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tv   News  RT  July 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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or the, the now i want to hand it over to the president, ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination page. i'm a president no font center. his name is that jo, biotin fumbles on both sides. and the wise guy i was using the 2 legs, this is the can wrapping up the name of the summit in washington. the blog meeting wraps up with yet another image. fire seemed blond, i be the best of positive spin on the situation, insisting that joe biden are still firing on all cylinders upstairs, present part, and let through and talk to some incredible achievement. office counselor, and i think he deserves credit for the inexperienced man because he is undoubtedly
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one of those around the table who has the greatest depth of field on these international issues. i consider the entire ukraine war to be 100 percent before the united states. they have no business there today and they've, they've got to stop sticking their nose in all these countries around the world and the american vote in san now and rough estimate items to us, but escalating the cleaning and conflict to the brakes. also, we take it for granted from the indian side towards america all side a lot of times since i was trying to help this relationship ahead. washington certainly is a mixed message saying it's ready for a defensive bye to the cheapest relations with india. from the hales of november, bodies move in grace and from the fulton most every day we saw fear in the face, the threat of death. i could hear the screams from distant sections,
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a pass in prison, i think so. i'll see about the rivet conditions and is a prisoner's eyes, dozens of gauze and ripples. they've been killed in mid town to allegations the life of law into that still new sense in moscow. this is see welcome to the global new. the turbine is back to his usual self, i'm that is not helping his elect tauriel. charles is one beds as an 8th. as some it wrapped top in washington, dc. he took to the podium, seemingly full of bravado before going off scripts and welcoming president punched in to around to the pools militants. now i want to hand it over to the president, ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination page. i'm a president,
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he's a big president, food present list. i'm so focused on being food and we gotta worry about it anyway . you know, they say they say it's not. it's not what you say when you make a mistake. it's how you recover who mind but, and this poor guy, he's not recovering at all these days before we talk about dry buy. and then we will get that. it was, he was wrapping up the nato summit and washington with a bit of a speech right back. can you give us any of the developments that came out of the nato summit? so for nato, their whole mission is to protect peace and to protect the rules based international order. and i suppose with that comes fuel in the conflict in ukraine . even further nato allies have come to the conclusion that long term assistance and support to your plan is necessary. and they've also announced the pledge of long term security assistance to ukraine with a minimum baseline of $40000000000.00 euros within the next year, as well as of course, providing them with f. 16 fighter jets as amc cheese. and we have picture of air
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defense systems list really goes on. now on top of that, a total of $25.00 last bilateral security agreements were signed with ukraine and nato secretary general salton barracks says that ukraine is on a, quote, an irreversible pat to join nato. he said that they should continue a striking and military targets even on the territory of russia. let's take listen, nay. dollars other are to help and ok. you can start those also friends without the coming part the, to the conflict. on the right to self defense banks use also the right to strike a legitimate the military targets on the territory of the aggressor. russia well known, surprised lots of support from mary and that yet installed them. but is there any one showing signalling any opposition to this? of course not everybody feels the same. we have the slovak in private, as earl birth fits. so who has been very vocal about the fact that he said he would
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never allow ukraine to join nato. and that is because it would be a very dangerous decision on who the spring in a should keep with me. are for peters publicly. i don't know how many times that the smear party and it's on voice within the national parliament of the republic of slovakia will not agree to frames membership in nato. i understand you create a desire. it is a sovereign country, but the membership of ukraine and nato is only a guarantee of a 3rd world war who that is. so the way we feel pretty safe to say the, you know, think order button is in the same group as, as feed. so from stuff accurate but also at least on the futures from so be that they will be unable on pro peace and they've been out cost by brussels because they have pro pity somebody that okay, that's addressed to abide and right now and, and his latest gas i mean, look, you know, when you look at joe biden, the wheel is spinning, but the hamster is dead. i mean, do you think you support a base is folding a pot right now? 5 in misspoke,
