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tv   Documentary  RT  July 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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republican national convention, i'm scrolling now, hugh, then you are watching perspective the the supreme court ruled a former president, donald trump may have some i'm unity from his prosecutions related to his actions after the 2020 election dramatically under cutting special council jack smith's case. now the majority, $6.00 to $3.00 decision found, a former president is entitled to a presumptive immunity for all official acts, but it held there is no immunity for unofficial acts. now since april, the high court has been a towing overs decision and trump versus united states. now this stands from a special council jack smith for count indictment, alleging a trump attempted to suburbs the 2020 election results and he intended for the
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january 6. right to happen. the central issue in the case was whether trump is immune from prosecution because he was the president of smith argued. trump's actions actually fell outside the scope of presidential duties and should not be protected. you know, all of this comes on the heels of the landmark decision when the supreme court ruled in favor of the january, 6 defendants and a former pennsylvania police officer, joseph fisher. the $63.00 decision significantly affects the justice department's approach to prosecuting. not only the more than $350.00 riot defendants, but also donald trump. there's still one more court case we have talked about in length on the show. trump's hush money trial. all of this is setting the stage for the opening of this week's 2024 republican national convention in milwaukee
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wisconscin, which at the time tron should be officially re crowned the leader of the republican party. but let us discuss with our panel these, your know, who is the chair of the young republicans in tennessee and a delegate at large on the r as the rules committee. next is a good friend of the show. talk show host, steve malls, word and last but definitely not least smolik. i do. who is our go to political analysts gentlemen. i want to thank all of you for joining the show today. was interesting, steve malls, word because like i said, we have the r and c coming up, but this is all with a supreme court wrapping up their session. and i have to ask you how to the supreme court cases. actually impact. do you think these were at trump remaining cases and do you think this gives him a better chance of appeal? and the hush money case. oh absolutely. because uh, the judge and the hush money case allowed that the topic of what he did is president to be brought up. so you know, there's the, there's a chance that this
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a sentencing will be delayed until after, until after the convention way after the convention. uh, at the very least, well i, i think the american public is really set up. i think it's becoming less and less of, of a surprise if he winds up in jail. you know, that it's almost like, okay, we expect this, but i agree. would see the kind of, i think it will motivate people more to say what, what the heck is going on in this country. how is this possible in this country, especially in light of the supreme court ruling, and by the way, the effects, aside from that case, as you asked of the cases going forward, the other cases that has yet to be adjudicated. none of them i, i'd be shocked if any of them are, are carried out before the election so that that's a major win for donald trump in that respect. so we'll have to wait and see, but nothing would shocked me. nothing would surprise me. this judge never should
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have been allowed or allowed himself to be in charge of the case, and he should have removed himself and refused himself. he didn't. so in my mind, anything's possible. well, i have to ask you, molly, because as i listened to the debate a few weeks ago between joe biden, donald trump, one thing i did claim is donald trump did point out just as steve does your. and i just pointed out that if the the prize is put in to jail, it's what people in communist countries do, did they jail their opponent? do you think that this actually that debate, right? they're actually kind of, as you pointed out, showed that if trump is thrown in jail, that basically he was predicting exactly what biden was going to do to him and was already pointing the finger sort of setting the stage like he's done with everything else. that's happened to him over the past few years. well, i will see you, you made that you made my point at the end because this is something donald trump has been saying over the years. now. of republicans obviously feel as if that there has been a lot of law fair conducted against donald trump starting before he even got in office with the rest of the collusion investigation. so this is something that
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donald trump has been saying for awhile. i think it's something that benefits him ultimately at the end of the day. i, you know, we don't expect him to be going to jail or anything like that. but donald trump has a lot of m u mission going into the convention, but also going into november with what we thought and a couple of weeks ago with what seems to be a very diminished joe biden. while in office, i think that donald trump is actually poisoned because of his debate performance. that many people, they didn't expect donald trump to actually do as well as he did that type of situation where they were down playing. and really under estimating donald trump, you just give him the opportunity to out perform. and i think that's what we saw at the debate. well, that's the thing steve jarno and i apologize for richard. your name book, we'll talk show host and national is why kind of always get you guys confused. you're going to be there. you're going to be on the floor. you are a delicate, you're also on a very,
