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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the the view of the representatives of the interest of your people, spokespersons for their political and national will have a keen sense of the genuine demands sentiments and needs of millions. and it would be no exaggeration to say billions of people on our planet. a lot of the addresses of rich parliament member that a full roman center. petersburg was a certain thing, cooperation in the emerging mode. people in the world says, i forget, i'm the middle east all and it strikes the files of promoting piece and they give them display the history of leaving tails and live. and then it's really kind of the defeat of liberal fractions. and that's the message from george's crime is i've seen put designs is pro western politicians who oppose the countries for an agent,
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nor he says 7 please. he is on his way to becoming world transparent. the . it's good to have a company today for the latest global news wound up. i'm rode him on me and this is our international. our top story, ronda inputs in the have stressed the importance of parliamentarian dialogue within the bricks group of nations that a forum in st. petersburg, he emphasized of the alliance, represents the interests of billions of people. the good news. but let me see the event today, parliamentary dialogue, including within the bricks framework, is more important than ever. because you as representatives of the interests of your people, spokespersons for their political and national will have a keen sense of the genuine demands sentiments and needs of millions. and it would
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be no exaggeration to say billions of people on our planet. russian president vladimir putting began his address to the plenary session of the tents bricks parliamentary for on by putting emphasis on just how important this for on the out of all the other previous ones really is because the, the parliamentarians here, the in vladimir putin's words, the representatives of the global south are working very hard to reduce global tensions around the world as well as establish a multi polar world in which the rep, in which the interests of their billions of people uh, in terms of population or actually represented. and this is something that's uh at the same time, vladimir putin said that there's a small minority called the so called golden 1000000000 that are offering a serious amount of resistance to this move towards multi polarity. we're kind of shopping. you might image to be a well aware that the establishment of a world order that reflects the real balance of power and the new geo political,
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economic, and demographic reality is a complex and in many ways, unfortunately, even painful process. this is primarily because the efforts of the bricks, members in other developing countries are encountering fee us resistance from the ruling elite, some of the so called golden 1000000000 acting country to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long term interest of their own people, they now seek to establish some kind of order on their so called rules, which no one has seen. no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted. and such rules are written or adjusted in new every time. for every situation in the interest of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrow gayden to themselves the right to dictate their will to others. just in the best traditions of classical colonialism, this is a clear attempt to substitute legitimate international rights. it is an attempt to create a monopoly on the truth in the last instance. and such a monopoly is destructive pressure is building up on all those who have their own position. contrary to the principles of international law enforcement collection,
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unilateral sanctions selective application of trade rules and blackmail are being used, you have to remember that the bricks economic block represents over one 3rd of the entire world's gdp and around 45 percent of the population of the entire globe, so that's almost half of the world's population, and these are the people that are being disenfranchised. but what, by what vladimir putin mentions, they're the so called rules based order that nobody agreed to and nobody discussed . and yet, the west is still using dick tutorial means like sanctions and threats and black male to enforce all across the world. the example that, as we heard, the russian president say was an example of neil colonialism. and it's in its most stark form, but the russian president also spoke a lot about the russian chairmanship and bricks right now. and that the ultimate goal of moscow here is to make the conditions for the work of member states and observer states to be as optimal as possible so that they can achieve their goal.
