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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the headlines right here on, off the international as nato has lost its purpose and is treading into unknown territory. well, that's the message from hungary is. foreign minister announces the country will not contribute to supporting the ukraine conflict. any more hungry will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine. disposition assures that we can protect the security of hungry and the security of the hung. gary and people who bought the baby firmly oppose nato's breakthrough in its positioning as a regional and defensive organization. instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflicts as china slams nato's tactics. the lions takes aim and paging, suggesting it's the water fueling of the conflict in ukraine. that is just by china's continued pulse of deeds. today, march the 29 in front of
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a 3 of the bicycle incident needs with thousands lost their lives. according to the event, the genocide remains controversial. many accused the international community of treating the victims of all the different peoples. a crime cannot be genocide because the women and children could go could use the place. this is not the genocide, the sorry, thursday at 8 am here at most. go in a very good morning to you from all of us here at the, on the international. my bush went straight to our top story for you right now, is nato allies, a meeting in washington? the head of the lions is blaming china for dropping out the conflict in new crane. however, the hon. gary and prime minister on the hills with 3 nation to a through t a must go and aging. so the organization has gone off. the truck needs to return to its original about which we spell out because we are you flushing from bunk on
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the letter was established 75 years ago with the goals protecting the security of its members. today, however, it seems to be moving away from its original purpose behaving more and more like the world and as ha, one of the science of this is that neither we sticking in increasingly active role in the russian ukrainian war. in our opinion, this is dangerous and even the responsible because no one can see how the school and, or where we will end up today. i will argue that needed to return to its original spirit as well. i don't think that we might have each are now joining us here. live the street here of rock know they had just by 8 o'clock in the morning here. wow. strong. well, it's coming out of the hungarian prime minister, also the foreign minister as well. they say that nate, so it was losing its purpose, pretty strong commentary that but what do we know? of course hunger is phase sure of his position when it comes to and nato and the conflict in ukraine. i mean, it makes you question a lot of things because hungry remains the only you country that actually met both presidents, the landscape and president with him. so it's interesting to know why it has shows
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and such this there and a belief and stands for peace and negotiations is that only triggers its relations with its allies. but let's take a listen to the statement from the home gary and foreign minister. sure, national fund. we have an agreement with the current secretary general and we have a promise from the teacher secretary general. the hungry will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine. we will not contribute on gary and soldiers to such an operation. we will not contribute to gary and tax payers money to such an operation. and we will not contribute on gary and territory to such an operation . and we will not continue to refrain from supplying weaponless. disposition assures that we can protect the security of hungry and the security of the hung, gary and people. i mean, there it is, but essentially they're calling for nato to return to its purpose. and especially they refuse to take part in any event to inch for the safety of their people 1st in
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the country. yeah. but you know, when it comes to reaction that's certainly been some reaction coming in from other member states because as you well know, who my, the hungary is taking over the role of the presidency this year. so that's supposed to be the guys in charge. yeah, of course there's a lot of anger and that's no surprise in whoever it goes against the narrative. the for, for the west is being shame. but this is extra special, as you've mentioned, because hungry currently has the president to see. but the rest of the use somehow is scared that hungary is tall, came on their be halls. and just to remind you that hungry here is whole mission is to bring keys and to bring both parties to negotiating table at their reaction. also begs the question as to why they are so upset and so frustrated. but let's look and listen at the statement from the swedish authorities. well, within the native framework, i don't have a mess because it has an e. u member,
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i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be careful not meas, using the presidency for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as, as a speak you for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think the hungry now that we received the reactions they actually have asked for it seems that trips to moscow are to go now. i mean, it's all about diplomacy at the end of the day, prime minister, hungry and prominent service to organs, visits to most schools, and nothing more than diplomacy. and in hopes to actually bring some sort of coldness to europe into the world instead, as we've been there since the you is panicking it's it's, it's a stone is showing that he is a leader quoting for peace. here's a lead us speaking. so try and trying to speak to all sides of the conflict and yet
