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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  July 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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so that miss solve that doesn't tragically hit the children's hospital, no investigation taking place before the western media already cost is judgment. i mean, so, well, some of this happens in ukraine that he had training at defense myself, gets knocked out of this guy comes down and hit something terrible in immediately. the west impress blames russia immediately. there was no investigation, there's been no time for any investigation. i was just lucky just quickly. i was checking one of the one, some of the new case, much all full tabloid yellow papers and they, but they was saying in the wake of this miss aisle heating a children's hospital. how can moti hug mr. pruitt and how could he wrap his arms around such a, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. and of course, there's never any investigation. they just cost judgment and you know it's side because with the public. so the attention span these days, maxing out at about 3 seconds. it means those headlines do that job regardless of whether that true or full of it. anyway, lucky, you know the story, my dear will be talking to you soon. thank you very, very much. let's touch on i guess, to sunday,
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but when it's on the editor news 9 plus the media service, joining us here live on, on the international, assign the bridge. great to get you on the program during such an important day today. they to of course, of moody here in moscow. both leaders share and really warm words with each other. i mean, you know, according to each other and most trusted friends, i mean how, how would you wrap it up this idea of how would you describe the relationship between india and the russian federation these days a, a 2 piece of relationship. well, thank you. first, leave me a sort of on to be on the ship today and the, this delay from this visit is that it is absolutely installing. any type of, uh, you know, uh, flags. uh, a couple of, uh, you know, uh, the sections that can be a been last couple years that the last year in the relationship was cooling off the yellows. mean was that the was the united states. so this visit, which is literally the 1st by that was about 5 minutes of all the news,
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the research a lot of those, uh, or the misconceptions that people might have at the end. yes, we have the from the ship moving guys not really from russia is on will be closer to the list. you just jotting its phone calls and you get most woods friends of woods and these uh, were you know, one of the relationships that i really bought into it. i just see a lot of the of the, the was coming out of a meeting between the pines. so it's, it's wow for recognizing the fact that, oh, could you go last year has been for india in now. won't be that person teach in uh, different circumstances and she has all these, you know, thing for you guys need us to digit 5 or longer than any other countries. and the other thing that is that the most important thing really is that this is of a feeling that is across the lines in india. use spectacle, which 5 people which government don't support others, right? the relationship with russia and leads roommates. it's a cornerstone will be just
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a engagement with the world, especially as being a strong popular, especially since 1971. it was a very, very strong support general for you. yeah. during the course of war. uh, you know, proxy for water is getting pulled back in 1971 with united states and china. i was back the office starting to get studio which is backed by the soviet union. in fact, the 1971 was not have you one to be and yet do without. so we have support at the united nations without this will be on there that team. and so these are things that and get into focus. uh yeah. has very long memories. were like, ever since we had that offer, this is something that's being said, i mean, sundays, sort of jump in. i think you make it very, very good point at the end of the day. yes, this is friendship. on the strategic partnership. it does go back many decades now let's,
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let's get away from the pleasantries because obviously you may have been watching this now a lot of hugging a lot of pomp and circumstance and it's a she issue to visit him. moody is most welcome here in most good, but one of the point is that moody highlighted was russia is role in resolving quote, the energy supply crisis. now this is a very, very interesting story because russian energy continues to flow to europe. but it's not coming directly from russia. what are you know? right? absolutely. so yeah, it's a finding of the on the bice, the side of it, sending it to the rest of the world. and that in a sense it does actually head stabilize the. ready the prices, so the risk and claim that it doesn't buy away from russia, but it's buying the oil from india that refined on, well only to run in both of these sanctions because it's, it's got a fight that the on that is if i don't be the origin of that or you can on
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requested so because of that in just need a ruling state legs, the global energy prices and also help stabilize the yes. english it because the energy prices were the so the on a point then you get the economy which is going at the leader, which is it's one of the was fastest growing major economies that have to, you're going to get. so finding some of these, taken all the right decisions in the last couple of years. he's been very carefully and you see the water. so, you know, by stresses that he's made, especially on imagery. so good. yeah. done that. i think i'm buying oil from russia in the face of the restaurant opposition of this, but uh, did you say in the face of west? no position, sorry to jump in. i apologize. but i loved that in the face of western opposition because of the beauty of it is dave, is that europe is still buying russian oil after the past couple of years of oldest g opponent, taking no more russian oil preteen by russia. bad guess what?