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lovely, as soon as the main goal of russia's current presidency in bricks is to create the most favorable conditions for the progressive development of all its members. i am convinced that by working together we will be able to achieve maximum realization of the economic investment, technological and human potential of countries and strength, and the constructive influence of bricks and global processes. to make the world we live and safer and much more harmonious towards the end of his address to the plenary session, russian president vladimir putin stressed that bricks is one of the key elements of the emerging multi polar world. one of the key organizations and it's people, it's member states, and it's observers are working hard and all spears of energy, culture, economics, and politics to achieve their goals that are no doubt going to contribute to a more multi polar future. and the russian present also said that the organization is willing to work with any country whose interests coincide with those of the breaks block on thing. going to talk. so i don't know for them to speak with
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a number of problems. dignitaries, including problem and religion from present. i didn't do in the sense of the books for women's hiring for him, which is an important form of solomon's and which the developing countries will discuss among each other. the global challenges and the challenges of weeks. countries i've seen will discuss how to find a solution to the challenge. 5 minutes from the rental notice journey to russia has been very important to the team to invite you to have a very traditional a nation's relationship. and it has always considered this relations to be important that some of the indian boss have always discussed collectively the common interest of the world in our respective countries and how to achieve global peace. the prime minister of things in the vendor mode has come to russia and he has discussed many important issues or to us. i hope the russian indian ties will be developing in new directions. now, after the meeting, he said to us is assessing initiatives of the countries that they originally can see if the summation of breaks was precisely this to addressed by led to relations and strengthened multi. that's where relations and they fill out an expansion to image. that is we welcome to 5 new members, and it is very likely
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a trend of the congress will also be involved as they have already demonstrated that intention. we as representatives of the presidents and age, i've already been here in russia. this is the 3rd time we spoke during the 1st time when russia receipts representatives from a that's an american congress last year. we have also represented the president senate at these programs about this relationship that strengthens and i always make a point of saying this because it's a lot and the pull us adopt it by the new government or president present fluids on which is to re establish is johnson and consolidated existence, nice southern moments. this will last over time, mainly due to a very misguided policies of the previous government. in brazil, we have and brought back what has always been the whole month of our foreign policy . allow a chance to read, which is exactly to make sure that we are not just here because we know they cannot make a fax, a beneficiary for both boxes, but also because of
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a diverse too vicious that concerns these group of countries. and by doing the summit in washington is colony wrapping up. so. so and so it did with norton, ma'am, was including a lot of it is a lindsey, as well as late as australia, japan and new zealand, south korea and the u. that here is some of the highlights should be say, as joe barton has continued to leave the public with questions about his mental health. the chairs for the plastic seats are insights and make the phone. yeah. how are you this room? not only share a common language, don't share a common language. we do not share a common border where our neighbors were neighbors. because we all share common
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believes the i realized you were at church the last 8 or 10 years service. so give me the last thing i liked is native stated intention to bring peace and prosperity into the midlands of africa. and what african con, who's increasing they reject the presence of us. i'm 5 foods. but what's the minute? the blog surprised that pays special attention to,
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to 8 children and iraq to all our partnerships, we aim to 1st to greater security and stability in the middle east and africa contributing to peace and prosperity in the region. in vilnius, we launched a comprehensive reflection on threats, challenges, and opportunities in the south. today, we have adopted an action plan for the stronger, more strategic and result oriented approach door to or saw the neighborhood, which will be regularly updated. there i spoke with was a brand me this phone. so i was looking for the libya in the living government during the native 2011 minutes intervention. i'm the executive secretary of the african legacy foundation that he believes that to africa. i'm the middle east, do not need any help from need to. as the bronx has previously shown, no intention of actually bring stability to the region. this is a very old language and this course that will not fly in the