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is calling for pacing of his competitors and you're like, no, no, no, don't do that. you know, mean you go to one, what is the true purpose here? the continuation of a conflict. can you cried? meantime, my god, who about the war of well, it's not between nato and beijing. how is china getting dragged into this? i think it just seems very few there to the side to maintain some sort of relation to a raw, so friendly relations with vasa. you are immediate, lead shame than you are immediately seen as evil. laura twitter and might even be threatened with sanctions as, as, as we know. so let's take a listen to the statement of, from an nato authorities, as nato allies agreed today. but in our summit, the declaration signed law has become a decisive enabler over show support against a claim on you. on final support increases. the fed rush of poll says to us on
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think security laws allies have stated clearly that china tunnel enabled the largest conflict in europe in recent history with out this negatively impacting the interest on the reputation is gonna continue like this without this impacting the interests under reputation over china, and of course i didn't know that this will be for the individual allows to make decisions about. uh, uh, i think the message sent from nato from this. um, it is very strong and very clear. and we are a family the finding a child also sponsibility when it comes to enabling a rational sort ocean against degree football. the thank you to join this position on nato is consistent. we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough in its positioning as a regional and defensive organization. instigating confrontation in asia pacific
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conflicts and undermining regional prosperity and stability. we advise nato to to do more practical things for world peace, stability and security on both those yes. now, sultan barrow guys are just seeing a wasted no time in fire and shots of china. and that is simply for maintaining relations with russia and choose the path of peace and negotiations. sees claiming that china for doing so is in support of a continuation of war. well, meantime you installed a bug and a chief he keeps on saying basically, you know, weapons all the way to piece we what we want piecing, you christ pump more weapons into the country and pump more cash into the key of regime as well. it certainly seems that you know, made this tragic ongoing proxy will, between america, nato, and the russian federation in, in ukraine. it just seems to the western side really is not interested in peace. i put and keep saying every couple of months guys,
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let's talk face and they keep saying no more with us. do you cry? it's just, i mean, it's just so bizarre. meantime, the nato chief insulted books and, you know, look, america, we thought a lot of support around the world with very, very popular russia, china, you know, popular at all. you don't have the kind of support base that we have. i mean, can you tell me more about that? yeah, of course, that's nothing new because as we remember, their goal was to destroy, it was signed to isolated as much as possible through sections those. those thank shows the is but so much time and effort. and so when it didn't work out for them, they're somehow trying to guess lights themselves into believing that. well, no, russia is indeed isolated as anxious did work, and they just people talking about how russia is alone. this fight, as we know on their brushes, relations with india versus relations with china versus relations with other african states. but let's take a listen right now at this comment from salton burke himself. they're not the
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states hosted in naples something know all the major powerhouse, and that there's more than 30 defense on that unless the rest of this, that tunnel doesn't have that united states has that. so. so russia is alone, but nato has the world's added seats. and the question is, is, what is russell really alone? when you consider the breaks organization? when you consider the acw old blocks, when you consider that the prime minister of india was in moscow just a few days ago. and that was a very big deal when you consider that. uh, china is a big, big ally and has made it clear that uh they are maintaining its friendly relations with russell when you also consider the relations and long lasting historical relations. that roster has with african countries as well. so just because russia is currently i currently has trouble with the you or with the us. that means that
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russia is isolated. that means that the world is simply the you and the west. yeah, i mean, the roster is on, on the front line right now of so many strategic partnerships being it just a rough thing around the world right now. and you know, whether it's the seo or the se, on all the brakes. so as you set the global self, i mean, look, you know, look at this point in history, nato, that it's supposed to be a defense of organization that is about to defend europe against the soviet union is not responding eastwards. why is that? how is that? where is that in the nato doctrine, that they can expand east, what's now towards the asia pacific in china? why? because nato has plans that the west and political and media establishment don't want you to know about there. up the note that these days of caesar remind me of you shortly. thanks for the update mobility we did hear from the vice chairman of the shanghai send have a ring back in the actual studies on nelson walton came on and, and he says nato expansion has one goals, so i listen. nato is
