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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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realism and this is an attempt to send you a dismissal international lo uh to replace it with a new one, a monopoly that will state that we own decision making. and this is a destructive monopoly. we'll see more and more pressure on those within those we'll try to make their own choices with the actual sanctions, unilateral use all for international will give you malone. and so you can set them up that and other types of depression issues. we see that's within the way this, but a low make is a being pressure, which is which the limit for adults against the principles of fundamental reason, favorites we believe that each country has the right to defend it. so national interest, that is why today the importance and demand for collective work. all of the lawmakers is especially important to create a constructive agenda for our organization versus presidency. and the brakes has to
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main goal of creating the beneficial conditions for a productive development of all of us. and i'm convinced that by working together we can achieve as much as possible in terms of investment development in terms of assume and potential of our countries. even then we will be able to strengthen the constructive effect of the bricks, countries on the rest of the world. we can make the world more secure and for money as a place. starting this year, the number of our participants, the members of briggs, have risen to 10 countries. each country is unique has own answering traditions on which to do it. on its own soul, it has its own modem of social and economic development. and russia is making everything, and it's a efforts to make sure that new members of, of this organization become harmonious parts of these new, great, hol, italy,
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5 says numerous times the breaks that follow. but as ation is one of the main cornerstones of a new global world, odessa, that is in the interest that, that reflects the interest of all of our partners, including the global south and the rest of the world steps that you work with us. the number of our partners is growing all the time. we're open to strengthening cooperation with the, with every country that is interested in rubrics. we engage in direct dialogue and the brakes plus outreach dialogue program. we've worked with our partners and one of our priorities is achieving the new prospect. so, and it comes in the terms in the cost and they can always development that you are selecting. we focus on creating reliable instruments. all fun cannot make payments . with the other financial instruments. we try to build long term strong relations
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between nations and in that vein, would humanitarian contacts to where they are old. so very important, i'd like to invite to friends to russia to st. petersburg to attend the 10th anniversary st. facebook international cultural forum that will take place on the, on september 12th of 2 fourteens. these yeah, we will have a 2 wrecked and constructive conversation on all of the issues related to the international cultural agenda and our northern capital st. petersburg will be happy to welcome its guests from from all of the bricks, contents and old nations. that's us drive to participate in this global partnership . friends we have overcome and equate to all of the fun of the mid points. all right, the also our presidency this year as part of breaks. so we've been working. so we
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define, so we're at, along many lines, economic, cultural social. they cannot 2 minutes in an otherwise we've been cooperating in transportation in the nucleus fair. in nuclear medicine, we have organized successfully these bricks, sports games, where with athletes from over 80 to nations have participated. we will continue to strengthen to increase the scale of our work. before the next summit, we've got an entire host of different events from the land. and let me emphasize again, that's a unity equality and part of language, respect for each of those rights is what's the matter. what was, what i didn't, defies us as an organization that being spoken yes right now. breaks does not have its own, but alignment institutional fall and then 3, bolt
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a. but i'm sure that in the future this idea will be realized and your form will be like, keeps to the issue was very good. and that's something that helps that they may take place. well, so feel free time. ok, mutual support, strengthen via phone it to you. the respect for this organization increased it's about you can use now it's power in the world. i wish you productive work. and i hope that you have the time to uh, bring the in the beauties of st. petersburg, it is certainly a great, beautiful city, and i'd like to thank you for your attention. thank you. the welcome back and soon as he gets here and i'm off that was, that was present by the inputs in addressing the 10s of bricks,
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parliamentary forum and some petersburg. now of course have a little bit of background noise here. uh, currently the 10 members of the ones uh, the 5 of them is that uh added in january the 1st sort of clothes, egypt. if you put a wrong on saudi arabia, it was the u. a. e. now we have the prism thats hoping, welcoming everybody saying that was happy to see everyone and it was how important it was that the global south was growing. you told us about how they need to work. we will need to work together as i'm bring 17 democracy, self development. these are the key pillars of breaks. these are the key pillars of this part of entry for them that's happening now. as i said in st. petersburg. now he also told a little bit about how the west is pushing against a multi polar world. he's always about how they, uh, once they, they create a will