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very popular committee from what i can from what i told the platform committee. there are rumors that the g o p is going to be making changes in the platform regarding abortion and gay marriage. now i will tell you, it has been denied by everybody within the campaign. they're saying this is just liberals tried to stir up trouble by hitting beforehand that no actual platform negotiations had been happening. however, donald trump has stated his views on abortion during an interview, and he said, the power should go back to the state. let's listen on the all in podcast to put it simply, it's now up to the stage and like ronald reagan, i'm a believer in the exceptions. the 3 exceptions, as you know and raping just life of the mother. so you wouldn't support a national ban? no, i wouldn't support a national band. no, i would. uh. okay, steve, you're going to be in on those meetings with those conversations. do you think that they are and see platform is going to change in those areas to reflect donald trump and the supreme court's decision? regarding abortion and potentially gay marriage too. well, i've heard
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a lot of the rumors. i don't think they're true. i'm not on the platform committee . i'm on the rules committee, my mom's on the platform committee and from everything i've heard at she said that they're not going to be any changes. we're gonna leave it up to the states. that's what the supreme court is decided. you know, one of the things i'm most excited about being at this convention for is the amount of young republicans we're going to have at this convention at tennessee is leading the country. we have 17 delegates or alternate back. we're going to be with our delegation, and so i think it will be a great advertisement for our republican party. i think it's a great advertisement for president trump in the work he's done with people that don't traditionally vote republican. you know, when you look at young people, you look at mine already. i think what we need to do is go up there and provide a clear picture of what we want to do to help the american people recover from the last 4 years of this disaster of a presidency. but now i don't think they'll be any changes. i think we're going to
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leave it to the states where it belongs, and we're going to make our case to the american people will see, i think it's amazing. you're probably one of the 1st and if not the only mother's son do us are able to be elect as delegate. congratulations to you and your mother . obviously, you'll be having conversations about it. i do as mazda bordeaux normally and, and most where you've covered many conventions on both republicans and democrats side in your years and media. i get it. sometimes they're, they don't release their entire schedule security reasons. whatever might be. however, this year i feel like it's been even more secretive. do you think that's on purpose and what do republicans outside of the base need to hear from the stage every night that week to try to convince them that donald trump and all the candidates down ballots is the place they need to vote. come november. i think they have to make a great contrast. so not only talk about, you know, jo biden's, lack of mental confidence, but they, they have to, they have to paint a picture,
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a realistic picture of what this country would be like if any democrat, whether it's joe biden or anybody else. uh, you know, a time to come over, hire or son, to get a new some under anyone what they want, what they want to do to this country. what they want to do to the supreme court, what they're doing and would continue to do with the border right on down the list . crime, police every think this would be a chaotic, chaotic country. and i, and i really do hope that the, that, that whoever speaks at that convention that the convention is educated and knows what's going on. and i'm so sick a hearing about donald trump, but violence and violence, you know, we had job, i'd say, don't want to beat the hell out of donald trump taken behind the jim corey, a book of sitting sandra said my testosterone makes me want to punch them in the face of the robert de niro does commercials for a fight and says, i want to punch him. i mean, but, but republicans don't know enough to bring these things up. they have to educate
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the country. so it was things that the country ordinarily wouldn't know that's incumbent upon them. okay, but i have to ask you will lake talking about the unity that should be existing with republican party right now? do you think the fact that we don't have a list of speakers out? we don't know who's going to be attending? we don't even have themes for the night for every night. right now. do you think that has to do with a lot of the lack of unity, the democrats charges existing right now within the republican party as reflected by their convention? no, i don't think that's the case at all in the in typically this is something that of course b r and c with control. but as speakers live, i don't think that most voters, at least most republican voters are concerned about the list of speakers. they're concerned about seeing donald trump and the republican party advocating for vision for. and i actually have been one of those who said that donald trump needed to articulate a password for republicans on abortion. and he not only did that in the pod cast, and the benefit of the pod cast is because by the time donald trump got in the
