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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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right sometimes, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the night so has lost its purpose. i'm is treading into unknown territory. this is a message from hungry. this farm is i think in this country will not simple the will efforts any more hungry will stay out of this needle machine and support of ukraine. disposition assures that we can protect the security of hungry and the security of the hung. gary and people who volunteer as big, we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough and its positioning as a regional and defensive organization instigating confrontation in asia. pacific complex. i have someone else. last name does. 56, the lives takes name, suggesting beijing, the water feeling the planning called fits us dislike to try is steve co pay.
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310 is a beloved line. what happens is the quarterly, however, you k is looking to bomb, is wealthy citizens from bringing the spoils, backup the life must go. this is all to you. my name's we're on her mom in 30 minutes of news . i'm views thought now. although, sorry this out as negatively does meet in washington discussing that ongoing support for you. claim the hungarian for minute. so said his country is putting is own national interest and the security of his people. first a bubble dash along. we have an agreement with the current secretary general and we have a promise from the future secretary general that hungary will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine. we will not contribute on gary and soldiers to such an operation. we will not contribute on gary and tax payers money to such an
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operation. we will not contribute on gary and territory to such an operation. and we will continue to refrain from supplying weapons. disposition ensures that we can protect the security of hungry hands of the security of the hung, gary and people the seattle to it with strong comments. but he's not allowed to open the hungarian prime minister. he has said that and h o is losing its original purpose. west of coming from now hungry stays true to his position. it's sure about his position and he makes requested a lot of things because a busy day hungry remains to be the only country a try to talk to both sides, both the ukrainian president zalinski and the russian president was in. so it is interesting to know why they've chosen such as they are and a sense for peace and negotiations. and because that at the end of the day, only triggers the worst, did you know for relations with the hungry and it's western allies. but i'm like, it's allies vig before ben did some diplomacy work when he was here in moscow. and
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uh, you know, he also mentioned been emphasized right now that nato's current decisions could develop things into something even worse. it was established 75 years ago with a goal of protecting the security of its members. today, however, it seems to be moving away from its original purpose behaving more and more like a organization. one of the sides of this is that neither we sticking in increasingly active role in the russians ukrainian war. in our opinion, this is dangerous and even you are responsible because no one can see how this will and, or where we will end up today. i will argue that nato should return to its original spirit. i mean, there, it is essentially saying that natal should go back to its original purpose and all in all, refusing to take any part of it. instead, choosing to take care of the country and their own citizens. i mean, that should be nothing wrong with that. but meantime hunger is taking the role of the e u presidency this year. and a reaction from
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e. u. member states regarding what happens uh, i guess, continent wide piece initiative, a lot of anger and that's not surprising. of course, it's no surprise because whoever goes against them is shamed. but as you've mentioned, hungary now hold the you present a seats and because of that the use seems to be a little bit stress as good. the hungry is talking on their be how we have these. sonya prime minister who came out saying that victor, oregon, is exploited in the presidency and essentially suppressing that the e u is united and stands behind to free relief when he and president also emphasized. and it follows that same sentiment saying that if you truly want fees, you should stand by ukraine in a while. this would have 5 minutes there. on the other hand was asked by a journalist, what's his message to 5 minutes service to oregon would be well within the native framework. i don't have a mess because it has an e. u member, i do have
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a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be capital not meas, using the president saved for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as, as a, as b q for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake and i think a hungry now that we received the reactions they actually have asked for hungry has made it clear that expense for peace. so uh the you or uh, the united states reaction just seems a little bit bizarre and the question as to why they're so frustrated remains. the mystery from administer oregon's visit to muscle is nothing more than diplomacy. and even after the talks with president puts, and he said that this is the 1st step to restore a dialogue. but he also did acknowledge the fact that the views of kids and the views of most will still remain very, very different. now we have