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on several occasions. and uh and then natal press conference. this was, this was not the 1st time of course. and as we know, he is complaining at to be a president for another term against donald trump. but he's on popularity is growing as he continues to lose track of things for military's work. i'm following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my wife, the chief of staff military as well as the security defense intern tells us i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. so start there, there's no way you can with me i've taken 3 or significant chance neurological exams. no, i'm fine, nurse or finality. just because they say i'm good shape. okay. it's pretty clear
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that a lot of items team, they want him gone, but it seems foreign leaders haven't received that in a memo yet, but they will. can you tell me about how the foreign leaders are reacting to by the end of the nato summit? of course, it does not really matter to them whether biden is older, mentally or not, because it seems like the leaders of his allies, countries are essentially white wash in his behavior. they still think that joe biden, uh, so got it all listed, listen present part and let through all of that and talk to is an incredible achievement of this counselor and i think he does us credit for that. a place you don't get those that fail showers. what i saw as always was the president who is in the business in precise charge of the issues. he knows well inexperienced man. because he is undoubtedly one of those around the table. who has the greatest depth of field on these international issues? this one that this model. so that's what it has come to. so far we have a president of the country with nuclear capabilities that has no capabilities of
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where we're thinking or decision making at least officially a but the very much a way to 2020 for presidential a u. s. presidential elections are coming up and in case he does not get re elected, i think things to change very drastically in the national arena. so we would, it would be interesting to see what will come out of that to wow, that was why i called a voice to say earlier now with less than 4 months ago before the us presidential election. joe biden is failing to convince his base, but he's the best to lead the nation for another 4 years. now. according to a recent poll, 52 percent of american voters believe that others are making decisions full and behind the scenes that we've discussed, the democratic leadership with pool show host steve osborne. it was pathetic and people think the media let's you think that oh, we gotta wait for the this is george. i press conference for him. really worse. i
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mean, every time now he opens his mouth. it's do or die. now did it, this is the pre determined. he said today at the press conference where he said that if they asked him, if he would drop out, he said, unless they tell me there's no way you can win. now that's different then saying, i'm not going anywhere. if they tell them much in they being his staff, maybe his family and he says he doesn't believe polls. all the polls show basically that there's really not a good shot for him to win. so you left the door open, i believe in his press conference, a lot of times get as asked why the written sort or bottom has met with donald trump at his florida, the home following. then they says somebody in washington, the home guardian problem is a brendan, his trip piece mission, 5 point now or one posted on his ex account to the pad, discussing ways to make peace. i limit trump will find the solution. it says,
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falls meeting in 2 weeks on has some type of piece vision coming often fit with the plane, russia and china. you are being leaders have opened the condemned or binds tor saying he will. he, while he holds the presidency on these for adults abroad, that he's only by himself and not the block of nations. and is relationship with the us in the put them as, as of being, but a coughing tell you for going to that. but sentiment is, according to americans, i'm boss of it to india. eric guns said see, which comes on the hills of indian prime is in the remote, is visit to russia. it's important for us as americans, as indians to remember, the more we put into this relationship, the more we will get out. so the more we insist on kind of cynical calculation,
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right, in the inner place of trust in relationship, the less we will get. but as i also remind my indian friends while it is wide and it is deeper than it's ever bent, it is not yet deep enough. that if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america, outside a lot of defense, some titles trying to help this relationship ahead to see in the being much cheaper to what eric, gar, safety b u. as in basel door to new delhi, i've had to say because this kind of a reaction from the west and lead, the sort of for reaction from the western press has been on the expected lines, the sort of meltdown that we've seen in the west and fast as far as the wizard of the indian prime minister to russia is concerned now simply because the timing of the particular was it 91 leader is what can meaning in washington dc. even need to need those for the diesel summit. perhaps they wanted those features to be dominant for the for chose that's really what dominant were pictures of the prime
