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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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i'm throwing up so so the, the cube as representatives of the interest of your people spokespersons for their political and national will have a keen sense of the genuine demands sentiments and needs of millions. and it would be no exaggeration to say billions of people on our planet, platinum inputs, and addresses briggs. parliamentarians for the for instance, these the box a strengthening cooperation. the mugging load seems polo, says africa and in the middle east or any sites with the intentions of strings and peas. the, this was a history of leaving payoff and violence in its way on the feet of liberal fascism. that the message from the georgian prime minister is
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loudly pro lesson politicians oppose the countries for an agent. little saying that st. lucie is on his way to being private, the power of the day. very well. welcome to you from the entire of see international news. you can come to light from us and say, look at the top. so is this out? but it was, it has assess the importance of parliamentarian dialogue within the rich group of nations at the form in st. petersburg high. and i think that members of the lives represents the interest of millions of people. the good news for the land is to juggle today parliamentary dialogue, including within the bricks framework, is more important than ever because you as the representatives of the interest of your people, spokespersons from their political and national will have a keen sense of the genuine demands. sentiments and needs of millions,
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and it would be no exaggeration to say billions of people on our planet by to get more on this, this cost of live now to our corresponding don't quote, who is in st. petersburg told take us through the highlights. so what kind of inputs it have to say, please? well, as we just heard, there, russian president vladimir putin began his address to the plenary session of the 10th of bricks, parliamentary for on by putting emphasis on just how important this for on the out of all the other previous ones really is because the, the parliamentarians here the in, vladimir put in his words, the representatives of the global south are working very hard to reduce global tensions around the world as well as establish a multi polar world in which the rep, in which the interests of their billions of people in terms of population are actually represented, and this is something that's uh at the same time,
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vladimir putin said that there's a small minority called the so called golden billions that are offering a serious amount of resistance to this move towards multiple arity. you screw cheats, you know what kind of shopping you might have to be a well aware that the establishment of a world order that reflects the real balance of power and the new geo political, economic, and demographic reality is a complex. and in many ways, unfortunately, even painful processing. this is primarily because of the efforts of the bricks. members and of the developing countries are encountering cs resistance when you're ruling elite, some of the so called golden 1000000000 systems. and that's outdoor acting countries to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long term interest of their own people. they now seek to establish some kind of order on their so called rules, which no one has seen each one has discussed and no one has ever accepted on such rules are written or adjusted in every time. for every situation in the interest of those who consider themselves exceptional and have advocated to themselves the right to dictate their wills honors. just in the best traditionally of classical
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colonial to do you. this is a clear attempt to substitute legitimate international rights. it is an attempt to create a monopoly on the truth in the last instance. and such a monopoly is destructive pressure is building up on all those who have their own positions to absolutely, and contrary to the principles of international law which forceful coercion, unilateral sanctions, selective application of trade rules and blackmail are being used of the we have to remember that the bricks, economic block represents over one 3rd of the entire world's g, d, p, and around 45 percent of the population of the entire globe. so that's almost half of the world's population, and these are the people that are being disenfranchised. but what, by what vladimir putin mentions they are the so called rules based order that nobody agreed to and nobody discussed. and yet the west is still using dick tutorial means like sanctions and threats and black male to enforce all across the world. an example that, as we heard,
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the russian president say was an example of neil colonialism. and it's in its most stark form, but the russian president also spoke a lot about the russian chairmanship and bricks right now. and that the ultimate goal of moscow here is to make the conditions for the work of member states and observer states to be as we optimal as possible so that they can achieve their goals. i'm only meeting the main goal of russia is current presidency in bricks is to create the most favorable conditions for the progressive development of all its members. i am convinced that by working together we will be able to achieve the maximum realization of the economic investment with technological and human potential of countries and strength and the constructive influence of the brakes and global processes to make the world we live in safer and much more harmonious danielle, but each snack, you know, we have is, towards the end of his address to the plenary session, russian president vladimir putin stressed that bricks is one of the key elements of
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the emerging multi polar world. one of the history of organizations and its people, it's member states, and it's observers are working hard and all spears of energy, culture, economics, and politics to achieve their goals that are no doubt going to contribute to a more multi polar future. and the russian present also said that the organization is willing to work with any country whose interests coincide with those of the brakes. blogger, we, yes, very interesting. indeed. we appreciate that up there. thought on what was the all see correspondent for us that thanks again. the nato summit in washington is coming to an end on thursday. i'm told, i'm sorry, this button to do with non nato members. notes of a random is a legacy, as well as the deed is of australia, japan, easy to in, south korea and the european union. here a, some of the highlights with joe barton has continued to leave the public with questions about his state of mind. the,