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a war of words erupt, thing between nato and china, over the consulate in ukraine. i'd love to know how that's being brought into the mix. of course, china can not be mis. they will always mentions the tie. 9 stilton berg wasted no time at fire and shots of the country simply for maintaining friendly relations with ross. so now they're claiming that china is support in russia militarily in the war that china is supporting the continuation of this war. and if you look at the final communicate that was approved by the 30 to nato members, as made it clear that china now is the focus for the military alliance, but the gene. and says that it does not provide any military support to russia. lindsey and shine law has become a decisive enabler of russia's war against a crane. new and final support increases the fits rush up pulses to us on think security laws. allies have stated clearly that china tunnel enabled the largest
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conflict in europe in recent history with out this negatively impacting the interest on reputation, football, the, the you to join us position on nato is consistent. we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough and its positioning as a regional and defensive organization instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflicts and undermining regional prosperity and stability. we advise nato to do more practical things for world peace stability and security. and china has long been calling for a piece of the conflict, the peaceful solutions to the conflict. china was one of the very 1st countries that provide as a peace initiative to the issue, but instead of listening, they continue to slander a china. so it seems like if you dare to the side to maintain any sort of friendly relations to, to ross i, you are seen as a traitor and even threatened with sanctions. we know what nato is up to. for
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goodness sake. meantime, you installed the bulk of nato. he says that both russia and china are isolated on the global stage. how do you read between those why? i mean, of course, what else are they gonna say? they've spent a lot of time and effort, creating a list of sanctions to destroy a russia, except that they didn't work the way they've been hoping for it to do. so instead, now they have to repeat that. russia is isolated to make themselves believe that that's the case. the people talking about russ, i being a low wall. somehow nato allies all seem to have the world at their feet. they're not the states trust in naples, something know all the major powerhouse. and that is more than 30 defense on that unless the rest of this and how that tunnel doesn't. how that united states the
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now judging by that, it doesn't really look like russia is alone. marseilles maintaining diplomatic relations and friendly relations with countries from the brakes. they as seo our frequent countries, asia, lots in america, a russia is right now focused on strengthening and nurturing those relations. and even the most recent example is of course the visit of the indian prime minister at the roster. but instead, if the relations the are not good with, say the, the, you or the united states. but it seems like russia is isolated because to them the world revolves around that. well, yeah, they talk about russia isolation, it's a little part of a west, a narrative, and it goes back so many years, just combine it with the roost of over here and with. i mean, it's so predictable. now, it's almost boring, boom, a. and it's in before that you go,
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just take me back to this nato summit in america right now. any agreements coming out of that nature of somebody that we know of. yeah, the block members claim that they're trying to stop the war. right. but the gatorade has good talk with the approval of another on this package, 2 kits now that includes pay trip, air defense batteries that will be provided by the united states in germany and romania. we also have b. s a. m. p t's launchers from italy, which is the only european made equipment that can intercept the uh, ballistic missiles. washington has also pledged a wide range of technical tech, and on top of that, the united states top diplomat says that nato's long awaited f 16 fighter just are finally heading to ukraine. so it looks like peace is not really on the agenda for them. well, our main so falls is where pulls into quite a bit of diplomacy by the hon. getting prime is that has caused the e. you panic according to storing kotik settled on my now here's odds bill is over
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on all. see, they'll come kind of with that the right on it. so you know, they'd be as high commission up to the guy who said that the nation along with others on the continent are against the u. k. bind on trophy hunting. such a bill would certainly undermine the strong and positive contribution to communities in the region that the environment conservation has made to the development of and to those communities, to tourism in those areas and to conservation of the bills. history goes back 5 years. when you take and services tends to bind the input of hunting trophies off the fading, twice the measure seem to realize that it's not meant to them off the heavy opposition. however, this year the labor policy picked it back up again. now african nations are angry.