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minister of the was largest democracy. how getting this within? well, mr. within mr. moore, the, at the, at the president saw a doc chart here in, in law school. well, both the leaders feeding classes. so the, the significance your role, these speeches is immense. and you can truly don't believe that. and that's what he saw. so doing that sound like we've also heard from the ukranian president using a harsh words for india and sort of the us space deposit. look, we've made clear back to every country in the world, including the india that have bet on russia as a long term reliable partner is not a good. and that's especially true in our view for india. now when you talk about moody and food and having what was a very warm embrace and i think it was more than one the reaction in europe. but particularly in america, what was one of i'm good they, they, they almost resented moody coming to most good to meet with proved what, why,
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why do you think that sentiment was india? which is why there's no getting away from the timing of this particular wasn't what we've been given to understand. and what parts of suggesting is they would also specials in the near to change the timing of this when somebody that mister moody was here for. and in fact, this has been a tradition, the annual summit between new daily and most school for what, while from 2000 october, 2000. and this summer just happened after 3 years has been a bit of an ice, given the fact that that was a go with dynamic and then the war. but anyway, this was, it was extremely significant given the timing here. and interestingly, when the, the western leaders were trying to send out a message that rushes isolated, we sauntered into moody, standing shoulder to shoulder with the, with the president. but also to me on the line your, that relationship between india and the west. in the past few months have been somewhat strange given the fact tom, especially with the issue of the call to sony separate, is who into in canada,
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who's opening, leaving, threatening india and do need or should. so this was, it also needs to be looked at from that perspective was what india giving a message out. and so this is your messaging, your perhaps not the messaging. that's the leaders in the world. the rest of the countries warranty? yeah, it was, it was almost, i mean perhaps maybe i'm overshooting a but that i think that was almost a sense of jealousy coming out of washington. you know, to the staging this big nato summit just wrapped up, but they wanted moody to be in washington not to be in moscow hugging fruits in and at the end of the day you were the, in the kremlin, in the hallowed halls of the kremlin. you are right, i was putting in body. you are part of us, special coverage for the injury appointment is just visit here to india. i mean, let me ask you to engine. how did it go? i would say it was a successfully what it was. i mean, if, if you remember before prime minister during the movie left from law school to rhianna, he was in fact awarded um, uh, and the one which in fact um,
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is the highest aid award in russia. uh, some of the tradition has been some 300 years ago. so the fact remains that this has been resolved or special with it. there's no denying that, um, what's the very fact that india and russia, they've now signed an agreement? do you all to sort of take the freed up to a $100000000000.00? let me point out to you all that why the relationship between your daddy in most school has always been warm, has always been very strong and sony. but it's been more of a political relationship that we've seen over the decade spot off to the one you queen started on the subsequent sanctions. we've seen the trade go off the oil that india has been consuming the, the influence they've gone up what some 20 times higher than what you've seen before, the conflict and you clean up started. so in fact, the tree, it has been about $10000000000.00 from some $10000000.00 to now we're talking about
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a $100000000000.00. so this really was a successful with it in that sense. but also mr. moody here on also something this sort of ties with the with law school, it's hard to get when indians hear the word, russia, the 1st words that come to their minds or india is companion in happiness. and then soto, we start with a full, my indian, i'm positive, i'm calling some general mind just to confirm the united states was deeply concerned about motives visit to russia. there is no doubt that this visit to the show was very, very important in strengthening the stalls down in good and gosh, or she has a small machine, especially for the, the, with the use the understand each other to a large extent or many issues. now st. how's it going?
