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tv   News  RT  July 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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they were in for an interest in the some of the countries and you'll see people supporting body. what kind of intellect to process is behind these kinds of active use. tom diplomat is blind follows moscow out, plays the block in africa. he says people on the continent would need to be reprogrammed if we take it for granted from india, indian sides with americans outside, a lot of defensive titles. trying to help this relationship. it has washington sands and makes message saying it's ready for a defensive vide to keep its relations with india off the prime minister, movies, warming res, with a lot of it put a new mazda mazda says that the you offered him a, quote,
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the legal censorship deal as the blanca jesus, his social network of failing to comply with european law, the word contributing on coverage of the latest trends, shaping the world right now. this is art international. i a michael question. now the bottom of the field is not just about pens and guns, but it's about a war on people's minds that don't follow the west. a narrative and africans are in the cross hairs. and that's according to the use top diplomatic, joseph brown, who you evidently can't drop his head around. why anyone with support russia? you see when you go to someone's classic on countries, and you'll see people, so 141-4214. what 14 is doing, don't pass saying putting has saved on bus. now for you,
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we to come to off it and save us. what kind of intellectual process is behind these kinds of active duty? while a lot of people invading the networks, a lot of people the same, anything that lies, a lot of people go to nice in their mind to get those elders. then how do you resist against that unit? that different kinds of army you need. people are watching the networks you need people explaining and seems that way. the con, the programming, the you for in the policy chief, joseph role has really once again made an arrow going to college, should use africans that support the restaurant and the support present purchasing that. i think in countries language and people that support the show did not know that important is when done bus is in the case that it is basically is something i was supporting prism which is reducing that the on to the, to the, to just for doing that just for some strange reason,
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the year is still surprised that the african states are completely, i'm willing to take. the waste is called is a very releases with the boscoe. in fact, it's not a single applicant times we had to put sanctions on russia even spoke against russia and that despite christian from the waste and that's on its own for speak to you and speed is the been speaking pieces. this, the whole region is a prime example. even just recently we saw bodies we did, but you know, the, the thing that it's a waste, it continues to, to arrive as a couple of sources. this isn't pretty obvious. nope, that's one of those imperialists consider that. we belong to them, and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states to africa. our continent that suffered so much because of the perio is, this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations to ask because i certainly okay to deepen english is that a nation actually can be,
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does have made it clear that that whole lot comes at the expense of, of getting time to address. yeah, this is the realities that you did that to you hopefully has too much fully realized that and see the luxury and i the time, which is why most people continue to have an advantage over the waste. and i think that unless you have this in itself as an equal, and then i might not just a combined to put to test, it was all the point is that this is so called golden 1000000000, has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been explaining latin america and they've been exploiting the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that. i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries. although it is very important for the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening. they associate our struggle for
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their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in west and at least they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the vampire ball is ending you has a difficulty telling us it's reputation enough for god. the exodus you're seeing in this house who's that as well. and rather than behaving in a humble man to actually try to use the, you know, come to see the met, nobody meeting, comment, see that ethics. and i'm not one of the boss enough to understand the fates that we spoke with on the night jury and presidential last barrow and a demo got it. but he said the western politicians such as borrow did not believe that africans are making independent choices. and dogs can be brainwashed. but that
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approach must change the dispute or just the world on that uh, that is clear, the stitching dock and they don't want to come to africa. natural didn't want to come to the hill, but the biggest problem hovering in the day to come in and, you know, in this i how i'm thinking that was the way of doing that. we had been cutting dollars with devin, this information. joseph or you some hold for a minute statement about western your role as a guide you on the place is a jungle. so perhaps maybe not easy enough for guys to jump photos on these, but coming to my god day. meanwhile, all of these things are lies. why? because if you can tell me about a g, g i, you can tell me about gibbons on you got telling me about the color, the other thing i, the teams the fight tonight is that makes me not to be thinking right. then that
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means usual pressed on your own water authority on your also. so i believe maybe the mid to reduce on more of this done the, you know, by this guy, nobody knew that everyone up with some that doesn't think let them do like then is on their own car. it was ro, completely wrong. so how the gums look at it, but not that is coming to support that is coming to the department to show with the perspective. oh, i'm going to do do go below the center in february or somebody to attempt to do the order. so just updated total, blah, blah blah. when it sees it, you know, government on the home guy was garbage on the board to, you know, this is just come on for us because there is no way it was. went off with guns without the sharp try. you know, a lot of your video or wisdom a little into is the impossible to take the saucers want from
