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tv   Documentary  RT  July 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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i used to be the victims representative, i was appointed following the incident, i responded to inquiries about the statement from blink seo. who confessed that it was their error. if it's true that some documents were falsified in order to release the type of the aircraft that would fly, that was a fatal mistake. it was a 3 crime that caused the loss of more than $300.00 human lights. in this case, that's the wine gtc extend catastrophe, as well as some of the feel be a case. i believe this has a severe crime. the victims families request that the culprits be partially punished because the initial refused to accept the crime. boeing manage to avoid criminal charges, and in 2021. signing an agreement with prosecutors that called for a number of safety conditions. but just the days before the agreement expired, a door plod blew out. on another 737 next jet and renewed scrutiny of the ocean giant with a vengeance to avoid a criminal trial, the company put gilt in july 2024, which lawyers called a sweetheart deals. it's not a surprise that boeing accepted the plea deal. it's what we're calling
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a sweetheart deal for the boeing company. the sign is minimal. families do not believe that the terms of a deal are sufficient. it is a deal that is much too lenient on the boeing company and an additional $243000000.00 fine. well, it sounds like a lot of money to an average person is in, in significant amount of money to adequately punish a criminal, liked the boeing how many for killing 346 people. despite boeing's guilty play, relatives of the victims are dissatisfied with the outcome, saying no fine can replace their loved ones and hilda scars carlos, i am glad i, and i'm still taking medication for my psychiatry hist off to the incident. i have to be sedated to get on the plane even listening to the sound of the airplane brought tears to my eyes. i was very traumatized, especially when i see a boeing 737, or 737,
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max. i immediately remember what happened at that time. we're going to take a very short break here. we're not exactly just for a couple of minutes, but when we were ton, we've got a special interview with a. well, the focus being rushes, cooperation with china is red cross of both countries dining memorandums, but both the red cross agencies to work together. and the head of a rush was red cross discusses the politicized zation of the work of humanitarian agencies. basically saying there's no room for politics when it comes to savings, human lives. the end of you is in 2 minutes. the release of russian states never have side effects on him. the most sense community best, not getting hold of all sense and up the must
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be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush, us today and what's the r t suppose next? even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the question, did you see a request, which is the have getting then has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century,
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the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict the independence fee a mere of a dentist in the us to move on. turned for help the russia raise, the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their hands, went to bower. the invaders as brutally suppressed any resistance. that is deli, they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached the delta pen, raped hundreds of women. seeking to humiliate the muslims of 18. 41 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from google made it to
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the british position in jello. but the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonial list. it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility the the we are now joined by pauses of choke the chairman of the russian red cross. first, let's start with the fact that a bill, a geisha, and of the russian red cross visit a china and the memorandum of cooperation between the russian and chinese red cross was signed. could you please tell us more about disagreements and its objectives? i just need to know that there's lots of param that don't interest the russian red cross beginning major transformation of its activities in 2021,
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which has affected both our internal processes and humanitarian work inside the country. as well as issues related to our international cooperation. one of our key areas is the development of partnerships with other national societies. which like us, are members of the international federation of the red cross and red crescent societies and participants in the international red cross movement. one of the national societies with which we're strengthening our interaction and bringing it to a strategic level is the chinese red cross. i should know we've already had to short term project agreements with the chinese red cross and the 21st century, which lasted one year as part of the implementation of a particular project. and now actually fairly intensive joint, very effective collaboration of this agreement. we have signed with our chinese partners, but you could call, let's say strategic partnership agreement, which covers several areas of our joint work for a period of 5 years. first, this will create and develop educational and training programs for volunteers,
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employees and the public back. second is assistance in case of emergencies. definitely, if they arise on the territory of russia or china, the national society will offer its assistance if it has the ability to help to an important 3rd area is improving our humanitarian work as a whole. exchanging best practices and experience in the framework of interaction with the population with various vulnerable categories. and the last area, which is also extremely important for us, is cooperation between the regional branches of our national societies. because all to mandatory in work is focused precisely at the regional level. and how significant do you think this memorandum is a dentist, can you say the witching was new york? it's very important for us on a very significant document because it probably takes our relationships as partner national societies to a more significant level, if not to the level of strategic partnership. our recent trip to china was very eventful and interesting. we were able to get acquainted and communicate not only with the leadership and employees of the chinese,