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important as paper one to talk it's it $400000000000.00 is it's an engine. i think we can reach this. but at the same time, in the nation to put a trade in balance is typically not in favor of india. and how is the u. s. looking at this, i think the details on this side there will be not to do because it just, you know, the timing that the need to some extent took it as a, as a direct to sort of some messages. i don't think there was any messaging on your side. that's what i believe. i believe this should. you weren't in touch with you to continue to read at this point of time and the muted so much was on the same time, but i don't think, i don't think it might do that. there was any messages talking to an abuse. that's how i form a past the imprisonment and i said, i want tommy well, who was charged for recruiting a suicide bomber this my life and i'm is ready. prison,
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arrested at the age of 15. he's when turn decades of his life behind bars. here were cold, the conditions the prisoner survived in some way. some even ended up paying the ultimate price. imagine an unarmed person entering a jungle full of wild animals. where would he hide? every day? we still fear the face, the threat of death, especially when the prison unit known as kit tear came in, armed with weapons and baton, speeding us brutally. i could hear the screams from distant sections, each one of us waited for our turn, knowing it would come. we were hungry all the time. we almost forgot about our families thinking only about hunger, cold, and thirst. of course it was very difficult for us to get to the clinic. it took a lot of talking to get to the clinic. naturally, a sick person should be treated differently with no, they would put shackles on our hands and feet,
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and our hands would be above our heads. they would take us down, down, down, sorry for this expression. dragging us like an animal to the clinic. that's how they treated us with insults and purses telling you that your a cyber tour that you don't deserve treatment. you deserve to die. many people fell in the bathrooms, many selling the showers fainting. and after an hour or 2, they were to honor us with their presence to check on the fated person to see what was wrong. many prisoners died inside the prison, due to medical neglect. there was a norm, a suffering inside the prison. when i was released, my family couldn't recognize me. my family was waiting for nicer to be released. the guy started saying the prisoner nasser just got out. they walked in next to me and didn't even recognize me. i started calling out to them, telling them i'm nicer. what i looked completely different. my health,
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my hair and beard had all changed. i weighed only 51 kilograms. when i was released . my hair was a big mess. my beard was very long. so when my family and friends walked past me, they didn't recognize me until i called out to them. they recognize me by my voice and came to me and hugged me with tears. look, one into who was at least 36 prisoners have been told could to death. why as well since the middle of gauze is al steve hoffman's the director, who was recently released, describe how talented in prison is a subjected to abuse and human nation on a daily basis. now since the 7th of october is where the national security minutes, the bang give there have taken his confused penitentiary system on the personal guidance earlier, he came out in favor of the death penalty to be legalized to resolve what he called the overcrowding in prison is isabel has denied the allegations of total job,
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but the form of detainees betray a different picture. let me tell you something. ben clears policy was to take these decisions even before these events, on water, on food, all the details that you implemented against us after the war. vandevere intended to do them. but the government politically rejected his decision. you need to know that this policy exists, world wide accept, there are some restrictions. but with the onset of the war, he got the green light to do whatever he wanted against us. of course, the most effected was negative prison visited by ben beer, who posted about it. we heard about it from the prisoner's post and so on. i don't know why, but generally ben clear wanted all the prisons. but it seems negative prison had a special significance according to let's say,
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the relationships between them. surely the prison director had a very close relationship with ben v are. these details were completely unknown to us because we had no contact. now let's take a look at the numbers of policy as tents in is very prisoners, according to report over 9000 past students have been detained with one and 3 help with the charge. or while i mean, well, according to the human rights association, 200 are on the 18, was almost a 100. no, a women so hard for us is the director general past in human rights wisdom told us that no matter. so this. so there was the of the charges. everyone must be treated according to the law. of course, not like him, the pull that they comment could all lines deserves to be trailed in the fair trial procedures and into dissolved any and minimum dignity and standards.
