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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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india, china bricks plus what is the fixed cost with important new members? now, the u. a. e. e, c o, p, a, saudi arabia, iran, as well, by the way, these newest members to the bricks plus, finally, these are some of the biggest energy players in the world. there are major implications to why the world's previous energy players would be joining the geostrategic family. alliance of the brick monte. i'm moody is wheels up. he is eh, bowl, now. he's just left and one of the original most go apple. it's, but it's visit is visit was a 1st year since 2019 kind of now let's uh, let's do some joint broadcasting here some cooperation between all the international and republican t v. let's cross over to republic tv now and, and see some of the coverage of indian prime ministers. historic visit here. we're going across live in just a few moments to republic tv. but i just wanted to mention before we get that, the prime minister was highlighting his country's relationship with russia. and we
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can learn more about that right now with this coverage from india's republic tv. have a look at this castle. it also covers things, things like getting sick with the indian premier futuristic co operation. i'm not the best imposter. literally have some ideas about what's on the costs, but to hear them, you'll have to join us here on how to international or public to be the
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the a boy carson with somebody to join a republic tv, which is one of the premier news channels out of india, we've kind of been joining our special coverage between nazi and republic, a full moody's visit here to the russian capital. his 1st visit the most goes in 2019 and we've been having no special coverage here and i'll tell you with a loan joint sharma, saskia taylor. i know a correspondence. charlotte, do been sky as well, and as we stand by to join republic tv,
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it's worth reminding you that the indian 5 minutes, the new rangel moody was, or it was awarded the order of st. andrew, the a possible that is a rushes highest state award that so see if we can learn more about that award. i'm the visit as we cross live. now here comes with public television policy at foot. we are we a so so impressed and be so grateful for your partnership with us. and of course, with the fantastic such as yourself and creepy who's being holding forth from that brilliant location. i will, i will start with you real slow and how do you view it? we just go to join statement. we haven't had the time to see through it yet, but i told it as no specific reference to ukraine. does that surprise? that does not really surprised me. thank you for us to vote for having the here on . thank yes indeed. we've just had this joint statement published by the indian accent besides ministry. so it does cover significant and i of topics, but it comes to buy that from relations. yes. most of all the economic ties. yeah.
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slice surface specifically it has to do with reducing or eliminating the tyrants or reducing the hurdles problem. yes. on the developments or by the actual settlement system. so a number of issues but, but i should stress the phone is this incredible kind of street, but it's in between police so that back to the to dice, to hugs. that was amazing. in fact, i saw the house today. i don't know if you've done the pictures off to, but i mean it's still not in the the was awarded. i bet formally registered on the development sold by which will supplement system a number of issues, but actually stressed the phone. is this an incredible kind of street, but it's in between police. it was actually in for 2 days to hugs. that was amazing . in fact, i saw the house today. i don't know if you've done the pictures after 5 minutes that in the more the was awarded, i bet formally rent, and we saw the hog of data being initiated by vladimir to fulton. and i, i personally feel that very often he has to be, i see kind of approach even towards very many for that and guess and visit us. but
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he was exceptionally warm sask. yeah. before you go into the details of the russia, india join statements, could you and so to the thought, take us to the highlights. also working day to day, once we achieve weighted, we start and where do we end up at the end of the day? the right. no, but it has to be, you know, very, very you've been for day for in the shed size. that's good. i think we've been talking about it since yesterday of india and restaurants eyes go back to the main dictates as it is being a guy that has seen that is seen 35 job. obviously the people contact others today . all right, after the prime minister and the reason will the left, i think there was this for the joint statement and also that, that in full was conversation diploma conversation. leading us up to a book it a q t for india and russia. how do you see it's as good because i see it like is i see
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it as an extension of dies that have been there for decades as well. i think in a way that i sent in the way of the 2 of us have joint poll says the intention is good and the attention is to foods and friendship. i'm partnership. so that benefits everyone. i was, you know, we're reaching how many moves you is because we manage to partner up with this joint food costs. i was thinking on a very it's not as a note, but um, last night i went to, i went home, i suddenly looked at my phone and i bought hundreds of friends requests from the majority of indian nationals on o wells thought is because of you and me because of what we thought. so i think that's the opposite foundation that it's about friendship and it's about reaching the people within india and within russia, an overseas full straight. yeah. a beneficial relations. yes. up. yeah. i mean i spoke about to james. you met was older and today, right. so aside good size such as i, i've just said i'm just so pleased that people across a rush, you know,
