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tv   Documentary  RT  July 9, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

9:30 pm
the, the the, you have a shift or specialist if somebody else's came over this, the process looked like some numbers that the color share because i have one. yes. that was on the seems to most of the way to, to get the benefits on the get the or the on the delay. yeah. i would have had to give like the loan or something they said, if the movers know to go to the shop, if i get them to send them over, just put you more and more research for you said there's seats to place the most of
9:31 pm
the interest with mushroom for you to please. and the teachers estella fail, filled up with sufficient fund day to go here and you crushed them, newton, carefully. if the
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beautiful gosh to live, enjoying your $1400.00. but the cannibal customer that has all these options of a single question in china on special and i'm going to be in touch with ox, pinterest. i'm show corner g of a dose of 7. and i'm wondering where the question is. it's just towards them just to put in the stuff to pay the modem that you want to share. the sessions cushion more. it's a little before trip i left for can i push the tools just didn't finish and actually at any moment she has to push towards the
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females setting and costing lighting custodial sensing a transition to mobile. your shift sculpture score kids on, you know, which one i saw so quick question for students to test for should have been showing them well, what was wrong in the cockpit assignment? i didn't stepped up for i'm in the front, but any portion number on is that correct or abuse? did she on with those do most to boys carports that are thrown in as a slots of dosh come talk to expect for and with the crush she was looking at that was your wish to bring up not all this to in the finance and we're doing the storage image done and
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the is the term with us and i knew the know some of the console just stuck and i mean you have pushed. ready the ears, you know,
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and i shall test until fish now decided to disk usage it good. she literally down the seas can big i you globally them. i mean, grow the but you need to book or, and you the, the, [000:00:00;00]
9:36 pm
the, the stone shook, i guess i'm just not spending. that's pretty slow. so it's quick. it's disney. yeah, it's a function of controlling across the chips and all that extra, extra miles or even the dishes that you mentioned, christian school,
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the school, the school that especially just says go to the purchase of all the people scrolling great. hopefully, by the way i school still able to go just give us
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a similar to such as the days so or the mobile just so be able to check on the progress trip to produce. i conditioned in by the us of this month if i'm guessing it's only gonna take me to the book i turned on i think it's just the. 6 picture because it is. 2 the amount of the school gets to the store,
9:39 pm
so i'm not sure what the closing stars. molly, what those are in total for that. and usually by, at the fast, the cost, cuz he's willing to go for just calling customer support for just a minute here. and so what about my mind? that's less, that's a popular crane, and that's roughly about about the jack hook up to do much more than just getting into a metal harness or to find, you know, supervisors to family motion and the ceiling is that the strong park on the corner. so looking at the spelling residential model in your range,
9:40 pm
the rest of the drum, so you produce to to a to pick them up. i appreciate as this is great the inside your solution. ready ready most of it in the book but it has to and yet the. ready the credit, let me show coordinator here, go to negotiate with us what? nah says now, just do an export to show it introduction. he showed it to go to that a condition cause solution. you know, you guys and they are not my finishing entries and that which you on that's the place to the district and the functionally clearly. and then the numbers from the same fence and my im dental vision and pretty much the new version of the plugins. the shooting is now for the dying of 100 demarie to class, which is 32,
9:41 pm
this is your full changed information to add to the business or financial check engine for club dash and what's the name of the game. and then it took a young exclusively to us through his team on the stuff that's included. so we're not saying it's not much new potato. so i need to talk you little bit entries and yet to see you have to stay in a good deal if she could voice your thoughts over. good i to see, cuz i was thinking of the post guide system purchased based you had extinguished slums and they know what the, what the shows it looked at the woodson professor and you look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point
9:42 pm
obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the, the brain with artificial intelligence we have summoning the payment. the robot must protect his phone. existence was alexis, the more expensive. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do i have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably
9:43 pm
going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the toner between the guns in there when you were blue or too gloomy. this one is that also inclusive, susan and just took it off to the show during eastern send me the email because when you bundle screw, we're seeing it. as we already mentioned, the phone is on the my phone here. unfortunately, check over to play as clear on previously the other folder, my phone, something says, going come up. they ask them to have the phone was affected by issued to close it, which will feature was also shown by you are the ones cause on? yes, it has to come down to some of the and you see them cause us some of that it needs to be new. did some? yes. able to screw up, stuff doesn't to shelter that go to some of the young. if i don't,
9:44 pm
if i don't the show with the start of this child is star firestone, from beach, with the to the now go to schools, it does show advice and was easy to do to die. you can go ahead and finish up some slides to the thought in position with not to the machine as you too bye to what the show margin go to the book store 3. assume yeah, no, it's got to sit alone so so much cool younger than i am one your student, i'm going to another one orange book on you've seen is i need because most here with most trustworthy of shown that i'm on their own political. so model stressing on which they were giving in to to get things. so i need to buy my own the most because to put the own
9:45 pm