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debate, he was able to articulate that very same thing where he had told he said he does not support a national band, but he does support the, the, the, those 3 exceptions that was a very important thing and i honestly believe in, you know, i'm not out, i'm not in the yard so you're in that space. but i do believe that it would benefit the republican party, the up to have as part of his platform, what the price of what the titular head of the party articulated. how can you claim to be a party where you want to present a vision for and you don't have that clearly articulated when you know that it's going to be in an election year issue. so i think that republicans, if they don't have something on abortion in there, or even gay marriage for that matter, it is dropping the ball unnecessarily in ways that we simply cannot afford tv. john hard? yes, yes, please. i'm sorry, i'm sorry, but, but they have to point out as trump try to do in the debates, that would wouldn't come a lot, harris and the rest of them say, you can't tell
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a woman what to do with her body. that means right up at no restriction, it means no restrictions, and that's only about 30 something percent of the country is there. they have to amber that point home unified talking points very important. steve laws versus the journal. bullock a do stay right there. because after the break, we're going to continue our preview of the republican national convention and talk about republicans, number one target joe biden. and if he was a that way for long the the, the north atlantic treaty organization is celebrating of 75th anniversary in washington. this week, for many in the west, nato is deemed to be the most successful military alliance of history. for others
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beyond the west, may toby is the most serious security threat to humanity. today the everything had changed with her daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie, your daughter is having a diabetic ketoacidosis, i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous. the hardest cancer diabetic per on her. obviously that affects every part of the organ assist in the american diabetes association is that the american diabetes association has been bought off by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corporations hit them every year. i wasn't given a specific diet, just told to inject and test. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put those recommendations out,
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forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funding low carbohydrate diet. there was a multiple $1000000000.00. they found the corporations that were go bankrupt the of the welcome back to perspective, i'm your host starting now. hughes. no recent rumors regarding the mental state of president joe biden have caused even his biggest allies, a k, the media to question whether or not he is the best candidate democrats have to offer in november, even time magazine, making this cover showcasing biden's debate performance. putting democrats in what can only be described as
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a state of panic. no conservatives had been questioning biden's cognizant behavior for years. there was only following the 1st debate between joe biden and donald trump. but even the media had you accepted the current president of the united states, confused state. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the, with it's a coven. excuse me, with dealing with every day we have to do with work if we finally be medicare taken president and president trump was right. he did beat medicaid made it to death and he's destroying medicare when i was always present down to 6. by the way, i told you before, i'm happy to play golf to carry on back into it. not act like children know that you're sick and i'm going to continue to move until we get to total ban on the to
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do the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum of president trump. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is, i don't think he knows what he said either. now, many by this target blame for the performance on biting, having a cold, or even the lack of teleprompter. but days later, the night of the supreme court ruling on trump's community biden to not keep his script straight. i concur with just a certain wires, a sent today. she has a, she said, she says every use of a visual power. the president is now a king above the law with fear for our democracy. i dissent and of quote. but does this mean democrats will replace? and what effect does this have on the republican national convention? well, let's bring back and our panel gives yarborough is chair of the young republicans
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of tennessee and a delegate at large on the r n. c. rules committee. got that one correct of this time. talk show host, steve malls berg and political analyst. malik abdul. thank you. so much for sticking with us. i want to start with you. uh, i wanna actually start with you. uh, steve, on this one. do you feel the democrats will actually stick with joe biden? yes, i you. all right, i think so. i see most of our, oh okay, sorry, sorry. uh, yeah, i kind of think they do you know why? because joe biden, apparently, uh, will not let them convince him otherwise. i mean, this is disgusting. this is elder abuse. it really is. i mean, you know, his facial expressions during the debate, but probably worse than what he actually said, and that's pretty, pretty bad. or they get to go to how does a snob com a lot, harris. i you know, that that's what i don't i, i've never really understood,
