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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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is this idea that everybody is deserve, and that's just by virtue absorbing here the cube as representatives of the interest of your people spokespersons for their political and national will have a keen sense of the genuine demands sentiments and rates of millions. and it would be no exaggeration to say 1000000000 people on our planet ritual flight of inputs in addressing rick solomon terror acts of the 4 insect petersburg was a strengthening cooperation and emerging multi point main concerns africa and to the middle east. the image, like $0.10 a spends and pins, the displacement is think of leaving tails and violence in its way. past the defense of the liberal flashes of bots, the message from georgia and prime minister slammed pro. what's important decisions
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that oppose look hundreds for an agent, no say to breezy is honestly to be trans. the just go on 5 p. m, here in the russian capital. welcome wherever you catch in the news from today. this is on the front of input that has assess the importance of parliamentarian dialogue within the brit stroop of nations on a forum and some things as well. he emphasized that the alliance represents the interest of billions of people. the good news. but let me see downloads today, parliamentary dialogue, including within the big framework is more important than ever. because you as representatives of the interest of your people spokespersons for their political and national will have a keen sense of the genuine demands sentiments and needs of millions. and it would be no exaggeration to say billions of people on our planet,
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russian president vladimir putin and began his address to the plenary session of the tents. bricks parliamentary for on by putting emphasis on just how important this for on the out of all the other previous ones really is because the, the, the parliamentarians here, the in vladimir putin's words, the representatives of the global south are working very hard to reduce global tensions around the world as well as establish a multi polar world in which the rep, in which the interests of their billions of people uh, in terms of population or actually represented. and this is something that's uh at the same time, vladimir putin said that there's a small minority called the so called golden 1000000000 that are offering a serious amount of resistance to this move towards multi polarity. what kind of shopping you might have in store. and we are well aware that the establishment of a world order that reflects the real balance of power and the new geo political,
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economic, and demographic reality is a complex and in many ways, unfortunately, even painful process. this is primarily because the efforts of the bricks, members in other developing countries are encountering fee us resistance from the ruling elite, some of the so called golden 1000000000 acting country to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long term interest of their own people, they now seek to establish some kind of order on their so called rules, which no one has seen. no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted. and such rules are written or adjusted in new every time. for every situation in the interest of those who consider themselves exceptional and have an arrow gated to themselves, the right to dictate their will to others. just in the best traditions of classical colonialism, this is a clear attempt to substitute legitimate international rights. it is an attempt to create a monopoly on the truth in the last instance. and such a monopoly is destructive pressure is building up on all those who have their own position. and contrary to the principles of international law enforcement collection,
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unilateral sanctions selective application of trade rules and black male are being used, you have to remember that the bricks economic block represents over one 3rd of the entire world's g, d p. and around 45 percent of the population of the entire globe. so that's almost half of the world's population, and these are the people that are being disenfranchised. but what, by what vladimir putin mentions they are the so called rules based order that nobody agreed to. and nobody discussed, and yet the west is still using dick tutorial means like sanctions and threats and black male to enforce all across the world. and example that as we heard, the russian president say was an example of neo colonialism. and it's in its most stark form, but the russian president also spoke a lot about the russian chairmanship and bricks right now. and that the ultimate goal of mosque out here is to make the conditions for the work of member states and observer states to be as optimal as possible so that they can achieve their goal. so it'd be lovely. it says,
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the main goal of russia's current presidency in bricks is to create the most favorable conditions for the progressive development of all its members. i am convinced that by working together and we will be able to achieve maximum realization of the economic investment, technological and human potential of countries and strength and the constructive influence of bricks and global processes to make the world we live in safer and much more harmonious towards the end of his address to the plenary session, russian president vladimir putin stressed that bricks is one of the key elements of the emerging multi polar world. one of the key organizations and it's people, it's member states, and it's observers are working hard and all spears of energy, culture, economics and politics to achieve their goals that are no doubt going to contribute to a more multi polar future. and the russian present also said that the organization is willing to work with any country whose interests coincide with those of the brakes block. as
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a branch parliamentary form in saint petersburg is in full fling odds, he added phones to him from the deputy cham gonna russians. federation council. he said the external project was the exact sit on the floor of the to the buttons on this means one thing. the bricks is growing into a very serious global organization. and i'm with the push came start. we had to meet that there was a certain pressure on each of the participants in our parliamentary for them. just as there is an, all of those who take part in other events within the framework of the russian ricks chairmanship you, this can only be called in one or 2 words on the competition. this is, of course, a recognition. the brakes is growing into a very serious organization in the world politics, and it is a prototype of the multiple laboratory about which so much as being said now they have here. and so the unipolar world are very sensitive to any emergence of any other alternative way of thinking and are trying their baskets out to suppress their competitors, beach and politics in economics,