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middle east africa, regions that have witnessed the destruction caused by the north atlantic treaty organization, year after year, decade. as a matter of fact, office decades, we have victims in the 10s of thousands indeed in the hundreds of thousands, we have cities ruins, nation of armies, dismantled a vacation systems destroyed. we have cable or is and the content and the mid the least supported fund. and by the nato, most and many african country, they've been teaching american add $0.05 out of the territories. and reasoning is what it will, this thing is. the reason for that trend in the year 2011, when nato attacked my home country for 8 months destroying the
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richest country in africa. pet copy to vegas supplied weapons and financial means a political support. technical support to malicious. uh, is the most fundamental, this try business to fund the methodist and the admitted to that all of this weapon re, fonts. the technology and training went of course, from the ends of libya into this. i had the regional past week out, which includes as you know, many of become countries such as miley childs, uh, now you just send, you go and i do not 5. so i'm visa groups, which we have task with the, with getting ready to get the, the, the west biggest enemy in africa. now they have their own agenda to split. the stimuli is the reason i did give the nato an excuse to come
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and establish itself in the south region. so it's an old game. they put us stephen, they actually on these munitions and these gutters scopes. and then they say, oh, we need to come in to make sure that peace is established in africa and to make sure that the tre draughts are not so uh, interrupted. but of course, african nations i pick your leaders has been much more aware of them before i'm there is a popular kind of pick and it's not just in terms of governments in terms of active business, men and women of the country. and that's uh for the ship to the west and ministry and put a teacher influence in the contents to pull the weapons into you. quite a bit of the privacy by the on getting prime is as close that you took the time like that. so go into the store in products. civil i'm are,
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here's the deal. is that all c dot com? so head over there from the right to the news. yeah. 2024 will be the yeah. the quote liberal fascism is defeated. that's the message from the prime minister of the public of georgia, and he last out and pro western politicians in the country, accusing them of being funded from abroad. now this is off the, the you decided to suspend george's session to the blog earlier this week, following a locals thinking more transparency among phone funded and g as a prime is a, has insisted that georgia is on the right off. it is a b d that this liberal fascism is financed from abroad by doing organizations which is a crime against the georgia society. 2024 will be the year of the fee until the liberal fascism. liberal push them will be defeated in georgia. on october 26,
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25 should be the year of complete liberation of georgia society, georgia and state, georgia and politics from liberal, fascism. some comments that were made foreman active as the leader of and n g o and the course assess and they had made of this transparency new. now the georgia employment us just said the reason that this activist was teaching asked is because essentially he didn't want with a funding for his n g o was coming from to be and that's, and that's of course exactly what this transparency knew that was passed recently. by the georgian parliament does, it basically means that n g o who's i need to in the country if they receive a foreign source funding within 20 percent of their over budget. they have to declare that georgia says, this is incredibly important for transparency in the country. to know exactly where the funds are coming from and who obviously is trying to gain influence in the country. so he says, that's the reason why there was this criticism from this particular. and you know,
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we knew that this transparency, who has cost huge headaches to georgia, we so protests with tens of thousands of individuals going out to the streets in tbilisi when the parliament was passing. that move, we know that he is forced to. so i say saying it's on democratic, now let's be clear. this is a little that was passed by the georgian parliament and peace from georgia in parliament tour elected by the individuals of georgia. i'm not really sure how that is on the same aquatic. that is generally how most of most things work and how most schools in many countries across the west of also past it's the majority folks that gets it through. but just a couple of months ago we have the cro ring, the georgia had we the disease status, it could be installed the tube sweet suspension to become a member of the new in the next few years. and now what we've got is that you're saying that it's now on ice. in fact to you has said that it is freezing tens of
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millions of views that was supposed to be closing to june, just key sex dislike of wine making sense. the sector on the, on who cultural sector and as a result of that, that could have a huge impact in georgia. the, you says this law is just not compatible with candidates status. but we have seen that georgia is unhappy about what the was saying. in fact, the mayor of tbilisi hating out and saying he's country will not be oppressed for them. the government of georgia is unacceptable because we do not give anyone the opportunity to abuse the interest of georgia to be a 2nd front in the country to face the conflict and the trouble that unfortunately isn't ukraine. we will not give this opportunity to anyone willing just seeing the rushes for an intelligence service has also says that it has strong information suggests what the man was saying that regardless outside interference is true. and