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a product to all of the code and it has being that is actually resurrected as a result of the conflict in ukraine. and i was seeing it uh, you know, this organization to continue explanation of these days. and the stuff related to summit right now that is being held in washington dc is now even claiming that china is becoming the threat. so what is this? this is going really, too far, nato seems to be interested only in finding new anyways, picking spots everywhere. and this is not right and being a north atlantic the, you know, based organizational, i'm military block. it is now even a bossing to asia. so this is really upset and i think the chinese government is right to have make the point very clear that we are not
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a country that is interested in picking fights with people. we're a peace loving people. so a for nato to the, to pick china as the scapegoat for its own military expansion that is totally groundless. as from sample of it, or of a non alexander, a village of sober they, they both said that the doctrine of nato essentially being corrupted. so full defensive organization to protect your up against the us as ours. now expanding east woods details online at all to dot com. now as the nato secretary general, that looks to unite more of the world against russia, states across the global south, apparently have other plans. iran is looking to connect into a national payment system of the bricks, countries, photos, the integration of the russian may or a payment system on the ronnie and shift comp of these ludovic republicans, the run has presented its proposal to the russian side in this regard. so that we
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can extend this mechanism to the member countries of the breaks group to be used as joint backing is the russian side also has a positive perspective and opinion in disregard. last week, that's are on a most co sign that 1st bilateral monetary agreement into connecting that local payment systems. and basically by taking this step, the 2 most sentient countries in the world. now, creating an alternative to the west and based swift payment system that they both mean disconnected from one iranian central bank, official explains the details in patio photos, just send it to us and can receive roubles from russian atm choosing to run in credit cards. this planet project has 3 stages. in the 2nd stage, russian credit cards will be able to be used in iran, in the 3rd stage of credit cards can also be used at the russian point of purchase system score. and this is how the credit card networks of the 2 countries connect on the we was thinking we'd love to have aside from the university of tie rod who
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says that this initiative has great prospect so well competing with the global reserve currency, the americans on it is critically important for the global sauce or organization like race or countries understanding shows like russia and do wrong in other countries to develop their own system of transaction into the independence of dollars. certainly this is not going to be an image to, to be favored by the united states and their waste and car partners knowing the fact that this is going to further limit the effectiveness of the sanctions imposed on both countries. and it's also a critically dangerous situation for them, because this is just one initiative. and this is among the very 1st initiative. if it works, then it's going to be a sort of a sample or password for other countries under us banks. and so they might be considering the huge, complicated capacity that exists for briggs. if there is
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a sort of domestic, let's say, a system of economies or, or, or they say, a financial transaction, then it's going to be a, a search on our, for the united states. credit card, making them aware of the same, very fact that there's sanctions are not going to be effective anymore. so july, the 11th walking to 2900 of us are you up to massacre in sort of any of which thousands of people lost their lives. and while labeling it as a genocide remains controversial, human rights experts have a choose the international community of double standards for different treatment of victims of war, open elsewhere corresponding here's steve sweeney. a. today moxy anniversary of a 1995 massacre of both me and muslims is the right rates, a declared of genocide by the international court of justice in 2007. the events
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that took place however, remained controversial. with what exactly happened in the policy and i can place a designated you and say zone still subject to debate. discrepancies the killings were. a climax of policy is 1992 to 95 war which came off to the breakup of yugoslavia onset both new and serbs against the countries to all the main ethic populations. quotes on most impulse, the x, the comfortable c flat up once again in my whether you in general assembly adult to the resolution table by germany or the role one to, to establish on a new day. to commemorate domestic a serbia vehemently opposed to move, i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for bossing such a resolution. number one, this is kindly politicize resolution. and i will ask 3 questions, which we didn't hear the proper response from domain authors of this resolution,
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germany, why is this resolution being fast? number one, never speaking about individual legal liability mentioning month in the green amendments here. and i'm asking you, if that is so why this resolution is being passed. because speaking about individual legal liability, as it has already been done because already been delivered. there is one small country from the vocals that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from the us box. the funds and the $193.00 men. but general assembly reflected concerns over the impact on reconciliation efforts impulse me a with the resolution policy by a full votes to 9 team with 60 i. nations abstaining. $22.00 countries skipped to meeting some reports at the because of the dispute rushes on boston to see you and