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not be across the world and across india watching this going broadcast. i'm pretty pleased about that is fine. should i know that a lot of people will be watching us in the west as well, and therefore we must address the elephant in the room, assess. yeah. and we'll sign in with both of you. yeah, we saw statements we saw, i would call it a mess, down a mini meltdown from washington very controlled, meltdown where they said that we are very concerned about, you know, what's happening there with india and russia talking. the us would like india to prioritize ukraine. and we will keep our eyes we will keep our eyes feel that's what the movie is talking about with the bladder mid quarter. and so i wanted to know and, and you know, that we saw a lot of me is 11. see say i've shut the, i'm disappointed, there's a devastating blow. how for the not in the more the hug, the latter made it 14. and i think being aware of that 1400, my 2nd side,
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i just want to know how people in russia are responding. i'm very painful and then i'll take it forward with you assess, get to you 1st, you'll be holding the show from there. what about this mess down we've seen for america. you know what? i think it's always thought what point was whether the west has a meltdown. or not, it's entirely irrelevant in the west, has tried to hijack the global agenda with the ukraine issue on a number of occasions. and of course, the primary reason that the doing not is to distract from that are well domestic, close economic clothes that own internal political, soc says that's definitely true. so the us, i mean, the state. so as you mentioned on of yesterday, it was a bridge called a sick of seeing at the moment is an absolute shambles. up to your was an extra one . i'm going to steal it. and so we sold out with the g 20 for example, how they try to phillips, the g 20 agenda to be adult,
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dominated by being quiet and complex and um on in the amount it's about thoughtful space. and then there are also issues in the world that need to be addressed to help out instead of focusing on the negative. instead of focusing on criticism and condemnation, we can focus on cooperation and collaboration. and i think for me the strongest symbol of all of that and how the western criticism is now entirely relevant to new tally is the fact that the indian for a ministry came out with that club and treat 9 sighing to talk to you. but i need the part, but if i left for a 12 dominated by. 8 the corporation in this is the structure projects, joint ventures, agriculture and a huge number, the goal of a $100000000.00 in an annual trade toner. if i mean by the by 20 thoughts you, like i said last year it was quite 65 points. so, but this is basically, can you tell me every night? yeah, yeah, we have to not too many, we understand. yeah. you don't really like call a strategic we're talking to me. uh, put
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a subpoena or was it solves us pretty well and actually we're getting keep crude oil tracks. users supply the european market and saving you from the energy crunch . so we think we're going to set to stick to the part that we set to cool. so are protected specifically with russia, which proved itself. yeah. one staple part about my table. no, absolutely. sounds good. let me tell you what it does mean, you sort of agree with that? i think when stuff gets that. yes. so yeah, so to this i bought one. no, no, i think that's yeah. the head size. got a lot of questions to ask you our numbers. oh yeah boy, i handed over to her to ask you questions. what size scale was being said? i think a very independent foreign policy is what india is following. now that he said, he said that you're looking at the really what you're
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looking at an independent pardon. what is getting better? what is the most likely yes should be beneficial. that's not you know, says yeah, yeah, i just have a yeah. i just, i'm just having a little bit of an audio problem for me already, but we get that fixed. there's something i want to say to not just love that service. i don't want people in russia wouldn't be watching me to night or anywhere else, but i think there's a joint statement we can make here from the media as well as there's one thing i said in most school russell and i would love. i said this thing, in most schools, i was invited other russia to the global event,
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and i said that that the hedge of many of the western media has to come to an end. they've added 2 votes for too long. oh, good for too long. and i want to continue with that by now saying that the hedge of many of the west coast wind and the west has to understand the kind of conversations that pop up between the movie and lied to me to put in. there will be many, many more conversations in the future. what base of off themselves tonight, is that not in the goals to all school on the calls for the dialogue of preston fulton list. because president fulton does not see, not in the movie, is at bassetti t c's. not in the won't be as a collaborator in the global effort. whereas a medical slot is constantly talking dog, everyone. they're constantly trying to dominate the conversation. and why is the prime minister sees the water, the humanitarian crisis for the west? it is only looking at the war as a chest. and i think that's
