global south of india heading not playing quite a large pause in potential negotiations in the future. but i think it was very important. and the render moody said that these were frank discussions, they were respectful and they've come up. he said with these increasingly evolving, interesting ideas assessed you. i'm really looking forward to finding out what fail so i'm on, i'm hoping that you're going to be able to bring me the very latest on the west. sorry. clear that there is some play as outbox and still turn on this on the block mentality. 0 sum and try to see cliques, it's a single pulse, it's all about co operation and multi polarity now sought at tnc joining the the well, uh so this how uh from i was to do just a stone's throw away from the cabinet in case you couldn't tell it is a right, but there was still so much more to come from life images to life, update from
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a noun, assisting guests to come and treat from all reports is like saw that in winter and that is still on the horizon. so for now could fly, but didn't go too far the the. oh my goodness, there's so much good talk about hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about on this day.
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the way they get me to stop talking though, say we just shut down all the rows. mr. president, you're gonna lose all votes, you know, get it a while to man to world leaders. the 1st one who saw, i don't know if you can tell, by the way that was moody the president of the in the i was walking in the his hotel and people were cheering, so one man is chaired the other one. he's tired, he's confused. which one just said that he is the guy who runs the entire world. you're about to find out you're about to hear it. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. the hey, my goodness, the bad news for president biden is now coming in droves. it's like he's drinking bad news out of a fire hydrant. you know, i mean, it's crazy. this weekend. he did an interview with a very friendly presenter,
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news presenter and came off as a terribly oblivious to what people are saying about him and what the actual situation is. he also again lost his train of thought and independence day, a bad, but the white house, he seemed to be doing fine. by the way, he started off fine. he's reading the teleprompter. he sounds good, you know, pumped up while he's reading the teleprompter. but when he decided to grab a microphone and go off the teleprompter, he made this um, a jibberish kinda statement that to this very moment, i can't figure out what the hell he was trying to say. and i don't think anybody else knew what he was trying to say here. it is one last thing. then i used to think when i was a senator was there were always congestion on the highways. there's no congest anymore regarding a highway,
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there's no congestion. and so what the way they gave me to stop talking now say we just shut down all the rows. mr. president, you're gonna lose all the votes of, you know, get it. what, what, what, what congestion, boats highway watch. anyway. it's just hard for which. meanwhile, the president's polls are getting worse with each passing day. the wall street journal reported this weekend that the 80 percent of americans now believe that mr . biden should, uh, should. uh, step down, sorry here and scratch. you might look like biting in the middle of a conversation. now look at this other gal a pull. i'm gonna show you this is from last week by the way. uh, showing how much more americans don't trust biden's age situation compared to what they thought in the past with other older american presidents. all right, here we go. let's put that up. mark us, if we can. all right, there it is. americans were asked if the president has to. busy to remain in the
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presidency 1st, let's look at the, his number 67 percent. the pulse as too old for joe biden. when asked about trump only 37 percent. he's too old, but now let's compare that to other presidents in the past. i'm mccain, for example. mccain came in at 34 percent. say, these 2 old 1996. bob dole, 37 percent said he was too old. 1984, ronald reagan in the 2nd round, 33 percent. and then 1980 reagan in his 1st campaign, 23 percent a far cry, obviously, from what people are saying. right now manila, i want to bring you in. yeah. the, the stephanopoulos interview, the july 4th events, more democratic senators and members of congress are turning on the president. the page continue to go way south on him. i mean, it's bad news on top of bad news on top of bad news, getting this guy stay in the race. what do you think?