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said that the extensions on no bucks together totaled $87.00 more than the 80 full votes in favor and also condemned the resolution of highly politicized on a threat to regional stability, germany, we started to weld, was in the 20th century, killed millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of san diego in 1995. the country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture others about the importance of reconciliation. one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing boston into conflicts with that regard for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 19 ninety's when the 100000 people died. this document is yet another irresponsible attempt by the
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west to rebuild history and still be interpretation of the asked me conflict in former yugoslavia and relate to the events that sits their jet political interest behind the demagogue. it came on it's heavy and the rest of rake, one can see a clear intention to place all responsibility for the yugoslavia. conflict on this . being people thereby punishing them for their, for his thinking, independence and refusal to bantam, nate as old as western powers went to great lengths to demonize the idea ignoring massacres, committed by other politics of the conflicts, of course, war crimes committed by nights. a 4th is in many ways the nato intervention of bombing time. payne was a testing ground for iraq and all the future was a button to those necessary on humanitarian grounds. now the west is accused. once more of study can regional. i'm really just tensions. i think 6 was the controller with the polk ans see this is that that means the goal is simple. to demonize this
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phillips, which is a project of the united states and the main west and forces, primarily great britain in germany. the goal is to come in and to disqualify the sub in the sector so that they can feel free to control the balkans baterri 3 of the former yugoslavia and integrated the entire region into 92. and the sense is not only batch, but also that it creates a huge tension between muslims. and also looks very goal is to divide and conquer. but these great serious problems divides the population. and these type of grounds, suppose civil terrorism has happened recently in belgrade, young muslims, especially it will have these origin colors. and this is a time bomb, especially as jet political tensions grow in europe. and here, a portion of play into just one side. however, with something specifically rolled out by the special tribunal as part of reconciliation efforts, collective guilt was to be avoided with individual was tried in charge instead of
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the maybe what some of the, from the very beginning of the, with the west and media to different thing to full see present the suffering of the subs that is to hide the situation with the serbian victims. we know how much the western world has been involved in the war in the former yugoslavia. we know that they are responsible for the collapse. so before me, you can solve you, and that is why they doing everything to minimize all casual the psyche. on the other hand, they put muslim victims above all as a serbian people suffocate too. so no matter how hard it is for someone to admit it, they must admit that 3267. so it's, we killed here in poker, in the 8th. and this is a fact of what a number of individuals subs have been held accountable for the ever legs rolled in this rep, bernice of mastic a. it's a disproportionate compared to mass. it goes committed by all the parties to the conflict, despite tens of thousands of best on all sides of the lock of acknowledgement on accountability efforts continue to be made toward reconciliation. something that
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the un resolution undermines that goes under the do. i want to express my condolences to all the victims and i want to say that for me, the death of any person is equally tragic. be a bosnian muslim service orthodox cro, at catholic jew or anyone else. and in this regard, republican service scott does not protect those who committed crimes. what remains certain is that the serbian victims were treated very very poorly and that there is no record of the case of any high ranking official being responsible for crimes and conserves that led to the desk of 34000 civilians and soldiers. and republicans service got in the war in bosnia and herzegovina. clearly the events surrounding strep, or need so remain controversial. a wound that has taken time to heal, of which serbia has already apologized. i apologize for the crimes committed by any individual in the name of our state and our people. many have said that the only motive for the resolution was to stigmatize the,
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so it'd be in people while the author of an independent report cost out on the official narrative. in the case of survey needs equals a career. i'm not a genocide because the women and children could go could use the place. this is not genocide. when you say genocide, you mean the whole population. every woman, every man, every grandfather have the grandmother. every comes and every aunt and every baby, new born baby. and this is not the case and there was no intention to wipe out all the bus. next one, the word. no, this has nothing to do. so the more this was in the middle of the war, timing, as i say, is everything coming as the west continues to pressure. so it'd be over, it's relations with russia, ignoring so massacres, while recognizing others for political reasons. shows that many of those lining up to mont discrepancies a massacre. a simply crime, crocodile tears. no, it is. of course, a shed for the victims of nato led was the serbs, libyans,