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the india is the relationship with the us is deeper than it's ever being. but the can to be taken for granted that sentiment is, according to the u, as in baset at the india. and it comes on the heels of indian prime minister moody's visit to russia. it's important for us as americans, as indians to remember, the more we put into this relationship, the more we will get out, the more we insist on kind of cynical calculation in a place of trust in relationship the less we will get. but as i also remind my indian friends while it is wide and it is deeper than it's ever bent, it is not yet deep enough. that if we take it for granted from the indian side towards america, outside a lot of defense and titles, trying to help with this relationship ahead. i don't see in the being much he to what eric gar, safety be with him as a door to new delhi. i've had to see because this kind of a reaction from the west and lead or the sort of reaction from the western press has been on the expected lines,
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the sort of meltdown that we've seen in the west. and for us, as far as the wizard of the indian prime minister to russia is concerned now simply because the timing of the particular was it 9 of july when the leader is looking meaning in washington. dc. even need to lead us for the nato summit. perhaps they wanted those features to be dominant for the, for it shows that really what dominant were pictures of the prime minister of the was largest democracy. how getting this within wellness with it and assemble the as the president saw a dot chart here in law school? well, both the leaders reading classes. so the, the significance your role these speech shows isn't meant as a new country. don't believe that. and that's what he saw. so during that sound, like we've also heard from the ukranian president using a harsh words for india and sold at the us state department. we've made clear back
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to every country in the world, including the india that have fed on russia as a long term, reliable partner is not a good. and that's especially true in our view for india, when you talk about moody and food and having what was a very warm embrace. and i think it was more than one the reaction in europe. but particularly in america, what was one of, i'm god, they, they, they was represented moody coming to most good to meet with pretty well why, why do you think that sentiment was in the this is what it does on getting away from the timing of this particular wasn't what we've been given to understand and what for thoughts i'm suggesting is that they would also specials in india to change the timing of this one summit that mr. moody was here for. and in fact, this has been a tradition, the annual summit between new daily and most school for what, while from 2000 october 2000. and this summer, it has happened after 3 years, has been a bit of an ais given the fact that there was a go with dynamic and then the war. but any way this was, it was extremely significant given the timing here. and interestingly,
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when the, the western leaders were trying to send out the message that rushes isolated, we saw under the new movie, standing shoulder to shoulder with the, with the president part of the get when indians hear the word, russia. the 1st words that's come to their minds or india is companion in happiness . and then soto me on the line your that relationship with reading in the west, in the past few months have been somewhat stream given the fact tom, especially with the issue of the call us on a separate, is who into, in canada, who's opening, leaving threatening india and do need or should. so this was it also needs to be looked at from that perspective. whistler, india giving a message out. so this is your messaging, your perhaps not the messaging that the leaders in the world, the rest of the country is warranty? yeah, there was, there was almost, i mean that perhaps maybe i'm over shooting ahead with that. i think that was
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almost a sense of jealousy coming out of washington. you know, to the staging this big nato summit just wrapped up, but they wanted moody to be in washington not to be in moscow hugging fruits in and at the end of the day, you with that in the kremlin, in the hallowed halls of the kremlin. you are right, i was putting in body. you are part of us, special coverage for the injury appointment is just visit here to india. i mean, let me ask you to engine. how did it go? i would say it was a successful one. let me point out to you all that while the relationship between new deleon, our school has always been warm, has always been very strong and solid. but it's been more of a political relationship that we've seen for the decade spot after the war. new queen started on the subsequent sciences. we've seen the trade go off the oil that india has been consuming the, the influence they've gone up what some 20 times higher than what you've seen before. the conflict and ukraine had started. so in fact, the tree, it has been about $10000000000.00 from some $10000000.00 to now we're talking about
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a $100000000000.00. so this really was a successful with it in that sense that we spoke with former indian and bassett and consul general. and managers said who conferred the united states was deeply concerned about motives visit to russia. there is no doubt that this visit to the movie to the show was very, very important. resulted in the late in photo strengthening this goal, starting with the certificate in good shape is lost. i mean, partnership, especially partnerships if you've had the use the understand each other to a large extent or many issue. ready no st. how's it going? important as paper one, the talk it's it $400000000000.00 is, is excellent and i think we can reach this. but at the same time, in the nation to put a trade in balance is typically not in the house. the us looking at it,
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i think there has been some concern from this side. there will be not to do because it just, you know, the timing, but the need to somebody took it as a, as a director to those to your messages. i don't think there was any messaging on your side, that's what i believe. i believe they should do it and catch them up if it was usually convenient for you guys to meet at this point of time. and the new to so much is the same time, but i don't think i don't think it might do that. there was any messages until the united states now hunger is broad menace that has met with donald trump in florida . following the latest summit in washington, hunger and lead previously met with the last keen key of putting in moscow and evil, just aging thing, and begging his eyes. he is on the piece measured in the crate in conflict. longer in palm minutes, i think the all button posted on social media that he and sean, this cost of ways to restore peace between russia and ukraine. drum has expressed