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the chairs for the plastic seats are in the safe. yeah. how are you this room? not only share a common language, don't share a common language. we do not share a common border where our neighbors were neighbors. because we all share common police. the i realized you were at church the last 8 or 10 years or so give me the
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and the thing i life is a name to stay to the intake said to bring peace and prosperity into the middle east, africa. and while african countries increasingly rejects the presence of us and friendships, the west, some of the blog plows to pay special attention to coo, $8.00 children, and iraq, to all our partnerships, we aim to foster greater security and stability in the middle east and africa contributing to peace and prosperity in the region. in vilnius, we launched a comprehensive reflection on threats, challenges, and opportunities in the south. today, we have adopted an action plan for a stronger, more strategic and result oriented approach door to or saw the neighborhood, which will be regularly updated. but as well,
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so i've allowed to most abraham sense the libyan government during the nato, 2011 minutes intervention and executive secretary of the arrow going to legacy foundation. so thanks so much for taking the time. joining us today here on our international what's, what are your thoughts on the need to stay with that was to quote, strengthen piece and the ability in africa and the middle east. i mean, how did you feel when you heard them say that this is a very old language, and this course that will not fly in the middle east africa regions that have witnessed the destruction caused by the north atlantic treaty organization, year after year, decade as a matter of fact, off decade,
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we have victims in the 10s of thousands. indeed in the hundreds of thousands, we have cities ruins, nation of armies, dismantled a education systems destroyed. we have tried more as an in the continents and the middle east supported fund. and by you, nato, i think nato knows itself, that it's speaking rubbish. but it's the language that it needs to continue to produce to stress its narrative. it's a phones, not a tool for peace and collaboration. when in reality, on the grounds and they so i do believe that she really is a force for eve of invest flores and that has caused so much tom and the last 70 years or most since it's establishment after the 2nd world war. it's an
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organization that has no place in a world of peace and collaboration, and i think it's for the good of the european nations shall themselves and the north america nations. to we think that the foundations upon which this organization is built on their way is very intensely how they feel that they need to police the well. but we'll get to that in a moment. you know, most of many african country they've been teaching american ad 550 out of the territories in recent years. what do you think is the reason for that trend to? well, the immediate reasons are very clear in the year 2011, when nato attacked my home country for 8 months destroying the richest country in africa. pair cab, utah, and the most stable and prosperous country. in the whole of the continent. they
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supplied weapons and financial means a political support. technical support to malicious uh, is the most fundamental. let's try this from the methodist. i'm the admitted to that nato admitted to this in many statements. many european politicians alluded to it and talked about it loudly. we warn, against fits of the time all of this weapon re, i phones acknowledged the training went of course, from the lands of libya, into the saffron region of, i'll speak out, which includes, as you know, many of become countries such as might be tried at night just send you gold cannot fast. so i'm visa groups, which we have task a with the, with getting ready to get past the, the west. biggest enemy in africa. now they have their own as young, back to a spit the civilized region. again,
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give nato excuse to come and establish itself in the south region. so it's an old game they would use, even they actually on these militias and these terrorist groups. and then they say, oh, we need to come in to make sure that the piece is established in africa and to make sure that a tray draughts are not so uh, interrupted. uh, but of course, uh, african nations. you can lead this has been much more aware of them before. and there is a popular kind of freaking me as not just in terms of governments, but in terms of active business, men and women of the country. and that's uh for the shifting the western ministry and put a kitchen in for the ones and the contents of weekends are waking up on that demand thing. the full independence from western new forms of colonialism. well sir,
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it's interesting that you say that because it kind of brings me to my next question . we know that and so you, you're basically saying that need to create the payoff. then comes in, i'm police is the chaos. but they have question was they would be why, i mean, all the resources are, we know what happened in iraq, how they, you know, they paid so we know what's going on in northern syria. how that, how that, how they connect the world they thing they need is that what's happening, hey, i mean is that what they do now they take care of a mines off of is a very rich result, full continence. so nathan, just using payoff as an excuse to come in and pay that to the country, is that what's happening? absolutely, this is very easy to see if we did the edge of which the west is involved. is a rich region, but the west can watch any other reason than the ground people to starve. we wouldn't live and to be unless this particular region has oh,
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you guys or uranium or ion or at least a strategic geographical location. so this had been scanned, this done, a very rich country, embry source is an important in terms of a geographic location. the rock, of course, when the search is countries in the world in terms of o, u. c. yeah, of course, because of g o. 40 can do cation in the middle east. libya, of course, not just because of natural resources, but because of leadership of the after you can call between then and the times of capacity. and then the soften region, which is a very poor vision and dental be a situation, but the people live. i'm the club faddie rich and the resources bc sources has been for decades. what, by european american corporations, on what nature wants, is to keep the swapping going,