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red cross and chinese red cross foundation, but also to look at the work of their regional branches. and we realize that we have points of intersection areas that we're developing in a parallel way. and there is very interesting experience that we and today have gained, which we can exchange in order. most importantly, to increase the effectiveness of our humanitarian work. in principle, this is the main goal of our cooperation. i love any of our actions as the russian red cross, i'm sure just like the chinese red cross is aimed at enabling us to more effectively and efficiently carry out our mission. you'll be, in our case, the mission of any national society is to prevent and relieve any human suffering. and every action we take is accordingly done in fulfillment of this mission. well, taking into account the fact that since 2021, we have begun to actively increase our international contacts and partnerships. we've entered into a number of agreements with other national societies and the chinese red cross as a national society, which is very close to us as adjacent to our strategic region and from the far east
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. whereas, you know, various emergency situations can occur where there are vast territories. i think that in this case some aspects of cooperation that have already begun before this agreement will be able to deepen and developers. and we will be able to give an impedance to further interaction between our regional branches of our national societies. i me and of course, which is probably the most important and key thing we will be able to work more closely, constantly being contact so that in difficult times we can always come to each other's aid. you know, in addition to sign in this memorandum, you'll also discuss with your colleagues the be areas of cooperation between the regional branches. could you please tell us the results of these discussions that kind of have some more? yes, sure. we have already begun contacts at the level of regional branches. by the way, one of the key points in our agreement, which we really help will be implemented not only at the level of our headquarters, but also at the regional level. is cooperation in the development of the red cross
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youth movement. the russian red cross has a youth council and the chinese red cross has a huge number of volunteers and young people who are passionate about it. after all, youth and volunteers are the driving force of any national society. therefore, of course, so it is very important for us to work together in this direction to organize not only some annual meetings, but also regular ongoing work. recently, a delegation of doctors from the russian red cross took part in an internship that took place in china. also, it was one of the formats of cooperation such a narrow profile medical. one also was part of our trip to china. we visited the friendship hospital in the property. this friendship hospital was once upon a time back in the soviet period donated and built by the so good government through the mediation of the soviet cross and red crescent society. i'm our pre dishonest sir and was donated to the chinese side. and accordingly, we were able to see the hospital itself and get acquainted with the medical technologies that are used there. how do you assess the relations between the
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russian and chinese red cross in recent years? were there any cases of assistance from your side then there's that can yes, now, yes, sure. it's probably the 1st thing that comes to mind is coverage times. i think this is the year 202021. when the whole world was facing such a huge challenge and all the national societies came to the age of their brother and sister, national societies, as we call it. and during the pandemic, there was very long cooperation and support from the, from the chinese red cross and the russian red cross. we also quite recently won a terrible tragedy, occurred the terror attack crocker city hall in moscow. the chinese red cross, the national society, came to us with the initiative and offered support and assistance in helping the victims and the families of the victims systematically. on a daily basis, we provide assistance to all victims and their families, trying to surround them with care and warm thing. coordination with the authorities who are also actively conducting this work. and the chinese red cross made
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donations to help people to expand our charitable programs. we of course, appreciate this very highly would it's well besides that we are conducting a number of other exchanges. if we talk about russian chinese relations in general, how much does the development of relations between russia and china? whether it be political or economic affects that the relations between the humanitarian organizations between the 2, the line see what the success might need to know. you know, i can probably say here my personal feelings from the trip to china because probably it is at this level that one can feel that the same attitude and the same perceptions because the openness of our chinese partner is sort of you, i will even call them friends because we really became very close friends during this time, complete openness and a desire to show and answer any questions. but of course, everyone reminded and also noted that this year in march, the 75th anniversary of russian chinese diplomatic relations with them. and the
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chinese side also noticed that it is very significant that in such a solemn and very important year, we carried out such a significant process of signing and strengthening cooperation between the chinese red cross and russian red cross. because we have a very long common border. and so when i talked about cooperation between regional offices, this is also very important in cases where a certain emergency situations or crises may arise on the border of some regions or even the states. and therefore, here the coordination of national society is, is extremely important, because how effectively coordination between national side uses done will determine how quickly people can get help. and that's, we also met with representatives of the russian embassy in china. we also talked and shared our treatments, our movements in this direction. and of course, we learned a little about the policy in general, which is being built by diplomatic missions and interaction and, and strengthening the partnership with the chinese side to learn. and it is in this spirit that we hope to build our partnership and cooperation,
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but we see very positive response from that side. and of course, according to such a good russian tradition, we always reciprocate those people who come to us with a sincere desire to help with openness, with a sincere desire, perhaps to share something and learn something from us. but of course, there are a number of areas, and one of them is interaction with the chinese red cross, which for us is of course a strategic. now you have noticed that the international red cross and the red crescent movement lack russian speakers are speaking. delegates, how do you think you can solve this problem? that it's a system which evolved from that problem to yes, this is indeed a very important issue. you know, that the international red cross and red crescent movement is working all over the world. and if some kind of disaster occurs in a country, then in addition to the national society itself, mobilizing its capabilities and resources, it can also request help from other national societies and other national red cross or red crescent societies can offer their assistance accordingly. if this proposal