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intentions to end. the conflict is once again elected to be the us president. i saw him european powers, however, have openly condemned all buns to the jump, the wind, as far as to say that all buns, actions, of course, the collateral damage. we must see how hungry is chairman ship and the council will proceed in the future. we are now on the 12 of the hun, gary and chairmanship, and it has already left behind a lot of collateral damage. poetry or bon, takes the hell of the rotating presidency of the council of the european union. so all the ministers of all the member states and or mon ends up seizing the opportunity to run all around the globe, talking to people with views that actually diverge from the establishment. russian president vladimir putin, she's in pinion, china,
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and now former and potential future us president donald trump. this week during a trip to the us for the new summit. effectively demonstrating a bit of tolerance and openness to argue logical diversity to supposedly western democratic values. and he's apparently writing up these discussions and confidential reports to european council president, chef and michelle, and also other you brass doing the job that none of them could be bothered to do because they're too busy. virtue signaling europe into more, more complex and the establishment promptly freaks out about at all. mister orland does not represent neither nato nor hughes position. it good seems that he's abusing his position as a, as a presiding country, but in no way, he's representing neither my country nor the no the european union that has an e. u. member, i do have a message along with many other e u leaders. so i think you should be capitalism,
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not means using the presidency for doing trips that could be considered to be looked upon as as a speak you for the, for the whole of you, i think that is a, that is a mistake. and i think the hungry now that we re, the, the reactions they actually have asked for. well, these guys sound a little bit triggered, clear your bond is reading there. no safe space. there are no reports coming out of the western price of the used stablish moment, wants to punish or bind for his outreach efforts and threatening it's 6 months rotating mandate. quick someone actually is doing some work over year, can have that. when the french president, $800.00 in mac, hall, had the same gig during that 6 month french rotating presidency, he had a logo made that looked like it incorporated a stylized version of his initials, e and m. pretty groundbreaking stuff did absolute wonders for the lives of
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europeans, that the only ones were allowed to get anything done of substance and brussels. or i'm elected cleaners sort of underlying and her bureaucratic battalion making right policy to get shopped in front of you. law makers and well, they are actually democratically accountable to any voters themselves. anyway, oregon and his team really don't seem to phase filed the strong the right now. who supports us and brought sol, solved gays congress peacekeeping mission. so they'll know attacking congress your opinion, you and check them and see if they haven't given prime minister himself piece is necessary and for the sake of peace, we must act while or bonds, even establishment critics are having a meltdown. one thing that he does have on his side is that his 6 months rotating presidency may be over before the you ever gets around to figuring out what the heck to do with them. and especially on what grounds like where in his job description, does it actually say that he can't go on fact finding missions in favor of peace
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guests are not used to someone actually doing something useful in this particular role. he long mosque expose this quote to illegal signs or should be offered to haven't bothered you. he says they've refused and that's top of the block and choose the social network of failing to comply with european law. to day we issue for the 1st time, preliminary findings under the digital services act. in our view acts does not comply with a d. s a in key transparency areas by using dog patterns and best misleading users by state and to provide an adequate ad repository. and by blocking access to data for the searchers, the d. s a has transparency edits very core, and we had to tell them and to ensure that all platforms, including acts comply with you legislation. the repeating commission offered acts an illegal secret deal. if we quietly sunset speech without telling anyone they
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will not find us. the other platforms except that the deal acts did not let's not cross the r d curse, but ended caleb mopping, joining us live from new york. and i was good to have you join us tonight and i know now what kind of deal is elaine moss talking about, can you shed more light on this? so we have the digital commission of the european union. that is saying that the social media site x, which is owned by alon mazda, is a haven for this information and illegal concepts. uh, and they are looking to take action against the social media outlet. now ilan mosque is coming forward and saying that they offered a back room deal in order to avoid this legal showdown. however, we have the european union coming forward and insisting that no such offer was made . this isn't the case. there has never been and will never be any secret
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deal with anyone. the dsa provides x and any large platform with the possibility to offer commitments to settle a case. see you in court or not. that's the european union's internal market commissioner. just giving a flat out denial of what we heard from the fire brands the all along mosque now came up, but did you provide any specific examples of the so called misinformation or social network? well, their main complaint revolves around the blue check marks that are used to note twitter users that have been verified. uh, that was the main point of contention. they argued that a blue check mark indicates that someone is uh, is trustworthy. uh, and that that is now not consistently true. this is to quote the e report. here's what they said. back in the day,
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blue checks used to mean trustworthy sources of information. now with x or preliminary view is that they deceive users and infringe on the dsa. we also consider that x is ads repository, and conditions for data access by researchers are not in line with the dsa, transparency requirements x has now the right of defense. but if our view is confirmed, we will impose fines and require significant changes. now, fire brands, the all on mosque is ready to throw down. he said, we expect to have a fully public court battle, so the europeans can know the truth. now, the company will have the opportunity to review the findings and submit a formal response, but they're being charged infringements of the digital security, sir, i'm sorry, the digital services act. they are charged with violating it. and if these charges