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because we thought was it the west will be in brokers. let's remember about the very detailed study conducted by british i'm invest, it is not african british universities in 2016 in which it creates that mod done $140000000000.00. i wrapped out a free get every year just out of extraction of natural resources. so this is direct roll, body of resources, let the know the in direct dropping of resources through politics, through trades, through decades, soon with the international monetary fund and the words back. so for nato is a, is not an easy dave. this is an essential task for the existence of, of, of the european capitalist, an american, uh, only gotta keep it going to make an financial system. yeah. what was that we have
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about a minute left uh quick question for you, given how much money and now the resources are now being invested by western countries in ukraine. do you honestly think that they have the capacity to pay enough attention to other regions or are they just saying the sort of was, you know, just for the public to bill. good about nato, the so called peace organization. and i follow at the affairs of natal, very close the i visit their website or most daily. i also follow that quite closely . the ad defends the spending of the west because it relates, relates to my old my home country of libya, and it relates to the continent of africa. and i can tell you comfortably that the west is feeling that it's not as powerful as it used to be. it has stretched itself, but he's been around the world. i think the rising hours,
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not just the fresher box of china, india, brazil, south africa is causing so much trouble for the west. and it's tried them to me that the populations of the west and the state of taking affairs, their own hands and thinking, okay, this is a good a chance to have a dialogue with russia, with the globe as solid when they east china and india, and try to build by a world of collaboration and peace, the ellipse of the west, not the populations that leads, they only see on the streets and they want to quit profit and the know they can only achieve wood, floors wars and more wars with russia and china and india and the globe itself. so no, i think nato is much we can out at it's, it's not valuable to do the task as before. the problem, of course, is very easy to see. look at what's happening and shot seems to be
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a nice job for us to not fast to unmarried, where they lost the biggest military faces, not just in the region, but sometimes in the whole boards like the air base, for example, in the north of nyja. and the kicking hours of nature, officers and soldiers. so there's a true weaknesses on april side. but if, if use this to admit that again, because the ellipse, the only costs of, of the west are benefiting from this a to, for games. the interest of their own nations and yeah, the nature of the system anyway. yeah indeed. and they would have to deal with that perhaps a we'll see other countries from the app and content and like egypt. and if you to join the brakes, perhaps they will also join the bricks. mitchell group. okay, we're happy with that. thank you again. don't lose the abraham foremost, sorry for the they've been going executive 2nd 3 of the african legacy foundation. thanks again. bye to moving to another issue in nature has main focus. while
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most of natives data is cool, but pumping as much money as possible into claim hungry says it is the thing is, own national interest bust. a couple of actions long. we have an agreement with the current secretary general and we have a promise from the future secretary general that hungary will stay out of this needle mission and support of ukraine. we will not contribute on gary and soldiers to such an operation. we will not contribute on gary and taxpayers money to such an operation that we will not contribute on gary and territory to such an operation. and we will continue to refrain from supplying weaponless. disposition ensures that we can protect the security of hungry hands with the security of the hung, gary and people that seattle to it with strong comments, but he's not allowed to open. the hungarian prime minister, he has said that in a tow is losing its original purpose,
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went west upcoming from now hungry space. true to his position and sure about his position. any major question, a lot of things because of the of the day hungary remains to be the only each country a try to talk to both sides. both the ukrainian president zalinski and the russian president was in. so it is interesting to know why they chose and such as they are in a sense for peace and negotiations. and because that at the end of the day only triggers the worst sitting of relations with the hungry and it's western allies. but i'm like, it's allies, victor for ben. did some diplomacy work when he was here in moscow? and uh, you know, he also mentioned and emphasize right now that nato's current decisions could develop things into something even worse than it was established 75 years ago with a goal of protecting the security of its members. today, however, it seems to be moving away from its original purpose behaving more and more like a organization. one of the size of this is that neither we sticking in increasingly
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active role interruptions, ukrainian more in our opinion, this is dangerous and even the responsible because no one can see how this will and, or where we will end up today. i will argue that nato should return to its original spirit. i mean, there, it is essentially saying that natal should go back to its original purpose and all in all, refusing to take any part of it. instead, choosing to take care of the country and their own citizens. i mean, that should be nothing wrong with that. but meantime hunger is taking the role of the e u presidency this year. and a reaction from e. u. member states regarding what happens uh, i guess, continent wide piece initiative, a lot of anger and that's not surprising. of course, it's no surprise because whoever goes against them is shamed. but as you've mentioned hunger we now hold the e u presidency seats. and because of that, the use seems to be a little bit stressed as good the hungry is talking on their behalf. we have the