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in the communitarian sphere and in the sphere of moral values. we see how they are competing with us and how we are moving in waves from imposing our interest and values on anyone and response. look, i know, except for one thing, when you will definitely propose most the assistance we propose to the world around us and multiple a world order. respect for international law. still not for rule based order, so that the world will eventually develop according to those canons. and that's those paths that are develop joints lead by the whole of humanity. look at those by a separate group of the countries that have navigated to themselves. the freedom utilized the right to speak for the home world and is trying to every day to themselves, the right to rule the whole world. it is not going to happen. and now, as the formation of the brakes union develops here, this is becoming more and more obvious. that is something that is in washington is coming to an end on the they told. and so. so i said with non native
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members, no simply by them as an ends. he is one of the leaders of australia, japan, new zealand, south korea. i'm the opinion here of some of the highlights. the joe biden has continued to leave the public with questions about his state of mind. the. the chairs for the plastic seats are in the section 8. yeah. how are you this room? not only share a common language, don't share a common language. we do not share a common border where our neighbors were neighbors because we all share a common belief the i realize the word, expertise that you understand,
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you sure. so give me the, the thing highlight is need to stay in tennis and to bring things on. pulse bear with the to the middle east, some of them. well, i've couldn't come to the, increasingly we get the presence of us enterprise tubes. but what's some of the few blown prices to pay special attention to create to children and do a walk? through all our partnerships, we aim to foster greater security and stability in the middle east and africa contributing to peace and prosperity in the region. in vilnius, we launched
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a comprehensive reflection on threats, challenges, and opportunities in the south. today, we have adopted an action plan for a stronger, more strategic and result oriented approach door to or saw the neighborhood, which will be regularly updated. but at least who is most abraham? so it's for some of the libyan government during the nathan 2011. when it's a, into the, it's an executive 2nd to feel the african legs, the foundation. he believes that advocate and the middle east do not need any help from nato. as the brought has previously shown, no intention of actually brings to boise to the region. and this is a very old language, and this course batch will not fly in the middle east. africa lesions that have witnessed the destruction caused by the north atlantic treaty organization, year after year, decades. as
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a matter of fact, office decades, we have victims in the 10s of thousands indeed in the hundreds of thousands, we have cities ruins, nation of armies, dismantled a vacation systems destroyed. we have traveler as an in the continents and the middle east, supported funded by the nato. most of many african countries as being teaching american add $0.05 out of the territories. and reasoning is, what it will do is think, is the reason for that trend in the year 2011, when nato attacked my home country for 8 months, destroying the richest country. and i freak out their copy to. they supplied weapons and financial means. but if you can support technical support to
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malicious, uh, is that most fundamental is try business to fund the mentor this. i'm the admitted to that all of this weapon re fonts. the technology and training went of course, from the ends of libya into this i had the regional past week out, which includes as you know, many of become countries such as miley childs at night, just send me a goal. she's not 5. so i'm visa groups, which we have task a with the, with getting ready to get the, the, the west biggest enemy in africa. now they have their own agenda to speak. the stimuli is the reason i did give the nato an excuse to come and establish itself in the saw had we so it's an old game. they put us steven. they actually on these munitions and these gutters scopes. and then they
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say, oh, we need to come in to make sure that peace is established in africa and to make sure that the trade routes are not so uh, interrupted. but of course, african nations. i think your leaders has been much more aware of them before and there is a popular kind of freaking just move. not just in terms of governments, in terms of active business, men and women of the country. and that's uh for the ship to the west and ministry and put a ticket in for the ones and the contents while i was ready to pull this weapons. and so you quite a bit of the privacy or the hung gavin prime is the, has polls the day you to private, according to a store in power and so on. is all to do is over on odds. you don't call them. so head over there for the right, i was a god. and now the death toll has risen to mold in $38000.00
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as israel contains is a tax on the own. quite a recent idea of strike hit a you and run school in southern golden, killing at least $27.00 the you and says there is no longer any safe place in gaza for children, the full schools he's in the last full days since the world again, 2 thirds of the schools and girls that had been hit, some of the boomed out many severely damaged gauze is no place for children. the blotting disregard of international humanitarian law cannot become then you normal, these images. so the awesome off of the attack on the rest of the shelves in the sense of calling us the bodies of the dead and the wounded with taken to the nearby not side hospital, many of them women and children. the idea of claimed it was called the thing homicides is i'm is looking into reports of civilian casualties, passed in red crescent. society said that is really the tax closing,
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gaza gauze as medical system to collapse 2000000000, including children and women are as the targeted everywhere in the halls in the schools and shelters. and those times in most systems, there are no secret police for people in the thousands of people are already internally displaced. living in the human condition for about 9 months of displacement and it just school margins that is taking place as you were, which have led to the almost complete collapse of the health care system. and now each of 96 percent of the dimensions suffer from severe what's insecurities. quite a few nations are these sort of process to 15 minutes of fluids and secure
