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tv   News  RT  July 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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of the the hunters, and you'll see people, so 1414, what kind of intellect road process is behind use kind of are hectic. the a different, a mazda is quite, wow, does not go out playing the blog in that, but that piece that people on the pump didn't need to be pulled reprogrammed also. and if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america outside a lot of defense and saddles, trying to help this relationship ahead was they didn't send a mixed message saying, do i need for a defensive bite to keep it? do relations with india off the prime minister in the movies and grace, and i put it in last book. every day we felt fear and faced the threat of
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death. i could hear the screams from distant sections, a policy and present those things to all to you about the risk. think conditions and his re dials and dozens of golf. those have report a need to, to just probably do the last thing from moscow. every hour of the day. this is all the i'm running to bobby, we are headlines. so is this fine? so bio field is not just about times i'm guns, but it's about a war on people's minds that don't follow the lesson narrative. i'm africans are in the cross as possible into the top. the mountain does a bureau who evidently caught wrap his head around why anyone would support russia . you see when you go to someone's natalie con countries and you'll
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see people supporting voting supporting what put the news doing don't pass saying putting has saved on bus. now for you would have come to offer a gun, save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind this kind of the active duty. while a lot of people invading the networks, a lot of people, the same media lies a lot of people go to nice in their mind to do those elders. then how do you resist against that? you need that different kind of army. you need people are watching the networks you need, people explaining seems the way the con, the programming, the you for the policy chief, joseph role has really once again made an arrow going to college, should use africans that support russia. and this is for present purchasing that i think in countries a lot, i can people that support a show did not know that i'm putting a waiting done. but is it okay to do is basically is something i was supporting
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present, which is reducing that the on to the, to the, into just doing that just for some strange reason. the year is still surprised that the african states are completely, i'm willing to take. the waste is called is a very releases with the box. so is that not a single applicant template has been put sanctions on russia even spoke against russia and that's just 5 crystal from the. ringback and that's on his own for 3 c, e, u and speed is the been speaking pieces. this is a prime example. even just recently, we saw body, we did, but you know, the, the thing that it's a waste, it continues to, to arrive as a couple of sources. this isn't pretty obvious. nope, that's one of those imperialists consider that we belong to them. and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states to africa. our continent that suffered so
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much because of the perio is this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations to ask because i certainly open to deepening relations. the nation as it can be, does have made it clear that that whole lot comes at the expense of, of getting time to address. yes, this is the realities that you did that to you, hopeless. postuma fully realized that and see the luxury and i the time, which is why most people continue to have an advantage over the waste. and i think that unless you have this in itself as a new quote and then i might not just a combined feeling puts in touch to the school. the point is that this is so called golden 1000000000, has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been explaining that in america, and they've been exploding the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these
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countries, although it is very important for the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening. they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in western. at least, they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the vampire ball is ending you as long as it's reputation enough for got the exodus you're seeing in this house who's that as well. and rather than behaving in a humble manda to actually try, continues to, you know, come to see the met, nobody meeting, come and see that ethics. and i'm not sure why that bossy not to understand the fates. this is a relationship with
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a u. s. is the pause on this as a bin buddy comp being taken for the invite sentiment is a quote into america's on boss. so that's india. eric got a city which comes on the hills of indian primus, and they're in the moodies visit to russia. it's important for us as americans, as indians to remember, the more we put into this relationship, the more we will get out, the more we instance on kind of cynical calculation in a place of trust in the relationship, the less we will get. but as i also remind my indian friends while it is wide and it is deeper than it's ever bent, it is not yet deep enough. that if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america, outside a lot of defense, some titles trying to help this relationship ahead. i don't see in the being much he to what aaron, gar, safety be with him by the door to new denny. i've had to say because this kind of a reaction from the west and lead or the sort of 40 action from the west and press,
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has been on the expected lines, the sort of meltdown that we've seen in the west. and for us, as far as the wizard of the indian prime minister to russia is concerned now simply because the timing of the particular was it 9 of july. when the leaders what can meaning in washington dc, even need to need those for the nato summit. perhaps they wanted those features to be dominant for the foot shows. that's really what dominant were pictures of the prime minister of the was largest democracy hawking. mister within. well mister with it and assemble the as the president saw a dot chart here in law school. well, both the leaders reading classes, so the, the significance your role these speeches isn't meant as a new country don't play that. and that's what he saw. so during that sound, like we've also heard from the ukranian president, using