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go forward, they can base by. 7 ends of up to 6 percent of their global revenue. that's the global revenue of the ex app, formerly known as twitter. now, the digital services act was put into practice and put into law by the european union with the intention to protect users against extreme concepts. now they did make clear at the european union uh that the various social media websites they would have time to adapt and conform to the legislation. but they would not be exempted from it. and that they would be held accountable under this legislation if they do not comply. now, at this point, the european union is saying that acts as the highest ratio of this information of all the social media platforms, but actually is not the only outlet that's being investigated. ali express meadows, facebook, instagram and tick tock are also having alleged problems uh, raised, uh,
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such as insufficient consumer protection, as well as a deputy of algorithms that are not good for the mental health of users. so it's interesting to see what all of this means as the digital security, i'm sorry, the digital services act goes into effect. and we have firebrand, ceo alon moss coo thunderously bought twitter and transformed into acs, saying he's just not having it. and the back room deals were offered right, hardy correspondence, collab mopping in new york, bringing us up to speed here. and now 3 people have been killed in a plane crash in the moscow region. and that's according to the local authorities. this image is off from the aftermath of the tragedy, and this will coy, super jets, lajna, went down the big city of cullum. now the cause appear to be the simpleton is failure of both engines. now forward he said,
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all the victims with crew members that were attacks on civilians like these don't make the headlines for western viewers who are flooded with pro ukrainian news. but ronald bought yeah. who's an american volunteer in russia has his eyes wide open on it as he spoke about america's role in escalating the conflict in an interview to r. t is more rob, guys be a will be showing the full version throughout the day. but for now, here's the highlights. my feelings have gotten stronger, especially as the united states. it continues to escalate its involvement in ukraine. i think that the united states and the other western countries continue while the specialty of the other western countries just do with the united states. says, you know, so i consider that the entire ukraine war to be 100 percent. the fault of the united states. and when things like what happened the other day and uh,
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some basketball happen. it just, it just makes me even angrier actually because i consider, i consider what happened. and so they asked for a direct attack of the united states against russia. we were actually on, on the receiving end, but it seemed to have some, uh, a high mazda nissan, impacted about 7 uses where the hotel we, we was staying at almost flattened the flu. so people being that and there was no ministry there's, there's no one in the uniform or with a gun even in the hotel at the top. so suddenly i know i'm pleasant experience, but you want to go to the new. that's correct. i've been there before, right? i possibly could go back again as just an observer and what would you do? so we would you blog. oh feel um probably i thought about going back and just doing volunteer work there's. there's a lot of volunteer work that needs to be done. what about as
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a volunteer you you for the on the all that i also considered in fact i did submit my application to join the russian army. then she respond. i haven't. no, i haven't heard back from you was 63. yeah, that's the best i mean, you've kept good. kept good. yeah. that's. that's one of the big problems. yeah, the problem is i don't speak russian very well. so yeah, i don't know if they'll call me, but i, i thought that i could be of some use to them. i mean i, i can certainly drive a truck. i can't say i, i would look forward to being on the front lines. i don't think anybody is right in mind. we look forward to having that experience, right. but if i'm called on to do it, i'll do it. and especially, especially if the united states of the west gets involved directly. how do you feel? knowing that the united states government has sent americans to die in the kettle. i feel how would you feel? i feel angry. i would feel angry. i feel angry now i would feel even more angry
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then because like i said, they do not belong there. they've got enough problems in their home country. they've spent how many trillions on these wars in the last 30 years. what could they have done with that money? it's money. they don't have by the way, they have to print it. so they're stealing from their kids. this money that they're printing, that they could have done, who knows what with, with high speed rails and solar panels on every route they could have done this whole green new deal. they could have put in free health care for everybody. but instead, what does the united states do? the united states goes around the world, destroying people and killing things. that's what they do. there's one thing that i hope, by the end of my career, i will have conveyed the people it is how terrible how terrible will is that it is . yeah, that may put them on said ease of the last resort, right. the last resort. busy every effort must be made. every effort must be made
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to avoid coming to what we have come to. do you have any optimism that that will be in a wakening that, you know, people will come to the senses of the west and decide that you to it is better to agree. it is better to negotiate to come to a mutual settlement even if it does involve compromises on both sides. i'm not optimistic. yeah, i'm sorry. i'm not optimistic about it. i. i have a feeling that it's the only way it's ever gonna stop is if is if they actually feel some pain, one way or another. so it's unfortunately, i think the way things are going. i hope i'm wrong, but i think this is going to escalate into a much wider war for an r t that com is where you can get details of all the stories are following this out . i'll see you again by now the,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence, and the point obviously, is to create a trust, rather than see it the various job. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have so many of the payment the robot must protect this phone existence was alexis, the.


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