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i yeah, rick. first let, let me ask you something in that jibberish moment. yeah. that bite and went off script. was he implying that he somehow did away with traffic in america? yeah, for jam. that's it. it sounded like a bad because it hasn't been of i have a lately to him or, or the ela or any other us city where i guarantee it. and the number you go ahead there. sure thought. finish your thought. so within 2 business day, if you're an ad, well, one of the things about buying when he says something like this is disconnection, right? this guy has not had a real job in his entire life. so for him to be speaking off, what it's like to be a commuter stuck in traffic is ridiculous. like, don't even go there. don't you know nothing about this. what the rest of us have to put up with every day of what rick not only did in that interview with george stephanopoulos, did he claim that will excuse me at that event,
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but he claimed to did away with traffic, but in the interview with george stepan stephanopoulos me also said that he put a stop to vladimir putin. i. there was no challenge from george stephanopoulos about what the hell he meant by that there wasn't much push back. but at this point, i mean, it's anybody's guess that that he can be a viable actual nominee until he actually steps down himself. nobody can actually force them out. like we said, the rules in the books for the dmc say that the nominee has to step down. but again, when you cancel primaries, right. this guy is really technically the nominee at this point. we don't even know . now you're saying something that i think this is, it is, is a real truism in this case, and that is, they made their bed and now they're figuring out ways to not have to lie in it. unfortunately, they kind of have to lie there for a while. here's another piece of video that goes exactly to what you're talking
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about. i'm, i'm going to show you this one explains just how desperate these folks you're describing at the white house are you try and salvage the president's image, right. and show that he really can think of his feet, he can't unfortunately, for them, this is backfire. so let me tell you what happened before the abc interview is scheduled several interviews with black radio station house. you know, people on the radio all over the country. they pick philadelphia, however, they told the interview exactly which questions. they sent her the questions and told her which questions she had to ask. so the buying would be prepared and could rehearse his answers. well, here's the interview or the radio host on cnn. go questions we're same to leave for approval. i approved program. and so did you hear what you just said it was? it was pretty quick. she said, yeah, this, that they sent me the questions for approval and i approve of when they're sending you the questions and they're telling you what to say and what to do and what the
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as she obtained them. all right. in other words, she broke a fundamental role of journalism, basically became a shill for the white house. it's this on us. and after she said that and went on cnn and admitted that she was fired the very next day. manila, what do you think of as well, read it in her defense. i gotta ask, we don't know all the details if her bosses were in on that. i mean, this is just to her defense of, of why she was fired on the surface or didn't everybody try to jump in on this and say, oh we have nothing, nothing to do with that. the whole radio station that was just the host that was just her as an isolated incident. oh, we're not involved. but you know, that's kind of wishy washy. i believe that the entire mainstream media press pool is complicit in the same type of thing we've seen for the past year. rick, the bite and white house gives the president little little note cards with the pictures of friendly reporters to call on and what the reporter is going to ask. so
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the same question can be applied there as well. the metal rules of journalism are gone here reg, i know i get your drift. i and i think there's been a lot of that going by the way to be fair. trump, at the same thing with fox news. he literally would have conversations with hannity beforehand. people to interview him, so they gotta figure out what he was going to ask them. i mean it's for deborah. good. yeah, the whole thing is, is really bad. in this case. it's just bad timing for something like that because the white i was just trying to show us that this guy is perfectly fine and he can do interviews. so they scheduled interview and hand the person, the questions that she wants them to be asked. and it just seems it seems horribly silly, but your points a good one. it's not the 1st time we've heard something like this has happened in the past. remember the famous donald brazil case. okay, now you mentioned something a little while ago. i want to talk about as well. you were talking about when he said this thing about putting in right now, this is also a huge global story. i don't know if you will. i solve i for the 3rd time last night, i want to listen to the entire interview with stephanopoulos. and there's
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a huge story the find out right now or to, because i have to on pay to do this. this is a story is playing out in a world that joe biden, among others does not understand. so this is president motiv, india arriving in moscow at his hotel. look at the reaction that he received. watch this, the that's pretty cool. sharing this stuff. i mean, people are like, oh my god, molly, i mean is arriving there is like, you know, some, you know, apparently pretty successful president in india if you look at the numbers. right. so why is this important? let's put this in context 2 things. first, what the president said to george stephanopoulos this weekend? listen to this. i don't know if you caught this here. it is manila play it marcus. do you know not only my campaign in the world?