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a harsh words for india and sort of the us space a positive. we've made clear back to every country in the world, including the india that have fed on russia as a long term reliable partner is not. and that's especially true in our view for india, when you talk about moody and food and having what was a very warm embrace. and i think it was more than one the reaction in europe. but particularly in america, what was one of, i'm god they, they, they always resented moody coming to moscow to me would put it, well, why, why do you think that sentiment was in the air of the don't getting away from the timing of this particular wasn't what we've been given to understand and what for thought. so suggesting is that they would also specials in india to change the timing of this when somebody that mr. moody was here for. and in fact, this has been a tradition, the annual stomach between new delhi and most school for what, while from 2000 october 2000. and this summer, it has happened after 3 years, has been a bit of an ais given the fact that that was a go with dynamic and then the war. but any way this was,
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it was extremely significant given the timing here. and interestingly, when the, the western leaders were trying to send out a message that rushes isolated, we saw under the new movie, standing shoulder to shoulder with the, with the president. part of it, when indians hear the word, russia, the 1st words that come to their minds or india is companion in happiness. and then soto me on the line. your that relationship with reading in the west, in the past few months have been somewhat strange given the fact tom, especially with the issue of the call us on a separate as who into, in canada, who's open or leaving threatening india and do need or should. so this was, it also needs to be looked at from that perspective with india, giving a message out. so this is your messaging, your perhaps not the messaging. that's bill leaders in the world. the rest of the
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countries warranty? yeah, there was, there was almost, i mean that perhaps maybe i'm over shooting a, but that i think that was almost a sense of jealousy coming out of washington. you know, to the staging this big nato summit just wrapped up, but they wanted moody to be in washington not to be in moscow hugging fruits in and at the end of the day, you with that in the kremlin, in the hallowed halls of the kremlin. you are right, i was putting in body. you are part of us, special coverage for the injury appointment is just visit here to india. i mean, let me ask you to engine. how did it go? i would say it was a successful one. let me point out to you all that while the relationship between new deleon, our school has always been warm, has always been very strong and solid. but it's been more of a political relationship that we've seen more the decade spot after the war. new queen started on the subsequent sanctions. we've seen the trade go off the oil that india has been consuming the, the influence they've gone up what some 20 times higher than what you've seen before. the conflict a new queen had started. so in fact, the tree,
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it has been about $10000000000.00 from some $10000000.00 to now we're talking about a $100000000000.00. so this really was a successful with it. in that sense get pilots new defense policy didn't. now says china as a major challenge for some files, but beijing says it has historically been on a pulse of peaceful development. i like to go here to the defense of japan. 2024 white paper gravely interferes in china's internal affairs. hypes up to china, threatened narrative, over and over again. and stokes tensions in the region we deploy and reject this. china is committed to the path of peaceful developments and the defense policy that is defensive in nature. with japan, bear serious historical responsibilities for china, for its aggression and colonial law. over taiwan, it's in no position to point it's fingers at the taiwan question for the gun to
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devise the policy names. china, as is great, says so to challenge in the asia pacific region that is as defined as west and the allies of with escalating the simple for tile on surfaces move with despite beijing considering that i'm going to be an inherent part of the country of china. as well as i'll discuss this further with the executive de though the told me i interest you a plan, so it's a for a financial studies. so why going, why does life look for joining us here today? on off season, i shall always good to see. so, i mean, how different is japan's new defense policy from the previous why? why is that? but china, russia and north korea seem to be the only supposed threats that tokyo really cares about a well, i think this, he has a pens and use his best policy. it has to become more americanized just because of
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we all know the answer to a parent is not to of, to stop into country. and it's been trying to find policies are many people need to find a united states and the threat of egypt pass along to view. it's actually sorta could you tell me is up at 3 of the facts and we'll find america strategies that kind of place they got. it states the time the and oscar add a stress and these will reviews are respected. that typically these are the bands of wind up paying per so even worse, depending is more natural, a natural uh might be that in the united states, unable to see the future of the load of development and electing the strategy to be equal single, future independent. so i think this is a very bad, a very good rule and better cannibal. yeah. same. so this is so the, the, uh, it seems like there's one rule for one another rule for another. this is, china,