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a new or they create a, a rules based order. however, they change those rules at home when they see them, and that's the what the breaks is about. but breaks is about working together is what is it's about bringing ideas together so about free dialogue and it's about mutual support these with the key takeaways from why they put this feature. we bring all those details throughout the day here we'll have live coverage also from st. petersburg laser, also be sure to stay tuned here on all t international. now, as nato secretary general looks to unites more the world in games, watch a circus across the global south, half of the plans. iran has propose a way for bricks. i'm most of the trade with each other to bypass the west in control of financial systems. these law make republican b,
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ron has presented his proposal to the russian side in this regard so that we can extend this mechanism to the member countries of the bricks group to be used as a joint mechanism. the russian side also has a positive perspective and opinion in this regard, lawfully contact for online law school sign that the biological murphy agreement into connecting russia's mir payment system with iran should tub. now, by taking this step, the 2 of us start with some countries in the world could create an alternative, the west them based swift times the system. both have been disconnected from near one and central back of a hill, explained the details in the patio proteus and it doesn't, can receive approvals from russian atm shoes and it run and credit cards. the splendor project has 3 stages. in the 2nd stage, russian credit cards will be able to be used in iran, in the field stage of credit cards can also be used as the russian point of
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purchase system score. and this is how the credit cost networks of the $2.00 countries connect all the wayside with his aside, if on the universe you have to have on who says this initiative has great prospects of competing with us dollar. it's critically important for the global sauce or organization like race or countries understanding. so it's like russia and do ron and other countries to develop their own system of transaction into the independence of dollars. certainly this is not going to be an image to, to be favored by the united states and they're less than car partners knowing the fact that this is going to further limit the effectiveness of this time sions imposed on both countries. and it's also a critically dangerous decision for them because this is just long initiative. and this is among the very 1st initiative. if it works, then it's going to be
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a sort of a sample or password for other countries under us sanctions. so they might be considering the huge, complicated capacity that exists for briggs. if there is a sort of domestic, let's say, a system of economies or, or, or they say, a financial transaction, then it's going to be a, a certain hours for the united states can't call making them aware of the same very fact that there sanctions are not going to be effective anymore part of sizes after the middle east, where the is relevancy has ordered the videos to invite to 8 from gauze us to do that. i made a fresh idea of a salt reportedly targeting with the headquarters of the you an agency for processing your refugee though this comes just a day off the israel bolton and a shelter in the southern city of hong eunice killing at least 27. it's
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what displaced families were being housed with safety, injured positives and the bodies of those killed with tons, but to nasa hospital. most of them being women and children. the idea of claimed it was targeting, how much flights is on is looking into a full as a civilian victims. now, meanwhile, journalist grilled us, states development subs. listen, matthew miller, about washington different approaches. should that confidence in ukraine and garza that happen cases where, you know, i'm obviously not defending the russians drugs, but the, there are cases where are you creating an idea across the fi has taken out to miss all and it hit something right there of the rights complexity to that. so you're able to, you know, 2 hours lights or give it pretty detailed account of what happened or done that is right and case often, you know, where we're left with of to months. you know,
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you haven't got to come up with a real conclusion about what happened and is there any specific incident? is that not a, a difference in the way that you're approaching these and giving the benefit of the doubt to one side? there is no difference in how we are approaching these. there's a difference in the context. there's a difference in the conflict and that what, that's what lends itself and that's what leads to our inability sometimes to get such definitive answer. those are 2 entirely separate things. sometimes you can make an assessment about who carried out the strike, but you can't know unless you were on the ground, whether it was a legitimate military target. and that's especially the case where we often see conflicting claims in god's that which is not the case. and you create when it comes to the confidence in you, great and god is always going to pass in just kind of do nothing but a good see who assess how washington treats them. but it's not strange. they're not to the states to take this position. they have been own, was doing this when it comes to is what i have for the good. is it a good, a shift though it of understanding is self defense and they called 1st indians lead