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starvation. the migration more people are utilizing their lives because of starvation. at the same time, we're straining infectious diseases to find the aerial. so came on the an easy way to tack on wednesday. the idea of hits it listen filled, awesome city of data out by law, which resulted into casualties. kind wounded. people are rescued by the passing by equipment society amid the ongoing sykes and the central part of the owner is really meant to have older siblings to evacuate from god. listen to the payoff. the s says that ties him to the new monetary now for graduation orders in the course, the master and the address in society to close all the medical points and the clinics and the government p r. c. s. medical points were located in the evaluation order areas which are become as dangerous that you continue to learning how to
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attract in the city. our are see us out, do this teams or has been for where to get emergency medical services. all the costume entities. we are transporting them to the cause because also hostages, and does the things you were taking out of service. so now we have to move the patients to the i'm that me is the injuries how to wait longer to receive the medical jose needs. this is also to see me more hugh is why fi or c as in the office and as the shortages of if you will, i'm determined. wanted to know could the last couple of 2 days worse, but after the other. so is it's one of the $24.00 will be the year that quote, liberal fascism is defeated. that's the message. and the prime is the republican
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joe, the as he lashed out the pro, less of them politicians in the country, accusing them of being funded from abroad. now this is off of the a you decide suspended as a section to the blog earlier this week, following a little cool of thinking more transparency among form funded and g is the problem is it has insisted that georgia is on the right path, and it is a b d that this liberal fascism is financed from abroad. my doing organizations which is a crime against the georgia society. 2024 will be the year of defeats of liberal fascism . liberal push them will be defeated in georgia. on october 26, 2025 should be the year of complete liberation of georgia and society, georgia and state georgia and politics from liberal fascism, some comments that were made for men active as the leader of an n g o and the criticism they had made of this transparency, you know, the georgia in 5 minutes to said the reason that this activist was teaching asked
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is because essentially he didn't want where the funding for his n g o was coming from to be. and that's, and that's of course, exactly what this transparency knew that was passed recently by the georgian parliament. does. it basically means that energy use i need to in the country if it receives a foreign source funding for more than 20 percent of their own budget. they have to declare that georgia says, this is incredibly important for transparency in the country to know exactly where the funds are coming from and who obviously is trying to gain influence in the country. so he says, that's the reason why there was this criticism from this particular and you know, we knew that this transparency, who has cost huge headaches, the georgia, we so protests with tens of thousands of individuals going out to the streets into please see when the parliament was passing that move, we know that he is forced to saw his face saying it's un democratic. now let's be clear. this is a rule that was passed by the judge in parliament,
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spend peace from georgian parliaments who are elected by the individuals of georgia . i'm not really sure how that is on the democratic. that is generally how most of most things work and how most schools in many countries across the west of also past it's the majority of that gets it through. but just a couple of months ago we have the flowing georgia had we the disease status, it could be installed the tax rates, ascension, to become a member of the e. u in the next few years. and now what we've got is that you're saying that it's now on ice. in fact to you has said that it is freezing tens of millions of views that was supposed to be closing to june. just keep sex dislike of wine making, set the sector on the coat toll such stuff. and as a result of that, that could have a huge impact in georgia. the u says this law is just not compatible with the candidate status,
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but we have seen that georgia is unhappy about what the was saying. in fact, the mayor of tbilisi hating out and saying he's country will not be priced for them . the government of georgia is unacceptable because we do not give anyone the opportunity to abuse the interest of georgia to be a 2nd fronting the country to face the conflict. and the trouble that unfortunately isn't ukraine. we will not give this opportunity to anyone pulling just seeing the rushes for an intelligent service, has also says that it has strong information to suggest smoke. the man was saying that everybody's outside interviewing his food. they suggest that actually washington is looking for some sort of change when children go to the poll in october of this year. so what is that space and we know the u. s. is very concerned about what's happening in georgia and really serious about those changes to its recently cancelled joins and military drills to be carried out since 2015 with
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georgia. as a result of this, it's also sanction leading members of the georgia dream policy. this is the party that should have put that new for transparency to the parliament on the think. what's really interesting here is georgia has been pivoting for quite a while to move west. and now we're seeing that a time when it decides to pursue it. settling agenda things and it leaves the best for its own country. it gets criticized and penalized by the west. so it'll be interesting to see whether or not pivot now of the whole spark of base on the 11th of july is for the 1st time want to as the interests of dave all the subordinates of genocide for a un resolution. however, only what was the intent of the balls in the wall recognize which subs say, is western political hypocrisy for more on this all to see. so any billboards