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they're still buying russian oil, they're just getting it through in the list. and this is one of the things that the mode has been talking about in moscow. when you talk about acting in the interest or the nations sovereignty, your national interest. and as you just said, sunday is something that moody has been very good at over his taking you at the helm in india. let me ask you a question. if i may moody's visit to russia, it's getting a lot of attention around the world. but in the u. s. sunday, and in the u. k, they're not happy about it. they're saying really horrible things about moody being in mosca. why? why are they so upset? do you think, as well as the possession of the rest that it was coming closer to the wrist or getting rid of the reasons the last couple of years? and i think the only, yeah that she upfront with the fact that you've been, i've been, you just somebody meetings a primus and will be, hasn't been to russia in, in
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a couple of years of that dentist would have the people to be that the relationship between in yeah, russia was cooling off and that thing there was no, no more closer to the rest and get but what the one doesn't realize is that you get these by its own. and uh, as the price price of movie, as mentioned, that several cost you visual dimensions is the way to up the $40.00 a 1400 feet of your $1200000000.00 people that are there. i'm assuming you're the world's largest democracy and that is the most beautiful for all of this particular dealership. so the, the come on the right decisions and meet the right choices, keeping the existence of interest so they can do deeper, active up front and center. and this is something that possibly the rest of the world does not understand. so we make those choices. we make it, we meet in just about people at the end rather than just energy. rather,
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just the strategic partnerships that we choose. not, not going to be now in 20 people, but also in 1971, the bulk of the wrist lined up against us. it was the us, the people that used up against those you. this will be given that at our backs, we don't funded that back. to 2024. we have a few days of bank that lets us in just the reasons whether she in this weakness of china. we've had the things is with china, especially on the border. and we understand that they wouldn't be using white china and russia with those together. but we will, you know, very much want russia to not forget the fact that, you know, india is not going to move away from russia and just going to the job, this phone goes, take its own decisions. and a big factor in those decisions is that i'll show relationship. and as i mentioned, yeah, this is, this is from the cuts across by like either spectrum which by the,
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comes to the relationship with russia, roommates, it's a strategic partnership that's here now for now. but for the foreseeable future, so that's a very small example of you, is that if you look at the nuclear relationship, we've had a, a relationship with bunch of over 60 years. and i was relationship we bought christian moves. ready hardware, more than a house of india as movie ops and the ease of russian origin. the factors that you know, what the rest talks about. all this media, somebody giving us the nucleus, upgrades. you have the soviet union and the russian federation giving us new us openings tickets. so this is a relationship that is built on trust. i've given the fact that you don't use a sure has transferred platforms like huge assemblies as offered strategic bonus, doing the all the kind of, most of the countries and not even better schools, which shows the shows the trust doesn't to sign deep. i'm, you know,
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as i understand there were even russian jets now that are being built in india. i mean, you use your, you talk about not just a, a family situation, but it's such a strategic partnership as well. i mean, you know, you talk about what, what, what was it 2022 is an india over to china or as a country with the largest population in the world, one and a half 1000000000 people. you talk about motor, excelling in acting in the interests of his nation. i guess people, well guess what? you've got the most people in the world. it's good to see a leader who's actually got his finger on the pulse of, of the nation. but he's also got his finger on the pulse sunday of this multi polar world bricks i c n s c o, the global south. all, it's almost like sunday every week. we're seeing another country that wants to join breaks or wants to join the seo bella bruce just joined the seo you don't have brooks plus with saudi arabia or iran, ethiopia, and these other countries are joining as well. i get here. we off watching a flourishing multi polar world big countries and moving away from the dollar. they
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using national currencies. bricks is about to announce a type of digital currency and, and bridge. so cold platform, all these different countries are going to start using. why is it? why are we seeing sandeep right now? what looks like a rush to create the strategic partnerships around the world? something is on the move. it's really a fraction of the people that exist here or what? 3 tickets. i think we're starting point. and this off of the cold war which was 1991 at the end of the cold war 3 days of the boss and looking at a full scammed water bottle of a time that people wouldn't have imagined possible. and was the junior moment might have boss bite out the rise of the china the rise of last year. the approximate to you this year in china, which is this noun phrase that people are talking to julia shift. that wasn't there
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for a very long time. that's going back into the next any of the site that's driving us right. good. so as when you get husbands gets into the channel, you get off public motors. the fact that china's rise, especially possibly being one of the greatest of developments of the 21st century. and that is to a large extent of what is shaping all these new relationships. that's the, the shipping or dig jabard. and we have a kind of way that we would not do this, they thought, imagine what, so that is why of those countries are now using that bit. so they don't want to be seen as being one can be kind of looking at a multi level approach. the global solvers become really important that you guys, you know, what the g 20 summit lost to the new data jumped in the global. so, i mean, you're looking at the top of humanity that's, you know, isolated, neglected and forgotten. and that you guys, you know, part of the champion, they pause become the voice of the global. so as it leaves a home, you know,