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to lead. you think that the resistance, the q patient, even that was bank and goes as a total effects the flight. they use the front porch when it comes to other countries. so it has been always this been stands out to melissa at the united states. it's united states approaching, dealing with any conflict in the world. it depends on the position and the interest and the relation with the both sides of the score of this conflict. and then they decide how to deal with it. we can, we can see that in his response when it comes to guys. here miller was, it kind of would not making a mistake that could make the is an angry of him. so he, we saw that he didn't find the right way of saving to say, but when it comes to that conflict in english and the kid and they always have the
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conclusion that they, they may be before even as it just making a thorough investigation to know what really happened? boeing has agreed to plead guilty to ford in the case of 2737 mex. a line of questions. and if you b as in denise you. but until a total of $346.00 people, that would think all of those part of a deal with the us department of justice. it was the same boat and pay out just $243000000.00 in fines and spend another $455000000.00 to improve flight and safety . though we spoke with some of the victims, families in indonesia who oppose the deal and want justice, a phase of supply are they indicate that we are still fighting to achieve our goals . perhaps a boeing feels powerful since they have the most money in america, and everything is possible. however, the relatives of those victims cannot simply be given money. that has no to turn to
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fact, we weren't going to be punished. indonesia is why in the air flight 610, crash, just 13 minutes after the take off. plunging into the java c. back in october 2018 . the victims relatives are still seeking justice, looking for boeing to be held accountable. the boeing 737 max airliners were granted worldwide following the crashes that return to the skies just 2 years after the band. lawyers have been accusing boeing of concealing safety issues with the 737 max jet carlo. everybody's i. i used to be the victims representative was appointed following the incident, i responded to inquiries about this statement from going seo. who confessed that it was their error. if it's true that some documents were falsified in order to release the type of the aircraft that would fly, that was a fatal mistake. it was the 3 crimes that caused the loss of more than $300.00 human lights. in this case, that's the wine j t 6, then catastrophe, as well as some of the few opiate case. i believe this has
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a severe crime. the victims families request that the color prints be partially punished because they initially refused to accept the crime. boeing manage to avoid criminal charges, and in 2021. signing an agreement with prosecutors that called for a number of safety conditions. but just the days before the agreement expired, a door plug blew out on another 737 mex jet, and renew scrutiny of the ocean giant with a vengeance. to avoid a criminal trial, the company put guilty in july 2024, which lawyers called a sweetheart deals. it's not a surprise that boeing accepted the plea deal. it's what we're calling a sweetheart deal for the boeing company. the sign is minimal. families do not believe that the terms of its feel are sufficient. it is a deal that is much too lenient on the boeing company and an additional $243000000.00 fine. well, it sounds like a lot of money to an average person is in, in significant amount of money to adequately punish a criminal,
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liked the boeing company for killing 346 people. despite boeing's guilty play. relatives of the victims are dissatisfied with the outcome, saying no fine can replace their loved ones and hilda scars carlos, i am, but i yeah. i'm still taking medication from my psychiatry just off to the incident . i have to be sedated to get on the plane even listening to the sound of the airplane brought tears to my eyes. i was very traumatized, especially when i see a boeing 737, or 737, max. i immediately remember what happened at that time. pressure who's on the white house, folks who lives in korea is your pierre at today's 1st goal was just to raise the question of who gets the emergency cool off the atm? now the president vitamins said he needs to be able to rest all night shift.
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so kind of gone at some point, picks up. it's 11 pm. the 1st late he has a team, but uh let him know if any of any news that is important and important to the american people, he has someone or that is decided obviously with his national security council on who gets to tell him that news. so mccarthy just said that when he was the speaker, many times when we had meetings in the oval office, jill was there as well. one of the 1st ladies and these meetings, pc making decisions are as you know, biasing the president. no, the president is the president of united states. he makes decisions. i may love the senate majority to talk to the world to abide and present jo button despite criticises for my son and call it is mentally struggling. are you confident that president biden has what it takes to win in november and serve the next 4 years?