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was received positively, then the national society is sent to such a few minutes here in upper region, which can last for different periods of time. and of course, we must always remember that when helping people, we do not know where an emergency will happen. and often emergencies occur where the local population knows certain languages. for example, if an emergency situation occurs on the territory of a russian speaking region, it is clear that in some individual villages they may know either the national language of this country, most likely they definitely now or the russian language. and here, a very important question arises regarding the preparation of delegates for international humanitarian missions, who speak russia and of course they must speak other languages, well, english what, perhaps french and the arabic. this is always welcome. last year we began such preparations together with the international federation of the red cross and red crescent society. this is our contribution to the general humanitarian cause and very important work. because during an emergency,
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the human resources that exist are extremely important to me. we had 3 international humanitarian missions for the 1st time and many years in the last 20 years, the russian red cross has conducted such international humanitarian missions with these are 2 emissions to the syrian error republic. if you remember that after the earthquake, which occurred and affected the territory of syria and turkey, a, a large number of the populations suffered and civil and social infrastructure was devastated. and of course, a huge number of organizations, national societies, companies and simply concerned individuals from all over the world, responded to this call to action and offered their help. we offered our assistance to the syrian error, crescent, and our 2 groups left with a mobile point with a team of doctors, psychologists with humanitarian aid, and with baby food. more than 3 and a half 1000 people and received assistance. and it seems to me, you know, this sense of shoulder and sense of elbow that national societies show at the time
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of crises, emergency situations very well displays the true to many tearing face to the 1st is between russia and western countries. i would like to touch upon those differences between both regions and the political arena, affect the work of humanitarian organizations, the machine i got and stuff. what's the gal vision? let's probably start with the fact that i'm sure that you're minutes or an activities and the utilities of some of the terry and organizations should not be transformed due to political reasons. that's the politicize ation of humanitarian activities is unacceptable. and most of national societies, even almost all of them agree with this thesis. we all talk about it all the time. because the interference of the political context in our work can of course, harm the results of our work. and neutrality and independence are 2 key principles to maintain trust from the beneficiaries we help. but there is also
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a very important principle such as impartiality. we should not pay attention to the affiliation of $1.00 or another of our beneficiaries to one group or another. we should not look at their level of education at their citizenship. and in general, there are people who do not even have the citizenship. and we, as the red cross should also help such people. we should not pay attention to their religion or their appearance. and this is probably the cornerstone that is late in the foundation of the international movement machine act neutrally and impartially helping all those people in need in order to do this and many national societies, of course, a huge number of policies has been approved and i do the risk of politicize ation of humanitarian activities always exists and we constantly talk about it. and here it is very important to follow the very principles that i mentioned. unfortunately, we have seen more than once situations where they try to politicize humanitarian
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work. but it seems to me here that the faith in our principles our believes in general, in the best it will help us survive even the most difficult times. we have had a tax on our information resources and various others, not information, but telephone attacks on our resources on our servers. and this is probably the same attack on humanitarian workers, which is generally prohibited by the entire civilized world. now, one of the tasks of your organization is to support the migraines, who have arrived to russia in 2021. you opened an educational center for children of migrants. and every year, the number of the peebles studying in the center increases. now, could you please tell me why that is? if that moves, no problem, and you don't. this is one of the areas that is not only specific to the russian red cross, but also to all national societies around the world. support for refugees, migrants displaced persons. the reasons may be different with the fact is that
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a person is in a vulnerable situation. they also need to many, terry and support, and some kind of assistance in integration. and social integration into society is extremely important source. and that's why here there are training centers which we, by the way, operate not only in moscow, which you said how we opened in 2021. but we also have such a training center in st. petersburg, probably in such a key points. hubs for migraines and immigrants. our training centers are primarily engaged in teaching russian as a foreign language. and we provide these opportunities to everyone without exception. it is clear that we have volunteers working in our training center, and sometimes we simply cannot accept all those who need the help. at the moment we have about 350 people. we're taking classes. when we teach these our children from immigrants, families who we teach, not only russian as a foreign language, but also talk about and teach some subjects of the school curriculum respectively