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google 1000000000 boston swain states that are not designed to look at the distorted. absolutely. right. and as you say his story, because fascinating times are upon us sign dave. i mean, honestly, you and me, we've got a front row seats, december, the biggest changes in a 100 years. i mean massive things are happening sunday, when that bond is a huge sign, plus media service added to joining us a live on ology international. a real pleasure. thanks for spending some time with us here at archie. a. thanks a lot of you. well, it's one of the big story today here, an opportunity to national get your hands are on this one because a georgia gearing off a parliamentary elections to be held in october. the united states is pushing this for a change of leadership in the court because this nation, as, according to russian intelligence, information received by the foreign intelligence, the state to indicate that washington is determined to seek
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a change of power in georgia. following the results of the forthcoming parliamentary elections in the country on the 26th of october this year. the bind in administration has already developed a large scale information campaign to discredit the ruling georgia dream policy. the american q rates as have already instructed the opposition forces in georgia to begin planning protests in the country. time to coincide with the elections. well security officials wall on the a key role will be played by the georgian president. he's apparently set to give an interview to the us media, blaming the government for the countries failed. e. u bid the russian s v a and said washington has already given the green light to oppositional forces to begun. will begin starting, protest switch should get this coincide with the autumn pilot, surprise, surprise. but the morning comes as the e u or balance is putting on ice the process of to police these accession to the
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block. you usually just have agreed to hold george's e. u accession process, the intentions of the car, george and government the wrong clear to be using is it is still unclear whether it will be part of the next big wave of the you enlargement. i sincerely hope that it will be in the off to the october elections. we will resume our work and managed to ensure that georgia becomes part of further you enlargement. all right, all these are the encore and now expanding on the biggest criteria that you use. that's the countries wishing to join the blog. i'm the possible reason spiked for years. teasing countries with e u. membership has been a foreign policy favorite of brussels with its criteria for entrance, depending on just how unquestioningly they follow orders from the west. now the georgia has stepped out of line with its new for an agents law. the use top diplomat is threatening to squash any hopes of joining the block and intensify the west propaganda war on george's elected institutions. a pro western block of 6
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george and opposition parties has formed vowing to democratically liberate the country. ironically enough, by over throwing the democratically elected ruling georgia and dream party. the group even signed a statement in brussels saying it will bring georgia back on the european track and estonia, one of the compliments, most aggressive pro western voices is also coming down hard on actual george and democracy. there are 3 important method choose that there won't be any step further for georgia. i don't want to see if in union deep this government is not changing the dispute a very basic government is not taking back to the different engine slow. and so basically, there is a list of different measures so that the commission has prepared then that will be as well the discussion about the support of different funds to georgia. and that will be a discussion about the fishing and visa bands for the high level officials, many of aspects earlier this month,
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george's parliament signed it's for an agents bill into law that's simply requires organizations that receive over 20 percent of their income from abroad to register in a government database, it's a piece of legislation that has more than a few equivalents in the west, and yet western backs protests raged for weeks, often descending into violence while brussels has taken serious issue. with that law. the commission is lavishing constant praise on ukraine in moldova, for continuing to march in lock step with your upsets back taishan. the people of ukraine and mold over have demonstrated that on waiver and commitment and determination to be part of this project. the accession negotiations are designed to prepare the candidates for the responsibilities of membership us, and this is why they are no short cuts. we embark on these negotiations in a strong spirit of openness, engagement, and commitment. that's despite both countries engaging in some seriously illiberal
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activities. small dove was planning to band 7 tv channels and 2 radio stations. after another 20 media outlets were arbitrarily shut down by the states since last year. it's got the country's opposition and media freedom activists in an uproar. the government's approach clearly indicates a wide spread censorship agenda. their aim is to suppress all dissenting voices and without intervention from relevant e repeat institutions, they may succeed. the government's autocratic policies persist under the pretext of integration. however, as the president mentioned, respect for the law is paramount in moldova, encompassing constitutional rights to freedom of speech, democracy and the rule of law. in terms of ukraine, there's not one ounce left of press freedom. all opposition media has been completely ban and many press freedom groups are saying that censorship is going way beyond keeps war time needs. as for the key of resume approved media,
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they're literally being told what politicians to praise and which ones are off the table. that hasn't been any freedom of action. so john, this and ukraine, for many, many years can you've, has, have been it's media to cover events in the east and any way that shows done bus and a positive light. and then want to remind you that just 3, since 8 was the 10th anniversary of the killing of one of the 1st russian film crews, who covers everything shifted in the east. even then ukraine shows the tactic to show the most of any one for reasons under its control and tried to, to everyone who tries to report the truth from the other side. and they keep doing it to this day, however, 10 years ago and not to it was try could be blame to not knowing where it would head. but now to him this a haunted using thrones because operates are, is well aware who he's targeting. for i talk to the crew, i was threatened by your training and security forces and so cold. my dial next to this most of my coverage. but from my civic position, the new york times article says nothing new. i think it's one of washington's