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they suggest that actually washington is looking for some sort of regime change when children go to the poll in october of this year. so we'll see that space. and we know the us is very concerned about what's happening in georgia and really serious about those changes to its recently cancel, joins and military drills, pills being carried out since 2015 with george as a result of this. it's also sanction leading members of the georgia dream policy. this is leading party that sort of put that move for terms font seat to the parliament on the think. what's really interesting here is georgia has been pivoting for quite a while to move west. and now we're seeing at a time when it decides to pursue. so an agenda, things that it leads to best for its own country. it gets criticized and penalized by the west. so it'll be interesting to see whether or not pivot now up, the whole spot debate on the 11th of july is for the 1st time moms
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as the international day of subordinates. yeah, the side following a u. n. resolution. however, only most of the of the bowls and it will all recognize the sub se is western political populace see from wireless odds. you see. so any rewards today you moxie, anniversary of a 1995 masika of both me and muslims. is the right breaks a declared of genocide by the international court of justice in 2007. the events that took place however, remained controversial. with what exactly happened in the policy and i can place a designate to do and say zone still subject to debate. discrepancies the killings were. a climax of policy is 1992 to $95.00 war which came off to the breakup of yugoslavia onset both names subs again so countries. 2 of the main ethic populations quotes, unless impulse the x,
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the controversy flat out once again in may. whether you in general assembly adult to the resolution table by germany, either one to, to establish an annual day. to commemorate the massacre, serbia vehemently opposed to move. i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for bossing such a resolution. number one, this is kindly politicized resolution. and i will ask 3 questions, which we didn't hear the proper response from the main authors of this resolution, germany. why is this resolution being fast? number one, never speaking about individual legal liability mentioning month in the green amendments here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed. because speaking about individual legal liability, as it has already been done,
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it has already been delivered. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end and don't as box the funds in the 193 men. but general assembly reflected concerns over the impact on reconciliation efforts impulse me a with the resolution policy by a full, but it's to 19 with 60 i nation's up staying in 22 countries. skipped to meeting some reports at the because of the disputes. rushes on, passengers to the u. n. said that the extensions on no bucks together. total 87. more than the 80 full votes in favor. and bosco condemned the resolution of highly politicized on a threat to regional stability. germany, we stopped the 2 world wars in the 20th century. killed the millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated
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most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of sarajevo in 1995. that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture others about the importance of reconciliation. so one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing balls in the age of conflicts without regard for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 19 ninety's, when 100000 people died. this document is yet another responsible of towns by the west to rebuild history and seal the interpretation of the estimate conflict in former yugoslavia and relate to the events that sits their jet political interest behind the demagogue, humanitarian, the rhetoric, one can see a clear intention to place all responsibility for the yugoslavia conflict on this being people thereby punishing them for their for his thinking independence and refusal to bantam, nate as old as western powers went to great lengths to demonize,
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the ignoring massacres. committed by other politics of the conflicts, of course, war crimes committed by nights, a forces in many ways the nato intervention of bombing time. payne was a testing ground for iraq and other future was a button to those necessary on humanitarian grounds. and now the west is accused once more of starting regional, i'm really just tensions. i think 6 was the controller with the polk ans see this is that that means the goal is simple. to demonize this phillips, which is a project of the united states and the main west and forces, primarily great britain in germany. the goal is to permanently disqualify the sub infected so that they can feel free to control the bulk in the territory of the former yugoslavia and integrate the entire region into 92. and the sense is not only batch, but also that it creates a huge tension between muslims. and also looks very goal is to divide and conquer.