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say me, what, hunting done to them these animals actually, it helps. so because of wildlife, but why don't late the m b thinks otherwise. populate no change because we're excited that these are things from the past and they were barbara things in the past. this is going to happen to try fi hunting as well, why my bill will be as small as i phone. that way. funding game is a major contribute to the south africa's to isn't. it contributes or but 300000000 dollars each year to this economy in both. and then maybe i haven't bought florida . the company of these animals brings in a lot of money because it was present. i had this to say about your pin politicians, but have weighed in on the arguments. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our fairs and but spawn retained the prize for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt. i want missus lemke whom i deeply respect to take time to accept the effect and the science. now when
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it comes to the timing of these animals 1st thoughts a k huntington, so ism minneapolis, brennan, william get a, says applicant should be left alone to manage its own resources. and there's a tendency we do know among the lead, but us who sort of that the us of because the main us who cannot take responsibility for the on the surface and the african wildlife. it'd be in today. we'd be not explored think it's such anybody's facilities and we never destroyed or finish our new most. so we are quite capable. it's a government to take charge of the property menage already sources such as anybody . so i think the to some, uh, a good full for someone to, to come and tell us how or the best place to, to teach us,
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or to show us how to manage all of these sources before independence. i think i want to drive or do i don't have to start this ticket my hand, but we know very well. it was just so they would just sell or taking the most of it to their countries. and i know very well that you don't put it on. no animals like we have. so now we 40. what do you see the place to have us and our, our resources including the web life in this, in the month of that it did well managed not to be extinct. so i don't see the, the, them, the claim ah, ah, ah, ah, well intended for us the, the under estimate is us the under estimate of because the thing, as i said earlier, they treat us as we children, is if we, you know, incompetent and that is possible, yeah, the other one, too many issues. clear, demanding, or asking for us to, to,
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to support them in terms of, you know, like friends in may, the other, i know most for me i forgot, which means we have managed to have the 11th of july is for the 1st time moms as the international date of the subordinate ca, genocide following a un resolution, however, only losing vig to the bulls. it was a russian life which subs say, is western political punk was the, from all this, all these, it seems to me except the story today. moxie, anniversary of a 1995 massacre of both me and muslims is the right rates, a declared of genocide by the international court of justice in 2007. the events that took place however, remained controversial. with what exactly happened in the policy and i can place a designated you and say zone still subject to debate. discrepancies the killings
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were. a climax of policy is 1992 to $95.00 war which came off to the breakup of yugoslavia onset both new and serbs against the countries. 2 of the main ethic populations, quotes on most impulse, the x, the comfortable c flat up once again in my, whether you in general assembly adult to the resolution table by germany, i would roll one to, to establish an annual day to commemorate domestic. so it'd be a vehemently opposed to move. i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for bossing such a resolution. number one, this is kylie politicized resolution. and i will ask 3 questions, which we didn't hear the proper response from domain authors of this resolution, germany, why is this resolution being fast? number one, never speaking about individual legal liability mentioning montana green amendments
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here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed because speaking about individual legal liability, it has already been done. it has already been delivered. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from dollars box the funds and the 193 men. but general assembly reflected concerns over the impact on reconciliation efforts impulse me a with a resolution policy by a full votes to 19 with 60 i, nation's abstaining. 22 countries skipped to meeting some reports at the because of the dispute rushes on. passengers to the un said that the extensions on no bucks together totaled $87.00 more than the 80 full votes in favor. and bosco condemned
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the resolution of highly politicized on a threat to regional stability. germany, we stopped the 2 world wars in the 20th century. group killed the millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of sarajevo in 1995 for the country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture others about the importance of reconciliation. one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing balls new into conflicts without regard for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 19 ninety's when 100000 people died, as opposed to this document is yet another responsible attempt by the west to rebuild history and still be interpretation of the estimate conflict in former yugoslavia and relate to the events that sits their jet political interest behind