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oh gavin use of all michelle obama. i've been guilty of that too. oh, this one. know that what do you have the governor of michigan. but what about what about coming to harris? she's a woman of color, she's the vice president, shouldn't she be the heir apparent? and, and if they number, that's not gonna be good for them. what if they pick her in his place? that's gonna be a pretty good disaster for them. so this stuck between a rock and a hard place here, and i think they get a probably, unless with this a month we're seeing circumstance cuz we do have months and months ago. it's gotta be joe biden, because job i love is the perks that come with the gig and she's not ready to give it up. okay, jordan, oh, let me do it that way. do you think that g o. p also, though, needs to focus on all of those cast of characters to characters that the malls were just a minute mentioned, and point out the faults of all of other nominees, just in case something happens. and joe biden is replaced. i do. i think we need to make the case that this is where the democrat party is today
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. it's not the same democrat party as even 2015 years ago. this is a radical leftist party. it doesn't matter who they're not even is whether it's joe biden or comma harris or gavin, you some or anyone else. they all believe these things, but we've really got to drive home the point that the disaster that's going on in our country and the disasters happening across the world are because joe biden doesn't know where he is. he doesn't know, you know, what is going on around 10 minutes. very, very sad. it's elder abuse. i think the bite and family should be ashamed of themselves and everyone who's propping joe up. but i think he will be the nominee, and i think they're going to try to get him across the finish line. and then the 2nd day of his presidency, have him resign and have someone who knows what's going on, take over. and i think it's a that's, that's awful that that's going on in our country today. we have fallen so far so quickly. and that's interesting that we even have to think of that perspective. i don't think any time in history, we have that kind of conversation. but it's funny that you mention the person who's
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behind the president leak. let's go back to republicans in truck because they high dollar fundraiser and solve trump's vp hopefully flocked to atlanta all to support the republican nominee. now, according to the invitation, it was $25000.00 donation and gave you a seat at the dinner table with all of the vice presidential contenders. now let me use a short list. dr. been carson governor doug berg them center marco ruby us that are j, the vance representative ally. stephanie representative byron donald sit or tim scott represent wesley hunt and a few others all attended this high dollar watch party. one major close. the campaign was starting to lean towards somebody was actually observed as trumps. director of circuits was seen leaning around j, the vance. now trump has yet to pronounce his paper vice president. but if and when he does, do you think it's going to have any effect positive or negative on it trumps popularity? yeah, so typically vice presidential candidates, they don't make
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a lot of noise. they usually just fill up a way that a president has. i'm in the case of mike pins, mike pins had congressional experience, government experience, and he had a real um sway with evangelicals. with dick cheney, dick cheney had the federal government experience job. i didn't have the experience in this case. they won't be experienced. that will be what donald trump would need . it will be the security, the confidence that people have, that he has someone to moderate him, donald trump. and this is why i have a problem with people being thrown out there and like a byron downloads or even j. d benz. at this point, donald trump doesn't need someone who is essentially a carbon copy of himself. he need someone who's able to get in there to do to work with congress, something that i don't think that the many others would do. many, anyone who knows me know that my favorite, my number one person is in their time. scott, because i believe that senator team scott would not only help donald trump when he would help donald trump cover and create
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a legacy after donald trump leaves. if either of those other candidates be of mark or ruby or others. these are not legacy building candidates, and for all intents and purposes, they're simply extensions of the american 1st movement, which i support. but that won't be what donald trump needs to get elected in have an effective presidency, and he's only able to serve one term. okay. mike, i understand where you're coming from and thank you for this location. but i got a 3rd to save balls work on this one, isn't that what donald trump had though with mike pence and he had someone that was kind of on that sort of get together more of the establishment way. how does that work out? well, for him, especially in times of trouble. yeah. no a, to do a great extent. you're absolutely correct. and let me throw name out there which, which it nikki haley. i, i don't agree with vicky hailey on so many issues a but, but to the point that was just made, you know, you need someone her appeal her appeal to the people that will not vote for donald
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trump dissatisfied republicans to the people who are going to stay home to independence or underside it or really say i just can't pull the lever for trump for whatever reason, vickie hailey will bring them all on board. it won't even be a contest anymore. and she's been out of the line like ever since. she said she is going to vote for trump and you know trumps the showman edit and a and a tv guy and the media guy and i'm thinking the same names keep coming up. they have been for months. maybe he brings in nicky a late and you know people will be unhappy, but i think the country that he, the people he needs to get to pull the lever will be whoa. and they will vote for him. it won't be close. nikki haley, please donald vicky. hey we wow. okay, that was not the answer. i was expecting you to stay above the okay. we're talking about you know that, that sort of gas for people as they held the lever. steve's your know, you, me on the floor the are and see you have all drug delegates,