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in russian or a foreign language. so that they can better adapt. and then eventually they go off to attend school because we of course, are not an educational organization. we do not issue school certificates and we cannot replace schools. but for 1234, maybe 5 months. during this time, we can help them adapt, get more comfortable. we can tell them about some cultural features that exist, about the traditions that exist in moscow and other cities about our multinational country. and accordingly, we have completely different children and people age from 3 to 27 studying in these educational centers. for example, in moscow, because we also work with preschoolers, we conduct the various educational game is empower psychologists work for them to you. there are children from completely different countries. in addition, in our st. petersburg training center, we specialize more in teaching adults and accordingly we give them perhaps such
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a very important key to understanding the country where they not reside. it's about the language because if they know the language and understand what's being set to them, then it will be much easier for them to adapt to that society. you know, what are the plans and goals of the rational process for the remaining health of 2024. but it's not cash not, you know, of course we have a lot of plans. i'm still not. first of all, we understand that we have our key areas, needs areas of humanitarian work. this is a social program helping elderly people at home teaching master classes on related care. this is a program for 1st, a training assistance to patients with h i. v and tuberculosis, reunification of family ties assistance in emergency situations and so on. the 1st block is our planned activities, which we carry out outside of our emergency situations. and secondly, this is our activity in which we carry out and emergencies. now we still have
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several charity programs that we started quite a long time ago. these are programs for injured and deceased people. we have launched such a large scale program to help the victims and the families of those killed in the terror attack across the city. hold up, we provide them the opportunity to go to a health resort treatments in order to recover both and psychologically and physically. and of course, every day we face new challenges. they can be local, they can concern a specific house. when a person has a disaster and their house has burned down, for example, and at this moment we try to provide the person with humanitarian aid, clothing, food, and help them find some kind of help among other non profit organizations. because we cannot do absolutely have these things. we always say that if we cannot help a person, then we will re direct them to those who can help. probably our most important task is not to slowed down a piece of humanitarian work that we began at the beginning of the year and to
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expand our volumes of assistance. we have large programs to help displaced people and immigrants. and of course, we also have such a very specific programs. these are programs to help russians abroad who are in some sort of trouble there. and perhaps our most important task, which is spelled out in our strategy through 2028, is to become the main humanitarian agency in russia. so that in any situation, we have trained employees and volunteers, that there are stocks of humanitarian aid and a wide range of humanitarian aid services. this is not only humanitarian assistance, it is also psychological and legal assistance. this also includes various types of voucher support. so that in a specific situation, the person is always surrounded by care and support. the, the,
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the one with the pool, so normal and so forth. us national, move the images on some ground squared amount. and that's why little do you much really watch the words you're telling which isn't going to do with me as well. when i go in store and liberal stuff, you just send them a bumps in a full box. and you will have in here when you push up the issue of the, of them, but the models to move up is to move 0. mysterious. and when you go, i didn't send them to do is make up the music. they will. so i don't yeah, post the by the other was like, oh but i use the yeah, i was thinking and then use ways that i mean 58 and i maybe cause it please go ahead and always communicate that. maybe we could go up national minds,
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police are still available. we have such all push mojitos to you'll lose the deal in space, but i don't think he will just discuss those funds. will really tell me what you mean because they want to spend these, these really big news. the understanding is that what that means that's throwing them is the one in the other will be missing. the guns thing is, um, unless of course the movies is throwing in my hands, not old on the side of the senior slot that i put down for the summer to attend. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed
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and whatever you do, don't watch my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you for the rest of the days compared to what sort of study question like your should be. what you're dividing is i saw on some of the, by the article i stood for you still in the chest. this is, i cannot be on the demo that if you look at the ball and the lady at the most of the way, the great desk fluff desk. and by the way,
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this is destiny. i see the desk label. that's the way you, what can you have shortly? took a look at a latham billing child study, questioning the stuff, your boss. i city in the now you need your visa, typically from here to nancy kim's in the book, the nurses should see that it gets to the young showcase in genes. nathaniel. so
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he's going into the, by the ways that the boys, the, the, the, the most new. and that'll be for them imagery at this uh, florida doesn't want that extra them. but adults up a little bit schuman have been looking into the star searching for answers here and is the, are the scientists continue that tradition? getting information from galaxies far far away, and hopes that humanity might survive in the future. not in his head of a special actual physical observatory, home to telescopes,
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which leads were in for an interest in to the, in the headlines here. one of the international. apparently, nato has lost its purpose and is treading into unknown territory. but that is the message from hungary, as foreign minister announces the country will not contribute to supporting the ukraine conflict. any more country will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine. disposition assures that we can protect the security of hungry and the security of the hung, gary and people who volunteer, and that we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough in its positioning as a regional and defensive organization. instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflicts of trying to slams nato's tactics. the lions takes a much pain jane suggesting it's the one feeling the conflict in ukraine that is despite china is contin.


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