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sonya prime minister who came out saying that victor, oregon is exploited in the presidency. and essentially suppressing that the e. u is united and stands behind to play the live when you and president also emphasized. and it follows that same sentiment saying that if you truly want fees, you should stand by ukraine in a while. this would have 5 minutes there. on the other hand, was asked by a journalist what he's message to 5 minutes service to oregon would be well within the native framework. i don't have a mess because it has an e. u member, i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be capital not means using the president and save for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as, as a, as b q for the, for the whole of the you. i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think a hungry now that we received the reactions they actually have asked for hungry has made it clear that expense for peace. so uh the you or uh,
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the united states reaction just seems a little bit bizarre and the question as to why they're so frustrated remains. the mystery from administer oregon's visit to muscle is nothing more than diplomacy. and even after the talks with president puts, and he said that this is the 1st step to restore a dialogue. but he also did acknowledge the fact that the views of kids and the views of most will still remain very, very different. now we have a war of words erupt, thing between nato and china, over the consulate in ukraine. i'd love to know how that's being brought into the mix. of course, china can not be missed. they will always mentions the time and stilton berg wasted no time at fire and shots of the country simply for maintaining a friendly relations with ross. so now they're claiming that china is support in russia militarily in the war that china is supporting. the continuation of this war,
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and if you look at the final communicate that was approved by the 30 to nato members, as made it clear that china now is a focus for the military alliance, but the gene. and says that he does not provide any military support to russia. lindsey and shine law has become a decisive enabler of russia's war against a claim on you. on final support increases the fed rush of pulses to atlantic security laws. allies have stated clearly that china tunnel enabled the largest conflict in europe in recent history with out this negatively impacting the interest on reputation to the thank you to join us. position on nato is consistent . we firmly oppose nato's breakthrough and its positioning as a regional and defensive organization instigating confrontation in asia pacific conflicts and undermining regional prosperity and stability. we advise nato to do
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more practical things for world peace, stability, and security, and china has long been calling for a piece of the conflict, the peaceful solutions to the conflict. china was one of the very 1st countries that provide add a piece initiative to the issue, but instead of listening, they continue to slender a. china. so it seems like if you dare to decide to maintain any sort of friendly relations to, to ross i, you are seen as a traitor and even threatened with sanctions. we know what nato is off to for goodness sake. meantime you installed the bulk of nato. he says that both russia and china are isolated on the global stage. how do you read between those why? i mean, of course, what else are they gonna say? they've spent a lot of time and effort, creating a list of sanctions to destroy a russia, except that they didn't work the way they've been hoping for it to do. so instead, now they have to repeat that. russia is isolated to make themselves believe that
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that's the case. the people talking about russ, i being a low wall. somehow nato allies all seem to have the world at their feet. they're not the states trust in naples, something know all the major power house, and that is more than 30 friends on that unless the rest of this and how that tunnel doesn't have that united states. the now, judging by that, it doesn't really look like russia is alone. marseilles maintaining diplomatic relations and friendly relations with countries from the brakes. they as seo our frequent countries, asia, lots in america, a russia is right now focused on strengthening and nurturing those relations. and
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even the most recent example is of course the visit of the indian prime minister as a roster. but instead, if the relations the are not good with say the, the, you or the united states. but it seems like russia is isolated because to them the world revolves around that. well yeah, they talk about russia isolation, it's a little part of a west, the narrative and it goes back so many years just combine it with the rooster phobia and all that mean it's so predictable. now, it's almost boring. boom, a that isn't before that you go. just tell you back to this nato summit in america right now. any agreements coming out of that nature of somebody that we know of? yeah, the block members claim that they're trying to stop the war. right. but the gatorade has fit tall with the approval of another arms package 2 kits. now that includes a picture of air defense batteries that will be provided by the united states in germany and romania. we also have b. s a. m p t's launchers from italy,
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which is the only european made equipment that can intercept the uh, ballistic missiles. washington has also pledged a wide range. 7 technical tech, and on top of that, the united states top diplomat says the nato's long awaited f. 16 fighter just are finally heading to ukraine. so it looks like peace is not really on the agenda for them. the 2024 will be the yeah, the quote liberal fascism is defeated. that's the message from the prime mass of the republic of georgia. i see the last out pro wesson. politicians in the country, accusing them of being funded from abroad. now this is off of the decided as a spend george's a session to the blog earlier this week. for a little cool thinking more transparency among 4 funded n g is the prime minister, has insisted that georgia is on the right path. it is
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a b d that this liberal fascism is financed from a brought my doing organizations which is a crime against the georgia society. 2024 will be the year of the feet of liberal fascism. liberal push them will be defeated in georgia. on october 26. 2025 should be the year of complete liberation of georgia and society, georgia and state, georgia and politics from liberal, fascism. 5 or more on this, less costly lives out to our chorus will not show it to be on sky. charlotte, it seems me stand off over the georgia so called for an agent little has no, and as i was the night this we happen to be yes. that's right, so as the president at the prime minister, all the of georgia that i was talking about, some comments that were made for my active as the leader of an end g o. and the criticism they had made of this transparency, you know, the georgia.


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