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is a kid by the west of conducting ministry exercises and threatening regional stability box at the same time, chip time along with the u. s. and all of the asian nations are also conducting joint drills. and the reason why us some emergency exercise is seen as a piece as, as peaceful. well, all those are threats, as well as think of the outline. everyone knows that the united states having to be called idol wold, up the gift of troublemakers and a threat to a piece of the world. we all know that in a more than a 13, he is a senior at the end of the cold war. the united states has landed a walk in the rack of war after and he's come watch the war and beat a lot of the regional fridays and the can that pay the sold itself immediately excited to ease the ether about the poverty level. but the, the united states has that these calls he come to the all and open the disguise these that you felt as a defender of peace. so in fact, i think the, the uh, like,
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worked in japan is also designed to the world news, nbc, we need to constantly expose these lies. yes, it's uh, those lies indeed, you know, when the japanese defense policy for those into suppose challenges that the current world order is facing. what is china stalls on the emerging multi lateral world order and how, how the baby genes and to fewer divisions differ. i think this so called the challenges facing the world on it in japan. i think the uh uh elisha, initially its uh the car opened up. right. cuz the germany because uh the world is no longer dominated state. and the japan naturally fuse
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a fearful never is an ad and tidy and china views. now, we all know done multi lateral reasoning and an s phone call for asian as well as a piece in the bathroom and a scratch just like add so many as we can make it larger by china in the past, at that date such as the bell load initiated the global, the rapids, and i'm calling today to pair depend less annual or regional strategy to be sure, as the japan, it's a vessel up there in the united states. a why you are trying to cause you to a common future of all mankind, which is why we use the host and the future. so all flat, most of the country, so you know what? well, so i indeed has always, uh, talked about peace and growth. and a quality, but so i know recently it's used the nato of maintaining a, quote, coal roman i would see. and i deal with decal prejudice. once you'll take on
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this. yeah, i think uh, indeed the navy toll itself, it's a product of the cool. but now we all know the cold war has emptied, and they told a has no the chicken messy to exist. so that's why over the past the surgery, yes, nato has a cold team use a created a so called a x to no flash to main, paying the mississippi or the legal existence, the what in a past legal, open the, the god, the, the rest, your as a banjo or as a stretch, but now natal has put china on its agenda. i think this is a typical code mentality. and in order to i use ideological bars to so i think now or developing countries know the needle, is that trouble? me kind of full load a piece and it should
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a need to wash its withdrawal from the state shopping history. it shouldn't, indeed, it should. indeed, i may say native is a defensive organization and well, we'll see how that plan finds out what i believe it. that why when executive dean of the show, new york institute for the financial studies. so thank you again for your time. thank you. talk to and abuse. lots file, a form of policy, imprison up the said i want to on a who's to us for recruiting a suicide boma describe life in i'm is waiting for is arrested at the age of 15. he said 2 decades of his life behind the boss, he wrinkled the conditions the prisoner survived. in last some ended up paying the ultimate price. i imagine that on the arms person entering a jungle full of wild animals, where would he hide every day?
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we still fear the face, the threat of death, especially when the prison unit known as could terror came in, armed with weapons and baton, speeding us brutally. i could hear the screams from distant sections. each one of us waited for our turn, knowing it would come. we were hungry all the time. we almost forgot about our families thinking only about hunger, cold, and thirst. of course it was very difficult for us to get to the clinic. it took a lot of talking to get to the clinic. naturally, a sick person should be treated differently with no, they would put shackles on our hands and feet and our hands would be above our heads. they would take us down, down, down, sorry for this expression. dragging us like an animal to the clinic. that's how they treated us with insults in purchases, telling you that you're a cyber tour that you don't deserve treatment. you deserve to die. many people fell in the bathrooms, many selling the showers fainting. and after an hour or 2,
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they would honor us with their presence to check on the fated person to see what was wrong. many prisoners died inside the prison due to medical neglect. there was a norm is suffering inside the prison. when i was released, my family couldn't recognize me. my family was waiting for nicer to be released. the guy started saying the prisoner nasser just got out. they walked in next to me and didn't even recognize me. i started calling out to them, telling them i'm nicer. but i looked completely different. my health, my hair and beard had all changed. i weighed only 51 kilograms. when i was released . my hair was a big mess. my beard was very long. so when my family and friends walked past me, they didn't recognize me until i called out to them. they recognize me by my voice and came to me and hugged me with tears. look of what is there a pause,
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at least 36 prisons have been tortured to death by as well since on the meanwhile garza's, i'll faithful house and field director who was recently released describe how tell us to be imprisoned as a subject to tend to abuse i've seen mediation on a daily basis since the some of the above is rarely national security mess have been give there have taken his countries penitentiary system on the puzzle guy. this idea came out in favor of the death penalty to be legalized as a result of what he calls the overcrowding in prisons is though, has denied allegations of po job, but the form of the chinese betray a very different picture. a. let me tell you something. then here's policy was to take these decisions even before these offense, on water, on food, all the details that you implemented against us after the war. vandevere intended