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a different sort of approach. and the 2nd point i want to make to like, i'm a great, really about an industrial relationship. and i will openly say this, that russia has always chosen india as a fox, no 2 decades. america has not, of russia has simply been on india side. the america has backed off his thumb and failed us since gaddy artist who had focused on you would 7 sleep, 1971. people have not forgotten that and not just people in india, i recently met some c, betty c, a bung, loveday. see politicians who said we will never forget what america i did in 1971. and so we believe today that america has no right to elect to the was the so f sixteens to buck a son, and focused on supports deborah's america into fios in catch me. america is a different approach in policy. and i liked lots of skills that actually yesterday,
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when she said that i think we're talking like mature countries when she go to china in. but i think that's the message that we need to talk as it will stop talking down. and i think there's no need for america to get to know us or elect to us, they need to come to terms with the source. let's look at what's happening with the us reaction to probably minutes to know these visits. yep. so you to india, apartment, to the phones, india, i that to choose russia for best buy some alliance against russia. yes. like just to tag to what task it was. so i was saying yesterday, i have not heard either dating on you tally, actually pushing russia to choose between them. we are adults, we all mature countries who can do a business and acts out of mutual interest between the sites. yeah, i think today's joint statement says yes, so important, i want to get your take on 1st scale stake on this. this is very exciting join statement because i was looking at the points of the,
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i don't know if you've got it with you yet, so it's already past that on my end, the major points, 9, the major points on a south of the 9 points of view only economic the 2nd point says scale is very significant. so truly so based significant, i'm really happy about russia and india doing this. the 2nd statement says we one was to was the development of a by lot 12 settlements system using national problems. please use a national academy to see for russia and india with what the ones that don't be whole. both exchange ad was using digital financial instruments into mutual settlements. this works for him deal because we don't have to be too dependent on the chinese guaranteed. works for our show, but it also shows the openness, the rest, your eyes and working in this way. this is what is going to make the, what nobody's at the time. so i scale one that is open talk a dollar. isaacson going on. we do not need to let the dollar, i had too many who the was anyhow,
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we need to change that system. this is one big step and that's, that's good. what do you think? well, i mean, i do, i agree, or do you want to know it's an absolute huge point. the 2nd one, the fact that i also believe it is not last you see why not take what conducted by a national congress. he thought as a split project said, let's be speak spanish but maybe the projects
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going really bad line. so that's yeah. really, really is we want to guide signal that with you and i, i, i wish i could connect that that's beyond me right now. but roughly, can i see this person to the i mean the way i look at it today, i'm show you as i'm watching tonight. we look at the rest of the india partnership in terms of the rise alicia as well. and i think the west should not try to determine the future of a share because it goes beyond them. we have a longer history, a longer civilization of which us civilization. we come in fact, each, the west to think or to about your politics and collaboration and a piece for what i tell you one thing to look at the statement by the state department ration 3, when it comes to prime ministers. multi, they said we are concerned yes. isn't like, can you expect anything else from the west based based on income? they just say look, yeah, easy. all right, just cutting away from that hope you enjoy that for the past 10 minutes or so
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special joint coverage with all these partner, channel republic, tv, and india stick around the more updates on bodies visit to russia coming up in the next hour we got so many details a pass along to, you know, render modi's to day trip to moscow. lots of details for you right now at odd t dot com the well, the russian foreign administer has of course mean taking part in the bilateral told to ask the honda of moscow the kremlin, get off at all for a briefing the media on how the negotiations went were going and he also touched upon a most goes stance on the complex issue of potentially expanding the number of permanent seats of the un security council building and way on. that's something you might be able to pull. so discuss, difficult shuffle version of the wind is one of the access to members. we have
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a similar approaches to the issues, attend india of us on the russian initiatives, including the prevention of the heroes. ation of lots is preventing a space andres, ensuring global cyber security and other topics. trasha reassigned stance. they've gone to the support over the indian candidacy to the security council at the time. and then back your shift that there is a decision made to this effect and that requires a general consensus of the one security council members that is not easy. a task of the work has long been on the way indian brazil is the candidacy of these african group. students stand as the we assume that the west should not receive an additional seats by the permanent, from what permanence and the west is already represented in this key body of v. when during the by that are all talks of food in praise. russia is high level of cooperation with in the holding the ties a privileged strategic partnership that size of the indian in 5 minutes. the