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i'm running the world. he said, i'm running the world wide. i'm actually seems to think that he's the president of the not the president of the united states, but rather the president of the entire world. i mean, not only is the economy like that comment, ridiculously insulting. it's incredibly disrespectful, especially to people like mister moti, especially to people like other leaders who are forging new alliances like bricks, specifically because of the hedge, a monic comments like the one that mr biden just made. by the way, it's not just the president. look at this story, this was published on the eve of the meeting between president clinton and mounting . look at this, apparently the state department or folks at the state department. don't want india and russia to be friends. and they're coming out and saying they're quite concerned about the fact that they are cooperating with each other. in fact, one state department official actually came out and said regarding india friendship with russia,
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we won't have to mitigate those engaged. but what does that sound like to you? manila, we're gonna have to mitigate those engagements. what it means vladimir put is a big meanie. and if you want to be my friend, you can't be friends with the fact that that's basically what i mean that's, that's really, you know, the diplomatic translation to, to the school yard conversation. that's really how these children are handling world affairs. that we have to suffer after the results of all of this to look 1st of all motives arrival at this hotel and having hundreds of people in their gathering in the hallways to cheer him on. you would think it was like us, a list celebrity showed up somewhere and people were trying to take photos like a little old man. well, you know what? that little old man, she was way better approval ratings then our little old man is he just got elected for a 3rd consecutive term, maybe not sweeping like he expected,
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but he still has better pull numbers then president bided. and the relationship between uh uh, russia and india today has only grown yes. in the last 2 or 3 years in spite and has been an office, especially with all the sanctions that the united states has placed on russia. we'll get to the beneficiary of those sanctions. have been in the yeah, they're getting a lot of cheap gas. yeah. from russia they don't, they don't they bypass the united states to my point if mister bible says he's running the entire world. well then he is doing a very good job is because all the countries are coming together that never would have come together in the past and they're doing it because of the had demonic statements that are being said by people like joe, by many people at the state department, fascinating conversation. loved me like a brother, see a step star. okay. okay. like a sister, we come back the election results in france or in and what we and most others
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expect that did not come to fruition. my grounds, political allies were not vanquished. morrila pens, political allies did not take over the country. so what happened and why? well, my next guys, eliza mon, yay, is a veteran, international war correspondent. he has unique insight into what happened in these elections and week with him. we'll be right back of the same rom, just don't have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will to part, we choose to look for common ground, the the,
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the very welcome back. i'm rick sanchez said, i'm joined now by veteran war correspondent, elijah mon. yay. he is good enough to, to join us to talk about the situation in france. i gotta tell you, when i, when i, when i turn on the news this weekend and, and checked out what was going on. i was really shocked. i really thought that lapel a and her political allies would become the new big force. and i know she did well, by the way, i'm not trying to say morrila penn last, but she didn't know as well as she was supposed to do. my crime did not do as badly as he was supposed to do. and it seems like it's a 3rd, a contingency that seems to have won the election. my question to you, sir? what happened to hello rick and thank us for having me. so what happened is
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people with court in between a choosing the far right. and when they have heard them, what there was saying, the officer to the reform domestically the opposite end table, there were no vapor pad. and this is where things start to go wrong for them. because for example, joe don't buy the whole a said representing the far right, said he wants to reduce retirement through the age of 60. and then when he was asked on television after the 1st round, how he's going to manage with the students will go to the back to d and for the school at the age of 24. so how long the french can, what to get to retirement age? you said 42 years and they say, well, it's this year that finishes at the age of $24.00. then when he was retired, he said 167. so how are you saying that you're going to stop at 60?
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and then he went to kind of stand before week by saying, i'm going to band the he job the have that me and as saying that i'm going to uh, withdrawal from the you and all these ideas didn't have to get out. and people either voted blank or voted for the far right. and then they started to look what is the less bad choice they had? and this is why my in the band the far right did not do very well. interestingly enough, i've also been reading that there may have been some malcolm bailey and as i'm that took place at the last minute within the last week, apparently many candidates dropped out and i've heard tell and you could confirm this for us, but they may have been pressured to drop out, therefore, not allowing the election to be deluded enough so that the crowns
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people could actually do better than they would have normally not done. if those candidates would have stayed in the race, did i explain that correctly? it's. it's a strategy. so a 1st national elections, but it's a good policy sometime, choose to withdraw the candidates to support others for strategic reasons. so the is typically seen and situation where they and to prevent a less desirable candidate or positive from winning. it is described as the republican front of the, of the cat. so preventing the extreme bought it from one name is a common strategy and adopted against the far right whole find this policies, such as the national ronay, the so room on this to not me from winning. so mainstream policies where that from the left all the right might withdrawal, the candidate is in favor of others, mainstream candidate to a show that extreme, kindly, that doesn't when this is
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a strategy that was used in 2002 presidential election. when many parties support the judge, she, i guess exactly, joe marine defend the father of will not be in depend on the 2nd round and also trying to use this to around the system for his presidential and there's just a different direction. so if know kind of the twins on outright majority in the 1st round, the top to kind it is go to a 2nd round. so bought the might withdrawal to endorse it, kind of it would have well, who has a less or more better choice. and chances of winning a get it coming opponent and the 2nd round. so this is where coordination start forming and withdrawing time does. it is 2nd constituency to, sorry, they the support around strong the candidates from allied policies increasing the chances of winning most ease overall. and this is exactly what happened in this