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there are standards and then donors in 11 to guarantee the lights and the dignity of the prisoners and the relevant to what they committed. and is it all and as a stage would be bullied by these fluids and standards. the conditions are hardly better and to be honest in bold with the prisons and all of the detention facilities, the over crowded list of the cells and the ones. most of the people sleeping on the ground there is to magic policy all started ration cutting goals. the electricity, the guards confiscated over the clones and the property, all the detainees, they're attacking their cells and beating them, accompanied with dogs on daily basis of it all the boys a day. and 5 children have been a wounded along with 25 other civilians. as you play and i've tried the russian border region of belgrade again,
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now that's according to the regional government. it stated that the strike hit a playground in the town of shed. becky, though, on 2 of the children are in a serious condition and wants to be and has been killed local revolt to say the attack munitions were dropped from directly overhead by a ukrainian baba had we drone. seen here in archive footage, the russian officials have condemned it as an active tara, which is making must go increase is offensive efforts to create a buffers on for its boulder regions. a tax on a. so that is like least the headlines of both the west of us who are flooded with pro ukrainian use. but normally, gold, the a who's an american volunteer in russia has his eyes wide open to all of it that he spoke about. the method rolled in, escalating the confidence in an interview to audience what i've got the now will be
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showing the full version throughout the day, but for now it all the highlights. my feelings have gotten stronger, especially as the united states. it continues to escalate its involvement in ukraine. i think that the united states and the other western countries continue while the specialty of the other western countries just do with the united states. says, you know, so i consider that the entire ukraine war to be 100 percent, the fault of the united states. and when things like what happened the other day and uh, some basketball happen. it just, it just makes me even angrier actually because i consider i consider what happened . and so they asked for a direct attack of the united states against russia. we were actually on, on the receiving end, but seems to have some, uh, a high mazda nissan,
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impacted about 70 this way. the hotel we, we was staying at almost flattened the flu. so people being that and there was no ministry there's, there's no one in the unit for me with a gun in, in the hotel at the top. so suddenly i know i'm pleasant experience, but you want to go to the new. that's correct. i've been there before, right? i possibly could go back again as just an observer. and what would you do? so we would you blog. oh, feel uh probably i thought about going back in just doing volunteer work there's. there's a lot of volunteer work that needs to be done. what about as a volunteer you you for the on the all that i also considered in fact i did submit my application to join the russian army. then she responds, i haven't. no, i haven't heard back from you was 63. yeah, that's the test. i mean, you've kept good the tip to. yeah, that's, that's one of the big problems. yeah, the problem is i don't speak russian very well. so yeah,
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i don't know if they'll call me, but i, i thought that i could be of some use to them. i mean i, i can certainly drive a truck. i can't say i, i would look forward to being on the front lines. i don't think anybody is right in mind. we look forward to having that experience. right. but if i'm called on to do it, i'll do it. and especially, especially in the united states of the west, gets involved directly. how do you feel, knowing that the united states government has sent americans to die and the cut on feel? how would you feel? i feel angry. i would feel angry. i feel angry now. i would feel even more angry then. because like i said, they do not belong there. they've got enough problems in their home country. they've spent how many trillions on these wars in the last 30 years. what could they have done with that money? it's money. they don't have by the way, they have to print it. so they're stealing from their kids. this money that they're printing,
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that they could have done. who knows what with with high speed rails and solar panels on every roof, they could have done this whole green new deal. they could have put in free health care for everybody. but instead, what does the united states do? the united states goes around the world, destroying people and killing things. that's what they do. there's one thing that i hope, by the end of my career, i will have conveyed the people it is how terrible, how terrible will, is as it is. yeah. but that may put them on to ease of the last resort, right. the last resort. busy every effort must be made. every effort must be made to avoid coming to what we have come to. do you have any optimism that that will be in a way, can mean that, you know, people will come to the senses of the west and decide that, you know, it is better to agree. it is better to negotiate to come to a mutual settlements even if it doesn't involve compromises on both sides. i'm not
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optimistic. yeah, and i'm sorry, i'm not optimistic about it. i. i have a feeling that it's the only way it's ever going to stop is if is if they actually feel some pain, one way or another. so it's unfortunately, i think the way things are going help i'm wrong, but i think this is going to escalate into a much wider war. well, around how this is how i the what is good. tell your company that's here on all the international doris impact is up. next, we'll be back in about 30 minutes. the thousands of years humans have been working to the star searching for answers here and is the, are the scientists continue that tradition? getting information from galaxies far far away and hopes that humanity might
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survive in the future. not in his head of a special astrophysical observatory, home to various telescopes, which we were in for an interest in to the hey, everybody out there. i'm rick sanchez. so good to see you. this is direct impact on this is what we're going to be talking about. what to foreign leaders or allies. think of president biting right now. and they don't think he can serve another for years. yeah. and it gets worse. that's pretty much a bind report card right now from the nato summit. it isn't good, especially after another bizarre gaff. i'm rick sanchez, get ready for a direct impact. let's do it. the .


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