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the demagogue humanitarian, the rhetoric, one can see a clear intention to place all responsibility for the yugoslavia. conflict on this being people thereby punishing them for their, for his thinking independence and refusal to bound to mate as old as western powers went to great lengths to demonize the knowing mexico is committed by other politics of the conflicts, of course, war crimes committed by nights a 4th is in many ways the nato intervention of bombing time pain was a testing ground for iraq and other future was a button to those necessary on humanitarian grounds. and now the west is accused. once more of starting regional, i'm really just tensions. i think 6 was the controller with the polk ins say the 1st letter means the goal is simple. to demonize, the syllabus, which is a project of the united states and the main west and forces, primarily great britain in germany. the goal is to permanently disqualify the sub
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infected so that they can feel free to control the bulk ins, the territory of the former yugoslavia and integrate the entire region into 92. and the sense is not only batch, but also that it creates a huge tension between muslims. and also looks very goal is to divide and conquer. but these great serious problems divides the population of these. but tyler, ron, suppose civil terrorism has happened recently and build rates. young muslims, especially will head. these are rigid colors in business at time bone, especially as jip political tensions grow in europe. and here a portion of blinding to just one side. however, with something specifically rolled out by the special try, do you know, as part of reconciliation efforts, collective guilt was to be avoided with the individual was tried in charge instead of the menu, what some of the very beginning of the way the western media did ever seem to full see present the suffering of the subs that is to hide the situation with the
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serbian victims. we know how much the western world has been involved in the war in the former yugoslavia. we know that they are responsible for the collapse of before me. you can smell of you and that is why they doing everything to minimize our casualties. like being on the other hand, they put most of them victims above ours, a serbian people suffocate too. so no matter how hard it is for someone to admit that they must admit that 3267 subs we killed here in poker in the 8th. and this is a fact of what a number of individual serbs have been held accountable for. the ever legs rolled in this rep, bernice of masika. it is disproportionate compared to massacres, committed by all the parties to the conflict, despite tens of thousands of deaths on all sides of the lock of acknowledgment on accountability efforts continue to be made to old reconciliation. something that the un resolution undermines that goes on the interview. i want to express my condolences to all the victims and i want to say that for me, the death of any person is equally tragic. be
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a bosnian muslim service orthodox cro at catholic jupiter or anyone else. and in this regard republic a search scott does not protect those who committed crimes. what remain certain is that the serbian victims were treated very very poorly and that there is no record of case of any high ranking official being responsible for crimes. the conserves that led to the desk of $34000.00 civilians and soldiers and republicans service got in the war in bosnia and herzegovina. clearly the events surrounding separate so remain controversial, a wound as taking time to a hill of which serbia has already apologized. i apologize for the crimes committed by any individual in the name of our state and our people. many have said that the only motive for the resolution was to stigmatize the serbian people, while the author of an independent report cost out on the official narrative. in the case of so many people was a crime, not the genocide because the women and children could go could leave the place.
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this is not genocide. when you say genocide, you mean the whole population. every woman, every man, every grandfather, every grandmother, every, i'm come and every aunt and every baby, new born baby. and this is not the case and there was no intention to wipe out all the bus next. when the word, no, this was nothing to do some of the war. this was in the middle of the war. timing, as i say, is everything coming as the west continues to pressure. so it'd be over its relations with russia, ignoring so massacres, while recognizing others for political reasons. shows that many of those lining up to month to separating so massacre, a st. pete klein, colquitt alt, is known to. as of course, i'll shed for the victims of nature that was the serbs, libyans, rockies, syrians ask, guns, killed, i'll simply collateral damage as the west 6 to click on the global hegemony, the, to the printing coughing. now,
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the russian missile defense has reported is troops of made and bonuses in the sense of trust on the out in the don't ask republic exclusively and to be all to and from a woman who fled the in baffled era. shane told us a story of how hughes of tax killed the husband and later a son, a foreclosure to deal with it. so no, probably it seems they did it purposely. they probably burned down 50 houses on our street. there are no houses left at all. just look around and you see the ruins. it was the morning and my husband said all go out and smoke. well, he went out and didn't have time to go into the basement. we heard an explosion. i was in the basement with my son. i said the drone dropped a bomb and my husband hasn't come back for some time already. we looked out through a crack and my husband was lying near the barn. my son says, my dad is probably dead. we ran out. it was probably a kamikaze drove. there were batteries and all sorts of tubes lying next to him. my