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section. it seems to me any way to be manipulative. i mean, when you have such sudden changes a week before an election, that usually doesn't pass the smell test. if you know what i mean, what has been responsible for doing this? would this have been my crumbs allies, but at this, that was my cause i did that because my call has exactly what you said in my care. very a plan. he won't because the french normally complained those. and they don't like the prime minister because he can't deliver it. so my call wanted either to farm. right. and mainly the far right to in hold a farm that's. and then they would come and offer a program that they cannot sufficient, particularly when we have to names ron's hang fathers. and the hand column is means nobody has the majority. and by not having the majority, the decision goes back to the president, and the prime minister needs to negotiate to within most of the policy. so the
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president is responsible for foreign policy and defense. no, because nobody has the majority. that mccoy is taking it easy. he's going tomorrow to do us on the nato summit. he ask about the prime minister to continue just and then he comes back. he's going to take 2 to 4 weeks to nominate a prime minister. and then this is the painful outcome is going to stop because both man will have to go heavy day, but they don't agree and they will not agree. but then it is now another point that my call has a possibility to the solve the parliament after when yeah. so he has many cards in his hands. the ethic ends today. but the one the card that he doesn't seem to be able to play is the reduction of the increasing popularity
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of a marine plan. uh, she did not when you could say, arguing it from a win loss or football game, a strategic viewpoint. however, she did well and she continues to do well every time she's on the ballot, correct. that she did very well and she did went in the european parliament elections and she was just about to take the lead of the country only because she did not choose a right prime minister to represent her during the 1st and the 2nd round. so presenting a 28 years old that was not finished, scored as a prime minister who doesn't have all the answers in front of the social is to come in as the, as far as the fall. and that's who are really astute. politicians who have all the answers,
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he looked extremely weak. and this is where the french way i said was actually on the 2nd round, we're going to have another full. but you did exactly what you said. she really did well. and then we have to see if her program in the future is going to be feasible because the weakest point in the program is about immigration and do reduction off at the age of retirement. because today you have friends and families have one child maximum 2. so the 1st and the 2nd generation of paying the retirement for the parents. yes. reducing d. m retirement to the age of 60. now for us would it be bank crop and just oh, really with 3 trillion euros investigate. and in that, let's, let's talk one more thing about policy. let's switch to foreign policy. here in america, we'd like to think that we are a bunch of cowboys and raphi,
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and i think the world sees us that way. meanwhile, the french are seen as lovers, not fighters, yet you have a president who seems to want to establish himself as a fighter, even going so far as to wanting to send troops around the world. and even going so far as to suggest that he wants to send french troops into ukraine to fight against russian troops. i'm just wondering if that had an effect on voters at all and what the french are thinking about that. so you're absolutely right. the friends are known to be lovers, but now they are known to be losers because they've lost their book in the hassle. 90 in new jersey, the african continent. they've lost in the mid eighties. they no longer have a way they've lost europe. since they have decided to go to war with ukraine against russia, and to align themselves behind and under the u. s. umbrella. now my called tried and due to a bill, everybody's saying,
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i'm going to send troops to ukraine and use was smashed by all the politician and the people. again, my call was guiding and leading the way to give you grain, 50000000000 euros. i. e, $54000000000.00 when price is economy is on the, for all the industry is migrating to america, we don't have energy is 35 percent more expensive. today we spend a buying the same energy from russia, but true india, we pay much more for it. so we have to have taken in your all the bad decision that you can imagine and it is a bull more in good faith. and we actually shop our says in both foot. so it is this foreign policy that was taken by the president mccall who lost the need and loss credibility. when france came out with germany and said,
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min squan and to where a foss and only to gave the chance for ukraine to re on it says so they've lost it for us to be a good am the part in any future negotiation in your mind? yeah, let me tell you your ability to use concise terms and to cogently describe a situation which to many people around the world is somewhat confusing. given the way that uh french elections are held. taking us through the politics right now in the country as well as the policies is magnificent. thank you so much for doing that for us and for your time and your wisdom, sir, i think correct. it's very kind of you and thank you for having me. that's our show . remember to always look outside your own box truths as we say, they don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. and we'll look for you again next
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to the the lo. yeah. for like one. yeah. which aspect inside the way that up so can you go in the corner that we bought for somebody? i'm gonna try it again. i'm assuming that the, the, the,
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the in the able to spell it was the big oh the way to stay and what awesome. what, what's the zip code? the, i mean it's in the system. i go out in the middle, that is supposed to layout, so i'm going to be up there. can you get control? because i don't in front of them. i know i like going to the component, the pro of admitted that. similarly, what is the depth of where you live? show trump, because most of the customer volumes. yep. opinion, goods of today to initial but other than significant that i would even the
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show when that's right. the world is facing fuel and energy crises, but thanks to our co operation, we have been able to avoid all sorts of hardships for the common people of india and ranch remotely to uprising india's friendship with russia for overcoming the energy crisis. school invest during bilateral tolts with president putin, as well from our aspect talk to us special coverage at studio high in the russians. guy was standing by live and joining me throughout the day specialists from so many said to really talk about what's being said and what might still be that come to you soon after they finish their tour of this exhibition of.


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