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moving the training and political game. all this is something like a game of transatlantic ping pong. that's washington use this to ensure that the landscape is easily controlled. and can you, if use us to prevent the west from just talking away and writing of the crate in case too soon? the so called democracy's cracking down on the opposition like total a terry and police state spending power dictatorship with elected representatives, passing laws to protect the country sovereignty, it looks like the european union has everything absolutely backwards. large going to take a very, very short break or analogy to national way back in just a few minutes off each task. it's halo rouge and shot them a shot, a do been sky, all of our team with the mobility in moscow. special coverage returning in a few months the
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little. yeah. they're like, oh yeah. which aspect of the side of the way and i but i've so can you go in the core of the 2nd one blow up for some reason and try to get the i'm assuming that the, the, the, the in the, i will just fall. it was a big oh, the way it stay and what awesome what. what's the zip code the i mean it's in the system. i go out and order the bill that is supposed to light. yeah. so i'm going to, yes, there can you hear can true, because by the way, no, i'm not going to component the pro an immune removed is
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the temper wheeler show truck when it goes by weight. somebody decimal boy, and are you up any good of today to initial another insignificant that i would even the show. well when i tried everything had changed with our daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie, your daughter is having a diabetic ketoacidosis, i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous. part is cancer. diabetic prefer entourage that affects every part inventory and assist. good morning
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america diabetes association is that the american diabetes association has been going on by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corp. every year. i wasn't given a specific diet, just told to inject and tap. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put these recommendations out, forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funding low carbohydrate diet. there was a multiple $1000000000.00. they found the corporations that were go bankrupt. the because they already a cps because they kept the store for i'd be as
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a to and then use familiar email futures. great to fit into the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration cams . so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons really well, you know, thing to do these call level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming if i need even the chest, maybe to get all the fields, i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the august kind of goes through these camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley looked at it the ship did you do it in like a mighty and nauseous as the snyder stuff. so the youngest, i'm in your world, the fan in disease forced labor to which you have by the word is formulas.
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what was the last it also need you to keep it to you that it's a terrible human off with those who put in these 9, push those things up to give you what you want to do because he doesn't do those thousands of testimony. crimes and the impunity of criminals. when you look on here, you know, one or 2. so do you to speak of the did i tell you? yeah, what's a good i see and released upon me. they decided to do discuss what we found the potatoes being yet that was put in the middle of the as the,
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the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best. most all sense. i'm at the, in the 65 with the keys, 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say they requested the
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every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals a band and machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move forward to a customer and both of us for some of the doors at the bus to be joining us. an issue are calling to us from clean optic, travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land capella. go really asked me for i was and i was or more you have to do should. so in is if you have, when you feel when we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this, so i'm gonna stay on the old stuff last time. i feel like there's are a mess almost here. let me see. mean membership. when you to, i've got to read on serial, no points to mail it. please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective
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was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they can see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so who even needed somebody at the course your system was a multiple and you have to go. but the team could have to deal with the official the on march the 22nd 1943. during the great petri, we'll take the shirts and bunch of fatality and 118 fun down the belly, mercy, and village of causing the issue. but the person who did the new wish in luxury is just the most of the rooms to 40 you to
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you. $149.00 people died including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off. the face of the law. new blue loves are a little bit lit option could of charlie law. so, you know, you will use photos, photos. oh shoot. was a really, i really usually don't use doing, you know, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over 100 ukrainian nationalist from west the new price of the 2000 loses click the blue flight. and so i'm see what, okay. and so far as the new you on that. so a lot of those to us pursuing your opportune, i'm with them us customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have
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remained an onset for many years. watch on see the world is facing fuel and energy crises, but thanks to our co operation, we've been able to avoid all sorts of hardships for the common people of india, the indian 5 minutes a rather than a range of moody talking bilateral ties with the russian president vladimir putin as the present today, the indian side stressing its ability to overcome the energy crisis, things to its friendship with russia. with deers, so good. it's hard to believe that it is not fair to solve 3 i here and i'll special coverage. you're going to go but wednesday, but we're ready to talk through with correspond doesn't look like won't mode the visit, take most go ready. maybe we'll see you soon after they finish their tour of this.


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