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tv   Documentary  RT  July 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
merits by protests is the us capital. terry, i'm seen a to bomb is that is that is have a code for them. if you block this fund, we spoke to a protest organizer, cutty, that's the whose side the active list are opposed to american tax dollars. being used to kill people. here in the united states, we want to take a band to get to it clearly said it's west the period instead of they don't. we believe the 1st place that we do it right here and watch the with these data. with this data, somebody quoted the app you are, it's your article americans who don't support all money. that's going to go into our tax. there's that getting funneled out of our country and it's, they had your in loan us basically what it was, a, it's a war with bush and complex central throughout the united states. and then move mid beginning a new sense that seem right to your boss. see, you might have people that support us. it might not show for our protests because they know the unsafe service around their people don't agree with them. they don't
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people, i was right by a window that wouldn't be taught to the hearts and minds of americans. we truly understand that they know with their thoughts with you and that we are bringing out this movement. we as a people at the american people, deliberate this project and the grasp of data and the terrorist organization that is beat your logo. and i think that there are 2 possible options for what to happen . one, the mediators of the nato summit could possibly come together and just wait europeans from trying to pull money out of our country and get it to their hands. or there could be another at the end where of us can use the back. this data service organization continues taking bar money from our pocket to putting into the hands. people work killing logic, people's father brothers and you created rush, a well run some of this and he is a thank you for watching all the international. i'm i'm on the
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oh, you have a shuttle shut, sylvester. if somebody lift says tamaris disclosures looked like something like that but just because the color of the one yes oh thats across it up from nobody seems to most of the way it just depends on your fee and the additional benefits on the once you get the order move, are you on the department for the delay? give like the loan or something they say it has to move it to because they only ship it for you to send them over. just put you more and more research for you to replace the most. so i'll just was not sure on for you to the teachers. estella
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failed to go here and he crushed them. newton carefully, if the beautiful patch to live in showing a points number dollars a pot off with cannibal, customer dissolving distortions and restore the question and chart for central.
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nickelodeon, hardship talks such as of the day, the dose of 7 am. and one is a good question. is just wondering what else can i suggest to denver stuff or repeating modem issues, especially christian 92 is lots of thoughts on this which i probably left for. can i push the tools in position actually at any moment she has to push towards the
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premiums setting in almost a 1000000 custodial changing. it took me to, to the next level receptacle for school, kids on union, which i saw sort of a push to the store. it has been showing them a lot and what was wrong and you got to decide when i then stepped up where i am in the front. but a me forced to number on is that a corporate business? you know, with those do most to boys carports that are thrown into those slots of dosh contact cheeks before and with the crush she was looking at that was a wish to bring us not all of this to the nest and we're doing the storage. i'm installing the
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the the troublesome police got a new issue of truthful patricia the some of the conservatives stuck and i mean you have pushed the ocean test until fish. now this gets sizes to disk usage it good. she literally them, they see scan their guy. you globally,
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then let me grow the, but you may go book or, and you the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the gosh i saw your gosh. i guess i'm just not spending that's for the socialist. it's basically, yeah, it's a function of controlling across the ships. and what was that extra, extra miles or even the dishes. thank you much, much since school
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the school, the old school that especially is going to the people's problem. great. hopefully by go to school. so because i don't know what other people go to just give us a similar to such as the present day. so
6:40 pm
the on mambo, just so funny. let's check on the progressive as a similar to produce i. it conditioned in the us, it is a very good thing is i can say to me just a little yeah, hold on. okay. front on the bathroom and the one in one st. it's just not. 6 changing with the cuz it is the amount of the school district i'm not sure when the funds to closing stars. molly
6:41 pm
with those of in total for that and there's any way that's pretty fast because he's just calling you on for just a minute here. and so what about if i one that's less, that's a popular training, which was the way of i've talked about, the engine goes a little you got to do much more than just getting into and that will harness to find, you know, some devices to phone when you watch them and you go to see him, you put them on the bus, home park on the condition of the campus by the end of the rest of the job. so you produce to do a to pick them up,
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which is great because you know, solution. ready ready ready most of getting them the surgeon yet the. ready the stumble quite, and i'm sure i have got on the show if that's what the law says now to an export, to show it introduction, he showed good look at that a condition because somebody knows of casualty with much voice machine to ensure you're symmetric and that's the place to the distribution of the phone to the clearly and then the numbers in the same sense and my and then the dental vision and the emerson decision that took my minutes. the shooting is now the dying of funds would come to class, which is $310.00 ish your full chance of making it to the local visorio financial engine for television with
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the game and the quick lane and they took the younger, exclusively toys, toys team on the stuff that's included, so we're not saying it's not much new potatoes the name to go to look good. i'd choose and you have to if you have to stay in good ill if she could voice your thoughts every bit. i to see because i was thinking in the 4th grade to them participated extenders to slums, and they know what the, what shows it so that the woodson professor and if the, [000:00:00;00]
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the guns in one or 2 gloomy. this one is the route. so there's a there's a way you can send it along to the correct email addresses when you bundle screen receipt, as we already have in front of he's on the my phone. here. i'm from the kids that go to play as clear on previously. the number for them on the phone, something says when you come up, they ask, let's go with your phone was affected storage by issued to close. as i mentioned, window feature was shown by you are the ones cause on? yes, it has to come to the youngest model needs to be on because of some of the it needs to be new. did some is he able to screw up? so nothing doesn't to show that. what was what the young if i don't, if i look to show with the start of this child is star financial environments with the, to the, you know, go to schools. it does show it nice and easy to do to die. you can go ahead and
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finish up some sites that are done in position with not to join them, which it did you buy to what to some lunch and go to the book store 3. assume yeah, no, it's got to sit alone so so much cool. younger than i am on your student, i'm going to another one orange book on your machine is i need because most here with an assessment is showing up on their own political so model stressing on which they were going to get things. so i mean, for all the most good question, but then your own uh, clinical bonus to ship projections for several or no, unless you smell which i am calling you,
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which in your own good i don't that's the uh yes it when you but it just by the us yep. i searched young, i was bring it to the phone on the store. so the shuttle stops. typically it's pretty is yep, welcome to a small wow. martha little small island in www. the inches in jacksonville. but since you have to and you, campbell says zoning smoke, some of the witnesses can look into that. which lot much useful unless you go cuz it's a book unless, unless you're just um, you know, when you, when you're on the different, most of those in your opinion, entering your dancing, it gets out to try it. but the smaller show portion, that's pretty much it is pretty predictable.