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to do them. but the government politically rejected his decision. you need to know that this policy exists, world wide accept, there are some restrictions. but with the onset of the war, he got the green light to do whatever he wanted against us. of course, the most effected was negative prison visited by ben beer, who posted about it. we heard about it from the prisoners, from post and so on. i don't know why, but generally ben viewer wanted all the prisons, but it seems negative prison had a special significance, according to, let's say, the relationships between them. surely the prison director had a very close relationship with ben v are. these details were completely unknown to us because we had no contact and now let's take a look at the numbers of passages. 10 is ready, prizes, according to ripples over 9. the files of passes have been detained with $1.00 and
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$3.00 holes without charges or for a while. i meanwhile, according to the human rights association, 200 are under 18. well over a 100 more are women saw her father. so she's the direct to general passing human rights or so she told us earlier, but no matter this a veteran, see all the charges. everyone must be treated according to the law. and of course, not like him, the pull that they comment could all lines deserves to be trailed in the fair trial procedures and into dissolved any and minimum dignity and standards. there are standards and then donors in 11 to guarantee the lights and the dignity of the prisoners and the relevant to what they committed. and is it all and as a stage would be boeing? boy, boy, these rules and standards, the conditions are hardly better and to be honest in bold with the prisons and all
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of the detention facility is the over crowded list of the cells of the rooms. most of the people sleeping on the ground, there is domestic policy, all started ration, cutting goals, the electricity, the guards confiscated over the clones and the property of the detainees. they are adapting to their cells and beating them, accompanied with dogs on daily basis of the points a day. this friday months of the final day of the brigs parliamentary for being held in saint petersburg. the event is focused on inside politics and relations as well as the income of make and cultural interaction. full 100 delegates from across the world are in attendance with a representative from the rigs, members, nations. i'm as well as a number of representative from the commonwealth of independent states taking part in the event hosted by russia. on the sidelines of the forum,
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we spoke with champus of south africa's national council. all the provinces she called for the day putting ties of on brooks nations. this blights ext uh no pressure. that's also think how we believe in mode to less relationships and therefore the better to speak support them. sweet notes here by default, we can choose to be a way that you have taken and therefore we are saying that we need to call that you need see and strings in the width of the brakes you, regardless of how are the countries view us as soft applicants, as south africans, we need to submit that relationship. that's why i'm giving you to give that as breaks the road to be on teams. it will not be easy,
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but we spend fan to our and he's in our and so therefore everything is possible. no changes, ability should count, and the as it happens that would be of assistance. and those, those, those that accept tends to 8 and best for you kind related to pay because of you are unable to confront what these before you. so on the 3 same, let us cement the rest of relationship for the time and of all of us. we are great partners in this place, despite all the pressure and all the challenges that we are facing. we stand together as for the experiment. well, last over masons and i add the weight is great to have your company here on the inside. so my calling mazda of quotes here, will be with you at the top of the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, it is, uh, yeah, that'd be okay. but you to pursue as well. do you have to deal? could you just it is it though i can show that i'm not it's not or not like does he have any business to another with any of those might have difficult 10 kilometers from done. that's the city had been under keeps occupation for 10 years . ukrainian forces transformed of got into a formidable stronghold, which they show peaceful neighborhoods in done. that's lucky if and yes in of us.
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yeah. most residence left the city many with forcibly removed by the ukrainian military. but more than a 1000, the state refusing to abandon the homes. the yeah you, i'm using the most of us won't get the bus. the viola wish the bus out of the, of the one year is the border as well as the story, the media 3 of the scene you ever did. we already made, you know, a form of rescue, stunted taking of the of go residents to safety, just up to the town celebration. today he delivers a to up to you and visits those who become almost family to him. you don't
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hear the game around you. so much as to the but anyway i so the julia go to the so would you global get particularly just get former she almost victory fit seem to click on stuff. what suggests without the examples as do you live? you're going to be a little bit those is that those are the ones that they want to and the things that 6 and the way that those domains and you put all stuff on the email to, you know, reduce this or just using the receive task. got to be a pump in full, but whether they do it does give zillow a new business, which will continue to do most of the the that can i ask you a couple of days come by the way you got started questioning like joshi where you divided us on some of the, by the efforts to record this on the chest. this is a can, i be honest,
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but the great desk love days compared to wiley. selecting it for me, i see the desk. they will have to wait while i recognized you, and i see latham bell, i'm speech child study questioning us. i see the little girls music. it just means it's you know, you did that. you the so do the little guy go the search, the solution you a little do you like this page? the level is that over the internet? well, the basement refuge, 5 days because residence for too long and bitter years now serves as a hospital a no. it though it, well, here's a i mean as new z to them. yeah. to somebody else, i'm 0. mm hm. the eligibility looters,


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