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underlined rusher in india is role in ensuring a stability on the global energy markets. this message is that only our countries have a very long standing friendship and good relations that have been established for decades. this year, we celebrate the 77th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations . today, our relations can be categorized as a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are in constant contact with you, and we pay close attention to the development of trade and economic ties. the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. we have known each other for a long time. i know that your whole life is devoted to the idea of strengthening the indian state and improving the lives of the indian people. i have forged for found ties with russia and with you personally over the past 2 and a half decades. this is my 6th visit to russia. i can confidently say, based on our past experience so that we will work and strengthen our cooperation
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and deepen all aspects of our partnership and achieve new goal. thanks to india, russia, friendship. when the world faced the various crises in food security and fuel and fertilizers, it was us who helped indian farmers avoid all difficulties. the whole world is facing fusion energy crises, but thanks to our co operation, we've been able to avoid all sorts of hardships for the common people of india or map. so the whole world should recognize that through india, russia, cooperation in the energy sector. we have insurance debility on the globe market. 1 of august to was joining us, ask you a taylor bit earlier in the program at our special coverage of studio downtown. and the guest was saying that the india rush of friendship is unrivalled on the global stage. pretty strong words, but have a listen for yourself. a v c small, the ss historic, the person of for all of the latest, particularly sick. so i'm,
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he's a, i must say that he knows how to tackle to the public. so he's a must to him. and so his features everything, most woody enthusiastic, very promising. so all the people that cheering india ends us up. these are read this coding the relationship we're defining, the listen to friendship solicitation and offensive you the i think and was in the will. there is no other examples like endorsing friendship because we are having me for the last 75 years and we never had any issue which we have not agreed upon. so we always get the inverse, it's always with us. and it's interesting that that dependency. i think it's slightly confusing to some nations in the world. they don't understand how new teddy can continue to cooperate with most. so even admits these 2 political changes that we're seeing. i mean, i'm just going to come at the west, some presidential press that. she said yesterday that the west, for example, is jealousy. looking on moody's visit to moscow. do you think they are
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a little bit jealous the they have on the india to be get away from us so which would not happen. but the beats, anyone beat me to anyone from india who comes developed to india, we cannot get to get to any and that the unit from the cell because all the sites are so deep. the 1st of all come to see if this is important. and mr. moody's something which no one can explain or just the just a few minutes here for a very, very quick pause and then we're returning back to the mothership. shoot you a here in moscow. archie is uptown and downtown with ask you to tell you that. but back in just a moment, the the, [000:00:00;00]
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 1885 in the very heart of the african continent plus states under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared since the beginning, the congo free state was total, may him for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children,
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were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congo these people under control. the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used, and as proof presented a job hand of an african, it was not uncommon when drying to justify the use of the munition. the colonists amputated the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. in only 20 years, the policy of the belgians laid to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the
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agreements pages in the history of mankind. the water is a part of the, is that the is it a valuable posted? isn't the deepest you of us in that, in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without cases. let's go out of the little after like well yeah, which aspect to the side of the way and if it upset my i can you got it made it by the end of the quarter that got them on board for so they're gonna try to get the
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for the most prominent the, the, the, the, any, i will just file it was a big oh, the way to stay and what awesome what, what's the zip code? the mean? it's in the system. i go out in the middle that is supporting the layout. so what, yeah, yes there, can you hear contributing by the way? no, i like going to can fornia picking up ro an immediate time. similarly, what is the depth of where you live? show children across publishing, progressing opinions you up any good of today to
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initial but other than significant that i would even the show when i tried the the, the what the adoption play utility. if it's that, then you can see a facade indeed and then put the 2 in my car here to do it. assuming that
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the to look into in a minute. the title is the same. send the most of it to the yet it could be the most notes the the, this order is not only mine. it is an on a that was bestowed upon the 1400000000 people of india. and the range of overstating russia is high if the state award from the president who hails the india in 5 minutes to an outstanding efforts to promote a special partnership between the 2 nation, the well the so on might be beginning to set. but all you do are nice all still on. we


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