6:47 pm
so those are show can of course, excuse me, outside of the check for data. so here's hoping to see them closer to what i do for i'm not sure what it's permitted, but a 6 mile. sure. there's you don't know if it's i don't want to be it's it, it was a smart through pushed up and they want it done. and then go on and if you need me, when you said i was a pioneer square, when you go to the what the course room, but the beach virginia to see you is that it won't get order, but the sooner you come out that's organization steward mobility bush, the basic over on the spanish or english or french middle, i'm electing to start next week itself and wyatt underscore called on board the
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lift. job tentative to comfortable for the sake of the coming on board. if i couldn't get the billing account and you already mentioned, i'm not holding the bill in front of me, you know, $100.00. so that's not particularly difficult. there's a lot that's good. but those are the, the, the, it's the score. when they have the see me, any of the students will who it should always immediately so me to pick out a lot. and lucy thoughts? i think the the, the money. so what's the, what's the,
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what's the netflix, those guys, what's been the additional mission? i will let them know what the tools with us give away is either to for, to how do you need this done to me is i will go into for you see a window, the shipping, the, the, the that the good thing to do my trip up with the table for safe schools
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hoping you will no worries me for that so so. so the thought yes, so probably in the florida shipment. so pretty close. assume not so glad to source that. utilizing your specialist to go out to store, sir, so cost to ship provision here to show you watching the product, the commercial machine that goes. but there's a solution that, that i'm going to put them to the use of the then the pushing it to show it to a student which bus continue to visualize some, especially in for the key to see a change in george started to bet them we just didn't do
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a toilet to invest and we need to go to the front, told me to go for visual wells in the hills quarter without getting. cuz like if you knew that you called the cause of the forgiveness each because they can, you bothered somebody else to come here to the the
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the, the new be on the table. see the. c okay, so the, the more handles interest media still in terms of good i sure. next couple dentist appointments. yours unless i'm doing what the what the scott at the drum cause that you have navy children. yeah. it should them to come out. that's the thing. most nights you've got to go. this is when you're just chunk of instead of in your skin, his renewal was switched now for the tours, cartooning. exclusive visits except search and signal for most of them. don't know some of them jennifer, the doctor pretty much the things you wish to develop. so no store to done. those
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are very near drums. interest have to come with those. there are nice pieces that they hear just or typical buyers will help smashing. they say that the movers know are going to cause a to the publish it by using put, send them yeah. for the service just yeah, sure. cuz the thought and i'm losing that all the cars, like, you know, it's good. it's all right. and so by the
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1st under which you placed with us to take the survey that's good entire to joshua by which you would be should be frontier should've worked for us to initial or she could do research to show that i needed for which i wanted to see which one should be with the finances she came up with a quick beach, not to them for too much much, but there is a which is restrictive. on the, on the, on arch at, during the period there are no investigative task, but even though got them going. it was that though, we're going to sit there and go to them and they weren't spicy. but as of right, yes with me on this just by mid day. now my niece told me that they might do it was a little short if there was a possibility that this class and what the dish could please. what does it be?
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smoke, that's what i should do to i need to say if you can provide us with those the need for margaret wish if i so so that leaves spinning my name's ritual and usage eliza and leveled to show and actually start and then be able to she will not shouldn't just to personally scenarios and what's going on, but show that, you know, somebody is investigating the name of things natural. now that there is this much space like some bush auto, but it's really going to support page it. but the only thing is it will show the dot org or you know, on their partners familiar. welcome to the area for us to talk with this to the provide special needs done. what kind of eligible for styles says on the done? well, talk about the, the nice neutral and the fridge. for donnelly,
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here's an option the to service for the
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with the she's open to pretty, for in the way you know. so what on the the floors they want you to know
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the most of those in june, the parties are as far as the comfortable commercial. almost as soon as you go to it as a full good standing room. blue sky normal grows to try to get him. i use to hit those for that to hear this kind of bad concert, then they yours. but them page somebody else comes to spend a choice just disorders through thousands of at the could i 1st of really and that is me from one village. so clear on what he crushed gateway or to took them towards the shy, took them to get away
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a financial blush funding and simple and heavy. to see my grandpa's that
7:00 pm
the the this order is not only mine, it is an honor that was bestowed upon the 1400000000 people of india. never run the road ever since the russians highest states away from for the person who handles the indian primus outstanding efforts to provide a special partnership between the 2 nations by a hair ready and waiting to talk about everything that's taken place is making clear when i'm through out of the russian capital, we made quite clear directly with india our concerns about their relationship with russia,


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