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as i said before, we go and of jasmine, as i said before, you leave with our sentiments. as i've said before, i'm with you. and the american public here as in tote named buying that virus, it really was the just growing a win among hollywood aliases as biden's approval ratings plummet. we're not going to win in november with this president. on top of that, we won't win the house and we're going to lose the senate. this isn't the only my opinion. this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that i've spoken with in private, every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly. i don't care if he's prove this,
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pat. i don't care if he can't put a sentence together. show me he can't do the job and then i'll say ok, maybe it's time to go. that we discuss the unfolding story with legal and media media. alice lightly said by the mis patient has lost all quite a bit of c. nobody is believing any of this and the fact that a number of hollywood luminaries are leaving doesn't mean anything as well. i must tell you a couple of things to note. this administration in particular is wonderful with euphemisms. now take coming, jump here. you've got to hand it to her, she could have lied. what would i have done? i would have lied to answered the phone if there is a nuclear that the president, is he up? yes. is he able to do it? absolutely. instead she says, well, he has a team, he consults with people, why would you do that? just just lie. i'm, i'm sorry, i don't want to be just bow just just lie. and shop shop. where did you hear that
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rousing and doors but i'm with joe. yes. but do you think he's okay, i'm with joe. now, let me ask you, do you feel that that statement of behind the biden was conveyed? i don't think so. so again, i want to bring up this notion of euphemism and this could not be, this could not have gone this far without this deal. i say this feckless legacy media who has been watching the questions in terms of his age that in terms of his mental ability or cognition but his age, not senescence, but his age. and what, what is even more amazing is that every time there has been an attempt to clear something up to after that june 27th disaster followed by the stephanopoulos interview. it gets even worse. my advice, just don't say anything public has the attention span of and that after 3 days
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they'll forget the whole thing. so wow, that wraps up this news was good to have your company with us here and i'll see international the take a so break will be like the the because they already see here because they can scroll. so
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i'd be search and then use their email futures. great if and then to the rules, the non c theory of racial superiority finished style. 4 years of caribbean assess all the place and 14 concentration camps. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons. really well, you know, think she's the media venue, so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get over the physical. i'm assuming people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the shift did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snider stuff. so the youngest, i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to achieve by the was the
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simple yes. what was the last it also need, you know, about the, what's the gpc that it's the tivo moves do you at off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed on the on the did i tell you? yeah, for the good, i see you don't really supplement. they decided to discuss with you. please, don't you put piers. danielle. tom was booked at the middle of the the the position i was suggesting. bob bel, great, was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges and the drain,
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a brand new bill is us. an obama move donnie and holly. now, now about seeing what it's done when you see it, all the owners will tell you that you will see the list of classes you know, the middle school is what i knew about 12 possible smith's most valid thoughts in this one is know if the guy doing a source or sit emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than that something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive and has toxins that i think he killed the laptop. you want me to kind of see. so these of us here, again, let's see the echo seats. not going good. i don't. you know, those were suggesting we pharma fell great bill, call us what they were just the
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shoes had been looking into the star searching for answers here. nearly all the scientists continued that tradition, getting the information from galaxies far far away in hopes that humanity might survive in the future. is head of a special after physical observatory, home to many telescopes which we were in for an interesting to the, the the, the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hope for independence. but
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the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i, omer hail dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more,
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according to the size paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the media build girl d paid off. the revolt was crush. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of a rag can gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via rack. the revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the weight of the final independence. the everything had changed with her daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie, your daughter is having a diabetic ketoacidosis,
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i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous. part is cancer. diabetic prefer entourage that affects every part inventory and assist the barricade. diabetes association is that the american diabetes association has been bought all by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corporations hit them every year. i wasn't given a specific diet, just told to inject and test. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, put these recommendations out, forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funny carbohydrate diet. there was a multiple $1000000000.00 example corporations that we go bankrupt
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the nato has last is above us and is trading into on tennessee. that's the message from henry. this farm is in the country will not support global efforts any more hungry will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine. disposition assures that we can protect the security of hungry and the security of the hung. gary and people to the state, we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough in its positioning as a regional and defensive organization instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflicts 5. so i know sometimes negates has time takes the last takes aim, suggesting based games, the one feeling ukrainian conflict that's just like china is continue.


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