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today, you moxie, anniversary of a 1995 masika of both me and muslims. is the right rates, a declared of genocide by the international court of justice in 2007. the events that took place however, remained controversial with what exactly happened in the policy and i can place a designate to do and saves. i'm still subject to debate this rep. it needs a kennings were a climax of policy is 1992 to $95.00 war which came off to the breakup of yugoslavia onset both need and subs against the countries. 2 of the main ethic populations quotes on was impulse, the x, the comfortable c flat up once again in may. whether you in general, assembly adult to the resolution table by germany overall one to, to establish an annual day. to commemorate domestic a serbia vehemently opposed to move, i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for passing such
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a resolution. number one, this is kylie politicized resolution. and i will ask 3 questions to which we didn't hear the proper response from the main authors of this resolution. germany, why is this resolution being fast? number one, they were speaking about individual legal liability mentioning month in agree and amendments here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed because speaking about individual legal liability. as it has already been done, it has already been delivered. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from the xbox the funds and the 193 men. but general assembly reflected concerns over the impact on reconciliation efforts
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impulse me a with the resolution policy by a full votes to 9 team. with 60 i nation's up staying in $22.00 countries, skipped to meeting some reports at the because of the dispute rushes and passengers of the un said that the extensions on no bucks together totaled $87.00 more than the 84. but it's in favor. unvil sca condemned the resolution of highly politicized on a threat to regional stability. germany we started to weld, was in the 20th century, killed the millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of sarajevo in 1995. that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation . one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing balls in the age of conflicts
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without regard for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 19 ninety's when the 100000 people died, as opposed to this document is yet another responsible attempt by the west to rebuild history and still be interpretation of the ethnic conflict in former yugoslavia and relate to the events that sits their jet political interest behind the demagogue, it came on its every and the rhetoric one can see a clear intention to place all responsibility for the yugoslavia. conflict on this being people thereby punishing them for their for his thinking, independence and refusal to bantam, nate as old as western powers went to great lengths to demonize, the ignoring massacres. committed by other politics of the conflicts of cold war crimes. committed by nights, a forces in many ways the nato intervention of bombing time. payne was a testing ground for iraq and other future was a button to those necessary on humanitarian grounds. and now the west is accused.
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once more of study can regional, i'm really just tensions. i think 6 was the control over the balkans. say this is that that means the goal is simple. to demonize this phillips, which is a project of the united states and the main west and forces, primarily great britain in germany. the goal is to permanently disqualify the sub inspector so that they can feel free to control the balkans. the territory of the former yugoslavia and integrated the entire region into $92.00 and the sense is not only batch but also that it creates a huge tension between muslims and also looks very goal is to divide and conquer. but these great serious problems divides the population and these, but tyler ground. suppose civil terrorism has happened recently in belgrade. young muslims, especially will heavies, regionalizing and business time bone, especially as jet political tensions grow in europe. and here,
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a portion of planning to just one side, however, with something specifically rolled out by the special tribunal as part of reconciliation efforts, collective guilt was to be avoided with individual was tried in charge instead of maybe what some of the, from the very beginning of the, with the western media to different thing, to full see present the suffering of the subs that is to hide the situation with the serbian victims. we know how much the western world has been involved in the war in the former yugoslavia. we know that they are responsible for the collapse of performing you can solve you, and that is why they doing everything to minimize all casual the psyche. on the other hand, they put most of them victims above all, as a serbian people suffocate too. so no matter how hard it is for someone to admit that they must admit that 3267 serbs were killed here in poker in the 8th. and this is a fact of what a number of individuals subs have being held accountable for the ever legs rolled in this rep, bernice of mastic, uh it is disproportionate compared to messages committed by all the policy. so the
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conflict, despite tens of thousands of best on all sides of the lock of acknowledgement on accountability efforts continue to be made toward reconciliation. something but the un resolution on the mines that goes on the do. i want to express my condolences to all the victims, and i want to say that for me, the death of any person is equally tragic. be a bosnian muslim service orthodox cro at catholic jupiter or anyone else. and in this regard, republican service scott does not protect those who committed crimes. what remain certain is that the serbian victims were treated very very poorly and that there is no record of the case of any high ranking official being responsible for crimes. the conserves that led to the desk of $34000.00 civilians and soldiers and republicans service got in the war in bosnia and herzegovina. clearly the events surrounding separate so remained controversial, a wound as taking time to heal,
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of which serbia has already apologized. i apologize for the crimes committed by any individual in the name of our state and our people. many have said that the only motive for the resolution was to stigmatize the serbian people, while the author of an independent report cost out on the official narrative. in the case of submitting each uh, it was a crime, nothing genocide because the women and children could go could leave the place. this is not genocide. when you say genocide, you mean the whole population. every woman, every man, every grandfather has your mother, every comes and every aunt and every baby, new born baby. and this is not the case, and there was no intention to wipe out all the bus next when the word no the so it's nothing to do. so the more this was in the middle of the war timing, as i say, is everything coming as the west continues to pressure. so it'd be over its relations with russia, ignoring so massacres, while.


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