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but these great serious problems divides the population and these, but tyler ground. suppose civil terrorism has happened recently and build rage young muslims, especially will have is origin carly's in business at the time bone, especially as jip political tensions grow in europe. and here a portion of blinding to just one side. however, with something specifically rolled out by the special try, do you know, as part of reconciliation efforts, collective guilt was to be avoided with the individual was tried in charge instead of maybe what some of the, from the very beginning of the way the western media to different thing to full see, present the suffering of the subs that is to hide the situation with the serbian victims. we know how much the western world has been involved in the war in the former yugoslavia. we noted that they are responsible for the collapse of before me . you can solve you, and that is why they doing everything to minimize all casual. the site is on the
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other hand, they put muslim victims above ours. a serbian people suffocate too. so no matter how hard it is for someone to admit that they must admit that 3267. so it's, we killed here in poker, in the 8th. and this is a fact of what a number of individuals subs have been held accountable for the ever legs rolled in this rep, bernice of mastic, uh, it is disproportionate compared to a master cuz committed by all the policy. so the conflict, despite tens of thousands of best on all sides of the lock of acknowledgement on accountability efforts continue to be made to old reconciliation. something that the un resolution undermines that goes under the do. i want to express my condolences to all the victims, and i want to say that for me, the death of any person is equally tragic. be a bosnian muslim service orthodox cro at catholic jupiter or anyone else. and in this regard, republic a search, scott does not protect those who committed crimes. what remain certain is that the
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serbian victims were treated very very poorly and that there is no record of the case of any high ranking official being responsible for crimes the conserves that led to the test of 30 $4000.00 civilians and soldiers and republicans service got in the war in bosnia and herzegovina, clearly the events surrounding separate so remain controversial, a wound as taking time to heal, of which serbia has already apologized. i apologize for the crimes committed by any individual in the name of our state and our people. many have said that the only motive for the resolution was to stigmatize the serbian people while the author of an independent report cost out on the official negative. in the case of serving each uh, it was a crime, not the genocide because the women and children could go could leave the place. this is not genocide. when you say genocide, you mean the whole population. every woman, every man, every grandfather has your mother. every i'm comes and every aunt and every baby,
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new born baby. and this is not the case and there was no intention to wipe out on the bus next. when the word no, this has nothing to do something more. this was in the middle of the war. timing, as i say, is everything coming as the west continues to pressure. so it'd be over its relations with russia, ignoring so massacres, while recognizing others for political reasons. shows that many of those lining up to month to separating so massacre a simply crying crocodile tears. no tears, of course, all shed for the victims of nature. that was the serbs, libyans, rockies, syrians, off guns killed. i'll simply collateral damage as the west 6 to click on the global hegemony quarter. so i'll send this out and to the applicant, come to the end 10 years president has this is niddy. it's in tie, a cabinet and the attorney general off the wing. so i'm to government protests. i
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have to be in line with the power was given to me by article 15211525. be all the constitutional non sections. $113.00 sections of all the of these, of that 30 generals decided to dismiss with immediate effect on the coming at 6. that is the general all the public off. can you hold the company? can only 10 years deputy president on for me this have been invested in the posts. the new tablet will be named off the extensive consultations across all sizes until then the phase of the benefits will be coordinated by principal secretaries. there's a reason of the cabinet and comes and they find that. so was it in front of the week? so i think that will be on rest of food. on june, the 18th, the plan tank sites,
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which were intended to pay off huge debts to the washington based. i am at this white present router. the decision to scrap a contribution finance bill was the citizens continued with put this is calling for route. so to resign, we heard from the, hey, mia, excuse me to be non need. he's an economics on for the alice. i've left team consultants services that he said there was nothing unusual in the president's decision as the people okay, new, want the cabinet to be accountable to then roll the sense of phone financial institutions. it has not done by someplace. we expect that this will happen. the same thing is that it's to indicate shows also well being sort of last week. remember solutions on the product as the top in the making, the country and population. i'm trying to help see that easy enough to see. now we do more, the one piece print on volt institutions. i am
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a lot of the boss to be in for see some of it, at least the countries. so the cbs function, you do like indication that the people, okay. yeah, and that's a couple of up my thought how come of age and the se wants to run the government. because you see the kind of government to build a company that has been that funded. it was created as a result of go. so the place for my a man for them us see him, but you can you and to be saving under the people what be protesting. i've been saying, no, we would want to be that accountable to us, not accountable. i am old nor well. i knew this was the reason why we didn't in the finance be, which was be doing an adult. you mean or to say it from i am is well that's a little from me for the day. and the wife is going to have a company here on, on the inside. so my colleague mark, i'm going to leave with you that some of the out.


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