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majority of them that would be on for how do you think the public is at this point would respond to nikki haley walking out on the stage even if trouble pointed her vice president a well, i think it'd be a hard decision for a lot of people, but i think we have to remember for that. you know, ronald, reagan said, you know, if you're with someone 80 percent, that doesn't make them 20 percent your enemy. we have got to stop what's going on and right now, and the only way we can do that is to part a unity. you know, i support what president trump decides, and if he says that she is the right fit for him and can help him get the job done, then i'm going to support our president. because look at everything he sacrificed for us, i'm sure a lot of people can, can get over the fact that they may not like nikki haley if. if president trump says this is the person i need in order to do the job that you all want me to do, there are no more diplomatic than probably most people who are 3 times your age in politics today. bravo to that one. okay, so let's actually one before,
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before we leave, i have to ask about the protesters because it's always guaranteed there's going to be protesters at a convention. so i want to ask each one of you who or which groups right now, are most angry with republicans today, malik? i'll start with you. but i'll just jump out here and say if i am in absolute park, no, on the give you the donald trump, the vice president. but i think that the problem that it both sides will have um, you will have a lot of democrats, ironically supporting donald trump. i mean, the protesting donald trump, that they are in the convention. but you will have democrats protesting biting at the democratic convention with a lot of the pro palestinian protestors who i believe will probably be out. okay, same offer as yours. yeah, i think it's going to just be a lot of professional left wing, you know, protesting groups that'll be out there. i can't think of any specific group, a combination, some pro palestinians and, you know, but women's groups, abortion, pro, abortion, blah, blah, blah. but i think the democrats are really going to be the ones facing the,
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the hard core protests out there from the pro palestinians and the hard core progressives and stevens, your know, you're going to be there. what protesters are you looking forward to seeing the most as your bus goes through all the layers of security? well, i'm sure we'll have a, the george soros funded people that we had in 2020 and of course at the college campuses now. but i think you know that some of the people who are most upset with the republican party and just government generals, just the american people, they want to see something happen rather than people just get up and give the same talking points. they want to know how we're going to help them get out of the current economic situation we find ourselves in. well, thank you so much. the 3 of you for joining us. thank you to our pals. thing these you are know. see was, were malik abdul x got thanks for having this. conventions can be a lot of fun and a great way to get the bass excited about all of their candidates. now normally the excitement comes from inspiring speakers patriotic themes. and of course,
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the show surrounding the presidential candidate. however, this year is republican national convention, also brings with it the element of surprise mystery. and of course, shocked because of all of the different unknown variables. now i have it in a multiple r, as in indian c, starting back in 2004. and i will be the 1st to tell you that this, your schedule and list of speakers seem to be under very tight wraps and expected chaos has escalated to almost the feeling of giving up and just going with the flow to see what happens next. but in the end, regardless of whether president trump is in person or in a jail cell, he will accept the republican nomination for president. then the real work for his supporters begins. but hey, that's just my perspective on sky now, here's, thanks for watching the,
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can i think it will have chevy and it shows the patient unix. but then you put the well in just the coupled or is it pretty sure what are you doing your dose, but then you would just give them a one shot the to the level slowing. so got you. so that's where, you know,
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you have them step nice. just the but this was the controller is the console phone is a visual of living in, but i do have to make sure that all of the, of literally so frustrated with as much it's gonna get to play the show you a different level may assist you with when you're doing good insurance and which the technology, you can throw that at the let's just sponsor, excuse me, just go out. i don't know if it was a go or you need the course to just go in and put in the see it is done with this or fix it on this was was self employed. so sort of all the
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the i was about to travel to texas, and unfortunately our entire family had come down and you know, in large families, it just travels down from one child to the next to that. and this time that was here it, it hung on a little bit longer than.


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