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son picked up his father. he was already dead. death must have been instantaneous. my son put him down, he said, you better not look at emmy's dad and their bones sticking out. half of his face is missing and there's no wrist. he turned his face away from me so i couldn't see it . but there was no wrist. i saw that only the phones were sticking out. my son said, you don't need to look otherwise you're going to be sick. and then what will i do? we ran into the basement again. of course i was hysterical. how are we going to bury him? what should we do with them at all? my son says, how will you bury him? we're going to lie down there together with my father. good, let them y down. let's cover him somehow and that's we barely found any time. every 2 or 5 minutes, they would reappear and we'd throw bombs at us again. well, we ran out of course and covered in our whole yard was pitted after my husband was
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killed, we moved out and saw that we were being finished off. we escaped from the fire interrupt level program in the midst palm. and before him has kicked off in the rough and kept most of business for a 2 day event present, but then is speaking. now let's listen in. this is julia x and the was the x. and maybe even when it's nice and what i mean is like, but use your participation. but, but in this for him is a testament to the, some towards people of all know, bridgeford around us by the congress of the global society and over the countries that are interested in constructive corporation and thought to ship level their initiatives on relevant issues of the international agenda, the topic of all this forum being yeah that all of that one of the minutes left button. what else is strengthening and developmental conservation and strengthening security is a critical impulse and some of the see if there's
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a sweet active glovebox emphasizes the cancer of the fundamental global with the changes that take place on the plan is right now, could it be squeaky in your open discussion that you are it's, they be direct dialogue between the media. so we've represented of different countries with each other from are you open your mind? yeah. and actually in accordance with the philosophy, which with all of our organization, we understand our interest. we base our actions on the principles of democracy, sovereignty and respect for a few people's rights. fun. yeah. and selves development here. these principles are them naturally understand something that's all dispense of this organizations catch breaks. all of us understand those principles. let me, let me emphasize once again today, father mentally donald, including within the brakes. it is david's, into this a sense show the you representatives of different nations and peoples who you're
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transmitting the there well and you feel the true needs and requirements of millions. if not billions of people, you will get an issue to resume with go up pretty sure. and you're presented here will contribute to local, to addressing the social and economic development of bricks, countries and improving the wellbeing of our people. and it will do everything that with me and the vision to, i'm going to when you, when did you send sions into international reading to form a more just a multi fuller world kind of shopping. you my image to list and the way i understand that's very issue in the by creating a world older that reflects the real balance of hours and you geo political. do you have a graphic reality, which is a difficult process? that's it. and in many ways it is a painful process. i was that much, that was you which and 1st of you through us we see that the efforts of the brakes,
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countries and other members of this organization and our supporters, my class against the the, the forces of the so called golden really. and the countries that oppose us there, it leads a working, i guess, the interest of their own people's and in fact today they're trying to wait and try and, and kind of all the rules based world, all the rules that no one have see. no one has ever discussed, and no one has ever passed or accepted those rules. these rules are written and adjusted every time cash $369.00, an ad hoc man will ship it to suit the situation as it stands. it is done by people who believe that there are special and they have the right to dictate the will to the rest of the world. this isn't very much in tradition, you know, in the vein of traditional colonialism. and this is an attempt to dismiss
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international law was to replace it with a new one of the monopoly that will state the decision making. and this is a destructive monopoly. we'll see more and more pressure on those within those would try to make their own choices with the actual sanctions. you know that stroke use all 5 international will give you malone. and so you can look into that and other types of compression. we see that suited in the way this, but a low make is ivy prussia, which is which the footballs against the principles of fundamental reason by which we believe that each country has the right to defend it. so national interests, that is why today the importance and demand for collective work. all of the lawmakers is especially important to create a constructive agenda.


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