uh, clinical bonus to have shipped by judge for the civil on the, the knowledge of ssl, which i have calling you, which in your own providing that to? yes, it, when you brigit, bye, this to. yep. i searched young i was bring it to the phone on the store so the shuttle stops typically will fit for you. yep, welcome to a small wow. martha motion, little small and spinning, double it. and you did choose to do that since you'd have to, and you can, you book the zoning smoke, some of the weaknesses, handbooks, instruct, which lot, much useful unless you clean vocals. you're going to boost almost unless cool. you understand me when you, when you're on the dipping most of those in your opinion,
9:46 pm
dancing your answering, it gets out to try it. but a smaller show portion that's pretty cheap. distributed to ship as a stroke. and of course, excuse me, outside of the show for data. so here's hoping that it was a competitive system. this is mostly true. what i do financially with its products, but a 60 mile. sure there's, i don't know if it's, i don't want to be, it's it, it was a small to push the done and then go, i'm and if you need me, when you said i was a partners through when you go to the website for them. but the beach virginia to see 0 is that if people get older but this and then you from uh, pennsylvania stewart mobility bush condition code
9:47 pm
on the finish of the most english search middle i'm really acting to start next week except for an enlightened score card on board the lift jobs and you have to comfortable for the sake of the going on board though. if i couldn't get the billing account. and you already mentioned, i'm not holding the bill in front of you know, $100.00. so that's not particularly difficult. there's a lot that's good, but those are the the so what are the, what didn't score well they have the see me in the of the most giving it so who is
9:48 pm
nice immediately the big white and blue. i'll the lucy thoughts. okay. so what's, what's the, what's the 1st day of which those guys which clearly understood what should i will let them know. let's move with us. give a list. the last is i have to put them. how do you need this done to me is i will go into for you see a window. they were just shipping the the
9:49 pm
that the good thing is too much for purpose than you can look for. so still hoping you will know what let me go to. so a silver thorn? yes it broke over in the florida shipment. so pretty much assume not to get to sewage it utilizing your specialist gladto just doing a search real quick to ship furniture here to show you watching the some of the commercial machine that goes with the news. fortunate that i'm going to put them as to the use of the then approaching this issue to get students need to push continue to visualize some,
9:50 pm
especially for the key initiates finish in. george started to bet them with digital didn't do a toilet to invest, then you would need to go to the fund. told me to go for visual wells in the area to see if, if it didn't come right into the vehicle. but the problem was the dentist each because they couldn't be bothered somebody else, we went to the
9:51 pm
the the, the data see the piece. okay, so the, the more handle centers, media storage hasn't been added to our next step. and i'm just talking to juice on the sounds and what the, what the scott at the drum cause, beg me of navy children. yeah. it should them to come out. that's the thing. most nights have got to go. this is one year old, just chunk of instead of in your skin hands. when you look through our search now for the course of quite a to do is i school,
9:52 pm
they submitted extension signal for most of them. don't know. some of them janet conducted pretty much to things you know is to develop that. so no storage thing done. those are very me, you have to jump to for the interest of to come with those. there are nice pieces that the here just, the typical bias will help smashing. ha, there's the movers. know, are going to cause a of the function it by using pets and yeah, for the service just yeah, sure. the thought and i'm losing that all the cars like, you know,
9:53 pm
it's good. it's so nice. and so by the 1st under which you placed with us to, to, to the entire, to joshua by which you would be, should be. she loves frontier should've moved florida to new associated category. sure. sure. okay. i need it for which i wanted to see which one you should be familiar with with the finances she can move with the quick beach. not to them for too much much, but it is just straight down on that. on the, on the porch at, during that period there are no investigative task. but even though go, are you going to have them that would demonstrate that are on the launch by supervisor? by the way, that means just by midday. now,
9:54 pm
my niece told me that they might do it. so what i show is to present this class and the dish cuts loose, when does it be smoke? i thought i would do to, i need to say if you can provide us with those the need for margaret, which of us so so that when you mind me in future one, you said you want me to be able to showing that she's going be able to she will not shouldn't just to personally scenarios. and let's of shift a little more show that, you know, somebody is investigating the name of things natural, not every sort of this insurance is most some bush, little but it's really a bunch of on page it. but the only thing is it will show the dot org or, you know,
9:55 pm
of the corners to me actually i'm in the markham area for us to tackle this to provide special needs done what kind of eligible for stay outside is only done, but think about not the most neutral and the credit for damages and rep shit. the to service for in the checklist.
9:56 pm
the motions. of course, she's open to pretty, from the rest of it on the
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the floors. we want you to know the most of those in june, the parties are as far as the couple of those people, i'm sure it's almost done as soon as it's full good standing blue sky normal grades to try to get him. i use to hit those for this kind of bad concert, then they yours, but them page somebody else shifting those choice through disorders to down to the could i 1st the feeling that to me for margaret is so clear on to be the most beautiful most money and he crushed
9:58 pm
gateway or to took towards the shy and took them carefully financial planning and thoughts. simple and heavy. to see my grandpa's at
9:59 pm
the the the water is part of the blog post that isn't the deepest view of us. and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex must be present to that stuff without collision. is that spelled out
10:00 pm
of the oh my goodness, there's so much to talk about. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about on this day. the way they get me to stop talking though, say we just shut down all the rows. mr. president, you're gonna lose all the votes. if you don't get it. wow, to man to world leaders. the 1st one you saw, i don't know if you can tell by the way that was moody, the president of india was walking in to his hotel and people were cheering. so one man is shared. the other one that he's tired, he's confused, which one just said that he is a guy who runs the entire world. you're about to find out you're about to hear it


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