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rockies, syrians ask guns, killed. i'll simply collateral damage as the west 6 to click on the global hegemony fight to the middle east. and now where the is really ministry has ordered all civilians to get out of gaza city. it's a bit of fresh idea for sold, reportedly targeting the headquarters of the un agency of a palestinian refugees. this comes just a day off the israel bomb to shelter in the southern city of san eunice kidding. at least 27 people. in fact, that's where a displaced families are being housed with safety engine, palestinians, and the bodies of those killed a transfer to nasa at a hospital. most of them women and children. the idea of says it was targeting ha spice is and is looking into reports of any civilian fixed. and meanwhile journalist grill, the us state department spokesperson and matthew miller about washington's different approach to the conflicts and ukraine and gaza. but listen, that happened cases where, you know,
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i'm obviously not defending the russian strikes, but there are cases where are you currently united to across the fi has taken down to miss all in a hit, something right there of the rights complexity to that. so you're able to, you know, to hours lights or give it pretty detailed account of what happened. they don't, there is right and case often, you know, where we're left with of the months. you know, you haven't got to come up with a real conclusion about what happened and this then specific incident. is that not a, a difference in the way that you're approaching these and giving the benefit of the doubt to one side. there is no difference in how we are approaching these. there's a difference in the context. there's a difference in the conflict and that what, that's what lends itself and that's what leads to our inability sometimes to get such definitive answer. those are 2 entirely separate things. sometimes you can make an assessment about who carried out this, right? but you can know unless you were on the ground, whether it was a legitimate military target. and that's especially the case where we often see conflicting claims in god's it,
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which is not the case. and you can't well when it comes to the calls that in ukraine and gaza, we spoke to palestinian. john was held in and bought a good. he who assessed how well the western establishment treats them both. it's not strange that they're not through the steps to take this position. they have been on was doing this when it comes to is what i have for the good. is it a good a shift though? it of understanding is self defense and they called 1st indians lead to lead. you think that the resistance, the q patient, even though we spank and goes as a total effects the while they use it on the porch when it comes to other countries . so it has been always this double standard policy at the united states. it's united states approaching, dealing with any conflict in the world. it depends on their physician and their interest and their uh, relation with both sides of the score of this conflict. and then they decide how to
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deal with it. we can, we can see that. and here's the response. when it comes to guys. here miller, was it kind of, would it not making a mistake that could make the isn't i am angry of him. so he, we saw that he didn't find the right way of saving to say, but when it comes to that conflict in english and the good, and they always have the conclusion that they, they may be before even as it just making a thorough investigation to know what really happened? well, boeing has agreed to plead guilty to fraud in the case of 2737 max outline across here is that happened ethiopia, and an easier as well. 346 people lost their lives. and the play comes as part of a deal with the us department of justice is going to see boeing pay out about a $243000000.00 in fines. and by the spend about another 455000000 to improve the flight safety, whatever that means. we spoke to some of the victims families and isn't easy or
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they oppose the bill. that the bonding justice, a phase of supply are, they indicate that we are still fighting to achieve our goals. perhaps a boeing feels powerful since they have the most money in america. and everything is possible. however, the relatives of those victims cannot simply be given money. that has no to turn to fact, we weren't going to be punished. indonesia is why in the air flight 610, crash, just 13 minutes after the take off. plunging into the java c back in october 2018. the victims relatives are still seeking justice, looking for boeing to be held accountable. the boeing 737 max airliners were grounded worldwide following the crashes that return to the skies just 2 years after the band. who years have been accusing boeing of concealing safety issues with the 737 max jet carlo. everybody's i, i used to be the victims representative was appointed. following the incident,
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i responded to inquiries about this statement from going seo. who confessed that it was their error if it's true that some documents were falsified in order to release the type of the aircraft that would fly. that was a fatal mistake. it was a 3 crime that caused the loss of more than $300.00 human lives. in this case. that's the wine j t 6. then catastrophe, as well as some of the feel opiate case. i believe this has a severe crime. the victims families request that the culprits be partially punished because they initially refused to accept the crime. boeing manage to avoid criminal charges, and in 2021. signing an agreement with prosecutors that called for a number of safety conditions. but just the days before the agreement expired, a door plug blew out on another 737 next jet and renewed scrutiny of the ocean giant with a vengeance to avoid a criminal trial, the company put guilty in july 2024, which lawyers called a sweetheart deals, it's not a surprise that boeing accepted the plea deal.


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